forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
Fix EN typos
- Corrections for en_US language. - Some whitespace sanitation. git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ login_ok:
cmp [param_path], 0x20 ; no path specified
jbe wait_for_usercommand
; copy path to buf_cmd and execute CWD
jmp arg_handler.get_path
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ data_loop:
cmp [operation], OPERATION_LIST
je .list
; not retreiving, just print to console
icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, buf_buffer2
jmp data_loop
@ -267,9 +267,9 @@ data_loop:
jne .copy_buf
; All received filenames have been copied, calculate new size of fname buffer
dec edi ; dont count the trailing 0 byte
dec edi ; don't count the trailing 0 byte
sub edi, [ptr_fname]
mov [size_fname], edi
mov [size_fname], edi
jmp data_loop
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,425 +1,425 @@
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2010-2024. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
; Create the 'ip..' string with correct device number
call create_str_ini_int
; Try to read settings from .ini file
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip_type, ini_buf, 16, sz_0
test eax, eax
jz @f
; If settings not found, use default settings from 'ip?' section
mov dword[str_ini_int], 'ip?'
; Read ip/subnet/gateway type
mov [option_ip], op_ip_disabled
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip_type, ini_buf, 16, sz_0
test eax, eax
jnz .ip_type_loaded
mov eax, dword[ini_buf]
or eax, 0x20202020
cmp eax, 'auto'
jne @f
; cmp byte[ini_buf+4], 0
; jne @f
mov [option_ip], op_ip_auto
jmp .ip_type_loaded
cmp eax, 'dhcp'
jne @f
; cmp byte[ini_buf+4], 0
; jne @f
mov [option_ip], op_ip_auto
jmp .ip_type_loaded
cmp eax, 'stat'
jne @f
; mov eax, dword[ini_buf+3]
; or eax, 0x202020
; cmp eax, 'tic'
; jne @f
mov [option_ip], op_ip_static
; jmp .ip_type_loaded
; Read DNS type
mov [option_dns], op_dns_auto
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_dns_type, ini_buf, 16, sz_0
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov eax, dword[ini_buf]
or eax, 0x20202020
cmp eax, 'stat'
jne @f
; mov eax, dword[ini_buf+3]
; or eax, 0x202020
; cmp eax, 'tic'
; jne @f
mov [option_dns], op_dns_static
; Read all IP addresses
mov [str_edit_ip], 0
mov [str_edit_subnet], 0
mov [str_edit_gateway], 0
mov [str_edit_dns], 0
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip, str_edit_ip, 16, sz_0
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_subnet, str_edit_subnet, 16, sz_0
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_gateway, str_edit_gateway, 16, sz_0
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_dns, str_edit_dns, 16, sz_0
invoke edit_set_text, edit_ip, str_edit_ip
invoke edit_set_text, edit_subnet, str_edit_subnet
invoke edit_set_text, edit_gateway, str_edit_gateway
invoke edit_set_text, edit_dns, str_edit_dns
call toggle_editboxes
; get system colors
mcall 48, 3, sc, 40
mcall 12, 1
mov edx, []
or edx, 0x34000000
xor esi, esi
mov edi, str_title
mcall 0, 50 shl 16 + 200, 30 shl 16 + 200
mov ecx, 0x80000000
or ecx, [sc.work_text]
; mov ebx, 47 shl 16 + 25
; mov edx, str_mode
; mcall
mov ebx, 59 shl 16 + 50
mov edx, sz_ip
mcall 4
mov ebx, 5 shl 16 + 70
mov edx, sz_subnet
mov ebx, 29 shl 16 + 90
mov edx, sz_gateway
; mov ebx, 47 shl 16 + 95
; mov edx, str_mode
; mcall
mov ebx, 53 shl 16 + 135
mov edx, sz_dns
invoke edit_box_draw, edit_ip
invoke edit_box_draw, edit_subnet
invoke edit_box_draw, edit_gateway
invoke edit_box_draw, edit_dns
invoke option_box_draw, Option_boxs1
invoke option_box_draw, Option_boxs2
mcall 8, 80 shl 16 + 100, 155 shl 16 + 16, 2, [sc.work_button]
mov ecx, 0x80000000
or ecx, [sc.work_button_text]
mov ebx, 112 shl 16 + 160
mov edx, sz_apply
mcall 4
mcall 12, 2
mcall 10
dec eax
jz .draw
dec eax
jz .key
dec eax
jz .btn
invoke edit_box_mouse, edit_ip
invoke edit_box_mouse, edit_subnet
invoke edit_box_mouse, edit_gateway
invoke edit_box_mouse, edit_dns
push [option_ip] [option_dns]
invoke option_box_mouse, Option_boxs1
invoke option_box_mouse, Option_boxs2
pop ebx eax
cmp eax, [option_ip]
jne @f
cmp ebx, [option_dns]
je .loop
call toggle_editboxes
jmp .draw
mcall 17
test ah , ah
jz .loop
cmp ah, 2 ; apply
jne .exit
; Apply settings!
xor edi, edi
cmp [option_ip], op_ip_static
jne .skip_ip
mov [edit_ip.color], 0xffffff
mov esi, str_edit_ip
call validate_ip
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [edit_ip.color], 0xff4444
inc edi
mov [edit_subnet.color], 0xffffff
mov esi, str_edit_subnet
call validate_ip
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [edit_subnet.color], 0xff4444
inc edi
mov [edit_gateway.color], 0xffffff
mov esi, str_edit_gateway
call validate_ip
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [edit_gateway.color], 0xff4444
inc edi
cmp [option_dns], op_dns_static
jne .skip_dns
mov [edit_dns.color], 0xffffff
mov esi, str_edit_dns
call validate_ip
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [edit_dns.color], 0xff4444
inc edi
test edi, edi
jnz .draw
; Settings look valid, save them to the ini file
; Re-create 'ip..' string, we dont want to save to 'ip?' section.
call create_str_ini_int
cmp [option_ip], op_ip_auto
jne @f
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip_type, sz_auto, 4
jmp .ip_type_ok
cmp [option_ip], op_ip_static
jne @f
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip_type, sz_static, 6
jmp .ip_type_ok
; cmp [option_ip], op_ip_disabled
; jne @f
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip_type, sz_disabled, 8
; @@:
cmp [option_dns], op_dns_auto
jne .dns_static
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_dns_type, sz_auto, 4
jmp @f
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_dns_type, sz_static, 6
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip, str_edit_ip, [edit_ip.size]
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_subnet, str_edit_subnet, [edit_subnet.size]
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_gateway, str_edit_gateway, [edit_gateway.size]
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_dns, str_edit_dns, [edit_dns.size]
mcall -1
mcall 2
; Editbox doesnt allow us to filter input decently, so we do it here.
cmp ah, 13
je .apply
cmp ah, 8
je @f
cmp ah, 0xb0 ; left arrow
je @f
cmp ah, 0xb3 ; right arrow
je @f
cmp ah, '.'
je @f
cmp ah, '0'
jb .loop
cmp ah, '9'
ja .loop
invoke edit_box_key, edit_ip
invoke edit_box_key, edit_subnet
invoke edit_box_key, edit_gateway
invoke edit_box_key, edit_dns
jmp .loop
and [edit_ip.flags], not ed_disabled
and [edit_subnet.flags], not ed_disabled
and [edit_gateway.flags], not ed_disabled
cmp [option_ip], op_ip_static
je @f
or [edit_ip.flags], ed_disabled
or [edit_subnet.flags], ed_disabled
or [edit_gateway.flags], ed_disabled
or [edit_dns.flags], ed_disabled
cmp [option_ip], op_ip_disabled
je @f
cmp [option_dns], op_dns_static
jne @f
and [edit_dns.flags], not ed_disabled
; in: esi = ptr to ascii ip
; out: eax = 0 - ok / -1 - error
xor ecx, ecx ; octet count
xor ebx, ebx ; current number
inc ecx
lodsb ; load one character from ascii string
test al, al
je .finish
cmp al, '.'
je .outer_loop
; Convert current digit from ascii to bin, if valid
sub al, '0'
jb .invalid
cmp al, 9
ja .invalid
; multiply current number by 10
add bl, bl
jc .invalid
lea ebx, [ebx + 4 * ebx]
test ebx, 0xffffff00
jnz .invalid
; add current digit to current number
add bl, al
jc .invalid
jmp .inner_loop
cmp cl, 4
jne .invalid
xor eax, eax
or eax, -1
movzx eax, [device]
mov ebx, 10
xor edx, edx
push 0
div ebx
add dl, '0'
push edx
test eax, eax
jnz @r
mov edi, str_ini_int+2
pop eax
test eax, eax
jnz @r
edit_ip edit_box 100, 80, 45, 0xffffff, 0x6f9480, 0, 0, 0, 15, str_edit_ip, mouse_dd, 0, 0, 1
edit_subnet edit_box 100, 80, 65, 0xffffff, 0x6f9480, 0, 0, 0, 15, str_edit_subnet, mouse_dd, 0, 0, 1
edit_gateway edit_box 100, 80, 85, 0xffffff, 0x6f9480, 0, 0, 0, 15, str_edit_gateway, mouse_dd, 0, 0, 1
edit_dns edit_box 100, 80, 130, 0xffffff, 0x6f9480, 0, 0, 0, 15, str_edit_dns, mouse_dd, 0, 0, 1
op_ip_disabled option_box option_ip, 15, 5, 6, 12, 0xffffff, 0, 0, sz_disabled, 9
op_ip_auto option_box option_ip, 15, 25, 6, 12, 0xffffff, 0, 0, sz_auto, 5
op_ip_static option_box option_ip, 80, 25, 6, 12, 0xffffff, 0, 0, sz_static, 7
op_dns_auto option_box option_dns, 15, 110, 6, 12, 0xffffff, 0, 0, sz_auto, 5
op_dns_static option_box option_dns, 80, 110, 6, 12, 0xffffff, 0, 0, sz_static, 7
option_ip dd op_ip_auto
option_dns dd op_dns_auto
Option_boxs1 dd op_ip_disabled, op_ip_auto, op_ip_static, 0
Option_boxs2 dd op_dns_auto, op_dns_static, 0
net_ini db '/sys/settings/network.ini', 0
str_ini_int db 'ip1', 0
rb 10
str_ini_ip db 'ip', 0
str_ini_subnet db 'subnet', 0
str_ini_gateway db 'gateway', 0
str_ini_dns db 'dns', 0
str_ini_ip_type db 'ip_type', 0
str_ini_dns_type db 'dns_type', 0
str_title db 'IP settings', 0
sz_0 db 0
sz_ip db 'IP:', 0
sz_subnet db 'Subnet mask:', 0
sz_gateway db 'Gateway:', 0
sz_dns db 'DNS:', 0
sz_auto db 'Auto', 0
sz_static db 'Static', 0
sz_disabled db 'Disabled', 0
sz_apply db 'Apply', 0
str_edit_ip rb 16
str_edit_subnet rb 16
str_edit_gateway rb 16
str_edit_dns rb 16
ini_buf rb 16
mouse_dd dd ?
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2010-2024. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
; Create the 'ip..' string with correct device number
call create_str_ini_int
; Try to read settings from .ini file
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip_type, ini_buf, 16, sz_0
test eax, eax
jz @f
; If settings not found, use default settings from 'ip?' section
mov dword[str_ini_int], 'ip?'
; Read ip/subnet/gateway type
mov [option_ip], op_ip_disabled
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip_type, ini_buf, 16, sz_0
test eax, eax
jnz .ip_type_loaded
mov eax, dword[ini_buf]
or eax, 0x20202020
cmp eax, 'auto'
jne @f
; cmp byte[ini_buf+4], 0
; jne @f
mov [option_ip], op_ip_auto
jmp .ip_type_loaded
cmp eax, 'dhcp'
jne @f
; cmp byte[ini_buf+4], 0
; jne @f
mov [option_ip], op_ip_auto
jmp .ip_type_loaded
cmp eax, 'stat'
jne @f
; mov eax, dword[ini_buf+3]
; or eax, 0x202020
; cmp eax, 'tic'
; jne @f
mov [option_ip], op_ip_static
; jmp .ip_type_loaded
; Read DNS type
mov [option_dns], op_dns_auto
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_dns_type, ini_buf, 16, sz_0
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov eax, dword[ini_buf]
or eax, 0x20202020
cmp eax, 'stat'
jne @f
; mov eax, dword[ini_buf+3]
; or eax, 0x202020
; cmp eax, 'tic'
; jne @f
mov [option_dns], op_dns_static
; Read all IP addresses
mov [str_edit_ip], 0
mov [str_edit_subnet], 0
mov [str_edit_gateway], 0
mov [str_edit_dns], 0
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip, str_edit_ip, 16, sz_0
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_subnet, str_edit_subnet, 16, sz_0
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_gateway, str_edit_gateway, 16, sz_0
invoke ini.get_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_dns, str_edit_dns, 16, sz_0
invoke edit_set_text, edit_ip, str_edit_ip
invoke edit_set_text, edit_subnet, str_edit_subnet
invoke edit_set_text, edit_gateway, str_edit_gateway
invoke edit_set_text, edit_dns, str_edit_dns
call toggle_editboxes
; get system colors
mcall 48, 3, sc, 40
mcall 12, 1
mov edx, []
or edx, 0x34000000
xor esi, esi
mov edi, str_title
mcall 0, 50 shl 16 + 200, 30 shl 16 + 200
mov ecx, 0x80000000
or ecx, [sc.work_text]
; mov ebx, 47 shl 16 + 25
; mov edx, str_mode
; mcall
mov ebx, 59 shl 16 + 50
mov edx, sz_ip
mcall 4
mov ebx, 5 shl 16 + 70
mov edx, sz_subnet
mov ebx, 29 shl 16 + 90
mov edx, sz_gateway
; mov ebx, 47 shl 16 + 95
; mov edx, str_mode
; mcall
mov ebx, 53 shl 16 + 135
mov edx, sz_dns
invoke edit_box_draw, edit_ip
invoke edit_box_draw, edit_subnet
invoke edit_box_draw, edit_gateway
invoke edit_box_draw, edit_dns
invoke option_box_draw, Option_boxs1
invoke option_box_draw, Option_boxs2
mcall 8, 80 shl 16 + 100, 155 shl 16 + 16, 2, [sc.work_button]
mov ecx, 0x80000000
or ecx, [sc.work_button_text]
mov ebx, 112 shl 16 + 160
mov edx, sz_apply
mcall 4
mcall 12, 2
mcall 10
dec eax
jz .draw
dec eax
jz .key
dec eax
jz .btn
invoke edit_box_mouse, edit_ip
invoke edit_box_mouse, edit_subnet
invoke edit_box_mouse, edit_gateway
invoke edit_box_mouse, edit_dns
push [option_ip] [option_dns]
invoke option_box_mouse, Option_boxs1
invoke option_box_mouse, Option_boxs2
pop ebx eax
cmp eax, [option_ip]
jne @f
cmp ebx, [option_dns]
je .loop
call toggle_editboxes
jmp .draw
mcall 17
test ah , ah
jz .loop
cmp ah, 2 ; apply
jne .exit
; Apply settings!
xor edi, edi
cmp [option_ip], op_ip_static
jne .skip_ip
mov [edit_ip.color], 0xffffff
mov esi, str_edit_ip
call validate_ip
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [edit_ip.color], 0xff4444
inc edi
mov [edit_subnet.color], 0xffffff
mov esi, str_edit_subnet
call validate_ip
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [edit_subnet.color], 0xff4444
inc edi
mov [edit_gateway.color], 0xffffff
mov esi, str_edit_gateway
call validate_ip
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [edit_gateway.color], 0xff4444
inc edi
cmp [option_dns], op_dns_static
jne .skip_dns
mov [edit_dns.color], 0xffffff
mov esi, str_edit_dns
call validate_ip
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [edit_dns.color], 0xff4444
inc edi
test edi, edi
jnz .draw
; Settings look valid, save them to the ini file
; Re-create 'ip..' string, we don't want to save to 'ip?' section.
call create_str_ini_int
cmp [option_ip], op_ip_auto
jne @f
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip_type, sz_auto, 4
jmp .ip_type_ok
cmp [option_ip], op_ip_static
jne @f
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip_type, sz_static, 6
jmp .ip_type_ok
; cmp [option_ip], op_ip_disabled
; jne @f
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip_type, sz_disabled, 8
; @@:
cmp [option_dns], op_dns_auto
jne .dns_static
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_dns_type, sz_auto, 4
jmp @f
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_dns_type, sz_static, 6
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_ip, str_edit_ip, [edit_ip.size]
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_subnet, str_edit_subnet, [edit_subnet.size]
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_gateway, str_edit_gateway, [edit_gateway.size]
invoke ini.set_str, net_ini, str_ini_int, str_ini_dns, str_edit_dns, [edit_dns.size]
mcall -1
mcall 2
; Editbox doesn't allow us to filter input decently, so we do it here.
cmp ah, 13
je .apply
cmp ah, 8
je @f
cmp ah, 0xb0 ; left arrow
je @f
cmp ah, 0xb3 ; right arrow
je @f
cmp ah, '.'
je @f
cmp ah, '0'
jb .loop
cmp ah, '9'
ja .loop
invoke edit_box_key, edit_ip
invoke edit_box_key, edit_subnet
invoke edit_box_key, edit_gateway
invoke edit_box_key, edit_dns
jmp .loop
and [edit_ip.flags], not ed_disabled
and [edit_subnet.flags], not ed_disabled
and [edit_gateway.flags], not ed_disabled
cmp [option_ip], op_ip_static
je @f
or [edit_ip.flags], ed_disabled
or [edit_subnet.flags], ed_disabled
or [edit_gateway.flags], ed_disabled
or [edit_dns.flags], ed_disabled
cmp [option_ip], op_ip_disabled
je @f
cmp [option_dns], op_dns_static
jne @f
and [edit_dns.flags], not ed_disabled
; in: esi = ptr to ascii ip
; out: eax = 0 - ok / -1 - error
xor ecx, ecx ; octet count
xor ebx, ebx ; current number
inc ecx
lodsb ; load one character from ascii string
test al, al
je .finish
cmp al, '.'
je .outer_loop
; Convert current digit from ascii to bin, if valid
sub al, '0'
jb .invalid
cmp al, 9
ja .invalid
; multiply current number by 10
add bl, bl
jc .invalid
lea ebx, [ebx + 4 * ebx]
test ebx, 0xffffff00
jnz .invalid
; add current digit to current number
add bl, al
jc .invalid
jmp .inner_loop
cmp cl, 4
jne .invalid
xor eax, eax
or eax, -1
movzx eax, [device]
mov ebx, 10
xor edx, edx
push 0
div ebx
add dl, '0'
push edx
test eax, eax
jnz @r
mov edi, str_ini_int+2
pop eax
test eax, eax
jnz @r
edit_ip edit_box 100, 80, 45, 0xffffff, 0x6f9480, 0, 0, 0, 15, str_edit_ip, mouse_dd, 0, 0, 1
edit_subnet edit_box 100, 80, 65, 0xffffff, 0x6f9480, 0, 0, 0, 15, str_edit_subnet, mouse_dd, 0, 0, 1
edit_gateway edit_box 100, 80, 85, 0xffffff, 0x6f9480, 0, 0, 0, 15, str_edit_gateway, mouse_dd, 0, 0, 1
edit_dns edit_box 100, 80, 130, 0xffffff, 0x6f9480, 0, 0, 0, 15, str_edit_dns, mouse_dd, 0, 0, 1
op_ip_disabled option_box option_ip, 15, 5, 6, 12, 0xffffff, 0, 0, sz_disabled, 9
op_ip_auto option_box option_ip, 15, 25, 6, 12, 0xffffff, 0, 0, sz_auto, 5
op_ip_static option_box option_ip, 80, 25, 6, 12, 0xffffff, 0, 0, sz_static, 7
op_dns_auto option_box option_dns, 15, 110, 6, 12, 0xffffff, 0, 0, sz_auto, 5
op_dns_static option_box option_dns, 80, 110, 6, 12, 0xffffff, 0, 0, sz_static, 7
option_ip dd op_ip_auto
option_dns dd op_dns_auto
Option_boxs1 dd op_ip_disabled, op_ip_auto, op_ip_static, 0
Option_boxs2 dd op_dns_auto, op_dns_static, 0
net_ini db '/sys/settings/network.ini', 0
str_ini_int db 'ip1', 0
rb 10
str_ini_ip db 'ip', 0
str_ini_subnet db 'subnet', 0
str_ini_gateway db 'gateway', 0
str_ini_dns db 'dns', 0
str_ini_ip_type db 'ip_type', 0
str_ini_dns_type db 'dns_type', 0
str_title db 'IP settings', 0
sz_0 db 0
sz_ip db 'IP:', 0
sz_subnet db 'Subnet mask:', 0
sz_gateway db 'Gateway:', 0
sz_dns db 'DNS:', 0
sz_auto db 'Auto', 0
sz_static db 'Static', 0
sz_disabled db 'Disabled', 0
sz_apply db 'Apply', 0
str_edit_ip rb 16
str_edit_subnet rb 16
str_edit_gateway rb 16
str_edit_dns rb 16
ini_buf rb 16
mouse_dd dd ?
@ -1,415 +1,415 @@
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2017. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; netsurf-installer - Set up Netsurf Browser on KolibriOS ;;
;; Author: ashmew2. ;;
;; ;;
;; Inspired from downloader.asm by ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
__DEBUG__ = 1
format binary as ""
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; header
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; entry point
dd I_END ; image size
dd I_END+0x1000 ; required memory
dd I_END+0x1000 ; esp
dd 0x0 ; I_Path
dd 0x0 ; I_Path
include '../../'
include '../../'
include '../../'
include '../../'
include '../../develop/libraries/http/'
include '../../'
include '../../system/notify3/'
include 'notify.asm'
virtual at 0
http_msg http_msg
end virtual
;; Parameters
;; HTTP URL to download
;; Target filename
proc get_file_over_http targeturl, targetfilename
xor eax, eax
mov [write_to_file.current_offset], eax
mov [write_to_file.bufsize], eax
mov [write_to_file.bufptr], eax
DEBUGF 1, "---- HTTP : Getting %s\n", [targeturl]
invoke HTTP_get, [targeturl], 0, FLAG_KEEPALIVE or FLAG_BLOCK, 0
cmp eax, 0
je .http_error
mov [httpstruct], eax
;; No HTTP errors, create a new file for the download.
DEBUGF 1, "---- Creating new file : %s\n", [targetfilename]
mcall 70, create_new_file
cmp eax, 0
jne .file_error
DEBUGF 1, "---- Receiving over http.\n"
invoke HTTP_receive, [httpstruct]
cmp eax, 0
je .http_transfer_done
mov ebp, [httpstruct]
DEBUGF 1, "---- http flags = 0x%x.\n", [ebp + http_msg.flags]
test [ebp + http_msg.flags], 0xffff0000
jnz .http_error
mov ebp, [ebp + http_msg.content_received]
cmp ebp, [write_to_file.current_offset]
jle .http_receive_loop
;; Only proceed if we have more data in HTTP buffer than we have written to file.
;; Process data we got (write it to the file)
mov ebp, [httpstruct]
mov ecx, [ebp + http_msg.content_length]
mov edx, [ebp + http_msg.content_received]
DEBUGF 1, "---- Current file write offset : %u (http got : %u / %u)\n", [write_to_file.current_offset], edx, ecx
sub edx, [write_to_file.current_offset]
mov [write_to_file.bufsize], edx
mov ecx, [ebp + http_msg.content_ptr]
add ecx, [write_to_file.current_offset]
mov [write_to_file.bufptr], ecx
DEBUGF 1, "---- ecx + offset = 0x%x\n", ecx
DEBUGF 1, "---- Writing to file %u bytes at 0x%x to %s\n", [write_to_file.bufsize], [write_to_file.bufptr], current_filename
mcall 70, write_to_file
cmp eax, 0
jne .file_error
DEBUGF 1, "---- Wrote to file %u bytes.\n", ebx
add [write_to_file.current_offset], ebx
DEBUGF 1, "---- File offset updated to : %u\n", [write_to_file.current_offset]
jmp .http_receive_loop
DEBUGF 1, "file_erroR with eax = %u!", eax
call EXIT
DEBUGF 1, "http_erroR!"
call EXIT
;; Write any remaining bytes from the http buffer into the file
DEBUGF 1, "---- http flags = 0x%x.\n", [httpstruct + http_msg.flags]
DEBUGF 1, "Got %u bytes in total\n", [httpstruct + http_msg.content_length]
mov ebp, [httpstruct]
mov edx, [ebp + http_msg.content_length]
sub edx, [write_to_file.current_offset]
mov [write_to_file.bufsize], edx
mov ecx, [ebp + http_msg.content_ptr]
add ecx, [write_to_file.current_offset]
mov [write_to_file.bufptr], ecx
DEBUGF 1, "---- Final ecx + offset = 0x%x\n", ecx
DEBUGF 1, "-- Writing to file %u bytes at 0x%x to %s\n", [write_to_file.bufsize], [write_to_file.bufptr], current_filename
mcall 70, write_to_file
cmp eax, 0
jne .file_error
DEBUGF 1, "-- Wrote to file %u bytes.\n", ebx
add [write_to_file.current_offset], ebx
DEBUGF 1, "-- File offset updated to : %u\n", [write_to_file.current_offset]
mov ebp, [httpstruct]
mov edx, [ebp + http_msg.content_length]
cmp [write_to_file.current_offset], edx
jne .http_transfer_done
invoke HTTP_free, [httpstruct]
proc make_new_folder newfolder
mov eax, [newfolder]
mov [create_new_folder.foldername], eax
mcall 70, create_new_folder
test eax, eax
jz .success
DEBUGF 1, "Failed to create folder: %s\n", [newfolder]
call EXIT
proc run_if_exists file_path
m2m [fileinfo.path], [file_path]
mcall 70, fileinfo
test eax, eax
jnz @f
m2m [fileopen.path], [file_path]
mcall 70, fileopen
mcall -1
stdcall run_if_exists, TMP_netsurf
stdcall run_if_exists, ISO_netsurf
mcall 68, 11 ; init heap
; load libraries
stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
test eax, eax
jnz .all_files_done_error
DEBUGF 2, "-------------------------\n"
stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res
; stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res_pointers
; stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res_throbber
; stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res_icons
mov edi, current_url
mov esi, url
cmp byte[esi], 0
jne @b
;; Loaded the base URL into current URL
;; Move onto the subsequent file.
mov esi, [filelistoffset]
cmp byte[esi], 0
je .all_files_done
cmp byte[esi], 0
jne @b
;; DEBUGF 1, "-- Current URL with filename is : %s\n", current_url
; Create name of file we will download to
mov esi, download_file_path
mov edi, current_filename
cmp byte[esi], 0
jne @b
mov esi, [filelistoffset]
cmp byte[esi], 0
jne @b
mov [filelistoffset], esi
;; current_filename is now set to the name of the file
;; current_url is now set to the name of the file we will get after download
DEBUGF 2, "Fetching : %s", current_filename
stdcall get_file_over_http, current_url, current_filename
DEBUGF 2, "...DONE!\n"
jmp .get_next_file
DEBUGF 2, "-------------------------\n"
DEBUGF 2, "-------------------------\n"
call EXIT
;; Inform user that all files are done
call EXIT
; Data area
align 4
library lib_http, 'http.obj'
import lib_http, \
HTTP_get, 'get', \
HTTP_receive, 'receive', \
HTTP_free, 'free'
download_file_path db '/tmp0/1/', 0
dirname_res db '/tmp0/1/res', 0
dirname_res_pointers db '/tmp0/1/res/pointers', 0
dirname_res_throbber db '/tmp0/1/res/throbber', 0
dirname_res_icons db '/tmp0/1/res/icons', 0
url db '',0
; I don't know why NOTIFY_CHANGE doesn't work for the first file
; so I use this small shit to fix it at NOTIFY_RUN phase
filelist_first db '/tmp0/1/netsurf', 0
filelist db 'netsurf', 0
;db '', 0 ;what this???
db 'res/adblock.css', 0
db 'res/quirks.css', 0
db 'res/Messages', 0
db 'res/default.css', 0
db 'res/sans.ttf', 0
db 'res/internal.css', 0
; db 'res/welcome.html', 0
; db 'res/licence.html', 0
; db 'res/maps.html', 0
; db 'res/credits.html', 0
; db 'res/favicon.png', 0
; db 'res/netsurf.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber8.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber3.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber4.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber0.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber6.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber2.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber1.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber7.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber5.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/point.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/no_drop.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/wait.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/up-down.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/help.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/ru-ld.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/menu.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/not_allowed.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/cross.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/default.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/caret.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/left-right.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/lu-rd.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/progress.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/move.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/back.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/back_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/scrollr.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/osk.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/forward_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/scrolll.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/history.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/forward.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/home_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/history_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/reload_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/scrollu.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/stop.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/scrolld.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/stop_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/home.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/reload.png', 0
db 0
filelistoffset dd filelist
httpstruct dd 0
create_new_file dd 2, 0, 0, 0, 0
db 0
dd current_filename
create_new_folder dd 9, 0, 0, 0, 0
db 0
.foldername dd 0
write_to_file dd 3
.current_offset dd 0, 0
.bufsize dd 0
.bufptr dd 0
db 0
dd current_filename
socketdata rb 4096
current_url rb URLMAXLEN
current_filename rb FILENAMEMAXLEN
ISO_netsurf db "/kolibrios/netsurf/netsurf", 0
TMP_netsurf db "/tmp0/1/netsurf", 0
bdvk_buf rb 560
fileinfo dd 5
dd 0,0,0
dd bdvk_buf
db 0
.path dd ? ; path
timer dd 0
params rb 256
.name rb 32
.addr rd 1
rb 2048
db "Downloading Netsurf ",10, 0
db "'", 0
db "Ddcpt", 0
db "Netsurf download complete.",10,"Enjoy!",0
dd 7, 0, params, 0, 0
db "/sys/@notify", 0
fileopen dd 7
dd 0,0,0,0
db 0
.path dd ? ; path
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2017-2024. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; netsurf-installer - Set up Netsurf Browser on KolibriOS ;;
;; Author: ashmew2. ;;
;; ;;
;; Inspired from downloader.asm by ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
__DEBUG__ = 1
format binary as ""
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; header
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; entry point
dd I_END ; image size
dd I_END+0x1000 ; required memory
dd I_END+0x1000 ; esp
dd 0x0 ; I_Path
dd 0x0 ; I_Path
include '../../'
include '../../'
include '../../'
include '../../'
include '../../develop/libraries/http/'
include '../../'
include '../../system/notify3/'
include 'notify.asm'
virtual at 0
http_msg http_msg
end virtual
;; Parameters
;; HTTP URL to download
;; Target filename
proc get_file_over_http targeturl, targetfilename
xor eax, eax
mov [write_to_file.current_offset], eax
mov [write_to_file.bufsize], eax
mov [write_to_file.bufptr], eax
DEBUGF 1, "---- HTTP : Getting %s\n", [targeturl]
invoke HTTP_get, [targeturl], 0, FLAG_KEEPALIVE or FLAG_BLOCK, 0
cmp eax, 0
je .http_error
mov [httpstruct], eax
;; No HTTP errors, create a new file for the download.
DEBUGF 1, "---- Creating new file : %s\n", [targetfilename]
mcall 70, create_new_file
cmp eax, 0
jne .file_error
DEBUGF 1, "---- Receiving over http.\n"
invoke HTTP_receive, [httpstruct]
cmp eax, 0
je .http_transfer_done
mov ebp, [httpstruct]
DEBUGF 1, "---- http flags = 0x%x.\n", [ebp + http_msg.flags]
test [ebp + http_msg.flags], 0xffff0000
jnz .http_error
mov ebp, [ebp + http_msg.content_received]
cmp ebp, [write_to_file.current_offset]
jle .http_receive_loop
;; Only proceed if we have more data in HTTP buffer than we have written to file.
;; Process data we got (write it to the file)
mov ebp, [httpstruct]
mov ecx, [ebp + http_msg.content_length]
mov edx, [ebp + http_msg.content_received]
DEBUGF 1, "---- Current file write offset : %u (http got : %u / %u)\n", [write_to_file.current_offset], edx, ecx
sub edx, [write_to_file.current_offset]
mov [write_to_file.bufsize], edx
mov ecx, [ebp + http_msg.content_ptr]
add ecx, [write_to_file.current_offset]
mov [write_to_file.bufptr], ecx
DEBUGF 1, "---- ecx + offset = 0x%x\n", ecx
DEBUGF 1, "---- Writing to file %u bytes at 0x%x to %s\n", [write_to_file.bufsize], [write_to_file.bufptr], current_filename
mcall 70, write_to_file
cmp eax, 0
jne .file_error
DEBUGF 1, "---- Wrote to file %u bytes.\n", ebx
add [write_to_file.current_offset], ebx
DEBUGF 1, "---- File offset updated to : %u\n", [write_to_file.current_offset]
jmp .http_receive_loop
DEBUGF 1, "file_erroR with eax = %u!", eax
call EXIT
DEBUGF 1, "http_erroR!"
call EXIT
;; Write any remaining bytes from the http buffer into the file
DEBUGF 1, "---- http flags = 0x%x.\n", [httpstruct + http_msg.flags]
DEBUGF 1, "Got %u bytes in total\n", [httpstruct + http_msg.content_length]
mov ebp, [httpstruct]
mov edx, [ebp + http_msg.content_length]
sub edx, [write_to_file.current_offset]
mov [write_to_file.bufsize], edx
mov ecx, [ebp + http_msg.content_ptr]
add ecx, [write_to_file.current_offset]
mov [write_to_file.bufptr], ecx
DEBUGF 1, "---- Final ecx + offset = 0x%x\n", ecx
DEBUGF 1, "-- Writing to file %u bytes at 0x%x to %s\n", [write_to_file.bufsize], [write_to_file.bufptr], current_filename
mcall 70, write_to_file
cmp eax, 0
jne .file_error
DEBUGF 1, "-- Wrote to file %u bytes.\n", ebx
add [write_to_file.current_offset], ebx
DEBUGF 1, "-- File offset updated to : %u\n", [write_to_file.current_offset]
mov ebp, [httpstruct]
mov edx, [ebp + http_msg.content_length]
cmp [write_to_file.current_offset], edx
jne .http_transfer_done
invoke HTTP_free, [httpstruct]
proc make_new_folder newfolder
mov eax, [newfolder]
mov [create_new_folder.foldername], eax
mcall 70, create_new_folder
test eax, eax
jz .success
DEBUGF 1, "Failed to create folder: %s\n", [newfolder]
call EXIT
proc run_if_exists file_path
m2m [fileinfo.path], [file_path]
mcall 70, fileinfo
test eax, eax
jnz @f
m2m [fileopen.path], [file_path]
mcall 70, fileopen
mcall -1
stdcall run_if_exists, TMP_netsurf
stdcall run_if_exists, ISO_netsurf
mcall 68, 11 ; init heap
; load libraries
stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
test eax, eax
jnz .all_files_done_error
DEBUGF 2, "-------------------------\n"
stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res
; stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res_pointers
; stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res_throbber
; stdcall make_new_folder, dirname_res_icons
mov edi, current_url
mov esi, url
cmp byte[esi], 0
jne @b
;; Loaded the base URL into current URL
;; Move onto the subsequent file.
mov esi, [filelistoffset]
cmp byte[esi], 0
je .all_files_done
cmp byte[esi], 0
jne @b
;; DEBUGF 1, "-- Current URL with filename is : %s\n", current_url
; Create name of file we will download to
mov esi, download_file_path
mov edi, current_filename
cmp byte[esi], 0
jne @b
mov esi, [filelistoffset]
cmp byte[esi], 0
jne @b
mov [filelistoffset], esi
;; current_filename is now set to the name of the file
;; current_url is now set to the name of the file we will get after download
DEBUGF 2, "Fetching : %s", current_filename
stdcall get_file_over_http, current_url, current_filename
DEBUGF 2, "...DONE!\n"
jmp .get_next_file
DEBUGF 2, "-------------------------\n"
DEBUGF 2, "-------------------------\n"
call EXIT
;; Inform user that all files are done
call EXIT
; Data area
align 4
library lib_http, 'http.obj'
import lib_http, \
HTTP_get, 'get', \
HTTP_receive, 'receive', \
HTTP_free, 'free'
download_file_path db '/tmp0/1/', 0
dirname_res db '/tmp0/1/res', 0
dirname_res_pointers db '/tmp0/1/res/pointers', 0
dirname_res_throbber db '/tmp0/1/res/throbber', 0
dirname_res_icons db '/tmp0/1/res/icons', 0
url db '',0
; TODO: I don't know why NOTIFY_CHANGE doesn't work for the first file
; so I use this small hack to fix it at NOTIFY_RUN phase
filelist_first db '/tmp0/1/netsurf', 0
filelist db 'netsurf', 0
;db '', 0 ; what's this???
db 'res/adblock.css', 0
db 'res/quirks.css', 0
db 'res/Messages', 0
db 'res/default.css', 0
db 'res/sans.ttf', 0
db 'res/internal.css', 0
; db 'res/welcome.html', 0
; db 'res/licence.html', 0
; db 'res/maps.html', 0
; db 'res/credits.html', 0
; db 'res/favicon.png', 0
; db 'res/netsurf.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber8.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber3.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber4.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber0.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber6.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber2.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber1.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber7.png', 0
; db 'res/throbber/throbber5.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/point.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/no_drop.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/wait.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/up-down.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/help.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/ru-ld.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/menu.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/not_allowed.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/cross.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/default.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/caret.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/left-right.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/lu-rd.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/progress.png', 0
; db 'res/pointers/move.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/back.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/back_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/scrollr.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/osk.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/forward_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/scrolll.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/history.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/forward.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/home_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/history_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/reload_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/scrollu.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/stop.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/scrolld.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/stop_g.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/home.png', 0
; db 'res/icons/reload.png', 0
db 0
filelistoffset dd filelist
httpstruct dd 0
create_new_file dd 2, 0, 0, 0, 0
db 0
dd current_filename
create_new_folder dd 9, 0, 0, 0, 0
db 0
.foldername dd 0
write_to_file dd 3
.current_offset dd 0, 0
.bufsize dd 0
.bufptr dd 0
db 0
dd current_filename
socketdata rb 4096
current_url rb URLMAXLEN
current_filename rb FILENAMEMAXLEN
ISO_netsurf db "/kolibrios/netsurf/netsurf", 0
TMP_netsurf db "/tmp0/1/netsurf", 0
bdvk_buf rb 560
fileinfo dd 5
dd 0,0,0
dd bdvk_buf
db 0
.path dd ? ; path
timer dd 0
params rb 256
.name rb 32
.addr rd 1
rb 2048
db "Downloading Netsurf ",10, 0
db "'", 0
db "Ddcpt", 0
db "Netsurf download complete.",10,"Enjoy!",0
dd 7, 0, params, 0, 0
db "/sys/@notify", 0
fileopen dd 7
dd 0,0,0,0
db 0
.path dd ? ; path
Reference in New Issue
Block a user