CALENDAR FOR MENUET v1.0 January 13, 2005 Written in pure assembler by Ivushkin Andrey aka Willow I salute users and programmers of Menuet operation system! Also, I tender thanks to everyone who spends his time in feasible efforts for that little OS evolution. My special thanks to Ivan Poddubny whose distro (re8pre2) runs on VMware Workstation incomparably and bugless. That, as well as MACROS.INC and DEBUG.INC files, simplify the developing greatly. Today I let you to judge a desktop calendar, similar to the Windows one. Application abilities are: 1. Interface is translated into Russian,English, German, French, and Finnish (not completely - there was no help). Day sequence difference is taken into account as well. You may change localization through 'lang' constant while compiling. 2. Calendar is equipped with additional buttons 'Today' and 'New style' that are self-explaining. 3. I tied to follow world GUI standards: use TAB to move along fields; while editing the year, use Backspace and Del, as well as left and right arrows of 'spinner' when in its focus. Arrow keys navigate along day matrix. Pressing Ctrl-F1...Ctrl-F12 selects appropriate month. To-Do list: 1. Program internal routines allow calculating amount of days between two dates. It is possible to add a feature of calculating biorhythms and draw their graphs. 2. Add comments to source. 3. Correct bugs to be found ;-) I dedicate my application to the Ukrainian Orange Revolution. Razom nas bahato, nas ne podolaty! **************************************** **************************************** ��������� ��� MENUET v1.0 13 ﭢ��� 2005 �. ����ᠭ� �� ��⮬ ��ᥬ���� ���誨�� ���॥� (Willow) ����� � 墠�� ࠬ � �ணࠬ���⠬ ����樮���� ��⥬� Menuet! ��ࠦ�� ��७��� �������୮��� �ᥬ ⥬, �� �� ����� ��� �६���, ������ ��ᨫ�� ����� � ࠧ��⨥ �⮩ �����쪮� ��. �ᮡ�� ᯠᨡ� ��� ᪠���� ����� ����㡭���, ����ਡ�⨢ ���ண� (re8pre2) ��ᯮ����� � ��� ��� ࠡ�⠥� � VMware Workstation. ��, � ⠪�� 䠩�� MACROS.INC � DEBUG.INC ᨫ쭮 ����� ࠧࠡ���. ������� � �।�⠢��� �� ��� �� ���⮫�� �������ਪ, ��������� ⮣�, �� ������� � Windows. ���������� �ணࠬ��: 1. ����䥩� ��ॢ���� �� ���᪨�, ������᪨�, ����檨�, �࠭��᪨� � 䨭᪨� (�� ��������� - �� �� �����?) �모. ��⥭� �⫨�� � ���浪� ������� ���� ������. ��� ����� �������� �� �������樨 �⠭���⭮� ����⠭⮩ "lang". 2. �������ਪ ����㤮��� �������⥫�묨 �������� "�������" � "���� �⨫�", �������� ������ ������� ᠬ� �� ᥡ�. 3. � ��⠫�� ������ ��� �⠭���⠬ GUI: ��� ��६�饭�� ����� ���ﬨ ����� �ᯮ������ TAB, � ���� ���� �������� ������ Backspace � Del, � ���� ����� �������� ��५���� ����� � ��ࠢ� � 䮪�� "ᯨ����", � ���� ��������� ࠡ���� ��५��. ����⨥� Ctrl-F1...Ctrl-F12 ����� ����� ��३� � �㦭��� ������. �� �� ����� ᤥ����: 1. ����७��� �㭪樨 �ணࠬ�� ��������� ��।����� ������⢮ ���� �� ����� ���� �� ��㣮�. � ��������� ����� �㤥� �������� ����������� ���� ⠪��� �����୮�� ������⥫�, ��� ������ (� ��䨪���). 2. �⪮�������� ���. 3. ��ࠢ��� ����, �����, ��������, �������� ;-) ��� �ணࠬ�� � ������ �ࠨ�� ����࠭祢�� ॢ���樨. ����� ��� �����, ��� �� �������!