//если выделить область ячеек и сдвинуть курсор ввода с помощью клавиш, "следы" остануться //нельзя перемещаться по буквам в редактируемой строке #include "func.h" #include "parser.h" #include "calc.h" #include "use_library.h" #ifdef AUTOBUILD extern char params[1024]; #endif char params[1024]; #define TABLE_VERSION "0.99.3" // strings const char *sFileSign = "KolibriTable File\n"; const char sFilename[] = "Filename:"; const char sSave[] = "Save"; const char sLoad[] = "Load"; const char sNew[] = "New"; const char er_file_not_found[] = "'Cannot open file' -E"; const char er_format[] = "'Error: bad format' -E"; const char msg_save[] = "'File saved' -O"; //const char msg_load[] = "'File loaded' -O"; const char msg_save_error[] = "'Error saving file' -E"; const char msg_new[] = "'Memory cleared' -I"; // initial window sizes #define WND_W 718 #define WND_H 514 // new window size and coordinates int cWidth; int cHeight; kosSysColors sc; // bottom panel #define MENU_PANEL_HEIGHT 40 // interface colors #define GRID_COLOR 0xa0a0a0 #define TEXT_COLOR 0x000000 #define CELL_COLOR 0xffffff #define CELL_COLOR_ACTIVE 0xe0e0ff #define HEADER_CELL_COLOR 0xE9E7E3 #define HEADER_CELL_COLOR_ACTIVE 0xC4C5BA //0xBBBBFF // button IDs #define SAVE_BUTTON 100 #define LOAD_BUTTON 101 #define NEW_BUTTON 102 #define SELECT_ALL_BUTTON 103 #define COL_BUTTON 0x100 #define ROW_BUTTON (COL_BUTTON + 0x100) #define COL_HEAD_BUTTON (ROW_BUTTON + 0x100) #define ROW_HEAD_BUTTON (COL_HEAD_BUTTON + 0x100) #define CELL_BUTTON (ROW_HEAD_BUTTON + 0x100) // editbox data char edit_text[256]; edit_box cell_box = {0,9*8-6,WND_H - 16-32,0xffffff,0x94AECE,0,0x808080,0x10000000,255,(dword)&edit_text,0,0}; // scrolls #define SCROLL_SIZE 16 scroll_bar scroll_v = { SCROLL_SIZE,200,398, NULL, SCROLL_SIZE,0,115,15,0,0xeeeeee,0xD2CED0,0x555555,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; scroll_bar scroll_h = { 200,NULL,SCROLL_SIZE, NULL, SCROLL_SIZE,0,115,15,0,0xeeeeee,0xD2CED0,0x555555,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; // ячейки - их параметры и текст DWORD col_count = 100, row_count = 100; DWORD *cell_w, *cell_h; char ***cells; struct GRID { int x,y,w,h; int firstx, firsty; // cell x:y in the top left corner } grid = { 0,0,NULL,NULL, 1,1 }; char ***values; // значения формул, если есть bool display_formulas = false; // отображать ли формулы вместо значений // координаты отображаемых столбцов и строк DWORD *cell_x, *cell_y; // буфер обмена char ***buffer = NULL; DWORD buf_col, buf_row; DWORD buf_old_x, buf_old_y; // это выделенная ячейка DWORD sel_x = 1, sel_y = 1; DWORD prev_x = 0, prev_y = 0; // предыдущая выделенная int was_single_selection = 0; // конец выделения если выделено несколько ячеек DWORD sel_end_x = sel_x, sel_end_y = sel_y; // флаг bool sel_moved = 0; bool sel_end_move = 0; // сколько ячеек помещается в окне по х и у DWORD nx = 0, ny = 0; // флаг реадктирования ячейки #define is_edit (cell_box.flags & ed_focus) // редактирование имени файла bool fn_edit = 0; char fname[256]; edit_box file_box = {160,9*8+12,WND_H - 16-32,0xffffff,0x94AECE,0,0x808080,0x10000000,255,(dword)&fname,0,0}; // изменение размеров #define SIZE_X 1 // состояние #define SIZE_Y 2 #define SIZE_SELECT 3 #define SIZE_DRAG 4 int size_mouse_x, size_mouse_y, size_id, size_state = 0; // растаскивание ячейки при ее тащении за правый нижний угол, с заполнением ячеек int drag_x, drag_y; int old_end_x, old_end_y; void draw_grid(); void EventGridSelectAll(); void DrawSelectedFrame(int x, int y, int w, int h, DWORD col) { kos_DrawBar(x,y,w,2,col); // up kos_DrawBar(x,y,2,h,col); // left kos_DrawBar(x,y+h-2,w-2-3,2,col); // bottom kos_DrawBar(x+w-2,y, 2,h-2-3,col); // right kos_DrawBar(x+w-4,y+h-4,4,4,col); } void DrawScrolls() { // HOR scroll_h.x = 0; scroll_h.y = grid.y + grid.h; scroll_h.w = grid.w + SCROLL_SIZE + 1; scroll_h.all_redraw = true; scroll_h.max_area = col_count - 2; scroll_h.cur_area = nx-grid.firstx-1; scroll_h.position = grid.firstx-1; scrollbar_h_draw((DWORD)&scroll_h); // VER scroll_v.x = grid.x + grid.w; scroll_v.y = 0; scroll_v.h = grid.h + 1; scroll_v.all_redraw = true; scroll_v.max_area = row_count - 2; scroll_v.cur_area = ny-grid.firsty-1; scroll_v.position = grid.firsty-1; scrollbar_v_draw((DWORD)&scroll_v); } void start_edit(int x, int y) { int ch = 0; if (x < grid.firstx || x > nx - 1) { grid.firstx = x; ch = 1; } if (y < grid.firsty || y > ny - 1) { grid.firsty = y; ch = 1; } if (ch) { sel_moved = 1; draw_grid(); } file_box.flags &= ~ed_focus; cell_box.flags = ed_focus; cell_box.left = cell_x[x] + 1; cell_box.top = cell_y[y]; cell_box.width = cell_w[x] - 2; memset((Byte*)edit_text, 0, sizeof(edit_text)); if (cells[x][y]) { strcpy(edit_text, cells[x][y]); } cell_box.offset = cell_box.shift = cell_box.shift_old = 0; cell_box.pos = cell_box.size = strlen(edit_text); edit_box_draw((DWORD)&cell_box); edit_box_draw((DWORD)&file_box); } void stop_edit() { if (is_edit) { cell_box.flags &= ~ed_focus; if (cells[sel_x][sel_y]) freemem(cells[sel_x][sel_y]); if (strlen(edit_text) > 0) { cells[sel_x][sel_y] = (char*)allocmem(strlen(edit_text)+1); strcpy(cells[sel_x][sel_y], edit_text); } else cells[sel_x][sel_y] = NULL; //memset((Byte*)edit_text,0, 256); calculate_values(); } } void cancel_edit() { if (!is_edit) return; cell_box.flags &= ~ed_focus; memset((Byte*)edit_text,0, 256); draw_grid(); } void check_sel() { DWORD sx0=grid.firstx, sy0=grid.firsty; if (sel_x >= nx - 1 /*&& sel_x < col_count - nx + grid.firstx + 1*/) //if (sel_x == nx) grid.firstx++; //else // grid.firstx = sel_x; if (sel_y >= ny - 1 /*&& sel_y < row_count - ny + grid.firsty */) //if (sel_y == ny) grid.firsty++; //else // grid.firsty = sel_y; if (sel_x < grid.firstx) grid.firstx = sel_x; if (sel_y < grid.firsty) grid.firsty = sel_y; if (sx0 != grid.firstx || sy0 != grid.firsty) sel_moved = 0; // надо перерисовать все } void move_selection(DWORD new_x, DWORD new_y) { sel_moved = 1; stop_edit(); prev_x = sel_x; prev_y = sel_y; sel_x = new_x; if (sel_x < 1) sel_x = 1; if (sel_x > col_count - 1) sel_x = col_count - 1; sel_end_x = sel_x; sel_y = new_y; if (sel_y < 1) sel_y = 1; if (sel_y > row_count - 1) sel_y = row_count - 1; sel_end_y = sel_y; check_sel(); draw_grid(); } // x - между low и high ? - необязательно low= low && x <= high):(x >= high && x <= low)); } void clear_cell_slow(int px, int py) { int i; int x0 = cell_w[0]; for (i = grid.firstx; i < px; i++) { x0 += cell_w[i]; } int x1 = x0; x1 += cell_w[px]; int y0 = cell_h[0]; for (i = grid.firsty; i < py; i++) { y0 += cell_h[i]; } int y1 = y0; y1 += cell_h[py]; kos_DrawBar(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, x1 - x0 - 1, y1 - y0 - 1, 0xffffff); } // рисование ячеек #define is_x_changed(v) ((v) == sel_x || (v) == prev_x) #define is_y_changed(v) ((v) == sel_y || (v) == prev_y) void DrawCell(int x, int y, Dword w, Dword h, Dword id, Dword bg_color, char* text, bool header) { bool small = false; if (x>grid.x+grid.w || w>grid.w || w<=0) return; if (x+w > grid.x + grid.w) { w = grid.x + grid.w - x; small = true; } if (y+h > grid.y + grid.h) { h = grid.y + grid.h - y; small = true; } kos_DrawBar(x, y, w, h, bg_color); if (!small) { if (id) kos_DefineButton(x+5, y, w-10, h-1, id+BT_NODRAW,0); if (header) kos_WriteTextToWindow( x + w/2 -strlen(text)*4, h/2-7+y, 0x90,TEXT_COLOR,text,0); //WriteTextCenter else kos_DrawCutTextSmall(x+3, h/2-7+y, w-7, TEXT_COLOR, text); } } void draw_grid() { int i,j; long x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x = 0, y = 0; DWORD bg_color; kos_DrawBar(0,0,cell_w[0],cell_h[0],HEADER_CELL_COLOR); // left top cell kos_DefineButton(0,0,cell_w[0]-4,cell_h[0]-4, SELECT_ALL_BUTTON + BT_NODRAW, 0); //kos_DebugValue("sel_moved", sel_moved); nx=ny=0; // очистить область около выделенной ячейки if (sel_moved) { clear_cell_slow(sel_x, sel_y); clear_cell_slow(prev_x, prev_y); } else { // clean all cells //kos_DrawBar(cell_w[0]+1, cell_h[0]+1, grid.w - SCROLL_SIZE-cell_w[0]-1, he - SCROLL_SIZE-cell_h[0]-1, 0xffffff); } // column headers + vertical lines cell_x[0] = 0; x = cell_w[0]; nx = 1; for (i = 1; i < col_count && x-x0 < grid.w; i++) { cell_x[i] = -1; if (i >= grid.firstx) { { //if (!sel_moved || (is_x_changed(i))) { if (is_between(i,sel_x,sel_end_x)) bg_color = HEADER_CELL_COLOR_ACTIVE; else bg_color = HEADER_CELL_COLOR; kos_DrawBar(x-x0, 0, 1, grid.h, GRID_COLOR); DrawCell(x-x0+1, 0, cell_w[i]-1, cell_h[0], i+COL_HEAD_BUTTON, bg_color, cells[i][0], true); //} cell_x[i] = x - x0; } } else { x0 += cell_w[i]; } x += cell_w[i]; nx++; } // row headers + horizontal lines y = cell_h[0]; ny = 1; cell_y[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < row_count && y-y0 < grid.h; i++) { cell_y[i] = -1; if (i >= grid.firsty) { { //if (!sel_moved || (is_y_changed(i))) { if (is_between(i,sel_y,sel_end_y)) bg_color = HEADER_CELL_COLOR_ACTIVE; else bg_color = HEADER_CELL_COLOR; kos_DrawBar(0, y-y0, grid.w, 1, GRID_COLOR); DrawCell(0, y-y0+1, cell_w[0], cell_h[i]-1, i+ROW_HEAD_BUTTON, bg_color, cells[0][i], true); //} cell_y[i] = y - y0; } } else { y0 += cell_h[i]; } y += cell_h[i]; ny++; } // cells itself y = cell_h[0]; for (i = grid.firsty; i < ny; i++) { x = cell_w[0]; for (j = grid.firstx; j < nx; j++) { if (i && j) //no need to draw headers one more { bool draw_frame_selection = false; bool error = false; bg_color = CELL_COLOR; if (is_between(j,sel_x,sel_end_x) && is_between(i, sel_y, sel_end_y) // (j,i) - selected && ((!sel_moved) || (is_x_changed(j) && is_y_changed(i)))) // and we must draw it { if (i == sel_y && j == sel_x) { draw_frame_selection = true; drag_x = x + cell_w[j] - 4; drag_y = y + cell_h[i] - 4; } else { bg_color = CELL_COLOR_ACTIVE; // selected but not main } } char *text; if (values[j][i] && values[j][i][0] == '#') { text = cells[j][i]; error = true; } else { text = (values[j][i] && !display_formulas ? values[j][i] : cells[j][i]); } DrawCell(x+1, y+1, cell_w[j]-1, cell_h[i]-1, 0, bg_color, text, false); if (draw_frame_selection && j= grid.firstx) { if (i >= size_id) kos_DrawLine(x - x0, 0, x - x0, grid.h, 0, 1); } else x0 += cell_w[i]; x += cell_w[i]; } kos_DrawLine(x - x0, 0, x - x0, grid.h, 0, 1); } else { int y, y0, i; y = cell_h[0]; y0 = 0; for (i = 1; i < col_count && y - y0 + cell_h[i] < grid.h - 10; i++) { if (i >= grid.firsty) { if (i >= size_id) kos_DrawLine(0, y - y0, grid.w, y - y0, 0, 1); } else y0 += cell_h[i]; y += cell_h[i]; } kos_DrawLine(0, y - y0, grid.w, y - y0, 0, 1); } } // быстрое рисование выделенной области при выделении мышью #define DCOLOR 0 //0xff0000 #define DINVERT 1 void draw_drag() { // inverted lines int k0 = min(sel_x, sel_end_x); int k1 = max(sel_x, sel_end_x); int n0 = min(sel_y, sel_end_y); int n1 = max(sel_y, sel_end_y); DWORD x0 = cell_x[k0] - 1; DWORD x1 = cell_x[k1] + cell_w[k1] + 1; DWORD y0 = cell_y[n0] - 1; DWORD y1 = cell_y[n1] + cell_h[n1] + 1; if (x0 > grid.w - 1) x0 = grid.w - 1; if (x1 > grid.w - 1) x1 = grid.w - 1; if (y0 > grid.h - 1) y0 = grid.h - 1; if (y1 > grid.h - 1) y1 = grid.h - 1; //sprintf(debuf,"drag %U %U %U %U",k0,k1,n0,n1); //rtlDebugOutString(debuf); kos_DrawLine(x0, y0, x0, y1, DCOLOR, DINVERT); kos_DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y0, DCOLOR, DINVERT); kos_DrawLine(x1, y0, x1, y1, DCOLOR, DINVERT); kos_DrawLine(x0, y1, x1, y1, DCOLOR, DINVERT); } void draw_window() { kos_WindowRedrawStatus(1); kos_DefineAndDrawWindow(110,40,WND_W,WND_H,0x73,0x40FFFFFF,0,0,(Dword)"Table v" TABLE_VERSION); kos_WindowRedrawStatus(2); kos_GetSystemColors(&sc); sProcessInfo info; kos_ProcessInfo(&info, 0xFFFFFFFF); cWidth = info.processInfo.width - 9; cHeight = info.processInfo.height - kos_GetSkinHeight() - 4; grid.x = 0; grid.y = 0; grid.w = cWidth - SCROLL_SIZE - 1; grid.h = cHeight - MENU_PANEL_HEIGHT - SCROLL_SIZE; if (info.processInfo.status_window&0x04) return; //draw nothing if window is rolled-up if (cWidth < 430) { kos_ChangeWindow( -1, -1, 450, -1 ); return; } if (cHeight < 250) { kos_ChangeWindow( -1, -1, -1, 300 ); return; } sel_moved = 0; if (is_edit) stop_edit(); int panel_y = cHeight - MENU_PANEL_HEIGHT + 1; kos_DrawBar(0, panel_y, cWidth, MENU_PANEL_HEIGHT-1, sc.work); kos_WriteTextToWindow(3 + 1, panel_y + 14, 0x90, sc.work_text, (char*)sFilename, 0); file_box.top = panel_y + 10; #define BTX 230 #define BTW 70 //save kos_DefineButton(BTX + 25, file_box.top, BTW, 21, SAVE_BUTTON, sc.work); kos_WriteTextToWindow(BTX + 25 + (BTW - strlen(sSave) * 8) / 2, panel_y + 14, 0x90, sc.work_text, (char*)sSave, 0); //load kos_DefineButton(BTX + 25+BTW+5, file_box.top, BTW, 21, LOAD_BUTTON, sc.work); kos_WriteTextToWindow(BTX + 25+BTW+5 + (BTW - strlen(sLoad) * 8) / 2, panel_y + 14, 0x90, sc.work_text, (char*)sLoad, 0); // // new (clean) // kos_DefineButton(90 + 160 + 70, panel_y + 9, 60, 20, NEW_BUTTON, sc.work); // kos_WriteTextToWindow(92 + 160 + 10 + 70, panel_y + 16, 0, sc.work_text, (char*)sNew, strlen(sNew)); if (sel_end_move) sel_moved = 0; draw_grid(); sel_moved = 0; if (is_edit) edit_box_draw((DWORD)&cell_box); edit_box_draw((DWORD)&file_box); } void process_mouse() { Dword mouse_btn, ckeys, shift, ctrl; int vert, hor; kos_GetScrollInfo(vert, hor); if (vert != 0) { stop_edit(); grid.firsty += vert; if (grid.firsty<1) grid.firsty=1; if (grid.firsty>row_count-25) grid.firsty=row_count-25; draw_grid(); return; } if (!size_state) //do not handle scrollbars when user selects cells { if (!scroll_h.delta2) scrollbar_v_mouse((DWORD)&scroll_v); if (scroll_v.position != grid.firsty-1) { stop_edit(); grid.firsty = scroll_v.position + 1; draw_grid(); } if (!scroll_v.delta2) scrollbar_h_mouse((DWORD)&scroll_h); if (scroll_h.position != grid.firstx-1) { stop_edit(); grid.firstx = scroll_h.position + 1; draw_grid(); } } if (scroll_v.delta2 || scroll_h.delta2) return; if (is_edit) edit_box_mouse((dword)&cell_box); edit_box_mouse((dword)&file_box); int mouse_x, mouse_y, i; kos_GetMouseState(mouse_btn, mouse_x, mouse_y); mouse_x -= 5; mouse_y -= kos_GetSkinHeight(); if (is_edit && mouse_x>=cell_box.left && mouse_x<=cell_box.left+cell_box.width && mouse_y>=cell_box.top && mouse_y<=cell_box.top+22) return; mouse_btn &= 0x0001; if (mouse_btn) { if (mouse_y < 0) return; // do nothing if mouse over header if (mouse_y > grid.y + grid.h) return; } ckeys = kos_GetSpecialKeyState(); shift = ckeys & 0x3; if (!size_state && !mouse_btn) return; if (mouse_btn && !size_state) // LMB down { //rtlDebugOutString("lmb down and not resize"); if (mouse_x >= drag_x && mouse_x <= drag_x + 4 && mouse_y >= drag_y && mouse_y <= drag_y + 4) { size_state = SIZE_DRAG; old_end_x = sel_end_x; old_end_y = sel_end_y; } else if (mouse_y <= cell_h[0]) { //rtlDebugOutString("can resize col_count"); int kx = -1, i; for (i = 0; i < col_count - 1; i++) if (mouse_x >= cell_x[i] + cell_w[i] - 5 && mouse_x <= cell_x[i + 1] + 5) { kx = i; break; } if (kx != -1) { //sprintf(debuf,"size x %U",k); //rtlDebugOutString(debuf); size_id = kx; size_state = SIZE_X; } } else if (mouse_x <= cell_w[0]) { int ky = -1; for (i = 0; i < row_count - 1; i++) if (mouse_y >= cell_y[i] + cell_h[i] - 5 && mouse_y <= cell_y[i + 1] + 5) { ky = i; break; } if (ky != -1) { size_id = ky; size_state = SIZE_Y; } } else // click on cell if (mouse_x <= cell_x[nx - 1] && mouse_y <= cell_y[ny - 1]) { was_single_selection = sel_x == sel_end_x && sel_y == sel_end_y; int kx = -1, i; for (i = 0; i < col_count - 1; i++) if (mouse_x >= cell_x[i] && mouse_x <= cell_x[i] + cell_w[i]) { kx = i; break; } int ky = -1; for (i = 0; i < row_count - 1; i++) if (mouse_y >= cell_y[i] && mouse_y <= cell_y[i] + cell_h[i]) { ky = i; break; } if (kx != -1 && ky != -1) { if (!shift) { move_selection(kx, ky); //return; } else { sel_end_x = kx; sel_end_y = ky; } size_state = SIZE_SELECT; } } if (size_state) { size_mouse_x = mouse_x; size_mouse_y = mouse_y; } return; } else if (!mouse_btn && size_state) { sel_moved = 0; // for a good redraw //rtlDebugOutString("resize end"); if (size_state == SIZE_DRAG) { fill_cells(sel_x, sel_y, sel_end_x, sel_end_y, old_end_x, old_end_y); } //sel_moved = (size_state == SIZE_SELECT && sel_x == sel_end_x && sel_y == sel_end_y && was_single_selection); size_state = 0; draw_grid(); // все сдвинулось - надо обновиться return; } if (size_state == SIZE_X && mouse_x != size_mouse_x) { draw_size_grid(); cell_w[size_id] += mouse_x - size_mouse_x; if (cell_w[size_id] < 15) cell_w[size_id] = 15; else if (cell_w[size_id] > grid.w / 2) cell_w[size_id] = grid.w / 2; draw_size_grid(); } if (size_state == SIZE_Y && mouse_y != size_mouse_y) { draw_size_grid(); cell_h[size_id] += mouse_y - size_mouse_y; if (cell_h[size_id] < 15) cell_h[size_id] = 15; else if (cell_h[size_id] > grid.h / 2) cell_h[size_id] = grid.h / 2; draw_size_grid(); } if ((size_state == SIZE_SELECT || size_state == SIZE_DRAG) && (mouse_x != size_mouse_x || mouse_y != size_mouse_y)) { draw_drag(); int kx = -1, i; for (i = 0; i < col_count - 1; i++) if (mouse_x >= cell_x[i] && mouse_x <= cell_x[i + 1]) { //sprintf(debuf, "yyy %U",cell_x[i+1]); //rtlDebugOutString(debuf); kx = i; break; } int ky = -1; for (i = 0; i < row_count - 1; i++) if (mouse_y >= cell_y[i] && mouse_y <= cell_y[i + 1]) { ky = i; break; } if (kx != -1) sel_end_x = kx; if (ky != -1) sel_end_y = ky; if (size_state == SIZE_DRAG) { if (abs(sel_end_x - sel_x) > 0) { sel_end_y = old_end_y; } else if (abs(sel_end_y - sel_y) > 0) { sel_end_x = old_end_x; } } draw_drag(); } size_mouse_x = mouse_x; size_mouse_y = mouse_y; } void shift_selection(int dx, int dy, Dword shift) { if (dx != 0) { if (shift) { sel_end_x += dx; if (sel_end_x <= 1) sel_end_x = 1; else if (sel_end_x >= col_count) sel_end_x = col_count - 1; // sprintf(debuf,"sel end x change. sel end %U %U",sel_end_x,sel_end_y); // rtlDebugOutString(debuf); sel_moved = sel_end_move = 1; //stop_edit(); //draw_grid(); } else { } } if (dy != 0) { if (shift) { sel_end_y += dy; if (sel_end_y <= 1) sel_end_y = 1; else if (sel_end_y >= row_count) sel_end_y = row_count - 1; // sprintf(debuf,"sel end y change. sel end %U %U",sel_end_x,sel_end_y); // rtlDebugOutString(debuf); sel_moved = sel_end_move = 1; //stop_edit(); //draw_grid(); } } /* if (sel_end_x < sel_x) { Dword tmp = sel_end_x; sel_end_x = sel_x; sel_x = tmp; } if (sel_end_y < sel_y) { Dword tmp = sel_end_y; sel_end_y = sel_y; sel_y = tmp; } */ if ((dx || dy)) { if (!shift) { if ((sel_end_x + dx) >= (col_count-1)) {dx=0;} //stub else if ((sel_end_y + dy) >= (row_count-1)) {dy=0;} else { move_selection(sel_x + dx, sel_y + dy); } } else { sel_moved = 0; stop_edit(); draw_grid(); } } } void process_key() { Dword ckeys, shift, ctrl; dword key_editbox; Byte key_ascii, key_scancode; // key pressed, read it ckeys = kos_GetSpecialKeyState(); shift = ckeys & 0x3; ctrl = ckeys & 0x0c; sel_moved = 0; sel_end_move = 0; kos_GetKeys(key_editbox, key_ascii, key_scancode); if (cell_box.flags & ed_focus) { if (SCAN_CODE_ENTER == key_scancode) { stop_edit(); draw_grid(); } else if (SCAN_CODE_ESC == key_scancode) { cancel_edit(); } else { __asm { mov eax, key_editbox } edit_box_key((dword)&cell_box); } } else if (file_box.flags & ed_focus) { __asm { mov eax, key_editbox } edit_box_key((dword)&file_box); return; } else if (ctrl) { switch (key_scancode) { case SCAN_CODE_KEY_A: EventGridSelectAll(); break; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_V: { int i, j, x0, y0; x0 = min(sel_x, sel_end_x); y0 = min(sel_y, sel_end_y); int delta_x = x0 - buf_old_x; int delta_y = y0 - buf_old_y; for (i = 0; i < buf_col; i++) for (j = 0; j < buf_row; j++) { if (i + x0 >= col_count || j + y0 >= row_count) continue; if (cells[i + x0][j + y0]) freemem(cells[i + x0][j + y0]); if (buffer[i][j]) { cf_x0 = buf_old_x; cf_y0 = buf_old_y; cf_x1 = buf_old_x + buf_col; cf_y1 = buf_old_y + buf_row; cells[i + x0][j + y0] = change_formula(buffer[i][j], delta_x, delta_y); //cells[i + x0][j + y0] = (char*)allocmem(strlen(buffer[i][j])); //strcpy(cells[i + x0][j + y0], buffer[i][j]); } else cells[i + x0][j + y0] = NULL; } calculate_values(); draw_grid(); break; } case SCAN_CODE_KEY_X: case SCAN_CODE_KEY_C: { int i, j, x0, y0; freeBuffer(); buf_col = abs(sel_end_x - sel_x) + 1; buf_row = abs(sel_end_y - sel_y) + 1; x0 = min(sel_x, sel_end_x); y0 = min(sel_y, sel_end_y); buf_old_x = x0; buf_old_y = y0; //sprintf(debuf, "%U %U %U %U", buf_col, buf_row, x0, y0); //rtlDebugOutString(debuf); buffer = (char***)allocmem(buf_col * sizeof(char**)); for (i = 0; i < buf_col; i++) { buffer[i] = (char**)allocmem(buf_row * sizeof(char*)); for (j = 0; j < buf_row; j++) { if (cells[i + x0][j + y0]) { if (SCAN_CODE_KEY_C == key_scancode) { buffer[i][j] = (char*)allocmem(strlen(cells[i + x0][j + y0])); strcpy(buffer[i][j], cells[i + x0][j + y0]); } else { buffer[i][j] = cells[i + x0][j + y0]; cells[i + x0][j + y0] = NULL; } } else buffer[i][j] = NULL; } } if (key_ascii == 24) ///////WTF???? calculate_values(); draw_grid(); break; } case SCAN_CODE_KEY_F: display_formulas = !display_formulas; draw_grid(); break; } } else switch (key_scancode) { case SCAN_CODE_UP: shift_selection(0, -1, shift); break; case SCAN_CODE_LEFT: shift_selection(-1, 0, shift); break; case SCAN_CODE_RIGHT: shift_selection(1, 0, shift); break; case SCAN_CODE_DOWN: shift_selection(0, 1, shift); break; case SCAN_CODE_PGDN: shift_selection(0, ny-grid.firsty-1, shift); break; case SCAN_CODE_PGUP: shift_selection(0, -(ny-grid.firsty), shift); break; case SCAN_CODE_HOME: shift_selection(-sel_x + 1, 0, shift); break; case SCAN_CODE_END: shift_selection(col_count - (nx - grid.firstx) - 1 - sel_x, 0, shift); break; case SCAN_CODE_DEL: { int n0 = min(sel_x, sel_end_x); int n1 = max(sel_x, sel_end_x); int k0 = min(sel_y, sel_end_y); int k1 = max(sel_y, sel_end_y); for (int i = n0; i <= n1; i++) for (int j = k0; j <= k1; j++) { if (cells[i][j]) { freemem(cells[i][j]); cells[i][j] = NULL; } } calculate_values(); draw_grid(); break; } break; case SCAN_CODE_F2: start_edit(sel_x, sel_y); break; case SCAN_CODE_F5: draw_grid(); break; default: start_edit(sel_x, sel_y); __asm { mov eax, key_editbox } edit_box_key((dword)&cell_box); break; } } void EventLoadFile() { stop_edit(); int r = LoadFile(fname); if (r > 0) { calculate_values(); sel_moved = 0; draw_grid(); //result = (char*)msg_load; } else { char *result; if (r == -1) result = (char*)er_file_not_found; else if (r == -2) result = (char*)er_format; kos_AppRun("/sys/@notify", result); } } void EventGridSelectAll() { sel_y = 1; sel_x = 1; sel_end_x = col_count - 1; sel_end_y = row_count - 1; stop_edit(); draw_grid(); } void process_button() { Dword button; if (!kos_GetButtonID(button)) return; switch (button) { case 1: kos_ExitApp(); case NEW_BUTTON: // clear the table reinit(); draw_grid(); break; case SAVE_BUTTON: stop_edit(); if (SaveFile(fname)) { kos_AppRun("/sys/@notify", (char*)msg_save); } else { kos_AppRun("/sys/@notify", (char*)msg_save_error); } break; case LOAD_BUTTON: EventLoadFile(); break; case SELECT_ALL_BUTTON: EventGridSelectAll(); break; } if (button >= COL_HEAD_BUTTON && button < ROW_HEAD_BUTTON) { sel_end_x = sel_x = button - COL_HEAD_BUTTON; sel_y = 1; sel_end_y = row_count - 1; stop_edit(); draw_grid(); return; } else if (button >= ROW_HEAD_BUTTON && button < CELL_BUTTON) { sel_end_y = sel_y = button - ROW_HEAD_BUTTON; sel_x = 1; sel_end_x = col_count - 1; stop_edit(); draw_grid(); return; } } void kos_Main() { kos_InitHeap(); load_edit_box(); init(); if (params[0]) { strcpy(fname, params); file_box.size = file_box.pos = strlen(fname); EventLoadFile(); } kos_SetMaskForEvents(EVM_REDRAW + EVM_KEY + EVM_BUTTON + EVM_MOUSE + EVM_MOUSE_FILTER); for (;;) { switch (kos_WaitForEvent()) { case EM_MOUSE_EVENT: process_mouse(); break; case EM_KEY_PRESS: process_key(); break; case EM_BUTTON_CLICK: process_button(); break; case EM_WINDOW_REDRAW: draw_window(); break; } } }