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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<!--This file is an extract of interface definitions from Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification-->
<exception name="DOMException" id="ID-17189187"><descr><p>DOM operations only raise exceptions in "exceptional" circumstances, i.e., when an operation is impossible to perform (either for logical reasons, because data is lost, or because the implementation has become unstable). In general, DOM methods return specific error values in ordinary processing situations, such as out-of-bound errors when using<code>NodeList</code>.</p><p>Implementations should raise other exceptions under other circumstances. For example, implementations should raise an implementation-dependent exception if a<code>null</code>argument is passed when<code>null</code>was not expected.</p><p>Some languages and object systems do not support the concept of exceptions. For such systems, error conditions may be indicated using native error reporting mechanisms. For some bindings, for example, methods may return error codes similar to those listed in the corresponding method descriptions.</p></descr><component id="ID-146F692A" name="code"><typename>unsigned short</typename></component></exception>
<group id="ID-258A00AF" name="ExceptionCode"><descr><p>An integer indicating the type of error generated.</p><note><p>Other numeric codes are reserved for W3C for possible future use.</p></note></descr><constant id="DOMException-INDEX_SIZE_ERR" name="INDEX_SIZE_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="1"><descr><p>If index or size is negative, or greater than the allowed value.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR" name="DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="2"><descr><p>If the specified range of text does not fit into a<code>DOMString</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR" name="HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="3"><descr><p>If any<code>Node</code>is inserted somewhere it doesn't belong.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR" name="WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="4"><descr><p>If a<code>Node</code>is used in a different document than the one that created it (that doesn't support it).</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" name="INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="5"><descr><p>If an invalid or illegal character is specified, such as in an XML name.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR" name="NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="6"><descr><p>If data is specified for a<code>Node</code>which does not support data.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR" name="NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="7"><descr><p>If an attempt is made to modify an object where modifications are not allowed.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-NOT_FOUND_ERR" name="NOT_FOUND_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="8"><descr><p>If an attempt is made to reference a<code>Node</code>in a context where it does not exist.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR" name="NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="9"><descr><p>If the implementation does not support the requested type of object or operation.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR" name="INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="10"><descr><p>If an attempt is made to add an attribute that is already in use elsewhere.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-INVALID_STATE_ERR" name="INVALID_STATE_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="11" since="DOM Level 2"><descr><p>If an attempt is made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-SYNTAX_ERR" name="SYNTAX_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="12" since="DOM Level 2"><descr><p>If an invalid or illegal string is specified.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR" name="INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="13" since="DOM Level 2"><descr><p>If an attempt is made to modify the type of the underlying object.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-NAMESPACE_ERR" name="NAMESPACE_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="14" since="DOM Level 2"><descr><p>If an attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-INVALID_ACCESS_ERR" name="INVALID_ACCESS_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="15" since="DOM Level 2"><descr><p>If a parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-VALIDATION_ERR" name="VALIDATION_ERR" type="unsigned short" value="16" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>If a call to a method such as<code>insertBefore</code>or<code>removeChild</code>would make the<code>Node</code>invalid with respect to<termref def="dt-partially-valid">"partial validity"</termref>, this exception would be raised and the operation would not be done. This code is used in<bibref role="informative" ref="DOMVal"/>. Refer to this specification for further information.</p></descr></constant><constant id="DOMException-TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR
<interface name="DOMStringList" id="DOMStringList" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>The<code>DOMStringList</code>interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of<code>DOMString</code>values, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented. The items in the<code>DOMStringList</code>are accessible via an integral index, starting from 0.</p></descr><method name="item" id="DOMStringList-item"><descr><p>Returns the<code>index</code>th item in the collection. If<code>index</code>is greater than or equal to the number of<code>DOMString</code>s in the list, this returns<code>null</code>.</p></descr><parameters><param name="index" type="unsigned long" attr="in"><descr><p>Index into the collection.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="DOMString"><descr><p>The<code>DOMString</code>at the<code>index</code>th position in the<code>DOMStringList</code>, or<code>null</code>if that is not a valid index.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method><attribute type="unsigned long" readonly="yes" name="length" id="DOMStringList-length"><descr><p>The number of<code>DOMString</code>s in the list. The range of valid child node indices is 0 to<code>length-1</code>inclusive.</p></descr></attribute><method name="contains" id="DOMStringList-contains"><descr><p>Test if a string is part of this<code>DOMStringList</code>.</p></descr><parameters><param name="str" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The string to look for.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="boolean"><descr><p><code>true</code>if the string has been found,<code>false</code>otherwise.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method></interface>
<interface name="NameList" id="NameList" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>The<code>NameList</code>interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of parallel pairs of name and namespace values (which could be null values), without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented. The items in the<code>NameList</code>are accessible via an integral index, starting from 0.</p></descr><method name="getName" id="NameList-getName"><descr><p>Returns the<code>index</code>th name item in the collection.</p></descr><parameters><param name="index" type="unsigned long" attr="in"><descr><p>Index into the collection.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="DOMString"><descr><p>The name at the<code>index</code>th position in the<code>NameList</code>, or<code>null</code>if there is no name for the specified index or if the index is out of range.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method><method name="getNamespaceURI" id="NameList-getNamespaceURI"><descr><p>Returns the<code>index</code>th namespaceURI item in the collection.</p></descr><parameters><param name="index" type="unsigned long" attr="in"><descr><p>Index into the collection.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="DOMString"><descr><p>The namespace URI at the<code>index</code>th position in the<code>NameList</code>, or<code>null</code>if there is no name for the specified index or if the index is out of range.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method><attribute type="unsigned long" readonly="yes" name="length" id="NameList-length"><descr><p>The number of pairs (name and namespaceURI) in the list. The range of valid child node indices is 0 to<code>length-1</code>inclusive.</p></descr></attribute><method name="contains" id="NameList-contains"><descr><p>Test if a name is part of this<code>NameList</code>.</p></descr><parameters><param name="str" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The name to look for.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="boolean"><descr><p><code>true</code>if the name has been found,<code>false</code>otherwise.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method><method name="containsNS" id="NameList-containsNS"><descr><p>Test if the pair namespaceURI/name is part of this<code>NameList</code>.</p></descr><parameters><param name="namespaceURI" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The namespace URI to look for.</p></descr></param><param name="name" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The name to look for.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="boolean"><descr><p><code>true</code>if the pair namespaceURI/name has been found,<code>false</code>otherwise.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method></interface>
<interface name="DOMImplementationList" id="DOMImplementationList" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>The<code>DOMImplementationList</code>interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOM implementations, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented. The items in the<code>DOMImplementationList</code>are accessible via an integral index, starting from 0.</p></descr><method name="item" id="DOMImplementationList-item"><descr><p>Returns the<code>index</code>th item in the collection. If<code>index</code>is greater than or equal to the number of<code>DOMImplementation</code>s in the list, this returns<code>null</code>.</p></descr><parameters><param name="index" type="unsigned long" attr="in"><descr><p>Index into the collection.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="DOMImplementation"><descr><p>The<code>DOMImplementation</code>at the<code>index</code>th position in the<code>DOMImplementationList</code>, or<code>null</code>if that is not a valid index.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method><attribute type="unsigned long" readonly="yes" name="length" id="DOMImplementationList-length"><descr><p>The number of<code>DOMImplementation</code>s in the list. The range of valid child node indices is 0 to<code>length-1</code>inclusive.</p></descr></attribute></interface>
<interface name="DOMImplementationSource" id="DOMImplementationSource" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>This interface permits a DOM implementer to supply one or more implementations, based upon requested features and versions, as specified in<specref ref="DOMFeatures"/>. Each implemented<code>DOMImplementationSource</code>object is listed in the binding-specific list of available sources so that its<code>DOMImplementation</code>objects are made available.</p></descr><method name="getDOMImplementation" id="ID-getDOMImpl"><descr><p>A method to request the first DOM implementation that supports the specified features.</p></descr><parameters><param name="features" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>A string that specifies which features and versions are required. This is a space separated list in which each feature is specified by its name optionally followed by a space and a version number.</p><p>This method returns the first item of the list returned by<code>getDOMImplementationList</code>.</p><p>As an example, the string<code>"XML 3.0 Traversal +Events 2.0"</code>will request a DOM implementation that supports the module "XML" for its 3.0 version, a module that support of the "Traversal" module for any version, and the module "Events" for its 2.0 version. The module "Events" must be accessible using the method<code>Node.getFeature()</code>and<code>DOMImplementation.getFeature()</code>.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="DOMImplementation"><descr><p>The first DOM implementation that support the desired features, or<code>null</code>if this source has none.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method><method name="getDOMImplementationList" id="ID-getDOMImpls"><descr><p>A method to request a list of DOM implementations that support the specified features and versions, as specified in<specref ref="DOMFeatures"/>.</p></descr><parameters><param name="features" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>A string that specifies which features and versions are required. This is a space separated list in which each feature is specified by its name optionally followed by a space and a version number. This is something like: "XML 3.0 Traversal +Events 2.0"</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="DOMImplementationList"><descr><p>A list of DOM implementations that support the desired features.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method></interface>
<interface name="DOMImplementation" id="ID-102161490"><descr><p>The<code>DOMImplementation</code>interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance of the document object model.</p></descr><method name="hasFeature" id="ID-5CED94D7"><descr><p>Test if the DOM implementation implements a specific feature and version, as specified in<specref ref="DOMFeatures"/>.</p></descr><parameters><param name="feature" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The name of the feature to test.</p></descr></param><param name="version" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>This is the version number of the feature to test.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="boolean"><descr><p><code>true</code>if the feature is implemented in the specified version,<code>false</code>otherwise.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method><method name="createDocumentType" id="Level-2-Core-DOM-createDocType" since="DOM Level 2"><descr><p>Creates an empty<code>DocumentType</code>node. Entity declarations and notations are not made available. Entity reference expansions and default attribute additions do not occur..</p></descr><parameters><param name="qualifiedName" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The<termref def="dt-qualifiedname">qualified name</termref>of the document type to be created.</p></descr></param><param name="publicId" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The external subset public identifier.</p></descr></param><param name="systemId" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The external subset system identifier.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="DocumentType"><descr><p>A new<code>DocumentType</code>node with<code>Node.ownerDocument</code>set to<code>null</code>.</p></descr></returns><raises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified qualified name is not an XML name according to<bibref ref="XML"/>.</p><p>NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the<code>qualifiedName</code>is malformed.</p><p>NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: May be raised if the implementation does not support the feature "XML" and the language exposed through the Document does not support XML Namespaces (such as<bibref role="informative" ref="HTML40"/>).</p></descr></exception></raises></method><method name="createDocument" id="Level-2-Core-DOM-createDocument" since="DOM Level 2"><descr><p>Creates a DOM Document object of the specified type with its document element.</p><p>Note that based on the<code>DocumentType</code>given to create the document, the implementation may instantiate specialized<code>Document</code>objects that support additional features than the "Core", such as "HTML"<bibref role="informative" ref="DOM2HTML"/>. On the other hand, setting the<code>DocumentType</code>after the document was created makes this very unlikely to happen. Alternatively, specialized<code>Document</code>creation methods, such as<code>createHTMLDocument</code><bibref role="informative" ref="DOM2HTML"/>, can be used to obtain specific types of<code>Document</code>objects.</p></descr><parameters><param name="namespaceURI" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The<termref def="dt-namespaceURI">namespace URI</termref>of the document element to create or<code>null</code>.</p></descr></param><param name="qualifiedName" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The<termref def="dt-qualifiedname">qualified name</termref>of the document element to be created or<code>null</code>.</p></descr></param><param name="doctype" type="DocumentType" attr="in"><descr><p>The type of document to be created or<code>null</code>.</p><p>When<code>doctype</code>is not<code>null</code>, its<code>Node.ownerDocument</code>attribute is set to the document being created.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="Document"><descr><p>A new<code>Document</code>object with its document element. If the<code>NamespaceURI</code>,<code>qualifiedName</code>, and<code>doctype</code>are<code>null</code>, the returned<code>Document</code>is empty with no document element.</p></descr></returns><raises><exception name="DOMException"><desc
<interface name="DocumentFragment" inherits="Node" id="ID-B63ED1A3"><descr><p><code>DocumentFragment</code>is a "lightweight" or "minimal"<code>Document</code>object. It is very common to want to be able to extract a portion of a document's tree or to create a new fragment of a document. Imagine implementing a user command like cut or rearranging a document by moving fragments around. It is desirable to have an object which can hold such fragments and it is quite natural to use a Node for this purpose. While it is true that a<code>Document</code>object could fulfill this role, a<code>Document</code>object can potentially be a heavyweight object, depending on the underlying implementation. What is really needed for this is a very lightweight object.<code>DocumentFragment</code>is such an object.</p><p>Furthermore, various operations -- such as inserting nodes as children of another<code>Node</code>-- may take<code>DocumentFragment</code>objects as arguments; this results in all the child nodes of the<code>DocumentFragment</code>being moved to the child list of this node.</p><p>The children of a<code>DocumentFragment</code>node are zero or more nodes representing the tops of any sub-trees defining the structure of the document.<code>DocumentFragment</code>nodes do not need to be<termref def="dt-well-formed">well-formed XML documents</termref>(although they do need to follow the rules imposed upon well-formed XML parsed entities, which can have multiple top nodes). For example, a<code>DocumentFragment</code>might have only one child and that child node could be a<code>Text</code>node. Such a structure model represents neither an HTML document nor a well-formed XML document.</p><p>When a<code>DocumentFragment</code>is inserted into a<code>Document</code>(or indeed any other<code>Node</code>that may take children) the children of the<code>DocumentFragment</code>and not the<code>DocumentFragment</code>itself are inserted into the<code>Node</code>. This makes the<code>DocumentFragment</code>very useful when the user wishes to create nodes that are<termref def="dt-sibling">siblings</termref>; the<code>DocumentFragment</code>acts as the parent of these nodes so that the user can use the standard methods from the<code>Node</code>interface, such as<code>Node.insertBefore</code>and<code>Node.appendChild</code>.</p></descr></interface>
<interface name="Document" inherits="Node" id="i-Document"><descr><p>The<code>Document</code>interface represents the entire HTML or XML document. Conceptually, it is the<termref def="dt-root-node">root</termref>of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document's data.</p><p>Since elements, text nodes, comments, processing instructions, etc. cannot exist outside the context of a<code>Document</code>, the<code>Document</code>interface also contains the factory methods needed to create these objects. The<code>Node</code>objects created have a<code>ownerDocument</code>attribute which associates them with the<code>Document</code>within whose context they were created.</p></descr><attribute id="ID-B63ED1A31" name="doctype" type="DocumentType" readonly="yes" version="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>The Document Type Declaration (see<code>DocumentType</code>) associated with this document. For XML documents without a document type declaration this returns<code>null</code>. For HTML documents, a<code>DocumentType</code>object may be returned, independently of the presence or absence of document type declaration in the HTML document.</p><p>This provides direct access to the<code>DocumentType</code>node, child node of this<code>Document</code>. This node can be set at document creation time and later changed through the use of child nodes manipulation methods, such as<code>Node.insertBefore</code>, or<code>Node.replaceChild</code>. Note, however, that while some implementations may instantiate different types of<code>Document</code>objects supporting additional features than the "Core", such as "HTML"<bibref role="informative" ref="DOM2HTML"/>, based on the<code>DocumentType</code>specified at creation time, changing it afterwards is very unlikely to result in a change of the features supported.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" name="implementation" type="DOMImplementation" id="ID-1B793EBA"><descr><p>The<code>DOMImplementation</code>object that handles this document. A DOM application may use objects from multiple implementations.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" name="documentElement" type="Element" id="ID-87CD092"><descr><p>This is a<termref def="dt-convenience">convenience</termref>attribute that allows direct access to the child node that is the<termref def="dt-document-element">document element</termref>of the document.</p></descr></attribute><method name="createElement" id="ID-2141741547"><descr><p>Creates an element of the type specified. Note that the instance returned implements the<code>Element</code>interface, so attributes can be specified directly on the returned object.</p><p>In addition, if there are known attributes with default values,<code>Attr</code>nodes representing them are automatically created and attached to the element.</p><p>To create an element with a<termref def="dt-qualifiedname">qualified name</termref>and<termref def="dt-namespaceURI">namespace URI</termref>, use the<code>createElementNS</code>method.</p></descr><parameters><param name="tagName" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The name of the element type to instantiate. For XML, this is case-sensitive, otherwise it depends on the case-sensitivity of the markup language in use. In that case, the name is mapped to the canonical form of that markup by the DOM implementation.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="Element"><descr><p>A new<code>Element</code>object with the<code>nodeName</code>attribute set to<code>tagName</code>, and<code>localName</code>,<code>prefix</code>, and<code>namespaceURI</code>set to<code>null</code>.</p></descr></returns><raises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified name is not an XML name according to the XML version in use specified in the<code>Document.xmlVersion</code>attribute.</p></descr></exception></raises></method><method name="createDocumentFragment" id="ID-35CB04B5"><descr><p>Creates an empty<code>DocumentFragment</code>object.</p></descr><parameters></parameters><returns type="DocumentFragment"><descr><p>A
<interface name="Node" id="ID-1950641247"><descr><p>The<code>Node</code>interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model. It represents a single node in the document tree. While all objects implementing the<code>Node</code>interface expose methods for dealing with children, not all objects implementing the<code>Node</code>interface may have children. For example,<code>Text</code>nodes may not have children, and adding children to such nodes results in a<code>DOMException</code>being raised.</p><p>The attributes<code>nodeName</code>,<code>nodeValue</code>and<code>attributes</code>are included as a mechanism to get at node information without casting down to the specific derived interface. In cases where there is no obvious mapping of these attributes for a specific<code>nodeType</code>(e.g.,<code>nodeValue</code>for an<code>Element</code>or<code>attributes</code>for a<code>Comment</code>), this returns<code>null</code>. Note that the specialized interfaces may contain additional and more convenient mechanisms to get and set the relevant information.</p></descr><group id="ID-1841493061" name="NodeType"><descr><p>An integer indicating which type of node this is.</p><note><p>Numeric codes up to 200 are reserved to W3C for possible future use.</p></note></descr><constant id="Node-ELEMENT_NODE" name="ELEMENT_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="1"><descr><p>The node is an<code>Element</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-ATTRIBUTE_NODE" name="ATTRIBUTE_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="2"><descr><p>The node is an<code>Attr</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-TEXT_NODE" name="TEXT_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="3"><descr><p>The node is a<code>Text</code>node.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-CDATA_SECTION_NODE" name="CDATA_SECTION_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="4"><descr><p>The node is a<code>CDATASection</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" name="ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="5"><descr><p>The node is an<code>EntityReference</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-ENTITY_NODE" name="ENTITY_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="6"><descr><p>The node is an<code>Entity</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" name="PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="7"><descr><p>The node is a<code>ProcessingInstruction</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-COMMENT_NODE" name="COMMENT_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="8"><descr><p>The node is a<code>Comment</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-DOCUMENT_NODE" name="DOCUMENT_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="9"><descr><p>The node is a<code>Document</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" name="DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="10"><descr><p>The node is a<code>DocumentType</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" name="DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="11"><descr><p>The node is a<code>DocumentFragment</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="Node-NOTATION_NODE" name="NOTATION_NODE" type="unsigned short" value="12"><descr><p>The node is a<code>Notation</code>.</p></descr></constant></group><p>The values of<code>nodeName</code>,<code>nodeValue</code>, and<code>attributes</code>vary according to the node type as follows:<table cellpadding="3" summary="Layout table: the first cell contains the name of the interface, the second contains the value of the nodeName attribute for this interface, the third contains the value of the nodeValue attribute for this interface and the fourth contains the value of the attributes attribute for this interface" border="1"><tbody><tr><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Interface</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">nodeName</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">nodeValue</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="1">attributes</th></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><code>Attr</code></td><td rowspan="1" colspan="1">same as<code>Attr.name</code></td><td row
<interface name="NodeList" id="ID-536297177"><descr><p>The<code>NodeList</code>interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented.<code>NodeList</code>objects in the DOM are<termref def="td-live">live</termref>.</p><p>The items in the<code>NodeList</code>are accessible via an integral index, starting from 0.</p></descr><method name="item" id="ID-844377136"><descr><p>Returns the<code>index</code>th item in the collection. If<code>index</code>is greater than or equal to the number of nodes in the list, this returns<code>null</code>.</p></descr><parameters><param name="index" type="unsigned long" attr="in"><descr><p>Index into the collection.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="Node"><descr><p>The node at the<code>index</code>th position in the<code>NodeList</code>, or<code>null</code>if that is not a valid index.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method><attribute type="unsigned long" readonly="yes" name="length" id="ID-203510337"><descr><p>The number of nodes in the list. The range of valid child node indices is 0 to<code>length-1</code>inclusive.</p></descr></attribute></interface>
<interface name="NamedNodeMap" id="ID-1780488922"><descr><p>Objects implementing the<code>NamedNodeMap</code>interface are used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name. Note that<code>NamedNodeMap</code>does not inherit from<code>NodeList</code>;<code>NamedNodeMaps</code>are not maintained in any particular order. Objects contained in an object implementing<code>NamedNodeMap</code>may also be accessed by an ordinal index, but this is simply to allow convenient enumeration of the contents of a<code>NamedNodeMap</code>, and does not imply that the DOM specifies an order to these Nodes.</p><p><code>NamedNodeMap</code>objects in the DOM are<termref def="td-live">live</termref>.</p></descr><method name="getNamedItem" id="ID-1074577549"><descr><p>Retrieves a node specified by name.</p></descr><parameters><param name="name" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The<code>nodeName</code>of a node to retrieve.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="Node"><descr><p>A<code>Node</code>(of any type) with the specified<code>nodeName</code>, or<code>null</code>if it does not identify any node in this map.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method><method name="setNamedItem" id="ID-1025163788"><descr><p>Adds a node using its<code>nodeName</code>attribute. If a node with that name is already present in this map, it is replaced by the new one. Replacing a node by itself has no effect.</p><p>As the<code>nodeName</code>attribute is used to derive the name which the node must be stored under, multiple nodes of certain types (those that have a "special" string value) cannot be stored as the names would clash. This is seen as preferable to allowing nodes to be aliased.</p></descr><parameters><param name="arg" type="Node" attr="in"><descr><p>A node to store in this map. The node will later be accessible using the value of its<code>nodeName</code>attribute.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="Node"><descr><p>If the new<code>Node</code>replaces an existing node the replaced<code>Node</code>is returned, otherwise<code>null</code>is returned.</p></descr></returns><raises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if<code>arg</code>was created from a different document than the one that created this map.</p><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this map is readonly.</p><p>INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if<code>arg</code>is an<code>Attr</code>that is already an attribute of another<code>Element</code>object. The DOM user must explicitly clone<code>Attr</code>nodes to re-use them in other elements.</p><p>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if an attempt is made to add a node doesn't belong in this NamedNodeMap. Examples would include trying to insert something other than an Attr node into an Element's map of attributes, or a non-Entity node into the DocumentType's map of Entities.</p></descr></exception></raises></method><method name="removeNamedItem" id="ID-D58B193"><descr><p>Removes a node specified by name. When this map contains the attributes attached to an element, if the removed attribute is known to have a default value, an attribute immediately appears containing the default value as well as the corresponding namespace URI, local name, and prefix when applicable.</p></descr><parameters><param name="name" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The<code>nodeName</code>of the node to remove.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="Node"><descr><p>The node removed from this map if a node with such a name exists.</p></descr></returns><raises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if there is no node named<code>name</code>in this map.</p><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this map is readonly.</p></descr></exception></raises></method><method name="item" id="ID-349467F9"><descr><p>Returns the<code>index</code>th item in the map. If<code>index</code>is greater than or equal to the number of nodes in this map, this returns<code>null</code>.</p></descr><parameters><param name="index" type="unsigned long" attr="in"><descr><p>Index into this map.</p></
<interface name="CharacterData" inherits="Node" id="ID-FF21A306"><descr><p>The<code>CharacterData</code>interface extends Node with a set of attributes and methods for accessing character data in the DOM. For clarity this set is defined here rather than on each object that uses these attributes and methods. No DOM objects correspond directly to<code>CharacterData</code>, though<code>Text</code>and others do inherit the interface from it. All<code>offsets</code>in this interface start from<code>0</code>.</p><p>As explained in the<code>DOMString</code>interface, text strings in the DOM are represented in UTF-16, i.e. as a sequence of 16-bit units. In the following, the term<termref def="dt-16-bit-unit">16-bit units</termref>is used whenever necessary to indicate that indexing on CharacterData is done in 16-bit units.</p></descr><attribute type="DOMString" name="data" id="ID-72AB8359" readonly="no"><descr><p>The character data of the node that implements this interface. The DOM implementation may not put arbitrary limits on the amount of data that may be stored in a<code>CharacterData</code>node. However, implementation limits may mean that the entirety of a node's data may not fit into a single<code>DOMString</code>. In such cases, the user may call<code>substringData</code>to retrieve the data in appropriately sized pieces.</p></descr><setraises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised when the node is readonly.</p></descr></exception></setraises><getraises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: Raised when it would return more characters than fit in a<code>DOMString</code>variable on the implementation platform.</p></descr></exception></getraises></attribute><attribute type="unsigned long" name="length" readonly="yes" id="ID-7D61178C"><descr><p>The number of<termref def="dt-16-bit-unit">16-bit units</termref>that are available through<code>data</code>and the<code>substringData</code>method below. This may have the value zero, i.e.,<code>CharacterData</code>nodes may be empty.</p></descr></attribute><method name="substringData" id="ID-6531BCCF"><descr><p>Extracts a range of data from the node.</p></descr><parameters><param name="offset" type="unsigned long" attr="in"><descr><p>Start offset of substring to extract.</p></descr></param><param name="count" type="unsigned long" attr="in"><descr><p>The number of 16-bit units to extract.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="DOMString"><descr><p>The specified substring. If the sum of<code>offset</code>and<code>count</code>exceeds the<code>length</code>, then all 16-bit units to the end of the data are returned.</p></descr></returns><raises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the specified<code>offset</code>is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in<code>data</code>, or if the specified<code>count</code>is negative.</p><p>DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the specified range of text does not fit into a<code>DOMString</code>.</p></descr></exception></raises></method><method name="appendData" id="ID-32791A2F"><descr><p>Append the string to the end of the character data of the node. Upon success,<code>data</code>provides access to the concatenation of<code>data</code>and the<code>DOMString</code>specified.</p></descr><parameters><param name="arg" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The<code>DOMString</code>to append.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="void"><descr><p/></descr></returns><raises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.</p></descr></exception></raises></method><method name="insertData" id="ID-3EDB695F"><descr><p>Insert a string at the specified<termref def="dt-16-bit-unit">16-bit unit</termref>offset.</p></descr><parameters><param name="offset" type="unsigned long" attr="in"><descr><p>The character offset at which to insert.</p></descr></param><param name="arg" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The<code>DOMString</code>to insert.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="void">
<interface name="Attr" inherits="Node" id="ID-637646024"><descr><p>The<code>Attr</code>interface represents an attribute in an<code>Element</code>object. Typically the allowable values for the attribute are defined in a schema associated with the document.</p><p><code>Attr</code>objects inherit the<code>Node</code>interface, but since they are not actually child nodes of the element they describe, the DOM does not consider them part of the document tree. Thus, the<code>Node</code>attributes<code>parentNode</code>,<code>previousSibling</code>, and<code>nextSibling</code>have a<code>null</code>value for<code>Attr</code>objects. The DOM takes the view that attributes are properties of elements rather than having a separate identity from the elements they are associated with; this should make it more efficient to implement such features as default attributes associated with all elements of a given type. Furthermore,<code>Attr</code>nodes may not be immediate children of a<code>DocumentFragment</code>. However, they can be associated with<code>Element</code>nodes contained within a<code>DocumentFragment</code>. In short, users and implementors of the DOM need to be aware that<code>Attr</code>nodes have some things in common with other objects inheriting the<code>Node</code>interface, but they also are quite distinct.</p><p>The attribute's effective value is determined as follows: if this attribute has been explicitly assigned any value, that value is the attribute's effective value; otherwise, if there is a declaration for this attribute, and that declaration includes a default value, then that default value is the attribute's effective value; otherwise, the attribute does not exist on this element in the structure model until it has been explicitly added. Note that the<code>Node.nodeValue</code>attribute on the<code>Attr</code>instance can also be used to retrieve the string version of the attribute's value(s).</p><p>If the attribute was not explicitly given a value in the instance document but has a default value provided by the schema associated with the document, an attribute node will be created with<code>specified</code>set to<code>false</code>. Removing attribute nodes for which a default value is defined in the schema generates a new attribute node with the default value and<code>specified</code>set to<code>false</code>. If validation occurred while invoking<code>Document.normalizeDocument()</code>, attribute nodes with<code>specified</code>equals to<code>false</code>are recomputed according to the default attribute values provided by the schema. If no default value is associate with this attribute in the schema, the attribute node is discarded.</p><p>In XML, where the value of an attribute can contain entity references, the child nodes of the<code>Attr</code>node may be either<code>Text</code>or<code>EntityReference</code>nodes (when these are in use; see the description of<code>EntityReference</code>for discussion).</p><p>The DOM Core represents all attribute values as simple strings, even if the DTD or schema associated with the document declares them of some specific type such as<termref def="dt-tokenized">tokenized</termref>.</p><p>The way attribute value normalization is performed by the DOM implementation depends on how much the implementation knows about the schema in use. Typically, the<code>value</code>and<code>nodeValue</code>attributes of an<code>Attr</code>node initially returns the normalized value given by the parser. It is also the case after<code>Document.normalizeDocument()</code>is called (assuming the right options have been set). But this may not be the case after mutation, independently of whether the mutation is performed by setting the string value directly or by changing the<code>Attr</code>child nodes. In particular, this is true when<xspecref href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204#dt-charref" type="simple" show="new" actuate="onRequest">character references</xspecref>are involved, given that they are not represented in the DOM and they impact attribute value normalization. On th
<interface name="Element" inherits="Node" id="ID-745549614"><descr><p>The<code>Element</code>interface represents an<termref def="dt-element">element</termref>in an HTML or XML document. Elements may have attributes associated with them; since the<code>Element</code>interface inherits from<code>Node</code>, the generic<code>Node</code>interface attribute<code>attributes</code>may be used to retrieve the set of all attributes for an element. There are methods on the<code>Element</code>interface to retrieve either an<code>Attr</code>object by name or an attribute value by name. In XML, where an attribute value may contain entity references, an<code>Attr</code>object should be retrieved to examine the possibly fairly complex sub-tree representing the attribute value. On the other hand, in HTML, where all attributes have simple string values, methods to directly access an attribute value can safely be used as a<termref def="dt-convenience">convenience</termref>.</p><note><p>In DOM Level 2, the method<code>normalize</code>is inherited from the<code>Node</code>interface where it was moved.</p></note></descr><attribute type="DOMString" name="tagName" readonly="yes" id="ID-104682815"><descr><p>The name of the element. If<code>Node.localName</code>is different from<code>null</code>, this attribute is a<termref def="dt-qualifiedname">qualified name</termref>. For example, in:<eg role="code" space="preserve">&lt;elementExample id="demo"&gt; ... &lt;/elementExample&gt; ,</eg><code>tagName</code>has the value<code>"elementExample"</code>. Note that this is case-preserving in XML, as are all of the operations of the DOM. The HTML DOM returns the<code>tagName</code>of an HTML element in the canonical uppercase form, regardless of the case in the source HTML document.</p></descr></attribute><method name="getAttribute" id="ID-666EE0F9"><descr><p>Retrieves an attribute value by name.</p></descr><parameters><param name="name" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The name of the attribute to retrieve.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="DOMString"><descr><p>The<code>Attr</code>value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute does not have a specified or default value.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method><method name="setAttribute" id="ID-F68F082"><descr><p>Adds a new attribute. If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, its value is changed to be that of the value parameter. This value is a simple string; it is not parsed as it is being set. So any markup (such as syntax to be recognized as an entity reference) is treated as literal text, and needs to be appropriately escaped by the implementation when it is written out. In order to assign an attribute value that contains entity references, the user must create an<code>Attr</code>node plus any<code>Text</code>and<code>EntityReference</code>nodes, build the appropriate subtree, and use<code>setAttributeNode</code>to assign it as the value of an attribute.</p><p>To set an attribute with a qualified name and namespace URI, use the<code>setAttributeNS</code>method.</p></descr><parameters><param name="name" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>The name of the attribute to create or alter.</p></descr></param><param name="value" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>Value to set in string form.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="void"><descr><p/></descr></returns><raises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified name is not an XML name according to the XML version in use specified in the<code>Document.xmlVersion</code>attribute.</p><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.</p></descr></exception></raises></method><method name="removeAttribute" id="ID-6D6AC0F9"><descr><p>Removes an attribute by name. If a default value for the removed attribute is defined in the DTD, a new attribute immediately appears with the default value as well as the corresponding namespace URI, local name, and prefix when applicable. The implementation may handle default values from other sc
<interface name="Text" inherits="CharacterData" id="ID-1312295772"><descr><p>The<code>Text</code>interface inherits from<code>CharacterData</code>and represents the textual content (termed<xspecref href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204#syntax" type="simple" show="new" actuate="onRequest">character data</xspecref>in XML) of an<code>Element</code>or<code>Attr</code>. If there is no markup inside an element's content, the text is contained in a single object implementing the<code>Text</code>interface that is the only child of the element. If there is markup, it is parsed into the<termref def="dt-infoitem">information items</termref>(elements, comments, etc.) and<code>Text</code>nodes that form the list of children of the element.</p><p>When a document is first made available via the DOM, there is only one<code>Text</code>node for each block of text. Users may create adjacent<code>Text</code>nodes that represent the contents of a given element without any intervening markup, but should be aware that there is no way to represent the separations between these nodes in XML or HTML, so they will not (in general) persist between DOM editing sessions. The<code>Node.normalize()</code>method merges any such adjacent<code>Text</code>objects into a single node for each block of text.</p><p>No lexical check is done on the content of a<code>Text</code>node and, depending on its position in the document, some characters must be escaped during serialization using character references; e.g. the characters "&lt;&amp;" if the textual content is part of an element or of an attribute, the character sequence "]]&gt;" when part of an element, the quotation mark character " or the apostrophe character ' when part of an attribute.</p></descr><method name="splitText" id="ID-38853C1D"><descr><p>Breaks this node into two nodes at the specified<code>offset</code>, keeping both in the tree as<termref def="dt-sibling">siblings</termref>. After being split, this node will contain all the content up to the<code>offset</code>point. A new node of the same type, which contains all the content at and after the<code>offset</code>point, is returned. If the original node had a parent node, the new node is inserted as the next<termref def="dt-sibling">sibling</termref>of the original node. When the<code>offset</code>is equal to the length of this node, the new node has no data.</p></descr><parameters><param name="offset" type="unsigned long" attr="in"><descr><p>The<termref def="dt-16-bit-unit">16-bit unit</termref>offset at which to split, starting from<code>0</code>.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="Text"><descr><p>The new node, of the same type as this node.</p></descr></returns><raises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in<code>data</code>.</p><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.</p></descr></exception></raises></method><attribute name="isElementContentWhitespace" id="Text3-isElementContentWhitespace" since="DOM Level 3" readonly="yes" type="boolean"><descr><p>Returns whether this text node contains<xspecref href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-infoset-20040204#infoitem.character" type="simple" show="new" actuate="onRequest">element content whitespace</xspecref>, often abusively called "ignorable whitespace". The text node is determined to contain whitespace in element content during the load of the document or if validation occurs while using<code>Document.normalizeDocument()</code>.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" type="DOMString" name="wholeText" id="Text3-wholeText" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>Returns all text of<code>Text</code>nodes<termref def="dt-logically-adjacent-text-nodes">logically-adjacent text nodes</termref>to this node, concatenated in document order.</p><p>For instance, in the example below<code>wholeText</code>on the<code>Text</code>node that contains "bar" returns "barfoo", while on the<code>Text</code>node that contains "foo" it returns "barfoo".</p><graphi
<interface name="Comment" inherits="CharacterData" id="ID-1728279322"><descr><p>This interface inherits from<code>CharacterData</code>and represents the content of a comment, i.e., all the characters between the starting '<code>&lt;!--</code>' and ending '<code>--&gt;</code>'. Note that this is the definition of a comment in XML, and, in practice, HTML, although some HTML tools may implement the full SGML comment structure.</p><p>No lexical check is done on the content of a comment and it is therefore possible to have the character sequence<code>"--"</code>(double-hyphen) in the content, which is illegal in a comment per section 2.5 of<bibref ref="XML"/>. The presence of this character sequence must generate a fatal error during serialization.</p></descr></interface>
<interface name="TypeInfo" id="TypeInfo" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>The<code>TypeInfo</code>interface represents a type referenced from<code>Element</code>or<code>Attr</code>nodes, specified in the<termref def="dt-schema">schemas</termref>associated with the document. The type is a pair of a<termref def="dt-namespaceURI">namespace URI</termref>and name properties, and depends on the document's schema.</p><p>If the document's schema is an XML DTD<bibref ref="XML"/>, the values are computed as follows:</p><ulist><item><p>If this type is referenced from an<code>Attr</code>node,<code>typeNamespace</code>is<code>"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml"</code>and<code>typeName</code>represents the<b>[attribute type]</b>property in the<bibref ref="InfoSet"/>. If there is no declaration for the attribute,<code>typeNamespace</code>and<code>typeName</code>are<code>null</code>.</p></item><item><p>If this type is referenced from an<code>Element</code>node,<code>typeNamespace</code>and<code>typeName</code>are<code>null</code>.</p></item></ulist><p>If the document's schema is an XML Schema<bibref ref="XMLSchema1"/>, the values are computed as follows using the post-schema-validation infoset contributions (also called PSVI contributions):</p><ulist><item><p>If the<b>[validity]</b>property exists AND is<emph>"invalid"</emph>or<emph>"notKnown"</emph>: the {target namespace} and {name} properties of the declared type if available, otherwise<code>null</code>.</p><note><p>At the time of writing, the XML Schema specification does not require exposing the declared type. Thus, DOM implementations might choose not to provide type information if validity is not valid.</p></note></item><item><p>If the<b>[validity]</b>property exists and is<emph>"valid"</emph>:</p><olist><item><p>If<b>[member type definition]</b>exists:</p><olist><item><p>If {name} is not absent, then expose {name} and {target namespace} properties of the<b>[member type definition]</b>property;</p></item><item><p>Otherwise, expose the namespace and local name of the corresponding<termref def="dt-anonymous">anonymous type name</termref>.</p></item></olist></item><item><p>If the<b>[type definition]</b>property exists:<olist><item><p>If {name} is not absent, then expose {name} and {target namespace} properties of the<b>[type definition]</b>property;</p></item><item><p>Otherwise, expose the namespace and local name of the corresponding<termref def="dt-anonymous">anonymous type name</termref>.</p></item></olist></p></item><item><p>If the<b>[member type definition anonymous]</b>exists:<olist><item><p>If it is false, then expose<b>[member type definition name]</b>and<b>[member type definition namespace]</b>properties;</p></item><item><p>Otherwise, expose the namespace and local name of the corresponding<termref def="dt-anonymous">anonymous type name</termref>.</p></item></olist></p></item><item><p>If the<b>[type definition anonymous]</b>exists:<olist><item><p>If it is false, then expose<b>[type definition name]</b>and<b>[type definition namespace]</b>properties;</p></item><item><p>Otherwise, expose the namespace and local name of the corresponding<termref def="dt-anonymous">anonymous type name</termref>.</p></item></olist></p></item></olist></item></ulist><note><p>Other schema languages are outside the scope of the W3C and therefore should define how to represent their type systems using<code>TypeInfo</code>.</p></note></descr><attribute name="typeName" type="DOMString" id="TypeInfo-typeName" readonly="yes"><descr><p>The name of a type declared for the associated element or attribute, or<code>null</code>if unknown.</p></descr></attribute><attribute name="typeNamespace" type="DOMString" id="TypeInfo-typeNamespace" readonly="yes"><descr><p>The namespace of the type declared for the associated element or attribute or<code>null</code>if the element does not have declaration or if no namespace information is available.</p></descr></attribute><group name="DerivationMethods" id="TypeInfo-DerivationMethods"><descr><p>These are the available values for the<code>derivationMethod</code>parameter used b
<interface name="UserDataHandler" id="UserDataHandler" since="DOM Level 3" role="ecmascript-function"><descr><p>When associating an object to a key on a node using<code>Node.setUserData()</code>the application can provide a handler that gets called when the node the object is associated to is being cloned, imported, or renamed. This can be used by the application to implement various behaviors regarding the data it associates to the DOM nodes. This interface defines that handler.</p></descr><group id="ID-UserDataOperation" name="OperationType"><descr><p>An integer indicating the type of operation being performed on a node.</p></descr><constant id="UserDataHandler-CLONED" name="NODE_CLONED" type="unsigned short" value="1"><descr><p>The node is cloned, using<code>Node.cloneNode()</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="UserDataHandler-IMPORTED" name="NODE_IMPORTED" type="unsigned short" value="2"><descr><p>The node is imported, using<code>Document.importNode()</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="UserDataHandler-DELETED" name="NODE_DELETED" type="unsigned short" value="3"><descr><p>The node is deleted.</p><note><p>This may not be supported or may not be reliable in certain environments, such as Java, where the implementation has no real control over when objects are actually deleted.</p></note></descr></constant><constant id="UserDataHandler-RENAMED" name="NODE_RENAMED" type="unsigned short" value="4"><descr><p>The node is renamed, using<code>Document.renameNode()</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant id="UserDataHandler-ADOPTED" name="NODE_ADOPTED" type="unsigned short" value="5"><descr><p>The node is adopted, using<code>Document.adoptNode()</code>.</p></descr></constant></group><method name="handle" id="ID-handleUserDataEvent"><descr><p>This method is called whenever the node for which this handler is registered is imported or cloned.</p><p>DOM applications must not raise exceptions in a<code>UserDataHandler</code>. The effect of throwing exceptions from the handler is DOM implementation dependent.</p></descr><parameters><param name="operation" type="unsigned short" attr="in"><descr><p>Specifies the type of operation that is being performed on the node.</p></descr></param><param name="key" type="DOMString" attr="in"><descr><p>Specifies the key for which this handler is being called.</p></descr></param><param name="data" type="DOMUserData" attr="in"><descr><p>Specifies the data for which this handler is being called.</p></descr></param><param name="src" type="Node" attr="in"><descr><p>Specifies the node being cloned, adopted, imported, or renamed. This is<code>null</code>when the node is being deleted.</p></descr></param><param name="dst" type="Node" attr="in"><descr><p>Specifies the node newly created if any, or<code>null</code>.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="void"><descr><p/></descr></returns><raises></raises></method></interface>
<interface name="DOMError" id="ERROR-Interfaces-DOMError" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p><code>DOMError</code>is an interface that describes an error.</p></descr><group id="DOMError-errorSeverityCodes" name="ErrorSeverity"><descr><p>An integer indicating the severity of the error.</p></descr><constant name="SEVERITY_WARNING" id="ERROR-DOMError-severity-warning" type="unsigned short" value="1"><descr><p>The severity of the error described by the<code>DOMError</code>is warning. A<code>SEVERITY_WARNING</code>will not cause the processing to stop, unless<code>DOMErrorHandler.handleError()</code>returns<code>false</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant name="SEVERITY_ERROR" id="ERROR-DOMError-severity-error" type="unsigned short" value="2"><descr><p>The severity of the error described by the<code>DOMError</code>is error. A<code>SEVERITY_ERROR</code>may not cause the processing to stop if the error can be recovered, unless<code>DOMErrorHandler.handleError()</code>returns<code>false</code>.</p></descr></constant><constant name="SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR" id="ERROR-DOMError-severity-fatal-error" type="unsigned short" value="3"><descr><p>The severity of the error described by the<code>DOMError</code>is fatal error. A<code>SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR</code>will cause the normal processing to stop. The return value of<code>DOMErrorHandler.handleError()</code>is ignored unless the implementation chooses to continue, in which case the behavior becomes undefined.</p></descr></constant></group><attribute type="unsigned short" readonly="yes" name="severity" id="ERROR-DOMError-severity"><descr><p>The severity of the error, either<code>SEVERITY_WARNING</code>,<code>SEVERITY_ERROR</code>, or<code>SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR</code>.</p></descr></attribute><attribute type="DOMString" readonly="yes" name="message" id="ERROR-DOMError-message"><descr><p>An implementation specific string describing the error that occurred.</p></descr></attribute><attribute name="type" type="DOMString" readonly="yes" id="ERROR-DOMError-type"><descr><p>A<code>DOMString</code>indicating which related data is expected in<code>relatedData</code>. Users should refer to the specification of the error in order to find its<code>DOMString</code>type and<code>relatedData</code>definitions if any.</p><note><p>As an example,<code>Document.normalizeDocument()</code>does generate warnings when the "<termref def="parameter-split-cdata-sections">split-cdata-sections</termref>" parameter is in use. Therefore, the method generates a<code>SEVERITY_WARNING</code>with<code>type</code><code>"cdata-sections-splitted"</code>and the first<code>CDATASection</code>node in document order resulting from the split is returned by the<code>relatedData</code>attribute.</p></note></descr></attribute><attribute type="DOMObject" readonly="yes" name="relatedException" id="ERROR-DOMError-relatedException"><descr><p>The related platform dependent exception if any.</p></descr></attribute><attribute type="DOMObject" readonly="yes" name="relatedData" id="ERROR-DOMError-relatedData"><descr><p>The related<code>DOMError.type</code>dependent data if any.</p></descr></attribute><attribute type="DOMLocator" readonly="yes" name="location" id="ERROR-DOMError-location"><descr><p>The location of the error.</p></descr></attribute></interface>
<interface name="DOMErrorHandler" id="ERROR-Interfaces-DOMErrorHandler" since="DOM Level 3" role="ecmascript-function"><descr><p><code>DOMErrorHandler</code>is a callback interface that the DOM implementation can call when reporting errors that happens while processing XML data, or when doing some other processing (e.g. validating a document). A<code>DOMErrorHandler</code>object can be attached to a<code>Document</code>using the "<termref def="parameter-error-handler">error-handler</termref>" on the<code>DOMConfiguration</code>interface. If more than one error needs to be reported during an operation, the sequence and numbers of the errors passed to the error handler are implementation dependent.</p><p>The application that is using the DOM implementation is expected to implement this interface.</p></descr><method name="handleError" id="ID-ERRORS-DOMErrorHandler-handleError"><descr><p>This method is called on the error handler when an error occurs.</p><p>If an exception is thrown from this method, it is considered to be equivalent of returning<code>true</code>.</p></descr><parameters><param name="error" type="DOMError" attr="in"><descr><p>The error object that describes the error. This object may be reused by the DOM implementation across multiple calls to the<code>handleError</code>method.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="boolean"><descr><p>If the<code>handleError</code>method returns<code>false</code>, the DOM implementation should stop the current processing when possible. If the method returns<code>true</code>, the processing may continue depending on<code>DOMError.severity</code>.</p></descr></returns><raises></raises></method></interface>
<interface name="DOMLocator" id="Interfaces-DOMLocator" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p><code>DOMLocator</code>is an interface that describes a location (e.g. where an error occurred).</p></descr><attribute type="long" readonly="yes" name="lineNumber" id="DOMLocator-line-number"><descr><p>The line number this locator is pointing to, or<code>-1</code>if there is no column number available.</p></descr></attribute><attribute type="long" readonly="yes" name="columnNumber" id="DOMLocator-column-number"><descr><p>The column number this locator is pointing to, or<code>-1</code>if there is no column number available.</p></descr></attribute><attribute type="long" readonly="yes" name="byteOffset" id="DOMLocator-byteOffset"><descr><p>The byte offset into the input source this locator is pointing to or<code>-1</code>if there is no byte offset available.</p></descr></attribute><attribute type="long" readonly="yes" name="utf16Offset" id="DOMLocator-utf16Offset"><descr><p>The UTF-16, as defined in<bibref ref="Unicode"/>and Amendment 1 of<bibref ref="ISO10646"/>, offset into the input source this locator is pointing to or<code>-1</code>if there is no UTF-16 offset available.</p></descr></attribute><attribute type="Node" readonly="yes" name="relatedNode" id="DOMLocator-node"><descr><p>The node this locator is pointing to, or<code>null</code>if no node is available.</p></descr></attribute><attribute type="DOMString" readonly="yes" name="uri" id="DOMLocator-uri"><descr><p>The URI this locator is pointing to, or<code>null</code>if no URI is available.</p></descr></attribute></interface>
<interface name="DOMConfiguration" id="DOMConfiguration" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>The<code>DOMConfiguration</code>interface represents the configuration of a document and maintains a table of recognized parameters. Using the configuration, it is possible to change<code>Document.normalizeDocument()</code>behavior, such as replacing the<code>CDATASection</code>nodes with<code>Text</code>nodes or specifying the type of the<termref def="dt-schema">schema</termref>that must be used when the validation of the<code>Document</code>is requested.<code>DOMConfiguration</code>objects are also used in<bibref role="informative" ref="DOMLS"/>in the<code>DOMParser</code>and<code>DOMSerializer</code>interfaces.</p><p>The parameter names used by the<code>DOMConfiguration</code>object are defined throughout the DOM Level 3 specifications. Names are case-insensitive. To avoid possible conflicts, as a convention, names referring to parameters defined outside the DOM specification should be made unique. Because parameters are exposed as properties in the<specref ref="ecma-binding"/>, names are recommended to follow the section<quote>5.16 Identifiers</quote>of<bibref role="informative" ref="Unicode"/>with the addition of the character '-' (HYPHEN-MINUS) but it is not enforced by the DOM implementation. DOM Level 3 Core Implementations are required to recognize all parameters defined in this specification. Some parameter values may also be required to be supported by the implementation. Refer to the definition of the parameter to know if a value must be supported or not.</p><note><p>Parameters are similar to features and properties used in SAX2<bibref role="informative" ref="SAX"/>.</p></note><p>The following list of parameters defined in the DOM:</p><glist><gitem><label id="parameter-canonical-form"><code>"canonical-form"</code></label><def><glist><gitem><label><code>true</code></label><def><p>[<emph>optional</emph>]</p><p>Canonicalize the document according to the rules specified in<bibref role="informative" ref="c14n"/>, such as removing the<code>DocumentType</code>node (if any) from the tree, or removing superfluous namespace declarations from each element. Note that this is limited to what can be represented in the DOM; in particular, there is no way to specify the order of the attributes in the DOM. In addition,</p><p>Setting this parameter to<code>true</code>will also set the state of the parameters listed below. Later changes to the state of one of those parameters will revert "<termref def="parameter-canonical-form">canonical-form</termref>" back to<code>false</code>.</p><p>Parameters set to<code>false</code>: "<termref def="parameter-entities">entities</termref>", "<termref def="parameter-normalize-characters">normalize-characters</termref>", "<termref def="parameter-cdata-sections">cdata-sections</termref>".</p><p>Parameters set to<code>true</code>: "<termref def="parameter-namespaces">namespaces</termref>", "<termref def="parameter-namespace-declarations">namespace-declarations</termref>", "<termref def="parameter-well-formed">well-formed</termref>", "<termref def="parameter-element-content-whitespace">element-content-whitespace</termref>".</p><p>Other parameters are not changed unless explicitly specified in the description of the parameters.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><code>false</code></label><def><p>[<emph>required</emph>] (<emph>default</emph>)</p><p>Do not canonicalize the document.</p></def></gitem></glist></def></gitem><gitem><label id="parameter-cdata-sections"><code>"cdata-sections"</code></label><def><glist><gitem><label><code>true</code></label><def><p>[<emph>required</emph>] (<emph>default</emph>)</p><p>Keep<code>CDATASection</code>nodes in the document.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><code>false</code></label><def><p>[<emph>required</emph>]</p><p>Transform<code>CDATASection</code>nodes in the document into<code>Text</code>nodes. The new<code>Text</code>node is then combined with any adjacent<code>Text</code>node.</p></def></gitem></glist></def></gitem><gitem><label id="parameter-check-character-normalizatio
<interface name="CDATASection" inherits="Text" id="ID-667469212"><descr><p>CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup. The only delimiter that is recognized in a CDATA section is the "]]&gt;" string that ends the CDATA section. CDATA sections cannot be nested. Their primary purpose is for including material such as XML fragments, without needing to escape all the delimiters.</p><p>The<code>CharacterData.data</code>attribute holds the text that is contained by the CDATA section. Note that this<emph>may</emph>contain characters that need to be escaped outside of CDATA sections and that, depending on the character encoding ("charset") chosen for serialization, it may be impossible to write out some characters as part of a CDATA section.</p><p>The<code>CDATASection</code>interface inherits from the<code>CharacterData</code>interface through the<code>Text</code>interface. Adjacent<code>CDATASection</code>nodes are not merged by use of the<code>normalize</code>method of the<code>Node</code>interface.</p><p>No lexical check is done on the content of a CDATA section and it is therefore possible to have the character sequence<code>"]]&gt;"</code>in the content, which is illegal in a CDATA section per section 2.7 of<bibref ref="XML"/>. The presence of this character sequence must generate a fatal error during serialization or the cdata section must be splitted before the serialization (see also the parameter<code>"split-cdata-sections"</code>in the<code>DOMConfiguration</code>interface).</p><note><p>Because no markup is recognized within a<code>CDATASection</code>, character numeric references cannot be used as an escape mechanism when serializing. Therefore, action needs to be taken when serializing a<code>CDATASection</code>with a character encoding where some of the contained characters cannot be represented. Failure to do so would not produce well-formed XML.</p><p>One potential solution in the serialization process is to end the CDATA section before the character, output the character using a character reference or entity reference, and open a new CDATA section for any further characters in the text node. Note, however, that some code conversion libraries at the time of writing do not return an error or exception when a character is missing from the encoding, making the task of ensuring that data is not corrupted on serialization more difficult.</p></note></descr></interface>
<interface name="DocumentType" inherits="Node" id="ID-412266927"><descr><p>Each<code>Document</code>has a<code>doctype</code>attribute whose value is either<code>null</code>or a<code>DocumentType</code>object. The<code>DocumentType</code>interface in the DOM Core provides an interface to the list of entities that are defined for the document, and little else because the effect of namespaces and the various XML schema efforts on DTD representation are not clearly understood as of this writing.</p><p>DOM Level 3 doesn't support editing<code>DocumentType</code>nodes.<code>DocumentType</code>nodes are<termref def="dt-readonly-node">read-only</termref>.</p></descr><attribute readonly="yes" name="name" type="DOMString" id="ID-1844763134"><descr><p>The name of DTD; i.e., the name immediately following the<code>DOCTYPE</code>keyword.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" name="entities" type="NamedNodeMap" id="ID-1788794630"><descr><p>A<code>NamedNodeMap</code>containing the general entities, both external and internal, declared in the DTD. Parameter entities are not contained. Duplicates are discarded. For example in:<eg role="code" space="preserve">&lt;!DOCTYPE ex SYSTEM "ex.dtd" [ &lt;!ENTITY foo "foo"&gt; &lt;!ENTITY bar "bar"&gt; &lt;!ENTITY bar "bar2"&gt; &lt;!ENTITY % baz "baz"&gt; ]&gt; &lt;ex/&gt;</eg>the interface provides access to<code>foo</code>and the first declaration of<code>bar</code>but not the second declaration of<code>bar</code>or<code>baz</code>. Every node in this map also implements the<code>Entity</code>interface.</p><p>The DOM Level 2 does not support editing entities, therefore<code>entities</code>cannot be altered in any way.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" name="notations" type="NamedNodeMap" id="ID-D46829EF"><descr><p>A<code>NamedNodeMap</code>containing the notations declared in the DTD. Duplicates are discarded. Every node in this map also implements the<code>Notation</code>interface.</p><p>The DOM Level 2 does not support editing notations, therefore<code>notations</code>cannot be altered in any way.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" name="publicId" type="DOMString" id="ID-Core-DocType-publicId" since="DOM Level 2"><descr><p>The public identifier of the external subset.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" name="systemId" type="DOMString" id="ID-Core-DocType-systemId" since="DOM Level 2"><descr><p>The system identifier of the external subset. This may be an absolute URI or not.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" name="internalSubset" type="DOMString" id="ID-Core-DocType-internalSubset" since="DOM Level 2"><descr><p>The internal subset as a string, or<code>null</code>if there is none. This is does not contain the delimiting square brackets.</p><note><p>The actual content returned depends on how much information is available to the implementation. This may vary depending on various parameters, including the XML processor used to build the document.</p></note></descr></attribute></interface>
<interface name="Notation" inherits="Node" id="ID-5431D1B9"><descr><p>This interface represents a notation declared in the DTD. A notation either declares, by name, the format of an unparsed entity (see<xspecref href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204#Notations" type="simple" show="new" actuate="onRequest">section 4.7</xspecref>of the XML 1.0 specification<bibref ref="XML"/>), or is used for formal declaration of processing instruction targets (see<xspecref href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204#sec-pi" type="simple" show="new" actuate="onRequest">section 2.6</xspecref>of the XML 1.0 specification<bibref ref="XML"/>). The<code>nodeName</code>attribute inherited from<code>Node</code>is set to the declared name of the notation.</p><p>The DOM Core does not support editing<code>Notation</code>nodes; they are therefore<termref def="dt-readonly-node">readonly</termref>.</p><p>A<code>Notation</code>node does not have any parent.</p></descr><attribute readonly="yes" name="publicId" type="DOMString" id="ID-54F2B4D0"><descr><p>The public identifier of this notation. If the public identifier was not specified, this is<code>null</code>.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" name="systemId" type="DOMString" id="ID-E8AAB1D0"><descr><p>The system identifier of this notation. If the system identifier was not specified, this is<code>null</code>. This may be an absolute URI or not.</p></descr></attribute></interface>
<interface name="Entity" inherits="Node" id="ID-527DCFF2"><descr><p>This interface represents a known entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document. Note that this models the entity itself<emph>not</emph>the entity declaration.</p><p>The<code>nodeName</code>attribute that is inherited from<code>Node</code>contains the name of the entity.</p><p>An XML processor may choose to completely expand entities before the structure model is passed to the DOM; in this case there will be no<code>EntityReference</code>nodes in the document tree.</p><p>XML does not mandate that a non-validating XML processor read and process entity declarations made in the external subset or declared in parameter entities. This means that parsed entities declared in the external subset need not be expanded by some classes of applications, and that the replacement text of the entity may not be available. When the<xspecref href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204#intern-replacement" type="simple" show="new" actuate="onRequest">replacement text</xspecref>is available, the corresponding<code>Entity</code>node's child list represents the structure of that replacement value. Otherwise, the child list is empty.</p><p>DOM Level 3 does not support editing<code>Entity</code>nodes; if a user wants to make changes to the contents of an<code>Entity</code>, every related<code>EntityReference</code>node has to be replaced in the structure model by a clone of the<code>Entity</code>'s contents, and then the desired changes must be made to each of those clones instead.<code>Entity</code>nodes and all their<termref def="dt-descendant">descendants</termref>are<termref def="dt-readonly-node">readonly</termref>.</p><p>An<code>Entity</code>node does not have any parent.</p><note><p>If the entity contains an unbound<termref def="dt-namespaceprefix">namespace prefix</termref>, the<code>namespaceURI</code>of the corresponding node in the<code>Entity</code>node subtree is<code>null</code>. The same is true for<code>EntityReference</code>nodes that refer to this entity, when they are created using the<code>createEntityReference</code>method of the<code>Document</code>interface.</p></note></descr><attribute readonly="yes" name="publicId" type="DOMString" id="ID-D7303025"><descr><p>The public identifier associated with the entity if specified, and<code>null</code>otherwise.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" name="systemId" type="DOMString" id="ID-D7C29F3E"><descr><p>The system identifier associated with the entity if specified, and<code>null</code>otherwise. This may be an absolute URI or not.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" name="notationName" type="DOMString" id="ID-6ABAEB38"><descr><p>For unparsed entities, the name of the notation for the entity. For parsed entities, this is<code>null</code>.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" type="DOMString" name="inputEncoding" id="Entity3-inputEncoding" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>An attribute specifying the encoding used for this entity at the time of parsing, when it is an external parsed entity. This is<code>null</code>if it an entity from the internal subset or if it is not known.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" type="DOMString" name="xmlEncoding" id="Entity3-encoding" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>An attribute specifying, as part of the text declaration, the encoding of this entity, when it is an external parsed entity. This is<code>null</code>otherwise.</p></descr></attribute><attribute readonly="yes" type="DOMString" name="xmlVersion" id="Entity3-version" since="DOM Level 3"><descr><p>An attribute specifying, as part of the text declaration, the version number of this entity, when it is an external parsed entity. This is<code>null</code>otherwise.</p></descr></attribute></interface>
<interface name="EntityReference" inherits="Node" id="ID-11C98490"><descr><p><code>EntityReference</code>nodes may be used to represent an entity reference in the tree. Note that character references and references to predefined entities are considered to be expanded by the HTML or XML processor so that characters are represented by their Unicode equivalent rather than by an entity reference. Moreover, the XML processor may completely expand references to entities while building the<code>Document</code>, instead of providing<code>EntityReference</code>nodes. If it does provide such nodes, then for an<code>EntityReference</code>node that represents a reference to a known entity an<code>Entity</code>exists, and the subtree of the<code>EntityReference</code>node is a copy of the<code>Entity</code>node subtree. However, the latter may not be true when an entity contains an unbound<termref def="dt-namespaceprefix">namespace prefix</termref>. In such a case, because the namespace prefix resolution depends on where the entity reference is, the<termref def="dt-descendant">descendants</termref>of the<code>EntityReference</code>node may be bound to different<termref def="dt-namespaceURI">namespace URIs</termref>. When an<code>EntityReference</code>node represents a reference to an unknown entity, the node has no children and its replacement value, when used by<code>Attr.value</code>for example, is empty.</p><p>As for<code>Entity</code>nodes,<code>EntityReference</code>nodes and all their<termref def="dt-descendant">descendants</termref>are<termref def="dt-readonly-node">readonly</termref>.</p><note><p><code>EntityReference</code>nodes may cause element content and attribute value normalization problems when, such as in XML 1.0 and XML Schema, the normalization is performed after entity reference are expanded.</p></note></descr></interface>
<interface name="ProcessingInstruction" inherits="Node" id="ID-1004215813"><descr><p>The<code>ProcessingInstruction</code>interface represents a "processing instruction", used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document.</p><p>No lexical check is done on the content of a processing instruction and it is therefore possible to have the character sequence<code>"?&gt;"</code>in the content, which is illegal a processing instruction per section 2.6 of<bibref ref="XML"/>. The presence of this character sequence must generate a fatal error during serialization.</p></descr><attribute readonly="yes" type="DOMString" name="target" id="ID-1478689192"><descr><p>The target of this processing instruction. XML defines this as being the first<termref def="dt-token">token</termref>following the markup that begins the processing instruction.</p></descr></attribute><attribute type="DOMString" name="data" id="ID-837822393" readonly="no"><descr><p>The content of this processing instruction. This is from the first non white space character after the target to the character immediately preceding the<code>?&gt;</code>.</p></descr><setraises><exception name="DOMException"><descr><p>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised when the node is readonly.</p></descr></exception></setraises></attribute></interface>
<interface id="i18n-methods-StringExtend" name="StringExtend"><descr><p>Extensions to a language's native String class or interface</p></descr><method id="i18n-methods-StringExtend-findOffset16" name="findOffset16"><descr><p>Returns the UTF-16 offset that corresponds to a UTF-32 offset. Used for random access.</p><note><p>You can always round-trip from a UTF-32 offset to a UTF-16 offset and back. You can round-trip from a UTF-16 offset to a UTF-32 offset and back if and only if the offset16 is not in the middle of a surrogate pair. Unmatched surrogates count as a single UTF-16 value.</p></note></descr><parameters><param name="offset32" type="int" attr="in"><descr><p>UTF-32 offset.</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="int"><descr><p>UTF-16 offset</p></descr></returns><raises><exception name="StringIndexOutOfBoundsException"><descr><p>if<code>offset32</code>is out of bounds.</p></descr></exception></raises></method><method id="i18n-methods-StringExtend-findOffset32" name="findOffset32"><descr><p>Returns the UTF-32 offset corresponding to a UTF-16 offset. Used for random access. To find the UTF-32 length of a string, use:<eg space="preserve">len32 = findOffset32(source, source.length());</eg></p><note><p>If the UTF-16 offset is into the middle of a surrogate pair, then the UTF-32 offset of the<emph>end</emph>of the pair is returned; that is, the index of the char after the end of the pair. You can always round-trip from a UTF-32 offset to a UTF-16 offset and back. You can round-trip from a UTF-16 offset to a UTF-32 offset and back if and only if the offset16 is not in the middle of a surrogate pair. Unmatched surrogates count as a single UTF-16 value.</p></note></descr><parameters><param attr="in" type="int" name="offset16"><descr><p>UTF-16 offset</p></descr></param></parameters><returns type="int"><descr><p>UTF-32 offset</p></descr></returns><raises><exception name="StringIndexOutOfBoundsException"><descr><p>if offset16 is out of bounds.</p></descr></exception></raises></method></interface>