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Here is a brief explanation of all the legal mumbo jumbo contained in the
various license agreements that may or may not be part of this package.
(This document was designed to be a quick overview of our license terms.
You must refer to the full text of the license for a complete listing of
terms and conditions.)
What You Can and Cannot Do With the Shareware Version of Quake.
-- Play & Enjoy the single player game
-- Setup a shareware version based server on a not-for-profit basis
-- Run the game with user developed levels.
-- You may not commercially exploit the shareware version in any way
This specifically excludes retail distribution of the shareware
version. Do not call or e-mail to ask if you can be a retail
distributor of the shareware version -- the answer is no!
-- Commercially exploit any id copyrighted and/or trademarked property.
Example: Game names, logos, graphics, etc.
What You Can and Cannot Do With the Registered Version of Quake.
-- Play & Enjoy the single player game
-- Setup a registered version based server on a not-for-profit basis
-- Develop new levels and/or level creation utilities.
-- Play the game and/or setup a Registered Version based server using
a user-developed level.
-- Commercially exploit the Registered Version of Quake in any way;
see commercially exploitation license info below.
-- Commercially exploit any id copyrighted and/or trademarked
Example: Game names, logos, game graphics, etc.
-- Sell user-developed levels and/or tools
COMMERCIAL EXPLOITATION LICENSE (comexp.txt -- accompanies Quake
registered version only)
If you are interested in trying to make money using the registered version
of Quake (this sort of thing is not allowed using the shareware version) you
must sign our easy-to-digest Commercial Exploitation License.
This is a royalty free license that allows you to run Quake for a profit
through a certain monthly gross profit range. If your Quake-related business
becomes successful the agreement brings id into the revenue stream.
Basic terms of the commercial exploitation license:
-- License grants a royalty free commercial exploitation right for the
registered version of Quake as a whole so long as Quake's monthly gross
revenue is below $5,000.00
-- License provides for a 12.5% royalty to be paid to id Software in months
where the licensee's Quake related monthly gross revenue is above $5,000.00
-- Royalty is based off net income. Net income is defined as Quake-related
gross income less Quake-related expenses.
-- License expressly prohibits commercial exploitation via the sale (retail
or otherwise) of the shareware or registered versions of Quake.
-- License expressly prohibits advertising/marketing use of our copyrighted
and/or trademarked properties.
To get into bed with us on this deal you must print two (2) copies of the
document named comexp.txt. (You should find comexp.txt somewhere on the
registered version CD.) Sign/fill in the blanks of both copies where
indicated and mail both to:
id Software
18601 LBJ #666
Mesquite, TX 75150
Attn: ComExp License
We will then countersign the documents and mail one back to you.
Two items worth noting here:
1. It is VERY IMPORTANT that the information you enter in the signature
block be legible. We prefer it if you enter the info into the blanks before
printing your two copies. If we cannot read your information we will not be
able to return the documents to you.
2. The terms of this document are not subject to negotiation. If you cannot
live with the terms spelled out in the agreement do not engage in any
commercial exploitation of Quake and do not sign the document.