max_buttons=4095 dececx: push eax push edx push ecx mov edx,1 dececl: movzx eax,byte [esp+edx] cmp eax,0x20 jge @f mov [esp+edx],byte 0x20 @@: sub [esp+edx],byte 0x20 add edx,1 cmp edx,4 jbe dececl pop ecx pop edx pop eax ret drawbuttonframes: push esi push edi push eax push ebx push ecx push edx shr eax,16 shr ebx,16 mov edx,[0x3010] add eax,[edx-twdw] add ebx,[edx-twdw+4] mov cx,ax mov dx,bx shl eax,16 shl ebx,16 mov ax,cx mov bx,dx add ax,word [esp+12] mov esi,ebx mov edi,0 mov ecx,[esp+0] add ecx,0x202020 call [draw_line] movzx edx,word [esp+8] add ebx,edx shl edx,16 add ebx,edx mov ecx,[esp+0] call dececx call [draw_line] mov ebx,esi push edx mov edx,eax shr edx,16 mov ax,dx mov edx,ebx shr edx,16 mov bx,dx mov dx,[esp+8+4] add bx,dx pop edx mov edi,0 mov ecx,[esp+0] add ecx,0x202020 call [draw_line] mov esi,edx mov dx,[esp+12] add ax,dx shl edx,16 add eax,edx add ebx,1*65536 mov edx,esi mov ecx,[esp+0] call dececx call [draw_line] pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax pop edi pop esi ret button_dececx: cmp [buttontype],dword 1 jne .finish ; je bdece ; ret ; bdece: push eax mov eax,0x01 cmp edi,20 jg @f mov eax,0x02 @@: test ecx,0xff jz @f sub ecx,eax @@: shl eax,8 test ecx,0xff00 jz @f sub ecx,eax @@: shl eax,8 test ecx,0xff0000 jz @f sub ecx,eax @@: pop eax .finish: ret sys_button: test ecx,0x80000000 jnz remove_button push esi push edi push eax push ebx push ecx push edx test ecx,0x40000000 jnz button_no_draw pushad ; button body push ebx shr eax,16 shr ebx,16 mov edx,[0x3010] mov esi,[edx-twdw] mov edi,[edx-twdw+4] add eax,esi add ebx,edi mov cx,ax mov dx,bx shl eax,16 shl ebx,16 mov ax,cx mov bx,dx movzx ecx,word [4+32+esp+12] add eax,ecx mov ecx,[4+32+esp+0] cmp [buttontype],dword 0 je @f add ecx,0x141414 @@: movzx edi,word [esp] ; pop edx and edx, 0xFFFF ;;cli .newline: call button_dececx push edi xor edi, edi call [draw_line] pop edi add ebx,1*65536+1 ; [ y start | y end ] dec edx jnz .newline ;;sti ;; pop ebx ; popad call drawbuttonframes button_no_draw: and ecx,0xffff mov edi,[0x3010] sub edi,twdw mov edi,[0xfe88] movzx eax,word [edi] cmp eax,max_buttons jge noaddbutt inc eax mov [edi],ax shl eax,4 add eax,edi mov bx,[0x3000] mov [eax],bx add eax,2 ; save button id number mov ebx,[esp+4] mov [eax],bx ; bits 0-15 shr ebx,16 mov [eax-2+0xc],bx; bits 16-31 add eax,2 ; x start mov bx,[esp+12+2] mov [eax],bx add eax,2 ; x size mov bx,[esp+12+0] mov [eax],bx add eax,2 ; y start mov bx,[esp+8+2] mov [eax],bx add eax,2 ; y size mov bx,[esp+8+0] mov [eax],bx noaddbutt: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax pop edi pop esi ret remove_button: and ecx,0x7fffffff rnewba2: mov edi,[0xfe88] mov eax,edi movzx ebx,word [edi] inc bx rnewba: dec bx jz rnmba add eax,0x10 mov dx,[0x3000] cmp dx,[eax] jnz rnewba cmp cx,[eax+2] jnz rnewba pushad mov ecx,ebx inc ecx shl ecx,4 mov ebx,eax add eax,0x10 call memmove dec dword [edi] popad jmp rnewba2 rnmba: ret find_pressed_button_frames: pushad movzx ebx,word [eax+0] shl ebx,5 add ebx,window_data movzx ecx,word [ebx+0] ; window x start movzx edx,word [eax+4] ; button x start add ecx,edx push ecx mov dx,[eax+6] ; button x size add cx,dx mov esi,ecx inc esi mov cx,[ebx+4] ; window y start mov dx,[eax+8] ; button y start add ecx,edx mov ebx,ecx mov dx,[eax+10] ; button y size add dx,cx inc dx pop eax ; eax x beginning ; ebx y beginning ; esi x end ; edx y end ; ecx color mov [pressed_button_eax],eax mov [pressed_button_ebx],ebx mov [pressed_button_ecx],ecx mov [pressed_button_edx],edx mov [pressed_button_esi],esi popad ret uglobal pressed_button_eax dd 0 pressed_button_ebx dd 0 pressed_button_ecx dd 0 pressed_button_edx dd 0 pressed_button_esi dd 0 endg ; negative button image negativebutton: ; If requested, do not display button ; boarder on press. test ebx,0x20000000 jz draw_negative_button ret draw_negative_button: pushad mov eax,[pressed_button_eax] mov ebx,[pressed_button_ebx] mov ecx,[pressed_button_ecx] mov edx,[pressed_button_edx] mov esi,[pressed_button_esi] mov ecx,0x01000000 dec edx push edx inc edx dec esi push esi inc esi push eax push ebx push ecx push edx push edi call [disable_mouse] bdbnewline: mov edi,1 ; force cmp eax,[esp+16] jz bneg cmp eax,[esp+20] jz bneg cmp ebx,[esp+12] jz bneg cmp ebx,[esp+24] jnz nbneg ; jz bneg ; jmp nbneg bneg: ;;;call [disable_mouse] call [putpixel] nbneg: inc eax cmp eax,esi jnz bdbnewline mov eax,[esp+16] inc ebx cmp ebx,edx jnz bdbnewline add esp,28 popad ret ; check buttons ; 0000 word process number ; 0002 word button id number : bits 0-15 ; 0004 word x start ; 0006 word x size ; 0008 word y start ; 000A word y size ; 000C word button id number : bits 16-31 ; ; button table in 0x10 increments ; ; first at 0x10 checkbuttons: cmp [0xfb40],byte 0 ; mouse buttons pressed jnz @f ret @@: pushad xor esi, esi mov edi, [0xfe88] movzx edx, word [edi] test edx, edx jne @f popad ret @@: push esi inc edx push edx buttonnewcheck: pop edx pop esi inc esi cmp edx,esi jge bch popad ; no button pressed ret bch: push esi push edx mov eax,esi shl eax,4 add eax,edi ;......................start 1/2 : modified by vhanla ............................. mov [buttonid],eax ;......................end 1/2 : modified by vhanla ............................. ; check that button is at top of windowing stack movzx ebx,word [eax] movzx ecx,word [0xC000 + ebx * 2] cmp ecx,[0x3004] jne buttonnewcheck ; check that button start is inside window x/y end movzx ebx,word [eax+0] shl ebx,5 ; add ebx,window_data ; mov ecx,[window_data+ebx+8] ; window end X movzx edx,word [eax+4] ; button start X cmp edx, [window_data+ebx+8] ;ecx jge buttonnewcheck ; mov ecx,[window_data+ebx+12] ; window end Y movzx edx, word [eax+8] ; button start Y cmp edx, [window_data+ebx+12] ;ecx jge buttonnewcheck ; check coordinates ; mouse x >= button x ? movzx ebx,word [eax+0] shl ebx,5 add ebx,window_data movzx ecx,word [ebx+0] ; window x start movzx edx,word [eax+4] ; button x start add edx,ecx mov cx,[0xfb0a] cmp edx,ecx jg buttonnewcheck movzx ebx,word [eax+6] ; button x size add edx,ebx cmp ecx,edx jg buttonnewcheck ; mouse y >= button y ? movzx ebx,word [eax+0] shl ebx,5 add ebx,window_data movzx ecx,word [ebx+4] ; window y start movzx edx,word [eax+8] ; button y start add edx,ecx mov cx,[0xfb0c] cmp edx,ecx jg buttonnewcheck movzx ebx,word [eax+10] ; button y size add edx,ebx cmp ecx,edx jg buttonnewcheck ; mouse on button pop edx pop esi mov bx,[eax+0xc] ; button id : bits 16-31 shl ebx,16 mov bx,[eax+2] ; button id : bits 00-16 push ebx mov [0xfb44],byte 1 ; no mouse down checks call find_pressed_button_frames call negativebutton pushad cbwaitmouseup: call checkidle call check_mouse_data call [draw_pointer] pushad call stack_handler popad cmp [0xfb40],byte 0 ; mouse buttons pressed ? jnz cbwaitmouseup popad call negativebutton mov [0xfff4],byte 0 ; no mouse background mov [0xfff5],byte 0 ; draw mouse ;..................................... start 2/2 : modified by vhanla ............................. ; check coordinates jmp afterbuttonid buttonid dd 0x0 ;here a will backup the eax value afterbuttonid: pusha mov eax,[buttonid] ; mouse x >= button x ? movzx ebx,word [eax+0] shl ebx,5 add ebx,window_data movzx ecx,word [ebx+0] ; window x start movzx edx,word [eax+4] ; button x start add edx,ecx mov cx,[0xfb0a] cmp edx,ecx jg no_on_button ;if we release the pointer out of the button area movzx ebx,word [eax+6] ; button x size add edx,ebx cmp ecx,edx jg no_on_button ; mouse y >= button y ? movzx ebx,word [eax+0] shl ebx,5 add ebx,window_data movzx ecx,word [ebx+4] ; window y start movzx edx,word [eax+8] ; button y start add edx,ecx mov cx,[0xfb0c] cmp edx,ecx jg no_on_button movzx ebx,word [eax+10] ; button y size add edx,ebx cmp ecx,edx jg no_on_button popa mov [0xf500],byte 1 ; no of buttons in buffer pop ebx mov [0xf501],ebx ; lets put the button id in buffer push ebx pusha jmp yes_on_button no_on_button: mov [0xf500],byte 0 ; no of buttons in buffer yes_on_button: mov [0xfb44],byte 0 ; mouse down -> do not draw popa pop ebx popa ret ;..................................... end 2/2 : modified by vhanla ................................