/* SOFTWARE CENTER v2.87 */ #define MEMSIZE 1024 * 30 #include "..\lib\strings.h" #include "..\lib\mem.h" #include "..\lib\gui.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libini.h" #include "..\lib\kfont.h" #include "..\lib\list_box.h" #include "..\lib\collection.h" proc_info Form; llist list; collection app_path_collection=0; bool kolibrios_mounted; int window_width, window_height; int list_pos, row, col, default_icon; char window_title[128], settings_ini_path[256]; bool small_screen = false; struct SW_COLORS { dword list_bg; dword text; dword graph; dword dark; dword light; } swc; block selection[128]; void load_ini_config(dword _ini_path) { _ini ini; ini.path = _ini_path; ini.section = "Config"; ini.GetString("title", #window_title, sizeof(window_title), "Software widget"); window_width = ini.GetInt("win_width", 690); list.item_w = ini.GetInt("cell_w", 73); list.item_h = ini.GetInt("cell_h", 71); default_icon = ini.GetInt("default_icon", 2); } void main() { dword id; kfont.init(DEFAULT_FONT); load_dll(libini, #lib_init,1); kolibrios_mounted = dir_exists("/kolibrios"); if (param) { strcpy(#settings_ini_path, #param); } else { strcpy(#settings_ini_path, "/sys/settings/"); strcat(#settings_ini_path, I_Path + strrchr(I_Path, '/')); strcat(#settings_ini_path, ".ini"); } load_ini_config(#settings_ini_path); list.cur_y = -1; list.y = 32; DrawList(); window_height = row+1*list.item_h + list_pos + skin_h + 15; if (window_height>screen.h) { window_width = screen.w; list.item_h -= 5; window_height = row+1*list.item_h + list_pos + skin_h + 15; small_screen = true; } loop() switch(@WaitEvent()) { case evKey: key_scancode = @GetKeyScancode(); if (SCAN_CODE_LEFT == key_scancode) key_scancode = SCAN_CODE_UP; if (SCAN_CODE_RIGHT == key_scancode) key_scancode = SCAN_CODE_DOWN; if (list.ProcessKey(key_scancode)) DrawSelection(); if (SCAN_CODE_ENTER == key_scancode) EventIconClick(list.cur_y); break; case evButton: id = @GetButtonID(); if (id==1) ExitProcess(); if (id>=100) EventIconClick(id-100); break; case evReDraw: SetAppColors(); DefineAndDrawWindow(screen.w-window_width/2,screen.h-window_height/2,window_width,window_height,0x74,sc.work,"",0); GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); if (Form.status_window&ROLLED_UP) { DrawTitle(#window_title); break; } if (small_screen) { DrawTitle(#window_title); list.y = 0; } else { DrawTitle(NULL); DrawTopBar(); } DrawList(); DrawBar(0, row +1 * list.item_h + list_pos, Form.cwidth, -row - 1 * list.item_h - list_pos + Form.cheight, swc.list_bg); DrawSelection(); } } void SetAppColors() { dword bg_col, old_list_bg_color; sc.get(); old_list_bg_color = swc.list_bg; bg_col = sc.work; if (skin_is_dark()) { //dark colors swc.list_bg = sc.work; swc.text = sc.work_text; swc.dark = sc.dark; swc.light = sc.light; } else { //light colors swc.list_bg = 0xF3F3F3; swc.text = 0x000000; swc.dark = 0xDCDCDC; swc.light = 0xFCFCFC; } } void DrawList() { list.count = 0; row = -1; app_path_collection.drop(); list_pos = list.y; list.column_max = window_width - 10 / list.item_w; ini_enum_sections stdcall (#settings_ini_path, #process_sections); list.visible = list.count; } byte draw_icons_from_section(dword key_value, key_name, sec_name, f_name) { int icon_id = default_icon, icon_char_pos; int space_pos; dword icon_x, icon_y, text_x, text_y; //do not show items located in /kolibrios/ if this directory not mounted if (!strncmp(key_value, "/kolibrios/", 11)) || (!strncmp(key_value, "/k/", 3)) || (!strncmp(key_value, "/kg/", 4)) if (!kolibrios_mounted) return true; if (col==list.column_max) { row++; col=0; } if (col==0) DrawBar(0, row * list.item_h + list_pos, Form.cwidth, list.item_h, swc.list_bg); DefineButton(col*list.item_w+6, row*list.item_h + list_pos,list.item_w,list.item_h-3,list.count + 100 + BT_HIDE,0); icon_char_pos = strchr(key_value, ','); icon_x = col*list.item_w+calc(list.item_w/2)-10; icon_y = row*list.item_h+5 + list_pos; selection[list.count].x = icon_x-2; selection[list.count].y = icon_y-2; if (icon_char_pos) ESBYTE[icon_char_pos] = '\0'; //delete icon from string app_path_collection.add(key_value); text_x = col*list.item_w+5; text_y = list.item_h - 40 / 2; if (!strchr(key_name, ' ')) {//|| (kfont.getsize(key_name)+30 "/sys/calc" // convert short kolibrios path to full "/k/calc" => "/kolibrios/calc" // convert short kolibrios path to full "/kg/2048" => "/kolibrios/games/2048" // other copy => as is if (ESBYTE[app_path]!='/') { strcpy(#run_app_path, "/sys/"); } else if (!strncmp(app_path, "/k/",3)) { strcpy(#run_app_path, "/kolibrios/"); app_path+=3; } else if (!strncmp(app_path, "/kg/",3)) { strcpy(#run_app_path, "/kolibrios/games/"); app_path+=4; } strcat(#run_app_path, app_path); // }end if (file_exists(#run_app_path)) { RunProgram(#run_app_path, param_pos); //0 or offset if (param_pos) ESBYTE[param_pos - 1] = '|'; } else { notify("'Application not found' -E"); } } void DrawSelection() { int i; dword col; for (i=0; i