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;;//// libini_p.asm //// (c) mike.dld, 2006-2008 /////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;; ;;
;; This file is part of Common development libraries (Libs-Dev). ;;
;; ;;
;; Libs-Dev is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ;;
;; Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 ;;
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;
;; ;;
;; Libs-Dev is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without ;;
;; even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;
;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;
;; ;;
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Libs-Dev. ;;
;; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ;;
;; ;;
mem.alloc dd ?
mem.free dd ?
mem.realloc dd ?
dll.load dd ?
proc libini._.init ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? Library entry point (called after library load) ;;
;> eax = memory allocation routine <mem.alloc*> ;;
;> ebx = memory freeing routine <mem.free*> ;;
;> ecx = memory reallocation routine <mem.realloc*> ;;
;> edx = library loading routine <dll.load*> ;;
;< eax = 1 (fail) / 0 (ok) (library initialization result) ;;
mov [mem.alloc], eax
mov [mem.free], ebx
mov [mem.realloc], ecx
mov [dll.load], edx
invoke dll.load, @IMPORT
or eax, eax
jz .ok
xor eax, eax
inc eax
.ok: xor eax,eax
proc libini._.unget_char _f ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
push eax ecx
mov ecx, [_f]
inc [ecx + IniFile.cnt]
dec esi
mov eax, [ecx + IniFile.bsize]
cmp [ecx + IniFile.cnt], eax
jle @f
stdcall libini._.unload_block, [_f]
@@: pop ecx eax
proc libini._.get_char _f ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
mov ecx, [_f]
dec [ecx + IniFile.cnt]
jns @f
stdcall libini._.preload_block, [_f]
dec [ecx + IniFile.cnt]
@@: lodsb
proc libini._.skip_nonblanks _f ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
mov ecx, [_f]
@@: stdcall libini._.get_char, [_f]
cmp al, 32
je @b
cmp al, 13
je @b
cmp al, 10
je @b
cmp al, 9
je @b
cmp al, ini.COMMENT_CHAR
jne @f
stdcall libini._.skip_line, [_f]
jmp @b
@@: stdcall libini._.unget_char, [_f]
proc libini._.skip_spaces _f ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
mov ecx, [_f]
@@: stdcall libini._.get_char, [_f]
cmp al, 32
je @b
cmp al, 9
je @b
@@: stdcall libini._.unget_char, [_f]
proc libini._.skip_line _f ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
mov ecx, [_f]
@@: stdcall libini._.get_char, [_f]
or al, al
jz @f
cmp al, 13
je @f
cmp al, 10
jne @b
@@: stdcall libini._.unget_char, [_f]
proc libini._.unload_block _f ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
push eax ebx ecx
mov ebx, [_f]
mov eax, [ebx + IniFile.pos]
add eax, -ini.BLOCK_SIZE
invoke file.seek, [ebx + IniFile.fh], eax, SEEK_SET
stdcall libini._.preload_block, ebx
add esi, eax
mov [ebx + IniFile.cnt], 0
pop ecx ebx eax
proc libini._.preload_block _f ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
push eax ebx ecx
mov ebx, [_f]
@@: mov esi, [ebx + IniFile.buf]
push edi
mov edi, esi
mov ecx, ini.BLOCK_SIZE / 4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop edi
invoke file.tell, [ebx + IniFile.fh]
mov [ebx + IniFile.pos], eax
invoke file.read, [ebx + IniFile.fh], esi, ini.BLOCK_SIZE
mov esi,[ebx + IniFile.buf]
cmp eax,ini.BLOCK_SIZE
jl @f
@@: mov [ebx + IniFile.cnt], eax
mov [ebx + IniFile.bsize], eax
pop ecx ebx eax
proc libini._.reload_block _f ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
push eax ebx ecx
mov ebx, [_f]
push [ebx + IniFile.bsize]
push esi [ebx + IniFile.cnt]
invoke file.seek, [ebx + IniFile.fh], [ebx + IniFile.pos], SEEK_SET
stdcall libini._.preload_block, ebx
pop [ebx + IniFile.cnt] esi
pop eax
sub eax,[ebx + IniFile.bsize]
sub [ebx + IniFile.cnt], eax
pop ecx ebx eax
; f_info - contains current file block number
; esi - position in block from where to shift
; ecx - number of bytes to shift by
proc libini._.shift_content _f, _delta ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? Shift file content starting from cursor position (~ delete) ;;
;? Content is copied by 'delta' bytes up/down ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< eax = -1 (fail) / 0 (ok) ;;
buf dd ?
xor eax, eax
cmp [_delta], 0
je .skip
push ebx ecx
invoke mem.alloc, ini.BLOCK_SIZE
or eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [buf], eax
cmp [_delta], 0
jl .down
mov ebx, [_f]
mov ecx, [ebx + IniFile.cnt]
mov ebx, [ebx + IniFile.fh]
invoke file.tell, ebx
sub eax, ecx
invoke file.seek, ebx, eax, SEEK_SET
@@: invoke file.seek, ebx, [_delta], SEEK_CUR
invoke file.eof?, ebx
or eax, eax
jnz .done
invoke file.read, ebx, [buf], ini.BLOCK_SIZE
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, [_delta]
neg eax
sub eax, ecx
invoke file.seek, ebx, eax, SEEK_CUR
invoke file.write, ebx, [buf], ecx
jmp @b
mov eax, [_delta]
neg eax
invoke file.seek, ebx, eax, SEEK_CUR
invoke file.seteof, ebx
stdcall libini._.reload_block, [_f]
invoke mem.free, [buf]
pop ecx ebx
or eax, -1
pop ecx ebx
neg [_delta]
mov ebx, [_f]
mov ecx, [ebx + IniFile.cnt]
mov ebx, [ebx + IniFile.fh]
invoke file.tell, ebx
sub eax, ecx
lea edx, [eax - 1]
push edx
@@: invoke file.seek, ebx, edx, SEEK_SET
invoke file.eof?, ebx
or eax, eax
jnz @f
add edx, ini.BLOCK_SIZE
jmp @b
@@: cmp edx, [esp]
je .skip.2
add edx, -ini.BLOCK_SIZE
cmp edx, [esp]
jl @f
invoke file.seek, ebx, edx, SEEK_SET
invoke file.read, ebx, [buf], ini.BLOCK_SIZE
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, [_delta]
sub eax, ecx
invoke file.seek, ebx, eax, SEEK_CUR
invoke file.write, ebx, [buf], ecx
jmp @b
add esp, 4
stdcall libini._.reload_block, [_f]
invoke mem.free, [buf]
pop ecx ebx
proc libini._.get_value_length _f ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
push ebx ecx edx eax
mov ebx, [_f]
invoke file.tell, [ebx + IniFile.fh]
push esi [ebx + IniFile.cnt] [ebx + IniFile.pos]
sub eax, [ebx + IniFile.cnt]
mov edx, eax
stdcall libini._.skip_line, [_f]
invoke file.tell, [ebx + IniFile.fh]
sub eax, [ebx + IniFile.cnt]
sub eax, edx
mov [esp + 4 * 3], eax
pop eax
invoke file.seek, [ebx + IniFile.fh], eax, SEEK_SET
stdcall libini._.preload_block, [_f]
pop [ebx + IniFile.cnt] esi
pop eax edx ecx ebx
proc libini._.string_copy ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
@@: lodsb
or al, al
jz @f
jmp @b
@@: ret
proc libini._.find_next_section _f ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
push ebx edi
@@: stdcall libini._.skip_nonblanks, [_f]
cmp al, '['
je @f
or al, al
jz .exit_error
stdcall libini._.skip_line, [_f]
or al, al
jz .exit_error
jmp @b
pop edi ebx
xor eax, eax
pop edi ebx
or eax, -1
proc libini._.find_section _f, _sec_name ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? Find section in file ;;
;? Search is performed from the beginning of file ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< eax = -1 (fail) / 0 (ok) ;;
;< [_f.pos] = new cursor position (right after ']' char if eax = 0, at the end of file otherwise) ;;
push ebx edi
mov ecx, [_f]
invoke file.seek, [ecx + IniFile.fh], 0, SEEK_SET
stdcall libini._.preload_block, [_f]
stdcall libini._.find_next_section, [_f]
or eax, eax
jnz .exit_error
stdcall libini._.get_char, [_f]
stdcall libini._.skip_spaces, [_f]
mov edi, [_sec_name]
@@: stdcall libini._.get_char, [_f]
cmp al, ']'
je @f
or al, al
jz .exit_error
cmp al, 13
je .next_section
cmp al, 10
je .next_section
je @b
cmp byte[edi - 1], 0
jne .next_section
dec edi
stdcall libini._.unget_char, [_f]
stdcall libini._.skip_spaces, [_f]
stdcall libini._.get_char, [_f]
cmp al, ']'
jne .next_section
cmp byte[edi], 0
jne .next_section
pop edi ebx
xor eax, eax
pop edi ebx
or eax, -1
proc libini._.find_key _f, _key_name ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? Find key in section ;;
;? Search is performed within current section starting from cursor position ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< eax = -1 (fail) / 0 (ok) ;;
;< [_f.pos] = new cursor position (right after '=' char if eax = 0, at the end of file or right ;;
;< before '[' char otherwise) ;;
push ebx edi
mov edi, [_key_name]
stdcall libini._.skip_line, [_f]
stdcall libini._.skip_nonblanks, [_f]
or al, al
jz .exit_error
cmp al, '['
je .exit_error
@@: stdcall libini._.get_char, [_f]
or al, al
jz .exit_error
cmp al, '='
je @f
je @b
cmp byte[edi - 1], 0
jne .next_value
dec edi
stdcall libini._.unget_char, [_f]
stdcall libini._.skip_spaces, [_f]
stdcall libini._.get_char, [_f]
cmp al, '='
je @f
jmp .next_value
cmp byte[edi], 0
jne .next_value
pop edi ebx
xor eax, eax
pop edi ebx
or eax, -1
proc libini._.low.read_value _f_addr, _buffer, _buf_len ;/////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
push edi eax
mov edi, [_buffer]
stdcall libini._.skip_spaces, [_f_addr]
@@: dec [_buf_len]
jz @f
stdcall libini._.get_char, [_f_addr]
cmp al, 13
je @f
cmp al, 10
je @f
or al, al
jnz @b
@@: stdcall libini._.unget_char, [_f_addr]
mov byte[edi], 0
dec edi
@@: cmp edi, [_buffer]
jb @f
cmp byte[edi], 32
ja @f
mov byte[edi], 0
dec edi
jmp @b
@@: pop eax edi
proc libini._.str_to_int ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> esi = string buffer address ;;
;< eax = binary number representation (no overflow checks made) ;;
push edx
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
@@: lodsb
cmp al, '0'
jb @f
cmp al, '9'
ja @f
add eax, -'0'
imul edx, 10
add edx, eax
jmp @b
@@: dec esi
mov eax, edx
pop edx
proc libini._.int_to_str ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;> eax = number to convert ;;
;> ecx = base ;;
;> edi = string buffer address ;;
;< --- TBD --- ;;
push ecx edx
or eax, eax
jns @f
mov byte[edi], '-'
inc edi
@@: call .recurse
pop edx ecx
cmp eax,ecx
jb @f
xor edx,edx
div ecx
push edx
call .recurse
pop eax
@@: cmp al,10
sbb al,0x69