Tandem Port of Info ZIP (unzip)

Recent changes:
1. Support UNZIPing of EDIT (text) files by use of the "-a" parameter
2. Changes for version 2.2 affected files:
- TANDEMC     (changes to stat() to pass file creation time)
- ZIPINFOC    (exclude TANDEM from tzset() test)
3. Fix to default time/date field to UK format (dd/mm/yyyy)
03/08/98  5.33f   Updates for TANDEMC/H to keep instep with ZIP (file buffering)
                 New DOIT macro for extracting files from archive
                 Fix in2ex to expand full vol/subvol depending on '-j' flag
17/08/98  5.33f   Set USE_EF_UT_TIME to allow for timezone changes
18/08/98  5.33f   Use define LICENSED to build object able to update timestamps
19/08/98  5.33f   Add -X flag support (restore file owner id) via unzip.c/h
                 new chown function in tandem.c.
                 Modified close_outfile to make the chown the last step.
30/11/98  5.41a  Updated mapname/chmod/in2ex, include licensing in MAKE
21/12/98  5.41a  Add decoding of new Tandem extra field EF_TANDEM
                 Make '-a' default option.  Add '-b' option to force creation
                 of 'C' filecode 180 type text files.
                 If available populate Tandem file code (e.g. Object files)
                 Rationalised TANDEMH and TANDEMC wth ZIP 2.3i
                 Fixed MORE (-M flag) processing by creating zgetch()
12/01/99  5.41a  Correct bug stopping setting of last open timestamp
24/03/99  5.41b  Split TANDEMC into TANDEMC/TANZIPC/TANUNZC
24/03/99  5.41b  Added TANNSKH to allow for declarations which require
                 structures defined in ZIPH after call to TANDEMH
07/05/99  5.41c  Assume not DST if can't resolve time (no DST table available)
01/06/99  5.41c  Add steps to make Self Extracting files (SFX)
12/01/01  5.42g  Fix problems with MAKE for WIDE objects, updated TANDEMC/H
                 in line with ZIP, updated DOIT to remove TIMEZONE.C

                 If we ever want to use TIMEZONE.C then we need to set the
                 define IZTZ_DEFINESTDGLOBALS, it then compiles OK.  The object
                 would need to be added to the building of UNZIPLIB in make.

09/02/01  5.50a  Added code to tandem.c to create files with appropriate
                 extent sizes, or actual values if file was originally NSK
15/02/01         Update tandem.c to force first character to 'A' for Tandem
12/04/01  5.50c  Fix problem with duff EF lengths in ef_scan_for_tandem
12/04/01         Change definition of nsk_attrs to allow for Wide mode and
                 subsequent respecifications of procedures that use it
12/04/01         Fix bug in tanunz.c so that call to FILE_ALTERLIST_ has upper
                 case filename
12/04/01         Update tandem.c to only allow '$' in in2ex as appropriate
16/07/01  5.50g  Fixed bug in tandem.c for incorrect use of slist_items rather
                 than vlist_items
18/07/01         Allow edit files to be created with original extents
25/07/02  5.51b  Add "-r" remove file extensions command line option
07/08/02  5.51b  Non-Tandem non-text files now set to code 0 (not 100)
21/10/02  5.51b  Tandem Enscribe files containing text set to code 101
03/01/03  5.51b  Fix bug in extract of Text files - caused by Deflate64 changes
                 which made various buffers 64k and mismatches with unsigned.
                 Added NO_DEFLATE64 to MAKE and made this the default for
                 non-WIDE mode. If DEFLATE64 is used and non-WIDE then it drops
                 down to MED_MEM model for OUTBUFSIZ logic.

A few notes about the files on this subvol

COMMACS   -  required by MAKE, *** held on ZIP subvol ***
DOIT      -  macro to extract required Tandem files from archive and rename
MACROS    -  required by MAKE, *** held on ZIP subvol ***
MAKE      -  recompile UNZIP code, attempts to only recompile changed code
MAKESFX   -  make SFX header file
README    -  this file
UNZIPLIB  -  library of ZIP compiled routines, used by ZIP/ZIPNOTE etc
UNZIPL    -  ZIP object (bound using LARGE memory model)

*C        -  Source file
*H        -  Header files
*O        -  Individual object files (when compiled by MAKE)

Install Notes:
Stage 1 - get UNZIP object onto Tandem
- download Tandem Unzip executables archive from Web
- using PC unzip program (e.g. pkunzip/WinZip) extract UNZIP
- copy UNZIP from PC to Tandem in Binary mode s(FTP/IXF)
- alter file code to 100
- optionally place in $SYSTEM.SYSTEM to allow easy access from command line

Stage 2 - (optional) retrieve source code (requires UNZIP on Tandem)
- download UNZIP source archive from web - contains all supported platforms
- copy archive onto Tandem as Binary
- extract Tandem DOIT macro ( UNZIP -j <archive> tandem/DOIT )
- update DOIT macro to point at archive file
- restore relevant files by running DOIT
- replace references to $T with a collector on your system
- replace references to SUPER.DAVES with whatever user id you use
- to compile run MAKE (compiles, accelerates, licences)
- NOTE:  Always run the accelerated object on TNS/R systems, otherwise
         it runs extremely slow.

Additional Notes - LICENSE the object:
If you wish to be able to update the last modified time of files you unzip
you need to add the line "#define LICENSED" to the TANDEMH file.  If you set
this option you MUST FUP LICENSE the file as SUPER.SUPER.
This is a Tandem restriction since we have to call a PRIV procedure to update
the file label.  For UNZIP the define is setup (default) in tandem.h

Additional Notes - Self Extracting

To create a Self Extracting (SFX) file you need to do the following
- run the MAKESFX file to create the SFX object files
- create a normal Zip file
- create an empty Unstructured file
- FUP COPY SFX into new file
- FUP COPY your Zip file to the end of this new file
- run ZIP -A <zipfile> to fix the internal pointers
- alter the filecode of <zipfile> to 100 (I'll do this in Zip -A soon)

For performance you should Axcel the finished file.