(* Copyright 2016 Anton Krotov This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *) MODULE Out; IMPORT ConsoleLib, sys := SYSTEM; CONST d = 1.0D0 - 5.0D-12; VAR Realp: PROCEDURE (x: LONGREAL; width: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Char*(c: CHAR); BEGIN ConsoleLib.write_string(sys.ADR(c), 1) END Char; PROCEDURE String*(s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN ConsoleLib.write_string(sys.ADR(s[0]), LENGTH(s)) END String; PROCEDURE WriteInt(x, n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; a: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; neg: BOOLEAN; BEGIN i := 0; IF n < 1 THEN n := 1 END; IF x < 0 THEN x := -x; DEC(n); neg := TRUE END; REPEAT a[i] := CHR(x MOD 10 + ORD("0")); x := x DIV 10; INC(i) UNTIL x = 0; WHILE n > i DO Char(" "); DEC(n) END; IF neg THEN Char("-") END; REPEAT DEC(i); Char(a[i]) UNTIL i = 0 END WriteInt; PROCEDURE IsNan(AValue: LONGREAL): BOOLEAN; VAR h, l: SET; BEGIN sys.GET(sys.ADR(AValue), l); sys.GET(sys.ADR(AValue) + 4, h) RETURN (h * {20..30} = {20..30}) & ((h * {0..19} # {}) OR (l * {0..31} # {})) END IsNan; PROCEDURE IsInf(x: LONGREAL): BOOLEAN; RETURN ABS(x) = sys.INF(LONGREAL) END IsInf; PROCEDURE Int*(x, width: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF x # 80000000H THEN WriteInt(x, width) ELSE FOR i := 12 TO width DO Char(20X) END; String("-2147483648") END END Int; PROCEDURE OutInf(x: LONGREAL; width: INTEGER); VAR s: ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF IsNan(x) THEN s := "Nan"; INC(width) ELSIF IsInf(x) & (x > 0.0D0) THEN s := "+Inf" ELSIF IsInf(x) & (x < 0.0D0) THEN s := "-Inf" END; FOR i := 1 TO width - 4 DO Char(" ") END; String(s) END OutInf; PROCEDURE Ln*; BEGIN Char(0DX); Char(0AX) END Ln; PROCEDURE FixReal*(x: LONGREAL; width, p: INTEGER); VAR e, len, i: INTEGER; y: LONGREAL; minus: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF IsNan(x) OR IsInf(x) THEN OutInf(x, width) ELSIF p < 0 THEN Realp(x, width) ELSE len := 0; minus := FALSE; IF x < 0.0D0 THEN minus := TRUE; INC(len); x := ABS(x) END; e := 0; WHILE x >= 10.0D0 DO x := x / 10.0D0; INC(e) END; IF e >= 0 THEN len := len + e + p + 1; IF x > 9.0D0 + d THEN INC(len) END; IF p > 0 THEN INC(len) END ELSE len := len + p + 2 END; FOR i := 1 TO width - len DO Char(" ") END; IF minus THEN Char("-") END; y := x; WHILE (y < 1.0D0) & (y # 0.0D0) DO y := y * 10.0D0; DEC(e) END; IF e < 0 THEN IF x - LONG(FLT(FLOOR(x))) > d THEN Char("1"); x := 0.0D0 ELSE Char("0"); x := x * 10.0D0 END ELSE WHILE e >= 0 DO IF x - LONG(FLT(FLOOR(x))) > d THEN IF x > 9.0D0 THEN String("10") ELSE Char(CHR(FLOOR(x) + ORD("0") + 1)) END; x := 0.0D0 ELSE Char(CHR(FLOOR(x) + ORD("0"))); x := (x - LONG(FLT(FLOOR(x)))) * 10.0D0 END; DEC(e) END END; IF p > 0 THEN Char(".") END; WHILE p > 0 DO IF x - LONG(FLT(FLOOR(x))) > d THEN Char(CHR(FLOOR(x) + ORD("0") + 1)); x := 0.0D0 ELSE Char(CHR(FLOOR(x) + ORD("0"))); x := (x - LONG(FLT(FLOOR(x)))) * 10.0D0 END; DEC(p) END END END FixReal; PROCEDURE Real*(x: LONGREAL; width: INTEGER); VAR e, n, i: INTEGER; minus: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF IsNan(x) OR IsInf(x) THEN OutInf(x, width) ELSE e := 0; n := 0; IF width > 23 THEN n := width - 23; width := 23 ELSIF width < 9 THEN width := 9 END; width := width - 5; IF x < 0.0D0 THEN x := -x; minus := TRUE ELSE minus := FALSE END; WHILE x >= 10.0D0 DO x := x / 10.0D0; INC(e) END; WHILE (x < 1.0D0) & (x # 0.0D0) DO x := x * 10.0D0; DEC(e) END; IF x > 9.0D0 + d THEN x := 1.0D0; INC(e) END; FOR i := 1 TO n DO Char(" ") END; IF minus THEN x := -x END; FixReal(x, width, width - 3); Char("E"); IF e >= 0 THEN Char("+") ELSE Char("-"); e := ABS(e) END; IF e < 100 THEN Char("0") END; IF e < 10 THEN Char("0") END; Int(e, 0) END END Real; PROCEDURE Open*; END Open; BEGIN Realp := Real END Out.