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;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2009. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Small heap based on malloc/free/realloc written by Doug Lea
; Version 2.8.3 Thu Sep 22 11:16:15 2005 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
; Source ftp://gee.cs.oswego.edu/pub/misc/malloc.c
; License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain.
; eax= size
; temp
; esi= nb
; ebx= idx
align 4
push esi
; nb = ((size+7)&~7)+8;
mov esi, eax ;size
add esi, 7
and esi, -8
add esi, 8
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_lock
cmp esi, 256
jae .large
mov ecx, esi
shr ecx, 3
or eax, -1
shl eax, cl
and eax, [mst.smallmap]
jz .small
push ebp
push edi
bsf eax, eax
mov ebx, eax
; psize= idx<<3;
; B = &ms.smallbins[idx];
; p = B->fd;
; F = p->fd;
; rsize= psize-nb;
lea ebp, [eax*8] ;ebp= psize
shl eax, 4
lea edi, [mst.smallbins+eax] ;edi= B
mov edx, [edi+8] ;edx= p
mov eax, [edx+8] ;eax= F
mov ecx, ebp
sub ecx, esi ;ecx= rsize
; if (B == F)
cmp edi, eax
jne @F
btr [mst.smallmap], ebx
; B->fd = F;
; F->bk = B;
; if(rsize<16)
cmp ecx, 16
mov [edi+8], eax
mov [eax+12], edi
jae .split
; p->head = psize|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
; (p + psize)->head |= PINUSE_BIT;
lea eax, [edx+8]
or dword [edx+ebp+4], 1
or ebp, 3
mov [edx+4], ebp
pop edi
pop ebp
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, esi
pop esi
lea ebx, [edx+8] ;ebx=mem
; r = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
; p->head = nb|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
; r->head = rsize|PINUSE_BIT;
lea eax, [edx+esi] ;eax= r
or esi, 3
mov [edx+4], esi
mov edx, ecx
or edx, 1
mov [eax+4], edx
; (r + rsize)->prev_foot = rsize;
mov [eax+ecx], ecx
; I = rsize>>3;
shr ecx, 3
; ms.smallmap |= 1<< I;
bts [mst.smallmap], ecx
; B = &ms.smallbins[I];
shl ecx, 4
pop edi
pop ebp
add ecx, mst.smallbins ;ecx= B
mov edx, [ecx+8] ; F = B->fd;
mov [ecx+8], eax ; B->fd = r;
mov [edx+12], eax ; F->bk = r;
mov [eax+8], edx ; r->fd = F;
mov [eax+12], ecx ; r->bk = B;
mov eax, ebx
jmp .done
; if (ms.treemap != 0 && (mem = malloc_small(nb)) != 0)
;;;;;;;;;;; start a change <lrz>
mov eax,[mst.treemap]
test eax,eax
;;;;;;;;;;; end the change <lrz>
; cmp [mst.treemap], 0
jz .from_top
mov eax, esi
call malloc_small
test eax, eax
jz .from_top
jmp .done
; if (ms.treemap != 0 && (mem = malloc_large(nb)) != 0)
cmp [mst.treemap], 0
je .from_top
call malloc_large ;esi= nb
test eax, eax
jne .done
; if (nb < ms.topsize)
mov eax, [mst.topsize]
cmp esi, eax
jae .fail
; rsize = ms.topsize -= nb;
; p = ms.top;
mov ecx, [mst.top]
sub eax, esi
mov [mst.topsize], eax
; r = ms.top = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
; r->head = rsize | PINUSE_BIT;
; p->head = nb |PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
lea edx, [ecx+esi]
or eax, 1
mov [mst.top], edx
or esi, 3
mov [edx+4], eax
mov [ecx+4], esi
lea eax, [ecx+8]
jmp .done
xor eax, eax
jmp .done
; param
; eax= mem
align 4
push edi
mov edi, eax
add edi, -8
; if(p->head & CINUSE_BIT)
test byte [edi+4], 2
je .fail
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_lock
; psize = p->head & (~3);
mov eax, [edi+4]
push esi
mov esi, eax
and esi, -4
; next = chunk_plus_offset(p, psize);
; if(!(p->head & PINUSE_BIT))
test al, 1
lea ebx, [esi+edi]
jne .next
; prevsize = p->prev_foot;
; prev=p - prevsize;
; psize += prevsize;
; p = prev;
mov ecx, [edi] ;ecx= prevsize
add esi, ecx ;esi= psize
sub edi, ecx ;edi= p
; if (prevsize < 256)
cmp ecx, 256
jae .unlink_large
mov eax, [edi+8] ;F = p->fd;
mov edx, [edi+12] ;B = p->bk;
; if (F == B)
; ms.smallmap &= ~(1<< I);
shr ecx, 3
cmp eax, edx
jne @F
btr [mst.smallmap], ecx
mov [eax+12], edx ;F->bk = B;
mov [edx+8], eax ;B->fd = F
jmp .next
mov edx, edi
call unlink_large_chunk
; if(next->head & PINUSE_BIT)
mov eax, [ebx+4]
test al, 1
jz .fail2
; if (! (next->head & CINUSE_BIT))
test al, 2
jnz .fix_next
; if (next == ms.top)
cmp ebx, [mst.top]
jne @F
; tsize = ms.topsize += psize;
mov eax, [mst.topsize]
add eax, esi
mov [mst.topsize], eax
; ms.top = p;
; p->head = tsize | PINUSE_BIT;
or eax, 1
mov [mst.top], edi
mov [edi+4], eax
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, esi
pop esi
pop edi
; nsize = next->head & ~INUSE_BITS;
and eax, -4
add esi, eax ;psize += nsize;
; if (nsize < 256)
cmp eax, 256
jae .unl_large
mov edx, [ebx+8] ;F = next->fd
mov ebx, [ebx+12] ;B = next->bk
; if (F == B)
cmp edx, ebx
jne @F
mov ecx, eax
shr ecx, 3
btr [mst.smallmap], ecx
mov [edx+12], ebx ;F->bk = B
; p->head = psize|PINUSE_BIT;
mov ecx, esi
mov [ebx+8], edx
or ecx, 1
mov [edi+4], ecx
; (p+psize)->prev_foot = psize;
mov [esi+edi], esi
; insert_chunk(p,psize);
mov eax, esi
pop esi
mov ecx, edi
pop edi
jmp insert_chunk
; unlink_large_chunk((tchunkptr)next);
mov edx, ebx
call unlink_large_chunk
; p->head = psize|PINUSE_BIT;
mov ecx, esi
or ecx, 1
mov [edi+4], ecx
; (p+psize)->prev_foot = psize;
mov [esi+edi], esi
; insert_chunk(p,psize);
mov eax, esi
pop esi
mov ecx, edi
pop edi
jmp insert_chunk
; (p+psize)->prev_foot = psize;
; next->head &= ~PINUSE_BIT;
; p->head = psize|PINUSE_BIT;
and eax, -2
mov edx, esi
mov [ebx+4], eax
or edx, 1
mov [edi+4], edx
; (p+psize)->prev_foot = psize;
mov [esi+edi], esi
; insert_chunk(p,psize);
mov eax, esi
pop esi
mov ecx, edi
pop edi
jmp insert_chunk
; param
; ecx = chunk
; eax = size
cmp eax, 256
push esi
mov esi, ecx
jae .large
; I = S>>3;
; ms.smallmap |= 1<< I;
shr eax, 3
bts [mst.smallmap], eax
; B = &ms.smallbins[I];
shl eax, 4
add eax, mst.smallbins
mov edx, [eax+8] ;F = B->fd
mov [eax+8], esi ;B->fd = P
mov [edx+12], esi ;F->bk = P
mov [esi+8], edx ;P->fd = F
mov [esi+12], eax ;P->bk = B
pop esi
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov ebx, eax
call insert_large_chunk
pop esi
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_unlock
; param
; esi= chunk
; ebx= size
; I = compute_tree_index(S);
mov edx, ebx
shr edx, 8
bsr eax, edx
lea ecx, [eax+7]
mov edx, ebx
shr edx, cl
and edx, 1
lea ecx, [edx+eax*2]
; X->index = I;
mov dword [esi+28], ecx
; X->child[0] = X->child[1] = 0;
and dword [esi+20], 0
and dword [esi+16], 0
; H = &ms.treebins[I];
mov eax, ecx
lea edx, [mst.treebins+eax*4]
; if (!(ms.treemap & 1<<I))
bt [mst.treemap], ecx
jc .tree
; ms.treemap |= 1<<I;
bts [mst.treemap], ecx
; *H = X;
mov dword [edx], esi
jmp .done
; T = *H;
mov edx, [edx]
; K = S << leftshift_for_tree_index(I);
mov eax, ecx
shr eax, 1
sub ecx, 31
mov edi, 37
sub edi, eax
neg ecx
sbb ecx, ecx
and ecx, edi
mov eax, ebx
shl eax, cl ;eax= K
jmp .loop
; C = &(T->child[(K >> 31) & 1]);
mov ecx, eax
shr ecx, 31
lea ecx, [edx+ecx*4+16]
; K <<= 1;
; if (*C != 0)
mov edi, [ecx]
add eax, eax
test edi, edi
jz .insert_child
; T = *C;
mov edx, edi
; for (;;)
; if ((T->head & ~INUSE_BITS) != S)
mov ecx, [edx+4]
and ecx, not 3
cmp ecx, ebx
jne .not_eq_size
; F = T->fd;
mov eax, [edx+8]
; T->fd = F->bk = X;
mov [eax+12], esi
mov [edx+8], esi
; X->fd = F;
; X->bk = T;
; X->parent = 0;
and dword [esi+24], 0
mov [esi+8], eax
mov [esi+12], edx
; *C = X;
mov [ecx], esi
; X->parent = T;
mov [esi+24], edx
; X->fd = X->bk = X;
mov [esi+12], esi
mov [esi+8], esi
; param
; edx= chunk
mov eax, [edx+12]
cmp eax, edx
push edi
mov edi, [edx+24]
je @F
mov ecx, [edx+8] ;F = X->fd
mov [ecx+12], eax ;F->bk = R;
mov [eax+8], ecx ;R->fd = F
jmp .parent
mov eax, [edx+20]
test eax, eax
push esi
lea esi, [edx+20]
jne .loop
mov eax, [edx+16]
test eax, eax
lea esi, [edx+16]
je .l2
cmp dword [eax+20], 0
lea ecx, [eax+20]
jne @F
cmp dword [eax+16], 0
lea ecx, [eax+16]
je .l1
mov eax, [ecx]
mov esi, ecx
jmp .loop
mov dword [esi], 0
pop esi
test edi, edi
je .done
mov ecx, [edx+28]
cmp edx, [mst.treebins+ecx*4]
lea ecx, [mst.treebins+ecx*4]
jne .l3
test eax, eax
mov [ecx], eax
jne .l5
mov ecx, [edx+28]
btr [mst.treemap], ecx
pop edi
cmp [edi+16], edx
jne @F
mov [edi+16], eax
jmp .l4
mov [edi+20], eax
test eax, eax
je .done
mov [eax+24], edi
mov ecx, [edx+16]
test ecx, ecx
je .l6
mov [eax+16], ecx
mov [ecx+24], eax
mov edx, [edx+20]
test edx, edx
je .done
mov [eax+20], edx
mov [edx+24], eax
pop edi
; param
; esi= nb
push ebp
mov ebp, esi
push edi
bsf eax,[mst.treemap]
mov ecx, [mst.treebins+eax*4]
; rsize = (t->head & ~INUSE_BITS) - nb;
mov edi, [ecx+4]
and edi, -4
sub edi, esi
mov ebx, ecx
; while ((t = leftmost_child(t)) != 0)
mov eax, [ecx+16]
test eax, eax
jz @F
mov ecx, eax
jmp .l1
mov ecx, [ecx+20]
test ecx, ecx
jz .unlink
; trem = (t->head & ~INUSE_BITS) - nb;
mov eax, [ecx+4]
and eax, -4
sub eax, ebp
; if (trem < rsize)
cmp eax, edi
jae .loop_1
; rsize = trem;
mov edi, eax
jmp .loop
; r = chunk_plus_offset((mchunkptr)v, nb);
; unlink_large_chunk(v);
mov edx, ebx
lea esi, [ebx+ebp]
call unlink_large_chunk
; if (rsize < 16)
cmp edi, 16
jae .split
; v->head = (rsize + nb)|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
lea ecx, [edi+ebp]
; (v+rsize + nb)->head |= PINUSE_BIT;
add edi, ebx
lea eax, [edi+ebp+4]
pop edi
or ecx, 3
mov [ebx+4], ecx
or dword [eax], 1
pop ebp
lea eax, [ebx+8]
; v->head = nb|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
; r->head = rsize|PINUSE_BIT;
; (r+rsize)->prev_foot = rsize;
or ebp, 3
mov edx, edi
or edx, 1
cmp edi, 256
mov [ebx+4], ebp
mov [esi+4], edx
mov [esi+edi], edi
jae .large
shr edi, 3
bts [mst.smallmap], edi
mov eax, edi
shl eax, 4
add eax, mst.smallbins
mov edx, [eax+8]
mov [eax+8], esi
mov [edx+12], esi
pop edi
mov [esi+12], eax
mov [esi+8], edx
pop ebp
lea eax, [ebx+8]
lea eax, [ebx+8]
push eax
mov ebx, edi
call insert_large_chunk
pop eax
pop edi
pop ebp
; param
; esi= nb
.idx equ esp+4
.rst equ esp
push ebp
push esi
push edi
sub esp, 8
; v = 0;
; rsize = -nb;
mov edi, esi
mov ebx, esi
xor ebp, ebp
neg edi
; idx = compute_tree_index(nb);
mov edx, esi
shr edx, 8
bsr eax, edx
lea ecx, [eax+7]
shr esi, cl
and esi, 1
lea ecx, [esi+eax*2]
mov [.idx], ecx
; if ((t = ms.treebins[idx]) != 0)
mov eax, [mst.treebins+ecx*4]
test eax, eax
jz .l3
; sizebits = nb << leftshift_for_tree_index(idx);
cmp ecx, 31
jne @F
xor ecx, ecx
jmp .l1
mov edx, ecx
shr edx, 1
mov ecx, 37
sub ecx, edx
mov edx, ebx
shl edx, cl
; rst = 0;
mov [.rst], ebp
; trem = (t->head & ~INUSE_BITS) - nb;
mov ecx, [eax+4]
and ecx, -4
sub ecx, ebx
; if (trem < rsize)
cmp ecx, edi
jae @F
; v = t;
; if ((rsize = trem) == 0)
test ecx, ecx
mov ebp, eax
mov edi, ecx
je .l2
; rt = t->child[1];
mov ecx, [eax+20]
; t = t->child[(sizebits >> 31) & 1];
mov esi, edx
shr esi, 31
; if (rt != 0 && rt != t)
test ecx, ecx
mov eax, [eax+esi*4+16]
jz @F
cmp ecx, eax
jz @F
; rst = rt;
mov [.rst], ecx
; if (t == 0)
test eax, eax
jz @F
; sizebits <<= 1;
add edx, edx
jmp .loop
; t = rst;
mov eax, [.rst]
; if (t == 0 && v == 0)
test eax, eax
jne .l4
test ebp, ebp
jne .l7
mov ecx, [.idx]
; leftbits = (-1<<idx) & ms.treemap;
; if (leftbits != 0)
or edx, -1
shl edx, cl
and edx, [mst.treemap]
jz @F
bsf eax, edx
; t = ms.treebins[i];
mov eax, [mst.treebins+eax*4]
; while (t != 0)
test eax, eax
jz .l5
; trem = (t->head & ~INUSE_BITS) - nb;
mov ecx, [eax+4]
and ecx, -4
sub ecx, ebx
; if (trem < rsize)
cmp ecx, edi
jae @F
; rsize = trem;
mov edi, ecx
; v = t;
mov ebp, eax
; t = leftmost_child(t);
mov ecx, [eax+16]
test ecx, ecx
je @F
mov eax, ecx
jmp .l6
mov eax, [eax+20]
; while (t != 0)
test eax, eax
jne .l4
; if (v != 0)
test ebp, ebp
jz .done
; r = chunk_plus_offset((mchunkptr)v, nb);
; unlink_large_chunk(v);
mov edx, ebp
lea esi, [ebx+ebp]
call unlink_large_chunk
; if (rsize < 16)
cmp edi, 16
jae .large
; v->head = (rsize + nb)|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
lea ecx, [edi+ebx]
; (v+rsize + nb)->head |= PINUSE_BIT;
add edi, ebp
lea eax, [edi+ebx+4]
or ecx, 3
mov [ebp+4], ecx
or dword [eax], 1
lea eax, [ebp+8]
add esp, 8
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
; v->head = nb|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
; r->head = rsize|PINUSE_BIT;
mov edx, edi
or ebx, 3
mov [ebp+4], ebx
or edx, 1
mov [esi+4], edx
; (r+rsize)->prev_foot = rsize;
; insert_large_chunk((tchunkptr)r, rsize);
mov [esi+edi], edi
mov eax, edi
mov ecx, esi
call insert_chunk
lea eax, [ebp+8]
add esp, 8
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
add esp, 8
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
xor eax, eax
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x40000
mov [mst.top], eax
mov [mst.topsize], 128*1024
mov dword [eax+4], (128*1024) or 1
mov eax, mst.smallbins
mov [eax+8], eax
mov [eax+12], eax
add eax, 16
cmp eax, mst.smallbins+512
jb @B
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_init