andrew_programmer 16f5992719 Mistakes in functions of work with files and with system calls KolibriOS are corrected.
New functions for work with system calls KolibriOS are added. Functions for format output 
are added: printf (), fprintf (), sprintf (), snprintf (), vsnprintf (). For material 
numbers it is meanwhile supported only format output the (%f), and exponential output a (%e)
is not realized yet. 
Functions for format output correctly work only in GCC because TinyC incorrectly works with
the functions containing variable number of arguments.

git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2007-10-15 09:42:17 +00:00

68 lines
1.6 KiB

@echo off
echo ####################################################
echo # Melibc builder #
echo # usage: build [clean] #
echo ####################################################
rem #### CONFIG SECTION ####
set LIBNAME=libck.a
set INCLUDE=include
set CC=
set CFLAGS=-c -nostdinc -DGNUC -I"%cd%\%INCLUDE%"
set AR=
set ASM=
set dirs=stdio memory kolibrisys string stdlib
set objs=
set target=%1
if not "%1"=="clean" set target=all
set INCLUDE="%cd%"
call :Target_%target%
if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto Exit_OK
echo Probably at runing has been created error
echo For help send a report...
goto :eof
%CC% %CFLAGS% %1 -o "%~dpn1.o"
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto Error_Failed
set objs=%objs% "%~dpn1.o"
goto :eof
%ASM% %1 "%~dpn1.o"
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto Error_Failed
set objs=%objs% "%~dpn1.o"
goto :eof
echo cleaning ...
for %%a in (%dirs%) do del /Q "%%a\*.o"
goto :Exit_OK
echo building all ...
for %%a in (%dirs%) do (
for %%f in ("%%a\*.asm") do call :Compile_Asm "%%f"
for %%f in ("%%a\*.c") do call :Compile_C "%%f"
%AR% -ru %LIBNAME% %objs%
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto Error_Failed
goto Exit_OK
echo error: execution failed
exit 1
echo ####################################################
echo # All operations has been done... #
echo # For cleaning run this script with param " clean" #
echo ####################################################
exit 0