(* BSD 2-Clause License Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Anton Krotov All rights reserved. *) MODULE KOS; IMPORT BIN, WR := WRITER, LISTS, CHL := CHUNKLISTS; CONST HEADER_SIZE = 36; SIZE_OF_DWORD = 4; TYPE FILE = WR.FILE; HEADER = RECORD menuet01: ARRAY 9 OF CHAR; ver, start, size, mem, sp, param, path: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE align (n, _align: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF n MOD _align # 0 THEN n := n + _align - (n MOD _align) END RETURN n END align; PROCEDURE Import* (program: BIN.PROGRAM; idata: INTEGER; VAR ImportTable: CHL.INTLIST; VAR len, libcount, size: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; import: BIN.IMPRT; BEGIN libcount := 0; import := program.imp_list.first(BIN.IMPRT); WHILE import # NIL DO IF import.label = 0 THEN INC(libcount) END; import := import.next(BIN.IMPRT) END; len := libcount * 2 + 2; size := (LISTS.count(program.imp_list) + len + 1) * SIZE_OF_DWORD; ImportTable := CHL.CreateIntList(); FOR i := 0 TO size DIV SIZE_OF_DWORD - 1 DO CHL.PushInt(ImportTable, 0) END; i := 0; import := program.imp_list.first(BIN.IMPRT); WHILE import # NIL DO IF import.label = 0 THEN CHL.SetInt(ImportTable, len, 0); INC(len); CHL.SetInt(ImportTable, i, idata + len * SIZE_OF_DWORD); INC(i); CHL.SetInt(ImportTable, i, import.nameoffs + size + idata); INC(i) ELSE CHL.SetInt(ImportTable, len, import.nameoffs + size + idata); import.label := len * SIZE_OF_DWORD; INC(len) END; import := import.next(BIN.IMPRT) END; CHL.SetInt(ImportTable, len, 0); CHL.SetInt(ImportTable, i, 0); CHL.SetInt(ImportTable, i + 1, 0); INC(len); size := size + CHL.Length(program.import) END Import; PROCEDURE write* (program: BIN.PROGRAM; FileName: ARRAY OF CHAR); CONST PARAM_SIZE = 2048; FileAlignment = 16; VAR header: HEADER; base, text, data, idata, bss: INTEGER; reloc: BIN.RELOC; iproc: BIN.IMPRT; L: INTEGER; delta: INTEGER; i: INTEGER; File: FILE; ImportTable: CHL.INTLIST; ILen, libcount, isize: INTEGER; icount, dcount, ccount: INTEGER; BEGIN base := 0; icount := CHL.Length(program.import); dcount := CHL.Length(program.data); ccount := CHL.Length(program.code); text := base + HEADER_SIZE; data := align(text + ccount, FileAlignment); idata := align(data + dcount, FileAlignment); Import(program, idata, ImportTable, ILen, libcount, isize); bss := align(idata + isize, FileAlignment); header.menuet01 := "MENUET01"; header.ver := 1; header.start := text; header.size := idata + isize - base; header.mem := align(header.size + program.stack + program.bss + PARAM_SIZE * 2 + 4096, FileAlignment); header.sp := base + header.mem - PARAM_SIZE * 2; header.param := header.sp; header.path := header.param + PARAM_SIZE; reloc := program.rel_list.first(BIN.RELOC); WHILE reloc # NIL DO L := BIN.get32le(program.code, reloc.offset); delta := 3 - reloc.offset - text; CASE reloc.opcode OF |BIN.RIMP: iproc := BIN.GetIProc(program, L); BIN.put32le(program.code, reloc.offset, idata + iproc.label) |BIN.RBSS: BIN.put32le(program.code, reloc.offset, L + bss) |BIN.RDATA: BIN.put32le(program.code, reloc.offset, L + data) |BIN.RCODE: BIN.put32le(program.code, reloc.offset, BIN.GetLabel(program, L) + text) |BIN.PICDATA: BIN.put32le(program.code, reloc.offset, L + data + delta) |BIN.PICCODE: BIN.put32le(program.code, reloc.offset, BIN.GetLabel(program, L) + text + delta) |BIN.PICBSS: BIN.put32le(program.code, reloc.offset, L + bss + delta) |BIN.PICIMP: iproc := BIN.GetIProc(program, L); BIN.put32le(program.code, reloc.offset, idata + iproc.label + delta) |BIN.IMPTAB: BIN.put32le(program.code, reloc.offset, idata + delta) END; reloc := reloc.next(BIN.RELOC) END; File := WR.Create(FileName); FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO WR.WriteByte(File, ORD(header.menuet01[i])) END; WR.Write32LE(File, header.ver); WR.Write32LE(File, header.start); WR.Write32LE(File, header.size); WR.Write32LE(File, header.mem); WR.Write32LE(File, header.sp); WR.Write32LE(File, header.param); WR.Write32LE(File, header.path); CHL.WriteToFile(File, program.code); WR.Padding(File, FileAlignment); CHL.WriteToFile(File, program.data); WR.Padding(File, FileAlignment); FOR i := 0 TO ILen - 1 DO WR.Write32LE(File, CHL.GetInt(ImportTable, i)) END; CHL.WriteToFile(File, program.import); WR.Close(File) END write; END KOS.