
1189 lines
33 KiB
Raw Normal View History

;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; KolibriOS 16-bit loader, ;;
;; based on bootcode for MenuetOS ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 1018 $
; in: al=character
mov ah, 0Eh
mov bh, 0
int 10h
; in: si->string
mov al, 186
call putchar
mov al, ' '
call putchar
; in: si->string
call putchar
cmp al, 0
jnz @b
; get number in range [bl,bh] (bl,bh in ['0'..'9'])
; in: bx=range
; out: ax=digit (1..9, 10 for 0)
mov ah, 0
int 16h
cmp al, bl
jb getkey
cmp al, bh
ja getkey
push ax
call putchar
pop ax
and ax, 0Fh
jnz @f
mov al, 10
; in: dl=column, dh=row
mov ah, 2
mov bh, 0
int 10h
macro _setcursor row,column
mov dx, row*256 + column
call setcursor
push si
xor si, si
mov ah, 2 ; read
push ax
int 0x13
pop ax
jnc @f
inc si
cmp si, 10
jb @b
mov si, badsect
call printplain
jmp $
pop si
; convert abs. sector number (AX) to BIOS T:H:S
; sector number = (abs.sector%BPB_SecPerTrk)+1
; pre.track number = (abs.sector/BPB_SecPerTrk)
; head number = pre.track number%BPB_NumHeads
; track number = pre.track number/BPB_NumHeads
; Return: cl - sector number
; ch - track number
; dl - drive number (0 = a:)
; dh - head number
push bx
mov bx,word [BPB_SecPerTrk]
xor dx,dx
div bx
inc dx
mov cl, dl ; cl = sector number
mov bx,word [BPB_NumHeads]
xor dx,dx
div bx
; !!!!!!! ax = track number, dx = head number
mov ch,al ; ch=track number
xchg dh,dl ; dh=head number
mov dl,0 ; dl=0 (drive 0 (a:))
pop bx
; needed variables
BPB_SecPerTrk dw 0 ; sectors per track
BPB_NumHeads dw 0 ; number of heads
BPB_FATSz16 dw 0 ; size of FAT
BPB_RootEntCnt dw 0 ; count of root dir. entries
BPB_BytsPerSec dw 0 ; bytes per sector
BPB_RsvdSecCnt dw 0 ; number of reserved sectors
BPB_TotSec16 dw 0 ; count of the sectors on the volume
BPB_SecPerClus db 0 ; number of sectors per cluster
BPB_NumFATs db 0 ; number of FAT tables
abs_sector_adj dw 0 ; adjustment to make abs. sector number
end_of_FAT dw 0 ; end of FAT table
FirstDataSector dw 0 ; begin of data
include 'bootvesa.inc' ;Include source for boot vesa
; \begin{diamond}[02.12.2005]
; if bootloader sets ax = 'KL', then ds:si points to loader block
cmp ax, 'KL'
jnz @f
mov word [cs:cfgmanager.loader_block], si
mov word [cs:cfgmanager.loader_block+2], ds
; \end{diamond}[02.12.2005]
; if bootloader sets cx = 'HA' and dx = 'RD', then bx contains identifier of source hard disk
; (see comment to bx_from_load)
cmp cx, 'HA'
jnz no_hd_load
cmp dx,'RD'
jnz no_hd_load
mov word [cs:bx_from_load], bx ; {SPraid}[13.03.2007]
; set up stack
mov ax, 3000h
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0EC00h
; set up segment registers
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
; set videomode
mov ax, 3
int 0x10
if lang eq ru
; Load & set russian VGA font (RU.INC)
mov bp, RU_FNT1 ; RU_FNT1 - First part
mov bx, 1000h ; 768 bytes
mov cx, 30h ; 48 symbols
mov dx, 80h ; 128 - position of first symbol
mov ax, 1100h
int 10h
mov bp, RU_FNT2 ; RU_FNT2 -Second part
mov bx, 1000h ; 512 bytes
mov cx, 20h ; 32 symbols
mov dx, 0E0h ; 224 - position of first symbol
mov ax, 1100h
int 10h
; End set VGA russian font
else if lang eq et
mov bp, ET_FNT ; ET_FNT1
mov bx, 1000h ;
mov cx, 255 ; 256 symbols
xor dx, dx ; 0 - position of first symbol
mov ax, 1100h
int 10h
end if
; draw frames
push 0xb800
pop es
xor di, di
mov ah, 1*16+15
; draw top
mov si, d80x25_top
mov cx, d80x25_top_num * 80
loop @b
; draw spaces
mov si, space_msg
mov dx, 25 - d80x25_top_num - d80x25_bottom_num
push si
mov cx, 80
loop @b
pop si
dec dx
jnz dfl1
; draw bottom
mov si, d80x25_bottom
mov cx, d80x25_bottom_num * 80
loop @b
mov byte [space_msg+80], 0 ; now space_msg is null terminated
_setcursor d80x25_top_num,0
; TEST FOR 386+
mov bx, 0x4000
pop ax
mov dx, ax
xor ax, bx
push ax
pop ax
and ax, bx
and dx, bx
cmp ax, dx
jnz cpugood
mov si, not386
call print
jmp $
push 0
; set up esp
movzx esp, sp
push 0
pop es
and word [es:0x9031], 0
; \begin{Mario79}
; find HDD IDE DMA PCI device
; check for PCI BIOS
mov ax, 0xB101
int 0x1A
jc .nopci
cmp edx, 'PCI '
jnz .nopci
; find PCI class code
; class 1 = mass storage
; subclass 1 = IDE controller
; a) class 1, subclass 1, programming interface 0x80
mov ax, 0xB103
mov ecx, 1*10000h + 1*100h + 0x80
xor si, si ; device index = 0
int 0x1A
jnc .found
; b) class 1, subclass 1, programming interface 0x8A
mov ax, 0xB103
mov ecx, 1*10000h + 1*100h + 0x8A
xor si, si ; device index = 0
int 0x1A
jnc .found
; c) class 1, subclass 1, programming interface 0x85
mov ax, 0xB103
mov ecx, 1*10000h + 1*100h + 0x85
xor si, si
int 0x1A
jc .nopci
; get memory base
mov ax, 0xB10A
mov di, 0x20 ; memory base is config register at 0x20
int 0x1A
jc .nopci
and cx, 0xFFF0 ; clear address decode type
mov [es:0x9031], cx
; \end{Mario79}
out 0x60, al
xor cx, cx
wait_loop: ; variant 2
; reading state of port of 8042 controller
in al, 64h
and al, 00000010b ; ready flag
; wait until 8042 controller is ready
loopnz wait_loop
;;;/diamond today 5.02.2008
; set keyboard typematic rate & delay
mov al, 0xf3
out 0x60, al
xor cx, cx
in al, 64h
test al, 2
loopnz @b
mov al, 0
out 0x60, al
xor cx, cx
in al, 64h
test al, 2
loopnz @b
; --------------- APM ---------------------
and word [es:0x9044], 0 ; ver = 0.0 (APM not found)
mov ax, 0x5300
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
jc apm_end ; APM not found
test cx, 2
jz apm_end ; APM 32-bit protected-mode interface not supported
mov [es:0x9044], ax ; Save APM Version
mov [es:0x9046], cx ; Save APM flags
; Write APM ver ----
and ax, 0xf0f
add ax, '00'
mov si, msg_apm
mov [si + 5], ah
mov [si + 7], al
_setcursor 0, 3
call printplain
; ------------------
mov ax, 0x5304 ; Disconnect interface
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
mov ax, 0x5303 ; Connect 32 bit mode interface
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
mov [es:0x9040], ebx
mov [es:0x9050], ax
mov [es:0x9052], cx
mov [es:0x9054], dx
_setcursor d80x25_top_num, 0
;CHECK current of code
cmp [cfgmanager.loader_block], -1
jz noloaderblock
les bx, [cfgmanager.loader_block]
cmp byte [es:bx], 1
mov si, loader_block_error
jnz sayerr
push 0
pop es
call print_vesa_info
call calc_vmodes_table
call check_first_parm ;check and enable cursor_pos
; \begin{diamond}[30.11.2005]
; settings:
; a) preboot_graph = graphical mode
; preboot_gprobe = probe this mode?
; b) preboot_dma = use DMA access?
; c) preboot_vrrm = use VRR?
; d) preboot_device = from what boot?
; determine default settings
mov [.bSettingsChanged], 0
mov di, preboot_device
; if image in memory is present and [preboot_device] is uninitialized,
; set it to use this preloaded image
cmp byte [di], 0
jnz .preboot_device_inited
cmp [.loader_block], -1
jz @f
les bx, [.loader_block]
test byte [es:bx+1], 1
jz @f
mov byte [di], 3
jmp .preboot_device_inited
; otherwise, set [preboot_device] to 1 (default value - boot from floppy)
mov byte [di], 1
; following 4 lines set variables to 1 if its current value is 0
cmp byte [di+preboot_dma-preboot_device], 1
adc byte [di+preboot_dma-preboot_device], 0
cmp byte [di+preboot_biosdisk-preboot_device], 1
adc byte [di+preboot_biosdisk-preboot_device], 0
; default value for VRR is OFF
cmp byte [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_device], 0
jnz @f
mov byte [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_device], 2
; notify user
_setcursor 5,2
mov si, linef
call printplain
mov si, start_msg
call print
mov si, time_msg
call print
; get start time
call .gettime
mov [.starttime], eax
mov word [.timer], .newtimer
mov word [.timer+2], cs
_setcursor 9,0
mov si, current_cfg_msg
call print
mov si, curvideo_msg
call print
call draw_current_vmode
mov si, usebd_msg
cmp [preboot_biosdisk], 1
call .say_on_off
mov si, vrrm_msg
cmp [preboot_vrrm], 1
call .say_on_off
mov si, preboot_device_msg
call print
mov al, [preboot_device]
and eax, 7
mov si, [preboot_device_msgs+eax*2]
call printplain
; show remarks in gray color
mov di, ((21-num_remarks)*80 + 2)*2
push 0xB800
pop es
mov cx, num_remarks
mov si, remarks
push si
xchg ax, si
mov ah, 1*16+7 ; background: blue (1), foreground: gray (7)
push di
test al, al
jz @f
jmp .write_remark
pop di
pop si
add di, 80*2
loop .write_remarks
_setcursor 25,0 ; out of screen
; set timer interrupt handler
push 0
pop es
push dword [es:8*4]
pop dword [.oldtimer]
push dword [.timer]
pop dword [es:8*4]
; mov eax, [es:8*4]
; mov [.oldtimer], eax
; mov eax, [.timer]
; mov [es:8*4], eax
; wait for keypressed
xor ax,ax
int 16h
push ax
; restore timer interrupt
; push 0
; pop es
mov eax, [.oldtimer]
mov [es:8*4], eax
mov [.timer], eax
_setcursor 7,0
mov si, space_msg
call printplain
; clear remarks and restore normal attributes
push es
mov di, ((21-num_remarks)*80 + 2)*2
push 0xB800
pop es
mov cx, num_remarks
mov ax, ' ' + (1*16 + 15)*100h
push cx
mov cx, 76
rep stosw
pop cx
add di, 4*2
loop @b
pop es
pop ax
; switch on key
cmp al, 13
jz .continue
or al, 20h
cmp al, 'a'
jz .change_a
cmp al, 'b'
jz .change_b
cmp al, 'c'
jz .change_c
cmp al, 'd'
jnz .show_remarks
_setcursor 15,0
mov si, bdev
call print
mov bx, '14'
call getkey
mov [preboot_device], al
_setcursor 13,0
mov [.bSettingsChanged], 1
call clear_vmodes_table ;clear vmodes_table
jmp .printcfg
call draw_vmodes_table
_setcursor 25,0 ; out of screen
xor ax,ax
int 0x16
; call clear_table_cursor ;clear current position of cursor
mov si,word [cursor_pos]
cmp ah,0x48;x,0x48E0 ; up
jne .down
cmp si,modes_table
jbe .loops
sub word [cursor_pos],size_of_step
jmp .loops
.down: cmp ah,0x50;x,0x50E0 ; down
jne .pgup
cmp word[es:si+10],-1
je .loops
add word [cursor_pos],size_of_step
jmp .loops
.pgup: cmp ah,0x49 ; page up
jne .pgdn
sub si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, modes_table
jae @f
mov si, modes_table
mov word [cursor_pos], si
mov si, word [home_cursor]
sub si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, modes_table
jae @f
mov si, modes_table
mov word [home_cursor], si
jmp .loops
.pgdn: cmp ah,0x51 ; page down
jne .enter
mov ax, [end_cursor]
add si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, ax
jb @f
mov si, ax
sub si, size_of_step
mov word [cursor_pos], si
mov si, word [home_cursor]
sub ax, size_of_step*long_v_table
add si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, ax
jb @f
mov si, ax
mov word [home_cursor], si
jmp .loops
.enter: cmp al,0x0D;x,0x1C0D ; enter
jne .loops
push word [cursor_pos]
pop bp
push word [es:bp]
pop word [x_save]
push word [es:bp+2]
pop word [y_save]
push word [es:bp+6]
pop word [number_vm]
mov word [preboot_graph],bp ;save choose
jmp .d
_setcursor 15,0
; mov si, ask_dma
; call print
; mov bx, '13'
; call getkey
; mov [preboot_dma], al
mov si, ask_bd
call print
mov bx, '12'
call getkey
mov [preboot_biosdisk], al
_setcursor 11,0
jmp .d
_setcursor 15,0
mov si, vrrmprint
call print
mov bx, '12'
call getkey
mov [preboot_vrrm], al
_setcursor 12,0
jmp .d
call print
mov si, on_msg
jz @f
mov si, off_msg
@@: jmp printplain
; novesa and vervesa strings are not used at the moment of executing this code
virtual at novesa
.oldtimer dd ?
.starttime dd ?
.bSettingsChanged db ?
.timer dd ?
end virtual
.loader_block dd -1
mov ah, 0
int 1Ah
xchg ax, cx
shl eax, 10h
xchg ax, dx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
call [.oldtimer]
call .gettime
sub eax, [.starttime]
sub ax, 18*5
jae .timergo
neg ax
add ax, 18-1
mov bx, 18
xor dx, dx
div bx
if lang eq ru
cmp al, 5
mov cl, ' '
jae @f
cmp al, 1
mov cl, '<27>'
jz @f
mov cl, '<27>'
@@: mov [time_str+9], cl
else if lang eq et
cmp al, 1
ja @f
mov [time_str+9], ' '
mov [time_str+10],' '
; wait 5/4/3/2 seconds, 1 second
cmp al, 1
mov cl, 's'
ja @f
mov cl, ' '
@@: mov [time_str+9], cl
end if
add al, '0'
mov [time_str+1], al
mov si, time_msg
_setcursor 7,0
call print
_setcursor 25,0
pop ds
push 0
pop es
mov eax, [.oldtimer]
mov [es:8*4], eax
mov sp, 0EC00h
_setcursor 6,0
mov si, space_msg
call printplain
call printplain
_setcursor 6,0
mov si, loading_msg
call print
_setcursor 15,0
cmp [.bSettingsChanged], 0
jz .load
cmp [.loader_block], -1
jz .load
les bx, [.loader_block]
mov eax, [es:bx+3]
push ds
pop es
test eax, eax
jz .load
push eax
mov si, save_quest
call print
mov ah, 0
int 16h
or al, 20h
cmp al, 'n'
jz .loadc
cmp al, 'y'
jnz .waityn
call putchar
mov byte [space_msg+80], 186
pop eax
push cs
push .cont
push eax
retf ;call back
pop eax
push cs
pop ds
mov si, space_msg
mov byte [si+80], 0
_setcursor 15,0
call printplain
_setcursor 15,0
; \end{diamond}[02.12.2005]
call set_vmode
; force yes
mov [es:0x901C], byte 1
mov al, [preboot_dma]
mov [es:0x901F], al
mov al,[preboot_vrrm]
mov [es:0x9030], al
mov [es:0x901E], byte 1
mov al, [preboot_device]
dec al
mov [boot_dev], al
; cmp [boot_dev],0
jne no_sys_on_floppy
mov si,diskload
call print
xor ax, ax ; reset drive
xor dx, dx
int 0x13
; do we boot from CD-ROM?
mov ah, 41h
mov bx, 55AAh
xor dx, dx
int 0x13
jc .nocd
cmp bx, 0AA55h
jnz .nocd
mov ah, 48h
push ds
push es
pop ds
mov si, 0xa000
mov word [si], 30
int 0x13
pop ds
jc .nocd
push ds
lds si, [es:si+26]
test byte [ds:si+10], 40h
pop ds
jz .nocd
; yes - read all floppy by 18 sectors
; TODO: !!!! read only first sector and set variables !!!!!
; ...
; TODO: !!! then read flippy image track by track
mov cx, 0x0001 ; startcyl,startsector
push cx dx
mov al, 18
mov bx, 0xa000
call boot_read_floppy
mov si, movedesc
push es
push ds
pop es
mov cx, 256*18
mov ah, 0x87
int 0x15
pop es
pop dx cx
test ah, ah
jnz sayerr_floppy
add dword [si+8*3+2], 512*18
inc dh
cmp dh, 2
jnz .a1
mov dh, 0
inc ch
cmp ch, 80
jae ok_sys_on_floppy
mov al, ch
shr ch, 2
add al, ch
xchg al, ah
add ax, '00'
mov si, pros
mov [si], ax
call printplain
jmp .a1
; no - read only used sectors from floppy
; now load floppy image to memory
; at first load boot sector and first FAT table
; read only first sector and fill variables
mov cx, 0x0001 ; first logical sector
xor dx, dx ; head = 0, drive = 0 (a:)
mov al, 1 ; read one sector
mov bx, 0xB000 ; es:bx -> data area
call boot_read_floppy
; fill the necessary parameters to work with a floppy
mov ax, word [es:bx+24]
mov word [BPB_SecPerTrk], ax
mov ax, word [es:bx+26]
mov word [BPB_NumHeads], ax
mov ax, word [es:bx+17]
mov word [BPB_RootEntCnt], ax
mov ax, word [es:bx+14]
mov word [BPB_RsvdSecCnt], ax
mov ax, word [es:bx+19]
mov word [BPB_TotSec16], ax
mov al, byte [es:bx+13]
mov byte [BPB_SecPerClus], al
mov al, byte [es:bx+16]
mov byte [BPB_NumFATs], al
;<Lrz> 18.11.2008
mov ax, word [es:bx+22]
mov word [BPB_FATSz16], ax
mov cx, word [es:bx+11]
mov word [BPB_BytsPerSec], cx
; count of clusters in FAT12 ((size_of_FAT*2)/3)
; mov ax, word [BPB_FATSz16]
; mov cx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
;end <Lrz> 18.11.2008
xor dx, dx
mul cx
shl ax, 1
mov cx, 3
div cx ; now ax - number of clusters in FAT12
mov word [end_of_FAT], ax
; load first FAT table
mov cx, 0x0002 ; startcyl,startsector ; TODO!!!!!
xor dx, dx ; starthead,drive
mov al, byte [BPB_FATSz16] ; no of sectors to read
add bx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec] ; es:bx -> data area
call boot_read_floppy
mov bx, 0xB000
; and copy them to extended memory
mov si, movedesc
mov [si+8*2+3], bh ; from
mov ax, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
shr ax, 1 ; words per sector
mov cx, word [BPB_RsvdSecCnt]
add cx, word [BPB_FATSz16]
mul cx
push ax ; save to stack count of words in boot+FAT
xchg ax, cx
push es
push ds
pop es
mov ah, 0x87
int 0x15
pop es
test ah, ah
jz @f
mov dx, 0x3f2
mov al, 0
out dx, al
mov si, memmovefailed
jmp sayerr_plain
pop ax ; restore from stack count of words in boot+FAT
shl ax, 1 ; make bytes count from count of words
and eax, 0ffffh
add dword [si+8*3+2], eax
; copy first FAT to second copy
; TODO: BPB_NumFATs !!!!!
add bx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec] ; !!! TODO: may be need multiply by BPB_RsvdSecCnt !!!
mov byte [si+8*2+3], bh ; bx - begin of FAT
mov ax, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
shr ax, 1 ; words per sector
mov cx, word [BPB_FATSz16]
mul cx
mov cx, ax ; cx - count of words in FAT
push es
push ds
pop es
mov ah, 0x87
int 0x15
pop es
test ah, ah
jnz sayerr_floppy
mov ax, cx
shl ax, 1
and eax, 0ffffh ; ax - count of bytes in FAT
add dword [si+8*3+2], eax
; reading RootDir
add bx, ax
add bx, 100h
and bx, 0ff00h ; bx - place in buffer to write RootDir
push bx
mov bx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
shr bx, 5 ; divide bx by 32
mov ax, word [BPB_RootEntCnt]
xor dx, dx
div bx
push ax ; ax - count of RootDir sectors
mov ax, word [BPB_FATSz16]
xor cx, cx
mov cl, byte [BPB_NumFATs]
mul cx
add ax, word [BPB_RsvdSecCnt] ; ax - first sector of RootDir
mov word [FirstDataSector], ax
pop bx
push bx
add word [FirstDataSector], bx ; Begin of data region of floppy
; read RootDir
call conv_abs_to_THS
pop ax
pop bx ; place in buffer to write
push ax
call boot_read_floppy ; read RootDir into buffer
; copy RootDir
mov byte [si+8*2+3], bh ; from buffer
pop ax ; ax = count of RootDir sectors
mov cx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
mul cx
shr ax, 1
mov cx, ax ; count of words to copy
push es
push ds
pop es
mov ah, 0x87
int 0x15
pop es
mov ax, cx
shl ax, 1
and eax, 0ffffh ; ax - count of bytes in RootDir
add dword [si+8*3+2], eax ; add count of bytes copied
; Reading data clusters from floppy
mov byte [si+8*2+3], bh
push bx
mov di, 2 ; First data cluster
mov bx, di
shr bx, 1 ; bx+di = di*1.5
jnc .even
test word [es:bx+di+0xB200], 0xFFF0 ; TODO: may not be 0xB200 !!!
jmp @f
test word [es:bx+di+0xB200], 0xFFF ; TODO: may not be 0xB200 !!!
jz .skip
; read cluster di
;conv cluster di to abs. sector ax
; ax = (N-2) * BPB_SecPerClus + FirstDataSector
mov ax, di
sub ax, 2
xor bx, bx
mov bl, byte [BPB_SecPerClus]
mul bx
add ax, word [FirstDataSector]
call conv_abs_to_THS
pop bx
push bx
mov al, byte [BPB_SecPerClus] ; number of sectors in cluster
call boot_read_floppy
push es
push ds
pop es
mov ax, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
xor cx, cx
mov cl, byte [BPB_SecPerClus]
mul cx
shr ax, 1 ; ax = (BPB_BytsPerSec * BPB_SecPerClus)/2
mov cx, ax ; number of words to copy (count words in cluster)
mov ah, 0x87
int 0x15 ; copy data
test ah, ah
pop es
jnz sayerr_floppy
; skip cluster di
mov ax, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
xor cx, cx
mov cl, byte [BPB_SecPerClus]
mul cx
and eax, 0ffffh ; ax - count of bytes in cluster
add dword [si+8*3+2], eax
mov ax, word [end_of_FAT] ; max cluster number
; draw percentage
; total clusters: ax
; read clusters: di
xchg ax, di
mov cx, 100
mul cx
div di
xchg al, ah
add ax, '00'
mov si, pros
cmp [si], ax
jz @f
mov [si], ax
call printplain
inc di
cmp di, word [end_of_FAT] ; max number of cluster
jnz .read_loop
pop bx ; clear stack
mov si, backspace2
call printplain
mov si, okt
call printplain
xor ax, ax ; reset drive
xor dx, dx
int 0x13
mov dx, 0x3f2 ; floppy motor off
mov al, 0
out dx, al
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, [es:0x9008] ; vga & 320x200
mov bx, ax
cmp ax, 0x13
je setgr
cmp ax, 0x12
je setgr
mov ax, 0x4f02 ; Vesa
int 0x10
test ah, ah
mov si, fatalsel
jnz v_mode_error
; set mode 0x12 graphics registers:
cmp bx, 0x12
jne gmok2
mov al, 0x05
mov dx, 0x03ce
push dx
out dx, al ; select GDC mode register
mov al, 0x02
inc dx
out dx, al ; set write mode 2
mov al, 0x02
mov dx, 0x03c4
out dx, al ; select VGA sequencer map mask register
mov al, 0x0f
inc dx
out dx, al ; set mask for all planes 0-3
mov al, 0x08
pop dx
out dx, al ; select GDC bit mask register
; for writes to 0x03cf
push ds
pop es