//Leency, Veliant, Punk_Joker, PavelYakov & KolibriOS Team 2008-2018 //GNU GPL licence. // 70.5 - get volume info and label #ifndef AUTOBUILD #include "lang.h--" #endif //libraries #define MEMSIZE 1024 * 720 #include "../lib/clipboard.h" #include "../lib/strings.h" #include "../lib/mem.h" #include "../lib/fs.h" #include "../lib/gui.h" #include "../lib/list_box.h" #include "../lib/random.h" #include "../lib/kfont.h" #include "../lib/collection.h" #include "../lib/menu.h" #include "../lib/copyf.h" #include "../lib/obj/libini.h" #include "../lib/obj/box_lib.h" #include "../lib/obj/libimg.h" #include "../lib/patterns/history.h" //images #include "imgs/left_p.txt" //Button IDs enum { POPUP_BTN1 = 201, POPUP_BTN2 = 202, BREADCRUMB_ID = 300 }; //NewElement options enum { CREATE_FILE=1, CREATE_FOLDER, RENAME_ITEM }; //OpenDir options enum { ONLY_SHOW, WITH_REDRAW, ONLY_OPEN }; dword col_padding, col_selec, col_lpanel, col_work, col_graph, col_list_line=0xDDD7CF; int toolbar_buttons_x[7]={9,46,85,134,167,203}; byte active_about=0; word about_window; word settings_window; byte active_settings=0; dword _not_draw = false; byte menu_call_mouse=0; byte exif_load=0; byte del_active=0; byte new_element_active=0; llist files, files_active, files_inactive; byte list_full_redraw; dword buf; dword file_mas[6898]; int selected_count; int count_dir; byte path[4096], file_path[4096], file_name[256], new_element_name[256], temp[4096], itdir; char active_path[4096], inactive_path[4096]; dword eolite_ini_path[4096]; _ini ini; char scroll_used=false; dword menu_stak,about_stak,properties_stak,settings_stak,copy_stak,delete_stak; proc_info Form; int sc_slider_h; int j, i; int action_buf; int rand_n; char sort_num=2; int active_panel=1; libimg_image icons16_default; libimg_image icons16_selected; libimg_image icons32_default; libimg_image icons32_selected; #define STATUS_BAR_H 16; int status_bar_h = 0; int icon_size = 16; edit_box new_file_ed = {200,213,180,0xFFFFFF,0x94AECE,0xFFFFFF,0xFFFFFF,0x10000000, 248,#new_element_name,0,100000000000010b,6,0}; PathShow_data FileShow = {0, 56,215, 8, 100, 1, 0, 0x0, 0xFFFfff, #file_name, #temp, 0}; byte cmd_free=0; #include "include\translations.h" #include "include\fs.h" #include "include\settings.h" #include "include\progress_dialog.h" #include "include\copy.h" #include "include\gui.h" #include "include\sorting.h" #include "include\icons.h" #include "include\left_panel.h" #include "include\menu.h" #include "include\delete.h" #include "include\about.h" #include "include\properties.h" #include "include\breadcrumbs.h" void main() { byte update = 0; dword files_count = 0; dword countPathFile = 0; dword countPathFile2 = 0; dword files_y = 0; dword countDisk = 0; dword id; dword devbuf; byte count_sl = 0; signed x_old, y_old, dif_x, dif_y, adif_x, adif_y; char stats; rand_n = random(40); devbuf = malloc(10000); load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init,0); load_dll(libini, #lib_init,1); load_dll(libio, #libio_init,1); load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init,1); LoadIniSettings(); SystemDiscs.Get(); SetAppColors(); Libimg_LoadImage(#icons16_default, "/sys/icons16.png"); Libimg_LoadImage(#icons16_selected, "/sys/icons16.png"); Libimg_ReplaceColor(icons16_selected.image, icons16_selected.w, icons16_selected.h, 0xffFFFfff, col_selec); Libimg_ReplaceColor(icons16_selected.image, icons16_selected.w, icons16_selected.h, 0xffCACBD6, MixColors(col_selec, 0, 200)); //-p just show file/folder properties dialog if (param) && (param[0]=='-') && (param[1]=='p') { strcpy(#file_path, #param + 3); strcpy(#file_name, #param + strrchr(#param, '/')); properties_dialog(); ExitProcess(); } if (param) { if (strlen(#param)>1) && (param[strlen(#param)-1]=='/') param[strlen(#param)-1]=NULL; //no "/" at the end if (dir_exists(#param)==true) { strcpy(#path, #param); } else { notify(T_NOTIFY_APP_PARAM_WRONG); } } Open_Dir(#path,ONLY_OPEN); strcpy(#inactive_path, #path); llist_copy(#files_inactive, #files); SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW+EVM_KEY+EVM_BUTTON+EVM_MOUSE+EVM_MOUSE_FILTER); loop(){ switch(WaitEventTimeout(50)) { case evMouse: if (del_active) || (Form.status_window>2) break; if (new_element_active) { edit_box_mouse stdcall(#new_file_ed); break; } mouse.get(); if (!mouse.mkm) && (stats>0) stats = 0; if (mouse.mkm) && (!stats) { x_old = mouse.x; y_old = mouse.y; stats = 1; } if (mouse.mkm) && (stats==1) { dif_x = mouse.x-x_old; dif_y = mouse.y-y_old; adif_x = fabs(dif_x); adif_y = fabs(dif_y); if (adif_x>adif_y) { if (dif_x > 150) { if (history.forward()) { strcpy(#path, history.current()); files.KeyHome(); Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); } stats = 0; } if (dif_x < -150) { GoBack(); stats = 0; } } else { if (dif_y < -100) { Dir_Up(); stats = 0; } } } if (files.MouseOver(mouse.x, mouse.y)) { //select file if (mouse.key&MOUSE_LEFT) && (mouse.up) { if (files.ProcessMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y)) List_ReDraw(); else { if (mouse.y - files.y / files.item_h + files.first == files.cur_y) Open(0); } } //file menu if (mouse.key&MOUSE_RIGHT) { menu_call_mouse = 1; if (files.ProcessMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y)) List_ReDraw(); if (getElementSelectedFlag(files.cur_y) == false) selected_count = 0; //on redraw selection would be flashed, see [L001] menu_stak = malloc(4096); CreateThread(#FileMenu,menu_stak+4092); break; } } if (mouse.vert) { if (files.MouseScroll(mouse.vert)) List_ReDraw(); break; } if (mouse.x>=files.x+files.w) && (mouse.x<=files.x+files.w+16) && (mouse.y>files.y-17) && (mouse.y0) { pause(8); files.first--; List_ReDraw(); mouse.get(); } DrawRectangle3D(files.x+files.w+1,files.y-16,14,14,0xFFFFFF,0xC7C7C7); } if (mouse.x>=files.x+files.w) && (mouse.x<=files.x+files.w+16) && (mouse.y>files.y+files.h-16) && (mouse.y=files.x+files.w) && (mouse.x<=files.x+files.w+18) && (mouse.y>files.y) && (mouse.ymouse.y) || (mouse.y<0) || (mouse.y>4000) mouse.y=sc_slider_h/2+files.y; //anee eo?ni? iaa ieiii id = files.first; files.first = -sc_slider_h / 2 + mouse.y -j -files.y * files.count; files.first /= files.h - 18; if (files.visible+files.first>files.count) files.first=files.count-files.visible; if (files.first<0) files.first=0; if (id!=files.first) List_ReDraw(); break; } if (two_panels.checked) && (mouse.y > files.y) && (mouse.down) { if (mouse.x2) break; if (del_active) { if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ENTER) Del_File(true); if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ESC) Del_File(false); break; } if (new_element_active) { if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ENTER) NewElement(true); if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ESC) NewElement(false); EAX = key_editbox; edit_box_key stdcall (#new_file_ed); break; } if (files.ProcessKey(key_scancode)) { List_ReDraw(); break; } if (key_modifier&KEY_LCTRL) || (key_modifier&KEY_RCTRL) { switch(key_scancode) { case 059...068: key_scancode -= 59; if (key_scancode < SystemDiscs.list.count) { if (!two_panels.checked) { DrawRectangle(17,key_scancode*16+74,159,16, 0); //display click pause(7); } SystemDiscs.Click(key_scancode); } break; case 45: //Ctrl+X Copy(#file_path, CUT); break; case 46: //Ctrl+C Copy(#file_path, NOCUT); break; case 47: //Ctrl+V Paste(); break; case 032: //Ctrl+D - set as bg strlcpy(#temp, "\\S__",4); strcat(#temp, #file_path); RunProgram("/sys/media/kiv", #temp); break; case 049: //Ctrl+N - create new window if (Form.left==98) MoveSize(Form.left-20,Form.top-20,OLD,OLD); RunProgram(I_Path, #path); break; case 050: //Ctrl+M Open_Dir(#inactive_path,WITH_REDRAW); break; case SCAN_CODE_ENTER: //Ctrl+Enter if (!itdir) ShowOpenWithDialog(); else Open(1); break; case 030: //Ctrl+A - select all files for (i=0; i2) return; if (Form.height < 350) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,OLD,350); return; } if (Form.width < 480) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,480,OLD); return; } GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); //if win_size changed _PutImage(0,0,246,34,#toolbar); DrawBar(127, 8, 1, 25, col_graph); for (j=0; j<3; j++) DefineButton(toolbar_buttons_x[j]+2,5+2,31-5,29-5,21+j+BT_HIDE,NULL); for (j=3; j<6; j++) DefineButton(toolbar_buttons_x[j],5,31,29,21+j+BT_HIDE,NULL); DrawBar(246,0, Form.cwidth - 246, 34, col_work); _PutImage(Form.cwidth-17,11,6,18,#dots); DefineButton(Form.cwidth-24,7,20,25,51+BT_HIDE+BT_NOFRAME,0); //dots //main rectangles DrawRectangle(1,40,Form.cwidth-3,Form.cheight - 42-status_bar_h,col_graph); DrawRectangle(0,39,Form.cwidth-1,Form.cheight - 40,col_palette[4]); //bg for (i=0; i<5; i++) DrawBar(0, 34+i, Form.cwidth, 1, col_palette[8-i]); llist_copy(#files_active, #files); strcpy(#active_path, #path); DrawStatusBar(); if (selected_count==0) Open_Dir(#path,ONLY_OPEN); //if there are no selected files -> refresh folder [L001] DrawFilePanels(); if (del_active) Del_Form(); if (new_element_active) NewElement_Form(new_element_active, #new_element_name); } void DrawList() { word sorting_arrow_x; DrawFlatButtonSmall(files.x, files.y-17, files.w - 141,16,31,T_FILE); DrawFlatButtonSmall(files.x + files.w - 141, files.y-17,73,16,32,T_TYPE); DrawFlatButtonSmall(files.x + files.w - 68, files.y-17,68,16,33,T_SIZE); DrawFlatButtonSmall(files.x + files.w, files.y-17,16,16, 0,"\x18"); DrawFlatButtonSmall(files.x + files.w,files.y+files.h-16,16,16,0,"\x19"); if (sort_num==1) sorting_arrow_x = files.w - 141 / 2 + files.x + 18; if (sort_num==2) sorting_arrow_x = files.x + files.w - 90; if (sort_num==3) sorting_arrow_x = strlen(T_SIZE)*3-30+files.x+files.w; WriteText(sorting_arrow_x,files.y-12,0x80,col_graph,"\x19"); DrawBar(files.x+files.w,files.y,1,files.h,col_graph); if (two_panels.checked) && (files.x<5) DrawBar(files.x+files.w+16,files.y,1,files.h,col_graph); } void DrawStatusBar() { char status_bar_str[80]; int go_up_folder_exists=0; if (!show_status_bar.checked) return; if (files.count>0) && (strcmp(file_mas[0]*304+buf+72,"..")==0) go_up_folder_exists=1; DrawBar(1, Form.cheight - status_bar_h-1, Form.cwidth-2, status_bar_h, system.color.work); sprintf(#status_bar_str, STATUS_STR, files.count-go_up_folder_exists, count_dir-go_up_folder_exists, files.count-count_dir, selected_count); WriteText(6,Form.cheight - 13,0x80,system.color.work_text,#status_bar_str); } void DrawFilePanels() { int files_y; if (!two_panels.checked) { DrawDeviceAndActionsLeftPanel(); files.SetSizes(192, 57, Form.cwidth - 210, Form.cheight - 59 - status_bar_h, files.item_h); DrawList(); Open_Dir(#path,ONLY_SHOW); } else { SystemDiscs.Get(); llist_copy(#files, #files_inactive); strcpy(#path, #inactive_path); col_selec = 0xCCCccc; SystemDiscs.Draw(); files_y = files.y; if (active_panel==1) { llist_copy(#files, #files_inactive); strcpy(#path, #inactive_path); col_selec = 0xCCCccc; files.SetSizes(Form.cwidth/2, files_y, Form.cwidth/2 -17, Form.cheight-files_y-2 - status_bar_h, files.item_h); DrawList(); Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); llist_copy(#files, #files_active); strcpy(#path, #active_path); col_selec = 0x94AECE; files.SetSizes(2, files_y, Form.cwidth/2-2-17, Form.cheight-files_y-2 - status_bar_h, files.item_h); DrawList(); Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); } if (active_panel==2) { files.SetSizes(2, files_y, Form.cwidth/2-2-17, Form.cheight-files_y-2 - status_bar_h, files.item_h); DrawList(); Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); llist_copy(#files, #files_active); strcpy(#path, #active_path); col_selec = 0x94AECE; files.SetSizes(Form.cwidth/2, files_y, Form.cwidth/2 -17, Form.cheight-files_y-2 - status_bar_h, files.item_h); DrawList(); Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); } } } void List_ReDraw() { int all_lines_h; static int old_cur_y, old_first; files.CheckDoesValuesOkey(); //prevent some shit if (list_full_redraw) || (old_first != files.first) { old_cur_y = files.cur_y; old_first = files.first; list_full_redraw = false; goto _ALL_LIST_REDRAW; } if (old_cur_y != files.cur_y) { if (old_cur_y-files.firsticon_size) DrawBar(files.x+4,icon_y+icon_size-1,icon_size,y+files.item_h-icon_y-icon_size+1,bgcol); file_offet = file_mas[filenum+files.first]*304 + buf+32; attr = ESDWORD[file_offet]; file.selected = ESBYTE[file_offet+7]; file.sizelo = ESDWORD[file_offet+32]; file.sizehi = ESDWORD[file_offet+36]; file_name_off = file_offet+40; if (! TestBit(attr, 4) ) //file or folder? { ext1 = strrchr(file_name_off,'.') + file_name_off; if (ext1==file_name_off) ext1 = NULL; //if no extension then show nothing WriteText( 7-strlen(ConvertSize64(file.sizelo, file.sizehi))*6+files.x+files.w - 58, files.text_y+y+1, files.font_type, 0, ConvertSize64(file.sizelo, file.sizehi) ); if (ext1) && (strlen(ext1)<9) WriteTextCenter(files.x+files.w-140, files.text_y+y+1, 72, 0, ext1); } else { if (!strcmp(file_name_off,"..")) ext1=""; else { ext1=""; WriteTextCenter(files.x+files.w-140, files.text_y+y+1, 72, 0, ext1); } } sprintf(#temp_path,"%s/%s",#path,file_name_off); DrawIconByExtension(#temp_path, ext1, files.x+4, icon_y, bgcol); if (TestBit(attr, 1)) || (TestBit(attr, 2)) text_col=0xA6A6B7; //system or hiden? if (bgcol!=0xFFFfff) { itdir = TestBit(attr, 4); strcpy(#file_name, file_name_off); if (!strcmp(#path,"/")) sprintf(#file_path,"%s%s",#path,file_name_off); else sprintf(#file_path,"%s/%s",#path,file_name_off); if (text_col==0xA6A6B7) text_col=0xFFFFFF; } if (file.selected) text_col=0xFF0000; if (kfont.size.pt==9) || (!kfont.font) { if (Form.width>=480) { FileShow.start_x = files.x + 23; FileShow.font_color = text_col; FileShow.area_size_x = files.w - 164; FileShow.text_pointer = file_name_off; FileShow.start_y = files.text_y + y - 3; PathShow_prepare stdcall(#FileShow); PathShow_draw stdcall(#FileShow); } } else { strcpy(#label_file_name, file_name_off); if (kfont.getsize(kfont.size.pt, #label_file_name) + 141 + 26 > files.w) { while (kfont.getsize(kfont.size.pt, #label_file_name) + 141 + 26 > files.w) { ESBYTE[#label_file_name+strlen(#label_file_name)-1] = NULL; } strcpy(#label_file_name+strlen(#label_file_name)-2, "..."); } kfont.WriteIntoWindow(files.x + icon_size+7, files.item_h - kfont.height / 2 + y, bgcol, text_col, kfont.size.pt, #label_file_name); } DrawBar(files.x+files.w-141,y,1,files.item_h,col_list_line); //gray line 1 DrawBar(files.x+files.w-68,y,1,files.item_h,col_list_line); //gray line 2 } void Open_Dir(dword dir_path, redraw){ int errornum, maxcount, i; if (redraw!=ONLY_SHOW) { selected_count = 0; if (buf) free(buf); errornum = GetDir(#buf, #files.count, dir_path, DIRS_NOROOT); if (errornum) { history.add(#path); GoBack(); Write_Error(errornum); return; } maxcount = sizeof(file_mas)/sizeof(dword)-1; if (files.count>maxcount) files.count = maxcount; if (files.count>0) && (files.cur_y-files.first==-1) files.cur_y=0; } if (files.count!=-1) { if(!_not_draw) if (show_breadcrumb.checked) DrawBreadCrumbs(); else DrawPathBar(); history.add(#path); SystemDiscs.Draw(); files.visible = files.h / files.item_h; if (files.count < files.visible) files.visible = files.count; if (redraw!=ONLY_SHOW) Sorting(); list_full_redraw = true; if (redraw!=ONLY_OPEN)&&(!_not_draw) {DrawStatusBar(); List_ReDraw();} SetCurDir(dir_path); } if (files.count==-1) && (redraw!=ONLY_OPEN) { files.KeyHome(); if(!_not_draw) { list_full_redraw=true; DrawStatusBar(); List_ReDraw(); } } } inline Sorting() { dword k=0, l=1; dword file_off; if (!strcmp(#path,"/")) //do not sort root folder { for(k=1;k=0; j--, file_off-=304;) //files | folders { if (!show_real_names.checked) strttl(file_off+40); if (TestBit(ESDWORD[file_off],4)) //directory? { file_mas[k]=j; k++; } else { file_mas[files.count-l]=j; l++; } } count_dir = k; //sorting: files first, then folders Sort_by_Name(0,k-1); if (sort_num==1) Sort_by_Name(k,files.count-1); if (sort_num==2) Sort_by_Type(k,files.count-1); if (sort_num==3) Sort_by_Size(k,files.count-1); //make ".." first item in list if (k>0) && (strncmp(file_mas[0]*304+buf+72,"..",2)!=0) for(k--; k>0; k--;) if (!strncmp(file_mas[k]*304+buf+72,"..",2)) {file_mas[k]>=0; ind--;) { if (!strcmp(file_mas[ind]*304+buf+72,that_file)) break; } files.cur_y = ind - 1; files.KeyDown(); DrawStatusBar(); List_ReDraw(); } void Dir_Up() { char old_folder_name[4096]; i=strlen(#path)-1; if (i==0) return; //path[i]=0x00; i = strrchr(#path, '/'); strcpy(#old_folder_name, #path+i); if (i>1) path[i-1]=NULL; else path[i]=NULL; SelectFileByName(#old_folder_name); } void Open(byte rez) { byte temp[4096]; selected_count = 0; if (rez) { if (!strncmp(#file_name,"..",3)) return; strcpy(#temp, #file_path); RunProgram(I_Path, #temp); return; } if (!files.count) return; if (!itdir) { if (strrchr(#file_name, '.')==0) RunProgram(#file_path, ""); else RunProgram("/sys/@open", #file_path); } else { if (!strncmp(#file_name,"..",3)) { Dir_Up(); return; } strcpy(#path, #file_path); files.first=files.cur_y=0; Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); } } inline fastcall void GoBack() { char cur_folder[4096]; strcpy(#cur_folder, #path); if (history.back()) { strcpy(#path, history.current()); SelectFileByName(#cur_folder+strrchr(#cur_folder,'/')); } } void ShowOpenWithDialog() { byte open_param[4097]; sprintf(#open_param,"~%s",#file_path); RunProgram("/sys/@open", #open_param); } void NewElement(byte newf) { BDVK element_info; byte del_rezult, copy_rezult, info_result; if (newf) { sprintf(#temp,"%s/%s",#path,new_file_ed.text); info_result = GetFileInfo(#temp, #element_info); switch(new_element_active) { case CREATE_FILE: if (info_result==5) { CreateFile(0, 0, #temp); if (EAX) { if (EAX==5) notify(NOT_CREATE_FILE); else Write_Error(EAX); } } else { notify(FS_ITEM_ALREADY_EXISTS); } break; case CREATE_FOLDER: if (info_result==5) { CreateDir(#temp); if (EAX) { if (EAX==5) notify(NOT_CREATE_FOLDER); else Write_Error(EAX); } } else { notify(FS_ITEM_ALREADY_EXISTS); } break; case RENAME_ITEM: if (info_result==5) { if (itdir) { //rename only empty folders if (del_rezult = DeleteFile(#file_path)) { Write_Error(del_rezult); return; } if (CreateDir(#temp)) CreateDir(#file_path); Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); SelectFileByName(new_file_ed.text); } else { if (copy_rezult = CopyFile(#file_path,#temp)) { Write_Error(copy_rezult); } else { DeleteFile(#file_path); SelectFileByName(new_file_ed.text); } } } else { notify(FS_ITEM_ALREADY_EXISTS); } } new_element_active = 0; Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); SelectFileByName(new_file_ed.text); } new_element_active = 0; Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); } void NewElement_Form(byte crt, dword strng) { int dform_x=files.w-220/2+files.x; if (!new_element_active) { new_element_active = crt; strcpy(#new_element_name, strng); new_file_ed.size = new_file_ed.pos = strlen(strng); } if (new_element_active==3) DrawEolitePopup(T_RENAME, T_CANCEL); else DrawEolitePopup(T_CREATE, T_CANCEL); new_file_ed.left = dform_x+10; DrawEditBox(#new_file_ed); } void FnProcess(byte N) { switch(N) { case 1: if (!active_about) { about_stak = malloc(4096); about_window = CreateThread(#about_dialog,about_stak+4092); break; } else { ActivateWindow(GetProcessSlot(about_window)); } break; case 2: if (!files.count) break; NewElement_Form(RENAME_ITEM, #file_name); break; case 3: if (!itdir) RunProgram("/sys/tinypad", #file_path); break; case 4: if (!itdir) RunProgram("/sys/develop/heed", #file_path); break; case 5: //refresh cur dir & devs if (two_panels.checked) { DrawFilePanels(); } else { Tip(56, T_DEVICES, 55, "-"); Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); pause(10); SystemDiscs.Get(); Open_Dir(#path,WITH_REDRAW); DrawDeviceAndActionsLeftPanel(); } break; case 6: NewElement_Form(CREATE_FOLDER, T_NEW_FOLDER); break; case 7: NewElement_Form(CREATE_FILE, T_NEW_FILE); break; case 8: properties_stak = malloc(8096); CreateThread(#properties_dialog, properties_stak+8092); break; case 10: //F10 if (!active_settings) { settings_stak = malloc(4096); settings_window = CreateThread(#settings_dialog, settings_stak+4092); break; } else { ActivateWindow(GetProcessSlot(settings_window)); } break; } } void ChangeActivePanel() { llist_copy(#files_active, #files_inactive); llist_copy(#files_inactive, #files); strcpy(#active_path, #inactive_path); strcpy(#inactive_path, #path); DrawFilePanels(); } stop: