
547 lines
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;--------------------textured triangle procedure----------------------
;----------in - eax - x1 shl 16 + y1
;-------------- ebx - x2 shl 16 + y2
;---------------ecx - x3 shl 16 + y3
;---------------edx - nothing
;---------------esi - pointer to texture buffer
;---------------edi - pointer to screen buffer
;-------------stack - texture coordinates
.tex_x1 equ ebp+4
.tex_y1 equ ebp+6
.tex_x2 equ ebp+8
.tex_y2 equ ebp+10
.tex_x3 equ ebp+12
.tex_y3 equ ebp+14
.x1 equ ebp-2 ;dw ?
.y1 equ ebp-4 ;dw ?
.x2 equ ebp-6 ;dw ?
.y2 equ ebp-8 ;dw ?
.x3 equ ebp-10 ;dw ?
.y3 equ ebp-12 ;dw ?
.dx12 equ ebp-16 ;dd ?
.dx13 equ ebp-20 ;dd ?
.dx23 equ ebp-24 ;dd ?
.tex_dx12 equ ebp-28 ;dd ?
.tex_dy12 equ ebp-32 ;dd ?
.tex_dx13 equ ebp-36 ;dd ?
.tex_dy13 equ ebp-40 ;dd ?
.tex_dx23 equ ebp-44 ;dd ?
.tex_dy23 equ ebp-48 ;dd ?
.tex_ptr equ ebp-52 ;dd ?
.scan_x2 equ ebp-56 ;dd ?
.scan_y2 equ ebp-60 ;dd ?
.scan_x1 equ ebp-64 ;dd ?
.scan_y1 equ ebp-68 ;dd ?
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,68
;if Ext = MMX
; emms
;end if
mov edx,dword[.tex_x1] ; check all parameters
or dx,dx
jl .tt_end
cmp dx,TEX_X-1
jg .tt_end
shr edx,16
or dx,dx
jl .tt_end
cmp dx,TEX_Y-1
jg .tt_end
mov edx,dword[.tex_x2]
or dx,dx
jl .tt_end
cmp dx,TEX_X-1
jg .tt_end
shr edx,16
or dx,dx
jl .tt_end
cmp dx,TEX_Y-1
jg .tt_end
mov edx,dword[.tex_x3]
or dx,dx
jl .tt_end
cmp dx,TEX_X-1
jg .tt_end
shr edx,16
cmp dx,TEX_Y-1
jg .tt_end
or dx,dx
jl .tt_end
mov edx,eax ; check X&Y triangle coordinate
or edx,ebx
or edx,ecx
test edx,80008000h
jne .tt_end
mov dx,[size_x_var]
; or ax,ax
; jl .tt_end
; cmp ax,SIZE_Y
; jg .tt_end
ror eax,16
; or ax,ax
; jl .tt_end
cmp ax,dx ;SIZE_X
jg .tt_end
rol eax,16
; or bx,bx
; jl .tt_end
; cmp bx,SIZE_Y
; jg .tt_end
ror ebx,16
; or bx,bx
; jl .tt_end
cmp bx,dx ;SIZE_X
jg .tt_end
rol ebx,16
; or cx,cx
; jl .tt_end
; cmp cx,SIZE_Y
; jg .tt_end
ror ecx,16
; or cx,cx
; jl .tt_end
cmp cx,dx ;SIZE_X
jg .tt_end
rol ecx,16 ; uff.. parameters was checked
cmp ax,bx ;sort all parameters
jle .tt_sort1
xchg eax,ebx
mov edx,dword [.tex_x1]
xchg edx,dword [.tex_x2]
mov dword[.tex_x1],edx
cmp ax,cx
jle .tt_sort2
xchg eax,ecx
mov edx,dword [.tex_x1]
xchg edx,dword [.tex_x3]
mov dword [.tex_x1],edx
cmp bx,cx
jle .tt_sort3
xchg ebx,ecx
mov edx,dword [.tex_x2]
xchg edx,dword [.tex_x3]
mov dword [.tex_x2],edx
mov [.y1],ax ; and store to user friendly variables
shr eax,16
mov [.x1],ax
mov [.y2],bx
shr ebx,16
mov [.x2],bx
mov [.y3],cx
shr ecx,16
mov [.x3],cx
mov [.tex_ptr],esi
movsx ebx,word[.y2]
sub bx,[.y1]
jnz .tt_dx12_make
mov dword[.dx12],0
mov dword[.tex_dx12],0
mov dword[.tex_dy12],0
jmp .tt_dx12_done
mov ax,[.x2]
sub ax,[.x1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.dx12],eax ; dx12 = (x2-x1)/(y2-y1)
mov ax,word[.tex_x2]
sub ax,word[.tex_x1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.tex_dx12],eax ; tex_dx12 = (tex_x2-tex_x1)/(y2-y1)
mov ax,word[.tex_y2]
sub ax,word[.tex_y1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.tex_dy12],eax ; tex_dy12 = (tex_y2-tex_y1)/(y2-y1)
movsx ebx,word[.y3]
sub bx,word[.y1]
jnz .tt_dx13_make
mov dword [.dx13],0
mov dword [.tex_dx13],0
mov dword [.tex_dy13],0
jmp .tt_dx13_done
mov ax,[.x3]
sub ax,[.x1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.dx13],eax ; dx13 = (x3-x1)/(y3-y1)
mov ax,word[.tex_x3]
sub ax,word[.tex_x1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.tex_dx13],eax ; tex_dx13 = (tex_x3-tex_x1)/(y3-y1)
mov ax,word[.tex_y3]
sub ax,word[.tex_y1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.tex_dy13],eax ; tex_dy13 = (tex_y3-tex_y1)/(y3-y1)
movsx ebx,word[.y3]
sub bx,word[.y2]
jnz .tt_dx23_make
mov dword [.dx23],0
mov dword [.tex_dx23],0
mov dword [.tex_dy23],0
jmp .tt_dx23_done
mov ax,[.x3]
sub ax,[.x2]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.dx23],eax ; dx23 = (x3-x2)/(y3-y2)
mov ax,word[.tex_x3]
sub ax,word[.tex_x2]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.tex_dx23],eax ; tex_dx23 = (tex_x3-tex_x2)/(y3-y2)
mov ax,word[.tex_y3]
sub ax,word[.tex_y2]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.tex_dy23],eax ; tex_dy23 = (tex_y3-tex_y2)/(y3-y2)
movsx eax,word[.x1]
shl eax,ROUND
mov ebx,eax
movsx edx, word[.tex_x1]
shl edx,ROUND
mov [.scan_x1],edx
mov [.scan_x2],edx
movsx edx, word[.tex_y1]
shl edx,ROUND
mov [.scan_y1],edx
mov [.scan_y2],edx
mov cx,[.y1]
cmp cx, [.y2]
jge .tt_loop1_end
push edi
push eax
push ebx
push cx
push ebp
;; Madis
;if Ext=MMX ; With MMX enabled it reverse light vectors ????
; mov dword[esp-8],ROUND
; mov dword[esp-4],0 ; Is this a bug? Explanation down 3 lines
; movq mm0,qword[.scan_y1]
; movq mm1,qword[.scan_y2]
; psrad mm0,[esp-8] ;This instr. won't allow modifiers BYTE, WORD, etc.
; psrad mm1,[esp-8] ;It always defaults to QWORD
; packssdw mm0,mm1
; movq [esp-8],mm0
; sub esp,8
push dword[.scan_y2] ; now I push variables on stack without shifting
push dword[.scan_x2]
push dword[.scan_y1]
push dword[.scan_x1]
;end if
push dword[.tex_ptr]
push cx
mov edx,ebx
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
mov edx,eax
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
call textured_line
pop ebp
pop cx
pop ebx
pop eax
pop edi
mov edx, [.tex_dx13]
add [.scan_x1], edx
mov edx, [.tex_dx12]
add [.scan_x2], edx
mov edx, [.tex_dy13]
add [.scan_y1], edx
mov edx, [.tex_dy12]
add [.scan_y2], edx
add eax, [.dx13]
add ebx, [.dx12]
inc cx
cmp cx,[.y2]
jl .tt_loop1
mov cx, [.y2]
cmp cx, [.y3]
jge .tt_loop2_end
movsx ebx,word[.x2]
shl ebx,ROUND
movsx edx, word[.tex_x2]
shl edx,ROUND
mov [.scan_x2],edx
movsx edx, word[.tex_y2]
shl edx,ROUND
mov [.scan_y2],edx
push edi
push eax
push ebx
push cx
push ebp
;; Madis
;if Ext=MMX
; mov dword[esp-8],ROUND
; mov dword[esp-4],0 ; Is this a bug? Explanation down 3 lines
; movq mm0,qword[.scan_y1]
; movq mm1,qword[.scan_y2]
; psrad mm0,[esp-8] ;This instr. won't allow modifiers BYTE, WORD, etc.
; psrad mm1,[esp-8] ;It always defaults to QWORD
; packssdw mm0,mm1
; movq [esp-8],mm0
; sub esp,8
;end if
push dword[.scan_y2]
push dword[.scan_x2]
push dword[.scan_y1]
push dword[.scan_x1]
push dword[.tex_ptr]
push cx
mov edx,ebx
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
mov edx,eax
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
call textured_line
pop ebp
pop cx
pop ebx
pop eax
pop edi
mov edx, [.tex_dx13]
add [.scan_x1], edx
mov edx, [.tex_dx23]
add [.scan_x2], edx
mov edx, [.tex_dy13]
add [.scan_y1], edx
mov edx, [.tex_dy23]
add [.scan_y2], edx
add eax, [.dx13]
add ebx, [.dx23]
inc cx
cmp cx,[.y3]
jl .tt_loop2
mov esp,ebp
ret 12
;-----in -edi screen buffer pointer
;------------ stack:
.x1 equ word [ebp+4]
.x2 equ word [ebp+6]
.y equ word [ebp+8]
.tex_ptr equ dword [ebp+10]
.tex_x1 equ [ebp+14]
.tex_y1 equ [ebp+18]
.tex_x2 equ [ebp+22]
.tex_y2 equ [ebp+26]
.tex_dx equ ebp-4 ;dd ?
.tex_dy equ ebp-8 ;dd ?
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,8
mov ax,.y
or ax,ax
jl .tl_quit
mov dx,[size_y_var]
cmp ax,dx ;SIZE_Y
jg .tl_quit
mov ax,.x1
cmp ax,.x2
je .tl_quit
jl .tl_ok
xchg ax,.x2
mov .x1,ax
if Ext >= MMX
movq mm0,.tex_x1
movq mm1,.tex_x2
movq .tex_x2,mm0
movq .tex_x1,mm1
mov eax,.tex_x1
xchg eax,.tex_x2
mov .tex_x1,eax
mov eax,.tex_y1
xchg eax,.tex_y2
mov .tex_y1,eax
end if
mov ebx,edi
movsx edi,.y
movzx eax,word[size_x_var]
lea eax,[eax*3]
; mov eax,SIZE_X*3
mul edi
mov edi,eax
movsx eax,.x1
add edi,eax
shl eax,1
add edi,eax
add edi,ebx
mov cx,.x2
sub cx,.x1
movsx ecx,cx
mov eax,.tex_x2
sub eax,.tex_x1
idiv ecx
mov [.tex_dx],eax ; tex_dx=(tex_x2-tex_x1)/(x2-x1)
mov eax,.tex_y2
sub eax,.tex_y1
idiv ecx
mov [.tex_dy],eax ; tex_dy = (tex_y2-tex_y1)/(x2-x1)
mov eax,.tex_x1
mov ebx,.tex_y1
mov edx,eax ; eax - cur x
mov esi,ebx ; ebx - cur y
shr edx,ROUND
shr esi,ROUND
macro .fluent
push eax
push edx
mov eax,TEX_X*3
mul esi
mov esi,eax
pop edx
pop eax
macro .shift
shl esi,TEX_SHIFT
lea esi,[esi*3]
;push edx
;mov edx,esi
;shl esi,1
;add esi,edx
;pop edx
end if
end if
lea edx,[edx*3]
add esi,edx
; shl edx,1
; add esi,edx
add esi,.tex_ptr
dec edi
add eax,[.tex_dx]
add ebx,[.tex_dy]
loop .tl_loop
mov esp,ebp
ret 18+8
; .tex_dx dd ?
; .tex_dy dd ?