Marat Zakiyanov (Mario79) 8bc17ae113 TASK PANEL v2.1
1) Added color selection for the text.
2) Show "change page list" only if the applications does not fit in the panel.
3) Display file names up to 11 char previously displ. only 8 char.

git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2012-04-17 22:58:52 +00:00

215 lines
5.3 KiB

stdcall dll.Init,[lib_init]
mov ebx,ini_file_name
mov esi,path
mov edi,library_path
call copy_file_path
; Get panel variables
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aVariables,aPanelHeight,20
cmp eax,100
ja @f
cmp eax,10
ja .height
mov eax,20
mov [height],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aVariables,aPanelWidth,0
cmp eax,200
ja @f
mov eax,0
mov [width],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aVariables,aSoftenHeight,3
cmp eax,10
ja @f
cmp eax,1
ja .soften_height
mov eax,3
mov [soften_height],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aVariables,aButtonTopOffset,3
cmp eax,10
ja @f
cmp eax,1
ja .button_top_offset
mov eax,3
mov [button_top_offset],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aVariables,aButtonBottomOffset,3
cmp eax,10
ja @f
cmp eax,1
ja .button_bottom_offset
mov eax,3
mov [button_bottom_offset],eax
; Get panel flags
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aSoftenUp,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [soften_up],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aSoftenDown,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [soften_down],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aMinimizeLeftButton,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [minimize_left],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aMinimizeRightButton,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [minimize_right],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aMenuButton,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [menu_enable],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aRunApplButtons,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [run_appl],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aCleanDesktopButton,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [clean_desktop_enable],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aClock,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [clock_enable],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aCpuUsage,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [cpu_usage_enable],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aChangeLang,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [chlang_enable],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aAttachment,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [place_attachment],eax
invoke ini_get_int,library_path,aFlags,aButtonsStyle,1
cmp eax,2
jb @f
mov eax,1
mov [button_style],eax
invoke ini_get_color,library_path,aColors,aMenuButton,0x44aa44
mov [MenuButton_color],eax
invoke ini_get_color,library_path,aColors,aCleanDesktopButton,0x66cc
mov [CleanDesktopButton_color],eax
invoke ini_get_color,library_path,aColors,aClock,0x66cc
mov [Clock_color],eax
invoke ini_get_color,library_path,aColors,aCpuUsage,0x44aa44
mov [CpuUsage_color],eax
invoke ini_get_color,library_path,aColors,aCpuUsageBckgr,0xdd2222
mov [CpuUsageBckgr_color],eax
invoke ini_get_color,library_path,aColors,aChangeLang,0x66cc
mov [ChangeLang_color],eax
invoke ini_get_color,library_path,aColors,aPageList,0xffffff
mov [PageList_color],eax
invoke ini_get_color,library_path,aColors,aPanelText,0xffffff
mov [PanelText_color],eax
; invoke ini_get_str,library_path,aConvertPlugins,aCP0,plugin_0_name,127,ConvertPlugins_no_key
xor eax,eax
test eax,eax
jnz @b
mov esi,edi
dec esi
cmp al,'/'
jnz @b
mov edi,esi
add edi,2
mov esi,ebx
test eax,eax
jnz @b