forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
add function gluCylinder
git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
if tup.getconfig("NO_FASM") ~= "" then return end
tup.foreach_rule("*.asm", "fasm %f %o " .. tup.getconfig("KPACK_CMD"), "%B")
@ -1,39 +1,62 @@
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 0x1
dd start
dd i_end
dd mem,stacktop
dd 0,cur_dir_path
dd 1,start,i_end,mem,stacktop,0,cur_dir_path
include '../../../../../'
include '../../../../../'
include '../../../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac'
include '../../../../../'
include '../../../../../'
include '../../../../../'
include '../'
include '../../../../../develop/info3ds/'
@use_library_mem mem.Alloc,mem.Free,mem.ReAlloc,dll.Load
align 4
image_data_toolbar dd 0
offs_zbuf_pbuf equ 24 ;const. from ''
align 4
load_library name_tgl, cur_dir_path, library_path, system_path, \
err_message_found_lib, head_f_l, import_lib_tinygl, err_message_import, head_f_i
cmp eax,-1
jz button.exit
load_libraries l_libs_start,l_libs_end
;проверка на сколько удачно загузились библиотеки
mov ebp,lib_0
cmp dword [ebp+ll_struc_size-4],0
jz @f
add ebp,ll_struc_size
cmp ebp,l_libs_end
jl .test_lib_open
mcall 40,0x27
mcall SF_STYLE_SETTINGS,SSF_GET_COLORS,sc,sizeof.system_colors
stdcall [kosglMakeCurrent], 10,10,400,350,ctx1
stdcall [glEnable], GL_DEPTH_TEST
stdcall [glEnable], GL_NORMALIZE ;делам нормали одинаковой величины во избежание артефактов
stdcall [gluNewQuadric]
mov [qObj],eax
stdcall [kosglMakeCurrent], 5,30,[buf_ogl.w],[buf_ogl.h],ctx1
stdcall [glEnable], GL_DEPTH_TEST
stdcall [glEnable], GL_NORMALIZE ;делам нормали одинаковой величины во избежание артефактов
stdcall [gluNewQuadric]
mov [qObj],eax
stdcall [glClearColor], 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.0
stdcall [glShadeModel], GL_SMOOTH
stdcall [glClearColor], 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.0
stdcall [glShadeModel], GL_SMOOTH
call draw_3d
mov eax,dword[ctx1] ;eax -> TinyGLContext.GLContext
mov eax,[eax] ;eax -> ZBuffer
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbuf_pbuf] ;eax -> ZBuffer.pbuf
mov dword[buf_ogl],eax
load_image_file 'font8x9.bmp', image_data_toolbar, buf_1.w,buf_1.h
stdcall [buf2d_create_f_img], buf_1,[image_data_toolbar] ;создаем буфер
stdcall mem.Free,[image_data_toolbar] ;освобождаем память
stdcall [buf2d_conv_24_to_8], buf_1,1 ;делаем буфер прозрачности 8 бит
stdcall [buf2d_convert_text_matrix], buf_1
load_image_file 'toolb_1.png', image_data_toolbar
call draw_3d
align 4
@ -41,7 +64,7 @@ red_win:
align 4
mcall 10
cmp al,1
jz red_win
cmp al,2
@ -53,68 +76,101 @@ still:
align 4
mcall 12,1
mcall SF_CREATE_WINDOW,(50 shl 16)+420,(30 shl 16)+410,0x33ffffff,,caption
mov esi,[sc.work_button]
mcall SF_DEFINE_BUTTON,(6 shl 16)+19,(6 shl 16)+19,3+0x40000000 ;вершины вкл.
mcall ,(36 shl 16)+19,,4+0x40000000 ;каркасные грани вкл.
mcall ,(66 shl 16)+19,,5+0x40000000 ;сплошные грани вкл.
mcall ,(96 shl 16)+19,,6+0x40000000 ;масштаб +
mcall ,(126 shl 16)+19,,7+0x40000000 ;масштаб -
mcall SF_PUT_IMAGE,[image_data_toolbar],(21 shl 16)+21,(5 shl 16)+5 ;вершины вкл.
mcall ,,,(35 shl 16)+5 ;каркасные грани вкл.
mcall ,,,(65 shl 16)+5 ;сплошные грани вкл.
mcall ,,,(95 shl 16)+5 ;масштаб +
mcall ,,,(125 shl 16)+5 ;масштаб -
mov edx,0x33ffffff ;0x73ffffff
mcall 0,(50 shl 16)+430,(30 shl 16)+400,,,caption
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
mcall 12,2
align 4
mcall 2
mcall SF_GET_KEY
cmp ah,27 ;Esc
je button.exit
cmp ah,61 ;+
jne @f
fld dword[scale]
fadd dword[delt_sc]
fstp dword[scale]
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
call but_zoom_p
jmp still
cmp ah,45 ;-
jne @f
fld dword[scale]
fsub dword[delt_sc]
fstp dword[scale]
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
call but_zoom_m
jmp still
cmp ah,178 ;Up
jne @f
fld dword[angle_y]
fadd dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[angle_y]
fst dword[angle_y]
mov word[NumberSymbolsAD],2
fstp qword[Data_Double]
call DoubleFloat_to_String
mov byte[txt_angle_y.v],0
stdcall str_cat, txt_angle_y.v,Data_String
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
cmp ah,177 ;Down
jne @f
fld dword[angle_y]
fsub dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[angle_y]
fst dword[angle_y]
mov word[NumberSymbolsAD],2
fstp qword[Data_Double]
call DoubleFloat_to_String
mov byte[txt_angle_y.v],0
stdcall str_cat, txt_angle_y.v,Data_String
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
cmp ah,176 ;Left
jne @f
fld dword[angle_z]
fadd dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[angle_z]
fst dword[angle_z]
mov word[NumberSymbolsAD],2
fstp qword[Data_Double]
call DoubleFloat_to_String
mov byte[txt_angle_z.v],0
stdcall str_cat, txt_angle_z.v,Data_String
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
cmp ah,179 ;Right
jne @f
fld dword[angle_z]
fsub dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[angle_z]
fst dword[angle_z]
mov word[NumberSymbolsAD],2
fstp qword[Data_Double]
call DoubleFloat_to_String
mov byte[txt_angle_z.v],0
stdcall str_cat, txt_angle_z.v,Data_String
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
@ -123,20 +179,119 @@ key:
align 4
mcall 17
cmp ah,3
jne @f
call but_st_point
jmp still
cmp ah,4
jne @f
call but_st_line
jmp still
cmp ah,5
jne @f
call but_st_face
jmp still
cmp ah,6
jne @f
call but_zoom_p
jmp still
cmp ah,7
jne @f
call but_zoom_m
jmp still
cmp ah,1
jne still
stdcall [gluDeleteQuadric], [qObj]
mcall -1
stdcall mem.Free,[image_data_toolbar]
align 4
stdcall [gluQuadricDrawStyle], [qObj],GLU_POINT
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
align 4
stdcall [gluQuadricDrawStyle], [qObj],GLU_LINE
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
align 4
stdcall [gluQuadricDrawStyle], [qObj],GLU_FILL
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
align 4
fld dword[scale]
fadd dword[sc_delt]
fcom dword[sc_max]
fstsw ax
jbe @f
ffree st0
fld dword[sc_max]
fst dword[scale]
mov word[NumberSymbolsAD],3
fstp qword[Data_Double]
call DoubleFloat_to_String
mov byte[txt_scale.v],0
stdcall str_cat, txt_scale.v,Data_String
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
align 4
fld dword[scale]
fsub dword[sc_delt]
fcom dword[sc_min]
fstsw ax
ja @f
ffree st0
fld dword[sc_min]
fst dword[scale]
mov word[NumberSymbolsAD],3
fstp qword[Data_Double]
call DoubleFloat_to_String
mov byte[txt_scale.v],0
stdcall str_cat, txt_scale.v,Data_String
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
align 4
caption db 'Test gluSphere, [Esc] - exit, [<-],[->],[Up],[Down] - rotate',0
caption db 'Test gluCylinder, [Esc] - exit, [<-],[->],[Up],[Down] - rotate',0
align 4
ctx1 db 28 dup (0) ;TinyGLContext or KOSGLContext
;sizeof.TinyGLContext = 28
rad1 dq 1.0
rad2 dq 0.55
rad3 dq 0.15
hei1 dq 2.0 ;высота цилиндра
hei2 dq 1.25
align 4
stdcall [glClear], GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT + GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ;очистим буфер цвета и глубины
@ -146,21 +301,27 @@ stdcall [glPushMatrix]
stdcall [glTranslatef], 0.0,0.0,0.5
stdcall [glScalef], [scale], [scale], [scale]
stdcall [glScalef], 1.0, 1.0, 0.5
stdcall [glColor3f], 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
stdcall [glRotatef], [angle_z],0.0,0.0,1.0
stdcall [glRotatef], [angle_y],0.0,1.0,0.0
stdcall [gluSphere], [qObj], 1.0, 32,32
stdcall [glTranslatef], 0.0,0.0,-1.0 ;опускаем цилинды вниз
stdcall [gluCylinder], [qObj], rad1,rad1,hei1, 32,8
stdcall [glColor3f], 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
stdcall [glTranslatef], -1.6,0.0,0.0
stdcall [gluSphere], [qObj], 0.55, 16,16
stdcall [gluCylinder], [qObj], rad2,rad3,hei2, 16,8
stdcall [glColor3f], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
stdcall [glTranslatef], 3.2,0.0,0.0
stdcall [gluSphere], [qObj], 0.55, 16,16
stdcall [gluCylinder], [qObj], rad2,rad3,hei2, 16,8
stdcall [glPopMatrix]
stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_ogl, buf_1,txt_scale,5,5,0xffff00
stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_ogl, buf_1,txt_angle_z,5,15,0xffff00
stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_ogl, buf_1,txt_angle_y,5,25,0xffff00
align 4
@ -182,10 +343,12 @@ ret
qObj dd 0
scale dd 0.4
delt_sc dd 0.05
angle_z dd 0.0
angle_y dd 0.0
scale dd 0.4 ;начальный масштаб
sc_delt dd 0.05 ;изменение масштаба при нажатии
sc_min dd 0.1 ;минимальный масштаб
sc_max dd 1.1 ;максимальный масштаб
angle_z dd -45.0
angle_y dd -150.0
delt_size dd 3.0
light_position dd 3.0, 2.0, -10.0, 1.0 ; Расположение источника [0][1][2]
@ -212,20 +375,174 @@ macro E_LIB n
include '../'
align 4
dd sz_init0
buf2d_create dd sz_buf2d_create
buf2d_create_f_img dd sz_buf2d_create_f_img
buf2d_clear dd sz_buf2d_clear
buf2d_draw dd sz_buf2d_draw
buf2d_delete dd sz_buf2d_delete
buf2d_resize dd sz_buf2d_resize
buf2d_line dd sz_buf2d_line
buf2d_rect_by_size dd sz_buf2d_rect_by_size
buf2d_filled_rect_by_size dd sz_buf2d_filled_rect_by_size
buf2d_circle dd sz_buf2d_circle
buf2d_img_hdiv2 dd sz_buf2d_img_hdiv2
buf2d_img_wdiv2 dd sz_buf2d_img_wdiv2
buf2d_conv_24_to_8 dd sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_8
buf2d_conv_24_to_32 dd sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_32
buf2d_bit_blt dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt
buf2d_bit_blt_transp dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt_transp
buf2d_bit_blt_alpha dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt_alpha
buf2d_curve_bezier dd sz_buf2d_curve_bezier
buf2d_convert_text_matrix dd sz_buf2d_convert_text_matrix
buf2d_draw_text dd sz_buf2d_draw_text
buf2d_crop_color dd sz_buf2d_crop_color
buf2d_offset_h dd sz_buf2d_offset_h
buf2d_flood_fill dd sz_buf2d_flood_fill
buf2d_set_pixel dd sz_buf2d_set_pixel
dd 0,0
sz_init0 db 'lib_init',0
sz_buf2d_create db 'buf2d_create',0
sz_buf2d_create_f_img db 'buf2d_create_f_img',0
sz_buf2d_clear db 'buf2d_clear',0
sz_buf2d_draw db 'buf2d_draw',0
sz_buf2d_delete db 'buf2d_delete',0
sz_buf2d_resize db 'buf2d_resize',0
sz_buf2d_line db 'buf2d_line',0
sz_buf2d_rect_by_size db 'buf2d_rect_by_size',0
sz_buf2d_filled_rect_by_size db 'buf2d_filled_rect_by_size',0
sz_buf2d_circle db 'buf2d_circle',0
sz_buf2d_img_hdiv2 db 'buf2d_img_hdiv2',0
sz_buf2d_img_wdiv2 db 'buf2d_img_wdiv2',0
sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_8 db 'buf2d_conv_24_to_8',0
sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_32 db 'buf2d_conv_24_to_32',0
sz_buf2d_bit_blt db 'buf2d_bit_blt',0
sz_buf2d_bit_blt_transp db 'buf2d_bit_blt_transp',0
sz_buf2d_bit_blt_alpha db 'buf2d_bit_blt_alpha',0
sz_buf2d_curve_bezier db 'buf2d_curve_bezier',0
sz_buf2d_convert_text_matrix db 'buf2d_convert_text_matrix',0
sz_buf2d_draw_text db 'buf2d_draw_text',0
sz_buf2d_crop_color db 'buf2d_crop_color',0
sz_buf2d_offset_h db 'buf2d_offset_h',0
sz_buf2d_flood_fill db 'buf2d_flood_fill',0
sz_buf2d_set_pixel db 'buf2d_set_pixel',0
align 4
dd alib_init1
img_is_img dd aimg_is_img
img_info dd aimg_info
img_from_file dd aimg_from_file
img_to_file dd aimg_to_file
img_from_rgb dd aimg_from_rgb
img_to_rgb dd aimg_to_rgb
img_to_rgb2 dd aimg_to_rgb2
img_decode dd aimg_decode
img_encode dd aimg_encode
img_create dd aimg_create
img_destroy dd aimg_destroy
img_destroy_layer dd aimg_destroy_layer
img_count dd aimg_count
img_lock_bits dd aimg_lock_bits
img_unlock_bits dd aimg_unlock_bits
img_flip dd aimg_flip
img_flip_layer dd aimg_flip_layer
img_rotate dd aimg_rotate
img_rotate_layer dd aimg_rotate_layer
img_draw dd aimg_draw
dd 0,0
alib_init1 db 'lib_init',0
aimg_is_img db 'img_is_img',0 ;определяет по данным, может ли библиотека сделать из них изображение
aimg_info db 'img_info',0
aimg_from_file db 'img_from_file',0
aimg_to_file db 'img_to_file',0
aimg_from_rgb db 'img_from_rgb',0
aimg_to_rgb db 'img_to_rgb',0 ;преобразование изображения в данные RGB
aimg_to_rgb2 db 'img_to_rgb2',0
aimg_decode db 'img_decode',0 ;автоматически определяет формат графических данных
aimg_encode db 'img_encode',0
aimg_create db 'img_create',0
aimg_destroy db 'img_destroy',0
aimg_destroy_layer db 'img_destroy_layer',0
aimg_count db 'img_count',0
aimg_lock_bits db 'img_lock_bits',0
aimg_unlock_bits db 'img_unlock_bits',0
aimg_flip db 'img_flip',0
aimg_flip_layer db 'img_flip_layer',0
aimg_rotate db 'img_rotate',0
aimg_rotate_layer db 'img_rotate_layer',0
aimg_draw db 'img_draw',0
system_path db '/sys/lib/'
name_tgl db 'tinygl.obj',0
err_message_found_lib db 'Sorry I cannot load library tinygl.obj',0
system_dir_0 db '/sys/lib/'
lib_name_0 db 'tinygl.obj',0
system_dir_1 db '/sys/lib/'
lib_name_1 db 'buf2d.obj',0
system_dir_2 db '/sys/lib/'
lib_name_2 db 'libimg.obj',0
err_msg_found_lib_0 db 'Sorry I cannot load library ',39,'tinygl.obj',39,0
err_msg_found_lib_1 db 'Sorry I cannot load library ',39,'buf2d.obj',39,0
err_msg_found_lib_2 db 'Sorry I cannot load library ',39,'libimg.obj',39,0
head_f_l db 'System error',0
err_message_import db 'Error on load import library tinygl.obj',0
err_msg_import_0 db 'Error on load import library ',39,'tinygl.obj',39,0
err_msg_import_1 db 'Error on load import library ',39,'buf2d.obj',39,0
err_msg_import_2 db 'Error on load import library ',39,'libimg.obj',39,0
db 'Scale: '
db 0
rb 10
db 'Rotate z: '
db 0
rb 10
db 'Rotate y: '
db 0
rb 10
align 4
dd 0 ;указатель на буфер изображения
dw 10,10 ;+4 left,top
.w: dd 400
.h: dd 350
dd 0,24 ;+16 color,bit in pixel
align 4
dd 0 ;указатель на буфер изображения
dd 0 ;+4 left,top
.w: dd 0
.h: dd 0,0,24 ;+16 color,bit in pixel
align 4
lib_0 l_libs lib_name_0, cur_dir_path, file_name, system_dir_0,\
err_msg_found_lib_0, head_f_l, import_lib_tinygl,err_msg_import_0,head_f_i
lib_1 l_libs lib_name_1, cur_dir_path, file_name, system_dir_1,\
err_msg_found_lib_1, head_f_l, import_buf2d, err_msg_import_1,head_f_i
lib_2 l_libs lib_name_2, cur_dir_path, file_name, system_dir_2,\
err_msg_found_lib_2, head_f_l, import_libimg, err_msg_import_2, head_f_i
align 4
rb 1024
run_file_70 FileInfoBlock
sc system_colors
align 16
rb 4096
rb 4096
rb 4096
cur_dir_path rb 4096
file_name rb 4096
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
; Export functions (103)
; Export functions (115)
E_LIB glEnable ;(int code)
E_LIB glDisable ;(int code)
E_LIB glEnable ;(int)
E_LIB glDisable ;(int)
E_LIB glShadeModel ;(int mode)
E_LIB glCullFace ;(int mode)
E_LIB glPolygonMode ;(int face,int mode)
E_LIB glShadeModel ;(int)
E_LIB glCullFace ;(int)
E_LIB glPolygonMode ;(int, int)
E_LIB glBegin ;(int type)
E_LIB glEnd ;(void)
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ E_LIB glVertex3f ;(float ,float ,float)
E_LIB glVertex3d ;(double ,double ,double)
E_LIB glVertex3fv ;(float *)
E_LIB glVertex3dv ;(double *)
E_LIB glVertex4f ;(float ,float ,float, float )
E_LIB glVertex4d ;(double ,double ,double, double )
E_LIB glVertex4f ;(float ,float ,float, float)
E_LIB glVertex4d ;(double ,double ,double, double)
E_LIB glVertex4fv ;(float *)
E_LIB glVertex4dv ;(double *)
@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ E_LIB glColor3d ;(double ,double ,double)
E_LIB glColor3fv ;(float *)
E_LIB glColor3dv ;(double *)
E_LIB glColor3ub
E_LIB glColor4f ;(float ,float ,float, float )
E_LIB glColor4d ;(double ,double ,double, double )
E_LIB glColor4f ;(float ,float ,float, float)
E_LIB glColor4d ;(double ,double ,double, double)
E_LIB glColor4fv ;(float *)
E_LIB glColor4dv ;(double *)
E_LIB glNormal3f ;(float ,float ,float)
E_LIB glNormal3d ;(double ,double ,double)
E_LIB glNormal3f ;(float, float, float)
E_LIB glNormal3d ;(double, double, double)
E_LIB glNormal3fv ;(float *)
E_LIB glNormal3dv ;(double *)
@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ E_LIB glTexCoord1f ;(float)
E_LIB glTexCoord1d ;(double)
E_LIB glTexCoord1fv ;(float *)
E_LIB glTexCoord1dv ;(double *)
E_LIB glTexCoord2f ;(float ,float)
E_LIB glTexCoord2d ;(double ,double)
E_LIB glTexCoord2f ;(float, float)
E_LIB glTexCoord2d ;(double, double)
E_LIB glTexCoord2fv ;(float *)
E_LIB glTexCoord2dv ;(double *)
E_LIB glTexCoord3f ;(float ,float ,float)
E_LIB glTexCoord3d ;(double ,double ,double)
E_LIB glTexCoord3f ;(float, float, float)
E_LIB glTexCoord3d ;(double, double, double)
E_LIB glTexCoord3fv ;(float *)
E_LIB glTexCoord3dv ;(double *)
E_LIB glTexCoord4f ;(float ,float ,float, float )
E_LIB glTexCoord4d ;(double ,double ,double, double )
E_LIB glTexCoord4f ;(float, float, float, float)
E_LIB glTexCoord4d ;(double, double, double, double)
E_LIB glTexCoord4fv ;(float *)
E_LIB glTexCoord4dv ;(double *)
@ -66,95 +66,95 @@ E_LIB glLoadIdentity ;(void)
E_LIB glMultMatrixf ;(const float *m)
E_LIB glPushMatrix ;(void)
E_LIB glPopMatrix ;(void)
E_LIB glRotatef ;(float angle,float x,float y,float z)
E_LIB glTranslatef ;(float x,float y,float z)
E_LIB glScalef ;(float x,float y,float z)
E_LIB glRotatef ;(float, float, float, float)
E_LIB glTranslatef ;(float, float, float)
E_LIB glScalef ;(float, float, float)
E_LIB glViewport ;(int x,int y,int width,int height)
E_LIB glFrustum ;(double left,double right,double bottom,double top, double near_,double far_);
E_LIB glViewport ;(int, int, int, int)
E_LIB glFrustum ;(double, double, double, double, double, double)
; lists
E_LIB glGenLists ;(int range)
E_LIB glIsList ;(unsigned int list)
E_LIB glNewList ;(unsigned int list,int mode)
E_LIB glGenLists ;(int)
E_LIB glIsList ;(unsigned int)
E_LIB glNewList ;(unsigned int, int)
E_LIB glEndList ;(void)
E_LIB glCallList ;(unsigned int list)
E_LIB glCallList ;(unsigned int)
; clear
E_LIB glClear ;(int mask)
E_LIB glClearColor ;(float r,float g,float b,float a)
E_LIB glClearDepth ;(double depth)
E_LIB glClear ;(int)
E_LIB glClearColor ;(float, float, float, float)
E_LIB glClearDepth ;(double)
; selection
E_LIB glRenderMode ;(int mode)
E_LIB glSelectBuffer ;(int size,unsigned int *buf)
E_LIB glRenderMode ;(int)
E_LIB glSelectBuffer ;(int, unsigned int *)
E_LIB glInitNames ;(void)
E_LIB glPushName ;(unsigned int name)
E_LIB glPushName ;(unsigned int)
E_LIB glPopName ;(void)
E_LIB glLoadName ;(unsigned int name)
E_LIB glLoadName ;(unsigned int)
; textures
E_LIB glGenTextures ;(int n, unsigned int *textures)
E_LIB glDeleteTextures ;(int n, const unsigned int *textures)
E_LIB glBindTexture ;(int target,int texture)
E_LIB glTexImage2D ;( int target, int level, int components, int width, int height, int border, int format, int type, void *pixels)
E_LIB glTexEnvi ;(int target,int pname,int param)
E_LIB glTexParameteri ;(int target,int pname,int param)
E_LIB glPixelStorei ;(int pname,int param)
E_LIB glGenTextures ;(int, unsigned int *)
E_LIB glDeleteTextures ;(int, const unsigned int *)
E_LIB glBindTexture ;(int, int)
E_LIB glTexImage2D ;(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, void *)
E_LIB glTexEnvi ;(int, int, int)
E_LIB glTexParameteri ;(int, int, int)
E_LIB glPixelStorei ;(int, int)
; lighting
E_LIB glMaterialfv ;(int mode,int type,float *v)
E_LIB glMaterialf ;(int mode,int type,float v)
E_LIB glColorMaterial ;(int mode,int type)
E_LIB glMaterialfv ;(int, int, float *)
E_LIB glMaterialf ;(int, int, float)
E_LIB glColorMaterial ;(int, int)
E_LIB glLightfv ;(int light,int type,float *v)
E_LIB glLightf ;(int light,int type,float v)
E_LIB glLightModeli ;(int pname,int param)
E_LIB glLightModelfv ;(int pname,float *param)
E_LIB glLightfv ;(int, int, float *)
E_LIB glLightf ;(int, int, float)
E_LIB glLightModeli ;(int, int)
E_LIB glLightModelfv ;(int, float *)
; misc
E_LIB glFlush ;(void)
E_LIB glHint ;(int target,int mode)
E_LIB glGetIntegerv ;(int pname,int *params)
E_LIB glGetFloatv ;(int pname, float *v)
E_LIB glFrontFace ;(int mode)
E_LIB glHint ;(int, int)
E_LIB glGetIntegerv ;(int, int *)
E_LIB glGetFloatv ;(int, float *)
E_LIB glFrontFace ;(int)
; opengl 1.2 arrays
E_LIB glEnableClientState ;(GLenum array)
E_LIB glDisableClientState ;(GLenum array)
E_LIB glArrayElement ;(GLint i)
E_LIB glDrawArrays ;(mode, first, count)
E_LIB glDrawElements ;(mode, count, type, indices)
E_LIB glVertexPointer ;(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)
E_LIB glColorPointer ;(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)
E_LIB glNormalPointer ;(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)
E_LIB glTexCoordPointer ;(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)
E_LIB glArrayElement ;(int)
E_LIB glDrawArrays ;(GLenum, int, GLsizei)
E_LIB glDrawElements ;(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *)
E_LIB glVertexPointer ;(int, GLenum, GLsizei, const void *)
E_LIB glColorPointer ;(int, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)
E_LIB glNormalPointer ;(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)
E_LIB glTexCoordPointer ;(int, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)
; opengl 1.2 polygon offset
E_LIB glPolygonOffset ;(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units)
E_LIB glPolygonOffset ;(float, float)
; not implemented, just added to compile
;inline void glPointSize(float) {}
;inline void glLineWidth(float) {}
;inline void glDeleteLists(int, int) {}
;inline void glDepthFunc(int) {}
;inline void glBlendFunc(int, int) {}
;inline void glTexEnvf(int, int, int) {}
;inline void glOrtho(float,float,float,float,float,float){}
;inline void glVertex2i(int,int) {}
;inline void glDepthMask(int) {}
;inline void glFogi(int, int) {}
;inline void glFogfv(int, const float*) {}
;inline void glFogf(int, float) {}
;inline void glRasterPos2f(float, float) {}
;inline void glPolygonStipple(void*) {}
;inline void glTexParameterf(int, int, int) {};
;E_LIB glPointSize(float)
;E_LIB glLineWidth(float)
;E_LIB glDeleteLists(int, int)
;E_LIB glDepthFunc(int)
;E_LIB glBlendFunc(int, int)
;E_LIB glTexEnvf(int, int, int)
;E_LIB glOrtho(float, float, float, float, float, float)
;E_LIB glVertex2i(int, int)
;E_LIB glDepthMask(int)
;E_LIB glFogi(int, int)
;E_LIB glFogfv(int, const float*)
;E_LIB glFogf(int, float)
;E_LIB glRasterPos2f(float, float)
;E_LIB glPolygonStipple(void*)
;E_LIB glTexParameterf(int, int, int)
; non compatible functions
E_LIB glDebug ;(int mode)
E_LIB glDebug ;(int)
E_LIB glInit ;(void *zbuffer)
E_LIB glInit ;(void *)
E_LIB glClose ;(void)
@ -166,7 +166,8 @@ E_LIB gluDeleteQuadric
E_LIB gluQuadricDrawStyle
E_LIB gluQuadricOrientation
E_LIB gluQuadricTexture
E_LIB gluSphere
E_LIB gluCylinder ;(GLUquadricObj, double, double, double, int, int)
E_LIB gluSphere ;(GLUquadricObj, float, int, int)
; Kolibri OS functions
@ -127,9 +127,440 @@ align 4
;void gluCylinder(GLUquadricObj *qobj, GLdouble baseRadius, GLdouble topRadius, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks )
align 16
proc gluCylinder qobj:dword, baseRadius:dword, topRadius:dword, height:dword,\
slices:dword, stacks:dword
da dq ? ;double
r dq ? ;double
dr dq ? ;double
dz dq ? ;double
x dd ? ;float
y dd ? ;float
z dd ? ;float
nz dd ? ;float
nsign dd ? ;float
i dd ? ;GLint
j dd ? ;GLint
du dd ? ;float
dv dd ? ;float
tcx dd ? ;float
tcy dd ? ;float
x2 dd ? ;float
y2 dd ? ;float
mov edx,[qobj]
cmp dword[edx+offs_qobj_Orientation],GLU_INSIDE
jne @f
fstp dword[nsign]
fadd st0,st0
fidiv dword[slices]
fstp qword[da] ;da = 2.0*M_PI / slices
mov ebx,[topRadius]
fld qword[ebx]
mov ecx,[baseRadius]
fsub qword[ecx]
fld st0 ;copy: topRadius-baseRadius
fidiv dword[stacks]
fstp qword[dr] ;dr = (topRadius-baseRadius) / stacks
mov eax,[height]
fld qword[eax]
fidiv dword[stacks]
fstp qword[dz] ;dz = height / stacks
fdiv qword[eax]
fstp dword[nz] ;nz = (baseRadius-topRadius) / height ; Z component of normal vectors
cmp dword[edx+offs_qobj_DrawStyle],GLU_POINT
jne .else0
stdcall glBegin,GL_POINTS
mov ebx,[slices]
mov dword[i],0
align 4
.cycle_0: ;for (i=0;i<slices;i++)
cmp [i],ebx
jge .cycle_0_end
fild dword[i]
fmul qword[da]
fld st0
fst dword[x] ;x = cos(i*da)
fmul dword[nsign]
fstp dword[esp-12]
fst dword[y] ;y = sin(i*da)
fmul dword[nsign]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fld dword[nz]
fmul dword[nsign]
fstp dword[esp-4]
sub esp,12
call glNormal3f ;x*nsign, y*nsign, nz*nsign
mov dword[z],0.0
mov ecx,[baseRadius]
fld qword[ecx]
fstp qword[r] ;r = baseRadius
mov ecx,[stacks]
inc ecx
align 4
.cycle_1: ;for (j=0;j<=stacks;j++)
mov eax,[z]
mov [esp-4],eax
fld qword[r]
fld st0
fmul dword[y]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glVertex3f ;x*r, y*r, z
fld dword[z]
fadd qword[dz]
fstp dword[z] ;z += dz
fld qword[r]
fadd qword[dr]
fstp qword[r] ;r += dr
dec ecx
jnz .cycle_1
inc dword[i]
jmp .cycle_0
align 4
call glEnd
jmp .end_f
cmp dword[edx+offs_qobj_DrawStyle],GLU_LINE
je @f
cmp dword[edx+offs_qobj_DrawStyle],GLU_SILHOUETTE
je .else2
jmp .else1
; Draw rings
mov dword[z],0.0
mov ecx,[baseRadius]
fld qword[ecx]
fstp qword[r] ;r = baseRadius
mov ecx,[stacks]
inc ecx
align 4
.cycle_2: ;for (j=0;j<=stacks;j++)
stdcall glBegin,GL_LINE_LOOP
mov ebx,[slices]
mov dword[i],0
align 4
.cycle_3: ;for (i=0;i<slices;i++)
cmp [i],ebx
jge .cycle_3_end
fild dword[i]
fmul qword[da]
fld st0
fst dword[x] ;x = cos(i*da)
fmul dword[nsign]
fstp dword[esp-12]
fst dword[y] ;y = sin(i*da)
fmul dword[nsign]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fld dword[nz]
fmul dword[nsign]
fstp dword[esp-4]
sub esp,12
call glNormal3f ;x*nsign, y*nsign, nz*nsign
mov eax,[z]
mov [esp-4],eax
fld qword[r]
fld st0
fmul dword[y]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glVertex3f ;x*r, y*r, z
inc dword[i]
jmp .cycle_3
align 4
call glEnd
fld dword[z]
fadd qword[dz]
fstp dword[z] ;z += dz
fld qword[r]
fadd qword[dr]
fstp qword[r] ;r += dr
dec ecx
jnz .cycle_2
jmp .else2_end
align 4
; draw one ring at each end
; if (baseRadius!=0.0) {
stdcall glBegin,GL_LINE_LOOP
align 4
.cycle_4: ;for (i=0;i<slices;i++)
; {
; x = cos(i*da);
; y = sin(i*da);
; normal3f( x*nsign, y*nsign, nz*nsign );
; glVertex3f( x*baseRadius, y*baseRadius, 0.0 );
; }
call glEnd
stdcall glBegin,GL_LINE_LOOP
align 4
.cycle_5: ;for (i=0;i<slices;i++)
; {
; x = cos(i*da);
; y = sin(i*da);
; normal3f( x*nsign, y*nsign, nz*nsign );
; glVertex3f( x*topRadius, y*topRadius, height );
; }
call glEnd
; }
; draw length lines
stdcall glBegin,GL_LINES
mov ebx,[slices]
mov dword[i],0
align 4
.cycle_6: ;for (i=0;i<slices;i++)
cmp [i],ebx
jge .cycle_6_end
fild dword[i]
fmul qword[da]
fld st0
fst dword[x] ;x = cos(i*da)
fmul dword[nsign]
fstp dword[esp-12]
fst dword[y] ;y = sin(i*da)
fmul dword[nsign]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fld dword[nz]
fmul dword[nsign]
fstp dword[esp-4]
sub esp,12
call glNormal3f ;x*nsign, y*nsign, nz*nsign
mov dword[esp-4],0.0
mov ecx,[baseRadius]
fld qword[ecx]
fld st0
fmul dword[y]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glVertex3f ;x*baseRadius, y*baseRadius, 0.0
mov eax,[height]
fld qword[eax]
fstp dword[esp-4]
mov ecx,[topRadius]
fld qword[ecx]
fld st0
fmul dword[y]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glVertex3f ;x*topRadius, y*topRadius, height
inc dword[i]
jmp .cycle_6
align 4
call glEnd
jmp .end_f
align 4
cmp dword[edx+offs_qobj_DrawStyle],GLU_FILL
jne .end_f
fidiv dword[slices]
fstp dword[du] ;du = 1.0 / slices
fidiv dword[stacks]
fstp dword[dv] ;dv = 1.0 / stacks
mov dword[tcx],0.0
mov dword[tcy],0.0
mov ebx,[slices]
mov dword[i],0
align 4
.cycle_7: ;for (i=0;i<slices;i++)
cmp [i],ebx
jge .cycle_7_end
fild dword[i]
fmul qword[da]
fld st0
fstp dword[y] ;y1 = cos(i*da)
fstp dword[x] ;x1 = -sin(i*da)
inc dword[i]
fild dword[i]
fmul qword[da]
fld st0
fstp dword[y2] ;y2 = cos((i+1)*da)
fstp dword[x2] ;x2 = -sin((i+1)*da)
mov dword[z],0.0
mov ecx,[baseRadius]
fld qword[ecx]
fstp qword[r] ;r = baseRadius
mov dword[tcy],0.0
stdcall glBegin,GL_QUAD_STRIP
mov ecx,[stacks]
inc ecx
align 4
.cycle_8: ;for (j=0;j<=stacks;j++)
fld dword[nsign]
fstsw ax
jbe .else3
;if (nsign>0.0)
fld st0
fmul dword[nz]
fstp dword[esp-4]
fld st0
fmul dword[y]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glNormal3f ;x1*nsign, y1*nsign, nz*nsign
cmp dword[edx+offs_qobj_TextureFlag],0 ;if (qobj.TextureFlag)
je @f
stdcall glTexCoord2f, [tcx],[tcy]
mov eax,[z]
mov [esp-4],eax
fld qword[r]
fld st0
fmul dword[y]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glVertex3f ;x1*r, y1*r, z
fld dword[nsign]
fld st0
fmul dword[nz]
fstp dword[esp-4]
fld st0
fmul dword[y2]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x2]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glNormal3f ;x2*nsign, y2*nsign, nz*nsign
cmp dword[edx+offs_qobj_TextureFlag],0 ;if (qobj.TextureFlag)
je @f
push dword[tcy]
fld dword[tcx]
fadd dword[du]
fstp dword[esp-4]
sub esp,4
call glTexCoord2f ;tcx+du, tcy
mov eax,[z]
mov [esp-4],eax
fld qword[r]
fld st0
fmul dword[y2]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x2]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glVertex3f ;x2*r, y2*r, z
jmp .else3_end
fld st0
fmul dword[nz]
fstp dword[esp-4]
fld st0
fmul dword[y2]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x2]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glNormal3f ;x2*nsign, y2*nsign, nz*nsign
cmp dword[edx+offs_qobj_TextureFlag],0 ;if (qobj.TextureFlag)
je @f
stdcall glTexCoord2f, [tcx],[tcy]
mov eax,[z]
mov [esp-4],eax
fld qword[r]
fld st0
fmul dword[y2]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x2]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glVertex3f ;x2*r, y2*r, z
fld dword[nsign]
fld st0
fmul dword[nz]
fstp dword[esp-4]
fld st0
fmul dword[y]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glNormal3f ;x1*nsign, y1*nsign, nz*nsign
cmp dword[edx+offs_qobj_TextureFlag],0 ;if (qobj.TextureFlag)
je @f
push dword[tcy]
fld dword[tcx]
fadd dword[du]
fstp dword[esp-4]
sub esp,4
call glTexCoord2f ;tcx+du, tcy
mov eax,[z]
mov [esp-4],eax
fld qword[r]
fld st0
fmul dword[y]
fstp dword[esp-8]
fmul dword[x]
fstp dword[esp-12]
sub esp,12
call glVertex3f ;x1*r, y1*r, z
fld dword[z]
fadd qword[dz]
fstp dword[z] ;z += dz
fld qword[r]
fadd qword[dr]
fstp qword[r] ;r += dr
fld dword[tcy]
fadd dword[dv]
fstp dword[tcy] ;tcy += dv
dec ecx
jnz .cycle_8
call glEnd
fld dword[tcx]
fadd dword[du]
fstp dword[tcx] ;tcx += du
jmp .cycle_7
align 4
; Disk (adapted from Mesa)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user