
330 lines
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ROUND2 equ 10
; procedure calculate triangle in stencil buffer
; ----------------in - eax - x1 shl 16 + y1 ----------------------
; -------------------- ebx - x2 shl 16 + y2 ----------------------
; -------------------- ecx - x3 shl 16 + y3 ----------------------
; -------------------- esi - pointer to s-buffer -----------------
; -------------------- xmm0 - lo -> hi z1, z2, z3 as dword float
.x1 equ [ebp-2]
.y1 equ [ebp-4]
.x2 equ [ebp-6]
.y2 equ [ebp-8]
.x3 equ [ebp-10]
.y3 equ [ebp-12]
.dx12 equ dword[ebp-20]
.dx13 equ dword[ebp-24]
.dx23 equ dword[ebp-28]
.dz12 equ dword[ebp-32]
.dz13 equ dword[ebp-36]
.dz23 equ dword[ebp-40]
.zz2 equ [ebp-44]
.zz1 equ [ebp-48]
.z3 equ [ebp-56]
.z2 equ [ebp-60]
.z1 equ [ebp-64]
.s_buff equ [ebp-68]
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,128
and ebp,0xfffffff0
cmp ax,bx
jle .sort1
xchg eax,ebx
shufps xmm0,xmm0,11100001b
cmp bx,cx
jle .sort3
xchg ebx,ecx
shufps xmm0,xmm0,11011000b
jmp .sort2
mov .y1,eax ; store triangle coordinates in user friendly variables
mov .y2,ebx
mov .y3,ecx
; mov edx,100.11
; movd xmm0,edx
; shufps xmm0,xmm0,11100000b
movaps .z1,xmm0
; mov dword .z1,edx
; mov .z2,edx
; mov .z3,edx
mov .s_buff,esi
mov edx,80008000h ; eax,ebx,ecx are ANDd together into edx which means that
and edx,ebx ; if *all* of them are negative a sign flag is raised
and edx,ecx
and edx,eax
test edx,80008000h ; Check both X&Y at once
jne .loop2_end
mov bx,.y2 ; calc delta 12
sub bx,.y1
jnz .dx12_make
mov .dx12,0
mov .dz12,0
jmp .dx12_done
mov ax,.x2
sub ax,.x1
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND2
idiv ebx
mov .dx12,eax
movss xmm1,.z2
cvtsi2ss xmm2,ebx
subss xmm1,.z1
divss xmm1,xmm2
movss .dz12,xmm1
; mov .dz12, dword 0.11
mov bx,.y3 ; calc delta 13
sub bx,.y1
jnz .dx13_make
mov .dx13,0
mov .dz13,0
jmp .dx13_done
mov ax,.x3
sub ax,.x1
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND2
idiv ebx
mov .dx13,eax
movss xmm1,.z3
cvtsi2ss xmm2,ebx
subss xmm1,.z1
divss xmm1,xmm2
movss .dz13,xmm1
; mov .dz13, dword 0.11
mov bx,.y3 ; calc delta 23
sub bx,.y2
jnz .dx23_make
mov .dx23,0
mov .dz23,0
jmp .dx23_done
mov ax,.x3
sub ax,.x2
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND2
idiv ebx
mov .dx23,eax
movss xmm1,.z3
cvtsi2ss xmm2,ebx
subss xmm1,.z2
divss xmm1,xmm2
movss .dz23,xmm1
mov edx,.z1
mov .zz1,edx
mov .zz2,edx
movsx eax,word .x1
shl eax,ROUND2 ; eax - cur x1
mov ebx,eax ; ebx - cur x2
mov cx,.y1
cmp cx,.y2
jge .loop1_end
sar ebx,ROUND2
sar eax,ROUND2
; movq xmm0,.zz1
movlps xmm0,.zz1
; mov edx,0.11
; movd xmm0,edx
; shufps xmm0,xmm0,11100000b
mov esi,.s_buff
call stencil_line
add eax,.dx13
add ebx,.dx12
movss xmm1,.zz1
movss xmm2,.zz2
addss xmm1,.dz13
addss xmm2,.dz12
movss .zz1,xmm1
movss .zz2,xmm2
add cx,1
cmp cx,.y2
jl .loop1
mov edx,.z2
mov .zz2,edx
movsx ebx,word .x2
shl ebx,ROUND2
mov cx,.y2
cmp cx,.y3
jge .loop2_end
sar ebx,ROUND2
sar eax,ROUND2
movlps xmm0,.zz1
mov esi,.s_buff
call stencil_line
add eax,.dx13
add ebx,.dx23
movss xmm1,.zz1
movss xmm2,.zz2
addss xmm1,.dz13
addss xmm2,.dz23
movss .zz1,xmm1
movss .zz2,xmm2
add cx,1
cmp cx,.y3
jl .loop2
add esp,128
pop ebp
;-------------in xmm0 - lo -> hi z1, z2
;--------------- eax - x1 ---------------------------
;--------------- ebx - x2 ---------------------------
;--------------- ecx - y-----------------------------
;--------------- esi - pointer to s-buffer
.dz equ [ebp-4]
.z2 equ [ebp-8]
.z1 equ [ebp-12]
.x2 equ [ebp-16]
.x1 equ [ebp-20]
.s_buf equ [ebp-24]
; cmp eax,ebx
; je @f
; int3
; @@:
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,64
; cmp eax,0
; jg @f
; @@:
or cx,cx
jle .l_quit
cmp cx,[size_y_var]
jge .l_quit
movzx ecx,cx
mov .s_buf,esi
cmp eax,ebx
je .l_quit
jl .l_ok
xchg eax,ebx
shufps xmm0,xmm0,11100001b
cmp ax,[size_x_var]
jge .l_quit
cmp bx,0
jle .l_quit
movlps .z1,xmm0
mov .x1,eax
mov .x2,ebx
sub ebx,eax
movss xmm0,.z2
cvtsi2ss xmm1,ebx
subss xmm0,.z1
divss xmm0,xmm1
movss .dz,xmm0
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
cmp eax,1
jge @f
mov eax,.x1
neg eax
cvtsi2ss xmm2,eax
mulss xmm2,.dz
addss xmm2,.z1
movss .z1,xmm2
mov dword .x1,0
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
sub edx,1
cmp .x2,edx
jl @f
mov .x2,edx
; mov eax,.x1
; cmp .x2,eax
; je .l_quit
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
mov esi,.s_buf
mov eax,ecx ; y
mul edx
add eax,.x1
shl eax,2
add esi,eax
mov ecx,.x2
sub ecx,.x1
movss xmm2,.z1 ; cz
movss xmm1,xmm2
cmpltss xmm1,dword[esi]
movd eax,xmm1
cmp eax,-1
jnz @f
movss dword[esi],xmm2
add esi,4
addss xmm2,.dz
sub ecx,1
jnz .ccalc
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp