
139 lines
5.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

macro line_full_top {
db 201
times 78 db 205
db 187
macro line_full_bottom {
db 200
times 78 db 205
db 188
macro line_half {
db 186,' '
times 76 db 0xc4
db ' ',186
macro line_space {
db 186
times 78 db 32
db 186
space_msg: line_space
; line_space
; version string
db 186,32
repeat 78
load a byte from version+%-1
if a = 13
end if
db a
end repeat
repeat 78 - ($-verstr)
db ' '
end repeat
db 32,186
d80x25_top_num = 4
; db 186,' KolibriOS based on MenuetOS and comes with ABSOLUTELY '
; db 'NO WARRANTY ',186
; db 186,' See file COPYING for details '
; db ' ',186
db 186,' KolibriOS basiert auf MenuetOS und wird ohne jegliche '
db ' Garantie vertrieben ',186
db 186,' Details stehen in der Datei COPYING '
db ' ',186
d80x25_bottom_num = 3
novesa db "Anzeige: EGA/CGA ",13,10,0
vervesa db "Vesa-Version: Vesa ",13,10,0
msg_apm db " APM x.x ", 0
gr_mode db 186," Vesa 2.0+ 16 M LFB: [1] 640x480, [2] 800x600, "
db "[3] 1024x768, [4] 1280x1024",13,10
db 186," Vesa 1.2 16 M Bnk: [5] 640x480, [6] 800x600, "
db "[7] 1024x768, [8] 1280x1024",13,10
db 186," EGA/CGA 256 Farben: [9] 320x200, "
db "VGA 16 Farben: [0] 640x480",13,10
db 186," Waehle Modus: ",0
bt24 db "Bits Per Pixel: 24",13,10,0
bt32 db "Bits Per Pixel: 32",13,10,0
vrrmprint db "VRR verwenden? (Monitorfrequenz groesser als 60Hz"
db " only for transfers:",13,10
db 186," 1024*768->800*600 und 800*600->640*480) [1-ja,2-nein]:",0
;askmouse db " Maus angeschlossen an:"
; db " [1] PS/2 (USB), [2] Com1, [3] Com2."
; db " Waehle Port [1-3]: ",0
;no_com1 db 13,10,186, " Keine COM1 Maus",0
;no_com2 db 13,10,186, " Keine COM2 Maus",0
ask_dma db "Nutze DMA zum HDD Aufschreiben? [1-ja/2-nein]: ",0
;gr_direct db 186," Benutze direct LFB? "
; db "[1-ja/2-nein] ? ",0
;mem_model db 13,10,186," Hauptspeicher [1-16 Mb / 2-32 Mb / "
; db "3-64Mb / 4-128 Mb / 5-256 Mb] ? ",0
;bootlog db 13,10,186," After bootlog display [1-continue/2-pause] ? ",0
bdev db "Lade die Ramdisk von [1-Diskette; 2-C:\kolibri.img (FAT32);"
db 13,10,186," "
db "3-benutze ein bereits geladenes Kernel image]: ",0
probetext db 13,10,13,10,186," Nutze Standardgrafikmodi? [1-ja, "
db "2-BIOS Test (Vesa 3.0)]: ",0
;memokz256 db 13,10,186," RAM 256 Mb",0
;memokz128 db 13,10,186," RAM 128 Mb",0
;memokz64 db 13,10,186," RAM 64 Mb",0
;memokz32 db 13,10,186," RAM 32 Mb",0
;memokz16 db 13,10,186," RAM 16 Mb",0
prnotfnd db "Fatal - Videomodus nicht gefunden.",0
;modena db "Fatal - VBE 0x112+ required.",0
not386 db "Fatal - CPU 386+ benoetigt.",0
btns db "Fatal - konnte Farbtiefe nicht erkennen.",0
fatalsel db "Fatal - Grafikmodus nicht unterstuetzt.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Fatal - Sektorfehler, Andere Diskette neutzen.",0
memmovefailed db 13,10,186," Fatal - Int 0x15 Fehler.",0
okt db " ... OK"
linef db 13,10,0
diskload db "Lade Diskette: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros db "00"
backspace2 db 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0 ; 0=floppy, 1=hd
start_msg db "Druecke [abcd], um die Einstellungen zu aendern , druecke [Enter] zum starten",13,10,0
time_msg db " oder warte "
time_str db " 5 Sekunden"
db " bis zum automatischen Start",13,10,0
current_cfg_msg db "Aktuelle Einstellungen:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg db " [a] Videomodus: ",0
mode1 db "640x480",0
mode2 db "800x600",0
mode3 db "1024x768",0
mode4 db "1280x1024",0
modes_msg dw mode4-0x10000,mode1-0x10000,mode2-0x10000,mode3-0x10000
modevesa20 db " mit LFB",0
modevesa12 db ", VESA 1.2 Bnk",0
mode9 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 colors",0
mode10 db "640x480, VGA 16 colors",0
probeno_msg db " (Standard Modus)",0
probeok_msg db " (teste nicht-standard Modi)",0
dma_msg db " [b] Nutze DMA zum HDD Aufschreiben:",0
on_msg db " an",13,10,0
off_msg db " aus",13,10,0
vrrm_msg db " [c] Nutze VRR:",0
preboot_device_msg db " [d] Diskettenimage: ",0
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1-0x10000,pdm2-0x10000,pdm3-0x10000
pdm1 db "Echte Diskette",13,10,0
pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 db "Nutze bereits geladenes Image",13,10,0
loading_msg db "Lade KolibriOS...",0
save_quest db "Aktuelle Einstellungen speichern? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error db "Bootloader Daten ungueltig, Kann nicht fortfahren. Angehalten.",0