forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
4047 lines
78 KiB
4047 lines
78 KiB
; compiler: FASM 1.67.21
; name: ICQ client for Kolibri
; version: 0.1.30
; written by: LV
; e-mail:
include ""
include ""
;purge mov
;include "ASCL9/"
;include "../../../"
include ""
;include "../../../"
include ""
include ""
;include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
use_edit_box procinfo,22,5
; …᫨ == 0, ª®¤ ¤«ï ¨á¯®«ì§®¢ ¨ï ª®â ªâ «¨áâ
; á¥à¢¥à¥ ¥ áᥬ¡«¨àã¥âáï
;mov eax, 40
;mov ebx, 47h
;int 40h
; ‡ £à㧪 ª®ä¨£®¢
mov eax, fname
call parseconf
; ‚뢮¤ § £à㦥®© ¨ä®à¬ 樨
mov eax, cfg_message
xor ebx, ebx
call writemsg
call showcfg
;call loaduin
call draw_window ; at first create and draw the window
;call buttonbox
wait_event: ; main cycle
;mov eax, 23
;mov ebx, 20
;int 0x40
mcall 23,20
cmp eax, 1 ; if event == 1
je redraw ; jump to redraw handler
cmp eax, 2 ; else if event == 2
je key ; jump to key handler
cmp eax, 3 ; else if event == 3
je button ; jump to button handler
; †¤¥¬ ¤ ëå
mcall 53,2,[socket]
cmp eax, 0
jnz read_socket
mouse_edit_box inputbox
; …᫨ ¥áâì ᮥ¤¨¥¨¥ á á¥à¢¥à®¬, ¯®áë« ¥¬ ¯ ª¥âë - ¯®¤â¢¥¦¤¥¨ï ª ¦¤ë¥ 60 á
; ¥ âॡã¥âáï
; call sendkeep
jmp wait_event ; else return to the start of main cycle
redraw: ; redraw event handler
call draw_window
jmp wait_event
key: ; get key code
mcall 2
cmp ah, 0Dh ; <20>஡¥« - ®â¯à ¢¨âì á®®¡é¥¨¥
jz send
key_edit_box inputbox
jmp wait_event
button: ; button event handler
;mov eax, 17 ; get button identifier
;int 0x40
mcall 17
cmp ah, 2
jz connect
cmp ah, 3
jz disconnect
cmp ah, 4
jz send
; <20>஢¥à塞, ¥ ¦ â «¨ ª®¯ª ¢ Š‹
; 100 <ID <= 100+UINS
cmp ah, UINS+100
jnc @f
cmp ah, 100
jc @f
; <20> ¦ â
sub ah, 100
mov [curruser], ah
; ‚뢮¤¨¬ áâà®çªã, ª®¬ã
shr eax, 8
and eax, 000000FFh
push eax
mov eax, CUSER
call strlen
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, CUSER
mov ebx, buff
call strcpy
pop eax
mov ebx, NAME_LEN
imul ebx, eax
lea eax, [names + ebx]
mov [buff + ecx], ' ' ; <20>஡¥«
lea ebx, [buff + ecx + 1]
mov ecx, NAME_LEN
push ebx
mov ebx, NAME_LEN
call print_mem
pop ebx
call strcpy
mov eax, buff
xor ebx, ebx
call writemsg
cmp ah, 1
jne wait_event ; return if button id != 1
; exit application
mcall -1
; start drawing
mcall 12,1
mcall 0,(100*65536+700),(100*65536+500),0x14ffffff,0,head
draw_edit_box inputbox
rect 10, 30, 500, 450, 0
draw_button 600, 460, 60, 15, 2, 'CONNECT'
;draw_button 600, 460, 60, 15, 3, 'Disconnect'
draw_button 530, 460, 60, 15, 4, 'SEND'
call printbuff
call buttonbox
; Image
;mov eax, 7
;mov ebx, redicq
;mov ecx, 15*65536+15
;mov edx, 100*65536+100
;int 40h
; finish drawing
mcall 12,2
; ‘®¥¤¨¥¨¥
lea eax, [vtable + vartable.icqip]
call ip_parser
call htonl
data_debug 'IP:', eax
;mov eax, ICQ_IP
mov ebx, ICQ_PORT
call srv_connect
jmp wait_event
mov ecx, [socket]
call closesocket
jmp wait_event
; Ž¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬, ¥ ᬥ¥ «¨ ⥪ã騩 “ˆ<E2809C>
; „«ï á¬¥ë ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥âáï / ¢ ç «¥ áâப¨ ¨ ®¬¥à ã¨
; ¯® ¯®à浪ã. …᫨ ¤«¨ > 2 ᨬ¢®«®¢, áç¨â ¥âáï, çâ® ¯¥à¥¤
; á ¬ 㨠- ¤«ï ®â¯à ¢ª¨ á®®¡é¥¨© î§¥à ¬, ª®â®àëå ¥â ¢ Š‹
mov al, [inputbuff]
cmp al, '/'
jnz sd_message
; ‘¬¥ ã¨
;mov al, [inputbuff+2]
;cmp al, 20h
;jz sd_use_kl
mov al, [inputbuff+3]
cmp al, 20h ; <20>஡¥«
jz sd_use_kl
; ˆé¥¬ ¯¥à¢ë© ¯à®¡¥«, ¨¬ ¤®«¦¥ § ª®ç¨âìáï ã¨
xor ecx, ecx
mov al, [inputbuff+ecx]
cmp al, 20h
jz sd_space
cmp al, 0
jz wait_event
inc ecx
jmp sd_loop
; ‡ ¬¥ï¥¬ ¯à®¡¥« 0, ®âáë« ¥¬ á®®¡é¥¨¥
mov [inputbuff+ecx], byte 0
lea ebx, [inputbuff+1]
lea eax, [inputbuff+ecx+1]
call sendmsg
mov ebx, 0000FFh
call writemsg
jmp wait_event
lea eax, [inputbuff+1]
mov [inputbuff+3], byte 0
call ascitoint
lea eax, [eax-1] ; ’.ª. ¢ Š‹ ®âáç¥â á 0
mov [curruser], al
; ‘®®¡é¥¨¥
movzx eax, [curruser]
mov ebx, UIN_LEN
imul ebx, eax
lea ebx, [uins+ebx]
mov al, [inputbuff]
cmp al, '/'
jz @f
mov eax, inputbuff
jmp sd_send
;mov al, [inputbuff+2]
;cmp al, ' '
;jz @f
lea eax, [inputbuff+4]
;jmp sd_send
;@@: lea eax, [inputbuff+3]
call sendmsg
mov ebx, 0000FFh
call writemsg
jmp wait_event
; …áâì ¯à¨ïâë¥ ¤ ë¥
;write_debug 'Some data in socket'
; <20>஢¥à塞, ¥ ¡ë« «¨ ¯®«ãç¥ § £®«®¢®ª ®â¤¥«ì® ®â ¤ ëå
; ¢ ¯à¥¤ë¤ã饬 横«¥
cmp [hrf], 1
jz rs_head_recived
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 2
;mov ecx, [socket]
;int 40h
mcall 53,2,[socket]
cmp eax, 6 ; Flap head size
jc r_end
; <20>ਨ¬ ¥¬ § £®«®¢®ª
xor edx, edx
;mov ecx, [socket]
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 3
;int 40h
mcall 53,3,[socket]
mov [mbuff+edx], bl
inc edx
cmp edx, 6
jnz rs_loop
; ‡ ¯®«ï¥¬ § £®«®¢®ª
;xor eax, eax
; ‡ £®«®¢®ª ¯à¨ïâ!
mov [hrf], 1
mov bl, [mbuff]
mov [rflap.bId], bl
mov bl, [mbuff+1]
mov [rflap.bCh], bl
mov bh, [mbuff+2]
mov bl, [mbuff+3]
mov [rflap.wSn], bx
mov bh, [mbuff+4]
mov bl, [mbuff+5]
mov [rflap.wDs], bx
; <20>ਨ¬ ¥¬ ¤ ë¥
;xor edx, edx
cmp [rflap.bId], 2Ah
jnz rs_flap_error
; <20>஢¥à塞, ¯®«ãç¥ë «¨ ¤ ë¥
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 2
;mov ecx, [socket]
;int 40h
mcall 53,2,[socket]
cmp ax, [rflap.wDs] ; <20> §¬¥à ¤ ëå
jc r_end
mov ax, [rflap.wDs]
; <20>஢¥à塞 à §¬¥à ¤ ëå
cmp ax, MBUFF_SIZE+1
jnc rs_big_flap
xor esi, esi
mov esi, eax
xor edx, edx
;mov ecx, [socket]
cmp edx, esi
jz rs_data_end
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 3
;int 40h
mcall 53,3,[socket]
mov [mbuff+edx], bl
inc edx
jmp rs_data_loop
; „ ë¥ ¯à¨ïâë
mov [hrf], 0
;write_debug 'Some data recived'
cmp [login], 0
jz rs_login
call main_loop
; …áâì á¬ëá« ¯à®¢¥à¨âì ᮪¥â «¨ç¨¥ á«¥¤ãî饣® § £®«®¢ª
;jmp r_end
jmp rs_check_sock
call srv_login
;write_debug 'Exited srv_login'
;jmp r_end
jmp rs_check_sock
write_debug 'Invalid Flap'
; ¥¢¥àë©. 㦮 § ªàëâì ᮪¥â
mov ecx, [socket]
;call closesocket
jmp r_end
; ‘«¨èª®¬ ¡®«ì让 ¯ ª¥â!
write_debug 'Too BIG FLAP Recived'
mov [hrf], 0
;mov ecx, [socket]
mov ax, [rflap.wDs]
xor esi, esi
mov esi, eax
xor edx, edx
cmp edx, esi
jz r_end
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 3
;int 40h
mcall 53,3,[socket]
;mov [mbuff+edx], bl
inc edx
jmp rs_data_loop2
jmp wait_event
; ‘®¥¤¨¥¨¥ á á¥à¢¥à®¬, ¢®§¢à é ¥â ¢ eax - åí¤« ᮪¥â
; ¯¥à¥¤ ¥¬ ¢ ¥ å IP ¤à¥á á¥à¢¥à
; ¢ ebx - ¯®àâ
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
push ebx
mov esi, eax ; IP - ¢ esi
; find free port
mov ecx, 1000 ; Ž¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ «®ª «ìë© ¯®àâ, ç¨ ¥¬ á 1000
inc ecx
push ecx
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 9
;int 0x40
mcall 53,9,ecx
pop ecx
cmp eax, 0 ; íâ®â «®ª «ìë© ¯®à⠨ᯮ«ì§ã¥âáï?
jz getlp ; ¤ - ¯à®¤®«¦ ¥¬ ¯¥à¥¡¨à âì
;OK ecx = port number
;Open Socket
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 5
xor edx, edx
;mov dx, ICQ_PORT
pop edx
;mov esi,ICQ_IP
;mov edi, 1;SOCKET_ACTIVE
;int 40h
mcall 53, 5, ecx, edx, esi, 1
mov [socket], eax
; †¤¥¬ ãáâ ®¢ª¨ ᮥ¤¨¥¨ï
mov ecx, eax
;mov eax, 5
;mov ebx, 50
;int 40h
mcall 5, 50
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 6
;int 40h
mcall 53, 6, ecx
jz fin
cmp eax, 11
jae c_end
;inc [timer]
;cmp [timer], 50
;jz srv_err
jmp srv_loop
;mov [timer], word 0
;cmp eax,-1
;jnz fin
;delay 100
write_debug 'CONNECTION FAILED' ;<3B>®¤ª«î票¥ ¥ 㤠«®áì
jmp c_end
write_debug 'Connected!!!!'
pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
;pop ebx
; --> ecx socket handle
push eax
push ebx
;push ecx
push edx
; Ž¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ⨯ ¯®«ãç¥ëå ¤ ëå
movzx eax, [rflap.bCh]
cmp eax, 01
jz s_new_connection
cmp eax, 04
jz s_cookie ; cookie
jmp l_flap_err
; <20>஢¥à塞 ¯®«ãç¥ë© ¯ ª¥â
movzx eax, [rflap.wDs]
cmp eax, 4
jnz l_len_err
mov eax, dword [mbuff]
cmp eax, 01000000h ; 00 00 00 01
jnz l_data_err
;”®à¬¨à㥬 ¯ ª¥â ¤«ï ᮥ¤¨¥¨ï
;mov [flap.bId], FLAP_ID
mov [flap.bCh], NEW_CONNECTION
;mov eax, 26
;mov ebx, 9
;int 40h
mcall 26, 9
mov [seq], ax
mov [flap.wSn], ax ; Sequence number
;mov [buff],0
;mov [buff+1],0
;mov [buff+2],0
mov dword [buff], 0x01000000 ;login Protokol version 00 00 00 01
mov word [buff+4], 0x0100; TLV.TYPE = UIN 00 01
lea eax, [vtable + vartable.uin]
call strlen
mov [buff+6], ah
mov [buff+7], al ; Length of UIN
mov edx, eax
add edx, 7 ; ¢ edx ¤«¨ § ¯®«¥®£® ¡ãä¥à
mov ecx, eax ;„«¨ áâப¨
lea eax, [vtable + vartable.uin]
lea ebx, [buff+8] ; + à §¬¥à ¤ ëå ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥ + 1
call strcpy
lea eax, [vtable + vartable.pass]
call roast
mov [buff+edx+2], 2 ; TLV.TYPE - rosted password
call strlen
mov [buff+edx+4], al
mov [buff+edx+3], ah ; Length of pass
add edx, 4
mov ebx, buff
add ebx, edx ; § 票¥
add edx, eax ; ‘®åà 塞 ¢ EDX ¤«¨ã § ¯®«¥®£® ¡ãäà
mov ecx, eax ; „«¨ áâப¨
lea eax, [vtable + vartable.pass] ; ˆáâ®ç¨ª
inc ebx
call strcpy
mov [buff+edx+2], 3 ; TLV.TYPE - client id string
mov eax, ID_STRING
call strlen
mov [buff+edx+4], al
mov [buff+edx+3], ah
add edx, 4
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, buff
add ebx, edx
add edx, eax
inc ebx
mov eax, ID_STRING
call strcpy
xor eax, eax
mov [buff+edx+2], 016h ; TLV.TYPE - Client id
mov [buff+edx+4], 2
mov ax, ID_NUM
call htons
mov word [buff+edx+5], ax
add edx, 6
mov [buff+edx+2], 017h ; Client major version
mov [buff+edx+4], 2
mov ax, MAJOR
call htons
mov word [buff+edx+5], ax
add edx, 6
mov [buff+edx+2], 018h ; Client minor version
mov [buff+edx+4], 2
mov ax, MINOR
call htons
mov word [buff+edx+5], ax
add edx, 6
mov [buff+edx+2], 019h ; Client lesser version
mov [buff+edx+4], 2
mov ax, LESSER
call htons
mov word [buff+edx+5], ax
add edx, 6
mov [buff+edx+2], 01Ah ; Client build number
mov [buff+edx+4], 2
mov ax, BUILD
call htons
mov word [buff+edx+5], ax
add edx, 6
mov [buff+edx+2], 014h ; Client distribution number
mov [buff+edx+4], 4
mov eax, DISTR
call htonl
mov dword [buff+edx+5], eax
add edx, 8
mov [buff+edx+2], 0Fh ; Client language
mov eax, CL_LANG
call strlen
mov word [buff+edx+4], ax
add edx, 4
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, buff
add ebx, edx
inc ebx
add edx, eax
mov eax, CL_LANG
call strcpy
mov [buff+edx+2], 0Eh ; Client country
mov eax, CL_COUNTRY
call strlen
mov word [buff+edx+4], ax
add edx, 4
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, buff
add ebx, edx
inc ebx
add edx, eax
mov eax, CL_COUNTRY
call strcpy
;write_debug 'Connect attemption'
; mov eax, ICQ_IP
; call srv_connect
; cmp eax, -1 ; <20>®¤ª«î票¥ ¥ 㤠«®áì
; jz l_fin
; mov ecx, eax
; mov eax, rflap
; mov ebx, lbuff
; call recvflap
; cmp eax, -1
; jz l_flap_err
; cmp [rflap.bCh], 01 ; AUTH channel
; jnz l_ch_err
; cmp eax, 4
; jnz l_len_err
; cmp dword [lbuff+3], dword 1
; jnz l_data_err
mov ecx, [socket]
inc dx
mov [flap.wDs], dx ; Data size
mov eax, flap
mov ebx, buff
call sendflap
cmp eax, 0
jnz l_fin ; <20>¥ãᯥå
jmp l_end
;mov eax, rflap
;mov ebx, buff
;call recvflap
;cmp eax, -1
;jz l_flap_err
;cmp [rflap.bCh], 4
;jnz l_ch_err
;write_debug 'UIN'
xor ebx, ebx
xor eax, eax
mov ax, word [mbuff+ebx]
cmp ax, 0100h ; 00 01 TLV.Type UIN
jz l_uin_ok ; ’¥¯¥àì á¥à¢¥à ¯¥à¥¤ ¥â ¥é¥ ¤ ë¥ ¯à¨ ᮥ¤¨¥¨¨, ¯®â®¬ ®¯ïâì
add ebx, 5 ; â®â ¦¥ TLV 1 (®¢ë© ä®à¬ â ¯ ª¥ªâ )
cmp ebx, 5
ja l_tlvt_err
jmp uin_loop
mov eax, ebx
xor ebx, ebx
mov bl, [mbuff+eax+3] ;
mov bh, [mbuff+eax+2] ; „«¨ ¤ ëå
; UIN <20>®ª ¥ ¯à®¢¥àï¥âáï
lea ebx, [ebx+eax+4]
mov ax, word [mbuff+ebx]
cmp ax, 0500h ; 00 05 Bos address
jz l_all_ok
cmp ax, 0400h ; UIN incorrect
jz l_uin_err
cmp ax, 0800h
jz l_pass_err
jmp l_tlvt_err
; ¥á«¨ ¥¢¥àë© UIN/ ¯ ஫ì, ¯®«ãç ¥¬ TLV.TYPE 4/8
xor ecx, ecx
mov cl, [mbuff+ebx+3] ;length
mov ch, [mbuff+ebx+2] ;
lea eax, [mbuff+ebx+4]
push ebx
mov ebx, bos_address
call strcpy
pop ebx
add ebx, ecx
lea ebx, [ebx+4] ; <20> §¬¥à § £®«®¢ª
; cookie
;write_debug 'Login Cookie'
xor eax, eax
mov ax, word [mbuff+ebx]
cmp ax, 0600h ; TLV.Type cookie
jnz l_tlvt_err
mov cl, [mbuff+ebx+3] ;
mov ch, [mbuff+ebx+2] ; Length
mov [cookie_len], cx
lea eax, [mbuff+ebx+4]
push ebx
mov ebx, srv_cookie
call strcpy
pop ebx
; ‘®¥¤¨ï¥¬áï á BOS
;call srv_disconnect
mov ecx, [socket]
write_debug 'Closing socket'
;call closesocket
;‡ ª®¬¬¥â®à®¢ ® ¨§-§ ¯à®¡«¥¬ë á á¥â¥¢ë¬ á⥪®¬
;§ ªàë⨥ ᮪¥â § ¢¥è¨¢ ¥â á¨á⥬ã
;mcall 53, 8, ecx
mov eax, bos_address
call ip_parser
call htonl
data_debug 'BOS Address: ', eax
data_debug 'BOS Port: ', ebx
mov [bos_ip], eax
mov [bos_port], ebx
call srv_connect
mov [login], 1 ; ‘®¥¤¨¥¨¥ á ®á®¢ë¬ á¥à¢¥à®¬ ãáâ ®¢«¥®
;mov [socket], eax
jmp l_end
write_debug 'PASSWORD INVALID'
jmp l_fin
write_debug 'UIN INVALID'
jmp l_fin
jmp l_fin
jmp l_fin
write_debug 'TLV TYPE MISMATCH'
jmp l_fin
jmp l_fin
; <20>¥®¡å®¤¨¬® § ªàëâì ᮪¥â
;call srv_disconnect
call closesocket
pop edx
;pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
; Length of string
; input eax = offset string
; output eax = strlen
push ebx
push ecx
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
mov cl, [eax+ebx]
cmp ecx,0
jz nl
inc ebx
jmp loop_s
mov eax, ebx
pop ecx
pop ebx
; Roasting password
; EAX = offset password
push ecx
push ebx
xor ecx, ecx
xor ebx, ebx
mov bl, [eax+ecx] ;‘¨¬¢®« ¨§ ¬ áᨢ ¯ ஫ï
cmp bl, 0 ;Š®¥æ áâப¨
jz r_fin
xor bl, [ROASTING_ARRAY+ecx]
mov [eax+ecx], bl
inc ecx
jmp loop_r
pop ebx
pop ecx
;Copy string of bytes
;‚ EAX = ¤à¥á ¨á室®© áâப¨
;‚ EBX = ¤à¥á § 票ï
;‚ ECX = ¤«¨ áâப¨
push esi
push edi
push ecx
cld ;Ž¡à ¡ âë¢ ¥¬ áâப㠮â ç « ª ª®æã
mov esi, eax
mov edi, ebx
rep movsb
pop ecx
pop edi
pop esi
; Œ ªà®á ¤«ï áà ¢¥¨ï áâப
macro strcmp first, second, len
push ecx
push esi
push edi
mov ecx, len
mov esi, first
mov edi, second
repe cmpsb
pop edi
pop esi
pop ecx
; ‡ ¯®«ï¥â ¡ãä¥à, ¯® ¤à¥áã ¢ ebx
; ¤ 묨, ¯® ¤à¥áã eax, ¢
; cx - ’¨¯ TLV
; dx - ¤«¨ ¤ ëå
push edx
push ecx
push ebx
mov [ebx], ch ; Type
mov [ebx+1], cl
mov [ebx+2], dh ; Length
mov [ebx+3], dl
lea ebx, [ebx+4]
; EBX = offset of destination
mov ecx, edx
call strcpy
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
; eax - 㪠§ ⥫ì FLAP_head
; ebx - 㪠§ â¥«ì ¬ áᨢ, § ¯®«¥ë© ¤ 묨
; ecx - 奤« ᮪¥â
; ‚ eax ¢®§¢à é ¥â १ã«ìâ â § ¯¨á¨ ¢ ᮪¥â
push edx
;push ecx
push esi
push ebx
push ecx
xor edx, edx
mov dl, [eax] ; ID byte
mov [sbuff], dl
mov dl, [eax+1] ; FLAP channel
mov [sbuff+1], dl
mov dl, [eax+2] ; FLAP datagramm seq number
mov [sbuff+3], dl ; ¬¥ï¥¬ ¬¥áâ ¬¨ ¡ ©âë ¤«ï ¯¥à¥¤ ç¨ ¯® á¥â¨
mov dl, [eax+3]
mov [sbuff+2], dl
mov dl, [eax+4] ; FLAP data size
mov [sbuff+5], dl
mov dl, [eax+5]
mov [sbuff+4], dl
mov dx, word [eax+4]
xchg ecx, edx ; ecx - size edx - handle
mov eax, ebx ; data
mov ebx, sbuff ; dest
add ebx, 6 ; + header size
call strcpy
xchg ecx, edx ; ecx - handle, edx - data size
;mov eax, 53 ; <20>஢¥à塞 á®áâ®ï¨¥ ᮪¥â . …᫨ ᮥ¤¨¥¨¥
;mov ebx, 6 ; ãáâ ®¢«¥® - ¯®áë« ¥¬ ¡ãä¥à, ¥á«¨ ᮪¥â § ªàëâ, ã室¨¬
;int 40h
mcall 53, 6, ecx
cmp eax, TCB_ESTABLISHED ; ãáâ ®¢«¥®
jz s_est
cmp eax, TCB_CLOSED
jz s_fin
cmp eax, 12 ; “ ¬¥ï â ª®¥ ¡ë«®, ª®£¤ ᮥ¤¨¥¨¥ ãáâ ¢«¨¢ «®áì á ¯ãáâ®â®© :-)
jnc s_fin ;
;mov eax, 5
;mov ebx, 1
;int 40h ; †¤¥¬
mcall 5, 1
jmp s_wait
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 7 ; ¯¨á âì ¢ ᮪¥â
add edx, 6 ; + size of header
;mov esi, sbuff ; data
;int 40h
mcall 53, 7, ecx, edx, sbuff
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop esi
;pop ecx
pop edx
; eax - 㪠§ â¥«ì ¡ãä¥à
; ebx - § 票¥, ª®â®àë¬ ¥®¡å®¤¨¬® § ⮫¨âì. ˆá¯®«ì§ã¥âáï ⮫쪮 bl
; ecx - à §¬¥à
push edi
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
mov edi, eax
mov eax, ebx
rep stosb
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
pop edi
; <20> àᨬ TLV
; <-- ¢ eax ¤à¥á TLV
; <-- ¢ ebx ¤à¥á ¡ãä¥à , ª®â®àë© ã¦® § ¯®«¨âì
; --> ¢ ebx ¤«¨ ¯®«ãç¥ëå ¤ ëå
; --> ¢ eax ⨯ TLV
;push esi
;push edi
push ecx
xor ecx, ecx
mov cl, [eax+3] ;TLV.Length
mov ch, [eax+2]
call strcpy
xor eax, eax
mov al, [ebx+1] ;TLV.Type
mov ah, [ebx]
mov ebx, ecx
pop ecx
;pop edi
;pop esi
; <-- ECX - 奤« ᮪¥â , ª®â®àë© ã¦® § ªàëâì
; --> ECX - <20>¥§ã«ìâ â (<28>¥ ¤¥¦®)
push eax
;push ebx
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 8
;int 40h
mcall 53, 8, ecx
mov ecx, eax
;pop ebx
pop eax
; ecx <-- 奤« ᮪¥â
push eax
push ebx
mov [flap.bId], FLAP_ID
mov [flap.bCh], 4 ;Disconnect
xor eax, eax
mov ax, [seq]
mov [flap.wSn], ax
mov [flap.wDs], 0
mov eax, flap
mov ebx, buff
call sendflap
pop ebx
pop eax
; <-- eax [bos_address]
; --> eax = IP ADDRESS
; --> ebx = port number
par_buff db 9 dup 0
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
xor ecx, ecx
;xor eax, eax
mov ebx, eax
xor edx, edx
xor esi, esi
xor edi, edi
xor eax, eax
;xor edx, edx
mov al, [ebx+ecx]
cmp al, '.'
jz ip_dot
cmp al, 0
jz ip_end_str
cmp al, ':'
jz ip_colon
;sub al, 30h
;cmp al, 9
;ja ip_err ; <20>¥ æ¨äà
mov [par_buff+edx], al
inc ecx
inc edx
jmp ip_loop
;xor eax, eax
mov [par_buff+edx], 0 ; Š®¥æ áâப¨
mov eax, par_buff
call ascitoint
;data_debug 'Debug eax: ', eax
cmp ecx, 0 ; <20>¥ ¬®¦¥â ç¨ âìáï á â®çª¨
jz ip_err
shl esi, 8 ; ‘¤¢¨£ ¥¬ ¯à¥¤ë¤ã騩 ¡ ©â
add esi, eax
inc ecx
xor edx, edx ; ‘ç¥â稪 ¡ãä¥à = 0
jmp ip_loop
ip_colon: ; : ‚ áâப¥ ¤à¥á
inc edi ; <20>ë«® :
jmp ip_dot
cmp edi, 1
jz @f
; : <20>¥ ¡ë«®
mov [par_buff+edx], 0 ; Š®¥æ áâப¨
mov eax, par_buff
call ascitoint
shl esi, 8 ; ‘¤¢¨£ ¥¬ ¯à¥¤ë¤ã騩 ¡ ©â
add esi, eax
;mov eax, esi ; IP ¢ 16 à¨ç®© ä®à¬¥
xor ebx, ebx ; <20>®¬¥à ¯®àâ ¥â
jmp ip_end
@@: ; <20>ë«® :
mov [par_buff+edx], 0
mov eax, par_buff
call ascitoint
mov ebx, eax
jmp ip_end
xor esi, esi
mov eax, esi
pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
; <-- eax 㪠§ ⥫ì asci
; --> eax int
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
;xor esi, esi
xor edi, edi
mov bl, [eax+ecx]
cmp bl, 0 ; Š®¥æ áâப¨
jz ati_str_end
cmp bl, 39h
ja ati_err ; <20>¥ æ¨äà
cmp bl, 30h
jb ati_err
inc ecx
jmp ati_loop
ati_str_end: ; ‚ ecx ¤«¨ áâப¨
;dec ecx ; “áâ ®¢¨¬ ¯®á«¥¤¨© ᨬ¢®«
add eax, ecx ; “ª § ⥫ì áâபã + „«¨ áâப¨
dec eax
cmp edx, ecx
jz ati_all
push eax
sub eax, edx ; ‚ëç¥áâì áç¥â稪
movzx ebx, byte [eax] ; ‚ bl ᨬ¢®«
;pop eax
sub bl, 30h ; ‚ëç¨á«ï¥¬ 10â¨çãî æ¨äàã
;push eax
mov eax, ebx ; ‚ eax - æ¨äà
mov ebx, 10 ; Œ®¦¨â¥«ì
xor esi, esi
cmp esi, edx ; “¬®¦ ¥¬ 10 n à §
jz ati_mul_end
;push eax
;mov eax, ebx
imul eax, ebx
;mov ebx, eax
;pop eax
inc esi
jmp ati_mul
mov ebx, eax ; ‚ ebx ¢ëç¨á«¥®¥ ç¨á«®
pop eax
add edi, ebx
inc edx
jmp ati_loop2
mov eax, edi
jmp ati_end
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
; <-- ecx 奤« ᮪¥â
; <-- eax 㪠§ ⥫ì áâàãªâãàã SNAC_head
; <-- ebx 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
; <-- edx à §¬¥à ¤ ëå
; --> eax १ã«ìâ â § ¯¨á¨ ¢ ᮪¥â
snac_buff db 1024 dup 0
push esi
push edi
push ebx
push edx
;xor ebx, ebx
mov esi, ecx ; 奤« ᮪¥â
mov edi, ebx ; “ª § â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
xor ebx, ebx
mov bl, [eax] ;
mov [snac_buff+1], bl ; Family ID
mov bl, [eax+1] ; Š®¢¥àâ¨àã¥âáï ¢ BigEndian
mov [snac_buff], bl ;
mov bl, [eax+2] ;
mov [snac_buff+3], bl ; Subtype ID
mov bl, [eax+3] ;
mov [snac_buff+2], bl ;
mov bl, [eax+4] ;
mov [snac_buff+5], bl ;
mov bl, [eax+5] ; Flags
mov [snac_buff+4], bl ;
mov bl, [eax+6] ;
mov [snac_buff+9], bl ;
mov bl, [eax+7] ;
mov [snac_buff+8], bl ;
mov bl, [eax+8] ; Reqest ID
mov [snac_buff+7], bl ;
mov bl, [eax+9] ;
mov [snac_buff+6], bl ;
lea ebx, [snac_buff+10]
mov eax, edi ; “ª § â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
;add ebx, 10 ; + à §¬¥à § £®«®¢ª SNAC
mov ecx, edx ; à §¬¥à ¤ ëå
call strcpy
mov ecx, esi ; •¥¤« ᮪¥â
mov [flap.bId], FLAP_ID
mov [flap.bCh], 2 ; Š « ¤«ï ¯®á뫪¨ SNAC
xor ebx, ebx
inc [seq] ; seq “¢¥«¨ç¨¢ ¥âáï 1 ¯à¨ ª ¦¤®© ¯®á뫪¥
mov bx, [seq]
mov [flap.wSn], bx
add edx, 10 ; à §¬¥à ¤ ëå + à §¬¥à § £®«®¢ª SNAC
mov [flap.wDs], dx
mov eax, flap
mov ebx, snac_buff
call sendflap
pop edx
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
; Ž¡à ¡®âª ¢á¥å ¯ ªâ®¢, ¯à¨å®¤ïé¨å ®â á¥à¢¥à
; ECX <-- •¥¤« ᮪¥â
;push eax
;push ebx
;push edx
mov ecx, [socket]
; ¦¤¥¬ ¯ ª¥â
;mov eax, 53
;mov ebx, 2
;int 40h
;cmp eax, 6 ; à §¬¥à § £®«® ª FLAP
;jnc recived ; >=
; “室¨¬
;jmp m_fin
;mov eax, 5
;mov ebx, 5
;int 40h
;jmp m_loop
; ¥áâì ¯ ª¥â
;mov eax, rflap
;mov ebx, rbuff
;call recvflap
; Ž¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ⨯ ¯à¨ï⮣® FLAP
xor ebx, ebx
mov bl, [rflap.bCh]
cmp bl, 1 ; “áâ ®¢ª ᮥ¤¨¥¨ï
jz m_login
cmp bl, 2
jz m_snac ; <20>®«ãç¥ SNAC
cmp bl, 3
jz m_flap_err ; FLAP-level error
cmp bl, 4
jz m_close_conn ; ‡ ªàë⨥ ᮥ¤¨¥¨ï
cmp bl, 5
jz m_keep_alive ;
; Ž¡à ¡®âª à áᮥ¤¨¥¨ï
write_debug 'Another Computer Use YOUR UIN!'
call srv_disconnect
call closesocket
jmp m_fin
; ®¡à ¡®âª ᮥ¤¨¥¨ï
; ¯à®¢¥à塞 ¢¥àá¨î ¯à®â®ª®«
xor eax, eax
mov al, [mbuff+3]
cmp eax, 1
jnz m_login_other ; <20>¥ ¯®¤å®¤¨â
; £¥¥à¨à㥬 á«ãç ©ë© seq
; „«ï í⮣® ¡¥à¥¬ ¢à¥¬ï, ¯à®è¥¤è¥¥ á ¬®¬¥â § ¯ã᪠á¨á⥬ë
;mov eax, 26
;mov ebx, 9
;int 40h
mcall 26, 9
mov [seq], ax
; Žâ¤ ¥¬ á¥à¢¥àã cookie
mov [flap.bCh], 1
mov [flap.wSn], ax
xor eax, eax
mov ax, [cookie_len]
add eax, 8 ; TLV len + protocol version len
mov [flap.wDs], ax
mov dword [buff], 01000000h ; 00 00 00 01 <20>®¬¥à ¯à®â®ª®«
mov word [buff+4], 0600h ; 00 06 TLV.Type
mov ax, [cookie_len]
mov [buff+6], ah ;
mov [buff+7], al ; TLV.Length
mov edx, ecx ; edx <-- socket handle
mov ecx, eax ; ecx <-- cookie len
mov eax, srv_cookie ; Src
lea ebx, [buff+8]
call strcpy
mov ecx, edx ; ecx <-- socket handle
mov eax, flap
mov ebx, buff
call sendflap
jmp m_fin
jmp m_fin
; Š ª ®¡à ¡®â âì ®è¨¡ªã, ï ¥ § î
jmp m_fin
; <20>®ª ¥ ®¡à ¡ âë¢ ¥âáï
jmp m_fin
; <20>®«ãç¥ SNAC
; <20> ᯮ§ ¥¬ ¥£® ⨯
mov eax, rsnac
mov ebx, mbuff
call snacpar
xor ebx, ebx
xor edx, edx
mov bx, [rsnac.wFid]
mov dx, [rsnac.wSid]
cmp bx, 1
jz m_snac_1 ;Generic service controls
cmp bx, 2
jz m_snac_2 ;Location services
cmp bx, 3
jz m_snac_3 ;Buddy List management service
cmp bx, 4
jz m_snac_4 ;ICBM (messages) service
cmp bx, 9
jz m_snac_9 ;Privacy management service
cmp bx, 015h
jz m_snac_15 ;ICQ specific extensions service
cmp bx, 013h
jz m_snac_13 ;Server Side Information (SSI) service
jmp m_other_snac
cmp dx, 7
jz m_snac_1_7
cmp dx, 3
jz m_snac_1_3
cmp dx, 018h
jz m_snac_1_18
cmp dx, 01Fh
jz m_snac_1_f
cmp dx, 13h
jz m_snac_13
cmp dx, 1
jz m_snac_1_1
jmp m_snac_1_other
; Rate limits information response
m_snac_1_7: ; Žâ¢¥ç ¥¬
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 8 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 8
mov word [buff], 0100h ; 0001
mov word [buff+2], 0200h ; 0002
mov word [buff+4], 0300h ; 0003
mov word [buff+6], 0400h ; 0004
mov word [buff+8], 0500h ; 0005
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, 10 ; <20> §¬¥à ¤ ëå
call sendsnac
; Client ask server location service limitations
mov [ssnac.wFid], 2 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 2
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx
call sendsnac
jmp m_fin
; Server supported snac families list
; Server sends supported services list
; SNAC(01,17)
; Client ask for services version numbers
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 17h ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 17h
; ‘¯¨á®ª á¥à¢¨á®¢, ª®â®àë¥ ¬ ã¦ë
; xx xx word family number #1
; xx xx word family version
; ... ... ...
; <20>®¯à ¢¨« ¨§ ¤ ¬¯ &RQ
mov word [buff], 0100h ; 0001
mov word [buff+2], 0300h ; 0003
mov word [buff+4], 1300h ; 0013
mov word [buff+6], 0200h ; 0002
mov word [buff+8], 0200h ; 0002
mov word [buff+10], 0100h ; 0001
mov word [buff+12], 0300h ; 0002
mov word [buff+14], 0100h ; 0001
mov word [buff+16], 1500h ; 0015
mov word [buff+18], 0100h ; 0001
mov word [buff+20], 0400h ; 0004
mov word [buff+22], 0100h ; 0001
mov word [buff+24], 0600h ; 0006
mov word [buff+26], 0100h ; 0001
mov word [buff+28], 0900h ; 0009
mov word [buff+30], 0100h ; 0001
mov word [buff+32], 1300h ; 0013
mov word [buff+34], 0400h ; 0004
mov word [buff+36], 1500h ; 0015
mov word [buff+38], 0400h ; 0004
mov word [buff+40], 1000h ; 0010
mov word [buff+42], 0100h ; 0001
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, 44
call sendsnac
jmp m_fin
; Server services versions
; Ž¡à ¡®âª¨ ¯®ª ¥â
; Client ask server for rate limits info
; SNAC(01,06)
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 6 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 6
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx
call sendsnac
jmp m_fin
; Requested online info response
;’ãâ ¤®«¦ ¡ëâì è ¨ä®à¬ æ¨ï, ¯®ª ®¡à ¡®âª¨ ¥â
jmp m_fin
; Message of the day (MOTD)
; <20>¥ç¥£® ®¡à ¡ âë¢ âì :-))
jmp m_fin
; ‘®®¡é¥¨¥ ®¡ ®è¨¡ª¥
xor eax, eax
mov ax, word [mbuff+10]
call ntohs
data_debug 'SERVER SEND ERROR #', eax
jmp m_fin
data_debug 'Unknown SNAC Family 1 recived, type ', edx
jmp m_fin
; Family 2
cmp dx, 3
jz m_snac_2_3
jmp m_snac_2_other
; Server replies via location service limitations
; Ž¡à ¡®âª¨ ¯®ª ¥â
; ¯®áë« ¥¬ capabilities / profile
mov [ssnac.wFid], 2 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 4 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 4
;mov ebx, buff
;push ecx
;mov ecx, 5 ; TLV.Type(0x05) - CLSID values
;mov edx, C_LEN
;call tlvstr
;pop ecx
mov word [buff], 0500h ; 00 05
mov eax, C_LEN
call htons
mov word [buff+2], ax
push ecx
lea ebx, [buff+4]
mov ecx, C_LEN
call strcpy
pop ecx
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, C_LEN+4 ; „«¨ ¤ ëå+à §¬¥à § £®«®¢ª TLV
call sendsnac
; § ¯à 訢 ¥¬ server BLM service limitations
mov [ssnac.wFid], 3 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 2
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx
call sendsnac
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'Unknown SNAC Family 2 Recived'
jmp m_fin
cmp dx, 3
jz m_snac_3_3
cmp dx, 0Bh
jz m_snac_3_b
cmp dx, 0Ch
jz m_snac_3_c
jmp m_snac_3_other
; Server replies via BLM service limitations
; Ž¡à ¡®âª¨ ¯®ª ¥â
; Client ask server for ICBM service parameters
mov [ssnac.wFid], 4 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 4 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 4 ; request-id
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx
call sendsnac
jmp m_fin
; User online notification
; ˆ§ ¢á¥© ¨ä®à¬ 樨 ¯®ª 㦥 ⮫쪮 áâ âãá
xor edx, edx ; ‘ç¥â稪 - ®¬¥à UIN ¢ ¬ áᨢ¥
xor ecx, ecx
xor eax, eax
cld ; ‚ ¯à ¢«¥¨¨ 㢥«¨ç¥¨ï ¤à¥á®¢
dec edx
inc edx
cmp edx, UINS
jnc m_snac_3_b_end ;>=
mov cl, [mbuff+10] ; „«¨ “ˆ<E2809C>
mov eax, ecx
mov edi, UIN_LEN
imul edi, edx
lea edi, [uins+edi]
lea esi, [mbuff+11]
repe cmpsb
jnz m_snac_3_b_loop
; UIN Ž¯à¥¤¥«¥
; <20> ©â¨ TLV á® áâ âãᮬ
; á®åà ïâì edx
xor esi, esi ; ‘ç¥â稪 TLV
xor ecx, ecx
mov ch, byte [mbuff + eax + 13] ; Š®«-¢® TLV ¢ 楯®çª¥
mov cl, byte [mbuff + eax + 14] ;
lea eax, [eax + 10 + 5] ; eax 㪠§ ⥫ì 楯®çªã TLV
lea eax, [mbuff + eax] ;
cmp esi, ecx
jz m_snac_3_b_endchain
xor ebx, ebx
mov bh, [eax] ;
mov bl, [eax + 1] ; TLV.Type
data_debug 'TLV type', ebx
cmp ebx, 0x06 ;TLV.Type(0x06) - user status
jz m_snac_3_b_status
; <20> §¡¨à ¥¬ 楯®çªã ¤ «ìè¥
inc esi
jmp m_snac_3_b_next_tlv
; FIXME <20>¥®¯â¨¬ «ì® - ª®¤ ¡ã¤¥â 㤠«¥
;lea ecx, [eax+10+11] ; +sizeof SNAC_head + offset #2 TLV
;mov ax, word [mbuff+ecx] ;#2 TLV.Type
;cmp ax, 0C00h ;dc info (optional)
;jz m_snac_3_b_dc
;cmp ax, 0A00h ;external ip address
;jz m_snac_3_b_extip
;jmp m_snac_3_b_bad_tlv
; <20>யã᪠¥¬ íâ®â TLV
;lea ecx, [ecx+41]
; ˆ íâ®â :-)
;lea ecx, [ecx+8]
;mov ax, word [mbuff+ecx]
;cmp ax, 0600h ;TLV.Type(0x0A) - external ip address
;jz m_snac_3_b_status
;jmp m_snac_3_b_bad_tlv
; áâ âãá
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, dword [ecx + 4]
;mov eax, dword [mbuff+ecx+4]
call ntohl
;mov ebx, 4
;imul ebx, edx
;mov [stats+ebx], eax
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, NAME_LEN
imul ebx, edx
lea ebx, [names+ebx]
mov eax, edx
call loadbb
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'TLV Type Mismatch in SNAC(3,b)'
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'UIN not in local Contact List'
jmp m_fin
jmp m_fin
; User offline notification
xor edx, edx
xor ecx, ecx
dec edx
inc edx
cmp edx, UINS
jnc m_snac_3_b_end ;>=
mov cl, [mbuff+10] ; „«¨ “ˆ<E2809C>
mov edi, UIN_LEN
imul edi ,edx
lea edi, [uins+edi]
lea esi, [mbuff+11]
repe cmpsb
jnz m_snac_3_c_loop
; UIN Ž¯à¥¤¥«¥
;mov eax, -1
;mov ebx, 4
;imul ebx, edx
;mov [stats+ebx], eax
mov ecx, -1
mov ebx, NAME_LEN
imul ebx, edx
lea ebx, [names+ebx]
mov eax, edx
call loadbb
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'Unknown SNAC Family 3 Recived'
jmp m_fin
cmp dx, 5
jz m_snac_4_5
cmp dx, 7
jz m_snac_4_7
jmp m_snac_4_other
; Server sends ICBM service parameters to client
; Ž¡à ¡®âª¨ ¯®ª ¥â
; Client change default ICBM parameters command
mov [ssnac.wFid], 4 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 2 ; request-id
mov eax, ICBM_PARAMS
mov ebx, buff
push ecx
mov ecx, ICBMP_LEN
call strcpy
pop ecx
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, ICBMP_LEN
call sendsnac
; Client ask server PRM service limitations
mov [ssnac.wFid], 9 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 2 ; request-id
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx
call sendsnac
jmp m_fin
; Message for client from server
; Ž¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ⨯ á®®¡é¥¨ï ¯® ¯®«î message channel
xor eax, eax
mov ax, word [mbuff+10+8] ; +10 - à §¬¥à SNAC
; +8 ᬥ饨¥ ¤® message channel
cmp ax, 0100h ; 00 01
jz m_snac_ch1
cmp ax, 0200h
jz m_snac_ch2
cmp ax, 0400h
jz m_snac_ch4
jmp m_ch_other
; channel 1 plain text
; ’.ª ¢ ®ç¥à¥¤®© à § ®¯¨á ¨¥ ¯à®â®ª®« ¥ ᮢ¯ ¤ ¥â á ॠ«ì®áâìî
; à §¡¨à ¥¬ ¢á¥ TLV ¯® ¯®à浪ã
mov eax, dword [mbuff+10] ; cookie
mov [msg_cookie1], eax
mov eax, dword [mbuff+10+4]
mov [msg_cookie2], eax ; ˆá¯®«ì§ãîâáï ¤«ï ¯®â¢¥à¦¤¥¨ï ¯à¨¥¬ á®®¡é¥¨©
mov al, [mbuff+10+10] ; Sender UIN length
mov [ui.bUinLength], al
push ecx
movzx ecx, al
lea eax, [mbuff+10+11] ; UIN string
lea ebx, [ui.bUin] ; Dest
call strcpy
lea ecx, [ecx+10+15] ; ¯¥à¢ë© TLV
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx]
cmp eax, 0100h ;TLV.Type(0x01) - user class
jz m_snac_ch1_1
cmp eax, 0600h ;TLV.Type(0x06) - user status
jz m_snac_ch1_6
cmp eax, 0800h ; Unknown type
jz m_snac_ch1_8
cmp eax, 0500h ; Unknown type
jz m_snac_ch1_5
cmp eax, 0F00h ; TLV.Type(0x0f) - user idle time
jz m_snac_ch1_f
cmp eax, 0300h ; TLV.Type(0x03) - account creation time
jz m_snac_ch1_3
cmp eax, 0400h ; TLV.Type(0x04) - automated response flag
jz m_snac_ch1_4
cmp eax, 0200h ; TLV.Type(0x02) - message data
jz m_snac_ch1_mess
jmp m_snac_msg_tlv_err
; ‚®§¬®¦®, ¤®¯®«¨â¥«ì ï ¨¨ä®à¬ æ¨ï ¡ã¤¥â ®¡à ¡ âë¢ âìáï
; ® ¯®ª ¥â
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx+2] ; TLV.Length
call ntohs
lea ecx, [eax+ecx+4]
jmp m_snac_ch1_loop
mov eax, dword [mbuff+ecx+4] ; User status
call ntohl
mov [ui.dUserStatus], eax
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx+2] ; TLV.Length
call ntohs
lea ecx, [eax+ecx+4]
jmp m_snac_ch1_loop
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx+2] ; TLV.Length
call ntohs
lea ecx, [eax+ecx+4]
jmp m_snac_ch1_loop
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx+2] ; TLV.Length
call ntohs
lea ecx, [eax+ecx+4]
jmp m_snac_ch1_loop
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx+2] ; TLV.Length
call ntohs
lea ecx, [eax+ecx+4]
jmp m_snac_ch1_loop
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx+2] ; TLV.Length
call ntohs
lea ecx, [eax+ecx+4]
jmp m_snac_ch1_loop
;movzx eax, word [buff+ecx+2] ; TLV.Length
lea ecx, [ecx+4]
jmp m_snac_ch1_loop
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx+4] ;
cmp eax, 0105h ; 05 fragment identifier (array of required capabilities)
jnz m_snac_ch1_fr_err ; 01 fragment version
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx+6] ; Length
call ntohs
lea ecx, [ecx+eax+8] ; <20>யã᪠¥¬ byte array of required capabilities (1 - text)
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx] ; fragment identifier (message text)
cmp eax, 0101h ; fragment version
jnz m_snac_ch1_fr_err
movzx eax, word [mbuff+ecx+2] ; TLV Length
call ntohs
xchg eax, ecx
lea eax, [eax+8] ; <20> ç «® ⥪á⮢®£® á®®¡é¥¨ï
lea ecx, [ecx-4] ; - sizeof Message charset number, Message charset subset
push eax
push ecx
; ‚뢮¤¨¬ Message From UIN
mov eax, MESS
call strlen
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, MESS
mov ebx, buff
call strcpy
lea ebx, [ebx + ecx]
; <20>¥¯«®å® ¡ë«® ¡ë ¢ë¢¥á⨠¥ UIN Nickname, ¥á«¨ ® ¥áâì ¢ ª®â ªâ «¨áâ¥
xor esi, esi ; ‘ç¥â稪
cmp esi, UINS
jz m_snac_ch1_notfound
mov edx, UIN_LEN
imul edx, esi
lea edx, [uins + edx]
movzx ecx, byte [ui.bUinLength]
strcmp edx, ui.bUin, ecx
jz m_snac_ch1_uin
inc esi
jmp m_snac_ch1_next_uin
; <20>®¤å®¤ï騩 UIN ¥áâì ¢ ª®â ªâ-«¨áâ¥
mov edx, NAME_LEN
imul edx, esi
lea edx, [names + edx]
mov eax, edx
call strlen
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, edx
call strcpy
jmp m_snac_ch1_msgfrom
; …᫨ ¯®¤å®¤ï饣® UIN ¥â ¢ ª®â ªâ-«¨áâ¥
lea eax, [ui.bUin]
movzx ecx, byte [ui.bUinLength]
call strcpy
; ‚뢮¤ á®®¡é¥¨ï "®â ª®£®"
mov [ebx + ecx], byte 0
mov eax, buff
xor ebx, ebx
call writemsg
; ‘ ¬® á®®¡é¥¨¥
pop ecx
pop eax
lea eax, [mbuff+eax]
mov ebx, buff
call strcpy
mov [ebx+ecx], byte 0
mov eax, buff
call win2dos
mov ebx, 00FF0000h
call writemsg
; <20>®¤â¢¥à¦¤ ¥¬ ¯à¨¥¬
pop ecx
; <20>®ª ¥ ॠ«¨§®¢ ®, â.ª. ¥ ¬®£ã ©â¨ ª«¨¥â, ª®â®àë© íâ® ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥â :-)
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'TLV TYPE MISMATCH'
pop ecx
jmp m_fin
pop ecx
jmp m_fin
; Channel 2 message format (rtf messages, rendezvous)
; ®â¯à ¢¨¬ á®®¡é¥¨¥, çâ® ª « ¥ ¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï
; ã¦ë ªãª¨ ¨ ã¨
mov eax, dword [mbuff+10]
mov [msg_cookie1], eax
mov eax, dword [mbuff+10+4]
mov [msg_cookie2], eax
mov al, [mbuff+10+10] ; Sender UIN length
mov [ui.bUinLength], al
push ecx
movzx ecx, al
lea eax, [mbuff+10+11] ; UIN string
lea ebx, [ui.bUin] ; Dest
call strcpy
mov [ssnac.wFid], 4 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 0Bh ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 0Bh
mov eax, [msg_cookie1]
mov dword [buff], eax
mov eax, [msg_cookie2]
mov dword [buff+4], eax
mov word [buff+8], 0200h ; Channel 2
mov al, [ui.bUinLength]
mov [buff+10], al
lea eax, [ui.bUin]
lea ebx, [buff+11]
call strcpy
lea ecx, [ecx+11]
mov word [buff+ecx], 0100h ; reason code (1 - unsupported channel, 2 - busted payload, 3 - channel specific)
mov edx, ecx
pop ecx
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
call sendsnac
jmp m_fin
; Channel 4 message format (typed old-style messages)
write_debug 'Unknown message channel'
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'Unknown SNAC Family 4 recived'
jmp m_fin
cmp dx, 3
jz m_snac_9_3
jmp m_snac_9_other
; Server sends PRM service limitations to client
; Ž¡à ¡®âª¨ ¯®ª ¥â
if USE_SSI <> 0
; ‡ ¯à®á Š‹ á á¥à¢¥à
; Request contact list (first time)
mov [ssnac.wFid], 13h ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 04h ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 04h ; request-id
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx
call sendsnac
; Žâª«î祮, ⪠¥ ¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï SIQ
; Client ask server for SSI service limitations
;mov [ssnac.wFid], 13h ; Family
;mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
;mov [ssnac.dRi], 2 ; request-id
;mov eax, ssnac
;mov ebx, buff
;xor edx, edx
;call sendsnac
; ¯®á«¥¤ïï áâ ¤¨ï ᮥ¤¨¥¨ï
; ‡ ¯à 訢 ¥¬ á¢®î ¨ä®à¬ æ¨î
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 0Eh ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 0Eh ; request-id
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx ; TLV head len
call sendsnac
; Client sends its DC info and status to server
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 1Eh ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 1Eh ; request-id
mov [buff], 0 ; TLV type 06
mov [buff+1], 6h ;
mov [buff+2], 0 ; TLV data length
mov [buff+3], 4 ;
mov ax, STATUS_DCDISABLED ; DC disabled
call htons
mov word [buff+4], ax
mov [status], ax
mov word [buff+6], ax
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, 8 ; TLV head len+ data len
call sendsnac
; ‚ë£à㦠¥¬ á¥à¢¥à Š‹
call uploadkl
; ‚ë£à㦠¥¬ ¨¢¨§¨¡« «¨áâ, ¯®ª ¯ãá⮩
mov [ssnac.wFid], 9 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 7 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 7
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx
call sendsnac
; ‚ &RQ …áâì ¯ ª¥â ãáâ ®¢ª¨ à §à¥è¥¨©. ï ¨á¯®«ì§ãî ¥£® ¡¥§ ¨§¬¥¥¨ï
; â.ª. ¥ § î, çâ® ® ᮤ¥à¦¨â
; - ¢®§¬®¦®, ¡ã¤ã ¨á¯®«ì§®¢ âì ¯®§¤¥¥
;mov [ssnac.wFid], 15 ; Family
;mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
;mov [ssnac.dRi], 2
;mov word [buff], 0100h ; 00 01 encapsulated META_DATA
;mov word [buff+2], 1000h ; 00 10 Len
;mov word [buff+4], 000Eh ; LE Len
;mov word [buff+10], 07D0h ; META_DATA_REQ
;mov eax, UIN
;call ascitoint
;mov dword [buff+6], eax
;mov word [buff+12], 0102h ; request sequence number (incrementing)
;mov word [buff+14], 0424h ; META_SET_PERMS_USERINFO
;mov [buff+16], 1 ; authorization (1-required, 0-not required)
;mov [buff+17], byte 0 ; webaware (0-no, 1-yes)
;mov [buff+18], 1 ; dc_perms (0-any, 1-contact, 2-authorization)
;mov [buff+19], 0 ;unknown
;mov eax, ssnac
;mov ebx, buff
;mov edx, 20
; Client READY command
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 2 ; request-id
mov eax, FAMILY_ARR
mov ebx, buff
push ecx
mov ecx, FA_LEN
call strcpy
pop ecx
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, FA_LEN
call sendsnac
; ‡ ¯à 訢 ¥¬ offline á®®¡é¥¨ï
mov [ssnac.wFid], 15h ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 2 ; request-id
mov word [buff], 0100h ; TLV type 01
mov word [buff+2], 0A00h ; 00 0a „«¨
mov word [buff+4], 0008h ; 08 00
lea eax, [vtable + vartable.uin]
call ascitoint
mov dword [buff+6], eax
mov word [buff+10], 003Ch ; 3C 00 - ‡ ¯à®á ®ää« ©®¢ë¥ á®®¡é¥¨ï
mov word [buff+12], 0002 ; 02 00 - request sequence number
mov edx, 14 ; Ž¡é¨© à §¬¥à ¤ ëå ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
call sendsnac
; ‡ ¯à 訢 ¥¬ ¨ä®à¬ æ¨î ¢á¥å UIN
call getinfo
; § ¢¥à襮 ᮥ¤¨¥¨¥
mov [login], 2
end if ; USE_SSI = 0
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'Unknown SNAC Family 9 Recived'
jmp m_fin
cmp dx, 3
jz m_snac_13_3
cmp dx, 6
jz m_snac_13_6
cmp dx, 0fh
jz m_snac_13_F
jmp m_snac_13_other
; Server sends SSI service limitations to client
; Ž¡à ¡®âª¨ ¯®ª ¥â
; SNAC(13,05) Client check if its local SSI copy is up-to-date
mov [ssnac.wFid], 13h ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 5 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 5 ; request-id
mov eax, ssnac
mov [buff], 03Dh ;
mov [buff+1], 0E7h ; modification date/time of client local SSI copy
mov [buff+2], 48h ;
mov [buff+3], 17h ;
mov [buff+4], 00 ;
mov [buff+5], 00h ; number of items in client local SSI copy
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, 5
call sendsnac
jmp m_fin
; Server contact list reply
lea eax, [mbuff+10] ; ‚ eax § £à㦠¥¬ ¤à¥á ¯à¨¥¬®£® ¡ãä¥à + à §¬¥à § £®«®¢ª snac
call ssi_process_data ; Ž¡à ¡®âª ¯ ª¥â á Š‹
; €ªâ¨¢¨à㥬 SSI
mov [ssnac.wFid], 13h ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 7 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 7 ; request-id
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx
call sendsnac
; ¯®á«¥¤ïï áâ ¤¨ï ᮥ¤¨¥¨ï
; ‡ ¯à 訢 ¥¬ á¢®î ¨ä®à¬ æ¨î
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 0Eh ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 0Eh ; request-id
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx ; TLV head len
call sendsnac
; Client sends its DC info and status to server
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 1Eh ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 1Eh ; request-id
mov [buff], 0 ; TLV type 06
mov [buff+1], 6h ;
mov [buff+2], 0 ; TLV data length
mov [buff+3], 4 ;
mov ax, STATUS_DCDISABLED ; DC disabled
call htons
mov word [buff+4], ax
mov [status], ax
mov word [buff+6], ax
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, 8 ; TLV head len+ data len
call sendsnac
; ‚ë£à㦠¥¬ á¥à¢¥à Š‹
; FIXME ‚®§¬®¦®, §¤¥áì ¥ 㦠íâ äãªæ¨ï
;call uploadkl
; ‚ë£à㦠¥¬ ¨¢¨§¨¡« «¨áâ, ¯®ª ¯ãá⮩
;mov [ssnac.wFid], 9 ; Family
;mov [ssnac.wSid], 7 ; Subtype
;mov [ssnac.dRi], 7
;mov eax, ssnac
;mov ebx, buff
;xor edx, edx
;call sendsnac
; ‚ &RQ …áâì ¯ ª¥â ãáâ ®¢ª¨ à §à¥è¥¨©. ï ¨á¯®«ì§ãî ¥£® ¡¥§ ¨§¬¥¥¨ï
; â.ª. ¥ § î, çâ® ® ᮤ¥à¦¨â
; - ¢®§¬®¦®, ¡ã¤ã ¨á¯®«ì§®¢ âì ¯®§¤¥¥
;mov [ssnac.wFid], 15 ; Family
;mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
;mov [ssnac.dRi], 2
;mov word [buff], 0100h ; 00 01 encapsulated META_DATA
;mov word [buff+2], 1000h ; 00 10 Len
;mov word [buff+4], 000Eh ; LE Len
;mov word [buff+10], 07D0h ; META_DATA_REQ
;mov eax, UIN
;call ascitoint
;mov dword [buff+6], eax
;mov word [buff+12], 0102h ; request sequence number (incrementing)
;mov word [buff+14], 0424h ; META_SET_PERMS_USERINFO
;mov [buff+16], 1 ; authorization (1-required, 0-not required)
;mov [buff+17], byte 0 ; webaware (0-no, 1-yes)
;mov [buff+18], 1 ; dc_perms (0-any, 1-contact, 2-authorization)
;mov [buff+19], 0 ;unknown
;mov eax, ssnac
;mov ebx, buff
;mov edx, 20
; Client READY command
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 2 ; request-id
mov eax, FAMILY_ARR
mov ebx, buff
push ecx
mov ecx, FA_LEN
call strcpy
pop ecx
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, FA_LEN
call sendsnac
; ‡ ¯à 訢 ¥¬ offline á®®¡é¥¨ï
mov [ssnac.wFid], 15h ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 2 ; request-id
mov word [buff], 0100h ; TLV type 01
mov word [buff+2], 0A00h ; 00 0a „«¨
mov word [buff+4], 0008h ; 08 00
lea eax, [vtable + vartable.uin]
call ascitoint
mov dword [buff+6], eax
mov word [buff+10], 003Ch ; 3C 00 - ‡ ¯à®á ®ää« ©®¢ë¥ á®®¡é¥¨ï
mov word [buff+12], 0002 ; 02 00 - request sequence number
mov edx, 14 ; Ž¡é¨© à §¬¥à ¤ ëå ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
call sendsnac
; ‡ ¯à 訢 ¥¬ ¨ä®à¬ æ¨î ¢á¥å UIN
; FIXME ‚®§¬®¦®, §¤¥áì ¥ 㦠íâ äãªæ¨ï
;call getinfo
; § ¢¥à襮 ᮥ¤¨¥¨¥
mov [login], 2
jmp m_fin
; Server tell client its local copy up-to-date
; Ž¡à ¡®âª¨ ¥â
; Client activates server SSI data
mov [ssnac.wFid], 13h ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 7 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 7 ; request-id
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
xor edx, edx
call sendsnac
; ¯®á«¥¤ïï áâ ¤¨ï ᮥ¤¨¥¨ï
; Client sends its DC info and status to server
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 1Eh ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 1Eh ; request-id
mov [buff], 0 ; TLV type 06
mov [buff+1], 6h ;
mov [buff+2], 0 ; TLV data length
mov [buff+3], 4 ;
mov ax, STATUS_DCDISABLED ; DC disabled
call htons
mov word [buff+4], ax
mov ax, [status]
mov word [buff+6], ax
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, 8 ; TLV head len+ data len
call sendsnac
; Client READY command
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 2 ; request-id
mov eax, FAMILY_ARR
mov ebx, buff
push ecx
mov ecx, FA_LEN
call strcpy
pop ecx
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, FA_LEN
call sendsnac
; ‡ ¯à 訢 ¥¬ offline á®®¡é¥¨ï
mov [ssnac.wFid], 15h ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 2 ; request-id
mov word [buff], 0100h ; TLV type 01
mov word [buff+2], 0A00h ; 00 0a „«¨
mov word [buff+4], 0008h ; 08 00
lea eax, [vtable + vartable.uin]
call ascitoint
mov dword [buff+6], eax
mov [buff+10], 003Ch ; 3C 00 - ‡ ¯à®á ®ää« ©®¢ë¥ á®®¡é¥¨ï
mov [buff+12], 0002 ; 02 00 - request sequence number
mov edx, 14 ; Ž¡é¨© à §¬¥à ¤ ëå ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
call sendsnac
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'Unknown SNAC Family 13 Recived'
jmp m_fin
; Family 15
cmp dx, 3
jz m_snac_15_3
jmp m_snac_15_other
; Server sends message #N
; Ž¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ¯®¤â¨¯ ¯à¨ï⮣® ¯ ª¥â
;write_debug 'SNAC 15, 3'
xor eax, eax
mov ax, word [mbuff+10] ; + SNAC.head size
cmp ax, 0100h ; 00 01 TLV type
jnz m_snac_tlv_err
mov ax, word [mbuff+10+10]
cmp ax, 0041h ; Offline Message
jz m_snac_offline_mes
cmp ax, 0042h ; End messages
jz m_snac_offline_end
cmp ax, 07DAh
jz m_snac_meta_data
write_debug 'Unknown Subtype SNAC (15,3)'
jmp m_fin
mov eax, MESS ;
call strlen ; ‚뢮¤¨¬ áâபã á á®®¡é¥¨¥¬ ® ®â¯à ¢¨â¥«¥ ¨ ¢à¥¬¥¨ ®â¯à ¢ª¨
push ecx ;
mov ecx, eax ;
mov eax, MESS
mov ebx, buff
call strcpy
mov eax, dword [mbuff+14+10] ; Sender UIN
lea ebx, [buff+ecx] ; <20>®á«¥ áâà®çª¨ ® á®®¡é¥¨¨
call int2strd
lea ebx, [ebx+eax]
mov [ebx], byte ' '
inc ebx
; + „«¨ UIN
movzx eax, byte [mbuff+21+10] ; Day
call int2strd
lea ebx, [ebx+eax]
mov [ebx], byte '.'
inc ebx
movzx eax, byte [mbuff+20+10] ;Mounth
call int2strd
lea ebx, [ebx+eax]
mov [ebx], byte ' '
inc ebx
movzx eax, [mbuff+22+10] ; Hour
call int2strd
lea ebx, [ebx+eax]
mov [ebx], byte ':'
inc ebx
movzx eax, [mbuff+23+10] ; Minute
call int2strd
lea ebx, [ebx+eax]
;mov [ebx], byte ' '
;inc ebx
mov [ebx], byte 0 ; Str end
mov eax, buff
xor ebx, ebx
call writemsg
movzx ecx, word [mbuff+26+10] ; „«¨ á®®®¡é¥¨ï
lea eax, [mbuff+28+10]
mov ebx, buff
call strcpy
mov [ebx+ecx], byte 0
mov eax, buff
call win2dos ;¯¥à¥ª®¤¨à㥬
mov ebx, 00FF0000h ;–¢¥â
call writemsg
pop ecx
jmp m_fin
; “¤ «ï¥¬ á®®¡é¥¨ï á¥à¢¥à¥
mov [ssnac.wFid], 15h ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 0602h ; request-id
mov word [buff], 0100h ; 00 01 TLV.Type(1) - encapsulated META_DATA1
mov word [buff+2], 0A00h ; 00 0A TLV.Length
mov word [buff+4], 0008h ; 08 00 data chunk size (TLV.Length-2)
lea eax, [vtable + vartable.uin]
call ascitoint
mov dword [buff+6], eax ; xx xx xx xx (LE) client uin
mov word [buff+10], 003Eh ; 3E 00 (LE) data type: delete offline msgs request cmd
mov word [buff+12], 0007h ; xx xx (LE) request sequence number
mov edx, 14 ; <20> §¬¥à ¤ ëå
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
call sendsnac
jmp m_fin
; Žâ¢¥â § ¯à®á ® ¯®«ì§®¢ ⥫ïå
; Ž¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ®ç¥à¥¤®© ¯®¤â¨¯ :-)
mov ax, word [mbuff+10+14]
cmp ax, 0104h ;data subtype: META_SHORT_USERINFO
jz m_snac_short_userinfo
cmp ax, 00C8h
jz m_snac_basic_userinfo ;data subtype: META_BASIC_USERINFO
write_debug 'Unknown META DATA subtype'
jmp m_fin
; ˆ§ ¢á¥© ¨ä®à¬ 樨 ¯®ª 㦥 ⮫쪮 ¨ª
mov al, [mbuff+10+16]
cmp al, 0Ah ;success byte
jnz m_fin
movzx eax, word [mbuff+10+12] ;request sequence number
; ‚ § ¯à®á¥ ï ¨á¯®«ì§®¢ « ¯®à浪®¢ë© ®¬¥à î§¥à ¢ Š‹
lea ebx, [mbuff+10+19] ;nickname string
; „«¨ áâப¨ ¥ 㦠, â.ª. áâப Null-Terminated
;Ž¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ áâ âãá
mov ecx, 4
imul ecx, eax
mov ecx, [stats+ecx]
call loadbb
jmp m_fin
; ⪠SIQ § ¯à®á ª®à®âª®© ¨äë ®â¢¥ç ¥â
; ¯ ª¥â®¬ ¡ §®¢®© ¨ä®à¬ 樨, ॠ«¨§ãî ¯®ª ⮫쪮 ¥£®
mov al, [mbuff+10+16]
cmp al, 0Ah ;success byte
jnz m_fin
movzx eax, word [mbuff+10+12] ;request sequence number
; ‚ § ¯à®á¥ ï ¨á¯®«ì§®¢ « ¯®à浪®¢ë© ®¬¥à î§¥à ¢ Š‹
lea ebx, [mbuff+10+19] ;nickname string
; „«¨ áâப¨ ¥ 㦠, â.ª. áâப Null-Terminated
;Ž¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ áâ âãá
mov ecx, 4
imul ecx, eax
mov ecx, [stats+ecx]
call loadbb
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'TLV TYPE MISMATCH'
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'Unknown SNAC Family 15 Recived'
jmp m_fin
write_debug 'Unknown SNAC recived'
jmp m_fin
;pop edx
;pop ebx
;pop eax
; „«ï ¯¥à¥¢®¤ DWORD ¨§ Little Endian ¢ Big Endian
; ¨ ®¡®à®â :-)
; -->EAX
push ebx
;push ecx
xor ebx, ebx
mov bl, ah
mov bh, al
shl ebx, 16
shr eax, 16
mov bl, ah
mov bh, al
mov eax, ebx
;pop ecx
pop ebx
; „«ï ¯¥à¥¢®¤ WORD ¨§ Little Endian ¢ Big Endian
; <--AX WORD
; -->AX WORD
push ebx
xor ebx, ebx
mov bl, ah
mov bh, al
mov eax, ebx
pop ebx
; ¯ àá¨â SNAC
; <--EAX 㪠§ ⥫ì SNAC_head
; <--EBX 㪠§ â¥«ì ¡ãää¥à
; -->EAX 㪠§ ⥫ì ç «® ¤ ëå = buffer+sizeof SNAC_head
push ecx
;push edx
mov cl, [ebx+1] ; Family (service) id number ¬« ¤è¨© ¡ ©â
mov ch, [ebx] ; áâ à訩
mov word [eax], cx
mov cl, [ebx+3] ; Family subtype id number
mov ch, [ebx+2] ;
mov word [eax+2], cx
mov cl, [ebx+5] ; SNAC flags
mov ch, [ebx+4] ;
mov word [eax+4], cx ;
mov cl, [ebx+7] ;
mov ch, [ebx+6] ;
mov word [eax+8], cx ; SNAC request id
mov cl, [ebx+8] ;
mov ch, [ebx+7] ;
mov word [eax+6], cx ;
add ebx, 10 ;<3B> §¬¥à § £®«®¢ª
mov eax, ebx
;pop edx
pop ecx
; ¯ àá¨â userinfo block
; userinfopar:
; pushf
; popf
; ret
; ¯®á뫪 á®®¡é¥¨ï
; [eax] <-- ⥪áâ®¢ë© ¡ãä¥à \
; [ebx] <-- UIN / Null-terminated
push eax
push ebx
mov [ssnac.wFid], 4h ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 6 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 106h ; request-id
; <20>®«ãç ¥¬ ¢à¥¬ï á § ¯ã᪠á¨á⥬ë, ¤«ï cookie
;mov eax, 26
;mov ebx, 9
;int 40h
mcall 26, 9
mov dword [buff], eax ; Cookie 1
mov dword [buff+4], eax ; Cookie 2
mov word [buff+8], 0100h ; Message channel 00 01
pop ebx
mov eax, ebx
call strlen
mov [buff+10], al
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, ebx
lea ebx, [buff+11]
call strcpy
lea ecx, [ecx+11]
mov word [buff+ecx], 0200h ; TLV.Type(0x02) - message data
;push ecx ;
; TLV.Length
mov word [buff+ecx+4], 0105h ; 05 01 01 - fragment version, 05 - fragment identifier
mov word [buff+ecx+6], 0100h ; data length
mov [buff+ecx+8], 01 ; byte array of required capabilities (1 - text)
mov [buff+ecx+9], 01 ; fragment identifier (text message)
mov [buff+ecx+10], 01 ; fragment version
pop ebx
mov eax, ebx
call strlen
mov edx, eax
lea eax, [eax+4] ; „«¨ á®®¡é¥¨ï + Message charset number+ Message language number
call htons
mov word [buff+ecx+11], ax
mov eax, edx
lea eax, [eax+13] ; + ¤«¨ á«ã¦¥¡ëå ¤ ëå
call htons
mov word [buff+ecx+2], ax
mov word [buff+ecx+13], 0700h ; Message charset number
mov word [buff+ecx+15], 0300h ; Message language number
mov eax, ecx
mov ecx, edx ; Len
lea edx, [eax+17]
mov eax, ebx ;Source
lea ebx, [buff+edx] ;Dest
call strcpy
lea ecx, [ecx+edx] ; +String length
mov [buff+ecx], byte 0
mov eax, ebx
call dos2win
mov word [buff+ecx], 0600h ; TLV.Type(0x06) - store message if recipient offline
mov word [buff+ecx+2], 0 ; TLV.Length
lea edx, [ecx+4] ; +TLV_head length
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov ecx, [socket]
call sendsnac
; ‡ ¯à®á ¨ä®à¬ 樨 UIN®¢
; SNAC (15,2) - Meta information request
mov [ssnac.wFid], 15h ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 2 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 702h ; request-id
mov word [buff], 0100h ;TLV.Type(1) - encapsulated META_DATA
mov word [buff+2], 1000h ; 00 10 TLV.Length
mov word [buff+4], 000Eh ; (LE) data chunk size (TLV.Length-2)
lea eax, [vtable + vartable.uin]
call ascitoint
mov dword [buff+6], eax ;(LE) request owner uin
mov word [buff+10], 07D0h ;data type: META_DATA_REQ
;mov word [buff+12], 0008h ; request sequence number <<<-- Œ®¦¥â ¬¥ïâìáï FIXIT
mov word [buff+14], 04BAh ; data subtype: META_SHORTINFO_REQUEST
mov ecx, [socket]
mov edx, 20
xor esi, esi ; ‘ç¥â稪
xor eax, eax
mov ebx, esi
mov word [buff+12], bx ; request sequence number
mov ebx, UIN_LEN
imul ebx, esi
mov al, [uins+ebx]
cmp al, 0
jz gi_end
lea eax, [uins+ebx]
call ascitoint
mov dword [buff+16], eax
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
call sendsnac
inc esi
cmp esi, UINS
jnc gi_end
jmp gi_loop
; ‡ £à㦠¥¬ «®ª «ìë© Š‹ á¥à¢¥à ¤«ï ¯®«ã票ï áâ âãá ஢
; Add buddy(s) to contact list
mov [ssnac.wFid], 3 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 4 ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 4 ; request-id
xor esi, esi ; ‘ç¥â稪
xor edx, edx ; ‡ ¯®«¥® ¡ ©â
mov ebx, UIN_LEN
imul ebx, esi
mov al, [uins+ebx]
cmp al, 0
jz ukk_end
lea eax, [uins+ebx]
call strlen
mov [buff+edx], al
inc edx
mov ecx, eax
lea eax, [uins+ebx] ; Source
lea ebx, [buff+edx]
call strcpy
add edx, ecx
inc esi
cmp esi, UINS
jz ukk_end
jmp ukk_loop
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov ecx, [socket]
call sendsnac
cmp [login], 2
jnz @f
mov ax, [timer]
cmp ax, 300 ;60 c
jb @f
mov [timer], 0
mov [flap.bId], FLAP_ID
mov [flap.bCh], 5 ;Keep alive
mov [flap.wDs], 0
inc [seq]
mov ax, [seq]
mov [flap.wSn], ax
mov eax, flap
mov ebx, buff
mov ecx, [socket]
call sendflap
; ”ãªæ¨ï ¤«ï ãáâ ®¢ª¨ áâ âãá
; áâ âãá ¢ ¯¥à¥¬¥®© status
push eax
push ebx
push edx
; Client sends its DC info and status to server
mov [ssnac.wFid], 1 ; Family
mov [ssnac.wSid], 1Eh ; Subtype
mov [ssnac.dRi], 1Eh ; request-id
mov [buff], 0 ; TLV type 06
mov [buff+1], 6h ;
mov [buff+2], 0 ; TLV data length
mov [buff+3], 4 ;
mov ax, STATUS_DCDISABLED ; DC disabled
call htons
mov word [buff+4], ax
mov ax, [status]
mov word [buff+6], ax
mov eax, ssnac
mov ebx, buff
mov edx, 8 ; TLV head len+ data len
call sendsnac
pop edx
pop ebx
pop eax
; Œ ªà®á ¯à®¯ã᪠¥â ¢á¥ ¯à®¡¥«ë ¢ áâப¥ ¤®
; 1 £® § ç 饣® ᨬ¢®«
; eax - 㪠§ ⥫ì null-terminated áâபã
macro skip_spaces {
local ..sp_end, ..sp_loop
push ebx
push ecx
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
mov bl, [eax + ecx]
cmp bl, 0x20
jnz ..sp_end
inc ecx
jmp ..sp_loop
lea eax, [eax + ecx]
pop ecx
pop ebx
; Ž¡à ¡®âª ª®¬ ¤
; ‚ ¥ax ¯¥à¥¤ ¥âáï 㪠§ ⥫ì áâபã. Š®¬ ¤ ¨ à£ã¬¥âë à §¤¥«¥ë ¯à®¡¥«®¬
; ª®¬ ¤ ç¨ ¥âáï á /
; ¢ eax - १ã«ìâ ⠢믮«¥¨ï ª®¬ ¤ë, -1 ª®¬ ¤ ¥ áãé¥áâ¢ã¥â, 0 ®ª, ¤à㣨¥ § ¢¨áï⠮⠪®¬ ¤ë
push ebx
push ecx
push edi
push esi
; <20>஢¥à¨âì ¯¥à¢ë© ᨬ¢®«
xor ebx, ebx
mov bl, [eax]
cmp bl, '/'
jnz cmd_end
; <20> §¤¥«¥¨¥ ¯® 1© ¡ãª¢¥ ª®¬ ¤ë
mov bl, [eax + 1]
cmp bl, 'c'
jz cmd_c
cmp bl, 'e'
jz cmd_e
cmp bl, 's'
jz cmd_s
jmp cmd_no
lea ebx, [eax + 1]
strcmp ebx, str_exit, str_exit.len
jz cmd_exit
jmp cmd_no
lea ebx, [eax + 1]
strcmp ebx, str_status, str_status.len
jz cmd_status
jmp cmd_no
; ãáâ ®¢¨âì áâ âãá ¨ ¯®á« âì ¯ ª¥â ᬥë áâ âãá
lea eax, [eax + 1 + str_status.len]
strcmp eax, str_online, str_online.len
jz cmd_st_online
strcmp eax, str_away, str_away.len
jz cmd_st_away
strcmp eax, str_na, str_na.len
jz cmd_st_na
strcmp eax, str_dnd, str_dnd.len
jz cmd_st_dnd
strcmp eax, str_bisy, str_bisy.len
jz cmd_st_bisy
strcmp eax, str_free4chat, str_free4chat.len
jz cmd_st_free4chat
; ‘â âãá ¥ ®¯à¥¤¥«¥.
; ‚뢥á⨠ᮮ¡é¥¨¥ ® ¤®áâã¯ëå áâ âãá å
mov eax, str_status_message
xor ebx, ebx
call writemsg
jmp cmd_end
pop esi
pop edi
pop ecx
pop ebx
; <--- initialised data --->
include ""
include ""
include ""
head db 'KI',0
MESS db 'Message from ', 0
CUSER db 'Current user: ', 0
; ‘¯¨á®ª IP á¥à¢¥à®¢ ICQ
;icq_ip db '',0
;icq_ip db '',0
;icq_ip db '',0
flap FLAP_head
rflap FLAP_head
ssnac SNAC_head ; ¤«ï ¯¥à¥¤ ç¨ SNAC
rsnac SNAC_head ; ¤«ï ¯à¨ï⮣® SNAC
ui UI_head ; User info
procinfo process_information
;UIN db '362820484',0
;PASS db 'test',0
ID_STRING db 'ICQ Inc. - Product of ICQ (TM).2000b.',0
;ID_STRING db 'ICQ Inc. - Product of ICQ (TM).2001b.',0
;CAPABILITIES db 0x09, 0x46, 0x13, 0x49, 0x4C, 0x7F, 0x11, 0xD1, 0x82, 0x22, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00,\
;0x97, 0xB1, 0x27, 0x51, 0x24, 0x3C, 0x43, 0x34, 0xAD, 0x22, 0xD6, 0xAB, 0xF7, 0x3F, 0x14, 0x92,\
CAPABILITIES db 0x2E, 0x7A, 0x64, 0x75, 0xFA, 0xDF, 0x4D, 0xC8, 0x88, 0x6F, 0xEA, 0x35, 0x95, 0xFD, 0xB6, 0xDF,\
'KOLIBRI KI(cq)',0,0
;0x09, 0x46, 0x13, 0x44, 0x4C, 0x7F, 0x11, 0xD1, 0x82, 0x22, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00
; 1 áâப
; {09461349-4C7F-11D1-8222-444553540000}
; Client supports channel 2 extended, TLV(0x2711) based messages. Currently used only by ICQ clients.
;ICQ clients and clones use this GUID as message format sign. Trillian client use another GUID
; in channel 2 messages to implement its own message format (trillian doesn't use TLV(x2711) in SecureIM channel 2 messages!).
; 2 áâப
; {97B12751-243C-4334-AD22-D6ABF73F1492}
; Client supports RTF messages. This capability currently used by ICQ service and ICQ clients.
; 4 áâப
; {0946134E-4C7F-11D1-8222-444553540000}
; Client supports UTF-8 messages. This capability currently used by AIM service and AIM clients
; From &RQ
;CAPABILITIES db 0x09, 0x46, 0x13, 0x49, 0x4C, 0x7F, 0x11, 0xD1, 0x82, 0x22, 0x44, 0x45,\ ;...P.F.IL.T‚"DE
; 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x46, 0x13, 0x44, 0x4C, 0x7F, 0x11, 0xD1, 0x82, 0x22, 0x44, 0x45,\ ;ST...F.DL.T‚"DE
; 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x46, 0x13, 0x4E, 0x4C, 0x7F, 0x11, 0xD1, 0x82, 0x22, 0x44, 0x45,\ ;ST...F.NL.T‚"DE
; 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x46, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4C, 0x7F, 0x11, 0xD1, 0x82, 0x22, 0x44, 0x45,\ ;ST...F..L.T‚"DE
; 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00, 0x26, 0x52, 0x51, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x69, 0x64, 0x65, 0x02, 0x07, 0x09,\ ;ST..&RQinside...
; 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
C_LEN = 32
;C_LEN = 80
ICBM_PARAMS db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0Bh, 01Fh, 040h, 3, 0E7h, 3, 0E7h, 0, 0, 0, 0
ICBMP_LEN = 16 ; ^^^ from &RQ
; from &rq
FAMILY_ARR db 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x01, 0x10, 0x04, 0x7B, 0x00, 0x13, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x10, 0x04, 0x7B,\
0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x7B, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x04, 0x7B,\
0x00, 0x15, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x04, 0x7B, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x04, 0x7B,\
0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x04, 0x7B, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x04, 0x7B,\
0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x04, 0x7B, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x10, 0x06, 0x6A
FA_LEN = 50h
ID_NUM = 010Ah
MAJOR = 05h
;MAJOR = 04h
;MINOR = 041h
MINOR = 011h
LESSER = 01h
;BUILD = 0CD1h
DISTR = 055h
CL_LANG db 'en',0
CL_COUNTRY db 'us',0
sbuff db 1024 dup 0 ; <20>ãä¥à ¤«ï ¯¥à¥¤ ç¨ ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥âáï ¢ãâਠsendflap
;recived db 0 ; <20>à¨ïâ® ¤ ëå ¨§ ⥫ ¯ ª¥â
;rbuff db 1024 dup 0 ; <20>ਥ¬ë© ¡ãä¥à
tbuff db 512 dup 0 ; „«ï TLV
srv_cookie db 512 dup 0 ; Šãª¨ ¤«ï ¢â®à¨§ 樨
bos_address db 128 dup 0 ; €¤à¥á BOS á¥à¢¥à
cookie_len dw 0 ; „«¨ ªãª¨
seq dw 0 ; Sequence number
bos_ip dd 0
bos_port dd 0
status dw 0 ; status
mbuff db 2048 dup 0 ; „«ï ¯à¨¥¬
hrf db 0 ; ”« £ ¯à¨¥¬ § £®«®¢ª
mouse_flag dd 0
socket dd 0
login db 0
msg_cookie1 dd 0 ; ˆá¯®«ì§ãîâáï ¤«ï ¯®â¢¥à¦¤¥¨ï ¯à¨¥¬ á®®¡é¥¨©
msg_cookie2 dd 0 ;
curruser db 0 ; ⥪ã騩 ¯®«ì§®¢ ⥫ì, ª®â®à®¬ã ¡ã¤ãâ ®â¯à ¢«ïâìáï á®®¡é¥¨ï
; - <20>®¬¥à ¢ Š‹ ¯® ¯®à浪ã
timer dw 0
;ltest db "ADMIN",0
buff db 1024 dup 0
; lbuff db 8 dup 0 ; „«ï 1 ¯ ª¥â ®â á¥à¢¥à
; ‘âப¨ ª®¬ ¤ ¤«ï áà ¢¥¨ï
str_status db 'status '
str_status.len = $ - str_status
str_exit db 'exit '
str_exit.len = $ - str_exit
; ‘âப¨ áâ âãᮢ ¤«ï áà ¢¥¨ï
str_away db 'away'
str_away.len = $ - str_away
str_dnd db 'dnd'
str_dnd.len = $ - str_dnd
str_bisy db 'bisy'
str_bisy.len = $ - str_bisy
str_na db 'na'
str_na.len = $ - str_na
str_online db 'online'
str_online.len = $ - str_online
str_free4chat db 'free4chat'
str_free4chat.len = $ - str_free4chat
str_status_message db '„®áâã¯ë¥ áâ âãáë: away, bisy, na, dnd, online, free4chat',0
cfg_message db 'Config:',0
rb 512
inputbox edit_box 490,10,460,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0xAABBCC,0,511,inputbuff,ed_focus,0,0
; <--- uninitialised data --->
; <--- end of MenuetOS application --->