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console.obj exports the following functions
typedef unsigned long dword; /* 32-bit unsigned integer */
typedef unsigned short word; /* 16-bit unsigned integer */
void __stdcall con_init(dword wnd_width, dword wnd_height,
dword scr_width, dword scr_height, const char* title);
Console initialization. Must be called only once.
wnd_width, wnd_height - width and height (in units of characters) of the visible region;
scr_width, scr_height - width and height (in units of characters) of console;
Any of these four parameters can be set to -1 (=0xFFFFFFFF)
to use the library's default values;
title - console window's caption.
void __stdcall con_exit(bool bCloseWindow);
You should call this funstion at the end of the program.
If bCloseWindow is zero, the string "[Finished]" will be added to the caption of the window
and the console window will remain on the screen until the user
closes it.
void __stdcall con_set_title(const char* title);
Set new window caption.
void __stdcall con_write_asciiz(const char* string);
Display ASCIIZ-string to the console at the current position, shifting
the current position.
void __stdcall con_write_string(const char* string, dword length);
Similar to con_write_asciiz, but length of the string must be given as a separate parameter
int __cdecl con_printf(const char* format, ...)
Standard "printf" function from ANSI C.
dword __stdcall con_get_flags(void);
Get output flags.
dword __stdcall con_set_flags(dword new_flags);
Set output flags. This function returns previous values.
Flags (bitmask):
/* text color */
#define CON_COLOR_BLUE 0x01
#define CON_COLOR_GREEN 0x02
#define CON_COLOR_RED 0x04
#define CON_COLOR_BRIGHT 0x08
/* background color */
#define CON_BGR_BLUE 0x10
#define CON_BGR_GREEN 0x20
#define CON_BGR_RED 0x40
#define CON_BGR_BRIGHT 0x80
/* output controls */
/* if this flag is cleared, function interprets special characters:
10 ('\n') - next line
13 ('\r') - carriage return
8 ('\b') - backspace
9 ('\t') - tab
27 ('\033' = '\x1B') - the beginning of Esc-sequences;
otherwise, these characters will be displayed like ordinary characters. */
/* Supported Esc-sequences:
Esc[<number1>;<number2>;<number3>m - choice of character attributes:
You can specify one, two or three codes in any order;
0 = normal mode (white on black)
1 = bright selection
5 = bright background
7 = inverse mode (black on white)
30 = black characters
31 = red characters
32 = green characters
33 = yellow characters
34 = blue characters
35 = magenta characters
36 = cyan characters
37 = white characters
40 = black background
41 = red background
42 = green background
43 = yellow background
44 = blue background
45 = magenta background
46 = cyan background
47 = white background
The following sequences appeared in version 5 of library:
Esc[2J - clear screen, move cursor to upper left corner
Esc[<number1>;<number2>H = Esc[<number1>;<number2>f -
move cursor to <number1>,<number2>
Esc[<number>A - move cursor to <number> lines up
Esc[<number>B - move cursor to <number> lines down
Esc[<number>C - move cursor to <number> positions right
Esc[<number>D - move cursor to <number> positions left
/* signal "console closed"; appeared in version 6;
ignored by con_set_flags */
#define CON_WINDOW_CLOSED 0x200
The default value for flags = 7. (grey text on black background)
int __stdcall con_get_font_height(void);
Get the height of the font.
int __stdcall con_get_cursor_height(void);
Get the height of the cursor.
int __stdcall con_set_cursor_height(int new_height);
Set the height of the cursor. This function returns previous value.
An attempt to set the value out of the correct interval (from 0 to
font_height-1) is ignored.
Cursor with zero height isn't displayed.
Default value: - 15% from font height.
int __stdcall con_getch(void);
Get one character from the keyboard.
For normal characters function returns ASCII-code. For extended
characters (eg, Fx, and arrows), first function call returns 0
and second call returns the extended code (similar to the DOS-function
input). Starting from version 7, after closing the console window,
this function returns 0.
word __stdcall con_getch2(void);
Reads a character from the keyboard. Low byte contains the ASCII-code
(0 for extended characters), high byte - advanced code (like in BIOS
input functions). Starting from version 7, after closing the console
window, this function returns 0.
int __stdcall con_kbhit(void);
Returns 1 if a key was pressed, 0 otherwise. To read pressed keys use
con_getch and con_getch2. Starting from version 6, after closing
the console window, this function returns 1.
char* __stdcall con_gets(char* str, int n);
Reads a string from the keyboard. Reading is interrupted when got
"new line" character, or after reading the (n-1) characters (depending on
what comes first). In the first case the newline is also recorded in the
str. The acquired line is complemented by a null character.
Starting from version 6, the function returns a pointer to the entered
line if reading was successful, and NULL if the console window was closed.
typedef int (__stdcall * con_gets2_callback)(int keycode, char** pstr, int* pn, int* ppos);
char* __stdcall con_gets2(con_gets2_callback callback, char* str, int n);
Con_gets completely analogous, except that when the user
press unrecognized key, it calls the specified callback-procedure
(which may, for example, handle up / down for history and tab to enter
autocompletion). You should pass to the procedure: key code and three pointers
- to the string, to the maximum length and to the current position.
function may change the contents of string and may change the string
itself (for example, to reallocate memory for increase the limit),
maximum length, and position of the line - pointers are passed for it.
Return value: 0 = line wasn't changed 1 = line changed, you should
remove old string and display new, 2 = line changed, it is necessary
to display it; 3 = immediately exit the function.
Starting from version 6, the function returns a pointer to the entered
line with the successful reading, and NULL if the console window was closed.
void __stdcall con_cls();
Clear screen and set cursor at upper left corner.
void __stdcall con_get_cursor_pos(int* px, int* py);
Wrote current (x) coordinate of cursor to *px, and (y) to *py.
void __stdcall con_set_cursor_pos(int x, int y);
Set the cursor position to the specified coordinates. If any of the
parameters beyond the relevant range (from 0 to 1 scr_width-
for x, from 0 to 1 for scr_height-y, scr_width scr_height and were asked if
call con_init), then the corresponding coordinate of the cursor does not change.