#ifndef AUTOBUILD #include "lang.h--" #endif #define MEMSIZE 0x23E80 #include "..\lib\kolibri.h" #include "..\lib\strings.h" #include "..\lib\mem.h" #include "..\lib\file_system.h" #include "..\lib\dll.h" #include "..\lib\gui.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libio_lib.h" #include "..\lib\obj\box_lib.h" #include "..\lib\patterns\restart_process.h" ?define WINDOW_TITLE "Mouse configuration" ?define MOUSE_FRAME_T " Mouse " ?define KEYBOARD_FRAME_T " Keyboard " ?define CHECK_MOUSE "Click to check mouse" ?define POINTER_SPEED "Mouse pointer speed" ?define POINTER_DELAY "Mouse pointer delay" ?define MOUSE_EMULATION "Enable mouse emulation using keyboard NumPad" ?define MADMOUSE "When cursor reaches screen side switch it to inverce side" frame mouse_frame = { 0, 000, 10, 160, 14, 0x000111, 0xFFFfff, 1, MOUSE_FRAME_T, 0, 0, 6, 0x000111, 0xCCCccc }; frame keyboard_frame = { 0, 000, 10, 73, 217, 0x000111, 0xFFFfff, 1, KEYBOARD_FRAME_T, 0, 0, 6, 0x000111, 0xCCCccc }; unsigned char panels_img_data[] = FROM "panels_image.raw"; raw_image panels_img = { 37, 27, #panels_img_data }; system_colors sc; proc_info Form; struct mouse_cfg1 { byte pointer_speed, pointer_delay, emulation, madmouse; } mouse_cfg; void main() { dword id; mem_Init(); load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init,0); LoadCfg(); loop() switch(WaitEvent()) { case evButton: id=GetButtonID(); if (id==1) ExitProcess(); if (id>=100) && (id<200) { if (id==100) { if (mouse_cfg.emulation==true) KillProcessByName("mousemul", SINGLE); else RunProgram("/sys/mousemul", 0); mouse_cfg.emulation ^= 1; } if (id==101) { if (mouse_cfg.madmouse==true) KillProcessByName("madmouse", SINGLE); else RunProgram("/sys/madmouse", 0); mouse_cfg.madmouse ^= 1; } if (id==120) mouse_cfg.pointer_speed++; if (id==121) && (mouse_cfg.pointer_speed>0) mouse_cfg.pointer_speed--; if (id==122) mouse_cfg.pointer_delay++; if (id==123) && (mouse_cfg.pointer_delay>0) mouse_cfg.pointer_delay--; DrawWindowContent(); } break; case evKey: if (GetKey()==27) ExitProcess(); break; case evReDraw: sc.get(); DefineAndDrawWindow(130, 150, 430, 200+GetSkinHeight(),0x34,sc.work,WINDOW_TITLE); GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); if (Form.status_window>2) break; mouse_frame.size_x = keyboard_frame.size_x = - mouse_frame.start_x * 2 + Form.cwidth; mouse_frame.font_color = keyboard_frame.font_color = sc.work_text; mouse_frame.font_backgr_color = keyboard_frame.font_backgr_color = sc.work; mouse_frame.ext_col = keyboard_frame.ext_col = sc.work_graph; DrawWindowContent(); } } void DrawWindowContent() { char pos_x = 22; frame_draw stdcall (#mouse_frame); DefineButton(pos_x, mouse_frame.start_y + 12, panels_img.w-1, 27-1, 100 + BT_HIDE, 0); _PutImage(pos_x, mouse_frame.start_y + 12, 37, 27, 0 * 37 * 27 * 3 + panels_img.data); WriteText(pos_x + 46, mouse_frame.start_y + 20, 0x80, sc.work_text, CHECK_MOUSE); PanelCfg_MoreLessBox(pos_x, mouse_frame.start_y + 50, 120, 121, mouse_cfg.pointer_speed, POINTER_SPEED); PanelCfg_MoreLessBox(pos_x, mouse_frame.start_y + 80, 122, 123, mouse_cfg.pointer_delay, POINTER_DELAY); PanelCfg_CheckBox(pos_x, mouse_frame.start_y + 108, 100, MOUSE_EMULATION, mouse_cfg.emulation); PanelCfg_CheckBox(pos_x, mouse_frame.start_y + 130, 101, MADMOUSE, mouse_cfg.madmouse); } void PanelCfg_CheckBox(dword x, y, id, text, byte value) { CheckBox(x, y, 14, 14, id, text, sc.work_graph, sc.work_text, value); } void PanelCfg_MoreLessBox(dword x, y, id_more, id_less; byte value; dword text) { MoreLessBox(x, y, 18, id_more, id_less, #sc, value, text); } void LoadCfg() { mouse_cfg.pointer_delay = 10; mouse_cfg.pointer_speed = 2; //CheckProcessExists("MADMOUSE"); mouse_cfg.madmouse = 0; //CheckProcessExists("MOUSEMUL"); mouse_cfg.emulation = 0; } stop: