#define MEMSIZE 4096*25 //===================================================// // // // LIB // // // //===================================================// #include "../lib/io.h" #include "../lib/gui.h" #include "../lib/list_box.h" #include "../lib/kfont.h" #include "../lib/obj/box_lib.h" #include "../lib/obj/libini.h" #include "../lib/obj/libimg.h" #include "../lib/obj/iconv.h" #include "../lib/obj/proc_lib.h" #include "../lib/patterns/simple_open_dialog.h" //===================================================// // // // DATA // // // //===================================================// #define TOOLBAR_H 34 #define TOOLBAR_ICON_WIDTH 26 #define TOOLBAR_ICON_HEIGHT 24 #define DEFAULT_EDITOR "/sys/tinypad" #define INTRO_TEXT "This is a plain Text Reader.\nTry to open some text file." #define VERSION "Text Reader v1.3" #define ABOUT "Idea: Leency, punk_joker Code: Leency, Veliant, KolibriOS Team Hotkeys: Ctrl+O - open file Ctrl+I - show file properties Ctrl+Up - bigger font Ctrl+Down - smaller font Ctrl+Tab - select charset Ctrl+E - reopen current file in another app Press any key..." dword color_schemes[] = { 0xFFFfff, 0, 0xF0F0F0, 0, 0xFDF6E3, 0x101A21, 0xFCF0DA, 0x171501, 0xF0F0C7, 0, 0x282C34, 0xABB2BF, 0x282923, 0xD8D8D2 }; char color_scheme_names[] = "White & Black Grey & Black RtfRead Linen & Black Horst Antique & Black Pocket Lemon & Black Fb2Read DarkGrey & Grey Godot DarkGrey & Grey Monokai"; char default_dir[] = "/rd/1"; od_filter filter2 = { 8, "TXT\0\0" }; scroll_bar scroll = { 15,200,398,44,0,2,115,15,0,0xeeeeee,0xBBBbbb,0xeeeeee,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; llist list; proc_info Form; char title[4196]; bool help_opened = false; int charsets_mx; int reopenin_mx; int colscheme_mx; int curcol_scheme; enum { OPEN_FILE, MAGNIFY_MINUS, MAGNIFY_PLUS, CHANGE_ENCODING, RUN_EDIT, SHOW_INFO, SHOW_FILE_PROPERTIES, COLOR_SCHEME }; int encoding; dword bg_color; dword text_color; //===================================================// // // // INTERNAL INCLUDES // // // //===================================================// #include "ini.h" #include "prepare_page.h" //===================================================// // // // CODE // // // //===================================================// void InitDlls() { load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init, 0); load_dll(libio, #libio_init, 1); load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init, 1); load_dll(libini, #lib_init, 1); load_dll(iconv_lib, #iconv_open, 0); load_dll(Proc_lib, #OpenDialog_init,0); } void main() { InitDlls(); OpenDialog_init stdcall (#o_dialog); if (param) strcpy(#openfile_path, #param); LoadIniSettings(); EventSetColorScheme(curcol_scheme); kfont.init(DEFAULT_FONT); Libimg_LoadImage(#skin, abspath("toolbar.png")); OpenFile(#param); list.no_selection = true; SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW + EVM_KEY + EVM_BUTTON + EVM_MOUSE + EVM_MOUSE_FILTER); loop() { switch(WaitEvent()) { case evMouse: HandleMouseEvent(); break; case evKey: HandleKeyEvent(); break; case evButton: HandleButtonEvent(); break; case evReDraw: EventMenuClick(); draw_window(); } } } //===================================================// // // // EVENTS // // // //===================================================// void HandleButtonEvent() { byte btn = GetButtonID(); if (btn==1) { SaveIniSettings(); ExitProcess(); } btn-=10; switch(btn) { case OPEN_FILE: EventOpenFile(); break; case SHOW_FILE_PROPERTIES: EventShowFileProperties(); break; case MAGNIFY_PLUS: EventMagnifyPlus(); break; case MAGNIFY_MINUS: EventMagnifyMinus(); break; case CHANGE_ENCODING: EventShowEncodingList(); break; case RUN_EDIT: EventShowReopenMenu(); break; case COLOR_SCHEME: EventShowColorSchemesList(); break; case SHOW_INFO: EventShowInfo(); break; } } void HandleKeyEvent() { if (help_opened) { help_opened = false; DrawPage(); return; } GetKeys(); if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_F1) { EventShowInfo(); return; } if (key_modifier & KEY_LCTRL) || (key_modifier & KEY_RCTRL) { switch (key_scancode) { case SCAN_CODE_KEY_O: EventOpenFile(); break; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_I: EventShowFileProperties(); break; case SCAN_CODE_UP: EventMagnifyPlus(); break; case SCAN_CODE_DOWN: EventMagnifyMinus(); break; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_E: EventShowReopenMenu(); break; case SCAN_CODE_TAB: EventChangeEncoding(); break; } return; } if (list.ProcessKey(key_scancode)) DrawPage(); } void HandleMouseEvent() { mouse.get(); list.wheel_size = 7; if (list.MouseScroll(mouse.vert)) { DrawPage(); return; } scrollbar_v_mouse (#scroll); if (list.first != scroll.position) { list.first = scroll.position; DrawPage(); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ void EventOpenFile() { OpenDialog_start stdcall (#o_dialog); if (o_dialog.status) { OpenFile(#openfile_path); PreparePage(); } } void EventShowFileProperties() { char ss_param[4096]; if (!param) return; strcpy(#ss_param, "-p "); strcpy(#ss_param+3, #param); RunProgram("/sys/File managers/Eolite", #ss_param); } void EventMagnifyPlus() { kfont.size.pt++; if(!kfont.changeSIZE()) kfont.size.pt--; else PreparePage(); } void EventMagnifyMinus() { kfont.size.pt--; if(!kfont.changeSIZE()) kfont.size.pt++; else PreparePage(); } void EventShowEncodingList() { menu.selected = encoding + 1; menu.show(Form.left+5 + charsets_mx, Form.top+29+skin_height, 130, "UTF-8\nKOI8-RU\nCP1251\nCP1252\nISO8859-5\nCP866", 10); } void EventShowReopenMenu() { menu.selected = 0; menu.show(Form.left+5 + reopenin_mx, Form.top+29+skin_height, 130, "Tinypad\nTextEdit\nWebView\nFB2Read\nHexView\nOther", 20); } void EventShowColorSchemesList() { menu.selected = curcol_scheme + 1; menu.show(Form.left+5 + colscheme_mx, Form.top+29+skin_height, 175, #color_scheme_names, 30); } void EventSetColorScheme(dword _setn) { curcol_scheme = _setn; bg_color = color_schemes[curcol_scheme*2]; text_color = color_schemes[curcol_scheme*2+1]; } void EventShowInfo() { help_opened = true; DrawBar(list.x, list.y, list.w, list.h, 0xFFFfff); WriteText(list.x + 10, list.y + 10, 10000001b, 0x555555, VERSION); WriteTextLines(list.x + 10, list.y+40, 10110000b, 0, ABOUT, 20); } void EventChangeEncoding(dword id) { encoding = id; OpenFile(#openfile_path); PreparePage(); draw_window(); } void EventOpenFileInAnotherProgram(dword _app) { RunProgram(_app, #param); } void EventMenuClick() { byte open_param[4096]; switch(menu.cur_y) { //Encoding case 10...15: EventChangeEncoding(menu.cur_y-10); break; //Reopen case 20: EventOpenFileInAnotherProgram("/sys/tinypad"); break; case 21: EventOpenFileInAnotherProgram("/sys/develop/t_edit"); break; case 22: EventOpenFileInAnotherProgram("/sys/network/webview"); break; case 23: EventOpenFileInAnotherProgram("/sys/fb2read"); break; case 24: EventOpenFileInAnotherProgram("/sys/develop/heed"); break; case 25: open_param[0]='~'; strcpy(#open_param+1,#param); RunProgram("/sys/@open", #open_param); break; //ColorSchemes case 30...38: EventSetColorScheme(menu.cur_y-30); PreparePage(); break; } menu.cur_y = 0; } //===================================================// // // // DRAWS AND OTHER FUNCS // // // //===================================================// void OpenFile(dword f_path) { int tmp; if (ESBYTE[f_path]) { strcpy(#param, f_path); io.read(#param); strcpy(#title, #param); strcat(#title, " - Text Reader"); } else { if (list.count) return; io.buffer_data = INTRO_TEXT; strcpy(#title, "Text Reader"); } if (encoding!=CH_CP866) ChangeCharset(charsets[encoding], "CP866", io.buffer_data); list.KeyHome(); list.ClearList(); } void draw_window() { #define BUTTONS_GAP 6 #define BLOCKS_GAP 15 #define TOOLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH 26 incn x; DefineAndDrawWindow(Form.left,Form.top,Form.width,Form.height,0x73,0,#title,0); GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); if (Form.status_window>2) return; if (Form.width < 200) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,200,OLD); return; } if (Form.height < 200) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,OLD,200); return; } DrawBar(0, 0, Form.cwidth, TOOLBAR_H - 1, 0xe1e1e1); DrawBar(0, TOOLBAR_H - 1, Form.cwidth, 1, 0x7F7F7F); x.n = 0; DrawToolbarButton(OPEN_FILE, x.inc(8)); DrawToolbarButton(SHOW_FILE_PROPERTIES, x.inc(TOOLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH + BUTTONS_GAP)); DrawToolbarButton(MAGNIFY_MINUS, x.inc(TOOLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH + BLOCKS_GAP)); DrawToolbarButton(MAGNIFY_PLUS, x.inc(TOOLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH - 1)); DrawToolbarButton(COLOR_SCHEME, x.inc(TOOLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH + BUTTONS_GAP)); colscheme_mx = x.n; DrawToolbarButton(CHANGE_ENCODING, x.inc(TOOLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH + BLOCKS_GAP)); charsets_mx = x.n; DrawToolbarButton(RUN_EDIT, x.inc(TOOLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH + BLOCKS_GAP)); reopenin_mx = x.n; DrawToolbarButton(SHOW_INFO, Form.cwidth - 34); if ((Form.cwidth-scroll.size_x-1 == list.w) && (Form.cheight-TOOLBAR_H == list.h) && (list.count) ) { DrawPage(); } else { PreparePage(); } DrawRectangle(scroll.start_x, scroll.start_y, scroll.size_x, scroll.size_y-1, scroll.bckg_col); } void DrawPage() { kfont.ShowBufferPart(list.x, list.y, list.w, list.h, list.first*list.item_h*list.w); DrawScroller(); } void DrawToolbarButton(char image_id, int x) { DefineButton(x+1, 6, TOOLBAR_ICON_WIDTH-2, TOOLBAR_ICON_HEIGHT-2, 10+image_id + BT_HIDE, 0); img_draw stdcall(skin.image, x, 5, TOOLBAR_ICON_WIDTH, TOOLBAR_ICON_HEIGHT, TOOLBAR_ICON_WIDTH-1*image_id, 0); } void DrawScroller() { scroll.max_area = list.count; scroll.cur_area = list.visible; scroll.position = list.first; scroll.all_redraw = 0; scroll.start_x = list.x + list.w; scroll.start_y = list.y; scroll.size_y = list.h; scrollbar_v_draw(#scroll); }