; Low-level driver for HDD access ; DMA support by Mario79 ;************************************************************************** ; ; 0x600008 - first entry in cache list ; ; +0 - lba sector ; +4 - state of cache sector ; 0 = empty ; 1 = used for read ( same as in hd ) ; 2 = used for write ( differs from hd ) ; ; +65536 - cache entries ; ;************************************************************************** align 4 hd_read: ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; input : eax = block to read ; ebx = destination ;----------------------------------------------------------- and [hd_error], 0 push ecx esi edi ; scan cache mov ecx,cache_max ; entries in cache mov esi,0x600000+8 mov edi,1 hdreadcache: cmp dword [esi+4],0 ; empty je nohdcache cmp [esi],eax ; correct sector je yeshdcache nohdcache: add esi,8 inc edi dec ecx jnz hdreadcache call find_empty_slot ; ret in edi cmp [hd_error],0 jne return_01 cmp [dma_hdd], 1 jnz .nodma call hd_read_dma jmp @f .nodma: call hd_read_pio @@: lea esi,[edi*8+0x600000] mov [esi],eax ; sector number mov dword [esi+4],1 ; hd read - mark as same as in hd yeshdcache: mov esi,edi shl esi,9 add esi,0x600000+65536 mov edi,ebx mov ecx,512/4 cld rep movsd ; move data return_01: pop edi esi ecx ret align 4 hd_read_pio: push eax edx call wait_for_hd_idle cmp [hd_error],0 jne hd_read_error cli xor eax,eax mov edx,[hdbase] inc edx out dx,al ; ATAFeatures регистр "особенностей" inc edx inc eax out dx,al ; ATASectorCount счётчик секторов inc edx mov eax,[esp+4] out dx,al ; ATASectorNumber регистр номера сектора shr eax,8 inc edx out dx,al ; ATACylinder номер цилиндра (младший байт) shr eax,8 inc edx out dx,al ; номер цилиндра (старший байт) shr eax,8 inc edx and al,1+2+4+8 add al,byte [hdid] add al,128+64+32 out dx,al ; номер головки/номер диска inc edx mov al,20h out dx,al ; ATACommand регистр команд sti call wait_for_sector_buffer cmp [hd_error],0 jne hd_read_error cli push edi shl edi,9 add edi,0x600000+65536 mov ecx,256 mov edx,[hdbase] cld rep insw pop edi sti pop edx eax ret disable_ide_int: ; mov edx,[hdbase] ; add edx,0x206 ; mov al,2 ; out dx,al cli ret enable_ide_int: ; mov edx,[hdbase] ; add edx,0x206 ; mov al,0 ; out dx,al sti ret align 4 hd_write: ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; input : eax = block ; ebx = pointer to memory ;----------------------------------------------------------- push ecx esi edi ; check if the cache already has the sector and overwrite it mov ecx,cache_max mov esi,0x600000+8 mov edi,1 hdwritecache: cmp dword [esi+4],0 ; if cache slot is empty je not_in_cache_write cmp [esi],eax ; if the slot has the sector je yes_in_cache_write not_in_cache_write: add esi,8 inc edi dec ecx jnz hdwritecache ; sector not found in cache ; write the block to a new location call find_empty_slot ; ret in edi cmp [hd_error],0 jne hd_write_access_denied lea esi,[edi*8+0x600000] mov [esi],eax ; sector number yes_in_cache_write: mov dword [esi+4],2 ; write - differs from hd shl edi,9 add edi,0x600000+65536 mov esi,ebx mov ecx,512/4 cld rep movsd ; move data hd_write_access_denied: pop edi esi ecx ret write_cache: ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; write all changed sectors to disk ;----------------------------------------------------------- push eax ecx edx esi edi ; write difference ( 2 ) from cache to hd mov ecx,cache_max mov esi,0x600000+8 mov edi,1 write_cache_more: cmp dword [esi+4],2 ; if cache slot is not different jne .write_chain mov dword [esi+4],1 ; same as in hd mov eax,[esi] ; eax = sector to write cmp eax,[PARTITION_START] jb danger cmp eax,[PARTITION_END] ja danger cmp [allow_dma_write], 1 jnz .nodma cmp [dma_hdd], 1 jnz .nodma ; Объединяем запись цепочки последовательных секторов в одно обращение к диску cmp ecx, 1 jz .nonext cmp dword [esi+8+4], 2 jnz .nonext push eax inc eax cmp eax, [esi+8] pop eax jnz .nonext cmp [cache_chain_started], 1 jz @f mov [cache_chain_started], 1 mov [cache_chain_size], 0 mov [cache_chain_pos], edi mov [cache_chain_ptr], esi @@: inc [cache_chain_size] cmp [cache_chain_size], 64 jnz .continue jmp .write_chain .nonext: call flush_cache_chain mov [cache_chain_size], 1 mov [cache_chain_ptr], esi call write_cache_sector jmp .continue .nodma: call cache_write_pio .write_chain: call flush_cache_chain .continue: danger: add esi,8 inc edi dec ecx jnz write_cache_more call flush_cache_chain return_02: pop edi esi edx ecx eax ret flush_cache_chain: cmp [cache_chain_started], 0 jz @f call write_cache_chain mov [cache_chain_started], 0 @@: ret align 4 cache_write_pio: call disable_ide_int call wait_for_hd_idle cmp [hd_error],0 jne hd_write_error ; cli xor eax,eax mov edx,[hdbase] inc edx out dx,al inc edx inc eax out dx,al inc edx mov eax,[esi] ; eax = sector to write out dx,al shr eax,8 inc edx out dx,al shr eax,8 inc edx out dx,al shr eax,8 inc edx and al,1+2+4+8 add al,byte [hdid] add al,128+64+32 out dx,al inc edx mov al,30h out dx,al ; sti call wait_for_sector_buffer cmp [hd_error],0 jne hd_write_error push ecx esi ; cli mov esi,edi shl esi,9 add esi,0x600000+65536 ; esi = from memory position mov ecx,256 mov edx,[hdbase] cld rep outsw ; sti call enable_ide_int pop esi ecx ret align 4 find_empty_slot: ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; find empty or read slot, flush cache if next 10% is used by write ; output : edi = cache slot ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; push ecx esi search_again: mov ecx,cache_max*10/100 mov edi,[cache_search_start] search_for_empty: inc edi cmp edi,cache_max jbe inside_cache mov edi,1 inside_cache: cmp dword [edi*8+0x600000+4],2 ; get cache slot info jb found_slot ; it's empty or read dec ecx jnz search_for_empty call write_cache ; no empty slots found, write all cmp [hd_error],0 jne found_slot_access_denied jmp search_again ; and start again found_slot: mov [cache_search_start],edi found_slot_access_denied: ret align 4 clear_hd_cache: push eax ecx edi mov edi,0x600000 mov ecx,16384 xor eax,eax cld rep stosd ; clear hd cache with 0 mov [cache_search_start],eax mov [fat_in_cache],-1 mov [fat_change],0 pop edi ecx eax ret save_hd_wait_timeout: push eax mov eax,[timer_ticks];[0xfdf0] add eax,300 ; 3 sec timeout mov [hd_wait_timeout],eax pop eax ret align 4 check_hd_wait_timeout: push eax mov eax,[hd_wait_timeout] cmp [timer_ticks], eax ;[0xfdf0],eax jg hd_timeout_error pop eax mov [hd_error],0 ret iglobal hd_timeout_str db 'K : FS - HD timeout',13,10,0 hd_read_str db 'K : FS - HD read error',13,10,0 hd_write_str db 'K : FS - HD write error',13,10,0 hd_lba_str db 'K : FS - HD LBA error',13,10,0 endg hd_timeout_error: ; call clear_hd_cache ; call clear_application_table_status mov esi,hd_timeout_str call sys_msg_board_str ; jmp $ mov [hd_error],1 pop eax ret hd_read_error: ; call clear_hd_cache ; call clear_application_table_status mov esi,hd_read_str call sys_msg_board_str pop edx eax ret hd_write_error: ; call clear_hd_cache ; call clear_application_table_status mov esi,hd_write_str call sys_msg_board_str ret hd_write_error_dma: ; call clear_hd_cache ; call clear_application_table_status mov esi, hd_write_str call sys_msg_board_str pop esi ret hd_lba_error: ; call clear_hd_cache ; call clear_application_table_status mov esi,hd_lba_str call sys_msg_board_str jmp LBA_read_ret align 4 wait_for_hd_idle: push eax edx call save_hd_wait_timeout mov edx,[hdbase] add edx,0x7 wfhil1: call check_hd_wait_timeout cmp [hd_error],0 jne @f in al,dx test al,128 jnz wfhil1 @@: pop edx eax ret align 4 wait_for_sector_buffer: push eax edx mov edx,[hdbase] add edx,0x7 call save_hd_wait_timeout hdwait_sbuf: ; wait for sector buffer to be ready call check_hd_wait_timeout cmp [hd_error],0 jne @f in al,dx test al,8 jz hdwait_sbuf mov [hd_error],0 cmp [hd_setup],1 ; do not mark error for setup request je buf_wait_ok test al,1 ; previous command ended up with an error jz buf_wait_ok @@: mov [hd_error],1 buf_wait_ok: pop edx eax ret ; \begin{Mario79} align 4 wait_for_sector_dma_ide0: push eax push edx call save_hd_wait_timeout .wait: call change_task cmp [irq14_func], hdd_irq14 jnz .done call check_hd_wait_timeout cmp [hd_error], 0 jz .wait mov [irq14_func], hdd_irq_null mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr] mov al, 0 out dx, al .done: pop edx pop eax ret align 4 wait_for_sector_dma_ide1: push eax push edx call save_hd_wait_timeout .wait: call change_task cmp [irq15_func], hdd_irq15 jnz .done call check_hd_wait_timeout cmp [hd_error], 0 jz .wait mov [irq15_func], hdd_irq_null mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr] add dx, 8 mov al, 0 out dx, al .done: pop edx pop eax ret iglobal align 4 ; note that IDE descriptor table must be 4-byte aligned and do not cross 4K boundary IDE_descriptor_table: dd 284000h dw 2000h dw 8000h dma_cur_sector dd not 40h irq14_func dd hdd_irq_null irq15_func dd hdd_irq_null endg uglobal ; all uglobals are zeroed at boot dma_process dd 0 dma_slot_ptr dd 0 cache_chain_pos dd 0 cache_chain_ptr dd 0 cache_chain_size db 0 cache_chain_started db 0 dma_task_switched db 0 dma_hdd db 0 allow_dma_write db 0 endg align 4 hdd_irq14: pushfd cli pushad mov [irq14_func], hdd_irq_null mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr] mov al, 0 out dx, al call update_counters mov ebx, [dma_process] cmp [0x3000], ebx jz .noswitch mov [dma_task_switched], 1 mov edi, [dma_slot_ptr] mov eax, [0x3000] mov [dma_process], eax mov eax, [0x3010] mov [dma_slot_ptr], eax mov [0x3000], ebx mov [0x3010], edi mov byte [0xFFFF], 1 call do_change_task .noswitch: popad popfd align 4 hdd_irq_null: ret align 4 hdd_irq15: pushfd cli pushad mov [irq15_func], hdd_irq_null mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr] add dx, 8 mov al, 0 out dx, al call update_counters mov ebx, [dma_process] cmp [0x3000], ebx jz .noswitch mov [dma_task_switched], 1 mov edi, [dma_slot_ptr] mov eax, [0x3000] mov [dma_process], eax mov eax, [0x3010] mov [dma_slot_ptr], eax mov [0x3000], ebx mov [0x3010], edi mov byte [0xFFFF], 1 call do_change_task .noswitch: popad popfd ret align 4 hd_read_dma: push eax push edx mov edx, [dma_cur_sector] cmp eax, edx jb .notread add edx, 15 cmp [esp+4], edx ja .notread mov eax, [esp+4] sub eax, [dma_cur_sector] shl eax, 9 add eax, 0x284000 push ecx esi edi mov esi, eax shl edi, 9 add edi, 0x610000 mov ecx, 512/4 cld rep movsd pop edi esi ecx pop edx pop eax ret .notread: mov eax, IDE_descriptor_table mov dword [eax], 0x284000 mov word [eax+4], 0x2000 mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr] cmp [hdbase], 0x1F0 jz @f add edx, 8 @@: push edx add edx, 4 out dx, eax pop edx mov al, 0 out dx, al add edx, 2 mov al, 6 out dx, al call wait_for_hd_idle cmp [hd_error], 0 jnz hd_read_error call disable_ide_int xor eax, eax mov edx, [hdbase] inc edx out dx, al inc edx mov eax, 10h out dx, al inc edx mov eax, [esp+4] out dx, al shr eax, 8 inc edx out dx, al shr eax, 8 inc edx out dx, al shr eax, 8 inc edx and al, 0xF add al, byte [hdid] add al, 11100000b out dx, al inc edx mov al, 0xC8 out dx, al mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr] cmp [hdbase], 0x1F0 jz @f add dx, 8 @@: mov al, 9 out dx, al mov eax, [0x3000] mov [dma_process], eax mov eax, [0x3010] mov [dma_slot_ptr], eax cmp [hdbase], 0x1F0 jnz .ide1 mov [irq14_func], hdd_irq14 jmp @f .ide1: mov [irq15_func], hdd_irq15 @@: call enable_ide_int cmp [hdbase], 0x1F0 jnz .wait_ide1 call wait_for_sector_dma_ide0 jmp @f .wait_ide1: call wait_for_sector_dma_ide1 @@: cmp [hd_error], 0 jnz hd_read_error pop edx pop eax mov [dma_cur_sector], eax jmp hd_read_dma align 4 write_cache_chain: push esi mov eax, IDE_descriptor_table mov edx, [cache_chain_pos] shl edx, 9 add edx, 0x610000 mov [eax], edx movzx edx, [cache_chain_size] shl edx, 9 mov [eax+4], dx jmp do_write_dma write_cache_sector: push esi mov eax, IDE_descriptor_table mov edx, edi shl edx, 9 add edx, 0x610000 mov [eax], edx mov word [eax+4], 0x200 do_write_dma: mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr] cmp [hdbase], 0x1F0 jz @f add edx, 8 @@: push edx add edx, 4 out dx, eax pop edx mov al, 0 out dx, al add edx, 2 mov al, 6 out dx, al call wait_for_hd_idle cmp [hd_error], 0 jnz hd_write_error_dma call disable_ide_int xor eax, eax mov edx, [hdbase] inc edx out dx, al inc edx mov al, [cache_chain_size] out dx, al inc edx mov esi, [cache_chain_ptr] mov eax, [esi] out dx, al shr eax, 8 inc edx out dx, al shr eax, 8 inc edx out dx, al shr eax, 8 inc edx and al, 0xF add al, byte [hdid] add al, 11100000b out dx, al inc edx mov al, 0xCA out dx, al mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr] cmp [hdbase], 0x1F0 jz @f add dx, 8 @@: mov al, 1 out dx, al mov eax, [0x3000] mov [dma_process], eax mov eax, [0x3010] mov [dma_slot_ptr], eax cmp [hdbase], 0x1F0 jnz .ide1 mov [irq14_func], hdd_irq14 jmp @f .ide1: mov [irq15_func], hdd_irq15 @@: call enable_ide_int mov [dma_cur_sector], not 0x40 cmp [hdbase], 0x1F0 jnz .wait_ide1 call wait_for_sector_dma_ide0 jmp @f .wait_ide1: call wait_for_sector_dma_ide1 @@: cmp [hd_error], 0 jnz hd_write_error_dma pop esi ret uglobal IDEContrRegsBaseAddr dw ? endg ; \end{Mario79}