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# Makefile for UnZip 5.53 and later Derek Fawcus
# Version: MetaWare High C with PAMAKE 30 Dec 2005
# Alter the first two macros to change the model
MODEL = big
M = b
# These two sets of prefixes are changed when swapping between the master
# and my machine.
FL_PREFIX = d:/flexos # Where FlexOS is rooted
#FL_PREFIX = c:/.
# The following should not have to be changed - they should be automatic
# given correct values for the above.
HC_LIB = $(FL_PREFIX)/highc/$(MODEL)/hc$(M)e.l86
PORT_LIB = $(FL_PREFIX)/usr/portlib/$(MODEL)/prtlbhc$(M).l86
PORT_OBJ = $(FL_PREFIX)/usr/portlib/$(MODEL)/prtlbhc$(M).obj
HC_INC = $(FL_PREFIX)/highc/inc
PORT_INC = $(FL_PREFIX)/usr/portlib/inc
FLEX_INC = $(FL_PREFIX)/usr/inc
# The programs to do the work.
CC = hc
AS = rasm86
LD = link86
#HCOPTS=-mm $(MODEL) -debug -pr flexos/hc.pro
HCOPTS=-mm $(MODEL) -pr flexos/hc.pro
# The file extensions to build from
.SUFFIXES: .c .h .a86
# Type for CPU required: 0: 8086, 1: 80186, 2: 80286, 3: 80386, etc.
# Uncomment the following three macros to use the optimized CRC32 assembler
# routine in UnZip and UnZipSFX:
#ASMOBJS = crc_i86.obj
#ASMOBJF = crc_i86_.obj
UNZIP_H = unzip.h unzpriv.h globals.h flexos/flxcfg.h
default: unzip.286
#default: unzip.286 funzip.286 unzipsfx.286
del *.ob?
del unzip.286
del funzip.286
del unzipsfx.*
del *.map
del *.lin
del *.sym
del *.dbg
$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -D$(ASUNMODEL) $*.asm
$(CC) $< $(HCOPTS) -ob $@
$(CC) $< $(HCOPTS) -def FUNZIP -ob $@
$(CC) $< $(HCOPTS) -def SFX -ob $@
crc_i86.obj: flexos/crc_i86.a86
$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -D$(ASUNMODEL) flexos/crc_i86.a86, $*.obj ;
# The objects to build from
UNZIP_OBJS = unzip.obj crc32.obj crypt.obj envargs.obj \
explode.obj extract.obj fileio.obj globals.obj inflate.obj \
list.obj match.obj process.obj ttyio.obj unreduce.obj \
unshrink.obj zipinfo.obj flexos.obj $(ASMOBJS)
unzip.286: $(UNZIP_OBJS)
$(LD) $@[st[add[17e]]] = $-[input]
UNZIPSFX_OBJS = unzip.obs crc32.obs crypt.obs extract.obs \
fileio.obs globals.obs inflate.obs match.obs process.obs \
ttyio.obs flexos.obs $(ASMOBJS)
unzipsfx.286: $(UNZIPSFX_OBJS)
$(LD) $@[dbi,map[all],st[add[17e]]] = $-[input]
FUNZIP_OBJS = funzip.obj crc32.obf crypt.obf globals.obf inflate.obf \
ttyio.obf $(ASMOBJF)
funzip.286: $(FUNZIP_OBJS)
$(LD) $@[dbi,map[all],st[add[17e]]] = $-[input]
unreduce.obj: unreduce.c $(UNZIP_H)
unshrink.obj: unshrink.c $(UNZIP_H)
unzip.obj: unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h unzvers.h consts.h
zipinfo.obj: zipinfo.c $(UNZIP_H)
process.obj: process.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h
list.obj: list.c $(UNZIP_H)
match.obj: match.c $(UNZIP_H)
fileio.obj: fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h
envargs.obj: envargs.c $(UNZIP_H)
explode.obj: explode.c $(UNZIP_H)
extract.obj: extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h
crc32.obj: crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h
flexos.obj: flexos/flexos.c $(UNZIP_H)
crc32.obj: crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h
crypt.obj: crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h zip.h
globals.obj: globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
inflate.obj: inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H)
ttyio.obj: ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h zip.h
funzip.obj: funzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h
crc32.obf: crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h
crypt.obf: crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h zip.h
globals.obf: globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
inflate.obf: inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
ttyio.obf: ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h zip.h
flexos.obs: flexos/flexos.c $(UNZIP_H)
crc32.obs: crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h
extract.obs: extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h
fileio.obs: fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h
globals.obs: globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
inflate.obs: inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
match.obs: match.c $(UNZIP_H)
process.obs: process.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h
ttyio.obs: ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h zip.h
unzip.obs: unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h unzvers.h consts.h