/**************************************************************************** * * Open Watcom Project * * Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * ======================================================================== * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original * Code as defined in and that are subject to the Sybase Open Watcom * Public License version 1.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. BY USING THIS FILE YOU AGREE TO * ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LICENSE. A copy of the License is * provided with the Original Code and Modifications, and is also * available at www.sybase.com/developer/opensource. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND SYBASE AND ALL CONTRIBUTORS HEREBY DISCLAIM * ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR * NON-INFRINGEMENT. Please see the License for the specific language * governing rights and limitations under the License. * * ======================================================================== * * Description: Functions to set up argc and argv parameters of main(), etc. * ****************************************************************************/ #define __NETWARE__ #ifdef __NETWARE__ void __Init_Argv( void ) { } void __Fini_Argv( void ) { } #else //#include "dll.h" // needs to be first #include "variety.h" #include "widechar.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <io.h> //#include "liballoc.h" #include "initarg.h" extern int __historical_splitparms; extern void _Not_Enough_Memory( void ); /* 25-jul-89 */ static unsigned _SplitParms(int, CHAR_TYPE *, CHAR_TYPE **, CHAR_TYPE ** ); _WCRTLINKD static CHAR_TYPE *__F_NAME(__CmdLine,__wCmdLine); /* cmdline buffer */ _WCRTLINK void *__F_NAME( _getargv, _wgetargv )( int historical, CHAR_TYPE *exe, CHAR_TYPE *cmd, int *pargc, CHAR_TYPE ***pargv ); void __F_NAME(__Init_Argv,__wInit_Argv)( void ) { __F_NAME( __CmdLine, __wCmdLine ) = __F_NAME( _getargv, _wgetargv )( __historical_splitparms, __F_NAME( _LpPgmName, _LpwPgmName ), __F_NAME( _LpCmdLine, _LpwCmdLine ), &__F_NAME( _argc, _wargc ), &__F_NAME( _argv, _wargv ) ); __F_NAME( __argc, __wargc ) = __F_NAME( _argc, _wargc ); __F_NAME( ___Argc, ___wArgc ) = __F_NAME( _argc, _wargc ); __F_NAME( __argv, __wargv ) = __F_NAME( _argv, _wargv ); __F_NAME( ___Argv, ___wArgv ) = __F_NAME( _argv, _wargv ); } _WCRTLINK void *__F_NAME( _getargv, _wgetargv )( int historical, CHAR_TYPE *exe, CHAR_TYPE *cmd, int *pargc, CHAR_TYPE ***pargv ) { unsigned argc; /* argument count */ CHAR_TYPE **argv; /* Actual arguments */ CHAR_TYPE *endptr; /* ptr to end of command line */ unsigned len; /* length of command line */ CHAR_TYPE *cmdline; /* copy of command line */ unsigned size; /* amount to allocate */ unsigned argv_offset; /* offset of argv in storage */ argc = _SplitParms( historical, cmd, NULL, &endptr ) + 1; len = (unsigned) ( endptr - cmd ) + 1; argv_offset = __ALIGN_SIZE(len * sizeof(CHAR_TYPE)); size = argv_offset + (argc+1) * sizeof(CHAR_TYPE *); // round up size for alignment of argv pointer size = __ALIGN_SIZE( size ); #if defined(__REAL_MODE__) && defined(__BIG_DATA__) #if defined(__OS2_286__) if( _osmode == DOS_MODE ) { cmdline = lib_nmalloc( size ); if( (void _WCI86NEAR *) cmdline == NULL ) { cmdline = lib_malloc( size ); } } else { cmdline = lib_malloc( size ); } #else cmdline = lib_nmalloc( size ); if( (void _WCI86NEAR *) cmdline == NULL ) { cmdline = lib_malloc( size ); } #endif #else cmdline = lib_malloc( size ); #endif argv = NULL; argc = 0; if( cmdline ) { memcpy( cmdline, cmd, len * sizeof(CHAR_TYPE) ); argv = (void *) ( ( ( char*) cmdline ) + argv_offset ); argv[0] = exe; argc = _SplitParms( historical, cmdline, argv + 1, &endptr ) + 1; argv[argc] = NULL; } *pargc = argc; *pargv = argv; return( cmdline ); } static unsigned _SplitParms( int historical, CHAR_TYPE *p, CHAR_TYPE **argv, CHAR_TYPE **endptr ) { register unsigned argc; register CHAR_TYPE *start; register CHAR_TYPE *new; enum QUOTE_STATE { QUOTE_NONE, /* no " active in current parm */ QUOTE_DELIMITER, /* " was first char and must be last */ QUOTE_STARTED /* " was seen, look for a match */ }; register enum QUOTE_STATE state; argc = 0; for(;;) { while( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' ) { ++p; /* skip over blanks or tabs */ } if( *p == '\0' ) break; /* we are at the start of a parm */ state = QUOTE_NONE; if( *p == '\"' ) { p++; state = QUOTE_DELIMITER; } new = start = p; for(;;) { if( *p == '\"' ) { if( !historical ) { p++; if( state == QUOTE_NONE ) { state = QUOTE_STARTED; } else { state = QUOTE_NONE; } continue; } else { if( state == QUOTE_DELIMITER ) { break; } } } if( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' ) { if( state == QUOTE_NONE ) { break; } } if( *p == '\0' ) break; if( *p == '\\' ) { if( !historical ) { if( p[1] == '\"' ) { ++p; if( p[-2] == '\\' ) { continue; } } } else { if( p[1] == '\"' || p[1] == '\\' && state == QUOTE_DELIMITER ) { ++p; } } } if( argv ) { *(new++) = *p; } ++p; } if( argv ) { argv[ argc ] = start; ++argc; /* The *new = '\0' is req'd in case there was a \" to " translation. It must be after the *p check against '\0' because new and p could point to the same char in which case the scan would be terminated too soon. */ if( *p == '\0' ) { *new = '\0'; break; } *new = '\0'; ++p; } else { ++argc; if( *p == '\0' ) { break; } ++p; } } *endptr = p; return( argc ); } void __F_NAME(__Fini_Argv,__wFini_Argv)( void ) { if( __F_NAME(__CmdLine,__wCmdLine) != NULL ) { lib_free( __F_NAME(__CmdLine,__wCmdLine) ); } } #endif