;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2014. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; draw_window: ; Completely redraw the window, recalculate all coordinates and sizes pusha mcall 9, thread_info, -1 ; get information about this thread mov eax, [thread_info.box.width] ; window xsize mov ebx, [thread_info.box.height] ; ysize mov edx, [thread_info.client_box.width] ; work area xsize mov esi, [thread_info.client_box.height] ; ysize sub eax, edx sub ebx, esi cmp edx, WIN_MIN_X jae .x_ok mov edx, WIN_MIN_X .x_ok: mov [xsize], edx add edx, eax cmp esi, WIN_MIN_Y jae .y_ok mov esi, WIN_MIN_Y .y_ok: mov [ysize], esi add esi, ebx mcall 67, -1, -1 ; set the new sizes popa .dont_resize: pusha mcall 12, 1 xor eax, eax ; draw window mov ebx, WIN_MIN_X mov ecx, WIN_MIN_Y mov edx, [colors.work] add edx, 0x33000000 mov edi, str_programname mcall mcall 12, 2 movsx eax, [thread_info+70] ; skip if window rolled up test eax, 100b jne .exit mov ebx, [xsize] mov ecx, [ysize] sub cx, BOTTOM_Y ;;;; push cx shl ecx, 16 pop cx mov edx, [colors.work_graph] mcall 38 ; draw bottom line mov ecx, TOP_Y SHL 16 + TOP_Y mcall ; draw top line ; calculate available space for textbox and coordinates for scrollbars mov eax, [ysize] sub eax, TOP_Y + BOTTOM_Y - 1 ;;;; mov [scroll2.y_size], ax mov [scroll1.y_size], ax sub eax, 4 ;;;; xor edx, edx mov ecx, FONT_HEIGHT div ecx mov [textbox_height], eax mov [scroll2.cur_area], eax mov [scroll1.cur_area], eax mov eax, [xsize] sub eax, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH mov [scroll1.x_pos], ax mov edi, [window_active] cmp [edi + window.type], WINDOWTYPE_CHANNEL jne @f sub eax, USERLIST_WIDTH + SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + 2 @@: mov [scroll2.x_pos], ax sub eax, 10 xor edx, edx mov ecx, FONT_WIDTH div ecx mov [textbox_width], eax ; recalculate text line breaks (because height/width might have changed..) ; meanwhile, recalculate line number of current line mov esi, [edi + window.text_print] mov al, byte[esi] push eax mov byte[esi], 0 push esi mov esi, [edi + window.text_start] call text_insert_newlines mov [edi + window.text_lines], edx mov [edi + window.text_scanned], esi mov [edi + window.text_line_print], edx pop esi pop eax mov byte[esi], al ; and redraw the textbox (and scrollbar if needed) mov [scroll2.all_redraw], 1 call draw_channel_text ; Draw userlist if active window is a channel mov edi, [window_active] cmp [edi + window.type], WINDOWTYPE_CHANNEL jne .not_channel mov [scroll1.all_redraw], 1 call draw_channel_list ; draw a vertical separator line when there is no scrollbar cmp [scroll2.all_redraw], 1 jne .not_channel mov ebx, [xsize] sub ebx, USERLIST_WIDTH + SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + 3 push bx shl ebx, 16 pop bx mov ecx, [ysize] add ecx, TOP_Y shl 16 - (BOTTOM_Y) mov edx, [colors.work_graph] mcall 38 .not_channel: ; draw editbox mov eax, [ysize] sub eax, 13 ;;;;;; mov [edit1.top], eax mov eax, [xsize] mov [edit1.width], eax push dword edit1 call [edit_box_draw] ; draw tabs call draw_windowtabs .exit: popa ret draw_channel_list: pusha ; Do we need a scrollbar? mov ebx, [window_active] mov eax, [ebx + window.users] mov [scroll1.max_area], eax cmp [scroll1.cur_area], eax jae .noscroll ; Is the current position greater then the max position? cmp eax, [scroll1.position] ja @f mov [scroll1.position], eax @@: ; OK, draw the scrollbar push dword scroll1 call [scrollbar_draw] ; dont redraw scrollbar completely next time, ; unless draw_window asks us to by setting [scroll1.all_redraw] back to 1 mov [scroll1.all_redraw], 0 jmp .scroll_done .noscroll: mov [scroll1.position], 0 .scroll_done: ; draw an invisible button, where the usernames will go mov ebx, [xsize] sub ebx, USERLIST_WIDTH + SCROLLBAR_WIDTH shl ebx, 16 push ebx mov bx, USERLIST_WIDTH mov ecx, [ysize] add ecx, TEXT_Y shl 16 - (TEXT_Y + 16) push ecx ebx mov edx, WINDOW_BTN_LIST + 1 shl 29 + 1 shl 30 mcall 8 ; draw a filled rectangle to clear previously printed names pop ebx ecx mov edx, [colors.work] mcall 13 ; now, draw the names according to the scrollbar position and window size mov eax, [scroll1.position] xor edx, edx mov ecx, MAX_NICK_LEN mul ecx mov edx, eax mov eax, [window_active] mov ebp, [eax + window.selected] add edx, [eax + window.data_ptr] sub ebp, [scroll1.position] add edx, window_data.names pop ebx mov bx, TEXT_Y mov ecx, [colors.work_text] or ecx, 0x80000000 ; ASCIIZ string mov eax, 4 ; draw text mov edi, [textbox_height] ; how many names will fit on screen .loop: cmp byte[edx], 0 ; end of list? je .done dec ebp ; is this name selected? jnz .nothighlight ; yes, highlight it pusha mov cx, bx mov bx, USERLIST_WIDTH shl ecx, 16 mov cx, 10 - 1 mov edx, 0x00000055 ; blue! mcall 13 popa mov ecx, 0x8000ffff ; cyan! mcall mov ecx, [colors.work_text] or ecx, 0x80000000 ; ASCIIZ string jmp .next .nothighlight: mcall .next: add edx, MAX_NICK_LEN add ebx, FONT_HEIGHT dec edi jnz .loop .done: popa ret draw_windowtabs: ; Create the buttons mov eax, 8 mov ebx, 5 shl 16 + 120 mov ecx, 12 shl 16 + 12 mov edx, WINDOW_BTN_START mov edi, windows .more_btn: mov esi, [colors.work_button] cmp [window_active], edi jne @f not esi and esi, 0x00ffffff @@: mcall inc edx add ebx, 125 shl 16 add edi, sizeof.window cmp [edi + window.data_ptr], 0 jne .more_btn ; Draw the close window button mov edi, [window_active] cmp [edi + window.type], WINDOWTYPE_SERVER ; dont let the user close server window je @f ; mov eax, 8 mov ebx, [xsize] sub ebx, 12 shl ebx, 16 mov bx, 12 mov ecx, 6 shl 16 + 12 mov edx, WINDOW_BTN_CLOSE mov esi, 0x00aa0000 ; red ! mcall @@: ; Draw the windownames onto the buttons mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 10 shl 16 + 15 mov esi, MAX_WINDOWS mov edi, windows .more: mov ecx, [colors.work_button_text] test [edi + window.flags], FLAG_UPDATED jz @f mov ecx, 0x00aa0000 ; RED! @@: or ecx, 0x80000000 ; ASCIIZ string lea edx, [edi + window.name] mcall add edi, sizeof.window ; get ptr to next window cmp [edi + window.data_ptr], 0 je .enough add ebx, 125 shl 16 dec esi jnz .more .enough: ret highlight_updated_tabs: mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 10 shl 16 + 15 mov ecx, 0x80aa0000 mov esi, MAX_WINDOWS mov edi, windows .more_: test [edi + window.flags], FLAG_UPDATED jz .next lea edx, [edi + window.name] mcall .next: add edi, sizeof.window ; get ptr to next window cmp [edi + window.data_ptr], 0 je .enough_ add ebx, 125 shl 16 dec esi jnz .more_ .enough_: ret