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BGIFONT.INC v1.0 beta
Written in pure assembler by Ivushkin Andrey aka Willow
At present Menuet operation system has poor means to draw charaters. Its
distro contains 2 raster fonts (CHAR.MT & CHAR2.MT files). The kernel supports
them internally. That is Jarek Pelczar who makes certain efforts to develop
scalable TTF-like fonts but huge Menuet C Library does not become widespread
inside our assembly-written OS. Bulgarian MenuetOS team also tries to include
third scalable font into the kernel, though, as far as I know, its characters
are still under design and are incomplete. Therefore Bulgarian developing is
not valuable for ordinary users. It is obvious that scalable fonts will help
to develop such products as browsers and word processors where character
formatting is of great importance.
Let me introduce for public domain an include file BGIFONT.INC to process
vector fonts (*.CHR) worked out by famous Borland Corporation to use in Turbo
Pascal, Turbo C and Borland C++ compilers under MS-DOS. Sorry, I still fail to
add BGI font support into kernel - deeper knowledge on memory allocation and
system calls needed. I hope that Menuet system programmers will be glad to help
me. Module compiling within kernel is supposed using constant BGI_LEVEL equ
KERNEL. By means of conditional compiling it will be possible to use the module
at both kernel and application levels. Following is concerned using the include
file while programming an application.
BGI fonts may reside in any folder on HD or RD. They are searched using value
of constant BGI_PATH. If constant BGI_WINDOW_CLIP is equal to 1, module routines
perform window bounds check to avoid artifacts while drawing. Use this if you
aren't sure that strings are fit in window. All BGIFONT.INC routines are
declared as macros, that is they are used without "call". To load 11 fonts into
application's memory a contiguous free space up to 120 kb is needed. When
loading, font data relocation is performed to save memory. Let us see a chart:
| Font | | BGIrec | | Font | | BGIrec | | Font | | BGIrec |
| counter | | structure| | data | | structure| | data | | structure| ...
| (1 byte)| | | | | |
| ------------->------ -------------->----- ----------
- referenced by [BGIfont_Ptr]
BGIrec structure fields have following meaning:
+00 dword .FontName font name (4 characters)
+04 byte .CharsCount amount of font characters
+05 byte .FirstChar code of the first character present
+06 byte .UpperMargin high bound of characters
+07 byte .LowerMargin low bound of characters
+08 dword .Widths offset to width array
+12 dword .FirstData offset to vector table
+16 dword .EOF pointer to the following BGIrec
+20 dword .font_data here font data begin
Font loading and verification are carried out by BGIfont_Prepare procedure.
in: EDX - font name (4 characters) to be loaded. It must to be the same as
the font filename (without extension)
EDI - address to where font have to be loaded. Used only for the
first time. Then you may find this value in [BGIfont_Ptr]
out: EAX=0, if an error occured, otherwise EAX is identifier (ID) of the
loaded font. Later it is possible to get font ID with BGIfont_GetID
For the simultaneous loading of few fonts you may use BGIfont_Init routine.
in: ESI - pointer to array of font names (for example db 'TRIPSIMPEURO')
ECX is amount of fonts to load
EDI - see BGIfont_Prepare
out: nothing.
To load 10 standard fonts the module defines an array BGIfont_names (see in
BGITEST for usage demonstration).
For compatibility and subsequent kernel introduction, the module offers 2
routines for drawing vector characters. One of them uses registers (like sysfunc
4), another uses a structure.
in: EAX - "pivot point" of a string [x] shl 16+[y]
ECX - text color and font size 0xXYRRGGBB,
where X - vector font ID(4..F),
Y - size of caracters divided by 4, e.g. 0x1 - 1/4 of
ordinary size, 0xC - triple size.
EDX - pointer to the string
ESI - string length + formatting flags (see below). BGI_ITALIC and
BGI_NODRAW flags are ignored.
out: EAX - coords at the end of the string drawn [x] shl 16+[y].
As you can see, BGIfont_Outtext is similar to the 4th system function,
but provides an extended management of drawing symbols.
The most complete use of vector fonts is provided by BGIfont_Freetext routine.
Parameters are passed in a BGIfree structure.
BGIfree structure fields have following meaning:
+00 dword font name (4 characters)
+04 dword "pivot point" of a string [x] shl 16+[y]
+08 dword turn angle (clockwise, 0 is horizontal)
+12 dword X scale (floating point value!)
+16 dword Y scale (floating point value!)
+20 dword pointer to the string
+24 dword string length WITHOUT formatting flags
+28 dword text color 0x00RRGGBB
+32 dword formatting flags
The module defines following formatting flags:
BGI_NODRAW - do not draw
BGI_ITALIC - italic
BGI_BOLD - bold
BGI_HALEFT - left alignment
BGI_HARIGHT - right alignment
BGI_HACENTER - center alignment
BGI_VABOTTOM - bottom alignment
BGI_VATOP - top alignment
BGI_VACENTER - middle vertical alignment
Combination of flags can be performed by addition or the OR operation.
in: EBX - pointer to BGIfree structure
out: EAX coords at the end of the string drawn [x] shl 16+[y].
BGIfont_GetID routine returns font ID by its name.
in: EDX - font name (4 characters)
out: EAX - ID of the font
EDI - pointer on font's BGIrec structure.
Using functions of BGIFONT.INC module is demonstrated by BGITEST app.
Todo list:
1. An insidious bug sometimes shows up while loading multiple fonts (as in
BGITEST), that corrupts some characters. It disappears when font loading
order is changed... :-(
2. To correct a hardly reproduceable bug when moving along the font list.
3. To perfect drawing of bold fonts.
4. To add number drawing routines.