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Table of Contents
A. Background
B. Prelude to Destruction
A. Installation
A. Goal of the Game
B. Skill
C. Episode
D. Getting About
E. Finding Things
A. Keyboard Commands
B. The Main Menu
C. Console
D. Command Line
E. Cheat Codes
A. The Screen
B. Messages
C Ending a Level
D. Ending a Dimension
A. Firepower
B. Ammo
C. Power-ups
D. Bad Guys
E. Environmental Hazards and Effects
A. Cooperative
B. Deathmatch
C. Team Games
A. Tech Support Options
B. In Europe
C. Problems
A. Background
You get the phone call at 4 a.m. By 5:30 you're in the secret
installation. The commander explains tersely, "It's about the Slipgate
device. Once we perfect these, we'll be able to use them to transport
people and cargo from one place to another instantly.
"An enemy codenamed Quake, is using his own slipgates to insert death
squads inside our bases to kill, steal, and kidnap..
"The hell of it is we have no idea where he's from. Our top scientists
think Quake's not from Earth, but another dimension. They say Quake's
preparing to unleash his real army, whatever that is.
"You're our best man. This is Operation Counterstrike and you're in
charge. Find Quake, and stop him ... or it ... You have full authority
to requisition anything you need. If the eggheads are right, all our
lives are expendable.."
B. Prelude to Destruction
While scouting the neighborhood, you hear shots back at the base Damn,
that Quake bastard works fast! He heard about Operation Counterstrike,
and hit first. Racing back, you see the place is overrun. You are almost
certainly the only survivor. Operation Counterstrike is over. Except for
You know that the heart of the installation holds a slipgate.
Since Quake's killers came through, it is still set to his dimension.
You can use it to get loose in his hometown. Maybe you can get to the
asshole personally. You pump a round into your shotgun, and get moving.
A. Installation
You must install Quake before you can play it. It will not run off the
CD-ROM. Place the CD-ROM into your drive, log on to that drive, and type
'INSTALL'. If you have downloaded Quake via modem, simply go to the
directory you've placed Quake in, unzip it, and type 'INSTALL'.
After you install Quake, you go right into the README.TXT file, which is
henceforth available in your Quake directory. This is a full listing of
Quake's technical parameters, and is constantly updated with new versions
of Quake. We strongly recommend that after you install Quake, you glance
through README.TXT.
You may wish to print this file out, so you can have a copy of it on hand
while playing Quake.
Also available in your Quake directory is a file labeled MANUAL.TXT.
This is the file you are now reading.
For those who are more technically inclined, or to fill out a bug report,
check out TECHINFO.TXT. Information on filling out a bug report is located
at the end of TECHINFO.TXT.
A. Goal of the Game
Quake has two basic goals. First, stay alive. Second, get out of the
place you're in. The first level of each episode ends in a slipgate --
these signify that
you're entering another dimension. When you complete
an entire
dimension (this takes six to eight levels), you'll find a
Rune and another slipgate, which returns you to the start.
B. Skill
The start area has three short hallways. The one you go down selects
the Skill you wish to play at.
Easy -- This is meant for little kids and grandmas.
Medium -- Most people should start Quake at Medium skill.
Hard -- Here at id, we play Hard skill, and we think you should too,
once you're ready.
(Nightmare) -- This is so bad that the entry is hidden, so people
won't wander in by accident. If you find it, don't say we didn't warn
C. Episode
After the Skill halls, you're in a room with four exits. Each exit
leads to a different military complex, at the end of which is a
slipgate leading to a new dimension. If you have not registered, the
first episode, Dimension of the Doomed, is the only place you can go.
After registration, all four episodes are available. The other three
episodes, in order from second to fourth, are Realm of Black Magic,
Netherworld, and The Elder World.
== TIP -- From episode 1 to episode 4, the dimensions become progressively ==
== more difficult. We suggest you play the episodes in the proper order to ==
== get the maximum fun out of Quake. ==
D. Getting About
The specific keys named below can be changed by using the Configure Keys
Menu. If you have renamed Run as the R key, for instance, then the Shift
key will not double your speed.
Use the arrow keys or the mouse. To walk steadily forward, hold down
the Forward key (up arrow or center mouse button). Turn left or right
with the left or right arrow keys or sliding your mouse to the left or
Hold down Run (the Shift key) to double your speed.
Tap the Jump key (the space bar or Enter key). You jump further if
you're moving forward, and you jump higher if you're moving up a slope at
the time. You'll be surprised at the spots you can reach in a jump. You
can even avoid some attacks by jumping at the right time.
When underwater, aim yourself in the direction you wish to go, and
move forward. You have full three-dimensional freedom. Unfortunately,
as in real life, you may lose your bearings while underwater. Use
jump (the space bar or Enter key) to kick straight up towards the
surface. Once on the surface, tread water by holding down jump.
To get out of the drink, swim towards the shore. Once there, use jump
to clamber up. If you're down a well or you can't get a grip, you may
not be able to climb out. There is always another way out, but you may
have to submerge to find it.
Tap the Shoot key (the Ctrl key or left mousebutton) to fire. Hold it
down to
keep firing.
Quake has no "Use" function. To push a button or open a door, walk up
to it. To ride a platform up or down, step atop it. If a door won't open
or a platform won't lower, you may need to do something special to
activate it.
Picking up stuff
To pick up items, weapons, and power-ups, walk over them. If you can't
pick up something, it means you already have the maximum possible of
that thing. If it is armor, it means the stuff you're trying to get is
worse than what you now have.
E. Finding Things
Buttons and Floorplates
Buttons activate with a touch, and floorplates must be stepped on.
If you see a distinctive-looking button in a spot you cannot reach,
it's probably a shootable button-- fire at it.
Most doors open at your approach. If one doesn't, seek a button,
floorplate, or key.
Secret Doors
Some doors are camouflaged. Almost all secret doors open when they are
shot or hit with an axe. The rest are opened by hidden pressure plates
or buttons.
Most platforms only go up and down, while some follow tracks around
rooms or levels. When you step atop of a platform, it rises to its
full height, and usually only lowers when you step off. Some platforms
must be activated via button or pressure plate.
Pressure Plates & Motion Detectors
Invisible or visible sensors which open doors, unleash traps, warn
monsters, etc.
Uncovering Secrets
Secrets are hidden lots of ways. You might need to shoot a button, kill
a monster, walk through a secret motion detector, etc.
The Secret of Secrets
All secrets in Quake are indicated by clues. Don't waste your time
hacking at every wall. It's much more productive (and fun) to use your
brain and your eyes. Look up. An angled texture, a light shining under
a wall, a strange sound -- anything -- might be the clue. Something
prominent in a room might be decoration ... or it might be the clue.
== TIP -- Bouncing a grenade off a shootable button or secret door won't ==
== open it, but if the grenade's explosion goes off nearby, this may ==
== activate such secrets. ==
A. Keyboard Commands
By using the key configuration option from the Main Menu, you can
customize the keyboard to suit your fancy, except for the Function keys,
the Escape key, and the ~ (tilde) key.
Help F1
Save Game F2
Load Game F3
Options Menu F4
Multiplayer Menu F5
Quicksave F6
Quickload F9
Quit to operating system F10
Screenshot F12
Axe 1
Shotgun 2
Double Barrelled Shotgun 3
Nailgun 4
Supernailgun 5
Grenade Launcher 6
Rocket Launcher 7
Thunderbolt 8
Change to next weapon /
Move / Turn arrow keys
Jump / Swim Space bar or Enter
Run Shift
Sidestep Left . or >
Sidestep Right , or <
Strafe * Alt
Swim Up D
Swim Down C
Main Menu Escape
Console ~ (tilde)
Look Up A or PgDn
Look Down Z or Del
Center View X or End
Mouse Look ** \ or center mouse button
Keyboard Look *** Ins
* Turning right or left sidesteps instead while the Strafe key is pressed.
** Sliding your mouse forward and back looks up and down while the Mouse
Look key is pressed.
*** The walk forward/backpedal arrows will look up and down while the
Keyboard Look key is pressed.
B. The Main Menu
Tap the Escape key to pop up the Main Menu. While you are in the menu,
the game is paused.
Use the arrow keys to move the Quake icon up and down the menu. Place
the icon before the desired option, and tap the Enter key. To return to the
Main Menu, tap the Escape key again. To exit the menu and return to the
game, tap the Escape key when you are on the Main Menu.
Discards the game you're playing, and starts anew.
Controls multiplayer game starting and details...
Type your name or alias here, and all messages about you will use
this. So the computer says stuff like, "Josephine rides Bad Bill's
Shirt Color
Lets you select your character's uniform color from 14 different
options (numbered 0-13).
Pants Color
As above, but your pants color also determines what team you're on,
if in team play. (After all, pants are more important than shirts.)
Communications Configuration
Takes you to a separate menu on which you can change communications
Com Port
Selects the COM Port to use for Communications. A null modem or
modem must be connected to this port.
Baud Rate
Selects the COM port baud rate (9600-57600bps). This is NOT the
same as setting the modem speed. The COM port speed must be AT
LEAST the same speed as the modem speed.
Selects the type of connection, either direct (null-modem) or
Modem Init String
The Initialization string for the modem.
Start a Multiplayer Game
If you want your machine to be the host for a multiplayer game
(Note: if you are starting a listen server, id Software strongly
recommends that the fastest machine act as the host! If you are
playing a game with more than 4 players, we suggest using a
dedicated server as the host!), select this option, and you'll get
the following menu ...
Begin Game
Starts up the game. Now all your friends have to do is log on,
using either "search for local network games" or "join a
running game at..." Multiplayer options (see below).
Maximum Players
You can have up to 16 players. You need at least 2, or it's not
"multiplayer", right?
Game Type
Toggles between cooperative and deathmatch.
Team Color Rules
Toggles between "none" and "no friendly fire". In the latter mode,
your shots won't injure someone wearing the exact same color
pants as you.
Chooses skill level. Only applicable in a cooperative game.
Frag Limit
From none to 100, in ten-frag increments. When someone reaches
the frag limit, by killing the 40th (or whatever) person, then
the game ends immediately, and final scores are printed. If your
frag limit is none, the game won't end till someone exits the
level or the time limit expires.
Time Limit
From none to 60 minutes, in 10 minute increments. When the time
limit is up, the game ends immediately, and final scores are
printed. If your time limit is none, the game won't end till
someone exits the level or the frag limit is reached.
Start Map
Lets you choose what map you'd like to play on. The top line
gives you the episode name, and the lower line is the level's
name. Note that all levels in Quake are fun to play, but the
episode Deathmatch Arena is composed of special levels that are
solely-designed for deathmatch play. Try them, you'll like them.
Search For Local Network Games
Has your computer look through your network. It will list all the
games it finds on the console, and you can choose to join one of
them by typing connect <server>.
Join A Running Game At ...
Lets you join a game either by typing its net address (for a net
game) or your friend's modem phone number (for a modem game).
If necessary, ensure your modem and network connections are operative
by checking your Communications Configuration menu.
Brings up a list of saved games. Highlight the desired slot, and tap the
Enter key. Each saved game is identified by the level's name, plus the
proportion of kills you have achieved so far.
Brings up a list of saved games. Highlight the desired slot, and tap the
Enter key.
Miscellaneous game options ...
Configure Keys
Permits you to customize Quake so every action is linked to the
button or key that you prefer.
First, move the cursor (via the arrow keys) to the action you
wish to change. Then tap the Enter key. Now press the key or
button you want to bind to that action. For instance, if you wish
to use the Alt key for Jump, move the cursor to Jump / Swim, tap
the Enter key, then press the Alt key.
Each action can have two different keys assigned to it. If you
already have two keys in an entry, you cannot add more from this
To clear the keys bound to an action, move the cursor to that
action and tap the Backspace or Delete key instead of the Enter
key. This will clear the keys formerly bound to that action,
leaving it blank.
You can bind any key to an action except Function keys, the
Escape key, and the ~ (tilde) key. "Weird" keys such as Scroll
Lock, Print Screen, etc. may or may not work, depending on your
machine, but why bother?
Fires your weapon
Change Weapon
Switches to the weapon "above" the one you're now using. Wraps
around to the axe.
Jump / Swim Up
If you're on land, jumps. If you're underwater, kicks you
towards the surface. If you're right at the water's edge, pops
you up out of the water, if you combine it with forward
Walk Forward
Turn Left
Turn Right
Press this while moving, and you move at double speed.
Step Left
Sidesteps (strafes) left
Step Right
Sidesteps (strafes) right
Press this when using turn left or turn right and you sidestep
(strafe) instead.
Look Up
Lets you angle your view upwards. Your view returns to
horizontal when you start walking forward.
Look Down
Lets you angle your view upwards. Your view returns to
horizontal when you start walking forward.
Center View
If you're looking up or down, returns your view to dead
Mouse Look
Press this to allow your mouse to look up or down (by
sliding it forward and back), and to remain looking up or
down even if you move forward.
Keyboard Look
Press this to use your movement keys to look up or down.
Go To Console
Brings down the Console. Also possible by tapping the
~ (tilde) key.
Reset To Defaults
Everything you've changed in the options menu is reset by
this option. Consider it an "Oops" key.
Screen Size
A slider which enlarges or shrinks your view area. All
Quake's sliders use the right and left arrow keys.
Pretty much self-explanatory. Choose a brightness which
doesn't strain your eyes.
Mouse Speed
Adjusts mouse sensitivity. The further you set the slider
to the right, the quicker your mouse reacts.
Music Volume
Sound Effects Volume
Always Run
When this is selected, you do not need the Run key -- you
are always at double speed.
Invert Mouse Up / Down
This gives your mouse "airplane-style" controls. This means
that pushing the mouse forward "noses down", and pulling it
back "noses up". Some people prefer this control technique.
Returns your view immediately to straight ahead when you
release the look up / down key. Otherwise, you must move
forward for a step or two before your view snaps back.
Lookspring does not work while you are underwater.
If you are using the look up / down key, then this option
causes you to sidestep instead of turn when you try to move
left or right.
Lists the default keyboard and mouse commands. Also contains the
information you need to register Quake.
Exits Quake at once.
== TIP -- Quake saves your current key configuration when you quit, so ==
== next time you play, you have the same configuration. ==
C. Console
Tap the ~ (tilde) key to bring down the console. As with the Main Menu,
when the console is down, a singleplayer game is paused. A wide variety of
esoteric commands can be entered at the console. If your keyboard has no
~ (tilde), the Options Menu (inside the Main Menu) has a "Console" option.
D. Command Line
For special command line parameters, see README.TXT.
E. Cheat Codes
id Software, as in our previous games, has removed all cheat codes from
A. The Screen
The large top part of the screen is the view area, in which you see
monsters and architecture. Immediately below is the Inventory, beneath
which is the Status Bar. You can enlarge the viewing area (tap the + key),
so much that it engulfs first the Inventory Bar and then the Status Bar.
The - key shrinks the view area.
Inventory Bar
Lists ammo, weapons, deathmatch scores, and power-ups.
The active weapon is lit up. Each weapon has a number by it -- type
the appropriate number key to switch to that weapon.
In addition, this gives the amount of ammo you have of each type,
any keys you possess, and any power=ups currently active. Plus it shows
how many and which of the four Runes you possess.
In Deathmatch, it shows the top four scores in the game.
Status Bar
A vital part of the screen. When your armor, hit points, or ammo get
low, the number turns red.
From left to right, the big numbers represent: Armor Points, Health,
and Ammo (of the current weapon). Icons show the Armor Type (green,
yellow, or red), your adorable face, and your Ammo Type).
Score Bar
Hold down theTab key to replace the Status Bar with the Score Bar.
This lists the proportion of monsters you've killed, secrets you've
found, and time you've spent, along with the level name.
In Deathmatch, the Score bar lists the top six scorers, along with
their names.
B. Messages
Quake talks to you from time to time. Some messages appear at the top of
the screen. These are non-critical, and tell you that you've picked up an
object, or you've died in an interesting fashion. Ignore these messages if
you please.
Certain messages appear inconveniently in the middle of your view. These
are always important, and you do not want to ignore them!
D Ending a Level
Once you finish a level, you'll find a slipgate or a distinctive archway
leading to the next level. Pass through to emerge onto a new level.
You start the new level with the same armor, weapons, and ammo you had at
the end of the previous one. If a power-up was active at the end of the
previous level, it is now, sadly, gone. Make the best of it. If your hit
points were over 100 or under 50, they are altered to 100 or 50,
respectively. Otherwise, your hit points are unchanged.
D. Ending a Dimension
Once you've finished all the levels in a particular dimension, you return
to the starting hall. New dimensions are started from scratch -- you, your
shotgun, and axe.
VI. Your New Environment
A. Firepower
You are blessed with eight different Means o' Mass Destruction. Each has
its place in a balanced diet.
The last resort. Face it -- going toe-to-toe with the uglies in Quake
demonstrates all the good sense of a man parachuting into an alligator
The basic gun, to which all other guns compare favorably.
Double-barrelled Shotgun
A worthy weapon with three minor drawbacks: first, it uses up 2 shells
per blast; second, it's slow; third, its shot pattern is very loose at
long range. But in general, once you find this puppy, the other shotgun
starts rusting from disuse.
A two-barrel dingus that prickles bad guys with armor-piercing darts,
technically termed "nails".
The great equalizer. Four cyclic barrels that hose out spikes like
crazy. Pro: foes drop like flies. Con: eats ammo like popcorn.
Grenade Launcher
Thumps neat exploding bombs into the air. You can even bounce a grenade
off the wall or floor.. When a grenade hits someone, it explodes.
If it misses, the bomb sits on the floor for a moment, then explodes.
Even though I sometimes bounce grenades into myself, this gun's still
my favorite.
Rocket Launcher
For when a grenade positively, absolutely, has to be there on time.
Try it. You'll like it. Use the same technique as watering your
Switching Between Weapons
If you are firing a weapon and run out of ammo, Quake automatically
switches you to another weapon. It will never switch to the grenade
launcher or rocket launcher, however, for reasons that ought to be
obvious. So if you're firing away happily and suddenly switch to the
axe, it doesn't mean you're out of all ammo -- you may still have
grenades. But Quake requires you to select such dangerous
explosives on your own.
== TIP -- If you shoot the Thunderbolt underwater, it discharges all its ==
== cells in every direction in a single gigantic KA-ZAP, with you at the ==
== center. Don't try this at home. ==
B. Ammo
The eight weapons use four types of ammo. Each ammo type comes in two
flavors -- small and large. The large boxes carry twice as much as the
For shotguns and double-barrelled shotguns. A small box holds 20.
For nailguns and supernailgunss. A small box holds 25.
For grenade launchers and rocket launchers. A small crate holds 5.
For Mr. Thunderbolt. A small battery has 6 charges, lasting a little
over a second.
C. Power-ups
All power-ups except armor burn out after a while, so smoke 'em while you
got 'em.
Comes in three flavors; green, yellow, and red, from weakest to most
Gives you 100 additional hit points. After a few seconds, all hit points
over 100 start slowing draining away, because it's too much for the human
frame to hold. Still, it's nice while it lasts.
lets you breathe underwater and swim through slime without harm. Does
not protect against lava.
Ring of Shadows
Renders you almost totally invisible. Only your eyes can be seen.
Monsters don't detect you unless you do something stupid. Like shoot.
Pentagram of Protection
Renders you invulnerable.
Quad Damage
Magnum upgrade! You now deliver four times the pain!
== TIP -- When quad damage is activated, use the grenade or rocket ==
== launcher with care -- their bursts are four times as deadly to you, as ==
== well as your enemies. ==
D. Bad Guys
Quake critters are extremely tough, but you have the firepower to vent
your grievances on them anyway. Good hunting.
Bad, bad doggie! Play dead! -- blam! -- yipe! Good dog!
Goons with probes inserted into their pleasure centers; wired up so
when they kill someone, they get paroxysms of ecstasy. In essence,
customized serial killers. Easy to kill, and they tote shotgun shells.
It's like a little Christmas each time you blow a Grunt away!
Enforcer (registered only)
Grunt, Mark Two. Recruits who are surlier and beefier than the rest get
outfitted in combat armor and built-in blasters.
Canned meat. Open 'er up and see if it's still fresh.
Death Knight (registered only)
This particular canned meat tends to open you up instead.
Rotfish (registered only)
Disgusting little critters who dish it out, but can't take it.
Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it
into chunky kibbles.
Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee. Ugly as hell. They're not
real tough, but like to bushwhack you.
What's worse than a cannibal monster eight feet tall? One with a
chainsaw. And a sack of grenades.
Spawn (registered)
A merrily bouncing blob as dangerous to kill as to ignore. Blech.
In essence, organic buzzsaws, rife with pummeling power!
Vore (registered)
A spideresque hybrid horror. Keep your eye on the energy pod he hurls.
Even other monsters fear him, so expect a clobbering. He shrugs off
explosions. Good luck.
== TIP -- Some weapons are better vs. particular monsters than others. If ==
== a new monster seems real tough, switch weapons. ==
E. Environmental Hazards and Effects
Radioactive containers are in some military bases. Shooting these
things unleashes a big boom, so be careful -- you may not want to
stand too close in a firefight.
Your own grenades and rockets cause explosions too, of course -- the
blast can hurt you if you're too close.
Safe enough unless you stay under so long you start to drown. Come up
for air periodically to prevent this.
Hurts you instantly and keeps on hurting. Stay out of slime unless you
have a very good reason to take a dip.
If you're quick and the lava's shallow, you might escape before you're
burnt to a crisp, but don't bet on it.
Quake has many different traps. Don't be paranoid, because traps aren't
really very common, but be aware of their existence. Traps can't be
classified because they come in many varieties -- monsters in ambush,
spike shooters, crushing walls, trapdoors, etc.
These are distinctive in appearance and emit a unique sound. When you
step into a teleporter, you're instantly transported to another
teleporter, or atop a teleport pad. If you teleport directly right atop
of somebody else, he or she is killed instantly.
== TIP -- Monsters are smart enough not to activate their own traps, but ==
== if you activate the traps, the monsters can get caught by them. ==
VII. Multiplayer Action
Quake can be even more fun when you're playing with friends than when
you're playing by yourself.
When you are using the console or Main Menu in multiplayer, the game does
not pause. Irresponsible players and monsters can freely shoot you, and
your only recourse is bloodthirsty vengeance.
The Talk function is useful here. When you talk, the message appears at
the top of all players' screens, preceded by the speaker's name.
To talk, press 'T' and start typing your message. Press ENTER to set
the message to everyone.
To set up, run, or join a multiplayer game, use the Main Menu Multiplayer
option. README.TXT contains details that may be useful if your network or
modem need special configurations.
A. Cooperative
In a co-op game, you and your friends work together to finish the level.
When one person exits, everyone else exits too, wherever they might be. If
you are killed in co-op, you reappear at the start area, and have to catch
up to your buddies. Use Talk to find out where they are. See the
Multiplayer options on the Main Menu for more info.
B. Deathmatch
In a deathmatch, play is totally cutthroat. No monsters exist, and when
you are killed, you reappear in a random spot. After you pick up an item,
it respawns (i.e. pops back into existence) after a while. (Some items
take longer to respawn than others.) Every time you kill someone, you get
a Frag. The person with the most Frags wins, so wreak slaughter amongst
your pals!
If you kill yourself, whether intentionally or by accident, you lose a
Frag. This includes drowning, getting crushed, and so forth. See the
Multiplayer options on the Main Menu for more info.
C. Team Games
Team play is a cool combination of co-op and deathmatch. Each team picks
a "uniform" and everyone on that team changes their color to the team
color. The team with the most Frags wins. See README.TXT or the Main Menu
for details.
== TIP -- if you have the Team Color Rules set to No Friendly Fire, your ==
== weapons won't hurt other players wearing the same color pants as you. ==
== (You can still have differently-colored shirts.) Your shots still wear ==
== down their armor, and your own grenade and rocket explosions still hurt ==
== YOU, just not them. ==
VIII. Commonly Asked Questions
Q. I'm stuck. How do I get through the level?
A. Take a stroll around and look for a place you haven't been yet. Sometimes
you have to kill a particular monster in order to progress, so exterminate
them all!
Q. How can I find all the secrets?
A. Don't worry about it. You never have to find a secret to finish a level..
Also, some secrets are intentionally hard to find.
Q. I've cleared out the whole level, but my monster kill score isn't 100%.
Where are they hiding?
A. Some monsters hide inside secrets, or are released by them. You won't be
able to kill those monsters until you find their secrets. Also, some monsters
might lurk underwater. Good fishing.
Q. Don't you worry that Quake teaches people that all problems can be solved
by the misuse of deadly force?
A. No.
Q. Did I really see two monsters fighting each other?
A. Probably. Some monsters hate one another almost as much as they hate you.
You can use this to your advantage (exercise left up to the reader).
Q. How do I prevent motion sickness when watching Quake?
A. If you're one of the unlucky sufferers from motion sickness in Quake,
we're sorry to say the answer seems to differs from person to person. Try
sitting closer to the screen, or further away. Dim the lights in your room,
or turn them up high. Adjust screen brightness up or down. Take a break from
Quake and rest your eyes every hour or so. One or more of these tricks, or a
combination, ought to work.
Q. Are you guys Satan-worshipers?
A. No.
IX. Tech Support
Any of the information listed below could change. Check the id software Web
Site, at www.idsoftware.com, for updates.
A. Tech Support Options
id Software does charge for technical support, but we strive to offer this
service at the lowest cost possible. Because volume on the support lines
dictates costs, we periodically adjust our rates for Voice Tech Support.
Check our web site for current pricing.
Paying for Voice or Automated Support
1 -- You can get Voice Support using a major credit card for a one-time
shot. The system asks for your credit card number and expiration date, then
pre-authorizes your credit card for the tech support call. You will only be
billed for the number of minutes actually used.
2 -- You can assign yourself a rechargeable PIN account. The system
prompts you for your credit card information, and assigns you a PIN account
number. You can use the PIN to access Voice Support, Automated Support and
the Game Hints Line. Once your account runs out, you can charge it up
3 -- You may also charge up a PIN account using the number
1 (900) call-2-id. Then call back at 1 (800) id-games, and use your
new PIN to receive all the support and hints you wish.
Voice Support
Telephone -- 1 (800) id-games
Lines Open from 12 noon to 10pm Central Time
7 Days a week ($1.75 per minute maximum as of this printing)
Closed some holidays
Please have the following information handy.
1. Game title and version number. (The version number can be found in the
lower right-hand corner of the console.)
2. Your operating system, processor, processor speed and amount of RAM.
3. If you are having a sound, video or modem problem, we need to know the
device brand name and model.
Automated Support
Telephone -- 1 (800) id-games
Lines Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (366 in Leap year)
($0.25 per minute)
Please have pencil and paper handy
E-mail Support
Just send your e-mail to support@idsoftware.com
We will respond within 48 hours after receiving your e-mail. When sending
e-mail, cut and paste the following into your e-mail message and fill
in the blanks --
Phone number:
E-mail address: (please include this, we redirect tons of mail)
Game Title:
Version #:
Operating system (eg., DOS 6.0 or Windows 95):
Computer type:
Processor type:
Processor speed:
Video card brand and model: (only if video problem)
Audio card brand and model: (only if audio problem)
Modem brand and model: (only if modem problem)
Network card brand and model: (only if netgame problem)
Network configuration (eg., NET.CFG file): (only if netgame problem)
Drivers, protocol stacks, and versions: (eg., lsl v2.14, exp16odi
v2.33, and ipxodi v3.01) (only if netgame problem)
If there were any error messages or fault information, report them
Please state the problem you encountered:
Please state how to reproduce the problem:
Web Support
Found at www.idsoftware.com
Our web support pages provide the same information that's available via
Automated Support, except it's free!
News Sites
For information, FAQ, or announcements, check out
For editing and hecking Quake-related files, check out
For general Quake discussion, check out
Game Hints Line
Telephone -- 1 (800) id-games or 1 (900) call-2-id
Lines Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (366 in Leap year)
($0.85 per minute)
B. In Europe
Our help lines in Europe are open 7:30am - 5:00pm GMT, Monday - Friday.
English: +44 01923 209145
German: +44 (0)1923 209151
French: +44 (0)1923 209148
C. Problems
If you have an unfavorable experience using our services, please send
e-mail to support@idsoftware.com. Kindly include your full name,
address, phone number, and the problem encountered.
The Beginning
start -- Welcome to Quake -- by John Romero
Dimension of the Doomed (shareware episode)
e1m1: Slipgate Complex -- by John Romero
e1m2: Castle of the Damned -- by Tim Willits
e1m3: The Necropolis -- by Tim Willits
e1m4: The Grisly Grotto -- by Tim Willits
e1m5: Gloom Keep -- by Tim Willits
e1m6: The Door To Chthon -- by American McGee
e1m7: The House of Chthon -- by American McGee
Realm of Black Magic
e2m1: The Installation -- by John Romero
e2m2: Ogre Citadel -- by John Romero
e2m3: Crypt of Decay -- by John Romero
e2m4: The Ebon Fortress -- by John Romero
e2m5: The Wizard's Manse -- by John Romero
e2m6: The Dismal Oubliette -- by John Romero
e3m1: Termination Central -- by John Romero
e3m2: The Vaults of Zin -- by American McGee
e3m3: The Tomb of Terror -- by American McGee
e3m4: Satan's Dark Delight -- by American McGee
e3m5: Wind Tunnels --by Tim Willits
e3m6: Chambers of Torment -- by American McGee & Tim Willits
The Elder World
e4m1: The Sewage System -- by Tim Willits
e4m2: The Tower of Despair --by Sandy Petersen
e4m3: The Elder God Shrine --by Sandy Petersen
e4m4: The Palace of Hate --by Sandy Petersen
e4m5: Hell's Atrium --by Sandy Petersen
e4m6: The Pain Maze --by Sandy Petersen
e4m7: Azure Agony --by Sandy Petersen
The End
end: Shub-Niggurath's Pit --by John Romero
The Deathmatch Arenas
dm1: Place of Two Deaths --by Tim Willits
dm2: Claustrophobopolis --by American McGee
dm3: The Abandoned Base --by John Romero
dm4: The Bad Place --by American McGee
dm5: The Cistern --by Tim Willits
dm6: The Dark Zone --by Tim Willits
Ziggurat Vertigo --by American McGee
Underearth --by Tim Willits
The Haunted Halls -- by American McGee
The Nameless City -- by Sandy Petersen
XI. Legal Boilerplate
Quake (tm) (c) id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are
the property of their respective companies. For full information on the
legal issues of owning and using Quake, please refer to the files
The program you've purchased was produced through the effort of many people.
Don't make copies for others who have not paid for the right to the
registered version of Quake. To report copyright violations to the Software
Publishers Association, call 1 (800) 388-PIR8 or write:
Software Publishers Association
Suite 901
1101 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036
Titles of Songs or Themes (C) 1996 TVT/Interscope Records.
All Rights Reserved.
Written by Trent Reznor (C) 1996 Leaving Hope/TVT Music.
ASCAP All Rights Reserved.
Note: music is ONLY available on CD. See your local software retailer
or order Quake today at 1-800-idgames!
XIII. Thanks
id Software would like to give special thanks to:
Sean Barrett
Raymond Chen
DJ Delorie
Andy Glew
Lance Hacking
Chris Hecker
Todd Laney
Terje Mathisen
Charles Sandmann
Jon Vondrak
Billy Zelsnack
The GameTech crew
Syntrillium Software for CoolEdit