; ; The famous game 15 ; Author: Lloyd, coded by Ivushkin Andrey ; Compile with FASM ; include 'lang.inc' include '..\..\..\macros.inc' ; decreases program size (not required) StatusColor equ 0x00ffffff StatusColor2 equ 0x00dc1e14 BgdColor equ 0x14aabbcc ; Main window dimensions XXwindow equ 200 shl 16+276 YYwindow equ 200 shl 16+300 ; Status bar XYstatus equ 35 shl 16+283 XXbar equ 35 shl 16+136 YYbar equ 280 shl 16+15 ; Buttons BtnTop equ 28 BtnLeft equ 13 BtnSize equ 60 BtnColor equ 0xafbb55 BtnColor2 equ 0x0228c314 NumColor equ 0x10000000 ; Number shifting for nice look NumShift equ 24 shl 16+27 NumShift2 equ 4 shl 16 ; Shuffle button XXSh equ 202 shl 16+60 YYSh equ 280 shl 16+12 XYShText equ 212 shl 16+283 ; Conf button XXCnf equ 13 shl 16+13 YYCnf equ 280 shl 16+12 XYCnfText equ 18 shl 16+283 ; Position of the 'hole' null equ (curconf+16) ; Amount of moves to perform shuffle SH_CYCLES equ 400 ; (Amount of tasks)-1 CONF_COUNT equ 2 use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01 dd START dd I_END dd 0x2000 ; 8 Kb dd 0x2000 dd 0x0 dd 0x0 START: mov [cptr],CONF_COUNT ; number of task mov eax,3 mcall mov cl,16 ror eax,cl mov [generator],eax ; random generator from Tetris init: mov ecx,17 movzx eax,[cptr] inc eax cmp eax,CONF_COUNT jna init_ok xor eax,eax ; cycling 0..CONF_COUNT init_ok: mov [cptr],al mov esi,eax shl esi,4 add esi,conf add esi,eax add al,0x31 mov [txtTitle+17],al ;task number to program title mov [task],esi mov edi,curconf rep movsb ; initial configuration mov [sts],4 jmp red SHUF: call shuffle ; immediate shuffle red: ; window redraw call draw_window still: ; MAIN PROGRAM CYCLE mov eax,10 ; wait for event mcall cmp eax,1 ; redraw? - je red ; goto red cmp eax,2 ; key pressed? - je key ; goto key cmp eax,3 ; button pressed? - je button ; goto button jmp still ; no more events to process key: ; Key pressed mov eax,2 mcall shr eax,8 cmp eax,32 ; = Shuffle je SHUF cmp eax,13 ; = Choose task je init cmp eax,176 jl still sub eax,176 cmp eax,3 ja still movzx eax,byte [eax+correct] ; 'delta' value from correct[] jmp m_check button: ; Button pressed mov eax,17 mcall shr eax,8 sub eax,2 cmp eax,-1 ; id == 1 (closeme)? jne noclose mcall noclose: jl SHUF ; Shuffle (id=0) pressed cmp eax,18 je init ; Conf button pressed sub al,byte [null] mov edi,correct mov ecx,4 repne scasb ; checking for valid move-part 1 jne fail m_check: cmp byte[sts],4 ; puzzle completed, blocking buttons ja still call move_check ; checking for valid move-part 2 jnc fail inc [move_count] call draw_moves fail: jmp still ; возвращаемся ; ******************************* ; ******* WINDOW DRAWING ******* ; ******************************* draw_window: mcall 12, 1 ; begin draw mcall 0, XXwindow, YYwindow, BgdColor,, txtTitle ; CREATING WINDOW mov eax,8 ; SHUFFLE BUTTON mov ebx,XXSh mov ecx,YYSh xor edx,edx mov esi,BtnColor mcall mov ebx,XXCnf ; CONF BUTTON mov ecx,YYCnf mov edx,20 ;mov esi,BtnColor mcall mov ebx, XYShText ; SHUFFLE TEXT mov ecx, StatusColor mov edx,txtSh mov esi,lenSh-txtSh mov eax,4 mcall mov ebx, XYCnfText ; CONF TEXT mov edx,lenVictory-1 mov esi,1 mcall mov ecx, 16 ; FIELD BUTTONS dbut: call draw_button loop dbut call draw_moves mcall 12, 2 ; end of drawing ret ; ********************************************* ; ******* DRAWING A FIELD BUTTON ************** ; ********************************************* ; ECX - button number draw_button: pusha dec ecx ; calculating button dimensions mov edi, ecx lea edx,[ecx+2] mov ebx,ecx and ebx,11b shr ecx,2 imul ebx,BtnSize+3 add ebx,BtnLeft shl ebx,16 add ebx,BtnSize imul ecx,BtnSize+3 add ecx,BtnTop shl ecx,16 add ecx,BtnSize movzx eax,byte [null] cmp eax,edi jne no_hole pusha inc ebx inc ecx mov edx,BgdColor mov eax,13 ; clearing - 'hole' mcall popa or edx,0x80000000 ; and removing button under it no_hole: mov al,byte[edi+curconf] mov esi,[task] cmp al,byte[edi+esi] je highlight mov esi,BtnColor jmp s_rbutton highlight: mov esi,BtnColor2 s_rbutton: mov eax,8 ; set/remove button mcall movzx eax,byte [null] cmp eax,edi je no_text ; no digits - that's hole mov edx,ebx shr ecx,16 mov dx,cx add edx,NumShift mov ebx,0x20000 movzx ecx,byte [edi+curconf] cmp ecx,9 ja two_num add edx,NumShift2 ; shift to center digits sub ebx,0x10000 two_num: mov esi,NumColor mov eax,47 mcall no_text: popa ret ; ********************************************* ; ******* DRAWING STATUS LINE ***************** ; ********************************************* draw_moves: mov eax, 13 ; clear area mov ebx, XXbar mov ecx, YYbar mov edx, BgdColor mcall mov eax, 4 mov ebx, XYstatus mov ecx, StatusColor cmp ax, [sts] jl report_victory jne report_moves mov edx,txtCnf ; prompt to choose configuration mov esi,lenCnf-txtCnf jmp e_dm report_moves: mov edx,txtMoves ; how many moves done mov esi,lenMoves-txtMoves mov eax,4 mcall mov esi,ecx mov edx,ebx add edx, 40 shl 16 mov ebx,0x030000 movzx ecx, byte[move_count] mov eax,47 jmp e_dm report_victory: ; puzzle completed mov ecx,StatusColor2 mov edx,txtVictory mov esi,lenVictory-txtVictory e_dm: mcall ret ; ********************************************* ; ********* SHUFFLE *************************** ; ********************************************* shuffle: xor eax,eax mov [sts],ax mov [move_count],ax ; reset moves to 0 mov [sh_off],al mov eax, [generator] mov ecx,SH_CYCLES sh_cycle: sub eax,0x43ab45b5 ; next random number ror eax,1 xor eax,0x32c4324f ror eax,1 mov [generator],eax push eax and eax,11b ; direction 0..3 movzx eax,byte [eax+correct] call move_check pop eax jnc sh_cycle ; if fails then retry loop sh_cycle inc byte[sh_off] ; shuffling complete ret ; ********************************************* ; ********* MOVE VALIDITY CHECK *************** ; ********************************************* ; AL - 'DELTA' DIRECTION move_check: pusha mov ah,byte [null] mov bx,ax cmp bh,3 ja no_top cmp al,-4 ; top of field je no_move no_top: cmp bh,12 jb no_bottom cmp al,4 ; bottom of field je no_move no_bottom: and bh,11b cmp bh,0 jnz no_left cmp al,-1 ; left of field je no_move no_left: cmp bh,11b jnz ok cmp al,1 ; right of field je no_move ok: mov bx,ax add bh,bl ; bh-new hole mov byte [null],bh movzx ecx,ah mov al,byte[ecx+curconf] movzx edx,bh mov bl,byte[edx+curconf] ; swapping button & hole mov byte[ecx+curconf],bl mov byte[edx+curconf],al cmp byte[sh_off],0 ; if shuffle in progress, jz no_win ; then no redraw ; drawing button & hole inc ecx call draw_button movzx ecx,bh inc ecx call draw_button ; testing if task completed mov esi,[task] mov edi,curconf mov ecx,16 repe cmpsb cmp ecx,0 jne no_win mov word[sts],6 ; puzzle done. Victory! no_win: popa stc ret no_move: popa clc ret ; this is deprecated debug routine ;ud: ; ud2 ; These are data used by program correct db 1,-4,4,-1 conf db 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,0,15 db 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,0 db 1,2,3,4,12,13,14,5,11,0,15,6,10,9,8,7,9 txtMoves: if lang eq ru db 'Ходов:' else if lang eq it db 'Movimenti:' else if lang eq de db 'Bewegungen:' else db 'Moves:' end if lenMoves: txtSh: if lang eq ru db 'Тасовка' else if lang eq it db 'Mischia' else if lang eq de db 'Mischen' else db 'Shuffle' end if lenSh: txtCnf: if lang eq ru db 'Выберите задачу и нажмите->' else if lang eq it db 'Seleziona un compito, poi premi->' else if lang eq de db 'Waehle eine Aufgabe, dann clicke au->' else db 'Select task, then press ->' end if lenCnf: txtTitle: ; строка заголовка if lang eq ru db 'Игра 15 - задача X', 0 else if lang eq it db 'Gioco del quindici - partita X', 0 else if lang eq de db '15-Puzzle - Spiel X', 0 else db 'Game 15 - puzzle X', 0 end if txtVictory: if lang eq ru db 'Вы решили задачу! Нажмите->' else if lang eq it db 'Gioco completato! Premi ->' else if lang eq de db 'Spiel beendet! Druecken sie auf ->' else db 'Puzzle completed! Press->' end if lenVictory: arrow equ lenVictory-2 I_END: ; конец программы ;null db ? move_count dw ? cptr db ? sts dw ? sh_off db ? task dd ? generator dd ? curconf: