(* Copyright 2016 KolibriOS team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *) MODULE RasterWorks; IMPORT sys := SYSTEM, KOSAPI; CONST (* flags *) bold *= 1; italic *= 2; underline *= 4; strike_through *= 8; align_right *= 16; align_center *= 32; bpp32 *= 128; (* encoding *) cp866 *= 1; utf16le *= 2; utf8 *= 3; VAR // draw text on 24bpp or 32bpp image // autofits text between 'x' and 'xSize' drawText *: PROCEDURE (canvas, x, y, string, charQuantity, fontColor, params: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* [canvas]: xSize dd ? ySize dd ? picture rb xSize * ySize * bpp fontColor dd AARRGGBB AA = alpha channel ; 0 = transparent, FF = non transparent params dd ffeewwhh hh = char height ww = char width ; 0 = auto (proportional) ee = encoding ; 1 = cp866, 2 = UTF-16LE, 3 = UTF-8 ff = flags ; 0001 = bold, 0010 = italic ; 0100 = underline, 1000 = strike-through 00010000 = align right, 00100000 = align center 01000000 = set text area between higher and lower halfs of 'x' 10000000 = 32bpp canvas insted of 24bpp all flags combinable, except align right + align center returns: char width (0 = error) *) // calculate amount of valid chars in UTF-8 string // supports zero terminated string (set byteQuantity = -1) cntUTF_8 *: PROCEDURE (string, byteQuantity: INTEGER): INTEGER; // calculate amount of chars that fits given width charsFit *: PROCEDURE (areaWidth, charHeight: INTEGER): INTEGER; // calculate string width in pixels strWidth *: PROCEDURE (charQuantity, charHeight: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE params* (charHeight, charWidth, encoding, flags: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* hh = char height ww = char width ; 0 = auto (proportional) ee = encoding ; 1 = cp866, 2 = UTF-16LE, 3 = UTF-8 ff = flags ; 0001 = bold, 0010 = italic ; 0100 = underline, 1000 = strike-through 00010000 = align right, 00100000 = align center 01000000 = set text area between higher and lower halfs of 'x' 10000000 = 32bpp canvas insted of 24bpp all flags combinable, except align right + align center *) RETURN charHeight + LSL(charWidth, 8) + LSL(encoding, 16) + LSL(flags, 24) END params; PROCEDURE main; VAR Lib: INTEGER; PROCEDURE GetProc(v: INTEGER; name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR a: INTEGER; BEGIN a := KOSAPI.GetProcAdr(name, Lib); ASSERT(a # 0); sys.PUT(v, a) END GetProc; BEGIN Lib := KOSAPI.LoadLib("/rd/1/lib/RasterWorks.obj"); ASSERT(Lib # 0); GetProc(sys.ADR(drawText), "drawText"); GetProc(sys.ADR(cntUTF_8), "cntUTF-8"); GetProc(sys.ADR(charsFit), "charsFit"); GetProc(sys.ADR(strWidth), "strWidth"); END main; BEGIN main END RasterWorks.