
434 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; Compile with FASM for Menuet
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
dd I_END ; size of image
dd 0x1000 ; memory for app
dd 0x1000 ; esp
dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
include 'lang.inc'
include 'macros.inc'
START: ; start of execution
call draw_window ; draw window
call clear_data ; clear status bar
mov eax,10 ; wait here for event
int 0x40 ; do it
cmp eax,1 ; redraw request ?
je red ; yes jump to it
cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ?
je key ; yes jump to it
cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ?
je button ; yes jump to it
jmp still ; start again
red: ; redraw
call draw_window ; redraw window
call clear_data ; clear status info
jmp still ; start again
key: ; key
mov eax,2 ; just read it and ignore
int 0x40 ; do it
jmp still ; start again
button: ; button
mov eax,17 ; get id
int 0x40 ; do it
cmp ah,1 ; is it the close button
jne noclose ; no then jump code
mov eax,-1 ; close this program
int 0x40 ; do it
cmp ah,100 ; is it main menu
jb not_menu ; no then jump code
cmp ah,104 ; is it main menu
ja not_menu ; no then jump code
call draw_window ; redraw window
call clear_data ; clear status info
call draw_data ; update status info
call write_sub ; draw a sub menu
jmp still ; start again
cmp ah,110 ; is it a sub menu
jb not_sub ; no then jump code
cmp ah,145 ; is it a sub menu
ja not_sub ; no then jump code
call draw_window ; redraw window
call clear_data ; clear status info
mov [button_press],1 ; sub button pressed
call draw_data ; update status info
mov [button_press],0 ; clear pressed
jmp still ; start again
jmp still ; start again
; *********************************************
; *********************************************
push eax ; save register
mov eax,12 ; function 12: tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw
int 0x40 ; do it
mov eax,0 ; function 0: define and draw window
mov ebx,50*65536 ; [x start] *65536
add ebx,[x_size] ; add [x size]
mov ecx,50*65536 ; [y start] *65536
add ecx,[y_size] ; add [y size]
mov edx,0x80ffffff ; colour of work area RRGGBB
mov esi,0x806688dd ; grab bar colour. negative glide
int 0x40 ; do it
mov eax,4 ; function 4: write text to window
mov ebx,6*65536+7 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ffffff ; text colour
mov edx,window_text ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,12 ; text length
int 0x40 ; do it
mov eax,8 ; function 8: define and draw button
mov ebx,(381-18)*65536+13 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,4*65536+13 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx,1 ; button id
mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB
int 0x40 ; do it
mov eax,13 ; function 13: draw bar
mov ebx,1*65536 ; [x start] *65536
add ebx,[x_size] ; add [x size]
dec ebx ; x size - 1
mov ecx,[y_size] ; [y start] *65536
sub ecx,17 ; minus height
shl ecx,16 ; *65536
add ecx,17 ; add height
mov edx,0x006688dd ; bar colour
int 0x40 ; do it
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,5*65536 ; [x start] *65536
add ebx,[y_size] ; add [y start]
sub ebx,12 ; move up
xor ecx,ecx ; text colour
mov edx,button_no ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,14 ; text length
int 0x40 ; do it
add ebx,95*65536 ; move xy position
mov edx,menu_text ; pointer to text beginning
int 0x40 ; do it
call write_main ; draw menu
mov eax,12 ; function 12: tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw
int 0x40 ; do it
pop eax ; restore register
ret ; return
; ************* WRITE MAIN *************
mov eax,13 ; function 13: draw bar
mov ebx,1*65536 ; [x start] *65536
add ebx,[x_size] ; +[x_size]
dec ebx ; x size - 1
mov ecx,21*65536+17 ; [y start] *65536 +[y size]
mov edx,[menu_colour] ; menu colour
int 0x40 ; do it
mov [main_pos],1 ; start position first button
xor edi,edi ; data offset = 0
mov al,[MENU_DATA+edi] ; get byte at menu_data + offset
cmp al,'E' ; is it the END
je main_get_out ; yes then exit
cmp al,'0' ; is it a main menu item
jne not_main_menu ; no then jump code
mov al,[MENU_DATA+edi+1] ; get byte at menu_data + offset + 1
cmp al,'0' ; is it a divider
je is_main_bar ; yes then jump code
mov eax,8 ; function 8: define button
mov ebx,[main_pos] ; [x start]
shl ebx,16 ; *65536
add bl,75 ; +[x size]
mov ecx,21*65536+16 ; [y start] *65536 +[y size]
xor edx,edx ; clear register
mov dl,[MENU_DATA+edi+2] ; get byte button id number
mov esi,[menu_colour] ; button colour
int 0x40 ; do it
mov eax,4 ; function 4: write text to window
add ebx,6*65536-49 ; move xy position
xor ecx,ecx ; text colour
mov edx,MENU_DATA+3 ; point at menu text
add edx,edi ; add our offset
mov esi,11 ; number of characters
int 0x40 ; do it
add [main_pos],76 ; update button position
add edi,14 ; update offset
jmp next_main_item ; do next menu item
ret ; return
; *********** DRAW DATA ***********
push eax ; save register
mov ebx,0x00030000 ; display 3 decimal characters
xor ecx,ecx ; clear register
mov cl,ah ; swap data
mov eax,47 ; function 47: display number to window
mov edx,70*65536 ; [x start] *65536
add edx,[y_size] ; +[y start]
sub edx,12 ; move position
xor esi,esi ; text colour
int 0x40 ; do it
pop eax ; restore register
cmp [button_press],1 ; has a sub button been pressed
je draw_get_out ; then jump code
push eax ; save register
xor edx,edx ; clear register
shr ax,8 ; move button id into al
sub eax,100 ; subtract 100
mov dx,14 ; use record length as multiplier
mul dx ; multiply
mov edx,eax ; swap registers
add edx,MENU_DATA ; add offset
inc edx ; add 1
mov ebx,188*65536 ; [x start] *65536
add ebx,[y_size] ; +[y start]
sub ebx,12 ; move position
mov esi,1 ; 1 character
mov eax,4 ; function 4: write text to window
xor ecx,ecx ; text colour
int 0x40 ; do it
pop eax ; restore register
ret ; return
; **************** CLEAR DATA ******************
push eax ; save register
mov eax,13 ; function 13: draw bar
mov ebx,67*65536+23 ; [x start] *65536 +[x size]
mov ecx,[y_size] ; [y start]
sub ecx,15 ; move position
shl ecx,16 ; *65536
add ecx,13 ; [y size]
mov edx,0x00aaaaaa ; bar colour
int 0x40 ; do it
mov ebx,185*65536+11 ; move position
int 0x40 ; do it again
pop eax ; restore register
ret ; return
; ************* WRITE SUB *************
push eax ; save register
mov [but_pos],38 ; y start position offset
mov [sub_pos],1 ; x start position offset
xor edx,edx ; clear register
shr ax,8 ; move button id into al
sub eax,100 ; subtract 100
mov dx,76 ; menu width + 1
mul dx ; multiply
add [sub_pos],eax ; add menu position to offset
pop eax ; restore register
xor edx,edx ; clear register
shr ax,8 ; move button id into al
sub eax,100 ; subtract 100
mov dx,14 ; use record length as multiplier
mul dx ; multiply
add eax,MENU_DATA ; add offset
inc eax ; plus 1
mov al,[eax] ; get menu number byte
mov [menu_number],al ; save it
xor edi,edi ; clear offset
mov al,[MENU_DATA+edi] ; get byte at menu_data + offset
cmp al,'E' ; is it the END
je sub_get_out ; yes then exit
cmp al,[menu_number] ; is it sub menu item
jne not_sub_menu ; no then jump code
mov al,[MENU_DATA+edi+1] ; get byte at menu_data + offset + 1
cmp al,'0' ; is it a divider
jne is_sub_button ; no then jump code
mov eax,13 ; function 13: draw bar
mov edx,[menu_colour] ; bar colour
mov ebx,[sub_pos] ; [x start]
shl ebx,16 ; *65536
add ebx,76 ; [x size]
mov ecx,[but_pos] ; [y start]
shl ecx,16 ; *65536
add ecx,17 ; [y size]
int 0x40 ; do it
jmp is_sub_bar ; jump button code
mov eax,8 ; function 8: define and draw button
xor edx,edx ; clear register
mov dl,[MENU_DATA+edi+2] ; get byte button id number
mov ebx,[sub_pos] ; [x start]
shl ebx,16 ; *65536
add ebx,75 ; [x size]
mov ecx,[but_pos] ; [y start]
shl ecx,16 ; *65536
add ecx,16 ; [y size]
mov esi,[menu_colour] ; button colour
int 0x40 ; do it
mov ebx,[sub_pos] ; [x start]
shl ebx,16 ; *65536
add ebx,6*65536 ; move position
add ebx,[but_pos] ; [y start]
add bl,5 ; move position
xor ecx,ecx ; clear register
mov edx,MENU_DATA+3 ; point to button text
add edx,edi ; add offset
mov esi,11 ; number of characters
mov eax,4 ; function 4: write text to window
int 0x40 ; do it
add [but_pos],17 ; move y position
add edi,14 ; move offset
jmp next_sub_item ; do next button
ret ; return
; ***************** DATA AREA ******************
x_size: dd 381 ; window x size
y_size: dd 200 ; window y size
window_text db 'MENU EXAMPLE' ; grab bar text
button_no db 'BUTTON No: ' ; status bar text
menu_text db 'MENU SELECTED:' ; status bar text
button_press dd 0
menu_colour dd 0x00aaaaaa ; menu & button colour
menu_number db '0' ; menu selection
sub_pos dd 1 ; sub menu x position
but_pos dd 38 ; sub menu y position
main_pos dd 1 ; main menu x position
MENU_DATA: db '01' ; MAIN MENU = 0 - 1 = menu
db 100 ; button id
db 'FILE ' ; button text
db '02' ; MAIN MENU = 0 - 2 = menu
db 101 ; button id
db 'EDIT ' ; button text
db '04' ; MAIN MENU = 0 - 3 = menu
db 102 ; button id
db 'TEST ' ; button text
db '00' ; MAIN MENU = 0 - 0 = divider
db 103 ; SPACER ID
db ' ' ; SPACER TEXT padding
db '03' ; MAIN MENU = 0 - 4 = menu
db 104 ; button id
db 'HELP ' ; button text
db '11' ; menu level = 1 - 1 = button
db 110 ; button id
db 'LOAD ' ; button text
db '11' ; menu level = 1 - 1 = button
db 111 ; button id
db 'SAVE ' ; button text
db '10' ; menu level = 1 - 0 = divider
db 112 ; SPACER ID
db ' ' ; SPACER TEXT padding
db '11' ; menu level = 1 - 1 = button
db 113 ; button id
db 'QUIT ' ; button text
db '21' ; menu level = 2 - 1 = button
db 120 ; button id
db 'COPY ' ; button text
db '21' ; menu level = 2 - 1 = button
db 121 ; button id
db 'PASTE ' ; button text
db '31' ; menu level = 3 - 1 = button
db 130 ; button id
db 'SETUP ' ; button text
db '31' ; menu level = 3 - 1 = button
db 131 ; button id
db 'ABOUT.. ' ; button text
db '41' ; menu level = 3 - 1 = button
db 140 ; button id
db 'TEST 1 ' ; button text
db '41' ; menu level = 3 - 1 = button
db 141 ; button id
db 'TEST 2 ' ; button text
db '41' ; menu level = 3 - 1 = button
db 142 ; button id
db 'TEST 3 ' ; button text
db '41' ; menu level = 3 - 1 = button
db 143 ; button id
db 'TEST 4 ' ; button text
db '41' ; menu level = 3 - 1 = button
db 144 ; button id
db 'TEST 5 ' ; button text
db '41' ; menu level = 3 - 1 = button
db 145 ; button id
db 'TEST 6 ' ; button text
db 'END' ; IMPORTANT need an END