forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
Kernel: updated to Kolibri distr
Programs from K0600 distr: CDP, KEYASCII git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,567 +55,7 @@ safe_sti:
jne @f
; eax - pointer to filename
; ebx - parameters to pass
; edx - flags
; eax - pid of new process
; or 0 if call fails.
mov [appl_path],edi
mov esi,new_process_loading
call sys_msg_board_str ;write to debug board
;wait application_table_status mutex
cmp [application_table_status],0
jz .stf
call change_task
jmp .table_status
call set_application_table_status
;we can change system tables now
push edi
push ebx
push eax
call find_new_process_place ;find empty process slot
test eax,eax
mov ecx, -0x20 ; too many processes
jz .failed
mov edi,eax
shl edi,8
add edi,0x80000
mov ecx,256/4
xor eax,eax
rep stosd ;clean extended information about process
;set new process name
mov [appl_path_size],eax
pop eax
push eax
cmp byte [eax],0
jz .find_last_byte_end
inc eax
inc [appl_path_size]
jmp .find_last_byte
add [appl_path_size],24
sub eax,11 ;last 11 bytes = application name
; mov eax,[esp] ;eax - pointer to file name
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
shl ebx,8
add ebx,0x80000 + APPDATA.app_name
mov ecx,11
call memmove
;read header of file
mov eax,[esp]
mov ebx,1 ;index of first block
mov ecx,2 ;number of blocks
mov edx,0x90000 ;temp area
mov esi,12 ;file name length
mov edi,[esp+8]
; cli
call floppy_fileread ;read file from FD
; sti
mov ecx, eax
neg ecx
jnz .cleanfailed
;check MENUET signature
mov ecx, -0x1F ; not Menuet/Kolibri executable
cmp [0x90000],dword 'MENU'
jnz .cleanfailed
cmp [0x90004],word 'ET'
jnz .cleanfailed
call get_app_params ;parse header fields
jc .cleanfailed
mov eax,[new_process_place]
inc ecx ; -0x1E = no memory
call create_app_cr3_table ;create page directory for new process
test eax,eax
jz .cleanfailed_mem
call MEM_Get_Linear_Address ;calculate linear address of it
mov ebx,std_application_base_address
mov ecx,[app_mem]
add ecx,4095
shr ecx,12
mov edx,eax
call mem_alloc_specified_region ;allocate memory for application
test eax,eax
mov ecx, -0x1E
jz .cleanfailed_mem1
mov eax,[edx+(std_application_base_address shr 20)]
and eax,not (4096-1) ;eax - physical address of first (for application memory) page table
call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
mov edx,eax
;read file
mov ebx,1
mov esi,12 ;length of file name
;edx = linear address of current page table entry
;ebx = index of current block in file
push edx
mov eax,[edx]
and eax,not (4096-1)
call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
mov edx,eax ;read file block to current page
mov eax,[esp+4] ;restore pointer to file name
mov ecx,8 ;number of blocks read
mov ebp,edx ;save buffer address for .endofimage
push ebx
mov edi,[esp+16]
; cli
call floppy_fileread
;ebx=file size
; sti
pop ecx
add ecx,8
test eax,eax
jnz .endloop1 ;check io errors
mov eax,[app_i_end]
add eax,511
shr eax,9
cmp ecx,eax
jg .endofimage ;we have loaded whole program
add ebx,511
shr ebx,9
cmp ecx,ebx
jg .endloop1 ;if end of file?
mov ebx,ecx
pop edx
add edx,4
jmp .loop1
.endofimage: ;set to zero memory at end of page
mov ecx,[app_i_end]
and ecx,4096-1
jz .endloop1
lea edi,[ebp+ecx]
neg ecx
add ecx,4096
xor eax,eax
rep stosb
add esp,8+4 ;pop linear address of page table entry and pointer to file name
call new_start_application_fl.add_app_parameters
mov [esp+28],eax
;there is mem for directory entry, but there is no mem for pages
;so free directory entry
mov eax,[new_process_place]
shl eax,8
mov eax,[0x80000+eax+APPDATA.dir_table]
call MEM_Free_Page
;there is no mem for directory entry, display message.
mov esi,start_not_enough_memory
call sys_msg_board_str
.cleanfailed: ;clean process name
push ecx ; save error code
;can't read file, clean process name.
;this avoid problems with panel application.
mov edi,[new_process_place]
shl edi,8
add edi,0x80000 + APPDATA.app_name
mov ecx,11
mov eax,' '
rep stosb
pop eax
;no more slots
add esp,8+4
mov [application_table_status],0
mov [esp+1Ch], eax
; eax - pointer to filename
; ebx - parameters to pass
; edx - flags
; eax - pid of new process
; or 0 if call fails.
mov [appl_path],edi
mov [appl_path_size],36
mov esi,new_process_loading
call sys_msg_board_str ;write to debug board
;wait application_table_status mutex
cmp [application_table_status],0
jz .stf
call change_task
jmp .table_status
call set_application_table_status
;we can change system tables now
push ebx
push eax
call find_new_process_place ;find empty process slot
call safe_sti
test eax,eax
mov ecx, -0x20 ; too many processes
jz .failed
mov edi,eax
shl edi,8
add edi,0x80000
mov ecx,256/4
xor eax,eax
rep stosd ;clean extended information about process
;set new process name
mov eax,[esp] ;eax - pointer to file name
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
shl ebx,8
add ebx,0x80000 + APPDATA.app_name
mov ecx,11
call memmove
;read header of file
mov ebx,1 ;index of first block
mov ecx,2 ;number of blocks
mov edx,0x90000 ;temp area
mov esi,12 ;file name length
call fileread ;read file from RD
call safe_sti
mov ecx, eax
neg ecx
jnz .cleanfailed
;check MENUET signature
mov ecx, -0x1F ; not Menuet/Kolibri executable
cmp [0x90000],dword 'MENU'
jnz .cleanfailed
cmp [0x90004],word 'ET'
jnz .cleanfailed
call get_app_params ;parse header fields
jc .cleanfailed
mov eax,[new_process_place]
inc ecx ; -0x1E = no memory
call create_app_cr3_table ;create page directory for new process
test eax,eax
jz .cleanfailed_mem
call MEM_Get_Linear_Address ;calculate linear address of it
mov ebx,std_application_base_address
mov ecx,[app_mem]
add ecx,4095
shr ecx,12
mov edx,eax
call mem_alloc_specified_region ;allocate memory for application
test eax,eax
mov ecx, -0x1E
jz .cleanfailed_mem1
mov eax,[edx+(std_application_base_address shr 20)]
and eax,not (4096-1) ;eax - physical address of first (for application memory) page table
call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
mov edx,eax
;read file
mov ebx,1
mov esi,12 ;length of file name
;edx = linear address of current page table entry
;ebx = index of current block in file
push edx
mov eax,[edx]
and eax,not (4096-1)
call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
mov edx,eax ;read file block to current page
mov eax,[esp+4] ;restore pointer to file name
mov ecx,8 ;number of blocks read
mov ebp,edx ;save buffer address for .endofimage
push ebx
call fileread
;ebx=file size
call safe_sti
pop ecx
add ecx,8
test eax,eax
jnz .endloop1 ;check io errors
mov eax,[app_i_end]
add eax,511
shr eax,9
cmp ecx,eax
jg .endofimage ;we have loaded whole program
add ebx,511
shr ebx,9
cmp ecx,ebx
jg .endloop1 ;if end of file?
mov ebx,ecx
pop edx
add edx,4
jmp .loop1
.endofimage: ;set to zero memory at end of page
mov ecx,[app_i_end]
and ecx,4096-1
jz .endloop1
lea edi,[ebp+ecx]
neg ecx
add ecx,4096
xor eax,eax
rep stosb
add esp,8 ;pop linear address of page table entry and pointer to file name
call .add_app_parameters
mov [esp+28],eax
;there is mem for directory entry, but there is no mem for pages
;so free directory entry
mov eax,[new_process_place]
shl eax,8
mov eax,[0x80000+eax+APPDATA.dir_table]
call MEM_Free_Page
;there is no mem for directory entry, display message.
mov esi,start_not_enough_memory
call sys_msg_board_str
.cleanfailed: ;clean process name
push ecx ; save error code
;can't read file, clean process name.
;this avoid problems with panel application.
mov edi,[new_process_place]
shl edi,8
add edi,0x80000+APPDATA.app_name
mov ecx,11
mov eax,' '
rep stosb
pop eax
;no more slots
add esp,8
mov [application_table_status],0
mov [esp+1Ch], eax
call safe_sti
; [esp] - pointer to parameters
; [esp+4]-[esp+36] pushad registers.
; eax - pid of new process
; or zero if failed
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
cmp ebx,[0x3004]
jle .noinc
inc dword [0x3004] ;update number of processes
; mov ebx,[new_process_place]
;set 0x8c field of extended information about process
;(size of application memory)
shl ebx,8
mov eax,[app_mem]
mov [second_base_address+0x80000+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx],eax
;set 0x10 field of information about process
;(application base address)
; mov ebx,[new_process_place]
; shl ebx,5
shr ebx,3
mov dword [second_base_address+0x3000+ebx+TASKDATA.mem_start],std_application_base_address
;add command line parameters
mov edx,[app_i_param]
test edx,edx
jz .no_command_line ;application don't need parameters
mov eax,[esp+4]
test eax,eax
jz .no_command_line ;no parameters specified
;calculate parameter length
mov esi,eax
xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx ; include terminating null
cmp byte [esi],0
jz .command_line_len_end
inc esi
inc ecx
cmp ecx,256
jl .command_line_len
;ecx - parameter length
;edx - address of parameters in new process address space
mov ebx,eax ;ebx - address of parameters in our address space
mov eax,[new_process_place]
call write_process_memory ;copy parameters to new process address space
mov edx,[app_i_icon]
test edx,edx
jz .no_command_line_1 ;application don't need path of file
mov ebx,[appl_path]
mov ecx,[appl_path_size]
mov eax,[new_process_place]
call write_process_memory ;copy path of file to new process address space
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
mov eax,ebx
shl ebx,5
add ebx,0x3000 ;ebx - pointer to information about process
mov [ebx+TASKDATA.wnd_number],al ;set window number on screen = process slot
mov [ebx+TASKDATA.event_mask],dword 1+2+4 ;set default event flags (see 40 function)
inc dword [process_number]
mov eax,[process_number]
mov [],eax ;set PID
mov ecx,ebx
add ecx,draw_data-0x3000 ;ecx - pointer to draw data
;set draw data to full screen
mov [ecx+RECT.left],dword 0
mov [],dword 0
mov eax,[0xfe00]
mov [ecx+RECT.right],eax
mov eax,[0xfe04]
mov [ecx+RECT.bottom],eax
;set window state to 'normal' (non-minimized/maximized/rolled-up) state
mov [ecx+WDATA.fl_wstate],WSTATE_NORMAL
;set cr3 register in TSS of application
mov ecx,[new_process_place]
shl ecx,8
mov eax,[0x80000+APPDATA.dir_table+ecx]
add eax,8+16 ;add flags
mov [l.cr3],eax
mov eax,[app_start]
mov [l.eip],eax ;set eip in TSS
mov eax,[app_esp]
mov [l.esp],eax ;set stack in TSS
;mov ebx,[new_process_place]
;shl ebx,3
mov ax,app_code ;ax - selector of code segment
;add ax,bx
mov [l.cs],ax
mov ax,app_data
;add ax,bx ;ax - selector of data segment
mov [],ax
mov [l.ds],ax
mov [],ax
mov [l.fs],ax
mov ax,graph_data ;ax - selector of graphic segment
mov [],ax
mov [],word 128
mov [l.eflags],dword 0x11202
mov [l.ss0],os_data
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
shl ebx,12
add ebx,sysint_stack_data+4096
mov [l.esp0],ebx
;copy tss to it place
mov eax,tss_sceleton
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
imul ebx,tss_step
add ebx,tss_data ;ebx - address of application TSS
mov ecx,120
call memmove
;Add IO access table - bit array of permitted ports
or eax,-1
mov edi,[new_process_place]
imul edi,tss_step
add edi,tss_data+128
mov ecx,2048
rep stosd ;full access to 2048*8=16384 ports
mov ecx,ebx ;ecx - address of application TSS
mov edi,[new_process_place]
shl edi,3
;set TSS descriptor
mov [edi+gdts+tss0+0],word tss_step ;limit (size)
mov [edi+gdts+tss0+2],cx ;part of offset
mov eax,ecx
shr eax,16
mov [edi+gdts+tss0+4],al ;part of offset
mov [edi+gdts+tss0+7],ah ;part of offset
mov [edi+gdts+tss0+5],word 01010000b*256+11101001b ;system flags
;flush keyboard and buttons queue
mov [0xf400],byte 0
mov [0xf500],byte 0
mov edi,[new_process_place]
shl edi,5
add edi,window_data
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
movzx esi,word [0xC000+ebx*2]
lea esi,[0xC400+esi*2]
call windowactivate ;gui initialization
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
shl ebx,5
; set if debuggee
test byte [esp+28], 1
jz .no_debug
mov [0x3000+ebx+TASKDATA.state], 1 ; set process state - suspended
mov eax, [0x3000]
mov [0x80000+ebx*8+APPDATA.debugger_slot], eax ;set debugger PID - current
jmp .debug
mov [0x3000+ebx+TASKDATA.state], 0 ; set process state - running
mov esi,new_process_running
call sys_msg_board_str ;output information about succefull startup
; add esp,4 ;pop pointer to parameters
; popad
mov eax,[process_number] ;set result
mov [application_table_status],0 ;unlock application_table_status mutex
call safe_sti
ret 4
;eax=1 - create thread
@ -676,7 +116,7 @@ new_sys_threads:
; call addreference_app_cr3_table
push 0 ;no parameters
call new_start_application_fl.add_app_parameters ;start thread
call fs_execute.add_app_parameters ;start thread
mov [esp+28],eax
@ -1222,209 +662,6 @@ trans_address:
add eax,std_application_base_address
;eax - file name (kernel address)
;ebx - file name length
;ecx - work area (kernel address)
;edx - flags
;ebp - parameters
mov [appl_path],edi
mov esi,new_process_loading
call sys_msg_board_str ;write message to message board
;lock application_table_status mutex
cmp [application_table_status],0
jz .stf
call change_task
jmp .table_status
call set_application_table_status
push ebp
push ebx
push eax
push ecx
call find_new_process_place ;find new process slot
test eax,eax
mov ecx, -0x20 ; too many processes
jz .failed
;write application name
xor eax,eax
mov [appl_path_size],eax
mov eax,[esp+4]
cmp byte [eax],0
jz .find_last_byte_end
inc eax
inc [appl_path_size]
jmp .find_last_byte
add [appl_path_size],24
lea esi,[eax-11] ;last 11 bytes = application name
mov edi,[new_process_place]
shl edi,8
add edi,0x80000+APPDATA.app_name
mov ecx,11
rep movsb ;copy name to extended information about process
;read header
mov eax,[esp+4] ;file name
mov esi,[esp] ;work area
mov ecx,1 ;read from first block
mov edx,1 ;read 1 block
call read_hd_file
mov ecx, eax
neg ecx
jnz .cleanfailed
pop esi
push esi
;check menuet signature
mov ecx, -0x1F ; not Menuet/Kolibri executable
cmp [esi+1024+0],dword 'MENU' ;read_hd_file function write file to +1024 offset
jnz .cleanfailed
cmp [esi+1024+4],word 'ET'
jnz .cleanfailed
add esi,1024
mov edi,0x90000
mov ecx,512/4
rep movsd ;copy first block to 0x90000 address for get_app_params function
call get_app_params
mov ecx, -0x1F ; not Menuet/Kolibri executable
jc .cleanfailed
mov eax,[new_process_place]
inc ecx ; -0x1E = no memory
call create_app_cr3_table ;create page directory
test eax,eax
jz .cleanfailed_mem
call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
mov ebx,std_application_base_address
mov ecx,[app_mem]
add ecx,4096-1
shr ecx,12
mov edx,eax ;edx - linear address of page directory
call mem_alloc_specified_region ;allocate memory for application
mov ecx, -0x1E ; no memory
test eax,eax
jz .cleanfailed_mem1
add edx,(std_application_base_address shr 20)
mov eax,[edx]
and eax,not (4096-1)
call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
push edx ;save pointer to first page table
mov edx,eax
;read file
mov ecx,1
xor ebp,ebp
;[esp] - pointer to current page directory entry
;edx - pointer to current page table
;ebp - offset in page
;ecx - current cluster
push edx
mov eax,[esp+12] ;file name
mov ebx,[esp+16] ;file name length
mov esi,[esp+8] ;work area
mov edx,1 ;number of blocks to read
push ecx
push ebp
call read_hd_file
pop ebp
test eax,eax
jnz .endloop1 ;check io errors
mov esi,[esp+8+4] ;work area
add esi,1024
mov eax,[esp+4] ;current page table
mov eax,[eax]
and eax,not (4096-1)
call MEM_Get_Linear_Address;calculate linear page address
lea edi,[eax+ebp] ;add page offset
mov ecx,512/4
rep movsd ;copy data
pop ecx
inc ecx ;next block
mov eax,[app_i_end] ;todo: precalculate ([app_i_end]+4095)/4096
add eax,512-1
shr eax,9 ;calculate application image size
cmp ecx,eax
jg .endloop11
pop edx
add ebp,512 ;new offset
test ebp,4096
jz .loop1
xor ebp,ebp
add edx,4 ;go to next page
test edx,(4096-1)
jnz .loop1
add dword [esp],4 ;go to next directory entry
mov eax,[esp]
mov eax,[eax]
and eax,not (4096-1)
call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
mov edx,eax
jmp .loop1
add esp,4 ;pop ecx
add esp,4+4 ;pop edx, pop edx
add esp,12 ;now pointer to parameters is on the top of the stack
call new_start_application_fl.add_app_parameters ;start process
mov [esp+28],eax
;there is mem for directory entry, but there is no mem for pages
;so free directory entry
mov eax,[new_process_place]
shl eax,8
mov eax,[0x80000+eax+APPDATA.dir_table]
call MEM_Free_Page
;there is no mem for directory entry, display message.
mov esi,start_not_enough_memory
call sys_msg_board_str
.cleanfailed: ;clean process name
push ecx
;can't read file, clean process name.
;this avoid problems with panel application.
mov edi,[new_process_place]
shl edi,8
add edi,0x80000+APPDATA.app_name
mov ecx,11
mov eax,' '
rep stosb
pop eax
;no more slots
add esp,16
mov [esp+1Ch], eax
mov [application_table_status],0
end if
; \begin{diamond}
include ''
@ -1608,7 +845,7 @@ fs_execute:
pop edx
cmp eax, 6
jnz .cleanfailed_mem2
call new_start_application_fl.add_app_parameters
call .add_app_parameters
mov [esp+28], eax
@ -1649,3 +886,191 @@ fs_execute:
call safe_sti
; \end{diamond}
; [esp] - pointer to parameters
; [esp+4]-[esp+36] pushad registers.
; eax - pid of new process
; or zero if failed
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
cmp ebx,[0x3004]
jle .noinc
inc dword [0x3004] ;update number of processes
; mov ebx,[new_process_place]
;set 0x8c field of extended information about process
;(size of application memory)
shl ebx,8
mov eax,[app_mem]
mov [second_base_address+0x80000+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx],eax
;set 0x10 field of information about process
;(application base address)
; mov ebx,[new_process_place]
; shl ebx,5
shr ebx,3
mov dword [second_base_address+0x3000+ebx+TASKDATA.mem_start],std_application_base_address
;add command line parameters
mov edx,[app_i_param]
test edx,edx
jz .no_command_line ;application don't need parameters
mov eax,[esp+4]
test eax,eax
jz .no_command_line ;no parameters specified
;calculate parameter length
mov esi,eax
xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx ; include terminating null
cmp byte [esi],0
jz .command_line_len_end
inc esi
inc ecx
cmp ecx,256
jl .command_line_len
;ecx - parameter length
;edx - address of parameters in new process address space
mov ebx,eax ;ebx - address of parameters in our address space
mov eax,[new_process_place]
call write_process_memory ;copy parameters to new process address space
mov edx,[app_i_icon]
test edx,edx
jz .no_command_line_1 ;application don't need path of file
mov ebx,[appl_path]
mov ecx,[appl_path_size]
mov eax,[new_process_place]
call write_process_memory ;copy path of file to new process address space
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
mov eax,ebx
shl ebx,5
mov [ebx+window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate],WSTATE_NORMAL
mov [ebx+window_data+WDATA.fl_redraw],1
add ebx,0x3000 ;ebx - pointer to information about process
mov [ebx+TASKDATA.wnd_number],al ;set window number on screen = process slot
mov [ebx+TASKDATA.event_mask],dword 1+2+4 ;set default event flags (see 40 function)
inc dword [process_number]
mov eax,[process_number]
mov [],eax ;set PID
mov ecx,ebx
add ecx,draw_data-0x3000 ;ecx - pointer to draw data
;set draw data to full screen
mov [ecx+RECT.left],dword 0
mov [],dword 0
mov eax,[0xfe00]
mov [ecx+RECT.right],eax
mov eax,[0xfe04]
mov [ecx+RECT.bottom],eax
;set cr3 register in TSS of application
mov ecx,[new_process_place]
shl ecx,8
mov eax,[0x80000+APPDATA.dir_table+ecx]
add eax,8+16 ;add flags
mov [l.cr3],eax
mov eax,[app_start]
mov [l.eip],eax ;set eip in TSS
mov eax,[app_esp]
mov [l.esp],eax ;set stack in TSS
;mov ebx,[new_process_place]
;shl ebx,3
mov ax,app_code ;ax - selector of code segment
;add ax,bx
mov [l.cs],ax
mov ax,app_data
;add ax,bx ;ax - selector of data segment
mov [],ax
mov [l.ds],ax
mov [],ax
mov [l.fs],ax
mov ax,graph_data ;ax - selector of graphic segment
mov [],ax
mov [],word 128
mov [l.eflags],dword 0x11202
mov [l.ss0],os_data
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
shl ebx,12
add ebx,sysint_stack_data+4096
mov [l.esp0],ebx
;copy tss to it place
mov eax,tss_sceleton
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
imul ebx,tss_step
add ebx,tss_data ;ebx - address of application TSS
mov ecx,120
call memmove
;Add IO access table - bit array of permitted ports
or eax,-1
mov edi,[new_process_place]
imul edi,tss_step
add edi,tss_data+128
mov ecx,2048
rep stosd ;full access to 2048*8=16384 ports
mov ecx,ebx ;ecx - address of application TSS
mov edi,[new_process_place]
shl edi,3
;set TSS descriptor
mov [edi+gdts+tss0+0],word tss_step ;limit (size)
mov [edi+gdts+tss0+2],cx ;part of offset
mov eax,ecx
shr eax,16
mov [edi+gdts+tss0+4],al ;part of offset
mov [edi+gdts+tss0+7],ah ;part of offset
mov [edi+gdts+tss0+5],word 01010000b*256+11101001b ;system flags
;flush keyboard and buttons queue
mov [0xf400],byte 0
mov [0xf500],byte 0
mov edi,[new_process_place]
shl edi,5
add edi,window_data
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
movzx esi,word [0xC000+ebx*2]
lea esi,[0xC400+esi*2]
call windowactivate ;gui initialization
mov ebx,[new_process_place]
shl ebx,5
; set if debuggee
test byte [esp+28], 1
jz .no_debug
mov [0x3000+ebx+TASKDATA.state], 1 ; set process state - suspended
mov eax, [0x3000]
mov [0x80000+ebx*8+APPDATA.debugger_slot], eax ;set debugger PID - current
jmp .debug
mov [0x3000+ebx+TASKDATA.state], 0 ; set process state - running
mov esi,new_process_running
call sys_msg_board_str ;output information about succefull startup
; add esp,4 ;pop pointer to parameters
; popad
mov eax,[process_number] ;set result
mov [application_table_status],0 ;unlock application_table_status mutex
call safe_sti
ret 4
end if
@ -665,19 +665,6 @@ get_app_params:
jmp new_start_application_fl
jmp new_start_application_floppy
jmp new_start_application_hd
new_process_place dd 0x0
app_start dd 0x0
@ -691,13 +678,6 @@ uglobal
appl_path_size dd 0x0
;hd_app_string db 'HDAPP '
;process_loading db 'K : Process - loading ',13,10,0
;process_running db 'K : Process - done',13,10,0
;first_gdt_search dd 0x2
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ iglobal
dd sys_cachetodiskette ; 16-FlushFloppyCache
dd sys_getbutton ; 17-GetButton
dd sys_system ; 18-System Services
dd syscall_startapp ; 19-StartApp
dd undefined_syscall ; 19-reserved
dd sys_midi ; 20-ResetMidi and OutputMidi
dd sys_setup ; 21-SetMidiBase,SetKeymap,SetShiftKeymap,.
dd sys_settime ; 22-setting date,time,clock and alarm-clock
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
‘ˆ‘’…Œ<EFBFBD>›… ”“<E2809D>Š–ˆˆ Ž<>…<EFBFBD>€–ˆŽ<CB86><C5BD>Ž‰ ‘ˆ‘’…Œ› Kolibri
‘ˆ‘’…Œ<EFBFBD>›… ”“<E2809D>Š–ˆˆ Ž<>…<EFBFBD>€–ˆŽ<CB86><C5BD>Ž‰ ‘ˆ‘’…Œ› Kolibri
<EFBFBD>®¬¥à äãªæ¨¨ ¯®¬¥é ¥âáï ¢ ॣ¨áâà eax.
‚맮¢ á¨á⥬®© äãªæ¨¨ ®áãé¥á⢫ï¥âáï ª®¬ ¤®© "int 0x40".
@ -878,8 +878,8 @@
db a,b,c,d ¤«ï ¢¥àᨨ a.b.c.d
db UID_xxx: ®¤® ¨§ UID_NONE=0, UID_MENUET=1, UID_KOLIBRI=2
db 'name',0 - ASCIIZ-áâப á ¨¬¥¥¬
„«ï ï¤à Kolibri
db 0,5,8,1
„«ï ï¤à Kolibri
db 0,6,0,0
db 2
db 'Kolibri',0
@ -1005,23 +1005,6 @@ db 'Kolibri',0
¨ ¯à®¢¥à¨âì, çâ® ãáâ ¢«¨¢ ¥¬®¥ ¯®«®¦¥¨¥ ¥ ¢ë室¨â § ¯à¥¤¥«ë
íªà .
============ ”ãªæ¨ï 19 - § ¯ãáâ¨âì ¯à®£à ¬¬ã á à ¬¤¨áª . ============
<EFBFBD> à ¬¥âàë:
* eax = 19 - ®¬¥à äãªæ¨¨
* ebx = 㪠§ â¥«ì ¨¬ï ¯à®£à ¬¬ë ¢ ä®à¬ â¥, «®£¨ç®¬ äãªæ¨¨ 6
* ecx = 0 ¨«¨ ecx = 㪠§ â¥«ì ¯ à ¬¥âàë ª®¬ ¤®© áâப¨
‚®§¢à é ¥¬®¥ § 票¥:
* …᫨ eax > 0, â® eax ᮤ¥à¦¨â PID ᮧ¤ ®£® ¯à®æ¥áá
* …᫨ eax < 0, â® -eax - ª®¤ ®è¨¡ª¨ ä ©«®¢®© á¨á⥬ë
‡ ¬¥ç ¨ï:
* <20>â äãªæ¨ï ãáâ ५ ; ¨á¯®«ì§ã©â¥ ¯®¤äãªæ¨î 7 äãªæ¨¨ 70.
* Š®¬ ¤ ï áâப ¤®«¦ § ª 稢 âìáï ᨬ¢®«®¬ á ª®¤®¬ 0
(ASCIIZ-áâப ); ãç¨âë¢ îâáï «¨¡® ¢á¥ ᨬ¢®«ë ¤® § ¢¥àè î饣® ã«ï
¢ª«îç¨â¥«ì®, «¨¡® ¯¥à¢ë¥ 256 ᨬ¢®«®¢, ¢ § ¢¨á¨¬®á⨠®â ⮣®,
çâ® ¬¥ìè¥.
==================== ”ãªæ¨ï 20 - ¨â¥à䥩á MIDI. ====================
@ -2927,7 +2910,6 @@ dword-
* ¯®¤äãªæ¨ï 5 - ¯¥à¥¨¬¥®¢ ¨¥/¯¥à¥¬¥é¥¨¥ ä ©« /¯ ¯ª¨
* ¯®¤äãªæ¨ï 8 - LBA-ç⥨¥ á ãáâனáâ¢
* ¯®¤äãªæ¨ï 15 - ¯®«ã票¥ ¨ä®à¬ 樨 ® ä ©«®¢®© á¨á⥬¥
* ¯®¤äãªæ¨ï 16 - § ¯ã᪠¯à¨«®¦¥¨ï
========== ”ãªæ¨ï 58, ¯®¤äãªæ¨ï 0 - ¯à®ç¨â âì ä ©«/¯ ¯ªã. ==========
@ -3186,37 +3168,6 @@ dword-
¯®¤á¨áâ¥¬ë ¬®¦® ®¯à¥¤¥«¨âì à §¬¥à ª« áâ¥à (â ¬ ® åà ¨âáï
¢ ᥪâ®à å) ¨ ®¡é¥¥ ç¨á«® ª« áâ¥à®¢ ¤«ï ¦ñáâª¨å ¤¨áª®¢.
========== ”ãªæ¨ï 58, ¯®¤äãªæ¨ï 16 - § ¯ãáâ¨âì ¯à®£à ¬¬ã. ==========
<EFBFBD> à ¬¥âàë:
* eax = 58 - ®¬¥à äãªæ¨¨
* ebx = 㪠§ â¥«ì ¨ä®à¬ 樮ãî áâàãªâãàã
”®à¬ â ¨ä®à¬ 樮®© áâàãªâãàë:
* +0: dword: 16 = ®¬¥à ¯®¤äãªæ¨¨
* +4: dword: ¯®«¥ ä« £®¢:
* ¡¨â 0: § ¯ãáâ¨âì ¯à®æ¥áá ª ª ®â« ¦¨¢ ¥¬ë©
* ®áâ «ìë¥ ¡¨âë § १¥à¢¨à®¢ ë ¨ ¤®«¦ë ¡ëâì ãáâ ®¢«¥ë ¢ 0
* +8: dword: 0 ¨«¨ 㪠§ ⥫ì ASCIIZ-áâபã á ¯ à ¬¥âà ¬¨
* +12 = +0xC: dword: ¨£®à¨àã¥âáï
* +16 = +0x10: dword: 㪠§ â¥«ì ¡ãä¥à ¤«ï à ¡®âë á¨á⥬ë
(4096 ¡ ©â)
* +20 = +0x14: ASCIIZ-¨¬ï ä ©« , ¯à ¢¨« ä®à¬¨à®¢ ¨ï ¨¬ñ 㪠§ ë ¢
®¡é¥¬ ®¯¨á ¨¨
‚®§¢à é ¥¬®¥ § 票¥:
* eax > 0 - ¯à®£à ¬¬ § £à㦥 , eax ᮤ¥à¦¨â PID
* eax < 0 - ¯à®¨§®è« ®è¨¡ª , -eax ᮤ¥à¦¨â
ª®¤ ®è¨¡ª¨ ä ©«®¢®© á¨á⥬ë
‡ ¬¥ç ¨ï:
* <20>â äãªæ¨ï ãáâ ५ , ¨á¯®«ì§ã©â¥ ¯®¤äãªæ¨î 7 äãªæ¨¨ 70.
* Š®¬ ¤ ï áâப ¤®«¦ § ª 稢 âìáï ᨬ¢®«®¬ á ª®¤®¬ 0
(ASCIIZ-áâப ); ãç¨âë¢ îâáï «¨¡® ¢á¥ ᨬ¢®«ë ¤® § ¢¥àè î饣® ã«ï
¢ª«îç¨â¥«ì®, «¨¡® ¯¥à¢ë¥ 256 ᨬ¢®«®¢, ¢ § ¢¨á¨¬®á⨠®â ⮣®,
çâ® ¬¥ìè¥.
* …᫨ ¯à®æ¥áá § ¯ã᪠¥âáï ª ª ®â« ¦¨¢ ¥¬ë©, ® ᮧ¤ ñâáï
¢ § ¬®à®¦¥®¬ á®áâ®ï¨¨; ¤«ï § ¯ã᪠¨á¯®«ì§ã©â¥
¯®¤äãªæ¨î 5 äãªæ¨¨ 69.
=== ”ãªæ¨ï 59 - ¯®«ãç¨âì ¨ä®à¬ æ¨î ® ¯®á«¥¤¨å á¨á⥬ëå ¢ë§®¢ å. ==
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Number of the function is located in the register eax.
The call of the system function is executed by "int 0x40" command.
@ -874,8 +874,8 @@ Structure of the buffer:
db a,b,c,d for version a.b.c.d
db UID_xxx: one of UID_NONE=0, UID_MENUET=1, UID_KOLIBRI=2
db 'name',0 - ASCIIZ-string with the name
For Kolibri kernel:
db 0,5,8,1
For Kolibri kernel:
db 0,6,0,0
db 2
db 'Kolibri',0
@ -1000,24 +1000,6 @@ Remarks:
and check that the value of position is inside the limits of the
============ Function 19 - start application from ramdisk. ===========
* eax = 19 - function number
* ebx = pointer to the application name in format similar
to function 6
* ecx = 0 or ecx = pointer to command line parameters
Returned value:
* If eax > 0, then eax contains PID of the created process
* If eax < 0, then -eax - file system error code
* This function is obsolete; use subfunction 7 of function 70.
* Command line must be terminated by the character with the code 0
(ASCIIZ-string); function takes into account either all characters
up to terminating zero inclusively or first 256 character
regarding what is less.
==================== Function 20 - MIDI interface. ===================
@ -2897,7 +2879,6 @@ Existing subfunctions:
* subfunction 5 - rename/move file/folder
* subfunction 8 - LBA-read from device
* subfunction 15 - get file system information
* subfunction 16 - start application
=========== Function 58, subfunction 0 - read file/folder. ===========
@ -3155,36 +3136,6 @@ Remarks:
it is stored in sectors) and total number of clusters
for hard disks.
========== Function 58, subfunction 16 - start application. ==========
* eax = 58 - function number
* ebx = pointer to the information structure
Format of the information structure:
* +0: dword: 16 = subfunction number
* +4: dword: flags:
* bit 0: start the process as debugged
* other bits are reserved and must be cleared
* +8: dword: 0 or pointer to ASCIIZ-string with parameters
* +12 = +0xC: dword: ignored
* +16 = +0x10: dword: pointer to buffer for system operations
(4096 bytes)
* +20 = +0x14: ASCIIZ-name of file, the rules of names forming are
given in the general description
Returned value:
* eax > 0 - the program is loaded, eax contains PID
* eax < 0 - an error has occured, -eax contains
file system error code
* This function is obsolete, use subfunction 7 of function 70.
* Command line must be terminated by character with code 0
(ASCIIZ-string); function takes into account either all characters
up to terminating null inclusively or the first 256 charachters
depending on what is less.
* If the process is started as debugged, it is created in
the suspended state; to run use subfunction 5 of function 69.
=============== Function 59 - trace last system calls. ===============
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ file_system:
; eax = 5 ; rename file/directory
; eax = 8 ; lba read
; eax = 15 ; get_disk_info
; eax = 16 ; start application
; OUT:
@ -89,8 +88,6 @@ file_system:
cmp dword [eax+0],15 ; GET_DISK_INFO
je fs_info
cmp dword [eax+0],16 ; RUN - dont care about read&write blocks
je fs_read
cmp dword [eax+0],5 ; RENAME - dont care about read&write blocks
je fs_read
cmp dword [eax+0],4 ; MAKEDIR - dont care about read&write blocks
@ -149,11 +146,7 @@ endg
; (execute operation returns eax=-10)
cmp dword [eax], 0
jz .read_root
mov ecx, 10
cmp dword [eax], 16
jnz @f
neg ecx
@@: mov [esp+36], ecx
mov dword [esp+36], 10
; \end{diamond}[18.03.2006]
@ -291,25 +284,6 @@ endg
cmp dword [esp+20],16 ; START APPLICATION
jne fs_noramdisk_start_application
mov eax,[esp+4] ; fname
add eax,2*12+1
xor ebx,ebx ; parameters to pass
cmp dword [esp+12],ebx;0
je no_fl_start_param
mov ebx, [esp+12]
add ebx, std_application_base_address
mov edx,[esp+16] ; flags
call start_application_fl
jmp file_system_startapp_return
fs_noramdisk_start_application: ;there's new code - Mihasik
cmp dword [esp+20],2 ;DELETE
jne fs_noramdisk_delete
mov eax,[esp+4] ; fname
@ -395,29 +369,6 @@ endg
jmp file_system_return
cmp dword [esp+20],16 ; START APPLICATION
jne fs_noflpdisk_start_application
mov eax,[esp+4] ; fname
add eax,2*12+1
xor ebx,ebx ; parameters to pass
cmp dword [esp+12],ebx;0
je no_flp_start_param
mov ebx,[0x3010]
mov ebx,[ebx+0x10]
add ebx,[esp+12]
mov edx,[esp+16] ; flags
call start_application_floppy
mov ebx, [esp+24+24] ; do not modify ebx in application
jmp file_system_return
@ -511,10 +462,7 @@ choice_necessity_partition_1:
mov eax,1
cmp dword [esp+20], 16
jnz @f
neg eax
@@: mov ebx, [esp+24+24]
mov ebx, [esp+24+24]
cmp [hdpos],0 ; is hd base set?
jz hd_err_return
cmp [fat32part],0 ; is partition set?
@ -657,41 +605,11 @@ hd_err_return:
cmp dword [esp+20],16 ; START APPLICATION
jne fs_noharddisk_start_application
mov eax,[esp+4] ; fname
add eax,12*2
mov ebx,[esp+0] ; length
sub ebx,eax
add ebx,12
mov ecx,[esp+4] ; work area
add ecx,512
xor ebp,ebp ; parameters to pass
cmp dword [esp+12],ebp;0
je no_hd_start_param
mov ebp, [esp+12]
add ebp, std_application_base_address
mov edx,[esp+16] ; flags
call start_application_hd
jmp file_system_startapp_return
; \begin{diamond}[18.03.2006]
mov eax, 5 ; file not found
; à ìîæåò áûòü, âîçâðàùàòü äðóãîé êîä îøèáêè?
cmp dword [esp+20], 16
jnz @f
neg eax
@@: mov ebx, [esp+24+24] ; do not change ebx in application
mov ebx, [esp+24+24] ; do not change ebx in application
; \end{diamond}[18.03.2006]
@ -713,11 +631,7 @@ hd_err_return:
jz .read
add esp, 20
pop ecx
mov eax, 10
cmp ecx, 16
jnz @f
neg eax
@@: mov [esp+36], eax
mov dword [esp+36], 10
; \end{diamond}[18.03.2006]
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ drawbar dd __sys_drawbar.forced
putpixel dd __sys_putpixel
; } mike.dld
version db 'Kolibri OS version ',13,10,13,10,0
version db 'Kolibri OS version ',13,10,13,10,0
;dd endofcode-0x10000
;db 'Boot02'
@ -2235,7 +2235,7 @@ endg
db 0,5,8,1 ; version
db 0,6,0,0 ; version
db 'Kolibri',0
@ -2988,8 +2988,6 @@ sys_set_window:
mov [edi+WDATA.cl_titlebar],edx
mov [edi+WDATA.cl_frames],esi
call set_window_clientbox
; check flag (?)
cmp [edi+WDATA.fl_wdrawn],1
jz newd
@ -3007,6 +3005,7 @@ sys_set_window:
mov word[],ax
mov word[],bx
call set_window_clientbox
call check_window_position
@ -4862,57 +4861,12 @@ syscall_getscreensize: ; GetScreenSize
align 4
syscall_startapp: ; StartApp
mov edi,[0x3010]
add edi, TASKDATA.mem_start
add eax,[edi]
test ebx,ebx
jz noapppar
add ebx,[edi]
; call start_application_fl
xor edx,edx ; compatibility - flags=0
call new_start_application_fl
mov [esp+36],eax
align 4
syscall_cdaudio: ; CD
call sys_cd_audio
mov [esp+36],eax
; <diamond> ReadHd and StartHdApp functions are obsolete. Use 58 or 70 functions instead.
;align 4
;syscall_readhd: ; ReadHd
; mov edi,[0x3010]
; add edi,0x10
; add esi,[edi]
; add eax,[edi]
; call read_hd_file
; mov [esp+36],eax
; mov [esp+24],ebx
; ret
;align 4
;syscall_starthdapp: ; StartHdApp
; mov edi,[0x3010]
; add edi,0x10
; add eax,[edi]
; add ecx,[edi]
; xor ebp,ebp
; xor edx,edx ; compatibility - flags=0
; call start_application_hd
; mov [esp+36],eax
; ret
align 4
syscall_delramdiskfile: ; DelRamdiskFile
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ draw_window:
mov edx,labelt ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labellen-labelt ; text length
int 0x40
not ecx
xor ecx,0xFFFFFF
mov esi,4
add ebx,23
mov edx,tdec
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
; ;
include ""
include ""
include ""
FALSE equ 0
TRUE equ 1
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ draw_window:
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,8*65536+8 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0xf000ffff ; color of text RRGGBB
mov ecx,0x1000ffff ; color of text RRGGBB
mov edx,labelt ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labellen-labelt ; text length
int 0x40
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ draw_window:
; text
mov eax,4
mov ebx,19*65536+142
mov ecx,0xf00f73f5;ffff0f
mov ecx,0x100f73f5;ffff0f
mov edx,but_mode_lab
mov esi,1
int 0x40
@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ draw_window:
jne flag3
mov eax,4
mov ebx, 20 shl 16 +67
mov ecx,0xf0ffff00
mov ecx,0x10ffff00
mov edx,define_cdrom
mov esi,define_cdrom_len-define_cdrom
int 0x40
@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ draw_window:
jne flag4
mov eax,4
mov ebx, 47 shl 16 +67
mov ecx,0xf0ffff00
mov ecx,0x10ffff00
mov edx,no_cda
mov esi,no_cda_len-no_cda
int 0x40
Reference in New Issue
Block a user