forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
'cnc_editor' small fix in button colors
git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ start:
mov [pb.height], dword 17
mov [pb.max], dword 100;599
mov [pb.min], dword 0 ;-397
mov [pb.value], dword 50;-397
mov [pb.value], dword 0 ;-397
mov [pb.back_color], dword 00C8D0D4h
mov [pb.progress_color], dword 8072B7EBh
mov [pb.frame_color], dword 00406175h
@ -151,30 +151,13 @@ mouse:
call mouse_left_d
jmp .end_l
;bt eax,0
;jnc @f
;mouse l. but. move
;call mouse_left_m
;jmp .end_l
bt eax,16
jnc .end_l
;mouse l. but. up
call mouse_left_u
;jmp .end_l
;bt eax,9
;jnc @f
;mouse r. but. press
;jmp .end_r
;bt eax,1
;jnc @f
;mouse r. but. move
;call mouse_right_m
;jmp .end_r
call buf_get_mouse_coord
cmp eax,-1
@ -298,8 +281,7 @@ proc buf_get_mouse_coord
align 4
proc timer_funct
proc timer_funct uses eax ebx
mov [last_time],eax
@ -309,7 +291,6 @@ proc timer_funct
stdcall draw_obj2d,ObjData
stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0
@ -559,11 +540,9 @@ but_open_file:
jnz .end_open_file
cmp ebx,0xffffffff
je .end_open_file
mov [open_file_size],ebx
mcall SF_SET_CAPTION,1,openfile_path
stdcall FileInit,[open_file_data],[open_file_size]
stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color] ;ç¨á⨬ ¡ãä¥à
stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0 ;®¡®¢«ï¥¬ ¡ãä¥à íªà ¥
@ -610,8 +589,6 @@ proc but_restore_zoom
; buf - 㪠§ ⥫ì áâபã, ç¨á«® ¤®«¦® ¡ëâì ¢ 10 ¨«¨ 16 à¨ç®¬ ¢¨¤¥
@ -1094,7 +1071,8 @@ thread_n_file:
rb 2048
sys_path rb 1024
file_name: rb 1024 ;4096
rb 1024
library_path rb 1024
plugin_path rb 4096
openfile_path rb 4096
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
;add_object_in_list, (¢à¥¬. áâà.), (Object.FigData)
; mov [Object.FigData], (tl_node_add(¢à¥¬. áâà.),tl_node_get_data)
;draw_fig2d_litl, ___, pobj, (Object.FigData), ___, ___, ___
;draw_fig2d_litl, ___, pobj, (Object.FigData), fign, ___, ___, ___
struct Object
OType dd ?
@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ graf_margin_left dd 3 ;margin in pixels
graf_margin_right dd 3+6 ;margin in pixels
graf_margin_top dd 3+9 ;margin in pixels
graf_margin_bot dd 3+9 ;margin in pixels
png_data dd ?
png_size dd ?
data_printed dd ? ;ç¨á«® ¢ë¯®«¥ëå ª®¬ ¤
data_all dd ? ;ç¨á«® ¢á¥å ª®¬ ¤
;global variables:
ObjData Object
@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ proc ObjectInit uses eax ebx ecx edi, pobj:dword, etxt:dword
push ecx
mov edi,eax
xor eax,eax
mov [data_all],eax ;å¨â஥ ç «ì®¥ ®¡ã«¥¨¥ áç¥â稪
mov [data_printed],eax
rep stosd ;clear memory
pop ecx
@ -227,12 +229,19 @@ proc ObjectInit uses eax ebx ecx edi, pobj:dword, etxt:dword
align 4
stdcall FigureInit,edi
mov eax,[edi]
mov eax,[eax+Figure.PoiCount]
or eax,eax
jnz @f
inc eax ;¬¨¨¬ã¬ 1- ª®¬ ¤
add [data_all],eax
cmp esi,[etxt]
jge .cycle0end
add edi,4
loop .cycle0
inc dword[ebx+Object.FigCount] ;???
inc dword[ebx+Object.FigCount]
or ecx,ecx
jz @f
;㬥ìè ¥¬ ®¡ê¥¬ ¯ ¬ï⨠¢ë¤¥«¥ë© ¤«ï ª®¬ ¤
@ -242,6 +251,12 @@ align 4
stdcall mem.ReAlloc,[ebx+Object.FigData],eax
mov [ebx+Object.FigData],eax
;ãáâ ®¢ª áç¥â稪 ¨ ¯à®£à¥á¡ à 25 %
mov eax,[data_all]
mov [pb.max],eax
shr eax,2
mov [data_printed],eax
mov [pb.value],eax
stdcall ObjCalculateScale,ebx
@ -896,6 +911,7 @@ endp
align 4
proc draw_obj2d, pobj:dword
data_draw dd ?
CentrX dd ?
CentrY dd ?
@ -934,9 +950,17 @@ pushad
add edx,[graf_margin_left]
add edx,[ebx+Object.MCentrX]
mov [CentrX],edx
mov dword[data_draw],0
align 4
stdcall draw_fig2d_litl, buf_0,ebx,[edi],0,edx,eax
stdcall draw_fig2d_litl, buf_0,ebx,[edi],[data_draw],0,edx,eax
mov esi,[edi]
mov esi,[esi+Figure.PoiCount]
or esi,esi
jnz @f
inc esi
add [data_draw],esi
add edi,4
loop .cycle0
stdcall [buf2d_flip_v], buf_0
@ -981,12 +1005,17 @@ endp
; pbuf - pointer to buffer 2d
; pobj - 㪠§ â¥«ì ®¡ê¥ªâ
; pfig - 㪠§ ⥫ì 䨣ãàã
; fign - ®¬¥à 䨣ãàë
; äãªæ¨ï ¤«ï à¨á®¢ ¨ï ®¡ê¥ªâ ¯® ç áâï¬
align 4
proc draw_fig2d_litl, pbuf:dword, pobj:dword, pfig:dword, Scale:dword, CentrX:dword, CentrY:dword
proc draw_fig2d_litl, pbuf:dword, pobj:dword, pfig:dword, fign:dword,\
Scale:dword, CentrX:dword, CentrY:dword
PervX dd 0 ;pervios point coord X
line_col dd ? ;figure color
PervX dd 0 ;pervios point coord X
PervY dd 0 ;pervios point coord Y
GrafX dd ? ;active point coord X
GrafY dd ? ;active point coord Y
@ -1011,6 +1040,7 @@ pushad
lea eax,[edx+Object.WScale]
fmul qword[eax]
mov esi,[fign]
align 4
fld qword[edi+Point.CoordX]
@ -1025,17 +1055,24 @@ align 4
fistp dword[ebp-4]
stdcall [buf2d_set_pixel], [pbuf], [GrafX],[GrafY], 0xff0000
cmp ecx,[ebx+Figure.PoiCount]
je @f
stdcall [buf2d_line_sm], [pbuf], [PervX],[PervY], [GrafX],[GrafY], 0x80
;sub esp,24
;call [buf2d_line]
stdcall [buf2d_line], [pbuf], [PervX],[PervY], [GrafX],[GrafY], 0x80
je .end0
;®¯à¥¤¥«¥¨¥ 梥â
cmp esi,[data_printed]
jl @f
mov [line_col],0x80 ;if not printed
jmp .end1
mov [line_col],0xff0000 ;if was printed
stdcall [buf2d_line_sm], [pbuf], [PervX],[PervY], [GrafX],[GrafY], [line_col]
stdcall [buf2d_line], [pbuf], [PervX],[PervY], [GrafX],[GrafY], [line_col]
mov eax,[GrafX]
mov [PervX],eax
mov eax,[GrafY]
mov [PervY],eax
add edi,sizeof.Point
inc esi
;;loop .cycle0
dec ecx
jnz .cycle0
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ include ''
include '../../develop/info3ds/'
@use_library_mem mem.Alloc,mem.Free,mem.ReAlloc,dll.Load
caption db 'CNC editor 24.09.18',0 ;¯®¤¯¨áì ®ª
caption db 'CNC editor 08.10.18',0 ;¯®¤¯¨áì ®ª
run_file_70 FileInfoBlock
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ pushad
; *** à¨á®¢ ¨¥ £« ¢®£® ®ª (¢ë¯®«ï¥âáï 1 à § ¯à¨ § ¯ã᪥) ***
mov edx,[]
or edx,(3 shl 24)+0x10000000+0x20000000
or edx,0x33000000
mov edi,caption
mcall SF_CREATE_WINDOW,(20 shl 16)+599,(20 shl 16)+415
@ -363,73 +363,54 @@ pushad
; *** ᮧ¤ ¨¥ ª®¯®ª ¯ ¥«ì ***
mcall SF_DEFINE_BUTTON,(5 shl 16)+20,(5 shl 16)+20,3,, [sc.work_button]
mov ebx,(30 shl 16)+20
mov edx,4 ;0x4000000?
int 0x40 ;open
mcall SF_DEFINE_BUTTON,(5 shl 16)+20,(5 shl 16)+20,3, [sc.work_button]
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,5
int 0x40 ;save
mcall ,,,4 ;open
add ebx,25 shl 16
mcall ,,,5 ;save
add ebx,30 shl 16
mov edx,6
int 0x40 ;captions on off
mcall ,,,6 ;captions on off
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,7
int 0x40 ;figure move up
mcall ,,,7 ;figure move up
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,8
int 0x40 ;figure move down
mcall ,,,8 ;figure move down
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,9
int 0x40 ;sel points dlg
mcall ,,,9 ;sel points dlg
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,10
int 0x40 ;sel points move up
mcall ,,,10 ;sel points move up
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,11
int 0x40 ;sel points move down
mcall ,,,11 ;sel points move down
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,12
int 0x40 ;align sel points left
mcall ,,,12 ;align sel points left
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,13
int 0x40 ;align sel points right
mcall ,,,13 ;align sel points right
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,14
int 0x40 ;align sel points top
mcall ,,,14 ;align sel points top
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,15
int 0x40 ;align sel points bottom
mcall ,,,15 ;align sel points bottom
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,16
int 0x40 ;copy to clipboard
mcall ,,,16 ;copy to clipboard
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,17
int 0x40 ;paste from clipboard
mcall ,,,17 ;paste from clipboard
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,18
int 0x40 ;sel points del
mcall ,,,18 ;sel points del
add ebx,30 shl 16
mov edx,19
int 0x40 ;restore zoom
mcall ,,,19 ;restore zoom
add ebx,30 shl 16
mov edx,20
int 0x40 ;.png
mcall ,,,20 ;.png
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,21
int 0x40 ;options scale
mcall ,,,21 ;options scale
; *** à¨á®¢ ¨¥ ¨ª®®ª ª®¯ª å ***
mcall SF_PUT_IMAGE,[image_data_toolbar],(16 shl 16)+16,(7 shl 16)+7 ;icon new
@ -113,8 +113,6 @@ txt_rs db ')',0
txt_len db ' len=',0
txt_39 db 39,0
use_mem_array_figure equ 0 ;1 - ¨α―<EFBFBD>«μ§<EFBFBD>’ βμ €¨ ¬¨η₯αͺ¨© ¬ αα¨’ €«ο αβΰγͺβγΰ α <EFBFBD>―¨α ¨ο¬¨ 䨣γΰ
;᢮©á⢠¤«ï à¨á®¢ ¨ï â®ç¥ª
PROP_BIT_SELECT equ 30 ;â®çª ¯®¤ ¢ë¤¥«¥¨¥¬
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