forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
391 lines
9.6 KiB
391 lines
9.6 KiB
format binary as ""
org 0
; ================================================================
db 'MENUET01'
dd 1
dd I_END
dd MEM
dd 0, 0
; ================================================================
include '../../'
START: ; start of execution
call draw_window ; draw the window
mov eax, 10 ; function 10 : wait until event
mcall ; event type is returned in eax
cmp eax, 1 ; Event redraw request ˜
je red ; Expl.: there has been activity on screen and
; parts of the applications has to be redrawn.
cmp eax, 2 ; Event key in buffer ˜
je key ; Expl.: User has pressed a key while the
; app is at the top of the window stack.
cmp eax, 3 ; Event button in buffer ˜
je button ; Expl.: User has pressed one of the
; applications buttons.
jmp event_wait
red: ; Redraw event handler
call draw_window ; We call the window_draw function and
jmp event_wait ; jump back to event_wait
key: ; Keypress event handler
mov eax, 2 ; The key is returned in ah. The key must be
mcall ; read and cleared from the system queue.
jmp event_wait ; Just read the key, ignore it and jump to event_wait.
button: ; Buttonpress event handler
mov eax, 17 ; The button number defined in window_draw
cmp ah, 1
jne .button_b
mov eax, -1
cmp ah, 0x0B
jne .button_c
mov [charset], 0x80
mov [curr_cs], cp6x9
call draw_update
jmp event_wait
cmp ah, 0x0C
jne .button_d
mov [charset], 0x90
mov [curr_cs], cp8x16
call draw_update
jmp event_wait
cmp ah, 0x0D
jne .button_e
mov [charset], 0xA0
mov [curr_cs], utf16le
call draw_update
jmp event_wait
cmp ah, 0x0E
jne .button_f
mov [charset], 0xB0
mov [curr_cs], utf8
call draw_update
jmp event_wait
cmp ah, 0x0F
jne .button_10
mov bl, [page]
dec bl
mov [page], bl
mov cx, [letter]
mov ch, bl
mov [letter], cx
call draw_update
jmp event_wait
cmp ah, 0x10
jne event_wait
mov bl, [page]
inc bl
mov [page], bl
mov cx, [letter]
mov ch, bl
mov [letter], cx
call draw_update
jmp event_wait
jmp event_wait
mcall 12, 1
mcall 48, 3, window_colors, 40
mcall , 4
push eax
; push eax
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 100 * 65536 + 436
; pop ecx
; add ecx, 100 * 65536 + 495
mov ecx, 100 * 65536 + 518
mov edx, []
add edx, 0x34000000
mov edi, title
pop esi
add esi, 495
mcall 67, -1, -1, -1,
call draw_base
call draw_update
mcall 12, 2
; ================================================================
; unchangeble base - table, headers and buttons
;light table background
; mcall 13, 0x0009019A, 0x0009019A, []
; table borders lines
mcall 13, 0x0008019B, 0x00080001, [window_colors.work_text]
mcall , , 0x00210001,
mcall , , 0x01A20001,
mcall , 0x00080001, 0x0008019A,
mcall , 0x00210001, ,
mcall , 0x01A20001, ,
; horizontal table headers
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 0x0026000E
mov ecx, [window_colors.work_text]
add ecx, 0x90000000
mov esi, 16
mov edx, header
mov dx, [header]
add dx, 0x0100
cmp dx, 0x3A2D
jne .hx_af
add dx, 0x0700
mov [header], dx
add ebx, 0x00180000
dec esi
jnz .loop_hx
; vertical headers
mov ebx, 0x000D0027
mov esi, 16
mov [header], 0x2D30
mov edx, header
mov dx, [header]
add dx, 0x0001
cmp dx, 0x2D3A
jne .hy_af
add dx, 0x0007
mov [header], dx
add ebx, 0x00000018
dec esi
jnz .loop_hy
; reset headers
mov [header], 0x302D
; charsets change buttons
mcall 8, 0x0008005F, 0x01AB0017, 0x0000000B, [window_colors.work_button]
mcall , 0x0071005F, , 0x0000000C,
mcall , 0x00DA005F, , 0x0000000D,
mcall , 0x0143005F, , 0x0000000E,
; page swap buttons
mcall , 0x016B0017, 0x01CB0017, 0x0000000F,
mcall , 0x018B0017, , 0x00000010,
; charsets change buttons subscriptions
mov ecx, [window_colors.work_button_text]
add ecx, 0xB0000000
mcall 4, 0x001401B0, , cp6x9
mcall , 0x007901B0, , cp8x16
mcall , 0x00DE01B0, , utf16le
mcall , 0x014B01B0, , utf8
; page swap buttons subscriptions
mcall , 0x017201D0, , left
mcall , 0x019301D0, , right
; changable data: current charset, page and letters
; current charset and charpage
; temporary, background for letters
mcall 13, 0x00220180, 0x00220180, []
; current charpage
mov esi, [window_colors.work_text]
add esi, 0x50000000
mcall 47, 0x00020101, page, 0x000D000E, , []
; current charset
mov ecx, [window_colors.work_text]
add ecx, 0xD0000000
mcall 4, 0x000801D0, , [curr_cs], , []
; 16x16 table of letters
; mov eax, 4
;different coordinates for 6x9 charset
mov bl, [charset]
cmp bl, 0x80
jne .char_big
mov ebx, 0x002C002A
jmp .char_draw
mov ebx, 0x002A0027
mov cl, [charset]
shl ecx, 24
add ecx, [window_colors.work_text]
mov esi, 16
; letters draw loop
mov edi, 16
mov edx, letter
cmp [curr_cs], utf8
jne .skip_lx
;utf 8 to 16
xor edx, edx
mov dx, [letter]
push esi
mov esi, letutf
call utf16to8
pop esi
mov edx, letutf
mov dx, [letter]
add dx, 0x01
mov [letter], dx
add ebx, 0x00180000
dec edi
jnz .loop_lx
; start new row of letters
sub ebx, 0x017FFFE8
dec esi
jnz .loop_ly
; reset letter from 0x0100 to 0x0000
mov dx, [letter]
dec dh
mov [letter], dx
; edx = num
; esi -> buffer, size 4
push eax ecx edx
xor ecx, ecx
mov dword [esi], 0
or ecx, 3
mov eax, 0x80808000 + 11110000b
cmp edx, 0x00010000
jae @f
mov eax, 0x00808000 + 11100000b
dec ecx
cmp edx, 0x00000800
jae @f
mov eax, 0x00008000 + 11000000b
dec ecx
cmp edx, 0x00000080
jae @f
mov eax, edx
dec ecx
mov [esi], eax
mov eax, edx
and eax, 0x3F
shr edx, 6
or byte[esi + ecx], al
dec ecx
jns @b
pop edx ecx eax
; ================================================================
title db "Charset Checker 0.2.5", 0
cp6x9 db "CP866 6x9 ", 0
cp8x16 db "CP866 8x16 ", 0
utf16le db "UTF-16 8x16", 0
utf8 db "UTF-8 8x16 ", 0
left db "<", 0
right db ">", 0
header dw 0x302D, 0 ; "-0" symbols
letter dw 0x0000, 0
letutf dd 0x00000000, 0
charset db 0xB0
page db 0x00
curr_cs dd utf8
window_colors system_colors
;window_height dd 0x00000000
; ================================================================
rb 4096
align 16