159 lines
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format PE GUI 0.8 ; initialize console ourselves
include 'proc32.inc'
include '../../../../import.inc'
push caption
push 25
push 80
push 25
push 80
call [con_init]
; C-equivalent of the following code:
; for (;;)
; {
; con_write_asciiz("Enter string (empty for exit): ");
; if (!con_gets2(mycallback,s,256)) break;
; if (s[0] == '\n') break;
; con_write_asciiz("You entered: ");
; con_write_asciiz(s);
; }
push str1
call [con_write_asciiz]
push 256
push s
push mycallback
call [con_gets2]
test eax, eax
jz done
cmp [s], 10
jz done
push str2
call [con_write_asciiz]
push s
call [con_write_asciiz]
jmp mainloop
push 1
call [con_exit]
xor eax, eax
proc mycallback stdcall, keycode:dword, pstr:dword, pn:dword, ppos:dword
mov eax, [keycode]
cmp al, 0x0F
jz .tab
cmp al, 0x3B
jz .f1
cmp al, 0x48
jz .up
cmp al, 0x50
jz .down
xor eax, eax
; Tab pressed - insert "[autocomplete]" to current position
push esi edi
mov eax, [ppos]
mov eax, [eax]
mov ecx, [pn]
mov ecx, [ecx]
mov esi, [pstr]
mov esi, [esi]
add ecx, esi
add esi, eax
mov edx, esi
test al, al
jnz @b
lea edi, [esi+str3.len]
cmp edi, ecx
jbe @f
mov edi, ecx
lea esi, [edi-str3.len]
cmp esi, edx
jbe @f
dec esi
dec edi
mov al, [esi]
mov [edi], al
jmp @b
cmp edi, ecx
jb @f
dec edi
mov ecx, edi
sub ecx, edx
mov edi, edx
mov esi, str3
rep movsb
mov eax, [pstr]
sub edi, [eax]
mov eax, [ppos]
mov [eax], edi
pop edi esi
xor eax, eax
inc eax
; F1 pressed - say message
push str4
call [con_write_asciiz]
push str1
call [con_write_asciiz]
push 2
pop eax
push esi
mov esi, str5
mov ecx, str5.len
jmp @f
push esi
mov esi, str6
mov ecx, str6.len
push edi
mov edi, [pstr]
mov edi, [edi]
mov eax, [ppos]
mov [eax], ecx
rep movsb
xor eax, eax
pop edi esi
inc eax
align 4
data import
library console, 'console.dll'
import console, \
con_init, 'con_init', \
con_write_asciiz, 'con_write_asciiz', \
con_exit, 'con_exit', \
con_gets2, 'con_gets2'
end data
caption db 'Console test - gets2()',0
str1 db 'Enter string (empty for exit): ',0
str2 db 'You entered: ',0
str3 db '[autocomplete]'
str3.len = $ - str3
str4 db 13,10,'Help? What help do you need?',13,10,0
str5 db 'previous line in the history'
str5.len = $ - str5
str6 db 'next line in the history'
str6.len = $ - str6
s rb 256