CANVAS canvas; void TWebBrowser::RenderLine() { unsigned px; //paint x coordinate unsigned pw; //paint y coordinate dword pc; //paint color int zoom; if (style.title) { strncpy(#header, #linebuf, sizeof(TWebBrowser.header)-1); strncat(#header, " - ", sizeof(TWebBrowser.header)-1); strncat(#header, #version, sizeof(TWebBrowser.header)-1); linebuf = 0; return; } if (t_html) && (!t_body) { linebuf = 0; return; } if (linebuf) { pw = strlen(#linebuf) * list.font_w; zoom = list.font_w / BASIC_CHAR_W; style.cur_line_h = math.max(style.cur_line_h, list.item_h); if (bg_colors.get_last() - bg_colors.get(0)) { canvas.DrawBar(draw_x, draw_y, pw, list.item_h, bg_colors.get_last()); } if (style.image) { canvas.DrawBar(draw_x, draw_y, pw, list.item_h-1, 0xF9DBCB); } if (style.button) { canvas.DrawBar(draw_x, draw_y, pw, list.item_h - calc(zoom*2), 0xCCCccc); canvas.DrawBar(draw_x, draw_y + list.item_h - calc(zoom*2), pw, zoom, 0x999999); } pc = text_colors.get_last(); if (link) && (pc == text_colors.get(0)) pc = link_color_default; canvas.WriteText(draw_x, draw_y, list.font_type, pc, #linebuf, NULL); if (style.b) canvas.WriteText(draw_x+1, draw_y, list.font_type, pc, #linebuf, NULL); if (style.s) canvas.DrawBar(draw_x, list.item_h / 2 - zoom + draw_y, pw, zoom, pc); if (style.u) canvas.DrawBar(draw_x, list.item_h - zoom - zoom + draw_y, pw, zoom, pc); if (link) { if (linebuf[0]==' ') && (linebuf[1]==NULL) {} else { canvas.DrawBar(draw_x, draw_y + list.item_h - calc(zoom*2)-1, pw, zoom, link_color_default); links.add_text(draw_x, draw_y + list.y, pw, list.item_h - calc(zoom*2)-1, zoom); } } draw_x += pw; if (debug_mode) debugln(#linebuf); linebuf = NULL; } } void TWebBrowser::RenderTextbuf() { int break_pos; char next_line[4096]; int zoom = list.font_w / BASIC_CHAR_W; //Do we need a line break? while (strlen(#linebuf) * list.font_w + draw_x >= draw_w) { //Yes, we do. Lets calculate where... break_pos = strrchr(#linebuf, ' '); //Is a new line fits in the current line? if (break_pos * list.font_w + draw_x > draw_w) { break_pos = draw_w - draw_x /list.font_w; while(break_pos) && (linebuf[break_pos]!=' ') break_pos--; } //Maybe a new line is too big for the whole new line? Then we have to split it if (!break_pos) && (style.tag_list.level*5 + strlen(#linebuf) * zoom >= list.column_max) { break_pos = draw_w - draw_x / list.font_w; } strcpy(#next_line, #linebuf + break_pos); linebuf[break_pos] = 0x00; RenderLine(); strcpy(#linebuf, #next_line); NewLine(); } RenderLine(); } bool TWebBrowser::RenderImage(dword cur_img) { int img_x, img_y, img_w, img_h; dword imgbuf[44]; if (!cur_img) return false; img_h = ESDWORD[cur_img+8]; img_w = ESDWORD[cur_img+4]; if (img_w + draw_x >= draw_w) NewLine(); img_y = draw_y; if (img_h < list.item_h) img_y += list.item_h - img_h / 2 - 1; else img_y -= 2; style.cur_line_h = math.max(style.cur_line_h, img_h); img_w = math.min(img_w, canvas.bufw - draw_x); if (link) links.add_text(draw_x + list.x, img_y + list.y, img_w, img_h, 0); if (img_y + img_h >= canvas.bufh) canvas.IncreaseBufSize(); if (ESDWORD[cur_img+20] != IMAGE_BPP32) { img_convert stdcall(cur_img, 0, IMAGE_BPP32, 0, 0); $push eax img_destroy stdcall(cur_img); $pop eax cur_img = EAX; if (!EAX) return false; } imgbuf[04] = canvas.bufw; imgbuf[08] = canvas.bufh; imgbuf[20] = IMAGE_BPP32; imgbuf[24] = buf_data+8; img_blend stdcall(#imgbuf, cur_img, draw_x, img_y, 0, 0, img_w, img_h); img_destroy stdcall(cur_img); draw_x += img_w; if (draw_x >= draw_w) NewLine(); return true; }