forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
Added source code of games 'kox', 'lights', 'sw'. Changed MakeFile to have them compile from sources. Removed pre-compiled versions.
git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ FASM_PROGRAMS:=\
games/arcanii:GAMES/ARCANII:$(PROGS)/games/arcanii/trunk/arcanii.asm \
games/freecell:GAMES/FREECELL:$(PROGS)/games/freecell/freecell.ASM \
games/invaders:GAMES/INVADERS:$(PROGS)/games/invaders/invaders.asm \
games/kox:GAMES/KOX:$(PROGS)/games/kox/trunk/kox.asm \
games/lights:GAMES/LIGHTS:$(PROGS)/games/lights/trunk/lights.asm \
games/lines:GAMES/LINES:$(PROGS)/games/lines/lines.asm \
games/mblocks:GAMES/MBLOCKS:$(PROGS)/games/mblocks/trunk/mblocks.asm \
games/phenix:GAMES/PHENIX:$(PROGS)/games/phenix/trunk/phenix.asm \
@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ FASM_PROGRAMS:=\
games/pong3:GAMES/PONG3:$(PROGS)/games/pong3/trunk/pong3.asm \
games/rsquare:GAMES/RSQUARE:$(PROGS)/games/rsquare/trunk/rsquare.asm \
games/snake:GAMES/SNAKE:$(PROGS)/games/snake/trunk/snake.asm \
games/sw:GAMES/SW:$(PROGS)/games/sw/trunk/sw.asm \
games/tetris:GAMES/TETRIS:$(PROGS)/games/tetris/trunk/tetris.asm \
lib/archiver.obj:LIB/ARCHIVER.OBJ:$(PROGS)/fs/kfar/trunk/kfar_arc/kfar_arc.asm \
lib/box_lib.obj:LIB/BOX_LIB.OBJ:$(PROGS)/develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.asm \
@ -238,13 +241,11 @@ OTHER_FILES:=asciivju:ASCIIVJU autorun.dat:AUTORUN.DAT \
games/checkers:GAMES/CHECKERS \
games/FindNumbers:GAMES/FindNumbers games/gomoku:GAMES/GOMOKU \
games/klavisha:GAMES/KLAVISHA games/kosilka:GAMES/KOSILKA \
games/kosskin.gfx:GAMES/KOSSKIN.GFX games/kox:GAMES/KOX \
games/lights:GAMES/LIGHTS games/megamaze:GAMES/MEGAMAZE \
games/kosskin.gfx:GAMES/KOSSKIN.GFX games/megamaze:GAMES/MEGAMAZE \
games/msquare:GAMES/MSQUARE \
games/reversi:GAMES/REVERSI games/rforces:GAMES/RFORCES \
games/sq_game:GAMES/SQ_GAME \
games/sudoku:GAMES/SUDOKU games/sw:GAMES/SW \
games/xonix:GAMES/XONIX \
games/sudoku:GAMES/SUDOKU games/xonix:GAMES/XONIX \
lib/cnv_png.obj:LIB/CNV_PNG.OBJ lib/msgbox.obj:LIB/MSGBOX.OBJ \
lib/pixlib.obj:LIB/PIXLIB.OBJ lib/sort.obj:LIB/SORT.OBJ \
media/ac97snd:MEDIA/AC97SND media/kiv.ini:MEDIA/KIV.INI \
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ FASM_PROGRAMS:=\
games/arcanii:GAMES/ARCANII:$(PROGS)/games/arcanii/trunk/arcanii.asm \
games/freecell:GAMES/FREECELL:$(PROGS)/games/freecell/freecell.ASM \
games/invaders:GAMES/INVADERS:$(PROGS)/games/invaders/invaders.asm \
games/kox:GAMES/KOX:$(PROGS)/games/kox/trunk/kox.asm \
games/lights:GAMES/LIGHTS:$(PROGS)/games/lights/trunk/lights.asm \
games/lines:GAMES/LINES:$(PROGS)/games/lines/lines.asm \
games/mblocks:GAMES/MBLOCKS:$(PROGS)/games/mblocks/trunk/mblocks.asm \
games/phenix:GAMES/PHENIX:$(PROGS)/games/phenix/trunk/phenix.asm \
@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ FASM_PROGRAMS:=\
games/pong3:GAMES/PONG3:$(PROGS)/games/pong3/trunk/pong3.asm \
games/rsquare:GAMES/RSQUARE:$(PROGS)/games/rsquare/trunk/rsquare.asm \
games/snake:GAMES/SNAKE:$(PROGS)/games/snake/trunk/snake.asm \
games/sw:GAMES/SW:$(PROGS)/games/sw/trunk/sw.asm \
games/tetris:GAMES/TETRIS:$(PROGS)/games/tetris/trunk/tetris.asm \
lib/archiver.obj:LIB/ARCHIVER.OBJ:$(PROGS)/fs/kfar/trunk/kfar_arc/kfar_arc.asm \
lib/box_lib.obj:LIB/BOX_LIB.OBJ:$(PROGS)/develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.asm \
@ -239,12 +242,11 @@ OTHER_FILES:=asciivju:ASCIIVJU autorun.dat:AUTORUN.DAT \
games/checkers:GAMES/CHECKERS \
games/FindNumbers:GAMES/FindNumbers games/gomoku:GAMES/GOMOKU \
games/klavisha:GAMES/KLAVISHA games/kosilka:GAMES/KOSILKA \
games/kosskin.gfx:GAMES/KOSSKIN.GFX games/kox:GAMES/KOX \
games/lights:GAMES/LIGHTS games/megamaze:GAMES/MEGAMAZE \
games/kosskin.gfx:GAMES/KOSSKIN.GFX games/megamaze:GAMES/MEGAMAZE \
games/msquare:GAMES/MSQUARE games/padenie:GAMES/PADENIE \
games/reversi:GAMES/REVERSI games/rforces:GAMES/RFORCES \
games/sq_game:GAMES/SQ_GAME \
games/sudoku:GAMES/SUDOKU games/sw:GAMES/SW games/whowtbam:GAMES/WHOWTBAM \
games/sudoku:GAMES/SUDOKU games/whowtbam:GAMES/WHOWTBAM \
games/xonix:GAMES/XONIX \
lib/cnv_png.obj:LIB/CNV_PNG.OBJ lib/msgbox.obj:LIB/MSGBOX.OBJ \
lib/pixlib.obj:LIB/PIXLIB.OBJ lib/sort.obj:LIB/SORT.OBJ \
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
;#* X.0.X - DATA
;#************************** 21/10/2007
lootxt: db 'oops! - Looser...' ; los
text: db 'KOX v0.003 [ESC] - quit' ; winheader string
texts: db 'Congratulations! You are winner.' ; in window win
textend: db 'New' ;button id=200
px: dw 50 ;x,y -
py: dw 50 ; - for x_put/o_put
seed: dd 0 ;rnd
idx: dd 0 ;N cell
;============ X = Y ============= coords of cells
pole: dw 50, 50 ;+0 or - dd 50*65536+50
dw 100, 50 ;+4
dw 150, 50 ;+8
dw 50,100 ;+..
dw 100,100 ;+
dw 150,100 ;
dw 50,150 ;
dw 100,150 ;
dw 150,150 ;
pox: dd 0,0 ;POLE ( 3x3 )= 9 _bytes_: 'x' / 'o' / empty
pox_: db 0 ;9= 8+1
fill: db 0 ;turn counter 0..9
xwin: db 0 ;who is winner 0/1
owin: db 0 ;who is looser 0/1
poxl: dw 0 ;16 bits - x memory
pool: dw 0 ;16 bits - o memory
oxwall: dw 100100100b,0010010010b,0001001001b ;vert.
dw 111000000b,0000111000b,0000000111b ;horiz
dw 100010001b,0001010100b ;diag -winning combinations
prav: ;==== ¯à ¢¨« -ª®¬¡¨ 樨=====
dw 000000110b,0 ;á¨âã æ¨ï - 室 ¢ á¨âã 樨
dw 000000101b,1
dw 000000011b,2
dw 000110000b,3
dw 000101000b,4
dw 000011000b,5
dw 110000000b,6
dw 101000000b,7
dw 011000000b,8 ;horiz
dw 001001000b,0
dw 001000001b,3
dw 000001001b,6
dw 010010000b,1
dw 010000010b,4
dw 000010010b,7
dw 100100000b,2
dw 100000100b,5
dw 000100100b,8 ;vert
dw 000010001b,8
dw 100010000b,0
dw 100000001b,4
dw 000010100b,6
dw 001010000b,2
dw 001000100b,4 ;diag
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
;* X-0-X / Kolibri OS /
;************************** 17/10/2007 **********
include ''
include ''
include ''
SetEventMask 100111b
call rndseed
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Kox v0.003
Šà¥á⨪¨-®«¨ª¨ ¢ ª®¬¬¥â à¨ïå ¥ 㦤 îâáï.
‚ᥠ¨£à «¨? ‚ᯮ¬¨ ©â¥... - ¯ «ì楬 § ¯®â¥¢è¥¬ á⥪«¥,
¬¥«®¬ ¤®áª¥, ¯ «ª®© ᥣã, §¥¬«¥, àã窮©
ãப å ¢ ª«¥âç ⮩ â¥âà ¤¨...
’¥¯¥àì ¨ ¢ Š®«¨¡à¨.
–¥«ì ª ¦¤®£® ¨£à®ª - ¯¥à¢ë¬ ¢ëáâநâì àï¤ ¨§ âà¥å ᢮¨å
䨣ãà (ªà¥á⨪®¢ ¨«¨ ®«¨ª®¢) å®¤ï ¯®®ç¥à¥¤® ¯®«¥ 3x3.
Šâ® ¯¥à¢ë© - â®â ¢ë¨£à «.
‚ë ¨£à ¥â¥ ªà¥á⨪ ¬¨, ®«¨ª ¬¨ - ¢ è ᮯ¥à¨ª, ª®¬¯ìîâ¥à.
Ž ¤®áâ â®ç® 㬥, è ᮢ ¢ë¨£à âì - ¥ ®ç¥ì ¬®£®.
<20>ਫ £ î ¨áå®¤ë© â¥ªáâ áᥬ¡«¥à¥, ¤¥« ©â¥ á ¨¬ çâ® å®â¨â¥.
Ž á«¥£ª ®¯â¨¬¨§¨à®¢ (¯® à §¬¥àã) ® १¥à¢ë ¥é¥ ¥áâì.
Œ®¦¥â ¯®å㤥âì ¥é¥ ¡ ©â ¤¢¥áâ¨...
Œ®¦® ¥é¥ ã«ãçè¨âì «£®à¨â¬ ¨áªãá⢥®£® ¨â¥««¥ªâ
(§ âªãâì ¯®á«¥¤îî ¤ëàªã, ç⮡ë ìë« ¨ç¥© ï ᬥàâì)
¢â®àë¬ å®¤®¬ 室¨âì ¢ 㣮« (¯à®¯ã᪠âì ¥ç¥âë© idx)
¥á«¨ ®â¢¥â¨â ¢ ¯à®â¨¢®¯®«®¦ë© - ᮢ ¢ 㣮«.
Œ¥ «¥¨¢® ¤®¡ ¢«ïâì ¥áª®«ìª® ¤¥áï⪮¢ ¡ ©â ¨§-§ 1 室 .
ˆ â ª ¥¯«®å® ¢à®¤¥...
== 21/10/2007 ==
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
;******** Œ€Š<EFBFBD>Ž‘› *******************
; constants
cBLACK = 0x000000 ; ç¥àë©
cRED = 0xFF0000 ; ªà áë©
cYELLOW = 0xFFFF00 ; ¦¥«âë©
cGREEN = 0x00FF00 ; §¥«¥ë©
cNAVY = 0x0000FF ; ᨨ©
cMAGENTA = 0xFF00FF ; ¬ «¨®¢ë©
cBLUE = 0x00FFFF ; £®«ã¡®©
cWHITE = 0xFFFFFF ; ¡¥«ë©
cBROWN = 0x554433 ; ª®à¨ç¥¢ë©
cMAGENTAl = 0xB800B8 ; magenta light
cVIOLETl = 0xF800F8 ; 䨮«¥â®¢ë© ᢥâ«
macro BeginProgram
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 0x01
dd __start
dd __end
dd 0x10000 ;__memory
dd 0x10000 ;__stack
dd 0x0 ; dd __params
dd 0x0
macro EndProgram
align 32
rb 256
;org 0x10000
macro LoopBegin lab,begi
push ecx ; ECX->STACK store old
mov ecx,begi
push ecx ; ECX->STACK counter store
macro LoopEnd lab,endi
pop ecx ;ECX<-STACK counter restore
inc ecx
cmp ecx,endi
jne lab
pop ecx ;ECX<-STACK restore old
macro SetEventMask mmm
mov eax,40
mov ebx,mmm
int 0x40
macro Subroutines
mov eax,26
mov ebx,9
int 0x40
mov dword[seed],eax
mov eax,3
int 0x40
shr eax,16
add eax,dword[seed]
; not eax
ror eax,3
xor eax,0xdeadbeef
mov dword[seed],eax
;============0========== word[px],word[py]
mov ax,word[px]
shl eax,16 ;*65536
add eax,35 ;+35
mov ebx,eax ;posX*65536+dX ; [x0] *65536 + [dx]
mov ax,word[py] ;
shl eax,16 ;*65536
add eax,35 ;+35
mov ecx,eax ;posY*65536+dY ; [y0] *65536 + [dy]
mov edx,cB
mov eax,13 ; äãªæ¨ï 13 - box
int 0x40 ;BLACK BOX---------------
mov ax,word[px]
inc ax ;+1
inc ax ;+1
shl eax,16 ;*65536
add eax,31 ;3 ;+35
mov ebx,eax ;posX*65536+dX ; [x0] *65536 + [dx]
mov ax,word[py]
add eax,2
;inc eax
;inc eax
shl eax,16
add eax,31 ;3 ;-2
mov ecx,eax ;posY*65536+dY ; [y0] *65536 + [dy]
mov edx,cW
mov eax,13 ; äãªæ¨ï 13 - box
int 0x40 ;WHITE BOX----------
;xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[px]
shl eax,16 ;*65536
add ax,word[px]
add eax,35 ;+35
mov ebx,eax ;posX*65536+dX
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[py]
shl eax,16 ;*65536
add ax,word[py]
add eax,35 ;+35
mov ecx,eax ;posX*65536+dX
mov edx,cB
mov eax,38 ; äãªæ¨ï 38 - line \
int 0x40
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[px]
inc eax
shl eax,16 ;*65536
add ax,word[px]
add eax,36 ;+35+1
mov ebx,eax ;posX*65536+dX
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[py]
shl eax,16 ;*65536
add ax,word[py]
add eax,35 ;+35
mov ecx,eax ;posX*65536+dX ; [x0] *65536 + [dx]
mov edx,cB
mov eax,38 ; äãªæ¨ï 38 - line \\
int 0x40
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[px]
shl eax,16 ;*65536
mov ebx,eax ;posX*65536 = .BX
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[px]
add eax,35
add ebx,eax ;---------------------------BX
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[py]
add eax,35
shl eax,16 ;*65536
add ax,word[py] ;+y
mov ecx,eax ;(posY+35)*65536+posY = .CX
mov edx,cB ; 梥â : ç¥àë©
mov eax,38 ; äãªæ¨ï 38 - line /
int 0x40
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[px]
inc ax
shl eax,16 ;*65536
mov ebx,eax ;posX*65536 = .BX
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[px]
add eax,36 ;+35+1
add ebx,eax ;---------------------------BX
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[py]
add eax,35
shl eax,16 ;*65536
add ax,word[py] ;+y
mov ecx,eax ;(posY+35)*65536+posY = .CX
mov edx,cB
mov eax,38 ; äãªæ¨ï 38 - line //
int 0x40
;------------------------------------<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ž‚…<EFBFBD>Š€ H ¢ë¨£àëèãî á¨âã æ¨î-----x
x_win: xor ecx,ecx
xor ebx,ebx
xor eax,eax
lx0: mov bx,word[poxl] ;áà ¢¨âì ⥪ãéãî á¨âã æ¨î ¯®«¥ X
mov esi,ecx
shl esi,1 ;*2
mov ax,word[oxwall+esi] ; next pattern
and ebx,eax ;á ¯®¡¥¤ë¬¨ , ¥á«¨ å®âì ®¤ ᮢ¯ ¤ ¥â -
sub eax,ebx
jz wx ;¯®¡¥¤ -> set byte xwin=1
inc ecx
cmp ecx,8 ;横« ecx < 8
jb lx0
g00: ;¥â ᮢ¯ ¤¥¨©
inc byte[xwin] ;mov byte[xwin],1
;------------------------------------<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ž‚…<EFBFBD>Š€ H ¢ë¨£àëèãî á¨âã æ¨î-----0
o_win: xor ecx,ecx
xor ebx,ebx
xor eax,eax
lo0: mov bx,word[pool] ;áà ¢¨âì ⥪ãéãî á¨âã æ¨î ¯®«¥ O
mov esi,ecx
shl esi,1 ;*2
mov ax,word[oxwall+esi] ; next pattern
and ebx,eax ;á ¯®¡¥¤ë¬¨ , ¥á«¨ å®âì ®¤ ᮢ¯ ¤ ¥â -
sub eax,ebx
jz wo ;¯®¡¥¤ -> set byte owin=1
inc ecx
cmp ecx,8 ;横«
jb lo0
wo: inc byte[owin] ;mov byte[owin],1
;==================================COmbinations -0- =============
o_com: xor ecx,ecx
xor ebx,ebx
xor eax,eax
l000: mov bx,word[poxl] ; ⥪ãéãî á¨âã æ¨î ¯®«¥ X
; or bx,word[pool] ;+ ⥪ãéãî á¨âã æ¨î ¯®«¥ O
mov esi,ecx
shl esi,2 ;*4 -ᤢ¨£ -á«®¢
mov ax,word[prav+esi] ; á«¥¤ãî饥 ¯à ¢¨«®
and ebx,eax ; ¥á«¨ ¥ ᮢ¯ ¤ ¥â -
sub eax,ebx
jnz @F ;next ecx
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
mov ax,word[prav+esi+2] ;esi<-¨§ â ¡«¨æë ¯à ¢¨«
mov bl,byte[pox+eax]
cmp ebx,0 ;empty?
je g00d
inc ecx
cmp ecx,24 ;横« ¤® 24
jb l000
ret ;¥â ᮢ¯ ¤¥¨© - do nothing
;¯à¨¬¥¨âì ¥£®
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[prav+esi+2] ;esi<-¨§ â ¡«¨æë ¯à ¢¨«
mov esi,eax
mov dword[idx],esi ;á®åà ¨¬ ¢ idx
;==================================¯à¥¤¢ë¨£àëè ï ª®¬¡¨ æ¨ï...
x_com: xor ecx,ecx
xor ebx,ebx
xor eax,eax
l111: mov bx,word[pool] ; ⥪ãéãî á¨âã æ¨î ¯®«¥ O
mov esi,ecx
shl esi,2 ;*4 -ᤢ¨£ -á«®¢
mov ax,word[prav+esi] ; á«¥¤ãî饥 ¯à ¢¨«®
and ebx,eax ; ¥á«¨ ¥ ᮢ¯ ¤ ¥â -
sub eax,ebx
jnz @F ;next ecx
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
mov ax,word[prav+esi+2] ;esi<-¨§ â ¡«¨æë ¯à ¢¨«
mov bl,byte[pox+eax]
cmp ebx,0 ;empty?
je g11d
inc ecx
cmp ecx,24 ;横« ¤® 24
jb l111
ret ;¥â ᮢ¯ ¤¥¨© - do nothing
;¯à¨¬¥¨âì ¥£®
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[prav+esi+2] ;esi<-¨§ â ¡«¨æë ¯à ¢¨«
mov esi,eax
mov dword[idx],esi ;á®åà ¨¬ ¢ idx
macro playing_field
mov eax,38 ; func 38
mov edx,cB ; the color is black
mov ebx,92*65536+92 ;x
mov ecx,42*65536+192 ;y
int 0x40 ;- line vert 1
mov ebx,142*65536+142 ;x
mov ecx,42*65536+192 ;y
int 0x40 ;- line vert 2
mov ebx,42*65536+192 ;x
mov ecx,92*65536+92 ;y
int 0x40 ;- line horiz 1
mov ebx,42*65536+192 ;x
mov ecx,142*65536+142 ;y
int 0x40 ;- line horiz 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
;#* X-0-X = MAIN()
;#************************** 21/10/2007
cB equ cBLACK
cW equ cWHITE
macro main_loop
; äãªæ¨ï ®âà¨á®¢ª¨ ®ª
mov eax,12 ; äãªæ¨ï 12: á®®¡é¨âì á¨á⥬¥
mov ebx,1 ; ¯®¤äãªæ¨ï 1, ç «® ¯¥à¥à¨á®¢ª¨
int 0x40
; ===== ŽŠ<EFBFBD>Ž !!!
mov eax,0 ; äãªæ¨ï 0: ®¯à¥¤¥«¨âì ¨ ¢ë¢¥á⨠®ª®
mov ebx,100*65536+250 ; [x ç «ìë©] *65536 + [x à §¬¥à]
mov ecx,ebx ;,100*65536+250 ; [y ç «ìë©] *65536 + [y à §¬¥à]
mov edx,0x02FFFFFF
mov esi,0x808899AA ; 梥⠧ £®«®¢ª RRGGBB
mov edi,0xFFAAcc ; 梥â à ¬ª¨ RRGGBB
int 0x40
; <EFBFBD>€„<EFBFBD>ˆ‘œ ¢ § £®«®¢ª¥ KOX v0.001
mov eax,4 ; äãªæ¨ï 4: ¯¨á âì ⥪áâ ¢ ®ª¥
mov ebx,8*65536+8 ; [x ç «ìë©] *65536 + [y ç «ìë©]
mov ecx,0x00224422 ; 梥â ⥪áâ RRGGBB
mov edx,text ; 㪠§ ⥫ì ç «® ⥪áâ
mov esi,texts-text ; ¤«¨ ⥪áâ ¢ ¡ ©â å
int 0x40
playing_field ;macro in
; ----Š<EFBFBD>Ž<EFBFBD>Šˆ----
mov eax,8 ; äãªæ¨ï 8: ®¯à¥¤¥«¨âì ¨ ¢ë¢¥á⨠ª®¯ªã
mov ebx,230*65536+12 ; [x ç «ìë©] *65536 + [x à §¬¥à]
mov ecx,5*65536+12 ; [y ç «ìë©] *65536 + [y à §¬¥à]
mov edx,100 ; ¨¤¥â¨ä¨ª â®à ª®¯ª¨ =100
mov esi,0xFF6611 ; 梥⠪®¯ª¨ RRGGBB
int 0x40 ; ===Š<EFBFBD>Ž<EFBFBD>Š€ ‡€Š<EFBFBD>›’ˆŸ ŽŠ<EFBFBD>€===
mov eax,8 ;
mov ebx,200*65536+35 ; ;
mov ecx,25*65536+20 ;
mov edx,200 ;== NEW GAME ==
mov esi,0xCC66CC
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; ¯¨á âì ⥪áâ ª®¯ª¥ NEW
mov ebx,210*65536+30
mov ecx,cB
mov edx,textend
mov esi,3
int 0x40
mov eax,12
mov ebx,2
int 0x40
;============================= draw_window: END
mov eax,23 ;==‘Ž<EFBFBD>›’ˆŸ==
mov ebx,100 ;¦¤ âì ᥪã¤ã
int 0x40
; ⨯ ᮡëâ¨ï ¢®§¢à éñ ¢ eax, ¤ «¥¥ ¯à®¢¥à塞, ª ª®¥ ᮡë⨥ ¯à®¨§®è«®
cmp eax,1 ; § ¯à®á ¯¥à¥à¨á®¢ªã?
je redraw
cmp eax,2 ; ¦ â ª« ¢¨è ª« ¢¨ âãàë?
je key
cmp eax,3 ; ¦ â ª®¯ª ¢ ®ª¥ ¯à®£à ¬¬ë?
je button
cmp eax,6 ; mouse - click or move?
jmp event_wait ; ¢®§¢à é ¥¬áï ª ç «ã 横« ®¦¨¤ ¨ï ᮡë⨩
; ¥á«¨ ᮡë⨩ ¥â
; ®¡à ¡®âª ᮡë⨩
call draw_window ; ¢ë§ë¢ ¥¬ äãªæ¨î draw_window ¨
jmp event_wait ; ¢®§¢à é ¥¬áï § ¤ ª 横«ã ®¦¨¤ ¨ï
mov eax,2 ; áç¨âë¢ ¥¬ ª®¤ ¦ ⮩ ª« ¢¨è¨. ‚®§¢à é¥ ¢ ah.
int 0x40 ; Š« ¢¨è ¤®«¦ ¡ëâì ¯à®ç¨â ¤«ï ®ç¨á⪨
cmp ah,27
je clos0 ; exit on ESC
jmp event_wait ; ¢®§¢à â ª event_wait
mov eax,17 ; áç¨âë¢ ¥¬ ¨¤¥â¨ä¨ª â®à ¦ ⮩ ª®¯ª¨
int 0x40 ; ¢®§¢à é¥ ¢ ah.
; ᬮâਬ, ª ª ï ª®¯ª ¡ë« ¦ â ¨ ᮮ⢥âáâ¢ãî騬 ®¡à §®¬ ॠ£¨à㥬.
cmp ah,100 ; ª®¯ª á id=100("§ ªàëâì")?
jne noclose ;
clos0: ;
mov eax,-1 ; äãªæ¨ï -1: § ¢¥àè¨âì ¯à®£à ¬¬ã
int 0x40 ;
noclose: ; ª®¯ª id=200( "New" )
mov dword[pox],0
mov dword[pox+4],0 ;clear memory
mov dword[pox_],0 ;rest and other stuff
mov word[poxl],0 ; bits of pole X
mov word[pool],0 ; bits of pole O
;mov byte[fill],0 ; ®¡ã«ï¥¬ áç¥â稪 室®¢
;mov byte[xwin],0 ; flag - x winner
;mov byte[owin],0 ; flag - o winner
jmp redraw ; ç¨á⮥ ¨£à®¢®¥ ¯®«¥ ==>>
; ᬮâਬ, £¤¥ ¡ë« ¦ â ¬ëèì
mov eax,37 ; ¬ëèìî..
mov ebx,2
int 0x40
cmp eax,0 ; ..¨ç¥£® ¥ ¦ â® - ¦¤ âì ᮡë⨩
je event_wait
; ¦ â ª®¯ª ¬ëè¨
mov eax,37 ; cursor coords
mov ebx,1
int 0x40 ;eax=x*65536+y
mov [px],eax ;[px][py] - ª®®à¤¨ â âªã⮣® ¬¥áâ
xor eax,eax
g11: ;1st cell======
cmp word[px],92
ja g12 ;>92
cmp word[py],92
ja g12 ;>92
;mov dword[idx],0 ;N=(0..8)
jmp puts
g12: ;2nd cell========
inc al
cmp word[py],145
ja g13 ;>142
cmp word[px],92
ja g13 ;>92
;mov dword[idx],1 ;N=(0..8)
jmp puts
g13: ;3=========
inc al
cmp word[px],92
ja g21 ;>92
;mov dword[idx],2 ;N=(0..8)
jmp puts
g21: ;4========
inc al
cmp word[px],145
ja g22
cmp word[py],92
ja g22
;mov dword[idx],3 ;N=(0..8)
jmp puts
g22: ;5=======
inc al
cmp word[px],145
ja g23
cmp word[py],145
ja g23
;mov dword[idx],4 ;N=(0..8)
jmp puts
g23: ;6=======
inc al
cmp word[px],142
ja g31 ;>142
;mov dword[idx],5 ;N=(0..8)
jmp puts
g31: ;7=======
inc al
cmp word[py],92
ja g32
;mov dword[idx],6 ;N=(0..8)
jmp puts
g32: ;8======
inc al
cmp word[py],145
ja g33
;mov dword[idx],7 ;N=(0..8)
jmp puts
g33: ;9======
inc al
;mov dword[idx],8 ;N=(0..8)
puts: ;㦥 ®¯à¥¤¥«¨«¨ ª«¥âªã
push eax
pop dword[idx]
mov esi,dword[idx] ;
cmp byte[pox+esi],0 ;¯®«¥ ᢮¡®¤®? (0-᢮¡®¤®¥ ¯®«¥)
jne event_wait ;¢®§¢à é ¥¬áï § ¤ ª 横«ã ®¦¨¤ ¨ï
shl esi,2 ;*4
mov eax,dword[pole+esi]
mov dword[px],eax ;x coord from tabl ->px
;mov ax,word[pole+esi+2]
;mov word[py],ax ;y coord from tabl ->py
call x_put ;"X"
mov esi,dword[idx] ;esi - cell number =0..8
mov byte[pox+esi],'x'
inc byte[fill] ;turn+1
xor eax,eax ;eax=0
inc eax ;bit=1 eax=1
mov ecx,dword[idx] ; esi=n
shl ax,cl ; <<n-bit bit[n]=1
or word[poxl],ax ;set bit in [poxl]
call x_win ;¯à®¢¥àª ¢ë¨£àëè •
cmp byte[xwin],1 ;ä« £ ¯®¡¥¤ë ãáâ ®¢«¥?
jne del5 ;¥â - ¯¥à¥áª®ª delay
mov eax,4 ; ä㪠4: ¯¨á âì ⥪áâ 'WINNER!'
mov ebx,18*65536+215 ; [x ç] *65536 + [y ç]
mov ecx,0x10FF22FF ; 梥â ⥪áâ RRGGBB
mov edx,texts ; 㪠§ ⥫ì ç «® ⥪áâ
mov esi,textend-texts ; ¤«¨ ⥪áâ ¢ ¡ ©â å
int 0x40 ;
jmp event_wait ; ¢®§¢à é ¥¬áï § ¤ ª 横«ã ®¦¨¤ ¨ï
del5: mov eax,5 ;=== delay 0,5 sec ===
mov ebx,50
int 0x40
cmp byte[fill],8 ;¢á¥ ¯®«ï § ïâë - 室¨âì ¥ªã¤
jnb event_wait ;¢®§¢à é ¥¬áï § ¤ ª 横«ã ®¦¨¤ ¨ï - ª®¥æ.
rnew: ;
call rndnext ; á«ãç ©®¥ ç¨á«® ¢ eax
and eax, 0111b ; eax = 0..7
mov esi,eax ; eax->esi
call rndnext ; á«ãç ©®¥ ç¨á«® ¢ eax
and eax, 01b ; eax= 0..1
add esi,eax ; esi+=eax
;esi=0..8 - index
cmp byte[pox+esi],0 ;á«ãç ©®¥ ¯®«¥ ᢮¡®¤®?
jne rnew ;¥â - ®¢®¥ á«ãç ©®¥ ç¨á«®
cmp byte[pox+4],0 ;æ¥âà ᢮¡®¤¥?
jne @F ;¥â - á«ãç ©ë© å®¤ (㦥 ¢ esi)
mov esi,4 ;¤ - 室¨¬ ¢ æ¥âà (4) ¢¬¥áâ® á«ãç.
mov dword[idx],esi ;á®åà ¨¬ ¢ idx
;esi=0..8 - index
call o_com ;¯à®¢¥àª 24åê ª®¬¡¨ 権 XX0
call x_com ;¯à®¢¥àª 24åê ª®¬¡¨ 権 00*
mov esi,dword[idx] ;idx-¨¤¥ªá ª«¥âª¨(0..8) ªã¤ 室
shl esi,2 ; esi*4 - ¯®«¥ á®á⮨⠨§ § ¯¨á¥© ¯® dword
mov eax,dword[pole+esi] ;
mov dword[px],eax ;x coord from tabl ->px
; mov ax,word[pole+esi+2] ;
; mov word[py],ax ;y coord from tabl ->py
call o_put ; à¨á㥬 ®«¨ª 'O'
mov esi,dword[idx]
mov byte[pox+esi],'o'
inc byte[fill] ;turn++
xor eax,eax ;eax=0
inc eax ;bit=1 eax=1
mov ecx,dword[idx] ; ecx=n
shl ax,cl ; <<n-bit bit[n]=1
or word[pool],ax ;set bit in [pool]
call o_win
cmp byte[owin],1
jne event_wait
mov eax,4 ; ä㪠4: ¯¨á âì ⥪áâ 'LOOSER!'
mov ebx,48*65536+215 ; [x ç] *65536 + [y ç]
mov ecx,0x10FF22FF ; 梥â ⥪áâ RRGGBB
mov edx,lootxt ; 㪠§ ⥫ì ç «® ⥪áâ
mov esi,text-lootxt ; ¤«¨ ⥪áâ ¢ ¡ ©â å
int 0x40 ;
jmp event_wait ; ¢®§¢à é ¥¬áï § ¤ ª 横«ã ®¦¨¤ ¨ï
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 295 B |
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
;#* LIGHTS (c)*
;#************************** 15/10/2007
L0 equ 0x0000F8 ; light off
L1 equ 0xFFFF00 ; light on
deltaX equ 35
deltaY equ 35
posX equ 50
posY equ 50
text: db 'LIGHTS v0.002 [ESC] - quit' ; winheader string
texts: db 'Congratulations!!!' ; in window
;=================Table===================== 18x18 :: N,Color,X,Y , up,lf,rt,dn
tButIdx: dd 0
db 5,0, posX+deltaX*0, posY+deltaY*0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1
db 6,0, posX+deltaX*1, posY+deltaY*0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 7,0, posX+deltaX*2, posY+deltaY*0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 8,0, posX+deltaX*3, posY+deltaY*0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 9,0, posX+deltaX*4, posY+deltaY*0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1
db 10,0, posX+deltaX*0, posY+deltaY*1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1
db 11,0, posX+deltaX*1, posY+deltaY*1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 12,0, posX+deltaX*2, posY+deltaY*1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 13,0, posX+deltaX*3, posY+deltaY*1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 14,0, posX+deltaX*4, posY+deltaY*1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1
db 15,0, posX+deltaX*0, posY+deltaY*2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1
db 16,0, posX+deltaX*1, posY+deltaY*2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 17,0, posX+deltaX*2, posY+deltaY*2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 18,0, posX+deltaX*3, posY+deltaY*2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 19,0, posX+deltaX*4, posY+deltaY*2 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1
db 20,0, posX+deltaX*0, posY+deltaY*3 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1
db 21,0, posX+deltaX*1, posY+deltaY*3 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 22,0, posX+deltaX*2, posY+deltaY*3 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 23,0, posX+deltaX*3, posY+deltaY*3 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1
db 24,0, posX+deltaX*4, posY+deltaY*3 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1
db 25,0, posX+deltaX*0, posY+deltaY*4 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0
db 26,0, posX+deltaX*1, posY+deltaY*4 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0
db 27,0, posX+deltaX*2, posY+deltaY*4 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0
db 28,0, posX+deltaX*3, posY+deltaY*4 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0
db 29,0, posX+deltaX*4, posY+deltaY*4 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0
;=======================================:: N,Color,X,Y , up,lf,rt,dn
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
;#* LIGHTS * Kolibri OS
;#************************** 15/10/2007
include ''
include ''
include ''
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
LIGHTS v0.002
<EFBFBD>« αα¨η¥α<EFBFBD> ο ¨£ΰ Ά ‹ ¬―®η<C2AE>¨ ¨§Ά¥αβ ¤ Ά®.
<EFBFBD>ΰ Ά¨« ―ΰ®αβλ. –¥«μ ¨£ΰλ Ά<>«ξη¨βμ Άα¥ 25 "« ¬―®η¥<CEB7>".
<EFBFBD> ¦ ⨥ ¬λθ<CEBB>®© <20>«¥β<C2A5>㠡㤥⠯¥ΰ¥<CEB0>«ξη βμ « ¬―®η<C2AE>γ
( β <CEB2>¦¥ ᬥ¦λ¥) β <CEB2>¦¥ α®α¥¤¨¥ Ά α®αβ®ο¨¥ Ά<>«./Άλ<CE86>«.
<EFBFBD> ¦¥βαο «¥£<C2A5>®, ® νβ® ¤®Ά®«μ® βΰ㤮.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
macro BeginProgram
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 0x01
dd __start
dd __end
dd 0x10000 ;__memory
dd 0x10000 ;__stack
dd 0x0 ; dd __params
dd 0x0
macro EndProgram
align 32
rb 2048
;org 0x10000
macro mButton nn,crgb,x,y,dx,dy
mov eax,8 ; äãªæ¨ï 8: ®¯à¥¤¥«¨âì ¨ ¢ë¢¥á⨠ª®¯ªã
mov ebx,x*65536+dx ; [x ç «ìë©] *65536 + [x à §¬¥à]
mov ecx,y*65536+dy ; [y ç «ìë©] *65536 + [y à §¬¥à]
mov edx,nn ; ¨¤¥â¨ä¨ª â®à ª®¯ª¨ =1
mov esi,crgb ;0x116611 ; 梥⠪®¯ª¨ RRGGBB
int 0x40
macro LoopBegin lab,begi
push ecx ; ECX->STACK store
mov ecx,begi
push ecx ; ECX->STACK counter
macro LoopEnd lab,endi
pop ecx ;ECX<-STACK counter
inc ecx
cmp ecx,endi
jne lab
pop ecx ;ECX<-STACK restore
; constants
cBLACK = 0x000000 ; ç¥àë©
cRED = 0xFF0000 ; ªà áë©
cYELLOW = 0x3FFFF00 ; ¦¥«âë©
cGREEN = 0x00FF00 ; §¥«¥ë©
cNAVY = 0x0000FF ; ᨨ©
cMAGENTA = 0xFF00FF ; ¬ «¨®¢ë©
cBLUE = 0x00FFFF ; £®«ã¡®©
cWHITE = 0xFFFFFF ; ¡¥«ë©
cBROWN = 0x554433 ;
cMAGENTAl = 0xB800B8 ; magenta
cVIOLETl = 0xF800F8 ; 䨮«¥â®¢ë©
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
;#* LIGHTS (c)*
;#************************** 15/10/2007
L0 equ 0x0000F8 ; light off
L1 equ 0xFFFF00 ; light on
LAG equ 2
deltaX equ 35
deltaY equ 35
posX equ 50
posY equ 50
macro main_loop
; äãªæ¨ï ®âà¨á®¢ª¨ ®ª
mov eax,12 ; äãªæ¨ï 12: á®®¡é¨âì á¨á⥬¥ ®
; á®áâ®ï¨¨ ¯¥à¥à¨á®¢ª¨ ®ª
mov ebx,1 ; ¯®¤äãªæ¨ï 1, ç «® ¯¥à¥à¨á®¢ª¨
int 0x40
; ===== ŽŠ<EFBFBD>Ž !!1
mov eax,0 ; äãªæ¨ï 0: ®¯à¥¤¥«¨âì ¨ ¢ë¢¥á⨠®ª®
mov ebx,100*65536+270 ; [x ç «ìë©] *65536 + [x à §¬¥à]
mov ecx,100*65536+280 ; [y ç «ìë©] *65536 + [y à §¬¥à]
mov edx,0x02ccddff ; 梥â à ¡®ç¥© ®¡« á⨠RRGGBB
; 0x02000000 = ⨯ ®ª 2
mov esi,0x808899AA ; 梥⠮¡« á⨠§ £®«®¢ª RRGGBB
; 0x80000000 = 梥⠯¥à¥â¥ª ¥â
mov edi,0xFFAAcc ; 梥â à ¬ª¨ RRGGBB
int 0x40
; <EFBFBD>€„<EFBFBD>ˆ‘œ ¢ § £®«®¢ª¥ Lights v0.001
mov eax,4 ; äãªæ¨ï 4: ¯¨á âì ⥪áâ ¢ ®ª¥
mov ebx,8*65536+8 ; [x ç «ìë©] *65536 + [y ç «ìë©]
mov ecx,0x00224422 ; 梥â ⥪áâ RRGGBB
; áâ à訩 ¡ ©â (0x00) - à §¬¥à èà¨äâ
; (¬ «¥ìª¨©)
mov edx,text ; 㪠§ ⥫ì ç «® ⥪áâ
mov esi,texts-text ; ¤«¨ ⥪áâ ¢ ¡ ©â å
int 0x40
xor eax,eax ; <EFBFBD>€„<EFBFBD>ˆ‘œ ¢ ®ª¥!!!
mov ecx,eax
lb: ;loop ecx
mov edi,ecx ;
shl edi,3 ;
add edi,tBut ;
add al,byte[edi+1] ;
inc ecx ;
cmp ecx,25 ;
jne lb ;ecx<25
cmp eax, 0xE7 ;25
jne goon
;call Bin2Hex
mov eax,4 ; äãªæ¨ï 4: ¯¨á âì ⥪áâ ¢ ®ª¥
mov ebx,80*65536+250 ; [x ç «ìë©] *65536 + [y ç «ìë©]
mov ecx,0x10FF22FF ; 梥â ⥪áâ RRGGBB
; ; áâ à訩 ¡ ©â (0x10) - à §¬¥à èà¨äâ
; ; (¡®«ì让)
;mov edx,txthex
;mov esi,17
mov edx,texts ; 㪠§ ⥫ì ç «® ⥪áâ
mov esi,textend-texts ; ¤«¨ ⥪áâ ¢ ¡ ©â å
int 0x40
; ----Š<EFBFBD>Ž<EFBFBD>Šˆ----
; button()
mov eax,8 ; äãªæ¨ï 8: ®¯à¥¤¥«¨âì ¨ ¢ë¢¥á⨠ª®¯ªã
mov ebx,(200-19)*65536+12 ; [x ç «ìë©] *65536 + [x à §¬¥à]
mov ecx,5*65536+12 ; [y ç «ìë©] *65536 + [y à §¬¥à]
mov edx,100 ; ¨¤¥â¨ä¨ª â®à ª®¯ª¨ =1
mov esi,0xFF6611 ; 梥⠪®¯ª¨ RRGGBB
int 0x40 ; ===Š<EFBFBD>Ž<EFBFBD>Š€ ‡€Š<EFBFBD>›’ˆŸ ŽŠ<EFBFBD>€===
LoopBegin labl,0 ;ecx - loop index
;add ecx,5
mov edi,ecx
shl edi,3 ;edi*8 -index of table
add edi,tBut
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte[edi+2] ;X
shl ebx,16 ;*65536=256*256
add ebx,deltaX-LAG ;dX
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,byte[edi+3] ;Y
shl ecx,16 ;*65536=256*256
add ecx,deltaY-LAG ;dY
xor edx,edx
mov dl,byte[edi] ;N
xor esi,esi
cmp byte[edi+1], 0 ;Color = 0/1
je lit_off
mov esi,L1 ;on
jmp lend
mov esi,L0 ;off
mov eax,8 ;8-BUTTON
int 0x40
LoopEnd labl,25
mov eax,12 ; äãªæ¨ï 12: á®®¡é¨âì á¨á⥬¥ ®
; á®áâ®ï¨¨ ¯¥à¥à¨á®¢ª¨ ®ª
mov ebx,2 ; ¯®¤äãªæ¨ï 2, ¯¥à¥à¨á®¢ª ®ª®ç¥
int 0x40
;ret ; ª®¥æ äãªæ¨¨ - íâ® ¥ äãªæ¨ï!
;mov eax,10 ; äãªæ¨ï 10:=0A ®¦¨¤ ¨¥ ᮡëâ¨ï
mov eax,23
mov ebx,100
int 0x40
; ⨯ ᮡëâ¨ï ¢®§¢à éñ ¢ eax, ¤ «¥¥ ¯à®¢¥à塞, ª ª®¥ ᮡë⨥ ¯à®¨§®è«®
cmp eax,1 ; § ¯à®á ¯¥à¥à¨á®¢ªã?
je redraw
cmp eax,2 ; ¦ â ª« ¢¨è ª« ¢¨ âãàë?
je key
cmp eax,3 ; ¦ â ª®¯ª ¢ ®ª¥ ¯à®£à ¬¬ë?
je button
jmp event_wait ; ¢®§¢à é ¥¬áï ª ç «ã 横« ®¦¨¤ ¨ï ᮡë⨩
; ¯®á«¥ ⮣®, ª ª ᮡë⨥ ¨¤¥â¨ä¨æ¨à®¢ ®, ¥£® ¤® ®¡à ¡®â âì
call draw_window ; ¢ë§ë¢ ¥¬ äãªæ¨î draw_window ¨
jmp event_wait ; ¢®§¢à é ¥¬áï § ¤ ª 横«ã ®¦¨¤ ¨ï
mov eax,2 ; áç¨âë¢ ¥¬ ª®¤ ¦ ⮩ ª« ¢¨è¨. ‚®§¢à é¥ ¢ ah.
int 0x40 ; Š« ¢¨è ¤®«¦ ¡ëâì ¯à®ç¨â ¤«ï ®ç¨á⪨
cmp ah,27
je clos0 ; exit on ESC
jmp event_wait ; ¢®§¢à â ª event_wait
mov eax,17 ; áç¨âë¢ ¥¬ ¨¤¥â¨ä¨ª â®à ¦ ⮩ ª®¯ª¨
int 0x40 ; ¢®§¢à é¥ ah.
; ᬮâਬ, ª ª ï ª®¯ª ¡ë« ¦ â ¨ ᮮ⢥âáâ¢ãî騬 ®¡à §®¬ ॠ£¨à㥬.
cmp ah,100 ; ª®¯ª á id=100("§ ªàëâì")?
jne noclose
mov eax,-1 ; äãªæ¨ï -1: § ¢¥àè¨âì ¯à®£à ¬¬ã
int 0x40 ; ª®¯ª 5-29
xor ecx,ecx ;
mov cl,ah ;
sub ecx,5 ; ecx - index for tBut
mov edi,ecx
call x_lit ;+0 - æ¥âà
mov [tButIdx],edi ;save index
mov edi,[tButIdx]
cmp byte[edi+6],0
je next000
mov edi,ecx
inc edi
call x_lit ;+1 á¯à ¢
mov edi,[tButIdx]
cmp byte[edi+5],0
je next001
mov edi,ecx
dec edi
call x_lit ;-1 á«¥¢
mov edi,[tButIdx]
cmp byte[edi+4],0
je next002
mov edi,ecx
sub edi,5
call x_lit ;-5 ᢥàåã
mov edi,[tButIdx]
cmp byte[edi+7],0
je next003
mov edi,ecx
add edi,5
call x_lit ;+5 ᨧã
call draw_window
jmp event_wait
x_lit: ; edi - index
shl edi,3 ; edi*8 -index of table tBut
add edi,tBut ;
not byte[edi+1] ; invert second byte = L0/L1
ret ;
call draw_window ; è ª®¯ª ;)
; §¤¥áì ¯à®¢¥à塞 ®áâ «ìë¥ ª®¯ª¨
jmp event_wait ;¢®§¢à é ¥¬áï ª 横«ã ®¦¨¤ ¨ï
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user