use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01, START, I_END, F_END, stacktop, @PARAMS, 0x0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FALSE = 0 TRUE = 1 include '../../../' include '../../../' include '' include '../../../develop/libraries/libs-dev/libio/' include '../../../develop/libraries/libs-dev/libimg/' ;include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/asm/trunk/opendial.mac' ;use_OpenDialog ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- START: mcall 68, 11 stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT or eax, eax jnz exit invoke sort.START, 1 ; OpenDialog initialisation push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Init] mov ecx, 1 ; for 15.4: 1 = tile cmp word [@PARAMS], '\T' jz set_bgr inc ecx ; for 15.4: 2 = stretch cmp word [@PARAMS], '\S' jz set_bgr ; initialize keyboard handling invoke ini_get_shortcut, inifilename, aShortcuts, aNext, -1, next_mod mov [next_key], eax invoke ini_get_shortcut, inifilename, aShortcuts, aPrev, -1, prev_mod mov [prev_key], eax mcall 66, 1, 1 ; set kbd mode to scancodes cmp byte [@PARAMS], 0 jnz params_given mov [OpenDialog_data.draw_window],draw_window_fake ; OpenDialog Open push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Start] cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],1 jne exit mov [OpenDialog_data.draw_window],draw_window mov esi, path mov edi, @PARAMS mov ecx, 4096/4 rep movsd mov byte [edi-1], 0 jmp params_given set_bgr: mcall 15, 4 mov eax, @PARAMS + 4 call load_image jc exit call set_as_bgr jmp exit params_given: mov esi, @PARAMS push esi call find_last_name_component pop eax call load_image jc exit call generate_header ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- red: call draw_window still: mov eax, [image] test byte [eax + Image.Flags], Image.IsAnimated push 10 pop eax jz @f mcall 26, 9 mov edx, [cur_frame] mov ebx, [cur_frame_time] add ebx, [edx + Image.Delay] sub ebx, eax cmp ebx, [edx + Image.Delay] ja red_update_frame test ebx, ebx jz red_update_frame push 23 pop eax @@: mcall dec eax js red_update_frame jz red dec eax jnz button key: xor esi, esi keyloop: mcall 2 test al, al jnz keyloopdone shr eax, 8 mov ecx, eax mcall 66, 3 mov edx, next_mod call check_shortcut jz .next add edx, prev_mod - next_mod call check_shortcut jnz keyloop .prev: dec esi jmp keyloop .next: inc esi jmp keyloop keyloopdone: test esi, esi jz still next_or_prev_handler: call next_or_prev_image jmp red red_update_frame: mov eax, [cur_frame] mov eax, [eax + Image.Next] test eax, eax jnz @f mov eax, [image] @@: mov [cur_frame], eax mcall 26, 9 mov [cur_frame_time], eax mcall 9, procinfo, -1 call draw_cur_frame jmp still button: mcall 17 shr eax, 8 ; flip horizontally cmp eax, 'flh' jne @f invoke img.flip, [image], FLIP_HORIZONTAL jmp redraw_image ; flip vertically @@: cmp eax, 'flv' jne @f invoke img.flip, [image], FLIP_VERTICAL jmp redraw_image ; flip both horizontally and vertically @@: cmp eax, 'flb' jne @f invoke img.flip, [image], FLIP_BOTH jmp redraw_image ; rotate left @@: cmp eax, 'rtl' jne @f push ROTATE_90_CCW .rotate_common: invoke img.rotate, [image] mov eax, [image] test eax, eax ; clear ZF flag call update_image_sizes jmp redraw_image ; rotate right @@: cmp eax, 'rtr' jne @f push ROTATE_90_CW jmp .rotate_common ; open new file @@: cmp eax, 'opn' jne @f ; OpenDialog Open push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Start] cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],1 jne still mov esi, path mov edi, @PARAMS push edi mov ecx, 4096/4 rep movsd mov byte [edi-1], 0 pop esi push esi call find_last_name_component pop eax push [image] call load_image jc .restore_old call generate_header invoke img.destroy call free_directory jmp red .restore_old: pop [image] call init_frame jmp still ; set background @@: cmp eax, 'bgr' jne @f call set_as_bgr jmp still @@: or esi, -1 cmp eax, 'bck' jz next_or_prev_handler neg esi cmp eax, 'fwd' jz next_or_prev_handler cmp eax, 1 jne still exit: mcall -1 redraw_image = red load_image: and [img_data], 0 push eax invoke, eax, O_READ or eax, eax jz .error_pop mov [fh], eax invoke file.size mov [img_data_len], ebx stdcall mem.Alloc, ebx test eax, eax jz .error_close mov [img_data], eax invoke, [fh], eax, [img_data_len] cmp eax, -1 jz .error_close cmp eax, [img_data_len] jnz .error_close invoke file.close, [fh] inc eax jz .error ; img.decode checks for img.is_img ; invoke img.is_img, [img_data], [img_data_len] ; or eax, eax ; jz exit invoke img.decode, [img_data], [img_data_len], 0 or eax, eax jz .error cmp [image], 0 pushf mov [image], eax call init_frame popf call update_image_sizes call free_img_data clc ret .error_free: invoke img.destroy, [image] jmp .error .error_pop: pop eax jmp .error .error_close: invoke file.close, [fh] .error: call free_img_data stc ret free_img_data: mov eax, [img_data] test eax, eax jz @f stdcall mem.Free, eax @@: ret update_image_sizes: pushf mov edx, [eax + Image.Width] mov [draw_width], edx add edx, 19 cmp edx, 40 + 25*9 jae @f mov edx, 40 + 25*9 @@: mov [wnd_width], edx mov esi, [eax + Image.Height] mov [draw_height], esi add esi, 44 mov [wnd_height], esi popf jz .no_resize mcall 48, 4 add esi, eax mcall 67,-1,-1 .no_resize: ret set_as_bgr: mov esi, [image] mov ecx, [esi + Image.Width] mov edx, [esi + Image.Height] mcall 15, 1 mcall 15, 6 test eax, eax jz @f push eax invoke img.to_rgb2, esi, eax pop ecx mcall 15, 7 @@: mcall 15, 3 ret ; seek to ESI image files ; esi>0 means next file, esi<0 - prev file next_or_prev_image: push esi call load_directory pop esi mov ebx, [directory_ptr] test ebx, ebx jz .ret cmp dword[ebx+4], 0 jz .ret mov eax, [cur_file_idx] cmp eax, -1 jnz @f test esi, esi jns @f mov eax, [ebx+4] @@: push [image] add eax, esi @@: test eax, eax jns @f add eax, [ebx+4] jmp @b @@: cmp eax, [ebx+4] jb @f sub eax, [ebx+4] jmp @b @@: push eax .scanloop: push eax ebx esi imul esi, eax, 304 add esi, [directory_ptr] add esi, 32 + 40 mov edi, curdir @@: inc edi cmp byte [edi-1], 0 jnz @b mov byte [edi-1], '/' @@: lodsb stosb test al, al jnz @b mov eax, curdir call load_image pushf mov esi, curdir push esi mov edi, @PARAMS mov ecx, 4096/4 rep movsd mov byte [edi-1], 0 pop esi @@: lodsb test al, al jnz @b @@: dec esi cmp byte [esi], '/' jnz @b mov byte [esi], 0 popf pop esi ebx eax jnc .loadedok test esi, esi js .try_prev .try_next: inc eax cmp eax, [ebx+4] jb @f xor eax, eax @@: .try_common: cmp eax, [esp] jz .notfound jmp .scanloop .try_prev: dec eax jns @f mov eax, [ebx+4] dec eax @@: jmp .try_common .loadedok: mov [cur_file_idx], eax pop eax invoke img.destroy call generate_header .ret: ret .notfound: pop eax pop [image] call init_frame ret load_directory: cmp [directory_ptr], 0 jnz .ret mov esi, @PARAMS mov edi, curdir mov ecx, [last_name_component] sub ecx, esi dec ecx js @f rep movsb @@: mov byte [edi], 0 mcall 68, 12, 0x1000 test eax, eax jz .ret mov ebx, readdir_fileinfo mov dword [ebx+12], (0x1000 - 32) / 304 mov dword [ebx+16], eax mcall 70 cmp eax, 6 jz .dirok test eax, eax jnz free_directory mov edx, [directory_ptr] mov ecx, [edx+8] mov [readblocks], ecx imul ecx, 304 add ecx, 32 mcall 68, 20 test eax, eax jz free_directory mov [directory_ptr], eax mcall 70, readdir_fileinfo .dirok: cmp ebx, 0 jle free_directory mov eax, [directory_ptr] add eax, 32 mov edi, eax push 0 .dirskip: push eax test byte [eax], 18h jnz .nocopy lea esi, [eax+40] mov ecx, esi @@: lodsb test al, al jnz @b @@: dec esi cmp esi, ecx jb .noext cmp byte [esi], '.' jnz @b inc esi mov ecx, [esi] or ecx, 0x202020 cmp ecx, 'jpg' jz .copy cmp ecx, 'bmp' jz .copy cmp ecx, 'gif' jz .copy cmp ecx, 'png' jz .copy cmp ecx, 'jpe' jz .copy cmp ecx, 'ico' jz .copy cmp ecx, 'cur' jz .copy ; dunkaist [ cmp ecx, 'pcx' jz .copy ; dunkaist ] cmp ecx, 'jpeg' jz @f cmp ecx, 'jpeG' jnz .nocopy @@: cmp byte [esi+4], 0 jnz .nocopy .copy: mov esi, [esp] mov ecx, 304 / 4 rep movsd inc dword [esp+4] .nocopy: .noext: pop eax add eax, 304 dec ebx jnz .dirskip mov eax, [directory_ptr] pop ebx mov [eax+4], ebx test ebx, ebx jz free_directory push 0 ; sort mode push ebx add eax, 32 push eax call [SortDir] xor eax, eax mov edi, [directory_ptr] add edi, 32 + 40 .scan: mov esi, [last_name_component] push edi invoke strcmpi pop edi jz .found inc eax add edi, 304 dec ebx jnz .scan or eax, -1 .found: mov [cur_file_idx], eax .ret: ret free_directory: mcall 68, 13, [directory_ptr] and [directory_ptr], 0 ret ; in: esi->full name (e.g. /path/to/file.png) ; out: [last_name_component]->last component (e.g. file.png) find_last_name_component: mov ecx, esi @@: lodsb test al, al jnz @b @@: dec esi cmp esi, ecx jb @f cmp byte [esi], '/' jnz @b @@: inc esi mov [last_name_component], esi ret init_frame: push eax mov eax, [image] mov [cur_frame], eax test byte [eax + Image.Flags], Image.IsAnimated jz @f push ebx mcall 26, 9 pop ebx mov [cur_frame_time], eax @@: pop eax ret draw_window: cmp [bFirstDraw], 0 jz .posok or ecx, -1 mcall 9, procinfo cmp dword [ebx + 66], 0 jle .posok mov edx, ecx mov esi, ecx cmp dword [ebx + 42], 40 + 25 * 9 jae @f mov edx, 40 + 25 * 9 @@: cmp dword [ebx + 46], 70 jae @f mov esi, 70 @@: mov eax, edx and eax, esi cmp eax, -1 jz @f mov ebx, ecx mcall 67 @@: .posok: mcall 12, 1 mcall 48, 4 mov ebp, eax ; save skin height add eax, [wnd_height] __mov ebx, 100, 0 add ebx, [wnd_width] lea ecx, [100*65536 + eax] mcall 0, , , 0x73FFFFFF, 0, real_header mcall 9, procinfo, -1 mov [bFirstDraw], 1 cmp dword [ebx + 66], 0 jle .nodraw mov ebx, [ebx + 62] inc ebx mcall 13, , <0, 35>, 0xFFFFFF mov ecx, [procinfo + 66] inc ecx mov esi, [draw_height] add esi, 35 sub ecx, esi jbe @f push esi shl esi, 16 add ecx, esi pop esi mcall xor ecx, ecx @@: add ecx, esi add ecx, 35*10000h - 35 __mov ebx, 0, 5 mcall mov esi, [draw_width] add esi, ebx mov ebx, [procinfo+62] inc ebx sub ebx, esi jbe @f shl esi, 16 add ebx, esi mcall @@: mov ebx, [procinfo + 62] push ebx mcall 38, , <30, 30>, 0x007F7F7F mcall , <5 + 25 * 1, 5 + 25 * 1>, <0, 30> mcall , <10 + 25 * 3, 10 + 25 * 3> mcall , <15 + 25 * 4, 15 + 25 * 4> pop ebx sub ebx, 25 * 5 + 10 push ebx imul ebx, 10001h mcall mcall 8, <5 + 25 * 0, 20>, <5, 20>, 'opn'+40000000h mcall , <10 + 25 * 1, 20>, , 'bck'+40000000h mcall , <10 + 25 * 2, 20>, , 'fwd'+40000000h mcall , <15 + 25 * 3, 20>, , 'bgr'+40000000h pop ebx add ebx, 5 shl ebx, 16 mov bl, 20 mcall , , , 'flh'+40000000h add ebx, 25 * 65536 mcall , , , 'flv'+40000000h add ebx, 30 * 65536 mcall , , , 'rtr'+40000000h add ebx, 25 * 65536 mcall , , , 'rtl'+40000000h add ebx, 25 * 65536 mcall , , , 'flb'+40000000h mov ebp, (numimages-1)*20 mcall 65, buttons+openbtn*20, <20, 20>, <5 + 25 * 0, 5>, 8, palette mcall , buttons+backbtn*20, , <10 + 25 * 1, 5> mcall , buttons+forwardbtn*20, , <10 + 25 * 2, 5> mcall , buttons+bgrbtn*20, , <15 + 25 * 3, 5> mov edx, [procinfo + 62] sub edx, 25 * 5 + 4 shl edx, 16 mov dl, 5 mcall , buttons+fliphorzbtn*20 add edx, 25 * 65536 mcall , buttons+flipvertbtn*20 add edx, 30 * 65536 mcall , buttons+rotcwbtn*20 add edx, 25 * 65536 mcall , buttons+rotccwbtn*20 add edx, 25 * 65536 mcall , buttons+rot180btn*20 call draw_cur_frame .nodraw: mcall 12, 2 ret draw_cur_frame: push 0 ; ypos push 0 ; xpos mov eax, [procinfo+66] sub eax, 34 push eax ; max height mov eax, [procinfo+62] sub eax, 4 push eax ; max width push 35 ; y push 5 ; x push [cur_frame] call [img.draw] mov eax, [image] test [eax + Image.Flags], Image.IsAnimated jnz .done cmp [eax + Image.Next], 0 jnz .additional_frames .done: ret .additional_frames: mov ebx, [procinfo+62] sub ebx, 4 jbe .done push 5 pop esi .afloop: sub ebx, [eax + Image.Width] jbe .done dec ebx jz .done add esi, [eax + Image.Width] mov eax, [eax + Image.Next] push eax inc esi push 0 ; ypos push 0 ; xpos mov ecx, [procinfo+66] sub ecx, 34 push ecx ; max height push ebx ; max width push 35 ; y push esi ; x push eax ; image call [img.draw] pop eax cmp [eax + Image.Next], 0 jnz .afloop ret ; void* __stdcall mem.Alloc(unsigned size); mem.Alloc: push ebx ecx mov ecx, [esp+12] mcall 68, 12 pop ecx ebx ret 4 ; void* __stdcall mem.ReAlloc(void* mptr, unsigned size); mem.ReAlloc: push ebx ecx edx mov edx, [esp+16] mov ecx, [esp+20] mcall 68, 20 pop edx ecx ebx ret 8 ; void __stdcall mem.Free(void* mptr); mem.Free: push ebx ecx mov ecx, [esp+12] mcall 68, 13 pop ecx ebx ret 4 check_shortcut: ; in: cl = scancode (from sysfn 2), ; eax = state of modifiers (from sysfn 66.3), ; edx -> shortcut descriptor ; out: ZF set <=> fail cmp cl, [edx+4] jnz .not push eax mov esi, [edx] and esi, 0xF and al, 3 call dword [check_modifier_table+esi*4] test al, al pop eax jnz .not push eax mov esi, [edx] shr esi, 4 and esi, 0xF shr al, 2 and al, 3 call dword [check_modifier_table+esi*4] test al, al pop eax jnz .not push eax mov esi, [edx] shr esi, 8 and esi, 0xF shr al, 4 and al, 3 call dword [check_modifier_table+esi*4] test al, al pop eax ; jnz .not .not: ret check_modifier_0: setnz al ret check_modifier_1: setp al ret check_modifier_2: cmp al, 3 setnz al ret check_modifier_3: cmp al, 1 setnz al ret check_modifier_4: cmp al, 2 setnz al ret ; fills real_header with window title ; window title is generated as ' - Kolibri Image Viewer' generate_header: push eax mov esi, [last_name_component] mov edi, real_header @@: lodsb test al, al jz @f stosb cmp edi, real_header+256 jb @b .overflow: mov dword [edi-4], '...' .ret: pop eax ret @@: mov esi, s_header @@: lodsb stosb test al, al jz .ret cmp edi, real_header+256 jb @b jmp .overflow ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- s_header db ' - Kolibri Image Viewer', 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 @IMPORT: library \ libio , 'libio.obj' , \ libgfx , 'libgfx.obj' , \ libimg , 'libimg.obj' , \ libini , 'libini.obj' , \ sort , 'sort.obj' , \ proc_lib ,'proc_lib.obj' import libio , \ libio.init , 'lib_init' , \ file.size , 'file_size' , \ , 'file_open' , \ , 'file_read' , \ file.close , 'file_close' import libgfx , \ libgfx.init , 'lib_init' , \ , 'gfx_open' , \ gfx.close , 'gfx_close' , \ gfx.pen.color , 'gfx_pen_color' , \ gfx.line , 'gfx_line' import libimg , \ libimg.init , 'lib_init' , \ img.is_img , 'img_is_img' , \ img.to_rgb2 , 'img_to_rgb2', \ img.decode , 'img_decode' , \ img.flip , 'img_flip' , \ img.rotate , 'img_rotate' , \ img.destroy , 'img_destroy', \ img.draw , 'img_draw' import libini, \ ini_get_shortcut, 'ini_get_shortcut' import sort, sort.START, 'START', SortDir, 'SortDir', strcmpi, 'strcmpi' import proc_lib, \ OpenDialog_Init, 'OpenDialog_init', \ OpenDialog_Start,'OpenDialog_start' bFirstDraw db 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual at 0 file 'kivicons.bmp':0xA,4 load offbits dword from 0 end virtual numimages = 9 openbtn = 0 backbtn = 1 forwardbtn = 2 bgrbtn = 3 fliphorzbtn = 4 flipvertbtn = 5 rotcwbtn = 6 rotccwbtn = 7 rot180btn = 8 palette: file 'kivicons.bmp':0x36,offbits-0x36 buttons: file 'kivicons.bmp':offbits repeat 10 y = % - 1 z = 20 - % repeat numimages*5 load a dword from $ - numimages*20*20 + numimages*20*y + (%-1)*4 load b dword from $ - numimages*20*20 + numimages*20*z + (%-1)*4 store dword a at $ - numimages*20*20 + numimages*20*z + (%-1)*4 store dword b at $ - numimages*20*20 + numimages*20*y + (%-1)*4 end repeat end repeat inifilename db '/sys/media/kiv.ini',0 aShortcuts db 'Shortcuts',0 aNext db 'Next',0 aPrev db 'Prev',0 align 4 check_modifier_table: dd check_modifier_0 dd check_modifier_1 dd check_modifier_2 dd check_modifier_3 dd check_modifier_4 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 OpenDialog_data: .type dd 0 .procinfo dd procinfo ;+4 .com_area_name dd communication_area_name ;+8 .com_area dd 0 ;+12 .opendir_pach dd temp_dir_pach ;+16 .dir_default_pach dd communication_area_default_pach ;+20 .start_path dd open_dialog_path ;+24 .draw_window dd draw_window ;+28 .status dd 0 ;+32 .openfile_pach dd path ;openfile_pach ;+36 .filename_area dd 0 ;+40 .filter_area dd Filter .x: .x_size dw 420 ;+48 ; Window X size .x_start dw 10 ;+50 ; Window X position .y: .y_size dw 320 ;+52 ; Window y size .y_start dw 10 ;+54 ; Window Y position communication_area_name: db 'FFFFFFFF_open_dialog',0 open_dialog_path: db '/sys/File Managers/opendial',0 communication_area_default_pach: db '/rd/1',0 Filter: dd Filter.end - Filter .1: db 'BMP',0 db 'GIF',0 db 'JPG',0 db 'JPEG',0 db 'JPE',0 db 'PNG',0 db 'ICO',0 db 'CUR',0 ; dunkaist [ db 'PCX',0 ; dunkaist ] .end: db 0 draw_window_fake: ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ readdir_fileinfo: dd 1 dd 0 dd 0 readblocks dd 0 directory_ptr dd 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I_END: curdir rb 1024 align 4 img_data dd ? img_data_len dd ? fh dd ? image dd ? wnd_width dd ? wnd_height dd ? draw_width dd ? draw_height dd ? last_name_component dd ? cur_file_idx dd ? cur_frame_time dd ? cur_frame dd ? next_mod dd ? next_key dd ? prev_mod dd ? prev_key dd ? procinfo: rb 1024 path: rb 4096 ;1024+16 real_header rb 256 @PARAMS rb 4096 ;512 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- temp_dir_pach: rb 4096 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- rb 4096 stacktop: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- F_END: