; ; Example for Inter Process Communication ; ; Compile with FASM ; include 'lang.inc' include '..\..\..\..\macros.inc' use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; start of code dd I_END ; size of image dd 0x60000 ; memory for app dd 0x60000 ; esp dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon START: ; start of execution mov eax,60 ; IPC mov ebx,1 ; define receive area mov ecx,received_messages ; pointer to start mov edx,1000 ; size of area mcall mov eax,40 ; WANTED EVENTS mov ebx,01000111b ; IPC 7 + defaults mcall mov [received_messages+8],dword 0*256+0 mov [received_messages+12],dword 0 red: call draw_window ; at first, draw the window still: mov eax,23 ; wait here for event mov ebx,50 mcall cmp eax,1 ; redraw request ? je red cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ? je key cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ? je button cmp eax,7 ; IPC ? jne no_ipc call display_ipc_messages jmp still no_ipc: jmp still key: ; key mov eax,2 ; just read it and ignore mcall jmp still button: ; button mov eax,17 ; get id mcall cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ? jne noclose mov eax,-1 ; close this program mcall noclose: cmp ah,2 jne no_read call read_string movzx eax,byte [message] sub eax,48 imul eax,10 movzx ebx,byte [message+1] add eax,ebx sub eax,48 imul eax,10 movzx ebx,byte [message+2] add eax,ebx sub eax,48 imul eax,10 movzx ebx,byte [message+3] add eax,ebx sub eax,48 mov [PID],eax mov eax,60 ; IPC mov ebx,2 ; send message mov ecx,[PID] mov edx,message+4 mov esi,20;[message_size] mcall jmp still no_read: cmp ah,3 jne no_messages_pop ; pop the first out call ipc_message_pop jmp still no_messages_pop: jmp still ipc_message_pop: pusha cmp [received_messages+4],dword 8 je already_empty mov [received_messages],byte 1 ; lock the area push dword [received_messages+4] mov ecx,[received_messages+12] sub [received_messages+4],ecx sub [received_messages+4],dword 8 mov edi,received_messages+8 mov esi,edi add esi,ecx add esi,8 pop ecx cld rep movsb call display_ipc_messages mov [received_messages],byte 0 ; free the area already_empty: popa ret display_ipc_messages: pusha mov eax,13 mov ebx,25*65536+245 mov ecx,105*65536+90 mov edx,0xdddddd mcall cmp [received_messages+4],dword 8 ; empty list je ipma1 mov ebx,25*65536+105 ; draw info text with function 4 mov ecx,0x224466 mov edx,received_messages+8 mov esi,40 mov [counter],0 newline2: pusha mov ecx,[edx] and ecx,0xfff mov edx,ebx mov eax,47 mov ebx,4*65536 mov esi,0xff0000 mcall popa pusha mov esi,20 add edx,8 add ebx,30*65536 mov eax,4 mcall popa add ebx,10 mov edi,[edx+4] add edi,8 and edi,0xfff add edx,edi mov edi,[received_messages+4] add edi,received_messages cmp edx,edi jge ipma1 inc [counter] cmp [counter],8 jbe newline2 ipma1: popa ret counter dd 0x0 ; ********************************************* ; ******* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ******** ; ********************************************* draw_window: mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw mcall ; DRAW WINDOW mov eax,0 ; function 0 : define and draw window mov ebx,100*65536+290 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,100*65536+220 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,0x14ffffff ; color of work area RRGGBB,8->color gl mov edi,title ; WINDOW LABEL mcall mov eax,9 mov ebx,process_info mov ecx,-1 mcall mov eax,47 mov ebx,4*65536 mov ecx,[process_info+30] mov edx,180*65536+35 mov esi,0x000000 mcall mov eax,8 ; MESSAGE mov ebx,25*65536+87 mov ecx,50*65536+16 mov edx,2 mov esi,0x5588dd mcall ;mov eax,8 ; POP mov ebx,216*65536+53 mov ecx,80*65536+16 mov edx,3 mcall mov eax,4 mov ebx,25*65536+35 ; draw info text with function 4 mov ecx,0x224466 mov edx,text mov esi,40 newline: mcall add ebx,10 add edx,40 cmp [edx],byte 'x' jne newline call display_ipc_messages mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw mcall ret read_string: pusha mov [addr],dword message mov [ya],55 mov [xa],120 mov ecx,20 mov edi,[addr] mov al,' ' cld rep stosb call print_text mov edi,[addr] f11: mov eax,10 mcall cmp eax,2 jz fbu exit_readkey: popa ret fbu: mov eax,2 mcall ; get key shr eax,8 cmp eax,13 je exit_readkey cmp eax,8 jnz nobs cmp edi,[addr] jz f11 dec edi mov [edi],byte ' ' call print_text jmp f11 nobs: cmp eax,31 jbe f11 cmp eax,95 jb keyok sub eax,32 keyok: mov [edi],al call print_text inc edi mov esi,[addr] add esi,20 cmp esi,edi jnz f11 popa ret print_text: mov eax,13 mov ebx,[xa] shl ebx,16 add ebx,25*6 mov ecx,[ya] shl ecx,16 mov cx,8 mov edx,0xffffff mcall mov eax,4 mov ebx,[xa] shl ebx,16 add ebx,[ya] mov ecx,0x000000 mov edx,[addr] mov esi,25 mcall ret ; DATA AREA ya dd 0x0 xa dd 0x0 addr dd 0x0 text: db 'PROCESS ID FOR THIS APP : ' db ' ' db ' PID:MESSAGE 0130 EXAMPLE MESSAGE ' db ' ' db ' ' db 'RECEIVED: POP ' db 'x' ; <- END MARKER, DO NOT DELETE title db 'IPC - START AT LEAST 2',0 I_END: PID: dd 0x0 message_size: dd 20 received_messages: db 0 ; lock byte db 0,0,0 ; reserved dd 8 ; pointer to free msg position from received_messages ; Sender PID ; Msg length ; Msg data rb 0x1000 message: times 70 db ? process_info: times 256 dd ?