Function 39
and its subfunctions (1,2,4)
Subfunction 1 - get the size of the background image
* eax =
39 - function number
* ebx = 1
- number of subfunction
Return value:
* eax =
[width] * 65536 + [height]
There is a pair
command for setting the size of the background image - subfunction
1 of function 15. After which, of course, the image itself should be redefined.
Constants for registers:
eax -
Subfunction 2 - read point from background image
* eax =
39 - function number
* ebx = 2
- subfunction number
* ecx =
Return value:
* eax =
0x00RRGGBB - dot color, if the offset is valid
(less than 0x160000-16)
* eax = 2
- otherwise
Do not rely on the
return value in case of an incorrect offset; it may change in future versions
of the kernel.
The displacement of a
point with coordinates (x, y) is calculated as (x + y * xsize)
* 3.
There is a pair
function of setting a point on the background image - a subfunction
2 of function 15.
Constants for registers:
eax -
Subfunction 4 - get background rendering mode
* eax =
39 - function number
* ebx = 4
- subfunction number
Return value:
* eax = 1
- to pave
* eax = 2
- stretch
There is a paired
function for setting the background rendering mode - a sub-function 4 of the
function 15.
Constants for registers:
eax -