#!/bin/bash # # This is a simple script used to test libdom memory leakage. # Usage: # You should firstly run "run-test.sh", which will genrate a test output directory. In that # directory, there are C source files and corresponding executables. # Go to the test output directory. For example , for core, level 1, it is output/level1/core # And run this script as ../../../leak-test.sh "log-file" # # This file is part of libdom test suite. # Licensed under the MIT License, # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # Copyright 2009 Bo Yang <struggleyb.nku@gmail.com> log=$1; totla=0; leak=0; ok=0; while read f; do #Test defnitely lost echo -n "$f: " >&3; echo -n "$f: "; dl=$(valgrind "$f" 2>&1 | grep "definitely lost" | sed -e 's/definitely lost//g' -e 's/bytes in//g' -e 's/blocks.//g' -e 's/^.*://g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,//g'); pl=$(valgrind "$f" 2>&1 | grep "possibly lost" | sed -e 's/possibly lost//g' -e 's/bytes in//g' -e 's/blocks.//g' -e 's/^.*://g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,//g'); total=$((total+1)); if [ "$dl" -eq "00" -a "$pl" -eq "00" ]; then echo "ok..." >&3; echo "ok..."; ok=$((ok+1)); else echo "leaked!" >&3; echo "leaked!"; leak=$((leak+1)); fi done 3>"$log" < <(find ./ -perm -o=x -type f -print); echo "Total: $total" >>"$log"; echo "Leak: $leak" >>"$log"; echo "Ok: $ok" >>"$log"; echo "Total: $total"; echo "Leak: $leak"; echo "Ok: $ok";