;;================================================================================================;; ;;//// scale.asm //// (c) dunkaist, 2012 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;; ;; ;; This file is part of Common development libraries (Libs-Dev). ;; ;; ;; ;; Libs-Dev is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ;; ;; Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 ;; ;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; ;; ;; Libs-Dev is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without ;; ;; even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Libs-Dev. ;; ;; If not, see . ;; ;; ;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.scale _src, _crop_x, _crop_y, _crop_width, _crop_height, _dst, _scale, _inter, _param1, _param2 ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? scale _image ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> [_src] = pointer to source image ;; ;> [_crop_x] = left coord of cropping rect ;; ;> [_crop_y] = top coord of cropping rect ;; ;> [_crop_width] = width of cropping rect ;; ;> [_crop_height] = height of cropping rect ;; ;> [_dst] = pointer to resulting image / 0 ;; ;> [_scale] = how to change width and height. see libimg.inc ;; ;> [_inter] = interpolation algorithm ;; ;> [_param1] = see libimg.inc ;; ;> [_param2] = see libimg.inc ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = 0 / pointer to scaled image ;; ;< ecx = error code / undefined ;; ;;================================================================================================;; locals src_type rd 1 src_data rd 1 dst_data rd 1 src_width_pixels rd 1 src_width_bytes rd 1 src_height_pixels rd 1 dst_width_pixels rd 1 dst_width_pixels_inv rd 1 dst_height_pixels rd 1 dst_height_pixels_inv rd 1 dst_width_bytes rd 1 bytes_per_pixel rd 1 crop_width_pixels_m1 rd 1 crop_height_pixels_m1 rd 1 ; bilinear src_x rd 1 src_y rd 1 src_base rd 1 dst_x rd 1 dst_y rd 1 rem_x rd 1 rem_y rd 1 endl mov ebx, [_src] push [ebx + Image.Width] pop [src_width_pixels] push [ebx + Image.Height] pop [src_height_pixels] push [ebx + Image.Type] pop [src_type] push [ebx + Image.Data] pop [src_data] mov eax, [src_type] mov ecx, [src_width_pixels] mov edx, [src_width_pixels] imul edx, [_crop_y] add edx, [_crop_x] cmp eax, Image.bpp32 jne @f mov [bytes_per_pixel], 4 shl ecx, 2 shl edx, 2 jmp .lab1 @@: cmp eax, Image.bpp24 jne @f mov [bytes_per_pixel], 3 lea ecx, [ecx*3] lea edx, [edx*3] jmp .lab1 @@: cmp eax, Image.bpp8g jne @f mov [bytes_per_pixel], 1 jmp .lab1 @@: mov ecx, LIBIMG_ERROR_BIT_DEPTH jmp .error .lab1: mov [src_width_bytes], ecx add [src_data], edx mov eax, [_scale] cmp eax, LIBIMG_SCALE_INTEGER je .scale_type.integer cmp eax, LIBIMG_SCALE_TILE je .scale_type.tile cmp eax, LIBIMG_SCALE_FIT_RECT je .scale_type.fit_rect cmp eax, LIBIMG_SCALE_FIT_WIDTH je .scale_type.fit_width cmp eax, LIBIMG_SCALE_FIT_HEIGHT je .scale_type.fit_height cmp eax, LIBIMG_SCALE_FIT_MAX je .scale_type.fit_max cmp eax, LIBIMG_SCALE_STRETCH je .scale_type.stretch mov ecx, LIBIMG_ERROR_SCALE jmp .error .scale_type.integer: jmp .integer .scale_type.tile: jmp .tile .scale_type.fit_rect: mov eax, [_param1] shl eax, 16 add eax, 0x00008000 xor edx, edx div [src_width_pixels] mov ebx, eax mov eax, [_param2] shl eax, 16 add eax, 0x00008000 xor edx, edx div [src_height_pixels] mov ecx, eax cmp ebx, ecx jb @f mov ebx, ecx @@: jmp .scale_type.fit_common .scale_type.fit_max: mov eax, [_param1] shl eax, 16 add eax, 0x00008000 xor edx, edx div [src_width_pixels] mov ebx, eax mov eax, [_param2] shl eax, 16 add eax, 0x00008000 xor edx, edx div [src_height_pixels] mov ecx, eax cmp ebx, ecx ja @f mov ebx, ecx @@: jmp .scale_type.fit_common .scale_type.fit_width: mov eax, [_param1] shl eax, 16 add eax, 0x00008000 xor edx, edx div [src_width_pixels] mov ebx, eax jmp .scale_type.fit_common .scale_type.fit_height: mov eax, [_param2] shl eax, 16 add eax, 0x00008000 xor edx, edx div [src_height_pixels] mov ebx, eax jmp .scale_type.fit_common .scale_type.fit_common: mov eax, [src_width_pixels] mul ebx shr eax, 16 mov [dst_width_pixels], eax imul eax, [bytes_per_pixel] mov [dst_width_bytes], eax mov eax, [src_height_pixels] mul ebx shr eax, 16 mov [dst_height_pixels], eax jmp .define_inter .scale_type.stretch: mov eax, [_param1] mov [dst_width_pixels], eax imul eax, [bytes_per_pixel] mov [dst_width_bytes], eax mov ecx, [_param2] mov [dst_height_pixels], ecx jmp .define_inter .define_inter: mov eax, [_inter] cmp eax, LIBIMG_INTER_BILINEAR je .bilinear mov ecx, LIBIMG_ERROR_INTER jmp .error .integer: mov eax, [_param1] mov ecx, [_crop_width] imul ecx, eax mov [dst_width_pixels], ecx mov edx, [_crop_height] imul edx, eax mov [dst_height_pixels], edx mov eax, [_dst] test eax, eax jnz @f stdcall img.create, [dst_width_pixels], [dst_height_pixels], [src_type] test eax, eax jz .error mov [_dst], eax @@: mov edi, [eax + Image.Data] mov [dst_data], edi mov esi, [src_data] mov eax, [src_type] cmp eax, Image.bpp8g je .integer.bpp8g cmp eax, Image.bpp24 je .integer.bpp24 cmp eax, Image.bpp32 je .integer.bpp32 mov ecx, LIBIMG_ERROR_BIT_DEPTH jmp .error .integer.bpp8g: push [dst_width_pixels] pop [dst_width_bytes] mov ecx, [_param1] ; cmp ecx, 1 ; je .error .integer.bpp8g.common: mov edx, ecx mov ebx, [_crop_height] .integer.bpp8g.common.line: push ebx mov ebx, [_crop_width] @@: lodsb mov ecx, edx rep stosb dec ebx jnz @b push esi mov esi, edi sub esi, [dst_width_bytes] mov ecx, edx dec ecx imul ecx, [dst_width_bytes] mov eax, ecx shr ecx, 2 and eax, 0x00000003 rep movsd mov ecx, eax rep movsb pop esi mov eax, [src_width_pixels] sub eax, [_crop_width] add esi, eax pop ebx dec ebx jnz .integer.bpp8g.common.line mov eax, [_dst] jmp .quit .integer.bpp24: mov eax, [dst_width_pixels] lea eax, [eax*3] mov [dst_width_bytes], eax mov ecx, [_param1] ; cmp ecx, 1 ; je .error .integer.bpp24.common: mov edx, ecx mov ebx, [_crop_height] .integer.bpp24.common.line: push ebx mov ebx, [_crop_width] @@: movsw movsb mov ecx, edx push esi mov esi, edi sub esi, 3 dec ecx lea ecx, [ecx*3] rep movsb pop esi dec ebx jnz @b push esi mov esi, edi sub esi, [dst_width_bytes] mov ecx, edx dec ecx imul ecx, [dst_width_bytes] mov eax, ecx shr ecx, 2 and eax, 0x00000003 rep movsd mov ecx, eax rep movsb pop esi mov eax, [src_width_pixels] sub eax, [_crop_width] lea eax, [eax*3] add esi, eax pop ebx dec ebx jnz .integer.bpp24.common.line mov eax, [_dst] jmp .quit .integer.bpp32: mov eax, [dst_width_pixels] shl eax, 2 mov [dst_width_bytes], eax mov ecx, [_param1] ; cmp ecx, 1 ; je .error .integer.bpp32.common: mov edx, ecx mov ebx, [_crop_height] .integer.bpp32.common.line: push ebx mov ebx, [_crop_width] @@: lodsd mov ecx, edx rep stosd dec ebx jnz @b push esi mov esi, edi sub esi, [dst_width_bytes] mov ecx, edx dec ecx imul ecx, [dst_width_bytes] shr ecx, 2 rep movsd pop esi mov eax, [src_width_pixels] sub eax, [_crop_width] shl eax, 2 add esi, eax pop ebx dec ebx jnz .integer.bpp32.common.line mov eax, [_dst] jmp .quit .tile: mov eax, [_param1] mov [dst_width_pixels], eax imul eax, [bytes_per_pixel] mov [dst_width_bytes], eax mov eax, [_param2] mov [dst_height_pixels], eax mov eax, [_dst] test eax, eax jnz @f stdcall img.create, [dst_width_pixels], [dst_height_pixels], [src_type] test eax, eax jz .error mov [_dst], eax @@: mov edi, [eax + Image.Data] mov [dst_data], edi mov esi, [src_data] mov eax, [_crop_height] cmp eax, [dst_height_pixels] jna @f mov eax, [dst_height_pixels] @@: push eax mov ecx, [_crop_width] cmp ecx, [dst_width_pixels] jna @f mov ecx, [dst_width_pixels] @@: imul ecx, [bytes_per_pixel] mov edx, ecx @@: mov ecx, edx rep movsb push esi mov esi, edi sub esi, edx mov ecx, [dst_width_bytes] sub ecx, edx rep movsb pop esi mov ecx, [src_width_bytes] sub ecx, edx add esi, ecx dec eax jnz @b pop eax mov esi, [dst_data] mov ecx, [dst_height_pixels] sub ecx, eax imul ecx, [dst_width_bytes] rep movsb mov eax, [_dst] jmp .quit .bilinear: mov eax, [_dst] test eax, eax jnz @f stdcall img.create, [dst_width_pixels], [dst_height_pixels], [src_type] test eax, eax jz .error mov [_dst], eax @@: mov edi, [eax + Image.Data] mov [dst_data], edi push [_crop_width] pop [crop_width_pixels_m1] sub [crop_width_pixels_m1], 1 push [_crop_height] pop [crop_height_pixels_m1] sub [crop_height_pixels_m1], 1 mov eax, 0xffffffff xor edx, edx div [dst_width_pixels] mov [dst_width_pixels_inv], eax mov eax, 0xffffffff xor edx, edx div [dst_height_pixels] mov [dst_height_pixels_inv], eax mov eax, [src_type] cmp eax, Image.bpp8g je .bilinear.bpp8g cmp eax, Image.bpp24 je .bilinear.bpp24 cmp eax, Image.bpp32 je .bilinear.bpp32 mov ecx, LIBIMG_ERROR_BIT_DEPTH jmp .error .bilinear.bpp8g: mov esi, [src_data] mov [dst_y], 0 mov eax, 0 ; mov eax, [dst_y] .bilinear.bpp8g.line: mov esi, [src_data] mov [dst_x], 0 imul eax, [crop_height_pixels_m1] xor edx, edx div [dst_height_pixels] mov [rem_y], edx imul eax, [src_width_bytes] add esi, eax mov [src_base], esi mov eax, 0 ; mov eax, [dst_x] .bilinear.bpp8g.pixel: mov esi, [src_base] imul eax, [crop_width_pixels_m1] xor edx, edx div [dst_width_pixels] add esi, eax mov ax, word[esi] add esi, [src_width_pixels] mov bx, word[esi] mov esi, edx movzx edx, ah and eax, 0x000000ff movzx ecx, bh and ebx, 0x000000ff imul edx, esi imul ecx, esi neg esi add esi, [dst_width_pixels] imul eax, esi imul ebx, esi add eax, edx add ebx, ecx mov esi, [dst_width_pixels_inv] mul esi mov ecx, edx mov eax, ebx mul esi mov eax, edx mov edx, [rem_y] imul eax, edx neg edx add edx, [dst_height_pixels] imul ecx, edx add eax, ecx mul [dst_height_pixels_inv] mov byte[edi], dl add edi, 1 add [dst_x], 1 mov eax, [dst_x] cmp eax, [dst_width_pixels] jne .bilinear.bpp8g.pixel add [dst_y], 1 mov eax, [dst_y] cmp eax, [dst_height_pixels] jne .bilinear.bpp8g.line mov eax, [_dst] jmp .quit .bilinear.bpp24: mov esi, [src_data] mov [dst_y], 0 mov eax, 0 ; mov eax, [dst_y] .bilinear.bpp24.line: mov esi, [src_data] mov [dst_x], 0 imul eax, [crop_height_pixels_m1] xor edx, edx div [dst_height_pixels] mov [rem_y], edx imul eax, [src_width_bytes] add esi, eax mov [src_base], esi mov eax, 0 ; mov eax, [dst_x] .bilinear.bpp24.pixel: mov esi, [src_base] imul eax, [crop_width_pixels_m1] xor edx, edx div [dst_width_pixels] lea eax, [eax*3] add esi, eax mov [rem_x], edx sub esi, 1 mov [src_x], esi repeat 3 mov edx, [rem_x] add [src_x], 1 mov esi, [src_x] mov al, byte[esi] mov ah, byte[esi + 3] add esi, [src_width_bytes] movzx ebx, byte[esi] movzx ecx, byte[esi + 3] mov esi, edx movzx edx, ah and eax, 0x000000ff imul edx, esi imul ecx, esi neg esi add esi, [dst_width_pixels] imul eax, esi imul ebx, esi add eax, edx add ebx, ecx mov esi, [dst_width_pixels_inv] mul esi mov ecx, edx mov eax, ebx mul esi mov eax, edx mov edx, [rem_y] imul eax, edx neg edx add edx, [dst_height_pixels] imul ecx, edx add eax, ecx mul [dst_height_pixels_inv] mov byte[edi], dl add edi, 1 end repeat add [dst_x], 1 mov eax, [dst_x] cmp eax, [dst_width_pixels] jne .bilinear.bpp24.pixel add [dst_y], 1 mov eax, [dst_y] cmp eax, [dst_height_pixels] jne .bilinear.bpp24.line mov eax, [_dst] jmp .quit .bilinear.bpp32: mov esi, [src_data] mov [dst_y], 0 mov eax, 0 ; mov eax, [dst_y] .bilinear.bpp32.line: mov esi, [src_data] mov [dst_x], 0 imul eax, [crop_height_pixels_m1] xor edx, edx div [dst_height_pixels] mov [rem_y], edx imul eax, [src_width_bytes] add esi, eax mov [src_base], esi mov eax, 0 ; mov eax, [dst_x] .bilinear.bpp32.pixel: mov esi, [src_base] imul eax, [crop_width_pixels_m1] xor edx, edx div [dst_width_pixels] shl eax, 2 add esi, eax mov [rem_x], edx sub esi, 1 mov [src_x], esi repeat 4 mov edx, [rem_x] add [src_x], 1 mov esi, [src_x] mov al, byte[esi] mov ah, byte[esi + 4] add esi, [src_width_bytes] movzx ebx, byte[esi] movzx ecx, byte[esi + 4] mov esi, edx movzx edx, ah and eax, 0x000000ff imul edx, esi imul ecx, esi neg esi add esi, [dst_width_pixels] imul eax, esi imul ebx, esi add eax, edx add ebx, ecx mov esi, [dst_width_pixels_inv] mul esi mov ecx, edx mov eax, ebx mul esi mov eax, edx mov edx, [rem_y] imul eax, edx neg edx add edx, [dst_height_pixels] imul ecx, edx add eax, ecx mul [dst_height_pixels_inv] mov byte[edi], dl add edi, 1 end repeat add [dst_x], 1 mov eax, [dst_x] cmp eax, [dst_width_pixels] jne .bilinear.bpp32.pixel add [dst_y], 1 mov eax, [dst_y] cmp eax, [dst_height_pixels] jne .bilinear.bpp32.line mov eax, [_dst] jmp .quit .error: xor eax, eax .quit: ret endp