;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2012. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; PPPoE.INC ;; ;; ;; ;; Part of the tcp/ip network stack for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; struct PPPoE_frame VersionAndType db ? Code db ? SessionID dw ? Length dw ? ; Length of payload, does NOT include the length PPPoE header. Payload rb 0 ends struct LCP_frame Code db ? Identifier db ? Length dw ? Data rb 0 ends uglobal PPPoE_SID dw ? PPPoE_MAC dp ? endg LCP_config_request = 1 LCP_config_ack = 2 LCP_config_nak = 3 LCP_config_reject = 4 LCP_terminate_request = 5 LCP_terminate_ack = 6 LCP_code_reject = 7 LCP_protocol_reject = 8 LCP_echo_request = 9 LCP_echo_reply = 10 LCP_discard_request = 11 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; IPv4_init ; ; This function resets all IP variables ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- macro PPPoE_init { call PPPoE_stop_connection } ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PPPoE discovery input ; ; Handler of received Ethernet packet with type = Discovery ; ; ; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp] ; size of buffer in [esp+4] ; pointer to device struct in ebx ; pointer to PPP header in edx ; size of PPP packet in ecx ; OUT: / ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 PPPoE_discovery_input: DEBUGF 2,"PPPoE_discovery_input\n" ; First, find open PPPoE socket mov eax, net_sockets .next_socket: mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr] or eax, eax jz .dump cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_PPP jne .next_socket cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], PPP_PROTO_ETHERNET jne .next_socket ; Now, send it to the this socket mov ecx, [esp + 4] mov esi, [esp] jmp SOCKET_input .dump: DEBUGF 1,'PPPoE_discovery_input: dumping\n' call kernel_free add esp, 4 ret ;-------------------------------------- ; ; Send discovery packet ; ; IN: eax = socket pointer ; ecx = number of bytes to send ; esi = pointer to data ; ;-------------------------------------- align 4 PPPoE_discovery_output: DEBUGF 2,"PPPoE_discovery_output: socket=%x buffer=%x size=%d\n", eax, esi, ecx ; RFC2516: An entire PADI packet (including the PPPoE header) MUST NOT ; exceed 1484 octets. cmp ecx, 1484 + 14 ja .bad ; Check that device exists and is ethernet device mov ebx, [eax + SOCKET.device] cmp ebx, MAX_NET_DEVICES ja .bad mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST + 4*ebx] test ebx, ebx jz .bad cmp [ebx + NET_DEVICE.type], NET_TYPE_ETH jne .bad DEBUGF 2,"PPPoE_discovery_output: device=%x\n", ebx ; Create packet. push ecx esi stdcall kernel_alloc, 1500 pop esi ecx test eax, eax jz .bad mov edx, ecx mov edi, eax rep movsb cmp edx, 60 ; Min ETH size ja @f mov edx, 60 @@: push edx eax ; size and packet ptr for driver send proc ; Overwrite source MAC and protocol type lea edi, [eax + ETH_header.SrcMAC] lea esi, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac] movsd movsw mov ax, ETHER_PPP_DISCOVERY stosw ; And send the packet call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit] xor eax, eax ret .bad: or eax, -1 ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PPPoE session input ; ; Handler of received Ethernet packet with type = Session ; ; ; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp] ; size of buffer in [esp+4] ; pointer to device struct in ebx ; pointer to PPP header in edx ; size of PPP packet in ecx ; OUT: / ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 PPPoE_session_input: cmp [edx + PPPoE_frame.VersionAndType], 0x11 jne .dump cmp [edx + PPPoE_frame.Code], 0x00 jne .dump movzx ecx, [edx + PPPoE_frame.Length] xchg cl, ch mov ax, [edx + PPPoE_frame.SessionID] DEBUGF 2,"PPPoE_input: session ID=%x, length=%u\n", ax, cx cmp ax, [PPPoE_SID] jne .dump mov ax, word [edx + PPPoE_frame.Payload] add edx, PPPoE_frame.Payload + 2 cmp ax, PPP_IPv4 je IPv4_input cmp ax, PPP_LCP je LCP_input DEBUGF 2,"PPPoE_input: Unknown protocol=%x\n", ax .dump: DEBUGF 2,"PPPoE_input: dumping\n" call kernel_free add esp, 4 ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PPPoE_output ; ; IN: ; ebx = device ptr ; ecx = packet size ; ; di = protocol ; ; OUT: edi = 0 on error, pointer to buffer otherwise ; eax = buffer start ; ebx = to device structure ; ecx = unchanged (packet size of embedded data) ; edx = size of complete buffer ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 PPPoE_output: DEBUGF 1,"PPPoE_output: size=%u device=%x\n", ecx, ebx pushw di pushw [PPPoE_SID] lea eax, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac] lea edx, [PPPoE_MAC] add ecx, PPPoE_frame.Payload + 2 mov di, ETHER_PPP_SESSION call ETH_output jz .eth_error sub ecx, PPPoE_frame.Payload mov [edi + PPPoE_frame.VersionAndType], 0x11 mov [edi + PPPoE_frame.Code], 0 popw [edi + PPPoE_frame.SessionID] xchg cl, ch mov [edi + PPPoE_frame.Length], cx xchg cl, ch pop word [edi + PPPoE_frame.Payload] sub ecx, 2 add edi, PPPoE_frame.Payload + 2 DEBUGF 1,"PPPoE_output: success!\n" ret .eth_error: add esp, 4 xor edi, edi ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; LCP_input: ; ; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp] ; size of buffer in [esp+4] ; pointer to device struct in ebx ; pointer to LCP header in edx ; size of LCP packet in ecx ; OUT: / ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 LCP_input: DEBUGF 1,"LCP_input\n" cmp [edx + LCP_frame.Code], LCP_echo_request je .echo jmp .dump .echo: mov [edx + LCP_frame.Code], LCP_echo_reply mov esi, [esp] push dword [esi + ETH_header.DstMAC] push dword [esi + ETH_header.SrcMAC] pop dword [esi + ETH_header.DstMAC] pop dword [esi + ETH_header.SrcMAC] push word [esi + ETH_header.DstMAC + 4] push word [esi + ETH_header.SrcMAC + 4] pop word [esi + ETH_header.DstMAC + 4] pop word [esi + ETH_header.SrcMAC + 4] call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit] ret .dump: DEBUGF 2,"LCP_input: dumping\n" call kernel_free add esp, 4 ret align 4 PPPoE_start_connection: DEBUGF 2,"PPPoE_start_connection: %x\n", cx cmp [PPPoE_SID], 0 jne .fail mov [PPPoE_SID], cx mov dword [PPPoE_MAC], edx mov word [PPPoE_MAC + 4], si xor eax, eax ret .fail: or eax, -1 ret align 4 PPPoE_stop_connection: DEBUGF 2,"PPPoE_stop_connection\n" xor eax, eax mov [PPPoE_SID], ax mov dword [PPPoE_MAC], eax mov word [PPPoE_MAC + 4], ax ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PPPoE API ; ; This function is called by system function 75 ; ; IN: subfunction number in bl ; device number in bh ; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction ; ; OUT: ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 PPPoE_api: movzx eax, bh shl eax, 2 and ebx, 0xff cmp ebx, .number ja .error jmp dword [.table + 4*ebx] .table: dd PPPoE_start_connection ; 0 dd PPPoE_stop_connection ; 1 .number = ($ - .table) / 4 - 1 .error: mov eax, -1 ret