DEBUG equ 0 LIST_WIDTH equ 256 WIN_WIDTH equ (LIST_WIDTH + 16 + 12) LIST_SIZE equ 12 LINE_SIZE equ 40 LIST_HEIGHT equ (LIST_SIZE * LINE_SIZE / 2) WIN_HEIGHT equ (LIST_HEIGHT + 80) use32 org 0 db 'MENUET01' dd 1, main, dataend, memory, memory, params, 0 include "../../" include "../../" include "../../" include "../../" include "../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac" include "" if DEBUG eq 1 include "../../" end if include "" ;=============================== if lang eq ru title db "Открыть с помощью", 0 browse_txt db "Обзор...", 0 notify_txt db "'Incorrect ", '"', "/sys/settings/assoc.ini", '"', " file' -tE", 0 checkbox_txt db "Использовать всегда", 0 else if lang eq et title db "Open with", 0 browse_txt db "Browse...", 0 notify_txt db "'Incorrect ", '"', "/sys/settings/assoc.ini", '"', " file' -tE", 0 checkbox_txt db "Always use selected program", 0 else if lang eq it title db "Open with", 0 browse_txt db "Browse...", 0 notify_txt db "'Incorrect ", '"', "/sys/settings/assoc.ini", '"', " file' -tE", 0 checkbox_txt db "Always use selected program", 0 else title db "Open with", 0 browse_txt db "Browse...", 0 notify_txt db "'Incorrect ", '"', "/sys/settings/assoc.ini", '"', " file' -tE", 0 checkbox_txt db "Always use selected program", 0 end if sys_dir db "/sys", 0 slash db "/", 0 open_dialog_path db "/sys/file managers/opendial", 0 app_link db "$", 0 icons db "/sys/icons32.png", 0 communication_area_name db "FFFFFF_open_dialog", 0 assoc_ini db "/sys/settings/assoc.ini", 0 .sec db "Assoc", 0 .exec db "exec", 0 .icon db "icon", 0 sb_apps scrollbar \ 13, WIN_WIDTH - 25, LIST_HEIGHT, 10 + 12, \ ;; w, x, h, y 0, 0, LIST_SIZE / 2, 0, \ ;; b.h, max, area, pos 0, 0, 0, 2 cb_always check_box2 \ 3 shl 16 + 10, (LIST_HEIGHT + 35) shl 16 + 10, 6, 0, 0, 0, checkbox_txt, ch_flag_middle opendialog: .type dd 0 .procinfo dd buffer3 .com_area_name dd communication_area_name .com_area dd 0 .opendir_path dd buffer4 .dir_default_path dd sys_dir .start_path dd open_dialog_path .draw_window dd draw_window .status dd 0 .openfile_pach dd buffer .filename_area dd buffer5 .filter_area dd .filter .x: .x_size dw 420 .x_start dw 200 .y: .y_size dw 320 .y_start dw 120 .filter dd 0 ps_addres: dd 0 ;; type dw 7 ;; y dw 4 ;; x dw 6 ;; font.w dw LIST_WIDTH ;; w dd 0 ;; mono dd 0 ;; without bg .color dd 0 ;; text color dd 0 ;; bg color .txt dd 0 ;; text dd buffer2 dd 0 is_execute: dd 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0 dd buffer is_openas: dd 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0 dd buffer is_open: dd 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0 dd buffer is_undefined: dd 7, 0, notify_txt, 0, 0 db "/sys/@notify", 0 is_openimg_info: dd 5, 0, 0, 0, img.buf db 0 dd icons is_openimg: dd 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0 dd icons last_x dd -1 last_y dd -1 if DEBUG eq 1 std_param db "~/sys/settings/assoc.ini", 0 end if imports: library libini, "libini.obj" import libini, libini.get_str, "ini_get_str", \ libini.set_str, "ini_set_str", \ libini.get_num, "ini_get_int", \ libini.for_each_section, "ini_enum_sections" imports_add: library libimg, "libimg.obj", \ boxlib, "box_lib.obj", \ prclib, "proc_lib.obj" import libimg, libimg.init, "lib_init", \ libimg.toRGB, "img_to_rgb2", \ libimg.decode, "img_decode", \ libimg.destroy, "img_destroy" import boxlib, scrollbar.draw, "scrollbar_v_draw", \ scrollbar.mouse, "scrollbar_v_mouse", \ pathshow.init, "PathShow_prepare", \ pathshow.draw, "PathShow_draw", \ checkbox.init, "init_checkbox2", \ checkbox.draw, "check_box_draw2", \ checkbox.mouse, "check_box_mouse2" import prclib, opendialog.lib_init, "lib_init", \ opendialog.init, "OpenDialog_init", \ opendialog.start, "OpenDialog_start" ;=============================== main: mcall 68, 11 stdcall dll.Load, imports if DEBUG eq 1 stdcall string.copy, std_param, params end if ;; trim params stdcall string.trim_last, params stdcall string.trim_first, params mov [param_s], eax ;; if empty - exit cmpe [eax], byte 0, exit ;; if folder stdcall string.length, [param_s] add eax, [param_s] cmpe [eax - 1], byte '/', open ;; if dialog mov eax, [param_s] mov [is_openas + 8], eax cmpne [eax], byte '~', @f inc [param_s] mov eax, [param_s] mov [is_openas + 8], eax jmp start_dialog @@: ;; if without '.' - execute stdcall string.last_index_of, [param_s], '.', 1 cmpe eax, -1, execute ;; if '.' is part of path - execute mov esi, eax stdcall string.last_index_of, [param_s], '/', 1 cmpg eax, esi, execute ;; if ext == "kex" - execute add esi, [param_s] mov [param_e], esi cmpe [esi], dword "kex", execute open_as: invoke libini.get_str, assoc_ini, assoc_ini.sec, esi, buffer, 2048, undefined cmpe [buffer], byte 0, start_dialog_pre cmpne [buffer], byte "$", @f invoke libini.get_str, assoc_ini, buffer + 1, assoc_ini.exec, buffer, 2048, undefined cmpe [buffer], byte 0, ini_error @@: mcall 70, is_openas jmp exit execute: mov eax, [param_s] mov [is_execute + 21], eax mcall 70, is_execute jmp exit open: invoke libini.get_str, assoc_ini, assoc_ini.sec, slash, buffer, 2048, undefined cmpe [buffer], byte 0, ini_error mov eax, [param_s] mov [is_open + 8], eax mcall 70, is_open jmp exit ini_error: mcall 70, is_undefined jmp exit ;---------------------- start_dialog_pre: or [cb_always.flags], ch_flag_en start_dialog: stdcall dll.Load, imports_add invoke opendialog.lib_init mcall 40, 100111b ;; get title stdcall string.copy, title, win.title ;; get positions mcall 14 movzx ebx, ax shr ebx, 1 shr eax, 16 + 1 sub eax, WIN_WIDTH / 2 - 1 sub ebx, WIN_HEIGHT / 2 - 1 mov [win.x], eax mov [win.y], ebx ;; get colors mcall 48, 3, skin, 192 ;; get opendialog invoke opendialog.init, opendialog ;; get pathshow mov eax, [param_s] mov ebx, [skin.win_text] mov [ps_addres.txt], eax mov [ps_addres], ebx invoke pathshow.init, ps_addres ;; get checkbox mov eax, [skin.gui_face] mov ebx, [skin.gui_fcframe] mov ecx, [skin.win_text] mov [cb_always.color], eax mov [cb_always.border_color], ebx mov [cb_always.text_color], ecx invoke checkbox.init, cb_always ;; get list invoke libini.for_each_section, assoc_ini, section_cb mov eax, [sb_apps.max_area] and eax, 1b shr [sb_apps.max_area], 1 add [sb_apps.max_area], eax mov eax, [skin.gui_face] mov ebx, [skin.3d_face] mov [sb_apps.bg_color], eax mov [sb_apps.front_color], ebx mov [sb_apps.line_color], ebx ;; get icons mcall 70, is_openimg_info mov edx, dword [img.buf + 32] shl edx, 4 stdcall mem.Alloc, edx mov [img.rgb], eax mov [is_openimg + 12], edx m2m dword[is_openimg + 16], dword[img.rgb] mcall 70, is_openimg invoke libimg.decode, dword[img.rgb], ebx, 0 mov [img], eax ;; alpha mov edi, [eax + 8] shl edi, 7 sub edi, 4 mov eax, [eax + 24] .setalpha: mov ebx, [eax + edi] shr ebx, 24 cmpne ebx, 0, @f mov ecx, [skin.gui_face] mov [eax + edi], ecx @@: cmpe edi, 0, @f sub edi, 4 jmp .setalpha @@: invoke libimg.toRGB, [img], [img.rgb] invoke libimg.destroy, [img] ;---------------------- update: mcall 10 cmpe eax, EV_REDRAW, event_redraw cmpe eax, EV_KEY, event_key cmpe eax, EV_BUTTON, event_button cmpe eax, EV_MOUSE, event_mouse jmp update ;---------------------- event_redraw: call draw_window jmp update ;---------------------- event_key: mcall 2 cmpe ah, 27, exit ; cmpe ah, 179, .go_right ; cmpe ah, 176, .go_left ; cmpe ah, 178, .go_up ; cmpe ah, 177, .go_down ; jmp update ; ; .go_right: ; jmp update ; ; .go_left: ; jmp update ; ; .go_up: ; jmp update ; ; .go_down: ; stdcall draw_item, [last_x], [last_y], 0 ; ; cmpne [last_x], -1, @f ; mov [last_x], 0 ; @@: ; ; cmpne [last_y], LIST_SIZE / 2 - 1, @f ; mov eax, [sb_apps.position] ; add eax, LIST_SIZE / 2 ; shl eax, 1 ; cmpge eax, [list.size], .pre ; inc [sb_apps.position] ; stdcall draw_list ; invoke scrollbar.draw, sb_apps ; jmp update ; .pre: ; dec [last_y] ; @@: ; ; inc [last_y] ; stdcall draw_item, [last_x], [last_y], 1 jmp update ;---------------------- event_button: mcall 17 cmpe ah, 1, exit cmpe ah, 2, .opendialog .fromlist: movzx ebx, ah sub ebx, 10 mov ecx, [sb_apps.position] shl ecx, 1 add ebx, ecx shl ebx, 5 add ebx, list cmpe [ebx], byte 0, update mov [param_a], ebx invoke libini.get_str, assoc_ini, ebx, assoc_ini.exec, buffer, 256, undefined cmpe [buffer], byte 0, ini_error mcall 70, is_openas mov edi, 1 .save_assoc: mov eax, [cb_always.flags] and eax, ch_flag_en cmpe eax, 0, exit cmpe edi, 0, @f stdcall string.copy, app_link, buffer stdcall string.concatenate, [param_a], buffer @@: invoke libini.set_str, assoc_ini, assoc_ini.sec, [param_e], buffer, 33 jmp exit .opendialog: invoke opendialog.start, opendialog cmpne [opendialog.status], 1, update mcall 70, is_openas mov edi, 0 jmp .save_assoc ;---------------------- event_mouse: invoke checkbox.mouse, cb_always mov edi, [sb_apps.position] invoke scrollbar.mouse, sb_apps sub edi, [sb_apps.position] jz @f call draw_list @@: mcall 37, 1 movzx edi, ax shr eax, 16 mov esi, eax sub esi, 4 sub edi, 10 + 12 cmpl esi, 0, .out cmpge esi, LIST_WIDTH, .out cmpl edi, 0, .out cmpge edi, LIST_HEIGHT, .out mcall 37, 7 and eax, 0xFFFF cmpe eax, 65535, .scroll_up cmpe eax, 0, @f .scroll_down: mov eax, [sb_apps.position] add eax, LIST_SIZE / 2 shl eax, 1 cmpge eax, [list.size], @f inc [sb_apps.position] stdcall draw_list invoke scrollbar.draw, sb_apps jmp update .scroll_up: cmpe [sb_apps.position], 0, @f dec [sb_apps.position] stdcall draw_list invoke scrollbar.draw, sb_apps jmp update @@: mov eax, esi mov ebx, LIST_WIDTH / 2 mov edx, 0 div ebx mov esi, eax mov eax, edi mov ebx, LINE_SIZE mov edx, 0 div ebx mov edi, eax cmpne esi, [last_x], .redraw cmpne edi, [last_y], .redraw jmp @f .redraw: stdcall draw_item, [last_x], [last_y], 0 mov [last_x], esi mov [last_y], edi stdcall draw_item, esi, edi, 1 jmp @f .out: cmpe [last_x], -1, @f stdcall draw_item, [last_x], [last_y], 0 mov [last_x], -1 mov [last_y], -1 @@: jmp update ;---------------------- exit: mcall -1 ;---------------------- proc draw_window mcall 12, 1 mov edx, [skin.win_face] or edx, 0x34 shl 24 mcall 0, <[win.x], WIN_WIDTH>, <[win.y], WIN_HEIGHT>, , , win.title stdcall draw_list invoke scrollbar.draw, sb_apps invoke pathshow.draw, ps_addres invoke checkbox.draw, cb_always mcall 13, <207, 66>, , [skin.btn_frame] mcall 8, <208, 63>, , 2, [skin.btn_face] ; mov ecx, [skin.btn_text] add ecx, 0x80 shl 24 mcall 4, <214, LIST_HEIGHT + 37>, , browse_txt ;; buttons mov eax, 8 mov ebx, 4 shl 16 + LIST_WIDTH / 2 mov ecx, (10 + 12) shl 16 + LINE_SIZE - 1 mov edx, 0x60 shl 24 + 10 mov edi, LIST_SIZE mov esi, 0 @@: cmpe edi, 0, @f mcall cmpe esi, 0, .doA .doB: sub ebx, LIST_WIDTH shl 16 add ecx, LINE_SIZE shl 16 .doA: add ebx, (LIST_WIDTH / 2) shl 16 sub ecx, LINE_SIZE shl 16 not esi add ecx, LINE_SIZE shl 16 inc edx dec edi jmp @b @@: mcall 12, 2 ret endp ;---------------------- proc draw_list mcall 13, <3, LIST_WIDTH + 2 + 12>, <9 + 12, 1>, [skin.gui_fcframe] mcall , , mcall , <3, 1>, <9 + 12, LIST_HEIGHT + 1> mcall , <3 + LIST_WIDTH + 12 + 1, 1> mcall , <4, LIST_WIDTH>, <10 + 12, LIST_HEIGHT>, [skin.gui_face] mov esi, 1 mov edi, LIST_SIZE / 2 - 1 .draw_loop: mov edx, 0 cmpne [last_x], esi, @f cmpne [last_y], edi, @f mov edx, 1 @@: stdcall draw_item, esi, edi, edx dec esi cmpne esi, -1, @f mov esi, 1 dec edi @@: cmpne edi, -1, .draw_loop ret endp ;---------------------- proc draw_item uses edx edi esi, _x, _y, _sel ;; get index mov edi, [_y] shl edi, 1 add edi, [_x] mov esi, [sb_apps.position] shl esi, 1 add edi, esi cmpge edi, [list.size], .break ;; background mov ebx, [_x] shl ebx, 7 + 16 add ebx, 4 shl 16 + LIST_WIDTH / 2 imul ecx, [_y], LINE_SIZE shl ecx, 16 add ecx, (10 + 12) shl 16 + LINE_SIZE mov edx, [skin.gui_face] cmpe [_sel], 0, @f mov edx, [skin.gui_fcframe] @@: mcall 13 ;; shadows push ecx cmpe [_sel], 1, .after_shadows mov edx, [skin.3d_face] cmpne [_x], 0, @f imul ecx, [_y], LINE_SIZE shl ecx, 16 add ecx, (10 + 12) shl 16 + LINE_SIZE mcall , <4, 1> @@: cmpne [_y], 0, @f imul ebx, [_x], LIST_WIDTH / 2 shl ebx, 16 add ebx, 4 shl 16 + LIST_WIDTH / 2 mcall , , <10 + 12, 1> @@: .after_shadows: pop ecx ;; icon and ebx, 0xFFFF shl 16 shr ecx, 16 add ecx, ebx mov edx, ecx add edx, 6 shl 16 + (LINE_SIZE - 32) / 2 mov ebx, edi shl ebx, 2 mov ebx, [ebx + list.icon] imul ebx, 32 * 32 * 3 add ebx, [img.rgb] cmpe [_sel], 0, .draw_icon .selected: mov eax, img.sel mov ecx, 32 * 32 push edx @@: mov edx, [ebx] and edx, 0xFFFFFF cmpne edx, [skin.gui_face], .not mov edx, [skin.gui_fcframe] .not: mov [eax], edx add eax, 3 add ebx, 3 dec ecx jnz @b pop edx mov ebx, img.sel .draw_icon: mcall 7, , <32, 32> ;; text mov ebx, edx add ebx, (32 + 6) shl 16 + 32 / 2 - 9 / 2 mov ecx, [skin.gui_text] cmpe [_sel], 0, @f mov ecx, [skin.gui_fctext] @@: add ecx, 0x80 shl 24 mov edx, edi shl edx, 5 add edx, list mcall 4 .break: ret endp ;---------------------- proc section_cb, _file, _sec mov ebx, [list.size] shl ebx, 5 add ebx, list stdcall, [_sec], assoc_ini.sec cmpe eax, 1, @f stdcall string.copy, [_sec], ebx invoke libini.get_num, [_file], [_sec], assoc_ini.icon, 0 mov ecx, [list.size] shl ecx, 2 mov [ecx + list.icon], eax inc [list.size] inc [sb_apps.max_area] @@: mov eax, 1 ret endp ;---------------------- dataend: ;=============================== skin sys_colors_new list rb 32 * 256 .icon rd 256 .size rd 1 img rd 1 .rgb rd 1 .size rd 1 .buf rb 40 .sel rb 32 * 32 * 3 win: .x rd 1 .y rd 1 win.title rb 256 param_s rd 1 param_e rd 1 param_a rd 1 undefined rb 1 buffer rb 2048 buffer2 rb 2048 buffer3 rb 2048 buffer4 rb 4096 buffer5 rb 4096 params rb 2048 _stack rb 2048 memory: