/* Tiny Basic Intermediate Language Interpreter -- 2004 July 19 */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>  /* added 08 Oct 31 */

#include <conio.h>

char *ExplainErr(int code);

/* Default input/output file names, if defined (omit otherwise)... */
#define DefaultInputFile "TBasm.txt"
#define DefaultOutputFile "TBout.txt"

/* File input/output function macros (adjust for C++ framework) */
#define FileType           FILE*
#define IoFileClose(fi)    fclose(fi)
#define InFileChar(fi)     CfileRead(fi)
#define OutFileChar(fi,ch) fputc(ch,fi)
#define ScreenChar(ch)     con_printf("%c",ch)
#define KeyInChar          (char)getchar()
#define NeedsEcho          true
#define BreakTest          Broken

/* File input/output function macros (Qt examples:) */
/* #define FileType           QFile* */
/* #define IoFileClose(fi)    fi->close() */
/* #define InFileChar(fi)     (fi->atEnd()?'\0':fi->getch()) */
/* #define OutFileChar(fi,ch) fi->putch(ch) */

char CfileRead(FileType fi) {   /* C file reader, returns '\0' on eof */
  int chn = fgetc(fi);
  if (chn == EOF) return '\0';
  return (char)chn;} /* ~CfileRead */

/* Constants: */

#define aByte unsigned char
#define CoreTop 65536 /* Core size */
#define UserProg 32   /* Core address of front of Basic program */
#define EndUser 34    /* Core address of end of stack/user space */
#define EndProg 36    /* Core address of end of Basic program */
#define GoStkTop 38   /* Core address of Gosub stack top */
#define LinoCore 40   /* Core address of "Current BASIC line number" */
#define ILPCcore 42   /* Core address of "IL Program Counter" */
#define BPcore 44     /* Core address of "Basic Pointer" */
#define SvPtCore 46   /* Core address of "Saved Pointer" */
#define InLine 48     /* Core address of input line */
#define ExpnStk 128   /* Core address of expression stack (empty) */
#define TabHere 191   /* Core address of output line size, for tabs */
#define WachPoint 255 /* Core address of debug watchpoint USR */
#define ColdGo 256    /* Core address of nominal restart USR */
#define WarmGo 259    /* Core address of nominal warm start USR */
#define InchSub 262   /* Core address of nominal char input USR */
#define OutchSub 265  /* Core address of nominal char output USR */
#define BreakSub 268  /* Core address of nominal break test USR */
#define DumpSub 273   /* Core address of debug core dump USR */
#define PeekSub 276   /* Core address of nominal byte peek USR */
#define Peek2Sub 277  /* Core address of nominal 2-byte peek USR */
#define PokeSub 280   /* Core address of nominal byte poke USR */
#define TrLogSub 283  /* Core address of debug trace log USR */
#define BScode 271    /* Core address of backspace code */
#define CanCode 272   /* Core address of line cancel code */
#define ILfront 286   /* Core address of IL code address */
#define BadOp 15      /* illegal op, default IL code */
  /* Pascal habits die hard.. */
#define true 1
#define false 0

/* debugging stuff... */
#define DEBUGON 1     /* 1 enables \t Debugging toggle, 0 disables */
#define LOGSIZE 4096  /* how much to log */
static int Debugging = 0;    /* >0 enables debug code */
int DebugLog[LOGSIZE];       /* quietly logs recent activity */
int LogHere = 0;             /* current index in DebugLog */
int Watcher = 0, Watchee;    /* memory watchpoint */

/* Static/global data: */
aByte Core[CoreTop];    /* everything goes in here */
aByte DeCaps[128];      /* capitalization table */
int Lino, ILPC;         /* current line #, IL program counter */
int BP, SvPt;           /* current, saved TB parse pointer */
int SubStk, ExpnTop;    /* stack pointers */
int InLend, SrcEnd;     /* current input line & TB source end */
int UserEnd;
int ILend, XQhere;      /* end of IL code, start of execute loop */
int Broken = false;     /* =true to stop execution or listing */
FileType inFile = NULL; /* from option '-i' or user menu/button */
FileType oFile = NULL;  /* from option '-o' or user menu/button */

/************************* Memory Utilities.. *************************/

void Poke2(int loc, int valu) {         /* store integer as two bytes */
  Core[loc] = (aByte)((valu>>8)&255);         /* nominally Big-Endian */
  Core[loc+1] = (aByte)(valu&255);} /* ~Poke2 */

int Peek2(int loc) {                  /* fetch integer from two bytes */
  return ((int)Core[loc])*256 + ((int)Core[loc+1]);} /* ~Peek2 */

/************************** I/O Utilities... **************************/

void Ouch(char ch) {                         /* output char to stdout */
  if (oFile != NULL) {                   /* there is an output file.. */
    if (ch>=' ') OutFileChar(oFile,ch);
    else if (ch == '\r') OutFileChar(oFile,'\n');}
  if (ch=='\r') {
    Core[TabHere] = 0;         /* keep count of how long this line is */
  else if (ch>=' ') if (ch<='~') {  /* ignore non-print control chars */
    ScreenChar(ch);}} /* ~Ouch */

char Inch(void) {          /* read input character from stdin or file */
  char ch;
  if (inFile != NULL) {        /* there is a file to get input from.. */
    ch = InFileChar(inFile);
    if (ch == '\n') ch = '\r';
    if (ch == '\0') {          /* switch over to console input at eof */
      inFile = NULL;}
    else {
      Ouch(ch);         /* echo input to screen (but not output file) */
      return ch;}}
  ch = KeyInChar;                             /* get input from stdin */

  // ---Leency 
  // int __stdcall con_getch(void);
  // For normal characters function returns ASCII-code. 
  // For extended characters (eg, Fx, and arrows), first function call 
  // returns 0 and second call returns the extended code (similar to the 
  // DOS-function input). Starting from version 7, after closing the 
  // console window, this function returns 0.
  if (ch == 0) {
      ch = (char)con_getch(); 
      if (ch == 0) exit(0);  /* Kolibri specific - user closed window */
      return 0;              /* Do not show anything on press extchar */

  if (ch==13) con_printf ("\n");
  if (ch==8) con_printf ("\b ");
  if (NeedsEcho) ScreenChar(ch);   /* alternative input may need this */
  if (oFile != NULL) OutFileChar(oFile,ch); /* echo it to output file */
  if (ch == '\n') {
    ch = '\r';                     /* convert line end to TB standard */
    Core[TabHere] = 0;}                          /* reset tab counter */
  return ch;} /* ~Inch */

int StopIt(void) {return BreakTest;}   /* ~StopIt, .. not implemented */

void OutStr(char* theMsg) {         /* output a string to the console */
  while (*theMsg != '\0') Ouch(*theMsg++);} /* ~OutStr */

void OutLn(void) {            /* terminate output line to the console */
  OutStr("\r");} /* ~OutLn */

void OutInt(int theNum) {           /* output a number to the console */
  if (theNum<0) {
    theNum = -theNum;}
  if (theNum>9) OutInt(theNum/10);
  Ouch((char)(theNum%10+48));} /* ~OutInt */

/*********************** Debugging Utilities... ***********************/

void OutHex(int num, int nd) {  /* output a hex number to the console */
  if (nd>1) OutHex(num>>4, nd-1);
  num = num&15;
  if (num>9) Ouch((char)(num+55));
    else Ouch((char)(num+48));} /* ~OutHex */

void ShowSubs(void) {       /* display subroutine stack for debugging */
  int ix;
  OutLn(); OutStr(" [Stk "); OutHex(SubStk,5);
  for (ix=SubStk; ix<UserEnd; ix++) {
    OutStr(" ");
  OutStr("]");} /* ~ShowSubs */

void ShowExSt(void) {       /* display expression stack for debugging */
  int ix;
  OutLn(); OutStr(" [Exp "); OutHex(ExpnTop,3);
  if ((ExpnTop&1)==0) for (ix=ExpnTop; ix<ExpnStk; ix++) {
    OutStr(" ");
  else for (ix=ExpnTop; ix<ExpnStk; ix++) {
  OutStr("]");} /* ~ShowExSt */

void ShowVars(int whom) {               /* display vars for debugging */
  int ix, valu = 1, prior = 1;
  if (whom==0) whom = 26; else {
    whom = (whom>>1)&31;             /* whom is a specified var, or 0 */
    valu = whom;}
  OutLn(); OutStr("  [Vars");
  for (ix=valu; ix<=whom; ix++) {  /* all non-zero vars, or else whom */
    valu = (int)((short)Peek2(ix*2+ExpnStk));
    if (valu==0) if (prior==0) continue;          /* omit multiple 0s */
    prior = valu;
    OutStr(" ");
    Ouch((char)(ix+64));                             /* show var name */
  OutStr("]");} /* ~ShowVars */

void ShoMemDump(int here, int nlocs) {     /* display hex memory dump */
  int temp, thar = here&-16;
  while (nlocs>0) {
    temp = thar;
    OutStr(": ");
    while (thar<here) {OutStr("   "); thar++;}
    do {
      OutStr(" ");
      if (nlocs-- >0) OutHex(Core[here],2);
        else OutStr("  ");}
      while (++here%16 !=0);
    OutStr("  ");
    while (temp<thar) {OutStr(" "); temp++;}
    while (thar<here) {
      if (nlocs<0) if ((thar&15) >= nlocs+16) break;
      temp = Core[thar++];
      if (temp == (int)'\r') Ouch('\\');
      else if (temp<32) Ouch('`');
      else if (temp>126) Ouch('~');
        else Ouch((char)temp);}}
  OutLn();} /* ~ShoMemDump */

void ShoLogVal(int item) {   /* format & output one activity log item */
  int valu = DebugLog[item];
  if (valu < -65536) {                         /* store to a variable */
  else if (valu < -32768) {                                /* error # */
    OutStr("Err ");
  else if (valu<0) {                 /* only logs IL sequence changes */
    OutStr("  IL+");
  else if (valu<65536) {                          /* TinyBasic line # */
  else {                                          /* poke memory byte */
    OutInt(valu>>16);}} /* ~ShoLogVal */

void ShowLog(void) {            /* display activity log for debugging */
  int ix;
  OutStr("*** Activity Log @ ");
  OutStr(" ***");
  if (LogHere >= LOGSIZE)   /* circular, show only last 4K activities */
    for (ix=(LogHere&(LOGSIZE-1)); ix<LOGSIZE; ix++) ShoLogVal(ix);
  for (ix=0; ix<(LogHere&(LOGSIZE-1)); ix++) ShoLogVal(ix);
  OutLn();} /* ~ShowLog */

void LogIt(int valu) {          /* insert this valu into activity log */
  DebugLog[(LogHere++)&(LOGSIZE-1)] = valu;}

/************************ Utility functions... ************************/

void WarmStart(void) {                 /* initialize existing program */
  UserEnd = Peek2(EndUser);
  SubStk = UserEnd;            /* empty subroutine, expression stacks */
  ExpnTop = ExpnStk;
  Lino = 0;                                        /* not in any line */
  ILPC = 0;                                      /* start IL at front */
  SvPt = InLine;
  BP = InLine;
  Core[BP] = 0;
  Core[TabHere] = 0;
  InLend = InLine;} /* ~WarmStart */

void ColdStart(void) {                 /* initialize program to empty */
  if (Peek2(ILfront) != ILfront+2) ILend = Peek2(ILfront)+0x800;
  Poke2(UserProg,(ILend+255)&-256);   /* start Basic shortly after IL */
  if (CoreTop>65535) {
  else Poke2(EndUser,CoreTop);
  SrcEnd = Peek2(UserProg);
  Poke2(EndProg,++SrcEnd);} /* ~ColdStart */

void TBerror(void) {                      /* report interpreter error */
  if (ILPC == 0) return;                       /* already reported it */
  OutStr("Tiny Basic error #");          /* IL address is the error # */
  // siemargl - add textual explain
  OutStr(" - ");
  if (Lino>0) {                          /* Lino=0 if in command line */
    OutStr(" at line ");
  if (Debugging>0) {                /* some extra info if debugging.. */
    OutStr(" [BP=");
    OutStr(", TB@");
    OutStr(", IL@");
  Lino = 0;                           /* restart interpreter at front */
  ExpnTop = ExpnStk;                   /* with empty expression stack */
  ILPC = 0;       /* cheap error test; interp reloads it from ILfront */
  BP = InLine;} /* ~TBerror */

void PushSub(int valu) {               /* push value onto Gosub stack */
  if (SubStk<=SrcEnd) TBerror(); /* overflow: bumped into program end */
  else {
    SubStk = SubStk-2;
  if (Debugging>0) ShowSubs();} /* ~PushSub */

int PopSub(void) {                       /* pop value off Gosub stack */
  if (SubStk>=Peek2(EndUser)-1) {   /* underflow (nothing in stack).. */
    return -1;}
  else {
      if (Debugging>1) ShowSubs();
    SubStk = SubStk+2;
    return Peek2(SubStk-2);}} /* ~PopSub */

void PushExBy(int valu) {          /* push byte onto expression stack */
  if (ExpnTop<=InLend) TBerror(); /* overflow: bumped into input line */
    else Core[--ExpnTop] = (aByte)(valu&255);
  if (Debugging>0) ShowExSt();} /* ~PushExBy */

int PopExBy(void) {                  /* pop byte off expression stack */
  if (ExpnTop<ExpnStk) return (int)Core[ExpnTop++];
  TBerror();                          /* underflow (nothing in stack) */
  return -1;} /* ~PopExBy */

void PushExInt(int valu) {      /* push integer onto expression stack */
  ExpnTop = ExpnTop-2;
  if (ExpnTop<InLend) TBerror();  /* overflow: bumped into input line */
    else Poke2(ExpnTop,valu);
  if (Debugging>0) ShowExSt();} /* ~PushExInt */

int PopExInt(void) {              /* pop integer off expression stack */
  if (++ExpnTop<ExpnStk) return (int)((short)Peek2((ExpnTop++)-1));
  TBerror();    /* underflow (nothing in stack) */
  return -1;} /* ~PopExInt */

int DeHex(char* txt, int ndigs) {                /* decode hex -> int */
  int num = 0;
  char ch = ' ';
  while (ch<'0')                              /* first skip to num... */
    if (ch == '\0') return -1; else ch = DeCaps[((int)*txt++)&127];
  if (ch>'F' || ch>'9' && ch<'A') return -1;               /* not hex */
  while ((ndigs--) >0) {                 /* only get requested digits */
    if (ch<'0' || ch>'F') return num;              /* not a hex digit */
    if (ch>='A') num = num*16-55+((int)ch);      /* A-F */
    else if (ch<='9') num = num*16-48+((int)ch); /* 0-9 */
      else return num;          /* something in between, i.e. not hex */
    ch = DeCaps[((int)*txt++)&127];}
  return num;} /* ~DeHex */

int SkipTo(int here, char fch) {     /* search for'd past next marker */
  while (true) {
    char ch = (char)Core[here++];                /* look at next char */
    if (ch == fch) return here;                             /* got it */
    if (ch == '\0') return --here;}} /* ~SkipTo */

int FindLine(int theLine) {         /* find theLine in TB source code */
  int ix;
  int here = Peek2(UserProg);                       /* start at front */
  while (true) {
    ix = Peek2(here++);
    if (theLine<=ix || ix==0) return --here;  /* found it or overshot */
    here = SkipTo(++here, '\r');}         /* skip to end of this line */
  } /* ~FindLine */

void GoToLino(void) {     /* find line # Lino and set BP to its front */
  int here;
  if (Lino <= 0) {              /* Lino=0 is just command line (OK).. */
    BP = InLine;
    if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(0);
  if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(Lino);
  if (Debugging>0) {OutStr(" [#"); OutInt(Lino); OutStr("]");}
  BP = FindLine(Lino);                  /* otherwise try to find it.. */
  here = Peek2(BP++);
  if (here==0) TBerror();               /* ran off the end, error off */
  else if (Lino != here) TBerror();                      /* not there */
    else BP++;} /* ~GoToLino */                             /* got it */

void ListIt(int frm, int too) {            /* list the stored program */
  char ch;
  int here;
  if (frm==0) {           /* 0,0 defaults to all; n,0 defaults to n,n */
    too = 65535;
    frm = 1;}
  else if (too==0) too = frm;
  here = FindLine(frm);                   /* try to find first line.. */
  while (!StopIt()) {
    frm = Peek2(here++);             /* get this line's # to print it */
    if (frm>too || frm==0) break;
    Ouch(' ');
    do {                                            /* print the text */
      ch = (char)Core[here++];
      while (ch>'\r');}} /* ~ListIt */

void ConvtIL(char* txt) {                 /* convert & load TBIL code */
  int valu;
  ILend = ILfront+2;
  Poke2(ILfront,ILend);    /* initialize pointers as promised in TBEK */
  Core[ILend] = (aByte)BadOp;   /* illegal op, in case nothing loaded */
  if (txt == NULL) return;
  while (*txt != '\0') {                            /* get the data.. */
    while (*txt > '\r') txt++;               /* (no code on 1st line) */
    if (*txt++ == '\0') break;                      /* no code at all */
    while (*txt > ' ') txt++;                    /* skip over address */
    if (*txt++ == '\0') break;
    while (true) {
      valu = DeHex(txt++, 2);                           /* get a byte */
      if (valu<0) break;                      /* no more on this line */
      Core[ILend++] = (aByte)valu;      /* insert this byte into code */
  XQhere = 0;                        /* requires new XQ to initialize */
  Core[ILend] = 0;} /* ~ConvtIL */

void LineSwap(int here) {   /* swap SvPt/BP if here is not in InLine  */
  if (here<InLine || here>=InLend) {
    here = SvPt;
    SvPt = BP;
    BP = here;}
  else SvPt = BP;} /* ~LineSwap */

/************************** Main Interpreter **************************/

void Interp(void) {
  char ch;    /* comments from TinyBasic Experimenter's Kit, pp.15-21 */
  int op, ix, here, chpt;                                    /* temps */
  Broken = false;          /* initialize this for possible later test */
  while (true) {
    if (StopIt()) {
      Broken = false;
      OutStr("*** User Break ***");
    if (ILPC==0) {
      ILPC = Peek2(ILfront);
      if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(-ILPC);
      if (Debugging>0) {
        OutLn(); OutStr("[IL="); OutHex(ILPC,4); OutStr("]");}}
    if (DEBUGON>0) if (Watcher>0) {             /* check watchpoint.. */
      if (((Watchee<0) && (Watchee+256+(int)Core[Watcher]) !=0)
          || ((Watchee >= 0) && (Watchee==(int)Core[Watcher]))) {
        OutStr("*** Watched ");
        OutStr(" = ");
        OutStr(" *** ");
        Watcher = 0;
    op = (int)Core[ILPC++];
      if (Debugging>0) {
        OutLn(); OutStr("[IL+"); OutHex(ILPC-Peek2(ILfront)-1,3);
        OutStr("="); OutHex(op,2); OutStr("]");}
    switch (op>>5) {
    default: switch (op) {
      case 15:

/* SX n    00-07   Stack Exchange. */
/*                 Exchange the top byte of computational stack with  */
/* that "n" bytes into the stack. The top/left byte of the stack is   */
/* considered to be byte 0, so SX 0 does nothing.                     */
      case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:
        if (ExpnTop+op>=ExpnStk) {       /* swap is below stack depth */
        ix = (int)Core[ExpnTop];
        Core[ExpnTop] = Core[ExpnTop+op];
        Core[ExpnTop+op] = (aByte)ix;
        if (Debugging>0) ShowExSt();

/* LB n    09nn    Push Literal Byte onto Stack.                      */
/*                 This adds one byte to the expression stack, which  */
/* is the second byte of the instruction. An error stop will occur if */
/* the stack overflows. */
      case 9:
        PushExBy((int)Core[ILPC++]);                  /* push IL byte */

/* LN n    0Annnn  Push Literal Number.                               */
/*                 This adds the following two bytes to the           */
/* computational stack, as a 16-bit number. Stack overflow results in */
/* an error stop. Numbers are assumed to be Big-Endian.               */
      case 10:
        PushExInt(Peek2(ILPC++));              /* get next 2 IL bytes */

/* DS      0B      Duplicate Top Number (two bytes) on Stack.         */
/*                 An error stop will occur if there are less than 2  */
/* bytes (1 int) on the expression stack or if the stack overflows.   */
      case 11:
        op = ExpnTop;
        ix = PopExInt();
        if (ILPC == 0) break;                            /* underflow */
        ExpnTop = op;

/* SP      0C      Stack Pop.                                         */
/*                 The top two bytes are removed from the expression  */
/* stack and discarded. Underflow results in an error stop.           */
      case 12:
        ix = PopExInt();
          if (Debugging>0) ShowExSt();

/* SB      10      Save BASIC Pointer.                                */
/*                 If BASIC pointer is pointing into the input line   */
/* buffer, it is copied to the Saved Pointer; otherwise the two       */
/* pointers are exchanged.                                            */
      case 16:

/* RB      11      Restore BASIC Pointer.                             */
/*                 If the Saved Pointer points into the input line    */
/* buffer, it is replaced by the value in the BASIC pointer;          */
/* otherwise the two pointers are exchanged.                          */
      case 17:

/* FV      12      Fetch Variable.                                    */
/*                 The top byte of the computational stack is used to */
/* index into Page 00. It is replaced by the two bytes fetched. Error */
/* stops occur with stack overflow or underflow.                      */
      case 18:
        op = PopExBy();
        if (ILPC != 0) PushExInt(Peek2(op));
          if (Debugging>1) ShowVars(op);

/* SV      13      Store Variable.                                    */
/*                 The top two bytes of the computational stack are   */
/* stored into memory at the Page 00 address specified by the third   */
/* byte on the stack. All three bytes are deleted from the stack.     */
/* Underflow results in an error stop.                                */
      case 19:
        ix = PopExInt();
        op = PopExBy();
        if (ILPC == 0) break;
          if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt((ix&0xFFFF)+((op-256)<<16));
          if (Debugging>0) {ShowVars(op); if (Debugging>1) ShowExSt();}

/* GS      14      GOSUB Save.                                        */
/*                 The current BASIC line number is pushed            */
/* onto the BASIC region of the control stack. It is essential that   */
/* the IL stack be empty for this to work properly but no check is    */
/* made for that condition. An error stop occurs on stack overflow.   */
      case 20:
        PushSub(Lino);                   /* push line # (possibly =0) */

/* RS      15      Restore Saved Line.                                */
/*                 Pop the top two bytes off the BASIC region of the  */
/* control stack, making them the current line number. Set the BASIC  */
/* pointer at the beginning of that line. Note that this is the line  */
/* containing the GOSUB which caused the line number to be saved. As  */
/* with the GS opcode, it is essential that the IL region of the      */
/* control stack be empty. If the line number popped off the stack    */
/* does not correspond to a line in the BASIC program an error stop   */
/* occurs. An error stop also results from stack underflow.           */
      case 21:
        Lino = PopSub();         /* get line # (possibly =0) from pop */
        if (ILPC != 0) GoToLino() ;             /* stops run if error */

/* GO      16      GOTO.                                              */
/*                 Make current the BASIC line whose line number is   */
/* equal to the value of the top two bytes in the expression stack.   */
/* That is, the top two bytes are popped off the computational stack, */
/* and the BASIC program is searched until a matching line number is  */
/* found. The BASIC pointer is then positioned at the beginning of    */
/* that line and the RUN mode flag is turned on. Stack underflow and  */
/* non-existent BASIC line result in error stops.                     */
      case 22:
        ILPC = XQhere;                /* the IL assumes an implied NX */
        if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(-ILPC);
        Lino = PopExInt();
        if (ILPC != 0) GoToLino() ;             /* stops run if error */

/* NE      17      Negate (two's complement).                         */
/*                 The number in the top two bytes of the expression  */
/* stack is replaced with its negative.                               */
      case 23:
        ix = PopExInt();
        if (ILPC != 0) PushExInt(-ix);

/* AD      18      Add.                                               */
/*                 Add the two numbers represented by the top four    */
/* bytes of the expression stack, and replace them with the two-byte  */
/* sum. Stack underflow results in an error stop.                     */
      case 24:
        ix = PopExInt();
        op = PopExInt();
        if (ILPC != 0) PushExInt(op+ix);

/* SU      19      Subtract.                                          */
/*                 Subtract the two-byte number on the top of the     */
/* expression stack from the next two bytes and replace the 4 bytes   */
/* with the two-byte difference.                                      */
      case 25:
        ix = PopExInt();
        op = PopExInt();
        if (ILPC != 0) PushExInt(op-ix);

/* MP      1A      Multiply.                                          */
/*                 Multiply the two numbers represented by the top 4  */
/* bytes of the computational stack, and replace them with the least  */
/* significant 16 bits of the product. Stack underflow is possible.   */
      case 26:
        ix = PopExInt();
        op = PopExInt();
        if (ILPC != 0) PushExInt(op*ix);

/* DV      1B      Divide.                                            */
/*                 Divide the number represented by the top two bytes */
/* of the computational stack into that represented by the next two.  */
/* Replace the 4 bytes with the quotient and discard the remainder.   */
/* This is a signed (two's complement) integer divide, resulting in a */
/* signed integer quotient. Stack underflow or attempted division by  */
/* zero result in an error stop. */
      case 27:
        ix = PopExInt();
        op = PopExInt();
        if (ix == 0) TBerror();                      /* divide by 0.. */
        else if (ILPC != 0) PushExInt(op/ix);

/* CP      1C      Compare.                                           */
/*                 The number in the top two bytes of the expression  */
/* stack is compared to (subtracted from) the number in the 4th and   */
/* fifth bytes of the stack, and the result is determined to be       */
/* Greater, Equal, or Less. The low three bits of the third byte mask */
/* a conditional skip in the IL program to test these conditions; if  */
/* the result corresponds to a one bit, the next byte of the IL code  */
/* is skipped and not executed. The three bits correspond to the      */
/* conditions as follows:                                             */
/*         bit 0   Result is Less                                     */
/*         bit 1   Result is Equal                                    */
/*         bit 2   Result is Greater                                  */
/* Whether the skip is taken or not, all five bytes are deleted from  */
/* the stack. This is a signed (two's complement) comparison so that  */
/* any positive number is greater than any negative number. Multiple  */
/* conditions, such as greater-than-or-equal or unequal (i.e.greater- */
/* than-or-less-than), may be tested by forming the condition mask    */
/* byte of the sum of the respective bits. In particular, a mask byte */
/* of 7 will force an unconditional skip and a mask byte of 0 will    */
/* force no skip. The other 5 bits of the control byte are ignored.   */
/* Stack underflow results in an error stop.                          */
      case 28:
        ix = PopExInt();
        op = PopExBy();
        ix = PopExInt()-ix;                         /* <0 or =0 or >0 */
        if (ILPC == 0) return;                         /* underflow.. */
        if (ix<0) ix = 1;
        else if (ix>0) ix = 4;              /* choose the bit to test */
          else ix = 2;
        if ((ix&op)>0) ILPC++;           /* skip next IL op if bit =1 */
          if (Debugging>0) ShowExSt();

/* NX      1D      Next BASIC Statement.                              */
/*                 Advance to next line in the BASIC program, if in   */
/* RUN mode, or restart the IL program if in the command mode. The    */
/* remainder of the current line is ignored. In the Run mode if there */
/* is another line it becomes current with the pointer positioned at  */
/* its beginning. At this time, if the Break condition returns true,  */
/* execution is aborted and the IL program is restarted after         */
/* printing an error message. Otherwise IL execution proceeds from    */
/* the saved IL address (see the XQ instruction). If there are no     */
/* more BASIC statements in the program an error stop occurs.         */
      case 29:
        if (Lino == 0) ILPC = 0;
        else {
          BP = SkipTo(BP, '\r');          /* skip to end of this line */
          Lino = Peek2(BP++);                           /* get line # */
          if (Lino==0) {                           /* ran off the end */
          else BP++;
          ILPC = XQhere;          /* restart at saved IL address (XQ) */
          if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(-ILPC);}
        if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(Lino);
        if (Debugging>0) {OutStr(" [#"); OutInt(Lino); OutStr("]");}

/* LS      1F      List The Program.                                  */
/*                 The expression stack is assumed to have two 2-byte */
/* numbers. The top number is the line number of the last line to be  */
/* listed, and the next is the line number of the first line to be    */
/* listed. If the specified line numbers do not exist in the program, */
/* the next available line (i.e. with the next higher line number) is */
/* assumed instead in each case. If the last line to be listed comes  */
/* before the first, no lines are listed. If Break condition comes    */
/* true during a List operation, the remainder of the listing is      */
/* aborted. Zero is not a valid line number, and an error stop occurs */
/* if either line number specification is zero. The line number       */
/* specifications are deleted from the stack.                         */
      case 31:
        op = 0;
        ix = 0;          /* The IL seems to assume we can handle zero */
        while (ExpnTop<ExpnStk) {   /* or more numbers, so get them.. */
          op = ix;
          ix = PopExInt();}       /* get final line #, then initial.. */
        if (op<0 || ix<0) TBerror();
          else ListIt(ix,op);

/* PN      20      Print Number.                                      */
/*                 The number represented by the top two bytes of the */
/* expression stack is printed in decimal with leading zero           */
/* suppression. If it is negative, it is preceded by a minus sign     */
/* and the magnitude is printed. Stack underflow is possible.         */
      case 32:
        ix = PopExInt();
        if (ILPC != 0) OutInt(ix);

/* PQ      21      Print BASIC String.                                */
/*                 The ASCII characters beginning with the current    */
/* position of BASIC pointer are printed on the console. The string   */
/* to be printed is terminated by quotation mark ("), and the BASIC   */
/* pointer is left at the character following the terminal quote. An  */
/* error stop occurs if a carriage return is imbedded in the string.  */
      case 33:
        while (true) {
          ch = (char)Core[BP++];
          if (ch=='\"') break;                 /* done on final quote */
          if (ch<' ') {      /* error if return or other control char */
          Ouch(ch);}                                      /* print it */

/* PT      22      Print Tab.                                         */
/*                 Print one or more spaces on the console, ending at */
/* the next multiple of eight character positions (from the left      */
/* margin).                                                           */
      case 34:
        do {Ouch(' ');} while (Core[TabHere]%8>0);

/* NL      23      New Line.                                          */
/*                 Output a carriage-return-linefeed sequence to the  */
/* console.                                                           */
      case 35:

/* PC "xxxx"  24xxxxxxXx   Print Literal String.                      */
/*                         The ASCII string follows opcode and its    */
/* last byte has the most significant bit set to one.                 */
      case 36:
        do {
          ix = (int)Core[ILPC++];
          Ouch((char)(ix&127));          /* strip high bit for output */
          } while ((ix&128)==0);

/* GL      27      Get Input Line.                                    */
/*                 ASCII characters are accepted from console input   */
/* to fill the line buffer. If the line length exceeds the available  */
/* space, the excess characters are ignored and bell characters are   */
/* output. The line is terminated by a carriage return. On completing */
/* one line of input, the BASIC pointer is set to point to the first  */
/* character in the input line buffer, and a carriage-return-linefeed */
/* sequence is [not] output.                                          */
      case 39:
        InLend = InLine;
        while (true) {               /* read input line characters... */
          ch = Inch();
          if (!ch) continue;
          else if (ch=='\r') break;                     /* end of the line */
          else if (ch=='\t') {
            Debugging = (Debugging+DEBUGON)&1;  /* maybe toggle debug */
            ch = ' ';}                       /* convert tabs to space */
          else if (ch==(char)Core[BScode]) {        /* backspace code */
            if (InLend>InLine) InLend--;    /* assume console already */
            else {   /* backing up over front of line: just kill it.. */
          else if (ch==(char)Core[CanCode]) {     /* cancel this line */
            InLend = InLine;
            Ouch('\r');                /* also start a new input line */
          else if (ch<' ') continue;   /* ignore non-ASCII & controls */
          else if (ch>'~') continue;
          if (InLend>ExpnTop-2) continue;    /* discard overrun chars */
		  /* Siemargl fix for not so smart consoles*/
		  if (ch != (char)Core[BScode])		
			  Core[InLend++] = (aByte)ch;
		  }  /* insert this char in buffer */
        while (InLend>InLine && Core[InLend-1] == ' ')
          InLend--;                  /* delete excess trailing spaces */
        Core[InLend++] = (aByte) '\r';  /* insert final return & null */
        Core[InLend] = 0;
        BP = InLine;

/* IL      2A      Insert BASIC Line.                                 */
/*                 Beginning with the current position of the BASIC   */
/* pointer and continuing to the [end of it], the line is inserted    */
/* into the BASIC program space; for a line number, the top two bytes */
/* of the expression stack are used. If this number matches a line    */
/* already in the program it is deleted and the new one replaces it.  */
/* If the new line consists of only a carriage return, it is not      */
/* inserted, though any previous line with the same number will have  */
/* been deleted. The lines are maintained in the program space sorted */
/* by line number. If the new line to be inserted is a different size */
/* than the old line being replaced, the remainder of the program is  */
/* shifted over to make room or to close up the gap as necessary. If  */
/* there is insufficient memory to fit in the new line, the program   */
/* space is unchanged and an error stop occurs (with the IL address   */
/* decremented). A normal error stop occurs on expression stack       */
/* underflow or if the number is zero, which is not a valid line      */
/* number. After completing the insertion, the IL program is          */
/* restarted in the command mode.                                     */
      case 42:
        Lino = PopExInt();                              /* get line # */
        if (Lino <= 0) {          /* don't insert line #0 or negative */
          if (ILPC != 0) TBerror();
            else return;
        while (((char)Core[BP]) == ' ') BP++;  /* skip leading spaces */
        if (((char)Core[BP]) == '\r') ix = 0;       /* nothing to add */
          else ix = InLend-BP+2;         /* the size of the insertion */
        op = 0;         /* this will be the number of bytes to delete */
        chpt = FindLine(Lino);             /* try to find this line.. */
        if (Peek2(chpt) == Lino)       /* there is a line to delete.. */
          op = (SkipTo(chpt+2, '\r')-chpt);
        if (ix == 0) if (op==0) {  /* nothing to add nor delete; done */
          Lino = 0;
        op = ix-op;      /* = how many more bytes to add or (-)delete */
        if (SrcEnd+op>=SubStk) {                         /* too big.. */
        SrcEnd = SrcEnd+op;                               /* new size */
        if (op>0) for (here=SrcEnd; (here--)>chpt+ix; )
          Core[here] = Core[here-op];  /* shift backend over to right */
        else if (op<0) for (here=chpt+ix; here<SrcEnd; here++)
          Core[here] = Core[here-op];   /* shift it left to close gap */
        if (ix>0) Poke2(chpt++,Lino);        /* insert the new line # */
        while (ix>2) {                       /* insert the new line.. */
          Core[++chpt] = Core[BP++];
        ILPC = 0;
        Lino = 0;
          if (Debugging>0) ListIt(0,0);

/* MT      2B      Mark the BASIC program space Empty.                */
/*                 Also clears the BASIC region of the control stack  */
/* and restart the IL program in the command mode. The memory bounds  */
/* and stack pointers are reset by this instruction to signify empty  */
/* program space, and the line number of the first line is set to 0,  */
/* which is the indication of the end of the program.                 */
      case 43:
          if (Debugging>0) {ShowSubs(); ShowExSt(); ShowVars(0);}

/* XQ      2C      Execute.                                           */
/*                 Turns on RUN mode. This instruction also saves     */
/* the current value of the IL program counter for use of the NX      */
/* instruction, and sets the BASIC pointer to the beginning of the    */
/* BASIC program space. An error stop occurs if there is no BASIC     */
/* program. This instruction must be executed at least once before    */
/* the first execution of a NX instruction.                           */
      case 44:
        XQhere = ILPC;
        BP = Peek2(UserProg);
        Lino = Peek2(BP++);
        if (Lino == 0) TBerror();
        else if (Debugging>0)
          {OutStr(" [#"); OutInt(Lino); OutStr("]");}

/* WS      2D      Stop.                                              */
/*                 Stop execution and restart the IL program in the   */
/* command mode. The entire control stack (including BASIC region)    */
/* is also vacated by this instruction. This instruction effectively  */
/* jumps to the Warm Start entry of the ML interpreter.               */
      case 45:
          if (Debugging>0) ShowSubs();

/* US      2E      Machine Language Subroutine Call.                  */
/*                 The top six bytes of the expression stack contain  */
/* 3 numbers with the following interpretations: The top number is    */
/* loaded into the A (or A and B) register; the next number is loaded */
/* into 16 bits of Index register; the third number is interpreted as */
/* the address of a machine language subroutine to be called. These   */
/* six bytes on the expression stack are replaced with the 16-bit     */
/* result returned by the subroutine. Stack underflow results in an   */
/* error stop.                                                        */
      case 46:
        Poke2(LinoCore,Lino);    /* bring these memory locations up.. */
        Poke2(ILPCcore,ILPC);      /* ..to date, in case user looks.. */
        ix = PopExInt()&0xFFFF;                            /* datum A */
        here = PopExInt()&0xFFFF;                          /* datum X */
        op = PopExInt()&0xFFFF;            /* nominal machine address */
        if (ILPC == 0) break;
        if (op>=Peek2(ILfront) && op<ILend) { /* call IL subroutine.. */
          PushSub(ILPC);                      /* push return location */
          ILPC = op;
          if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(-ILPC);
        switch (op) {
        case WachPoint:    /* we only do a few predefined functions.. */
          Watcher = here;
          if (ix>32767) ix = -(int)Core[here]-256;
          Watchee = ix;
          if (Debugging>0) {
            OutLn(); OutStr("[** Watch "); OutHex(here,4); OutStr("]");}
        case ColdGo:
        case WarmGo:
        case InchSub:
        case OutchSub:
        case BreakSub:
        case PeekSub:
        case Peek2Sub:
        case PokeSub:
          ix = ix&0xFF;
          Core[here] = (aByte)ix;
          if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(((ix+256)<<16)+here);
          Lino = Peek2(LinoCore);         /* restore these pointers.. */
          ILPC = Peek2(ILPCcore);    /* ..in case user changed them.. */
          BP = Peek2(BPcore);
          SvPt = Peek2(SvPtCore);
        case DumpSub:
        case TrLogSub:
        default: TBerror();}

/* RT      2F      IL Subroutine Return.                              */
/*                 The IL control stack is popped to give the address */
/* of the next IL instruction. An error stop occurs if the entire     */
/* control stack (IL and BASIC) is empty.                             */
      case 47:
        ix = PopSub();                         /* get return from pop */
        if (ix<Peek2(ILfront) || ix>=ILend) TBerror();
        else if (ILPC != 0) {
          ILPC = ix;
          if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(-ILPC);}

/* JS a    3000-37FF       IL Subroutine Call.                        */
/*                         The least significant eleven bits of this  */
/* 2-byte instruction are added to the base address of the IL program */
/* to become address of the next instruction. The previous contents   */
/* of the IL program counter are pushed onto the IL region of the     */
/* control stack. Stack overflow results in an error stop.            */
      case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55:
        PushSub(ILPC+1);                /* push return location there */
        if (ILPC == 0) break;
        ILPC = (Peek2(ILPC-1)&0x7FF)+Peek2(ILfront);
        if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(-ILPC);

/* J a     3800-3FFF       Jump.                                      */
/*                         The low eleven bits of this 2-byte         */
/* instruction are added to the IL program base address to determine  */
/* the address of the next IL instruction. The previous contents of   */
/* the IL program counter is lost. */
      case 56: case 57: case 58: case 59: case 60: case 61: case 62: case 63:
        ILPC = (Peek2(ILPC-1)&0x7FF)+Peek2(ILfront);
        if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(-ILPC);

/* NO      08      No Operation.                                      */
/*                 This may be used as a space filler (such as to     */
/* ignore a skip).                                                    */
      default: break;} /* last of inner switch cases */
      break; /* end of outer switch cases 0,1 */

/* BR a    40-7F   Relative Branch.                                   */
/*                 The low six bits of this instruction opcode are    */
/* added algebraically to the current value of the IL program counter */
/* to give the address of the next IL instruction. Bit 5 of opcode is */
/* the sign, with + signified by 1, - by 0. The range of this branch  */
/* is +/-31 bytes from address of the byte following the opcode. An   */
/* offset of zero (i.e. opcode 60) results in an error stop. The      */
/* branch operation is unconditional.                                 */
      case 2: case 3:
        ILPC = ILPC+op-96;
        if (DEBUGON>0) LogIt(-ILPC);

/* BC a "xxx"   80xxxxXx-9FxxxxXx  String Match Branch.               */
/*                                 The ASCII character string in IL   */
/* following this opcode is compared to the string beginning with the */
/* current position of the BASIC pointer, ignoring blanks in BASIC    */
/* program. The comparison continues until either a mismatch, or an   */
/* IL byte is reached with the most significant bit set to one. This  */
/* is the last byte of the string in the IL, compared as a 7-bit      */
/* character; if equal, the BASIC pointer is positioned after the     */
/* last matching character in the BASIC program and the IL continues  */
/* with the next instruction in sequence. Otherwise the BASIC pointer */
/* is not altered and the low five bits of the Branch opcode are      */
/* added to the IL program counter to form the address of the next    */
/* IL instruction. If the strings do not match and the branch offset  */
/* is zero an error stop occurs.                                      */
      case 4:
        if (op==128) here = 0;                /* to error if no match */
          else here = ILPC+op-128;
        chpt = BP;
        ix = 0;
        while ((ix&128)==0) {
          while (((char)Core[BP]) == ' ') BP++;   /* skip over spaces */
          ix = (int)Core[ILPC++];
          if (((char)(ix&127)) != DeCaps[((int)Core[BP++])&127]) {
            BP = chpt;         /* back up to front of string in Basic */
            if (here==0) TBerror();
              else ILPC = here;                 /* jump forward in IL */
        if (DEBUGON>0) if (ILPC>0) LogIt(-ILPC);

/* BV a    A0-BF   Branch if Not Variable.                            */
/*                 If the next non-blank character pointed to by the  */
/* BASIC pointer is a capital letter, its ASCII code is [doubled and] */
/* pushed onto the expression stack and the IL program advances to    */
/* next instruction in sequence, leaving the BASIC pointer positioned */
/* after the letter; if not a letter the branch is taken and BASIC    */
/* pointer is left pointing to that character. An error stop occurs   */
/* if the next character is not a letter and the offset of the branch */
/* is zero, or on stack overflow.                                     */
      case 5:
        while (((char)Core[BP]) == ' ') BP++;     /* skip over spaces */
        ch = (char)Core[BP];
        if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
        else if (op==160) TBerror();           /* error if not letter */
          else ILPC = ILPC+op-160;
        if (DEBUGON>0) if (ILPC>0) LogIt(-ILPC);

/* BN a    C0-DF   Branch if Not a Number.                            */
/*                 If the next non-blank character pointed to by the  */
/* BASIC pointer is not a decimal digit, the low five bits of the     */
/* opcode are added to the IL program counter, or if zero an error    */
/* stop occurs. If the next character is a digit, then it and all     */
/* decimal digits following it (ignoring blanks) are converted to a   */
/* 16-bit binary number which is pushed onto the expression stack. In */
/* either case the BASIC pointer is positioned at the next character  */
/* which is neither blank nor digit. Stack overflow will result in an */
/* error stop.                                                        */
      case 6:
        while (((char)Core[BP]) == ' ') BP++;     /* skip over spaces */
        ch = (char)Core[BP];
        if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
          op = 0;
          while (true) {
            here = (int)Core[BP++];
            if (here==32) continue;               /* skip over spaces */
            if (here<48 || here>57) break;     /* not a decimal digit */
            op = op*10+here-48;}                 /* insert into value */
          BP--;                             /* back up over non-digit */
        else if (op==192) TBerror();             /* error if no digit */
          else ILPC = ILPC+op-192;
        if (DEBUGON>0) if (ILPC>0) LogIt(-ILPC);

/* BE a    E0-FF   Branch if Not Endline.                             */
/*                 If the next non-blank character pointed to by the  */
/* BASIC pointer is a carriage return, the IL program advances to the */
/* next instruction in sequence; otherwise the low five bits of the   */
/* opcode (if not 0) are added to the IL program counter to form the  */
/* address of next IL instruction. In either case the BASIC pointer   */
/* is left pointing to the first non-blank character; this            */
/* instruction will not pass over the carriage return, which must     */
/* remain for testing by the NX instruction. As with the other        */
/* conditional branches, the branch may only advance the IL program   */
/* counter from 1 to 31 bytes; an offset of zero results in an error  */
/* stop.                                                              */
      case 7:
        while (((char)Core[BP]) == ' ') BP++;     /* skip over spaces */
        if (((char)Core[BP]) == '\r') ;
        else if (op==224) TBerror();            /* error if no offset */
          else ILPC = ILPC+op-224;
        if (DEBUGON>0) if (ILPC>0) LogIt(-ILPC);
        break;}}} /* ~Interp */

/***************** Intermediate Interpreter Assembled *****************/

char* DefaultIL() {
  static char s[9000];    /* be sure to increase size if you add text */
  strcat(s,"0000 ;       2 .\n");
  strcat(s,"0000 ;       3 .  EXECUTIVE INITIALIZATION\n");
  strcat(s,"0000 ;       4 .\n");
  strcat(s,"0000 ;       5 :STRT PC \":Q^\"        COLON, X-ON\n");
  strcat(s,"0000 243A91;\n");
  strcat(s,"0003 ;       6       GL\n");
  strcat(s,"0003 27;     7       SB\n");
  strcat(s,"0004 10;     8       BE L0           BRANCH IF NOT EMPTY\n");
  strcat(s,"0005 E1;     9       BR STRT         TRY AGAIN IF NULL LINE\n");
  strcat(s,"0006 59;    10 :L0   BN STMT         TEST FOR LINE NUMBER\n");
  strcat(s,"0007 C5;    11       IL              IF SO, INSERT INTO PROGRAM\n");
  strcat(s,"0008 2A;    12       BR STRT         GO GET NEXT\n");
  strcat(s,"0009 56;    13 :XEC  SB              SAVE POINTERS FOR RUN WITH\n");
  strcat(s,"000A 10;    14       RB                CONCATENATED INPUT\n");
  strcat(s,"000B 11;    15       XQ\n");
  strcat(s,"000C 2C;    16 .\n");
  strcat(s,"000D ;      17 .  STATEMENT EXECUTOR\n");
  strcat(s,"000D ;      18 .\n");
  strcat(s,"000D ;      19 :STMT BC GOTO \"LET\"\n");
  strcat(s,"000D 8B4C45D4;\n");
  strcat(s,"0011 ;      20       BV *            MUST BE A VARIABLE NAME\n");
  strcat(s,"0011 A0;    21       BC * \"=\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0012 80BD;  22 :LET  JS EXPR         GO GET EXPRESSION\n");
  strcat(s,"0014 30BC;  23       BE *            IF STATEMENT END,\n");
  strcat(s,"0016 E0;    24       SV                STORE RESULT\n");
  strcat(s,"0017 13;    25       NX\n");
  strcat(s,"0018 1D;    26 .\n");
  strcat(s,"0019 ;      27 :GOTO BC PRNT \"GO\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0019 9447CF;\n");
  strcat(s,"001C ;      28       BC GOSB \"TO\"\n");
  strcat(s,"001C 8854CF;\n");
  strcat(s,"001F ;      29       JS EXPR         GET LINE NUMBER\n");
  strcat(s,"001F 30BC;  30       BE *\n");
  strcat(s,"0021 E0;    31       SB              (DO THIS FOR STARTING)\n");
  strcat(s,"0022 10;    32       RB\n");
  strcat(s,"0023 11;    33       GO              GO THERE\n");
  strcat(s,"0024 16;    34 .\n");
  strcat(s,"0025 ;      35 :GOSB BC * \"SUB\"      NO OTHER WORD BEGINS \"GO...\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0025 805355C2;\n");
  strcat(s,"0029 ;      36       JS EXPR\n");
  strcat(s,"0029 30BC;  37       BE *\n");
  strcat(s,"002B E0;    38       GS\n");
  strcat(s,"002C 14;    39       GO\n");
  strcat(s,"002D 16;    40 .\n");
  strcat(s,"002E ;      41 :PRNT BC SKIP \"PR\"\n");
  strcat(s,"002E 9050D2;\n");
  strcat(s,"0031 ;      42       BC P0 \"INT\"     OPTIONALLY OMIT \"INT\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0031 83494ED4;\n");
  strcat(s,"0035 ;      43 :P0   BE P3\n");
  strcat(s,"0035 E5;    44       BR P6           IF DONE, GO TO END\n");
  strcat(s,"0036 71;    45 :P1   BC P4 \";\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0037 88BB;  46 :P2   BE P3\n");
  strcat(s,"0039 E1;    47       NX              NO CRLF IF ENDED BY ; OR ,\n");
  strcat(s,"003A 1D;    48 :P3   BC P7 '\"'\n");
  strcat(s,"003B 8FA2;  49       PQ              QUOTE MARKS STRING\n");
  strcat(s,"003D 21;    50       BR P1           GO CHECK DELIMITER\n");
  strcat(s,"003E 58;    51 :SKIP BR IF           (ON THE WAY THRU)\n");
  strcat(s,"003F 6F;    52 :P4   BC P5 \",\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0040 83AC;  53       PT              COMMA SPACING\n");
  strcat(s,"0042 22;    54       BR P2\n");
  strcat(s,"0043 55;    55 :P5   BC P6 \":\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0044 83BA;  56       PC \"S^\"         OUTPUT X-OFF\n");
  strcat(s,"0046 2493;  57 :P6   BE *\n");
  strcat(s,"0048 E0;    58       NL              THEN CRLF\n");
  strcat(s,"0049 23;    59       NX\n");
  strcat(s,"004A 1D;    60 :P7   JS EXPR         TRY FOR AN EXPRESSION\n");
  strcat(s,"004B 30BC;  61       PN\n");
  strcat(s,"004D 20;    62       BR P1\n");
  strcat(s,"004E 48;    63 .\n");
  strcat(s,"004F ;      64 :IF   BC INPT \"IF\"\n");
  strcat(s,"004F 9149C6;\n");
  strcat(s,"0052 ;      65       JS EXPR\n");
  strcat(s,"0052 30BC;  66       JS RELO\n");
  strcat(s,"0054 3134;  67       JS EXPR\n");
  strcat(s,"0056 30BC;  68       BC I1 \"THEN\"    OPTIONAL NOISEWORD\n");
  strcat(s,"0058 84544845CE;\n");
  strcat(s,"005D ;      69 :I1   CP              COMPARE SKIPS NEXT IF TRUE\n");
  strcat(s,"005D 1C;    70       NX              FALSE.\n");
  strcat(s,"005E 1D;    71       J STMT          TRUE. GO PROCESS STATEMENT\n");
  strcat(s,"005F 380D;  72 .\n");
  strcat(s,"0061 ;      73 :INPT BC RETN \"INPUT\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0061 9A494E5055D4;\n");
  strcat(s,"0067 ;      74 :I2   BV *            GET VARIABLE\n");
  strcat(s,"0067 A0;    75       SB              SWAP POINTERS\n");
  strcat(s,"0068 10;    76       BE I4\n");
  strcat(s,"0069 E7;    77 :I3   PC \"? Q^\"       LINE IS EMPTY; TYPE PROMPT\n");
  strcat(s,"006A 243F2091;\n");
  strcat(s,"006E ;      78       GL              READ INPUT LINE\n");
  strcat(s,"006E 27;    79       BE I4           DID ANYTHING COME?\n");
  strcat(s,"006F E1;    80       BR I3           NO, TRY AGAIN\n");
  strcat(s,"0070 59;    81 :I4   BC I5 \",\"       OPTIONAL COMMA\n");
  strcat(s,"0071 81AC;  82 :I5   JS EXPR         READ A NUMBER\n");
  strcat(s,"0073 30BC;  83       SV              STORE INTO VARIABLE\n");
  strcat(s,"0075 13;    84       RB              SWAP BACK\n");
  strcat(s,"0076 11;    85       BC I6 \",\"       ANOTHER?\n");
  strcat(s,"0077 82AC;  86       BR I2           YES IF COMMA\n");
  strcat(s,"0079 4D;    87 :I6   BE *            OTHERWISE QUIT\n");
  strcat(s,"007A E0;    88       NX\n");
  strcat(s,"007B 1D;    89 .\n");
  strcat(s,"007C ;      90 :RETN BC END \"RETURN\"\n");
  strcat(s,"007C 895245545552CE;\n");
  strcat(s,"0083 ;      91       BE *\n");
  strcat(s,"0083 E0;    92       RS              RECOVER SAVED LINE\n");
  strcat(s,"0084 15;    93       NX\n");
  strcat(s,"0085 1D;    94 .\n");
  strcat(s,"0086 ;      95 :END  BC LIST \"END\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0086 85454EC4;\n");
  strcat(s,"008A ;      96       BE *\n");
  strcat(s,"008A E0;    97       WS\n");
  strcat(s,"008B 2D;    98 .\n");
  strcat(s,"008C ;      99 :LIST BC RUN \"LIST\"\n");
  strcat(s,"008C 984C4953D4;\n");
  strcat(s,"0091 ;     100       BE L2\n");
  strcat(s,"0091 EC;   101 :L1   PC \"@^@^@^@^J^@^\" PUNCH LEADER\n");
  strcat(s,"0092 24000000000A80;\n");
  strcat(s,"0099 ;     102       LS              LIST\n");
  strcat(s,"0099 1F;   103       PC \"S^\"         PUNCH X-OFF\n");
  strcat(s,"009A 2493; 104       NL\n");
  strcat(s,"009C 23;   105       NX\n");
  strcat(s,"009D 1D;   106 :L2   JS EXPR         GET A LINE NUMBER\n");
  strcat(s,"009E 30BC; 107       BE L3\n");
  strcat(s,"00A0 E1;   108       BR L1\n");
  strcat(s,"00A1 50;   109 :L3   BC * \",\"        SEPARATED BY COMMAS\n");
  strcat(s,"00A2 80AC; 110       BR L2\n");
  strcat(s,"00A4 59;   111 .\n");
  strcat(s,"00A5 ;     112 :RUN  BC CLER \"RUN\"\n");
  strcat(s,"00A5 855255CE;\n");
  strcat(s,"00A9 ;     113       J XEC\n");
  strcat(s,"00A9 380A; 114 .\n");
  strcat(s,"00AB ;     115 :CLER BC REM \"CLEAR\"\n");
  strcat(s,"00AB 86434C4541D2;\n");
  strcat(s,"00B1 ;     116       MT\n");
  strcat(s,"00B1 2B;   117 .\n");
  strcat(s,"00B2 ;     118 :REM  BC DFLT \"REM\"\n");
  strcat(s,"00B2 845245CD;\n");
  strcat(s,"00B6 ;     119       NX\n");
  strcat(s,"00B6 1D;   120 .\n");
  strcat(s,"00B7 ;     121 :DFLT BV *            NO KEYWORD...\n");
  strcat(s,"00B7 A0;   122       BC * \"=\"        TRY FOR LET\n");
  strcat(s,"00B8 80BD; 123       J LET           IT'S A GOOD BET.\n");
  strcat(s,"00BA 3814; 124 .\n");
  strcat(s,"00BC ;     125 .  SUBROUTINES\n");
  strcat(s,"00BC ;     126 .\n");
  strcat(s,"00BC ;     127 :EXPR BC E0 \"-\"       TRY FOR UNARY MINUS\n");
  strcat(s,"00BC 85AD; 128       JS TERM         AHA\n");
  strcat(s,"00BE 30D3; 129       NE\n");
  strcat(s,"00C0 17;   130       BR E1\n");
  strcat(s,"00C1 64;   131 :E0   BC E4 \"+\"       IGNORE UNARY PLUS\n");
  strcat(s,"00C2 81AB; 132 :E4   JS TERM\n");
  strcat(s,"00C4 30D3; 133 :E1   BC E2 \"+\"       TERMS SEPARATED BY PLUS\n");
  strcat(s,"00C6 85AB; 134       JS TERM\n");
  strcat(s,"00C8 30D3; 135       AD\n");
  strcat(s,"00CA 18;   136       BR E1\n");
  strcat(s,"00CB 5A;   137 :E2   BC E3 \"-\"       TERMS SEPARATED BY MINUS\n");
  strcat(s,"00CC 85AD; 138       JS TERM\n");
  strcat(s,"00CE 30D3; 139       SU\n");
  strcat(s,"00D0 19;   140       BR E1\n");
  strcat(s,"00D1 54;   141 :E3   RT\n");
  strcat(s,"00D2 2F;   142 .\n");
  strcat(s,"00D3 ;     143 :TERM JS FACT\n");
  strcat(s,"00D3 30E2; 144 :T0   BC T1 \"*\"       FACTORS SEPARATED BY TIMES\n");
  strcat(s,"00D5 85AA; 145       JS FACT\n");
  strcat(s,"00D7 30E2; 146       MP\n");
  strcat(s,"00D9 1A;   147       BR T0\n");
  strcat(s,"00DA 5A;   148 :T1   BC T2 \"/\"       FACTORS SEPARATED BY DIVIDE\n");
  strcat(s,"00DB 85AF; 149       JS  FACT\n");
  strcat(s,"00DD 30E2; 150       DV\n");
  strcat(s,"00DF 1B;   151       BR T0\n");
  strcat(s,"00E0 54;   152 :T2   RT\n");
  strcat(s,"00E1 2F;   153 .\n");
  strcat(s,"00E2 ;     154 :FACT BC F0 \"RND\"     *RND FUNCTION*\n");
  strcat(s,"00E2 97524EC4;\n");
  strcat(s,"00E6 ;     155       LN 257*128      STACK POINTER FOR STORE\n");
  strcat(s,"00E6 0A;\n");
  strcat(s,"00E7 8080; 156       FV              THEN GET RNDM\n");
  strcat(s,"00E9 12;   157       LN 2345         R:=R*2345+6789\n");
  strcat(s,"00EA 0A;\n");
  strcat(s,"00EB 0929; 158       MP\n");
  strcat(s,"00ED 1A;   159       LN 6789\n");
  strcat(s,"00EE 0A;\n");
  strcat(s,"00EF 1A85; 160       AD\n");
  strcat(s,"00F1 18;   161       SV\n");
  strcat(s,"00F2 13;   162       LB 128          GET IT AGAIN\n");
  strcat(s,"00F3 0980; 163       FV\n");
  strcat(s,"00F5 12;   164       DS\n");
  strcat(s,"00F6 0B;   165       JS FUNC         GET ARGUMENT\n");
  strcat(s,"00F7 3130; 166       BR F1\n");
  strcat(s,"00F9 61;   167 :F0   BR F2           (SKIPPING)\n");
  strcat(s,"00FA 73;   168 :F1   DS\n");
  strcat(s,"00FB 0B;   169       SX 2            PUSH TOP INTO STACK\n");
  strcat(s,"00FC 02;   170       SX 4\n");
  strcat(s,"00FD 04;   171       SX 2\n");
  strcat(s,"00FE 02;   172       SX 3\n");
  strcat(s,"00FF 03;   173       SX 5\n");
  strcat(s,"0100 05;   174       SX 3\n");
  strcat(s,"0101 03;   175       DV              PERFORM MOD FUNCTION\n");
  strcat(s,"0102 1B;   176       MP\n");
  strcat(s,"0103 1A;   177       SU\n");
  strcat(s,"0104 19;   178       DS              PERFORM ABS FUNCTION\n");
  strcat(s,"0105 0B;   179       LB 6\n");
  strcat(s,"0106 0906; 180       LN 0\n");
  strcat(s,"0108 0A;\n");
  strcat(s,"0109 0000; 181       CP              (SKIP IF + OR 0)\n");
  strcat(s,"010B 1C;   182       NE\n");
  strcat(s,"010C 17;   183       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"010D 2F;   184 :F2   BC F3 \"USR\"     *USR FUNCTION*\n");
  strcat(s,"010E 8F5553D2;\n");
  strcat(s,"0112 ;     185       BC * \"(\"        3 ARGUMENTS POSSIBLE\n");
  strcat(s,"0112 80A8; 186       JS EXPR         ONE REQUIRED\n");
  strcat(s,"0114 30BC; 187       JS ARG\n");
  strcat(s,"0116 312A; 188       JS ARG\n");
  strcat(s,"0118 312A; 189       BC * \")\"\n");
  strcat(s,"011A 80A9; 190       US              GO DO IT\n");
  strcat(s,"011C 2E;   191       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"011D 2F;   192 :F3   BV F4           VARIABLE?\n");
  strcat(s,"011E A2;   193       FV              YES.  GET IT\n");
  strcat(s,"011F 12;   194       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"0120 2F;   195 :F4   BN F5           NUMBER?\n");
  strcat(s,"0121 C1;   196       RT              GOT IT.\n");
  strcat(s,"0122 2F;   197 :F5   BC * \"(\"        OTHERWISE MUST BE (EXPR)\n");
  strcat(s,"0123 80A8; 198 :F6   JS EXPR\n");
  strcat(s,"0125 30BC; 199       BC * \")\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0127 80A9; 200       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"0129 2F;   201 .\n");
  strcat(s,"012A ;     202 :ARG  BC A0 \",\"        COMMA?\n");
  strcat(s,"012A 83AC; 203       J  EXPR          YES, GET EXPRESSION\n");
  strcat(s,"012C 38BC; 204 :A0   DS               NO, DUPLICATE STACK TOP\n");
  strcat(s,"012E 0B;   205       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"012F 2F;   206 .\n");
  strcat(s,"0130 ;     207 :FUNC BC * \"(\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0130 80A8; 208       BR F6\n");
  strcat(s,"0132 52;   209       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"0133 2F;   210 .\n");
  strcat(s,"0134 ;     211 :RELO BC R0 \"=\"        CONVERT RELATION OPERATORS\n");
  strcat(s,"0134 84BD; 212       LB 2             TO CODE BYTE ON STACK\n");
  strcat(s,"0136 0902; 213       RT               =\n");
  strcat(s,"0138 2F;   214 :R0   BC R4 \"<\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0139 8EBC; 215       BC R1 \"=\"\n");
  strcat(s,"013B 84BD; 216       LB 3             <=\n");
  strcat(s,"013D 0903; 217       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"013F 2F;   218 :R1   BC R3 \">\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0140 84BE; 219       LB 5             <>\n");
  strcat(s,"0142 0905; 220       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"0144 2F;   221 :R3   LB 1             <\n");
  strcat(s,"0145 0901; 222       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"0147 2F;   223 :R4   BC * \">\"\n");
  strcat(s,"0148 80BE; 224       BC R5 \"=\"\n");
  strcat(s,"014A 84BD; 225       LB 6             >=\n");
  strcat(s,"014C 0906; 226       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"014E 2F;   227 :R5   BC R6 \"<\"\n");
  strcat(s,"014F 84BC; 228       LB 5             ><\n");
  strcat(s,"0151 0905; 229       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"0153 2F;   230 :R6   LB 4             >\n");
  strcat(s,"0154 0904; 231       RT\n");
  strcat(s,"0156 2F;   232 .\n");
  strcat(s,"0157 ;    0000\n");
  return s;} /* ~DefaultIL */

/**************************** Startup Code ****************************/

void StartTinyBasic(char* ILtext) {
  int nx;
  for (nx=0; nx<CoreTop; nx++) Core[nx] = 0;          /* clear Core.. */
  Poke2(ExpnStk,8191);                          /* random number seed */
  Core[BScode] = 8; /* backspace */
  Core[CanCode] = 27; /*escape */
  for (nx=0; nx<32; nx++) DeCaps[nx] = '\0';     /* fill caps table.. */
  for (nx=32; nx<127; nx++) DeCaps[nx] = (char)nx;
  for (nx=65; nx<91; nx++) DeCaps[nx+32] = (char)nx;
  DeCaps[9] = ' ';
  DeCaps[10] = '\r';
  DeCaps[13] = '\r';
  DeCaps[127] = '\0';
  if (ILtext == NULL) ILtext = DefaultIL();  /* no IL given, use mine */
  ConvtIL(ILtext);              /* convert IL assembly code to binary */
  Interp();                                               /* go do it */
  if (oFile != NULL) IoFileClose(oFile);         /* close output file */
  if (inFile != NULL) IoFileClose(inFile);        /* close input file */
  oFile = NULL;
  inFile = NULL;} /* ~StartTinyBasic */

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
/*  CONSOLE_INIT("TinyBasic"); */
  if (con_init_console_dll()) return 1; // init fail

  int nx;
  long int len;
  char* IL = NULL;
  FileType tmpFile;
  inFile = NULL;
  oFile = NULL;
  for (nx=1; nx<argc; nx++) {         /* look for command-line args.. */
    if (strcmp(argv[nx],"-b")==0 && ++nx<argc) {     /* alt IL file.. */
      tmpFile = fopen(argv[nx],"r");
      if (tmpFile != NULL) if (fseek(tmpFile,0,SEEK_END)==0) {
        len = ftell(tmpFile);                      /* get file size.. */
        if (fseek(tmpFile,0,SEEK_SET)==0) if (len>9) {
          len = len/8+len;            /* allow for line end expansion */
          IL = (char*)malloc(len+1);
          if (IL != NULL) len = fread(IL,1,len,tmpFile);
          IL[len] = '\0';
      else con_printf("Could not open file %s", argv[nx]);}
    else if (strcmp(argv[nx],"-o")==0 && ++nx<argc)    /* output file */
      oFile = fopen(argv[nx],"w");
    else if (strcmp(argv[nx],"-i")==0 && ++nx<argc)     /* input file */
      inFile = fopen(argv[nx],"r");
    else if (inFile==NULL)  /* default (unadorned) is also input file */
      inFile = fopen(argv[nx],"r");}             /* ignore other args */

#ifdef DefaultInputFile
  if (inFile==NULL) inFile = fopen(DefaultInputFile,"r");
#ifdef DefaultOutputFile
  if (oFile==NULL) oFile = fopen(DefaultOutputFile,"w");

  StartTinyBasic(IL);                                     /* go do it */
  return 0;} /* ~main */

  char *ExplainErr(int code)
	switch (code)
	  case  0:		return     "Break during execution";
	  case  8:   	return	   "Memory overflow; line not inserted";
	  case  9:	 	return     "Line number 0 not allowed";
      case  13:	 	return     "RUN with no program in memory";
	  case  18:		return     "LET is missing a variable name";
	  case  20:		return     "LET is missing an =";
	  case  23:		return     "Improper syntax in LET";
	  case  25:		return     "LET is not followed by END";
	  case  34:		return     "Improper syntax in GOTO";
	  case  37:		return     "No line to GO TO";
	  case  39:		return     "Misspelled GOTO";
	  case  40:
	  case  41:		return     "Misspelled GOSUB";
	  case  46:		return     "GOSUB subroutine does not exist"; 
	  case  59:		return     "PRINT not followed by END"; 
	  case  62:		return     "Missing close quote in PRINT string";
	  case  73:		return     "Colon in PRINT is not at end of statement";
	  case  75:		return     "PRINT not followed by END"; 
	  case  95:		return     "IF not followed by END";
	  case 104:		return     "INPUT syntax bad - expects variable name";
	  case 123:		return     "INPUT syntax bad - expects comma";
	  case 124:		return     "INPUT not followed by END";
	  case 132:		return     "RETURN syntax bad"; 
	  case 133:		return     "RETURN has no matching GOSUB";
	  case 134:		return     "GOSUB not followed by END";
	  case 139:		return     "END syntax bad";
	  case 154:		return     "Can't LIST line number 0";
	  case 164:		return     "LIST syntax error - expects comma";
	  case 183:		return     "REM not followed by END"; 
	  case 184:		return     "Missing statement type keyword";
	  case 186:		return     "Misspelled statement type keyword";
	  case 188:		return     "Memory overflow: too many GOSUB's ..."; 
	  case 211:		return     "Memory overflow: ... or expression too complex"; 
	  case 224:		return     "Divide by 0";
	  case 226:		return     "Memory overflow"; 
	  case 232:		return     "Expression too complex ..."; 
	  case 233:		return     "Expression too complex ... using RND ..."; 
	  case 234:		return     "Expression too complex ... in direct evaluation"; 
	  case 253:		return     "Expression too complex ... simplify the expression"; 
	  case 259:		return     "RND (0) not allowed";
	  case 266:		return     "Expression too complex ..."; 
	  case 267:		return     "Expression too complex ... for RND";
	  case 275:		return     "USR expects \"(\" before arguments";
	  case 284:		return     "USR expects \")\" after arguments"; 
	  case 287:		return     "Expression too complex ..."; 
	  case 288:		return     "Expression too complex ... for USR";
	  case 290:		return     "Expression too complex";
	  case 293:		return     "Syntax error in expression - expects value";
	  case 296:		return     "Syntax error - expects \")\""; 
	  case 298:		return     "Memory overflow (in USR)"; 
	  case 303:		return     "Expression too complex (in USR)"; 
	  case 304:		return     "Memory overflow (in function evaluation)"; 
	  case 306:		return     "Syntax error - expects \"(\" for function arguments"; 
	  case 330:		return     "IF syntax error - expects relation operator";
	  default:	return "Unknown error, interpreter is malfunctioning";