
813 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "jsi.h"
#include "jsvalue.h"
#include "jsbuiltin.h"
#include <time.h>
#if defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
#include <sys/time.h>
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#define js_optnumber(J,I,V) (js_isdefined(J,I) ? js_tonumber(J,I) : V)
static double Now(void)
#if defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return floor(tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + tv.tv_usec / 1000.0);
#elif defined(_WIN32)
struct _timeb tv;
return tv.time * 1000.0 + tv.millitm;
return time(NULL) * 1000.0;
static double LocalTZA(void)
static int once = 1;
static double tza = 0;
if (once) {
time_t now = time(NULL);
time_t utc = mktime(gmtime(&now));
time_t loc = mktime(localtime(&now));
tza = (loc - utc) * 1000;
once = 0;
return tza;
static double DaylightSavingTA(double t)
return 0; /* TODO */
/* Helpers from the ECMA 262 specification */
#define HoursPerDay 24.0
#define MinutesPerDay (HoursPerDay * MinutesPerHour)
#define MinutesPerHour 60.0
#define SecondsPerDay (MinutesPerDay * SecondsPerMinute)
#define SecondsPerHour (MinutesPerHour * SecondsPerMinute)
#define SecondsPerMinute 60.0
#define msPerDay (SecondsPerDay * msPerSecond)
#define msPerHour (SecondsPerHour * msPerSecond)
#define msPerMinute (SecondsPerMinute * msPerSecond)
#define msPerSecond 1000.0
static double pmod(double x, double y)
x = fmod(x, y);
if (x < 0)
x += y;
return x;
static int Day(double t)
return floor(t / msPerDay);
static double TimeWithinDay(double t)
return pmod(t, msPerDay);
static int DaysInYear(int y)
return y % 4 == 0 && (y % 100 || (y % 400 == 0)) ? 366 : 365;
static int DayFromYear(int y)
return 365 * (y - 1970) +
floor((y - 1969) / 4.0) -
floor((y - 1901) / 100.0) +
floor((y - 1601) / 400.0);
static double TimeFromYear(int y)
return DayFromYear(y) * msPerDay;
static int YearFromTime(double t)
int y = floor(t / (msPerDay * 365.2425)) + 1970;
double t2 = TimeFromYear(y);
if (t2 > t)
else if (t2 + msPerDay * DaysInYear(y) <= t)
return y;
static int InLeapYear(double t)
return DaysInYear(YearFromTime(t)) == 366;
static int DayWithinYear(double t)
return Day(t) - DayFromYear(YearFromTime(t));
static int MonthFromTime(double t)
int day = DayWithinYear(t);
int leap = InLeapYear(t);
if (day < 31) return 0;
if (day < 59 + leap) return 1;
if (day < 90 + leap) return 2;
if (day < 120 + leap) return 3;
if (day < 151 + leap) return 4;
if (day < 181 + leap) return 5;
if (day < 212 + leap) return 6;
if (day < 243 + leap) return 7;
if (day < 273 + leap) return 8;
if (day < 304 + leap) return 9;
if (day < 334 + leap) return 10;
return 11;
static int DateFromTime(double t)
int day = DayWithinYear(t);
int leap = InLeapYear(t);
switch (MonthFromTime(t)) {
case 0: return day + 1;
case 1: return day - 30;
case 2: return day - 58 - leap;
case 3: return day - 89 - leap;
case 4: return day - 119 - leap;
case 5: return day - 150 - leap;
case 6: return day - 180 - leap;
case 7: return day - 211 - leap;
case 8: return day - 242 - leap;
case 9: return day - 272 - leap;
case 10: return day - 303 - leap;
default : return day - 333 - leap;
static int WeekDay(double t)
return pmod(Day(t) + 4, 7);
static double LocalTime(double utc)
return utc + LocalTZA() + DaylightSavingTA(utc);
static double UTC(double loc)
return loc - LocalTZA() - DaylightSavingTA(loc - LocalTZA());
static int HourFromTime(double t)
return pmod(floor(t / msPerHour), HoursPerDay);
static int MinFromTime(double t)
return pmod(floor(t / msPerMinute), MinutesPerHour);
static int SecFromTime(double t)
return pmod(floor(t / msPerSecond), SecondsPerMinute);
static int msFromTime(double t)
return pmod(t, msPerSecond);
static double MakeTime(double hour, double min, double sec, double ms)
return ((hour * MinutesPerHour + min) * SecondsPerMinute + sec) * msPerSecond + ms;
static double MakeDay(double y, double m, double date)
* The following array contains the day of year for the first day of
* each month, where index 0 is January, and day 0 is January 1.
static const double firstDayOfMonth[2][12] = {
{0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334},
{0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335}
double yd, md;
int im;
y += floor(m / 12);
m = pmod(m, 12);
im = (int)m;
if (im < 0 || im >= 12)
return NAN;
yd = floor(TimeFromYear(y) / msPerDay);
md = firstDayOfMonth[DaysInYear(y) == 366][im];
return yd + md + date - 1;
static double MakeDate(double day, double time)
return day * msPerDay + time;
static double TimeClip(double t)
if (!isfinite(t))
return NAN;
if (fabs(t) > 8.64e15)
return NAN;
return t < 0 ? -floor(-t) : floor(t);
static int toint(const char **sp, int w, int *v)
const char *s = *sp;
*v = 0;
while (w--) {
if (*s < '0' || *s > '9')
return 0;
*v = *v * 10 + (*s++ - '0');
*sp = s;
return 1;
static double parseDateTime(const char *s)
int y = 1970, m = 1, d = 1, H = 0, M = 0, S = 0, ms = 0;
int tza = 0;
double t;
/* Parse ISO 8601 formatted date and time: */
/* YYYY("-"MM("-"DD)?)?("T"HH":"mm(":"ss("."sss)?)?("Z"|[+-]HH(":"mm)?)?)? */
if (!toint(&s, 4, &y)) return NAN;
if (*s == '-') {
s += 1;
if (!toint(&s, 2, &m)) return NAN;
if (*s == '-') {
s += 1;
if (!toint(&s, 2, &d)) return NAN;
if (*s == 'T') {
s += 1;
if (!toint(&s, 2, &H)) return NAN;
if (*s != ':') return NAN;
s += 1;
if (!toint(&s, 2, &M)) return NAN;
if (*s == ':') {
s += 1;
if (!toint(&s, 2, &S)) return NAN;
if (*s == '.') {
s += 1;
if (!toint(&s, 3, &ms)) return NAN;
if (*s == 'Z') {
s += 1;
tza = 0;
} else if (*s == '+' || *s == '-') {
int tzh = 0, tzm = 0;
int tzs = *s == '+' ? 1 : -1;
s += 1;
if (!toint(&s, 2, &tzh)) return NAN;
if (*s == ':') {
s += 1;
if (!toint(&s, 2, &tzm)) return NAN;
if (tzh > 23 || tzm > 59) return NAN;
tza = tzs * (tzh * msPerHour + tzm * msPerMinute);
} else {
tza = LocalTZA();
if (*s) return NAN;
if (m < 1 || m > 12) return NAN;
if (d < 1 || d > 31) return NAN;
if (H < 0 || H > 24) return NAN;
if (M < 0 || M > 59) return NAN;
if (S < 0 || S > 59) return NAN;
if (ms < 0 || ms > 999) return NAN;
if (H == 24 && (M != 0 || S != 0 || ms != 0)) return NAN;
/* TODO: DaylightSavingTA on local times */
t = MakeDate(MakeDay(y, m-1, d), MakeTime(H, M, S, ms));
return t - tza;
/* date formatting */
static char *fmtdate(char *buf, double t)
int y = YearFromTime(t);
int m = MonthFromTime(t);
int d = DateFromTime(t);
if (!isfinite(t))
return "Invalid Date";
sprintf(buf, "%04d-%02d-%02d", y, m+1, d);
return buf;
static char *fmttime(char *buf, double t, double tza)
int H = HourFromTime(t);
int M = MinFromTime(t);
int S = SecFromTime(t);
int ms = msFromTime(t);
int tzh = HourFromTime(fabs(tza));
int tzm = MinFromTime(fabs(tza));
if (!isfinite(t))
return "Invalid Date";
if (tza == 0)
sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ", H, M, S, ms);
else if (tza < 0)
sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d-%02d:%02d", H, M, S, ms, tzh, tzm);
sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d+%02d:%02d", H, M, S, ms, tzh, tzm);
return buf;
static char *fmtdatetime(char *buf, double t, double tza)
char dbuf[20], tbuf[20];
if (!isfinite(t))
return "Invalid Date";
fmtdate(dbuf, t);
fmttime(tbuf, t, tza);
sprintf(buf, "%sT%s", dbuf, tbuf);
return buf;
/* Date functions */
static double js_todate(js_State *J, int idx)
js_Object *self = js_toobject(J, idx);
if (self->type != JS_CDATE)
js_typeerror(J, "not a date");
return self->u.number;
static void js_setdate(js_State *J, int idx, double t)
js_Object *self = js_toobject(J, idx);
if (self->type != JS_CDATE)
js_typeerror(J, "not a date");
self->u.number = TimeClip(t);
js_pushnumber(J, self->u.number);
static void D_parse(js_State *J)
double t = parseDateTime(js_tostring(J, 1));
js_pushnumber(J, t);
static void D_UTC(js_State *J)
double y, m, d, H, M, S, ms, t;
y = js_tonumber(J, 1);
if (y < 100) y += 1900;
m = js_tonumber(J, 2);
d = js_optnumber(J, 3, 1);
H = js_optnumber(J, 4, 0);
M = js_optnumber(J, 5, 0);
S = js_optnumber(J, 6, 0);
ms = js_optnumber(J, 7, 0);
t = MakeDate(MakeDay(y, m, d), MakeTime(H, M, S, ms));
t = TimeClip(t);
js_pushnumber(J, t);
static void D_now(js_State *J)
js_pushnumber(J, Now());
static void jsB_Date(js_State *J)
char buf[64];
js_pushstring(J, fmtdatetime(buf, LocalTime(Now()), LocalTZA()));
static void jsB_new_Date(js_State *J)
int top = js_gettop(J);
js_Object *obj;
double t;
if (top == 1)
t = Now();
else if (top == 2) {
js_toprimitive(J, 1, JS_HNONE);
if (js_isstring(J, 1))
t = parseDateTime(js_tostring(J, 1));
t = TimeClip(js_tonumber(J, 1));
} else {
double y, m, d, H, M, S, ms;
y = js_tonumber(J, 1);
if (y < 100) y += 1900;
m = js_tonumber(J, 2);
d = js_optnumber(J, 3, 1);
H = js_optnumber(J, 4, 0);
M = js_optnumber(J, 5, 0);
S = js_optnumber(J, 6, 0);
ms = js_optnumber(J, 7, 0);
t = MakeDate(MakeDay(y, m, d), MakeTime(H, M, S, ms));
t = TimeClip(UTC(t));
obj = jsV_newobject(J, JS_CDATE, J->Date_prototype);
obj->u.number = t;
js_pushobject(J, obj);
static void Dp_valueOf(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, t);
static void Dp_toString(js_State *J)
char buf[64];
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushstring(J, fmtdatetime(buf, LocalTime(t), LocalTZA()));
static void Dp_toDateString(js_State *J)
char buf[64];
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushstring(J, fmtdate(buf, LocalTime(t)));
static void Dp_toTimeString(js_State *J)
char buf[64];
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushstring(J, fmttime(buf, LocalTime(t), LocalTZA()));
static void Dp_toUTCString(js_State *J)
char buf[64];
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushstring(J, fmtdatetime(buf, t, 0));
static void Dp_toISOString(js_State *J)
char buf[64];
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
if (!isfinite(t))
js_rangeerror(J, "invalid date");
js_pushstring(J, fmtdatetime(buf, t, 0));
static void Dp_getFullYear(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, YearFromTime(LocalTime(t)));
static void Dp_getMonth(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, MonthFromTime(LocalTime(t)));
static void Dp_getDate(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, DateFromTime(LocalTime(t)));
static void Dp_getDay(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, WeekDay(LocalTime(t)));
static void Dp_getHours(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, HourFromTime(LocalTime(t)));
static void Dp_getMinutes(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, MinFromTime(LocalTime(t)));
static void Dp_getSeconds(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, SecFromTime(LocalTime(t)));
static void Dp_getMilliseconds(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, msFromTime(LocalTime(t)));
static void Dp_getUTCFullYear(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, YearFromTime(t));
static void Dp_getUTCMonth(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, MonthFromTime(t));
static void Dp_getUTCDate(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, DateFromTime(t));
static void Dp_getUTCDay(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, WeekDay(t));
static void Dp_getUTCHours(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, HourFromTime(t));
static void Dp_getUTCMinutes(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, MinFromTime(t));
static void Dp_getUTCSeconds(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, SecFromTime(t));
static void Dp_getUTCMilliseconds(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, msFromTime(t));
static void Dp_getTimezoneOffset(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
js_pushnumber(J, (t - LocalTime(t)) / msPerMinute);
static void Dp_setTime(js_State *J)
js_setdate(J, 0, js_tonumber(J, 1));
static void Dp_setMilliseconds(js_State *J)
double t = LocalTime(js_todate(J, 0));
double h = HourFromTime(t);
double m = MinFromTime(t);
double s = SecFromTime(t);
double ms = js_tonumber(J, 1);
js_setdate(J, 0, UTC(MakeDate(Day(t), MakeTime(h, m, s, ms))));
static void Dp_setSeconds(js_State *J)
double t = LocalTime(js_todate(J, 0));
double h = HourFromTime(t);
double m = MinFromTime(t);
double s = js_tonumber(J, 1);
double ms = js_optnumber(J, 2, msFromTime(t));
js_setdate(J, 0, UTC(MakeDate(Day(t), MakeTime(h, m, s, ms))));
static void Dp_setMinutes(js_State *J)
double t = LocalTime(js_todate(J, 0));
double h = HourFromTime(t);
double m = js_tonumber(J, 1);
double s = js_optnumber(J, 2, SecFromTime(t));
double ms = js_optnumber(J, 3, msFromTime(t));
js_setdate(J, 0, UTC(MakeDate(Day(t), MakeTime(h, m, s, ms))));
static void Dp_setHours(js_State *J)
double t = LocalTime(js_todate(J, 0));
double h = js_tonumber(J, 1);
double m = js_optnumber(J, 2, MinFromTime(t));
double s = js_optnumber(J, 3, SecFromTime(t));
double ms = js_optnumber(J, 4, msFromTime(t));
js_setdate(J, 0, UTC(MakeDate(Day(t), MakeTime(h, m, s, ms))));
static void Dp_setDate(js_State *J)
double t = LocalTime(js_todate(J, 0));
double y = YearFromTime(t);
double m = MonthFromTime(t);
double d = js_tonumber(J, 1);
js_setdate(J, 0, UTC(MakeDate(MakeDay(y, m, d), TimeWithinDay(t))));
static void Dp_setMonth(js_State *J)
double t = LocalTime(js_todate(J, 0));
double y = YearFromTime(t);
double m = js_tonumber(J, 1);
double d = js_optnumber(J, 2, DateFromTime(t));
js_setdate(J, 0, UTC(MakeDate(MakeDay(y, m, d), TimeWithinDay(t))));
static void Dp_setFullYear(js_State *J)
double t = LocalTime(js_todate(J, 0));
double y = js_tonumber(J, 1);
double m = js_optnumber(J, 2, MonthFromTime(t));
double d = js_optnumber(J, 3, DateFromTime(t));
js_setdate(J, 0, UTC(MakeDate(MakeDay(y, m, d), TimeWithinDay(t))));
static void Dp_setUTCMilliseconds(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
double h = HourFromTime(t);
double m = MinFromTime(t);
double s = SecFromTime(t);
double ms = js_tonumber(J, 1);
js_setdate(J, 0, MakeDate(Day(t), MakeTime(h, m, s, ms)));
static void Dp_setUTCSeconds(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
double h = HourFromTime(t);
double m = MinFromTime(t);
double s = js_tonumber(J, 1);
double ms = js_optnumber(J, 2, msFromTime(t));
js_setdate(J, 0, MakeDate(Day(t), MakeTime(h, m, s, ms)));
static void Dp_setUTCMinutes(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
double h = HourFromTime(t);
double m = js_tonumber(J, 1);
double s = js_optnumber(J, 2, SecFromTime(t));
double ms = js_optnumber(J, 3, msFromTime(t));
js_setdate(J, 0, MakeDate(Day(t), MakeTime(h, m, s, ms)));
static void Dp_setUTCHours(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
double h = js_tonumber(J, 1);
double m = js_optnumber(J, 2, HourFromTime(t));
double s = js_optnumber(J, 3, SecFromTime(t));
double ms = js_optnumber(J, 4, msFromTime(t));
js_setdate(J, 0, MakeDate(Day(t), MakeTime(h, m, s, ms)));
static void Dp_setUTCDate(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
double y = YearFromTime(t);
double m = MonthFromTime(t);
double d = js_tonumber(J, 1);
js_setdate(J, 0, MakeDate(MakeDay(y, m, d), TimeWithinDay(t)));
static void Dp_setUTCMonth(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
double y = YearFromTime(t);
double m = js_tonumber(J, 1);
double d = js_optnumber(J, 2, DateFromTime(t));
js_setdate(J, 0, MakeDate(MakeDay(y, m, d), TimeWithinDay(t)));
static void Dp_setUTCFullYear(js_State *J)
double t = js_todate(J, 0);
double y = js_tonumber(J, 1);
double m = js_optnumber(J, 2, MonthFromTime(t));
double d = js_optnumber(J, 3, DateFromTime(t));
js_setdate(J, 0, MakeDate(MakeDay(y, m, d), TimeWithinDay(t)));
static void Dp_toJSON(js_State *J)
js_copy(J, 0);
js_toprimitive(J, -1, JS_HNUMBER);
if (js_isnumber(J, -1) && !isfinite(js_tonumber(J, -1))) {
js_pop(J, 1);
js_getproperty(J, 0, "toISOString");
if (!js_iscallable(J, -1))
js_typeerror(J, "this.toISOString is not a function");
js_copy(J, 0);
js_call(J, 0);
void jsB_initdate(js_State *J)
J->Date_prototype->u.number = 0;
js_pushobject(J, J->Date_prototype);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.valueOf", Dp_valueOf, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.toString", Dp_toString, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.toDateString", Dp_toDateString, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.toTimeString", Dp_toTimeString, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.toLocaleString", Dp_toString, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString", Dp_toDateString, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString", Dp_toTimeString, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.toUTCString", Dp_toUTCString, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getTime", Dp_valueOf, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getFullYear", Dp_getFullYear, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getUTCFullYear", Dp_getUTCFullYear, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getMonth", Dp_getMonth, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getUTCMonth", Dp_getUTCMonth, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getDate", Dp_getDate, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getUTCDate", Dp_getUTCDate, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getDay", Dp_getDay, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getUTCDay", Dp_getUTCDay, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getHours", Dp_getHours, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getUTCHours", Dp_getUTCHours, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getMinutes", Dp_getMinutes, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getUTCMinutes", Dp_getUTCMinutes, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getSeconds", Dp_getSeconds, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getUTCSeconds", Dp_getUTCSeconds, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getMilliseconds", Dp_getMilliseconds, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getUTCMilliseconds", Dp_getUTCMilliseconds, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset", Dp_getTimezoneOffset, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setTime", Dp_setTime, 1);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setMilliseconds", Dp_setMilliseconds, 1);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setUTCMilliseconds", Dp_setUTCMilliseconds, 1);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setSeconds", Dp_setSeconds, 2);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setUTCSeconds", Dp_setUTCSeconds, 2);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setMinutes", Dp_setMinutes, 3);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setUTCMinutes", Dp_setUTCMinutes, 3);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setHours", Dp_setHours, 4);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setUTCHours", Dp_setUTCHours, 4);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setDate", Dp_setDate, 1);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setUTCDate", Dp_setUTCDate, 1);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setMonth", Dp_setMonth, 2);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setUTCMonth", Dp_setUTCMonth, 2);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setFullYear", Dp_setFullYear, 3);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.setUTCFullYear", Dp_setUTCFullYear, 3);
/* ES5 */
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.toISOString", Dp_toISOString, 0);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.prototype.toJSON", Dp_toJSON, 1);
js_newcconstructor(J, jsB_Date, jsB_new_Date, "Date", 0); /* 1 */
jsB_propf(J, "Date.parse", D_parse, 1);
jsB_propf(J, "Date.UTC", D_UTC, 7);
/* ES5 */
jsB_propf(J, "Date.now", D_now, 0);
js_defglobal(J, "Date", JS_DONTENUM);