Kirill Lipatov (Leency) bad251bdf5 panels_cfg: upload docky and taskbar configuration utility
git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2015-02-25 18:38:01 +00:00

210 lines
9.1 KiB

#define MEMSIZE 0x23E80
#include "..\lib\kolibri.h"
#include "..\lib\strings.h"
#include "..\lib\mem.h"
#include "..\lib\file_system.h"
#include "..\lib\dll.h"
#include "..\lib\figures.h"
#include "..\lib\lib.obj\libio_lib.h"
#include "..\lib\lib.obj\libimg_lib.h"
#include "..\lib\lib.obj\libini.h"
#include "..\lib\lib.obj\box_lib.h"
#include "..\lib\patterns\libimg_load_skin.h"
#define WINDOW_TITLE "System panels configuration v0.8"
frame taskbar_frame = { 0, 100, 10, 152, 14, 0x000111, 0xFFFfff, 1, " Taskbar ", 0, 0, 6, 0x000111, 0xCCCccc };
frame docky_frame = { 0, 100, 10, 98, 183, 0x000111, 0xFFFfff, 1, " Docky ", 0, 0, 6, 0x000111, 0xCCCccc };
char taskbar_ini_path[] = "/sys/settings/taskbar.ini";
char taskbar_category[] = "Flags";
char docky_ini_path[] = "/sys/settings/docky.ini";
system_colors sc;
proc_info Form;
mouse m;
libimg_image panels_image;
struct docky_cfg {
word fsize;
byte location, ashow;
} docky_cfg;
struct taskbar_cfg {
byte Attachment;
byte PanelHeigh;
byte SoftenUp, SoftenDown, MinLeftButton, MinRightButton, MenuButton,
RunApplButton, ClnDeskButton, Clock, CpuUsage, ChangeLang;
} taskbar_cfg;
void main()
dword id, key;
if (load_dll2(libio, #libio_init,1)!=0) notify("Error: library doesn't exists - libio");
if (load_dll2(libimg, #libimg_init,1)!=0) notify("Error: library doesn't exists - libimg");
if (load_dll2(libini, #lib_init,1)!=0) notify("Error: library doesn't exists - libini");
if (load_dll2(boxlib, #box_lib_init,0)!=0) notify("Eror: library doesn't exists - boxlib");
Libimg_LoadImage(#panels_image, abspath("panels_cfg.png"));
loop() switch(WaitEvent())
case evButton:
if (id==1) ExitProcess();
//taskbar buttons
if (id>=100) && (id<200)
if (id==100) taskbar_cfg.Attachment ^= 1;
if (id==105) taskbar_cfg.SoftenUp ^= 1;
if (id==106) taskbar_cfg.SoftenDown ^= 1;
if (id==107) taskbar_cfg.MinLeftButton ^= 1;
if (id==108) taskbar_cfg.MinRightButton ^= 1;
if (id==109) taskbar_cfg.RunApplButton ^= 1;
if (id==110) taskbar_cfg.ClnDeskButton ^= 1;
if (id==111) taskbar_cfg.Clock ^= 1;
if (id==112) taskbar_cfg.CpuUsage ^= 1;
if (id==113) taskbar_cfg.ChangeLang ^= 1;
if (id==114) taskbar_cfg.MenuButton ^= 1;
//docky buttons
if (id>=200)
if (id==200)
if (docky_cfg.location==1) docky_cfg.location = 2;
else if (docky_cfg.location==2) docky_cfg.location = 3;
else if (docky_cfg.location==3) docky_cfg.location = 1;
if (id==201) docky_cfg.fsize ^= 1;
if (id==202) docky_cfg.ashow ^= 1;
case evKey:
key = GetKey();
if (key==27) ExitProcess();
case evReDraw:
DefineAndDrawWindow(130, 150, 400, 300+GetSkinHeight(),0x34,,WINDOW_TITLE);
GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo);
if (Form.status_window>2) break;
taskbar_frame.size_x = docky_frame.size_x = - taskbar_frame.start_x * 2 + Form.cwidth;
taskbar_frame.font_color = docky_frame.font_color = sc.work_text;
taskbar_frame.font_backgr_color = docky_frame.font_backgr_color =;
void DrawWindowContent()
word win_center_x;
frame_draw stdcall (#taskbar_frame);
DefineButton(22, taskbar_frame.start_y + 12, panels_image.w-1, 27-1, 100 + BT_HIDE, 0);
img_draw stdcall(panels_image.image, 22, taskbar_frame.start_y + 12, panels_image.w, 27, 0, taskbar_cfg.Attachment * 27);
WriteText(68, taskbar_frame.start_y + 20, 0x80, 0x333222, "Click on image to change position");
PanelCfgCheckBox(22, taskbar_frame.start_y + 48, 105, "Soften Up", taskbar_cfg.SoftenUp);
PanelCfgCheckBox(22, taskbar_frame.start_y + 68, 106, "Soften Down", taskbar_cfg.SoftenDown);
PanelCfgCheckBox(22, taskbar_frame.start_y + 88, 107, "Min Left Button", taskbar_cfg.MinLeftButton);
PanelCfgCheckBox(22, taskbar_frame.start_y + 108, 108, "Min Right Button", taskbar_cfg.MinRightButton);
PanelCfgCheckBox(22, taskbar_frame.start_y + 128, 109, "Run Application Button", taskbar_cfg.RunApplButton);
win_center_x = Form.cwidth * 55 / 100;
PanelCfgCheckBox(win_center_x, taskbar_frame.start_y + 48, 110, "ClnDeskButton - wtf?", taskbar_cfg.ClnDeskButton);
PanelCfgCheckBox(win_center_x, taskbar_frame.start_y + 68, 111, "Clock", taskbar_cfg.Clock);
PanelCfgCheckBox(win_center_x, taskbar_frame.start_y + 88, 112, "Cpu Usage", taskbar_cfg.CpuUsage);
PanelCfgCheckBox(win_center_x, taskbar_frame.start_y + 108, 113, "Change Language", taskbar_cfg.ChangeLang);
PanelCfgCheckBox(win_center_x, taskbar_frame.start_y + 128, 114, "Menu Button", taskbar_cfg.MenuButton);
//PanelCfgCheckBox(22, taskbar_frame.start_y + 64, 204, "111", taskbar_cfg.PanelHeigh);
frame_draw stdcall (#docky_frame);
DefineButton(22, docky_frame.start_y + 12, panels_image.w-1, 27-1, 200 + BT_HIDE, 0);
img_draw stdcall(panels_image.image, 22, docky_frame.start_y + 12, panels_image.w, 27, 0, docky_cfg.location * 27 + 27);
WriteText(68, docky_frame.start_y + 20, 0x80, 0x333222, "Click on image to change position");
PanelCfgCheckBox(22, docky_frame.start_y + 48, 201, "Full width", docky_cfg.fsize);
PanelCfgCheckBox(22, docky_frame.start_y + 70, 202, "Always show", docky_cfg.ashow);
void LoadCfg()
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "Attachment", 1); taskbar_cfg.Attachment = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "PanelHeigh", 18); taskbar_cfg.PanelHeigh = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "SoftenUp", 1); taskbar_cfg.SoftenUp = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "SoftenDown", 1); taskbar_cfg.SoftenDown = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "MinLeftButton", 1); taskbar_cfg.MinLeftButton = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "MinRightButton", 1); taskbar_cfg.MinRightButton = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "RunApplButton", 1); taskbar_cfg.RunApplButton = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "ClnDeskButton", 1); taskbar_cfg.ClnDeskButton = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "Clock", 1); taskbar_cfg.Clock = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "CpuUsage", 1); taskbar_cfg.CpuUsage = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "ChangeLang", 1); taskbar_cfg.ChangeLang = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "MenuButton", 1); taskbar_cfg.MenuButton = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "location", 0); docky_cfg.location = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "fsize", 0); docky_cfg.fsize = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "ashow", 0); docky_cfg.ashow = EAX;
void SaveCfg()
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "Attachment", taskbar_cfg.Attachment);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "PanelHeigh", taskbar_cfg.PanelHeigh);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "SoftenUp", taskbar_cfg.SoftenUp);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "SoftenDown", taskbar_cfg.SoftenDown);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "MinLeftButton", taskbar_cfg.MinLeftButton);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "MinRightButton", taskbar_cfg.MinRightButton);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "RunApplButton", taskbar_cfg.RunApplButton);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "ClnDeskButton", taskbar_cfg.ClnDeskButton);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "Clock", taskbar_cfg.Clock);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "CpuUsage", taskbar_cfg.CpuUsage);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "ChangeLang", taskbar_cfg.ChangeLang);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "MenuButton", taskbar_cfg.MenuButton);
ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_category, "Attachment", taskbar_cfg.Attachment);
ini_set_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "location", docky_cfg.location);
ini_set_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "fsize", docky_cfg.fsize);
ini_set_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "ashow", docky_cfg.ashow);
void RestartProcess(dword proc_name)
int i, slot;
proc_info Process;
for (i=0; i<1000; i++;)
GetProcessInfo(#Process, i);
if (strcmpi(, proc_name)==0) { KillProcess(Process.ID); break; }
RunProgram(proc_name, "");
GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo);
slot = GetProcessSlot(Form.ID);
void PanelCfgCheckBox(dword x, y, id, text, byte value) {
CheckBox(x, y, 14, 14, id, text, sc.work_graph, sc.work_text, value);