; C4 ; Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Mathys ; killer@vantage.ch ; ; This file is part of C4. ; ; C4 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; C4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with C4; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA bits 32 %include 'mos.inc' section .text %include 'lang_nasm.inc' ;fedesco MOS_HEADER01 start,end ;********************************************************** ; magic numbers ;********************************************************** ; initial player types PL1TYPE_INIT equ 0 PL2TYPE_INIT equ 4 ; window WND_WIDTH equ 259 WND_HEIGHT equ 300 WND_WORKCOLOR equ 0 ; button dimensions BUTTON_HEIGHT equ 12 BUTTON_NEW_X equ 14 BUTTON_NEW_Y equ 30 %if lang = 'it' BUTTON_NEW_WIDTH equ 56 + 28 %else BUTTON_NEW_WIDTH equ 56 %endif BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH equ 8 BUTTON_PL1DN_X equ 228 BUTTON_PL1DN_Y equ 30 BUTTON_PL1UP_X equ (BUTTON_PL1DN_X + BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH + 1) BUTTON_PL1UP_Y equ BUTTON_PL1DN_Y BUTTON_PL2DN_X equ BUTTON_PL1DN_X BUTTON_PL2DN_Y equ (BUTTON_PL1DN_Y + 20) BUTTON_PL2UP_X equ (BUTTON_PL2DN_X + BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH + 1) BUTTON_PL2UP_Y equ BUTTON_PL2DN_Y ; label dimensions %if lang = 'it' LABEL_PL1_X equ 90 + 10 %else LABEL_PL1_X equ 90 %endif LABEL_PL1_Y equ (1 + BUTTON_PL1DN_Y + (BUTTON_HEIGHT-8)/2) LABEL_PL2_X equ LABEL_PL1_X LABEL_PL2_Y equ (1 + BUTTON_PL2DN_Y + (BUTTON_HEIGHT-8)/2) %if lang = 'it' LABEL_PL1TYPE_X equ (LABEL_PL1_X + 10*6 - 4) %else LABEL_PL1TYPE_X equ (LABEL_PL1_X + 10*6) %endif LABEL_PL1TYPE_Y equ LABEL_PL1_Y LABEL_PL2TYPE_X equ LABEL_PL1TYPE_X LABEL_PL2TYPE_Y equ LABEL_PL2_Y LABEL_STATUS_X equ 14 LABEL_STATUS_Y equ 279 LABEL_STATUS_WIDTH equ 220 LABEL_STATUS_HEIGHT equ 12 ; board and stones STONESIZE equ 32 ; stone height and width GRIDX equ 14 ; upper left corner GRIDY equ 70 GRIDSPACING equ (STONESIZE + 1) ; space between lines GRIDHEIGHT equ (6*GRIDSPACING+1) ; total grid width and height GRIDWIDTH equ (7*GRIDSPACING+1) GRIDCOLOR equ MOS_RGB(128,128,128) ; button id's BT_QUIT equ 1 BT_NEW equ 2 BT_PLAYER1DN equ 3 BT_PLAYER1UP equ 4 BT_PLAYER2DN equ 5 BT_PLAYER2UP equ 6 start: jmp main %include "pcx.inc" %include "windows.inc" %include "board.inc" %include "rng.inc" ; %include "randomai.inc" %include "ai.inc" ;********************************************************** ; main program ;********************************************************** main: call randomize call defineWindow call decrunchImages call newGame .msgpump: ; wait for event mov ebx,1 mov eax,MOS_SC_WAITEVENTTIMEOUT int 0x40 ; process events cmp eax,MOS_EVT_REDRAW je short .redraw cmp eax,MOS_EVT_KEY je short .key cmp eax,MOS_EVT_BUTTON je short .button call pollMouse call gameLoop jmp short .msgpump .redraw: call defineWindow jmp short .msgpump .key: call keyboardInput jmp short .msgpump .button: call handleButton jmp short .msgpump ;********************************************************** ; button handling function ;********************************************************** handleButton: mov eax,MOS_SC_GETPRESSEDBUTTON ; get button id int 0x40 cmp al,1 ; button pressed ? je short .bye ; nope -> nothing to do cmp ah,BT_QUIT ; which button has been pressed ? je short .quit cmp ah,BT_NEW je short .new cmp ah,BT_PLAYER1DN je short .player1dn cmp ah,BT_PLAYER1UP je short .player1up cmp ah,BT_PLAYER2DN je short .player2dn cmp ah,BT_PLAYER2UP je short .player2up .bye: ret .quit: MOS_EXIT .new: call newGame ret .player1dn: mov eax,[player1_type] ; get current type or eax,eax ; already zero ? jz .bla dec eax ; nope -> decrement mov [player1_type],eax ; write back mov edi,label_pl1type ; and update label call updatePlayerType .bla: ret .player1up: mov eax,[player1_type] ; get current type cmp eax,NPLAYERTYPES-1 ; already max ? je .bla2 inc eax ; nope -> increment mov [player1_type],eax ; write back mov edi,label_pl1type ; update label call updatePlayerType .bla2: ret .player2dn: mov eax,[player2_type] ; get current type or eax,eax ; already zero ? jz .bla3 dec eax ; nope -> decrement mov [player2_type],eax ; write back mov edi,label_pl2type ; and update label call updatePlayerType .bla3: ret .player2up: mov eax,[player2_type] cmp eax,NPLAYERTYPES-1 je .bla4 inc eax mov [player2_type],eax mov edi,label_pl2type call updatePlayerType .bla4: ret ;********************************************************** ; window definition function ;********************************************************** defineWindow: MOS_STARTREDRAW mov edi,window call drawWindow mov edi,buttons mov ecx,NBUTTONS call drawButtons mov edi,labels mov ecx,NLABELS call drawLabels xor eax,eax call drawBoard MOS_ENDREDRAW ret ;********************************************************** ; updateStatusText ; ; input : esi = ptr to new string ; output : status bar is updated ; destroys : everything ;********************************************************** updateStatusText: ; different text ? cmp [statusbar + LABEL.caption],esi je .bye ; nope -> bye mov dword [statusbar + LABEL.caption],esi ; yeah -> save & redraw ; clear background mov ebx,MOS_DWORD(LABEL_STATUS_X,LABEL_STATUS_WIDTH) mov ecx,MOS_DWORD(LABEL_STATUS_Y,LABEL_STATUS_HEIGHT) xor edx,edx mov eax,MOS_SC_DRAWBAR int 0x40 ; redraw label mov edi,statusbar mov ecx,1 call drawLabels .bye: ret ;********************************************************** ; updatePlayerType ; update player type label ; input: eax = new type ; edi = address label structure to update ;********************************************************** updatePlayerType: mov ebx,PLAYERTYPELEN ; calculate type string address mul ebx add eax,playertypes mov [edi + LABEL.caption],eax ; write address mov ecx,1 ; and redraw label call drawLabels ret ;********************************************************** ; board drawing stuff ;********************************************************** ; drawBoard ; draw whole board ; ; input : eax nonzero = clear board background drawBoard: ; clear background ? or eax,eax jz .noclear mov ebx,MOS_DWORD(GRIDX,GRIDWIDTH) mov ecx,MOS_DWORD(GRIDY,GRIDHEIGHT) mov edx,WND_WORKCOLOR mov eax,MOS_SC_DRAWBAR int 0x40 .noclear: call drawGrid call drawStones ret drawGrid: ; vertical lines mov ebx,MOS_DWORD(GRIDX,GRIDX) mov ecx,MOS_DWORD(GRIDY,GRIDY+GRIDHEIGHT-1) mov edx,GRIDCOLOR mov eax,MOS_SC_DRAWLINE mov esi,8 .vlines: int 0x40 add ebx,MOS_DWORD(GRIDSPACING,GRIDSPACING) dec esi jnz .vlines ; horizontal lines mov ebx,MOS_DWORD(GRIDX,GRIDX+GRIDWIDTH-1) mov ecx,MOS_DWORD(GRIDY,GRIDY) mov esi,7 .hlines: int 0x40 add ecx,MOS_DWORD(GRIDSPACING,GRIDSPACING) dec esi jnz .hlines ret drawStones: mov ebx,6 .col: mov ecx,7 .row: call drawStone loop .row dec ebx jnz .col ret ; ecx = column (1..7) ; ebx = row (1..6) drawStone: pushad ; see which image to draw. ; the image offset is stored in ebp mov eax,BWIDTH ; calculate address mul ebx add eax,ecx mov eax,[board+eax*4] ; get stone ? cmp eax,EMPTY ; empty field -> nothing to do je .bye mov ebp,redstone ; assume red stone cmp eax,PLAYER1 ; red ? je .stoneok ; yeah -> continue mov ebp,bluestone ; nope -> use blue stone .stoneok: ; calculate image position (edx) mov eax,GRIDSPACING dec ecx mul ecx add eax,GRIDX + 1 shl eax,16 mov ecx,eax mov eax,GRIDSPACING dec ebx mul ebx add eax,GRIDY + 1 mov cx,ax mov edx,ecx ; put image (position is already in edx) mov ebx,ebp ; image address mov ecx,MOS_DWORD(STONESIZE,STONESIZE) ; image dimensions mov eax,MOS_SC_PUTIMAGE int 0x40 .bye: popad ret decrunchImages: mov esi,redpcx ; red stone mov edi,redstone mov ebx,REDPCXSIZE call loadPCX mov esi,bluepcx ; blue stone mov edi,bluestone mov ebx,BLUEPCXSIZE call loadPCX ret resetInput: mov dword [playerinput],0 ; no player input mov dword [mouseinput],0 ret ;********************************************************** ; newGame ; set up everything for a game ; ; input : nothing ; output : nothing ; destroys : everything ;********************************************************** newGame: call boardReset ; reset and redraw board mov eax,1 call drawBoard call resetInput ; reset input mov dword [gameover],0 ; game is running ret ;********************************************************** ; pollMouse ; mouse polling routine ; ; input : nothing ; output : playerinput will be updated, if ; the player clicked on a valid ; field ; destroys : everything ;********************************************************** pollMouse: mov ebx,2 mov eax,MOS_SC_GETMOUSEPOSITION int 0x40 and eax,1 jz .mousenotpressed .mousepressed: mov dword [mouseinput],0 call isActiveApp or al,al jz .notactive1 call getMouseCol mov [mouseinput],eax .notactive1: ret .mousenotpressed: call isActiveApp or al,al jz .notactive2 call getMouseCol cmp eax,[mouseinput] jne .nonewinput cmp dword [playerinput],0 jne .nonewinput mov [playerinput],eax .nonewinput: .notactive2: mov dword [mouseinput],0 ret ;********************************************************** ; getMouseCol ; calculate in which column the mouse is. or so. ; ; input : nothing ; output : eax = 0 -> mouse outside board ; eax = 1..7 -> column ; destroys : everything ;********************************************************** getMouseCol: mov ebx,1 ; get mouse position, window relative mov eax,MOS_SC_GETMOUSEPOSITION int 0x40 movzx ebx,ax ; y clipping cmp ebx,GRIDY jl .outside cmp ebx,GRIDY + GRIDHEIGHT - 1 jg .outside shr eax,16 ; calculate column from x coordinate sub eax,GRIDX js .outside ; negative -> outside of board (left) cdq ; ! mov ebx,GRIDSPACING div ebx cmp eax,BWIDTH-3 ; right outside of board ? jg .outside ; yes -> bye inc eax ; xform into range [1,7] ret .outside: xor eax,eax ret ;********************************************************** ; isActiveApp ; check wether we're the active application ; ; input : nothing ; output : al nonzero -> we are the active app ; destroys : everything ;********************************************************** isActiveApp: %define PROCINFO (ebp-MOS_PROCESSINFO_size) enter MOS_PROCESSINFO_size,0 ; get process information mov eax,MOS_SC_GETPROCESSINFO lea ebx,[ebp-MOS_PROCESSINFO_size] mov ecx,-1 int 0x40 ; set al to 1 if we are the active application cmp ax,[PROCINFO+MOS_PROCESSINFO.windowStackPos] sete al leave ret %undef PROCINFO ;********************************************************** ; keyboardInput ; keyboard input handler, called from main loop ; ; input : nothing ; output : playerinput is updated ; destroys : everything ;********************************************************** keyboardInput: mov eax,MOS_SC_GETKEY ; get key int 0x40 or al,al ; key available ? jnz .bye ; no -> bye cmp dword [playerinput],0 ; unprocessed input available ? jne .bye ; yes -> bye sub ah,'1' ; valid key ? cmp ah,BWIDTH-3 ja .bye ; treat as unsigned : keys below '1' will ; be greater too =) mov al,ah ; save input and eax,255 inc eax mov [playerinput],eax .bye: ret ;********************************************************** ; gameLoop ; game logic code or however you wish to call it. ; actually this is not a loop, but is called from ; the main loop ;********************************************************** gameLoop: ; if the game is over, return cmp dword [gameover],0 je .gamerunning ret .gamerunning: call updatePlayerStatusText ; get move call getMoveForCurrentPlayer or eax,eax jnz .moveok ret ; no move available -> bye .moveok: ; make move and update board graphics mov ebx,[currentplayer] ; ebx = current player, eax contains already move call boardMakeMove call drawStones ; check wether game is over (either by a win or because the board is full) mov eax,[currentplayer] ; win for current player ? call boardIsWin or eax,eax jz .nowin ; no -> continue mov esi,player1wins ; yes -> display message... cmp dword [currentplayer],PLAYER1 je .blubb mov esi,player2wins .blubb: call updateStatusText mov dword [gameover],1 ; ...and end game ret .nowin: BOARDISFULL ; board full, but no win ? jnz .notfull ; no -> continue mov esi,itisadraw ; yes -> display message... call updateStatusText mov dword [gameover],1 ; ...and end game ret .notfull: ; switch players and return to main loop BOARDSWITCHPLAYERS ret ;********************************************************** ; getMoveForCurrentPlayer ; returns the move made by the current player ; (either cpu or human) ; ; input : nothing ; output : eax = 0 -> no move made. this is ; usually the case for human players, ; when no valid input is available. ; else eax = move number ;********************************************************** getMoveForCurrentPlayer: ; get type of current player mov eax,[player1_type] cmp dword [currentplayer],PLAYER1 je .ok mov eax,[player2_type] .ok: ; get move for human/cpu player or eax,eax jnz .cpu .human: mov eax,[playerinput] ; get input or eax,eax ; input available ? jz .nomove ; no -> return no move available call resetInput ; ! BOARDISVALIDMOVE eax ; valid move `? jz .nomove ; no -> return no move available ret ; valid move available -> return it (eax) .cpu: call dword [aicode] ; call ai machine. cpu level is already in eax ret .nomove: xor eax,eax ret ;********************************************************** ; update status bar : which player's turn it is ;********************************************************** updatePlayerStatusText: cmp dword [currentplayer],PLAYER2 je .player2 mov esi,player1hmnprmpt cmp dword [player1_type],0 je .statustextok mov esi,player1cpuprmpt jmp short .statustextok .player2: mov esi,player2hmnprmpt cmp dword [player2_type],0 je .statustextok mov esi,player2cpuprmpt .statustextok: call updateStatusText ret ;********************************************************** ; initialized data ;********************************************************** section .data ; ; window definition ; windowtitle db "C4 0.1",0 window: istruc WND at WND.xposandsize, dd MOS_DWORD(0,WND_WIDTH) at WND.yposandsize, dd MOS_DWORD(0,WND_HEIGHT) at WND.workcolor, dd 0x03000000 | WND_WORKCOLOR at WND.grabcolor, dd 0 at WND.framecolor, dd 0 at WND.caption, dd windowtitle at WND.captioncolor, dd 0 at WND.flags, dd WND_CENTER | WND_DEFAULT_GRABCOLOR | WND_DEFAULT_FRAMECOLOR | WND_DEFAULT_CAPTIONCOLOR iend ; ; button table ; buttons: istruc BUTTON ; new at BUTTON.xposandsize dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_NEW_X,BUTTON_NEW_WIDTH) dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_NEW_Y,BUTTON_HEIGHT) dd BT_NEW dd BUTTON_COLOR_WORK iend istruc BUTTON ; player 1 down at BUTTON.xposandsize dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_PL1DN_X,BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH) dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_PL1DN_Y,BUTTON_HEIGHT) dd BT_PLAYER1DN dd BUTTON_COLOR_WORK iend istruc BUTTON ; player 1 up at BUTTON.xposandsize dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_PL1UP_X,BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH) dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_PL1UP_Y,BUTTON_HEIGHT) dd BT_PLAYER1UP dd BUTTON_COLOR_WORK iend istruc BUTTON ; player 2 down at BUTTON.xposandsize dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_PL2DN_X,BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH) dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_PL2DN_Y,BUTTON_HEIGHT) dd BT_PLAYER2DN dd BUTTON_COLOR_WORK iend istruc BUTTON ; player 2 up at BUTTON.xposandsize dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_PL2UP_X,BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH) dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_PL2UP_Y,BUTTON_HEIGHT) dd BT_PLAYER2UP dd BUTTON_COLOR_WORK iend NBUTTONS equ (($-buttons)/BUTTON_size) ; ; label table ; %if lang = 'it' newgame db "Nuova partita",0 %else newgame db "New game",0 %endif down db "<",0 up db ">",0 %if lang = 'it' pl1 db "Giocatore 1:",0 pl2 db "Giocatore 2:",0 %else pl1 db "Player 1:",0 pl2 db "Player 2:",0 %endif %if lang = 'it' playertypes: db "Umano",0 PLAYERTYPELEN equ ($ - playertypes) db "CPU 1 ",0 db "CPU 2 ",0 db "CPU 3 ",0 db "CPU 4 ",0 db "CPU 5 ",0 db "CPU 6 ",0 db "CPU 7 ",0 db "CPU 8 ",0 %else playertypes: db "Human ",0 PLAYERTYPELEN equ ($ - playertypes) db "CPU level 1 ",0 db "CPU level 2 ",0 db "CPU level 3 ",0 db "CPU level 4 ",0 db "CPU level 5 ",0 db "CPU level 6 ",0 db "CPU level 7 ",0 db "CPU level 8 ",0 %endif NPLAYERTYPES equ (($-playertypes)/PLAYERTYPELEN) labels: istruc LABEL ; new at LABEL.position dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_NEW_X+4,1+BUTTON_NEW_Y+(BUTTON_HEIGHT-8)/2) dd newgame dd LABEL_COLOR_WORKBUTTON dd LABEL_BGCOLOR_TRANSPARENT iend istruc LABEL ; player 1 down at LABEL.position dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_PL1DN_X+(BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH-4)/2,1+BUTTON_PL1DN_Y+(BUTTON_HEIGHT-8)/2) dd down dd LABEL_COLOR_WORKBUTTON dd LABEL_BGCOLOR_TRANSPARENT iend istruc LABEL ; player 1 up at LABEL.position dd MOS_DWORD(1+BUTTON_PL1UP_X+(BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH-4)/2,1+BUTTON_PL1UP_Y+(BUTTON_HEIGHT-8)/2) dd up dd LABEL_COLOR_WORKBUTTON dd LABEL_BGCOLOR_TRANSPARENT iend istruc LABEL ; player 2 down at LABEL.position dd MOS_DWORD(BUTTON_PL2DN_X+(BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH-4)/2,1+BUTTON_PL2DN_Y+(BUTTON_HEIGHT-8)/2) dd down dd LABEL_COLOR_WORKBUTTON dd LABEL_BGCOLOR_TRANSPARENT iend istruc LABEL ; player 2 up at LABEL.position dd MOS_DWORD(1+BUTTON_PL2UP_X+(BUTTON_SPIN_WIDTH-4)/2,1+BUTTON_PL2UP_Y+(BUTTON_HEIGHT-8)/2) dd up dd LABEL_COLOR_WORKBUTTON dd LABEL_BGCOLOR_TRANSPARENT iend istruc LABEL ; player 1 at LABEL.position dd MOS_DWORD(LABEL_PL1_X,LABEL_PL1_Y) dd pl1 dd MOS_RGB(255,255,255) dd LABEL_BGCOLOR_TRANSPARENT iend istruc LABEL ; player 2 at LABEL.position dd MOS_DWORD(LABEL_PL2_X,LABEL_PL2_Y) dd pl2 dd MOS_RGB(255,255,255) dd LABEL_BGCOLOR_TRANSPARENT iend statusbar: ; status bar istruc LABEL at LABEL.position dd MOS_DWORD(LABEL_STATUS_X,LABEL_STATUS_Y) dd 0 dd MOS_RGB(255,255,255) dd LABEL_BGCOLOR_TRANSPARENT iend label_pl1type: istruc LABEL at LABEL.position %if lang = 'it' dd MOS_DWORD(LABEL_PL1TYPE_X + 18,LABEL_PL1TYPE_Y) %else dd MOS_DWORD(LABEL_PL1TYPE_X,LABEL_PL1TYPE_Y) %endif dd playertypes+PL1TYPE_INIT*PLAYERTYPELEN dd MOS_RGB(255,255,255) dd MOS_RGB(0,0,0) iend label_pl2type: istruc LABEL at LABEL.position %if lang = 'it' dd MOS_DWORD(LABEL_PL2TYPE_X + 18,LABEL_PL2TYPE_Y) %else dd MOS_DWORD(LABEL_PL2TYPE_X,LABEL_PL2TYPE_Y) %endif dd playertypes+PL2TYPE_INIT*PLAYERTYPELEN dd MOS_RGB(255,255,255) dd MOS_RGB(0,0,0) iend NLABELS equ (($-labels)/LABEL_size) ; player types player1_type dd PL1TYPE_INIT player2_type dd PL2TYPE_INIT ; status messages %if lang = 'it' player1hmnprmpt db "Turno del giocatore 1",0 player2hmnprmpt db "Turno del giocatore 2",0 player1cpuprmpt db "Attendi, giocatore 1 sta pensando...",0 player2cpuprmpt db "Attendi, giocatore 2 sta pensando...",0 itisadraw db "Pareggio",0 player1wins db "Vince giocatore 1",0 player2wins db "Vince Giocatore 2",0 %else player1hmnprmpt db "Make your move, player 1.",0 player2hmnprmpt db "Make your move, player 2.",0 player1cpuprmpt db "Player 1 is thinking, please wait...",0 player2cpuprmpt db "Player 2 is thinking, please wait...",0 itisadraw db "It's a draw.",0 player1wins db "Player 1 wins.",0 player2wins db "Player 2 wins.",0 %endif ; pointer to ai player. future releases C4 might ; or might not support different ai players =) aicode dd aiGetMove ; button images redpcx: incbin "red.pcx" REDPCXSIZE equ ($ - redpcx) bluepcx: incbin "blue.pcx" BLUEPCXSIZE equ ($ - bluepcx) ;********************************************************** ; uninitialized data ;********************************************************** section .bss ; player input ; 0 : no input available ; 1..7 : column to drop stone into playerinput resd 1 mouseinput resd 1 gameover resd 1 redstone resb STONESIZE*STONESIZE*3 bluestone resb STONESIZE*STONESIZE*3 end: